
     1  package command
     3  import (
     4  	"bytes"
     5  	"errors"
     6  	"fmt"
     7  	"log"
     8  	"os"
     9  	"os/exec"
    10  	"strings"
    12  	plugin ""
    14  	""
    15  	terraformProvider ""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	tfplugin ""
    20  	tfplugin6 ""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  )
    26  // The TF_DISABLE_PLUGIN_TLS environment variable is intended only for use by
    27  // the plugin SDK test framework, to reduce startup overhead when rapidly
    28  // launching and killing lots of instances of the same provider.
    29  //
    30  // This is not intended to be set by end-users.
    31  var enableProviderAutoMTLS = os.Getenv("TF_DISABLE_PLUGIN_TLS") == ""
    33  // providerInstaller returns an object that knows how to install providers and
    34  // how to recover the selections from a prior installation process.
    35  //
    36  // The resulting provider installer is constructed from the results of
    37  // the other methods providerLocalCacheDir, providerGlobalCacheDir, and
    38  // providerInstallSource.
    39  //
    40  // Only one object returned from this method should be live at any time,
    41  // because objects inside contain caches that must be maintained properly.
    42  // Because this method wraps a result from providerLocalCacheDir, that
    43  // limitation applies also to results from that method.
    44  func (m *Meta) providerInstaller() *providercache.Installer {
    45  	return m.providerInstallerCustomSource(m.providerInstallSource())
    46  }
    48  // providerInstallerCustomSource is a variant of providerInstaller that
    49  // allows the caller to specify a different installation source than the one
    50  // that would naturally be selected.
    51  //
    52  // The result of this method has the same dependencies and constraints as
    53  // providerInstaller.
    54  //
    55  // The result of providerInstallerCustomSource differs from
    56  // providerInstaller only in how it determines package installation locations
    57  // during EnsureProviderVersions. A caller that doesn't call
    58  // EnsureProviderVersions (anything other than "terraform init") can safely
    59  // just use the providerInstaller method unconditionally.
    60  func (m *Meta) providerInstallerCustomSource(source getproviders.Source) *providercache.Installer {
    61  	targetDir := m.providerLocalCacheDir()
    62  	globalCacheDir := m.providerGlobalCacheDir()
    63  	inst := providercache.NewInstaller(targetDir, source)
    64  	if globalCacheDir != nil {
    65  		inst.SetGlobalCacheDir(globalCacheDir)
    66  		inst.SetGlobalCacheDirMayBreakDependencyLockFile(m.PluginCacheMayBreakDependencyLockFile)
    67  	}
    68  	var builtinProviderTypes []string
    69  	for ty := range m.internalProviders() {
    70  		builtinProviderTypes = append(builtinProviderTypes, ty)
    71  	}
    72  	inst.SetBuiltInProviderTypes(builtinProviderTypes)
    73  	unmanagedProviderTypes := make(map[addrs.Provider]struct{}, len(m.UnmanagedProviders))
    74  	for ty := range m.UnmanagedProviders {
    75  		unmanagedProviderTypes[ty] = struct{}{}
    76  	}
    77  	inst.SetUnmanagedProviderTypes(unmanagedProviderTypes)
    78  	return inst
    79  }
    81  // providerCustomLocalDirectorySource produces a provider source that consults
    82  // only the given local filesystem directories for plugins to install.
    83  //
    84  // This is used to implement the -plugin-dir option for "terraform init", where
    85  // the result of this method is used instead of what would've been returned
    86  // from m.providerInstallSource.
    87  //
    88  // If the given list of directories is empty then the resulting source will
    89  // have no providers available for installation at all.
    90  func (m *Meta) providerCustomLocalDirectorySource(dirs []string) getproviders.Source {
    91  	var ret getproviders.MultiSource
    92  	for _, dir := range dirs {
    93  		ret = append(ret, getproviders.MultiSourceSelector{
    94  			Source: getproviders.NewFilesystemMirrorSource(dir),
    95  		})
    96  	}
    97  	return ret
    98  }
   100  // providerLocalCacheDir returns an object representing the
   101  // configuration-specific local cache directory. This is the
   102  // only location consulted for provider plugin packages for Terraform
   103  // operations other than provider installation.
   104  //
   105  // Only the provider installer (in "terraform init") is permitted to make
   106  // modifications to this cache directory. All other commands must treat it
   107  // as read-only.
