
     1  # Deis requirements for Sphinx documentation generation
     2  # This avoids having to install many packages that aren't
     3  # actually needed to make the docs, while honoring their limitation of
     4  # one requirements file. Please keep it up-to-date with the root
     5  # requirements.txt and dev_requirements.txt files.
     6  #
     7  Django==1.6.11
     8  django-cors-headers==1.0.0
     9  # required for south migrations
    10  django-fsm==2.2.0
    11  django-guardian==1.2.5
    12  django-json-field==0.5.7
    13  djangorestframework==3.0.5
    14  docker-py==1.5.0
    15  gunicorn==19.3.0
    16  paramiko==1.15.2
    17  python-etcd==0.3.2
    18  PyYAML==3.11
    19  semantic_version==2.4.2
    20  simpleflock==0.0.2
    21  South==1.0.2
    23  # Deis documentation requirements
    24  Sphinx==1.3.1
    25  smartypants==1.8.6
    26  mock==1.0.1