(about) 1 # This presentation was the closing keynote of the Heroku Waza conference in January, 2012. 2 # It has been slightly modified here for clarity and for use in the "present" format; the original 3 # used a precursor to that tool. 4 5 Concurrency is not Parallelism 6 Waza Jan 11, 2012 7 8 Rob Pike 9 10 11 * Video 12 13 This talk was presented at Heroku's Waza conference in January 2012. 14 15 .link Watch the talk on Vimeo 16 17 * The modern world is parallel 18 19 Multicore. 20 21 Networks. 22 23 Clouds of CPUs. 24 25 Loads of users. 26 27 Our technology should help. 28 That's where concurrency comes in. 29 30 * Go supports concurrency 31 32 Go provides: 33 34 - concurrent execution (goroutines) 35 - synchronization and messaging (channels) 36 - multi-way concurrent control (select) 37 38 * Concurrency is cool! Yay parallelism!! 39 40 NO! A fallacy. 41 42 When Go was announced, many were confused by the distinction. 43 44 "I ran the prime sieve with 4 processors and it got slower!" 45 46 * Concurrency 47 48 Programming as the composition of independently executing processes. 49 50 (Processes in the general sense, not Linux processes. Famously hard to define.) 51 52 * Parallelism 53 54 Programming as the simultaneous execution of (possibly related) computations. 55 56 * Concurrency vs. parallelism 57 58 Concurrency is about dealing with lots of things at once. 59 60 Parallelism is about doing lots of things at once. 61 62 Not the same, but related. 63 64 Concurrency is about structure, parallelism is about execution. 65 66 Concurrency provides a way to structure a solution to solve a problem that may (but not necessarily) be parallelizable. 67 68 * An analogy 69 70 Concurrent: Mouse, keyboard, display, and disk drivers. 71 72 Parallel: Vector dot product. 73 74 * Concurrency plus communication 75 76 Concurrency is a way to structure a program by breaking it into pieces that can be executed independently. 77 78 Communication is the means to coordinate the independent executions. 79 80 This is the Go model and (like Erlang and others) it's based on CSP: 81 82 C. A. R. Hoare: Communicating Sequential Processes (CACM 1978) 83 84 * Gophers 85 86 This is too abstract. Let's get concrete. 87 88 * Our problem 89 90 Move a pile of obsolete language manuals to the incinerator. 91 92 .image waza/gophersimple1.jpg 93 94 With only one gopher this will take too long. 95 96 * More gophers! 97 98 .image waza/gophersimple3.jpg 99 100 More gophers are not enough; they need more carts. 101 102 * More gophers and more carts 103 104 .image waza/gophersimple2.jpg 105 106 This will go faster, but there will be bottlenecks at the pile and incinerator. 107 Also need to synchronize the gophers. 108 A message (that is, a communication between the gophers) will do. 109 110 * Double everything 111 112 Remove the bottleneck; make them really independent. 113 114 .image waza/gophersimple4.jpg 115 116 This will consume input twice as fast. 117 118 * Concurrent composition 119 120 .image waza/gophersimple4.jpg 121 The concurrent composition of two gopher procedures. 122 123 * Concurrent composition 124 125 This design is not automatically parallel! 126 127 What if only one gopher is moving at a time? 128 Then it's still concurrent (that's in the design), just not parallel. 129 130 However, it's automatically parallelizable! 131 132 Moreover the concurrent composition suggests other models. 133 134 * Another design 135 136 .image waza/gophercomplex0.jpg 137 138 Three gophers in action, but with likely delays. 139 Each gopher is an independently executing procedure, 140 plus coordination (communication). 141 142 * Finer-grained concurrency 143 144 Add another gopher procedure to return the empty carts. 145 146 .image waza/gophercomplex1.jpg 147 148 Four gophers in action for better flow, each doing one simple task. 149 150 If we arrange everything right (implausible but not impossible), that's four times faster than our original one-gopher design. 151 152 * Observation 153 154 We improved performance by adding a concurrent procedure to the existing design. 155 156 More gophers doing more work; it runs better. 157 158 This is a deeper insight than mere parallelism. 159 160 * Concurrent procedures 161 162 Four distinct gopher procedures: 163 164 - load books onto cart 165 - move cart to incinerator 166 - unload cart into incinerator 167 - return empty cart 168 169 Different concurrent designs enable different ways to parallelize. 170 171 * More parallelization! 172 173 We can now parallelize on the other axis; the concurrent design makes it easy. Eight gophers, all busy. 174 175 .image waza/gophercomplex2.jpg 176 177 * Or maybe no parallelization at all 178 179 Keep in mind, even if only one gopher is active at a time (zero parallelism), it's still a correct and concurrent solution. 180 181 .image waza/gophercomplex2.jpg 182 183 * Another design 184 185 Here's another way to structure the problem as the concurrent composition of gopher procedures. 186 187 Two gopher procedures, plus a staging pile. 188 189 .image waza/gophercomplex3.jpg 190 191 * Parallelize the usual way 192 193 Run more concurrent procedures to get more throughput. 194 195 .image waza/gophercomplex4.jpg 196 197 * Or a different way 198 199 Bring the staging pile to the multi-gopher concurrent model: 200 201 .image waza/gophercomplex5.jpg 202 203 * Full on optimization 204 205 Use all our techniques. Sixteen gophers hard at work! 206 207 .image waza/gophercomplex6.jpg 208 209 * Lesson 210 211 There are many ways to break the processing down. 212 213 That's concurrent design. 214 215 Once we have the breakdown, parallelization can fall out and correctness is easy. 216 217 * Back to Computing 218 219 In our book transport problem, substitute: 220 221 - book pile => web content 222 - gopher => CPU 223 - cart => marshaling, rendering, or networking 224 - incinerator => proxy, browser, or other consumer 225 226 It becomes a concurrent design for a scalable web service. 