   108  //
   109  // Only one object returned from this method should be live at any time,
   110  // because objects inside contain caches that must be maintained properly.
   111  func (m *Meta) providerLocalCacheDir() *providercache.Dir {
   112  	m.fixupMissingWorkingDir()
   113  	dir := m.WorkingDir.ProviderLocalCacheDir()
   114  	return providercache.NewDir(dir)
   115  }
   117  // providerGlobalCacheDir returns an object representing the shared global
   118  // provider cache directory, used as a read-through cache when installing
   119  // new provider plugin packages.
   120  //
   121  // This function may return nil, in which case there is no global cache
   122  // configured and new packages should be downloaded directly into individual
   123  // configuration-specific cache directories.
   124  //
   125  // Only one object returned from this method should be live at any time,
   126  // because objects inside contain caches that must be maintained properly.
   127  func (m *Meta) providerGlobalCacheDir() *providercache.Dir {
   128  	dir := m.PluginCacheDir
   129  	if dir == "" {
   130  		return nil // cache disabled
   131  	}
   132  	return providercache.NewDir(dir)
   133  }
   135  // providerInstallSource returns an object that knows how to consult one or
   136  // more external sources to determine the availability of and package
   137  // locations for versions of Terraform providers that are available for
   138  // automatic installation.
   139  //
   140  // This returns the standard provider install source that consults a number
   141  // of directories selected either automatically or via the CLI configuration.
   142  // Users may choose to override this during a "terraform init" command by
   143  // specifying one or more -plugin-dir options, in which case the installation
   144  // process will construct its own source consulting only those directories
   145  // and use that instead.
   146  func (m *Meta) providerInstallSource() getproviders.Source {
   147  	// A provider source should always be provided in normal use, but our
   148  	// unit tests might not always populate Meta fully and so we'll be robust
   149  	// by returning a non-nil source that just always answers that no plugins
   150  	// are available.
   151  	if m.ProviderSource == nil {
   152  		// A multi-source with no underlying sources is effectively an
   153  		// always-empty source.
   154  		return getproviders.MultiSource(nil)
   155  	}
   156  	return m.ProviderSource
   157  }
   159  // providerDevOverrideInitWarnings returns a diagnostics that contains at
   160  // least one warning if and only if there is at least one provider development
   161  // override in effect. If not, the result is always empty. The result never
   162  // contains error diagnostics.
   163  //
   164  // The init command can use this to include a warning that the results
   165  // may differ from what's expected due to the development overrides. For
   166  // other commands, providerDevOverrideRuntimeWarnings should be used.
   167  func (m *Meta) providerDevOverrideInitWarnings() tfdiags.Diagnostics {
   168  	if len(m.ProviderDevOverrides) == 0 {
   169  		return nil
   170  	}
   171  	var detailMsg strings.Builder
   172  	detailMsg.WriteString("The following provider development overrides are set in the CLI configuration:\n")
   173  	for addr, path := range m.ProviderDevOverrides {
   174  		detailMsg.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" - %s in %s\n", addr.ForDisplay(), path))
   175  	}
   176  	detailMsg.WriteString("\nSkip terraform init when using provider development overrides. It is not necessary and may error unexpectedly.")
   177  	return tfdiags.Diagnostics{
   178  		tfdiags.Sourceless(
   179  			tfdiags.Warning,
   180  			"Provider development overrides are in effect",
   181  			detailMsg.String(),
   182  		),
   183  	}
   184  }
   186  // providerDevOverrideRuntimeWarnings returns a diagnostics that contains at
   187  // least one warning if and only if there is at least one provider development
   188  // override in effect. If not, the result is always empty. The result never
   189  // contains error diagnostics.
   190  //
   191  // Certain commands can use this to include a warning that their results
   192  // may differ from what's expected due to the development overrides. It's
   193  // not necessary to bother the user with this warning on every command, but
   194  // it's helpful to return it on commands that have externally-visible side
   195  // effects and on commands that are used to verify conformance to schemas.
   196  //
   197  // See providerDevOverrideInitWarnings for warnings specific to the init
   198  // command.
   199  func (m *Meta) providerDevOverrideRuntimeWarnings() tfdiags.Diagnostics {
   200  	if len(m.ProviderDevOverrides) == 0 {
   201  		return nil
   202  	}
   203  	var detailMsg strings.Builder
   204  	detailMsg.WriteString("The following provider development overrides are set in the CLI configuration:\n")
   205  	for addr, path := range m.ProviderDevOverrides {
   206  		detailMsg.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" - %s in %s\n", addr.ForDisplay(), path))
   207  	}
   208  	detailMsg.WriteString("\nThe behavior may therefore not match any released version of the provider and applying changes may cause the state to become incompatible with published releases.")
