
     1  f("hello", "world") // f runs; we wait
     3  go f("hello", "world") // f starts running
     4  g() // does not wait for f to return
     6  timerChan := make(chan time.Time)
     7  go func() {
     8      time.Sleep(deltaT)
     9      timerChan <- time.Now() // send time on timerChan
    10  }()
    11  // Do something else; when ready, receive.
    12  // Receive will block until timerChan delivers.
    13  // Value sent is other goroutine's completion time.
    14  completedAt := <-timerChan
    16  select {
    17  case v := <-ch1:
    18      fmt.Println("channel 1 sends", v)
    19  case v := <-ch2:
    20      fmt.Println("channel 2 sends", v)
    21  default: // optional
    22      fmt.Println("neither channel was ready")
    23  }
    25  func Query(conns []Conn, query string) Result {
    26      ch := make(chan Result, len(conns))  // buffered
    27      for _, conn := range conns {
    28          go func(c Conn) {
    29              ch <- c.DoQuery(query):
    30          }(conn)
    31      }
    32      return <-ch
    33  }
    35  func XQuery(conns []Conn, query string) Result {
    36      ch := make(chan Result, 1)  // buffer of 1 item
    37      for _, conn := range conns {
    38        go func(c Conn) {
    39          select {
    40            case ch <- c.DoQuery(query):
    41              // nothing to do
    42            default: // executes if ch is blocked
    43              // nothing to do
    44          }
    45        }(conn)
    46      }
    47      return <-ch
    48  }
    51  func Compose(f, g func(x float) float)
    52                    func(x float) float {
    53       return func(x float) float {
    54          return f(g(x))
    55      }
    56  }
    58  print(Compose(sin, cos)(0.5))
    60  go func() { // copy input to output
    61  	for val := range input {
    62  		output <- val
    63  	}
    64  }()