227 Gophers serving web content. 228 229 * A little background about Go 230 231 Not the place for a tutorial, just quick highlights. 232 233 * Goroutines 234 235 A goroutine is a function running independently in the same address space as other goroutines 236 237 .code waza/snippets /f.runs/ 238 239 .code waza/snippets /f.starts.running/,/return/ 240 241 Like launching a function with shell's `&` notation. 242 243 * Goroutines are not threads 244 245 (They're a bit like threads, but they're much cheaper.) 246 247 Goroutines are multiplexed onto OS threads as required. 248 249 When a goroutine blocks, that thread blocks but no other goroutine blocks. 250 251 * Channels 252 253 Channels are typed values that allow goroutines to synchronize and exchange information. 254 255 .code waza/snippets /make.*chan/,/completedAt/ 256 257 * Select 258 259 The `select` statement is like a `switch`, but the decision is based on ability to communicate rather than equal values. 260 261 .code waza/snippets /select/,/}/ 262 263 * Go really supports concurrency 264 265 Really. 266 267 It's routine to create thousands of goroutines in one program. 268 (Once debugged a program after it had created 1.3 million.) 269 270 Stacks start small, but grow and shrink as required. 271 272 Goroutines aren't free, but they're very cheap. 273 274 * Closures are also part of the story 275 276 Make some concurrent calculations easier to express. 277 278 They are just local functions. 279 Here's a non-concurrent example: 280 281 .code waza/snippets /Compose/,/sin,/ 282 283 * Some examples 284 285 Learn concurrent Go by osmosis. 286 287 * Launching daemons 288 289 Use a closure to wrap a background operation. 290 291 This copies items from the input channel to the output channel: 292 293 .code waza/snippets /copy.input/,/^}/ 294 295 The `for` `range` operation runs until channel is drained. 296 297 * A simple load balancer (1) 298 299 A unit of work: 300 301 .code waza/load1 /type/,/^}/ 302 303 * A simple load balancer (2) 304 305 A worker task 306 307 .code waza/load1 /worker/,/^}/ 308 309 Must make sure other workers can run when one blocks. 310 311 * A simple load balancer (3) 312 313 The runner 314 315 .code waza/load1 /Run/,/^}/ 316 317 Easy problem but also hard to solve concisely without concurrency. 318 319 * Concurrency enables parallelism 320 321 The load balancer is implicitly parallel and scalable. 322 323 `NumWorkers` could be huge. 324 325 The tools of concurrency make it almost trivial to build a safe, working, scalable, parallel design. 326 327 * Concurrency simplifies synchronization 328 329 No explicit synchronization needed. 330 331 The structure of the program is implicitly synchronized. 332 333 * That was too easy 334 335 Let's do a more realistic load balancer. 336 337 * Load balancer 338 339 .image waza/gopherchart.jpg 340 341 * Request definition 342 343 The requester sends Requests to the balancer 344 345 .code waza/load2 /^type.Request/,/^}/ 346 347 Note the return channel inside the request. 348 Channels are first-class values. 349 350 * Requester function 351 352 An artificial but illustrative simulation of a requester, a load generator. 353 354 .code waza/load2 /^func.requester/,/^}/ 355 356 * Worker definition 357 358 A channel of requests, plus some load tracking data. 359 360 .code waza/load2 /type.Worker/,/^}/ 361 362 * Worker 363 364 Balancer sends request to most lightly loaded worker 365 366 .code waza/load2 /^func.*work.*done/,/^}/ 367 368 The channel of requests (`w.requests`) delivers requests to each worker. The balancer tracks the number of pending requests as a measure of load. 369 Each response goes directly to its requester. 370 371 Could run the loop body as a goroutine for parallelism. 372 373 * Balancer definition 374 375 The load balancer needs a pool of workers and a single channel to which requesters can report task completion. 376 377 .code waza/load2 /type.Pool/,/^}/ 378 379 * Balancer function 380 381 Easy! 382 383 .code waza/load2 /func.*balance/,/^}/ 384 385 Just need to implement dispatch and completed. 386 387 * A heap of channels 388 389 Make Pool an implementation of the `Heap` interface by providing a few methods such as: 390 391 .code waza/load2 /func.*Less/,/^}/ 392 393 Now we balance by making the `Pool` a heap tracked by load. 394 395 * Dispatch 396 397 All the pieces are in place. 398 399 .code waza/load2 /Send.Request/,/^}/ 400 401 * Completed 402 403 .code waza/load2 /,/^}/ 404 405 * Lesson 406 407 A complex problem can be broken down into easy-to-understand components. 408 409 The pieces can be composed concurrently. 410 411 The result is easy to understand, efficient, scalable, and correct. 412 413 Maybe even parallel. 414 415 * One more example 416 417 We have a replicated database and want to minimize latency by asking them all and returning the first response to arrive. 418 419 * Query a replicated database 420 421 .code waza/snippets /func.Query/,/^}/ 422 Concurrent tools and garbage collection make this an easy solution to a subtle problem. 423 424 (Teardown of late finishers is left as an exercise.) 425 426 427 * Conclusion 428 429 430 Concurrency is powerful. 431 432 Concurrency is not parallelism. 433 434 Concurrency enables parallelism. 435 436 Concurrency makes parallelism (and scaling and everything else) easy. 437 438 * For more information 439 440 Go: 441 442 Some history: 443 444 A previous talk (video): 445 446 Parellelism is not concurrency (Harper): 447 448 A concurrent window system (Pike): 449 450 Concurrent power series (McIlroy): 451 452 And finally, parallel but not concurrent: 453