   209  	return tfdiags.Diagnostics{
   210  		tfdiags.Sourceless(
   211  			tfdiags.Warning,
   212  			"Provider development overrides are in effect",
   213  			detailMsg.String(),
   214  		),
   215  	}
   216  }
   218  // providerFactories uses the selections made previously by an installer in
   219  // the local cache directory (m.providerLocalCacheDir) to produce a map
   220  // from provider addresses to factory functions to create instances of
   221  // those providers.
   222  //
   223  // providerFactories will return an error if the installer's selections cannot
   224  // be honored with what is currently in the cache, such as if a selected
   225  // package has been removed from the cache or if the contents of a selected
   226  // package have been modified outside of the installer. If it returns an error,
   227  // the returned map may be incomplete or invalid, but will be as complete
   228  // as possible given the cause of the error.
   229  func (m *Meta) providerFactories() (map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory, error) {
   230  	locks, diags := m.lockedDependencies()
   231  	if diags.HasErrors() {
   232  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read dependency lock file: %s", diags.Err())
   233  	}
   235  	// We'll always run through all of our providers, even if one of them
   236  	// encounters an error, so that we can potentially report multiple errors
   237  	// where appropriate and so that callers can potentially make use of the
   238  	// partial result we return if e.g. they want to enumerate which providers
   239  	// are available, or call into one of the providers that didn't fail.
   240  	errs := make(map[addrs.Provider]error)
   242  	// For the providers from the lock file, we expect them to be already
   243  	// available in the provider cache because "terraform init" should already
   244  	// have put them there.
   245  	providerLocks := locks.AllProviders()
   246  	cacheDir := m.providerLocalCacheDir()
   248  	// The internal providers are _always_ available, even if the configuration
   249  	// doesn't request them, because they don't need any special installation
   250  	// and they'll just be ignored if not used.
   251  	internalFactories := m.internalProviders()
   253  	// We have two different special cases aimed at provider development
   254  	// use-cases, which are not for "production" use:
   255  	// - The CLI config can specify that a particular provider should always
   256  	// use a plugin from a particular local directory, ignoring anything the
   257  	// lock file or cache directory might have to say about it. This is useful
   258  	// for manual testing of local development builds.
   259  	// - The Terraform SDK test harness (and possibly other callers in future)
   260  	// can ask that we use its own already-started provider servers, which we
   261  	// call "unmanaged" because Terraform isn't responsible for starting
   262  	// and stopping them. This is intended for automated testing where a
   263  	// calling harness is responsible both for starting the provider server
   264  	// and orchestrating one or more non-interactive Terraform runs that then
   265  	// exercise it.
   266  	// Unmanaged providers take precedence over overridden providers because
   267  	// overrides are typically a "session-level" setting while unmanaged
   268  	// providers are typically scoped to a single unattended command.
   269  	devOverrideProviders := m.ProviderDevOverrides
   270  	unmanagedProviders := m.UnmanagedProviders
   272  	factories := make(map[addrs.Provider]providers.Factory, len(providerLocks)+len(internalFactories)+len(unmanagedProviders))
   273  	for name, factory := range internalFactories {
   274  		factories[addrs.NewBuiltInProvider(name)] = factory
   275  	}
   276  	for provider, lock := range providerLocks {
   277  		reportError := func(thisErr error) {
   278  			errs[provider] = thisErr
   279  			// We'll populate a provider factory that just echoes our error
   280  			// again if called, which allows us to still report a helpful
   281  			// error even if it gets detected downstream somewhere from the
   282  			// caller using our partial result.
   283  			factories[provider] = providerFactoryError(thisErr)
   284  		}
   286  		if locks.ProviderIsOverridden(provider) {
   287  			// Overridden providers we'll handle with the other separate
   288  			// loops below, for dev overrides etc.
   289  			continue
   290  		}
   292  		version := lock.Version()
   293  		cached := cacheDir.ProviderVersion(provider, version)
   294  		if cached == nil {
   295  			reportError(fmt.Errorf(
   296  				"there is no package for %s %s cached in %s",
   297  				provider, version, cacheDir.BasePath(),
   298  			))
   299  			continue
   300  		}
   301  		// The cached package must match one of the checksums recorded in
   302  		// the lock file, if any.
   303  		if allowedHashes := lock.PreferredHashes(); len(allowedHashes) != 0 {
   304  			matched, err := cached.MatchesAnyHash(allowedHashes)
   305  			if err != nil {
   306  				reportError(fmt.Errorf(
   307  					"failed to verify checksum of %s %s package cached in in %s: %s",
   308  					provider, version, cacheDir.BasePath(), err,
   309  				))
   310  				continue
   311  			}
   312  			if !matched {
   313  				reportError(fmt.Errorf(
   314  					"the cached package for %s %s (in %s) does not match any of the checksums recorded in the dependency lock file",
   315  					provider, version, cacheDir.BasePath(),
   316  				))
   317  				continue
   318  			}
   319  		}
   320  		factories[provider] = providerFactory(cached)
   321  	}
   322  	for provider, localDir := range devOverrideProviders {
   323  		factories[provider] = devOverrideProviderFactory(provider, localDir)
   324  	}
   325  	for provider, reattach := range unmanagedProviders {
   326  		factories[provider] = unmanagedProviderFactory(provider, reattach)
   327  	}
   329  	var err error
   330  	if len(errs) > 0 {
   331  		err = providerPluginErrors(errs)
   332  	}
   333  	return factories, err
   334  }
   336  func (m *Meta) internalProviders() map[string]providers.Factory {
   337  	return map[string]providers.Factory{
   338  		"terraform": func() (providers.Interface, error) {
   339  			return terraformProvider.NewProvider(), nil
   340  		},
   341  		"test": func() (providers.Interface, error) {
   342  			return moduletest.NewProvider(), nil
   343  		},
   344  	}
   345  }
   347  // providerFactory produces a provider factory that runs up the executable
   348  // file in the given cache package and uses go-plugin to implement
   349  // providers.Interface against it.
   350  func providerFactory(meta *providercache.CachedProvider) providers.Factory {
   351  	return func() (providers.Interface, error) {
   352  		execFile, err := meta.ExecutableFile()
   353  		if err != nil {
   354  			return nil, err
   355  		}
   357  		config := &plugin.ClientConfig{
   358  			HandshakeConfig:  tfplugin.Handshake,
   359  			Logger:           logging.NewProviderLogger(""),
   360  			AllowedProtocols: []plugin.Protocol{plugin.ProtocolGRPC},
   361  			Managed:          true,
   362  			Cmd:              exec.Command(execFile),
   363  			AutoMTLS:         enableProviderAutoMTLS,
   364  			VersionedPlugins: tfplugin.VersionedPlugins,
   365  			SyncStdout:       logging.PluginOutputMonitor(fmt.Sprintf("%s:stdout", meta.Provider)),
   366  			SyncStderr:       logging.PluginOutputMonitor(fmt.Sprintf("%s:stderr", meta.Provider)),
   367  		}
   369  		client := plugin.NewClient(config)
   370  		rpcClient, err := client.Client()
   371  		if err != nil {
   372  			return nil, err
   373  		}
   375  		raw, err := rpcClient.Dispense(tfplugin.ProviderPluginName)
   376  		if err != nil {
   377  			return nil, err
   378  		}
   380  		// store the client so that the plugin can kill the child process
   381  		protoVer := client.NegotiatedVersion()
   382  		switch protoVer {
   383  		case 5:
   384  			p := raw.(*tfplugin.GRPCProvider)
   385  			p.PluginClient = client
   386  			return p, nil
   387  		case 6:
   388  			p := raw.(*tfplugin6.GRPCProvider)
   389  			p.PluginClient = client
   390  			return p, nil
   391  		default:
   392  			panic("unsupported protocol version")
   393  		}
   394  	}
   395  }
   397  func devOverrideProviderFactory(provider addrs.Provider, localDir getproviders.PackageLocalDir) providers.Factory {
   398  	// A dev override is essentially a synthetic cache entry for our purposes
   399  	// here, so that's how we'll construct it. The providerFactory function
   400  	// doesn't actually care about the version, so we can leave it
   401  	// unspecified: overridden providers are not explicitly versioned.
   402  	log.Printf("[DEBUG] Provider %s is overridden to load from %s", provider, localDir)
   403  	return providerFactory(&providercache.CachedProvider{
   404  		Provider:   provider,
   405  		Version:    getproviders.UnspecifiedVersion,
   406  		PackageDir: string(localDir),
   407  	})
   408  }
   410  // unmanagedProviderFactory produces a provider factory that uses the passed
   411  // reattach information to connect to go-plugin processes that are already
   412  // running, and implements providers.Interface against it.
   413  func unmanagedProviderFactory(provider addrs.Provider, reattach *plugin.ReattachConfig) providers.Factory {
   414  	return func() (providers.Interface, error) {
   415  		config := &plugin.ClientConfig{
   416  			HandshakeConfig:  tfplugin.Handshake,
   417  			Logger:           logging.NewProviderLogger("unmanaged."),
   418  			AllowedProtocols: []plugin.Protocol{plugin.ProtocolGRPC},
   419  			Managed:          false,
   420  			Reattach:         reattach,
   421  			SyncStdout:       logging.PluginOutputMonitor(fmt.Sprintf("%s:stdout", provider)),
   422  			SyncStderr:       logging.PluginOutputMonitor(fmt.Sprintf("%s:stderr", provider)),
   423  		}
   425  		if reattach.ProtocolVersion == 0 {
   426  			// As of the 0.15 release, sdk.v2 doesn't include the protocol
   427  			// version in the ReattachConfig (only recently added to
   428  			// go-plugin), so client.NegotiatedVersion() always returns 0. We
   429  			// assume that an unmanaged provider reporting protocol version 0 is
   430  			// actually using proto v5 for backwards compatibility.
   431  			if defaultPlugins, ok := tfplugin.VersionedPlugins[5]; ok {
   432  				config.Plugins = defaultPlugins
   433  			} else {
   434  				return nil, errors.New("no supported plugins for protocol 0")
   435  			}
   436  		} else if plugins, ok := tfplugin.VersionedPlugins[reattach.ProtocolVersion]; !ok {
   437  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("no supported plugins for protocol %d", reattach.ProtocolVersion)
   438  		} else {
   439  			config.Plugins = plugins
   440  		}
   442  		client := plugin.NewClient(config)
   443  		rpcClient, err := client.Client()
   444  		if err != nil {
   445  			return nil, err
   446  		}
   448  		raw, err := rpcClient.Dispense(tfplugin.ProviderPluginName)
   449  		if err != nil {
   450  			return nil, err
   451  		}
   453  		// store the client so that the plugin can kill the child process
   454  		protoVer := client.NegotiatedVersion()
   455  		switch protoVer {
   456  		case 0, 5:
   457  			// As of the 0.15 release, sdk.v2 doesn't include the protocol
   458  			// version in the ReattachConfig (only recently added to
   459  			// go-plugin), so client.NegotiatedVersion() always returns 0. We
   460  			// assume that an unmanaged provider reporting protocol version 0 is
   461  			// actually using proto v5 for backwards compatibility.
   462  			p := raw.(*tfplugin.GRPCProvider)
   463  			p.PluginClient = client
   464  			return p, nil
   465  		case 6:
   466  			p := raw.(*tfplugin6.GRPCProvider)
   467  			p.PluginClient = client
   468  			return p, nil
   469  		default:
   470  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported protocol version %d", protoVer)
   471  		}
   472  	}
   473  }
   475  // providerFactoryError is a stub providers.Factory that returns an error
   476  // when called. It's used to allow providerFactories to still produce a
   477  // factory for each available provider in an error case, for situations
   478  // where the caller can do something useful with that partial result.
   479  func providerFactoryError(err error) providers.Factory {
   480  	return func() (providers.Interface, error) {
   481  		return nil, err
   482  	}
   483  }
   485  // providerPluginErrors is an error implementation we can return from
   486  // Meta.providerFactories to capture potentially multiple errors about the
   487  // locally-cached plugins (or lack thereof) for particular external providers.
   488  //
   489  // Some functions closer to the UI layer can sniff for this error type in order
   490  // to return a more helpful error message.
   491  type providerPluginErrors map[addrs.Provider]error
   493  func (errs providerPluginErrors) Error() string {
   494  	if len(errs) == 1 {
   495  		for addr, err := range errs {
   496  			return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", addr, err)
   497  		}
   498  	}
   499  	var buf bytes.Buffer
   500  	fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "missing or corrupted provider plugins:")
   501  	for addr, err := range errs {
   502  		fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\n  - %s: %s", addr, err)
   503  	}
   504  	return buf.String()
   505  }