
     1  package end_to_end_test
     3  import (
     4  	"math/rand"
     5  	"os/exec"
     6  	"time"
     8  	""
     9  	. ""
    10  	. ""
    11  	""
    12  )
    14  var _ = Describe("Signal handler tests", func() {
    15  	BeforeEach(func() {
    16  		end_to_end_setup()
    17  		testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(backupConn, "CREATE table bigtable(id int unique); INSERT INTO bigtable SELECT generate_series(1,10000000)")
    18  	})
    19  	AfterEach(func() {
    20  		end_to_end_teardown()
    21  		testhelper.AssertQueryRuns(backupConn, "DROP TABLE bigtable")
    22  	})
    23  	Context("SIGINT", func() {
    24  		It("runs gpbackup and sends a SIGINT to ensure cleanup functions successfully", func() {
    25  			if useOldBackupVersion {
    26  				Skip("This test is not needed for old backup versions")
    27  			}
    28  			args := []string{"--dbname", "testdb",
    29  				"--backup-dir", backupDir,
    30  				"--single-data-file",
    31  				"--verbose"}
    32  			cmd := exec.Command(gpbackupPath, args...)
    33  			go func() {
    34  				/*
    35  				* We use a random delay for the sleep in this test (between
    36  				* 0.5s and 1.5s) so that gpbackup will be interrupted at a
    37  				* different point in the backup process every time to help
    38  				* catch timing issues with the cleanup.
    39  				 */
    40  				rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
    41  				time.Sleep(time.Duration(rng.Intn(1000)+500) * time.Millisecond)
    42  				_ = cmd.Process.Signal(unix.SIGINT)
    43  			}()
    44  			output, _ := cmd.CombinedOutput()
    45  			stdout := string(output)
    46  			Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("Received an interrupt signal, aborting backup process"))
    47  			Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("Cleanup complete"))
    48  			Expect(stdout).To(Not(ContainSubstring("CRITICAL")))
    49  			timestamp := getBackupTimestamp(stdout)
    50  			if timestamp != "" { // empty timestamp means backup was killed before generating timestamp
    51  				assertArtifactsCleaned(timestamp)
    52  			}
    53  		})
    54  		It("runs gpbackup with copy-queue-size and sends a SIGINT to ensure cleanup functions successfully", func() {
    55  			if useOldBackupVersion {
    56  				Skip("This test is not needed for old backup versions")
    57  			}
    58  			args := []string{"--dbname", "testdb",
    59  				"--backup-dir", backupDir,
    60  				"--single-data-file",
    61  				"--copy-queue-size", "4",
    62  				"--verbose"}
    63  			cmd := exec.Command(gpbackupPath, args...)
    64  			go func() {
    65  				/*
    66  				* We use a random delay for the sleep in this test (between
    67  				* 0.5s and 1.5s) so that gpbackup will be interrupted at a
    68  				* different point in the backup process every time to help
    69  				* catch timing issues with the cleanup.
    70  				 */
    71  				rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
    72  				time.Sleep(time.Duration(rng.Intn(1000)+500) * time.Millisecond)
    73  				_ = cmd.Process.Signal(unix.SIGINT)
    74  			}()
    75  			output, _ := cmd.CombinedOutput()
    76  			stdout := string(output)
    77  			Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("Received an interrupt signal, aborting backup process"))
    78  			Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("Cleanup complete"))
    79  			Expect(stdout).To(Not(ContainSubstring("CRITICAL")))
    80  			timestamp := getBackupTimestamp(stdout)
    81  			if timestamp != "" { // empty timestamp means backup was killed before generating timestamp
    82  				assertArtifactsCleaned(timestamp)
    83  			}
    84  		})
    85  		It("runs gpbackup and sends a SIGINT to ensure blocked LOCK TABLE query is canceled", func() {
    86  			if useOldBackupVersion {
    87  				Skip("This test is not needed for old backup versions")
    88  			}
    90  			// Query to see if gpbackup lock acquire on schema2.foo2 is blocked
    91  			checkLockQuery := `SELECT count(*) FROM pg_locks l, pg_class c, pg_namespace n WHERE l.relation = c.oid AND n.oid = c.relnamespace AND n.nspname = 'schema2' AND c.relname = 'foo2' AND l.granted = 'f'`
    93  			// Acquire AccessExclusiveLock on schema2.foo2 to prevent gpbackup from acquiring AccessShareLock
    94  			backupConn.MustExec("BEGIN; LOCK TABLE schema2.foo2 IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE")
    95  			args := []string{
    96  				"--dbname", "testdb",
    97  				"--backup-dir", backupDir,
    98  				"--verbose"}
    99  			cmd := exec.Command(gpbackupPath, args...)
   101  			// Wait up to 5 seconds for gpbackup to block on acquiring AccessShareLock.
   102  			// Once blocked, we send a SIGINT to cancel gpbackup.
   103  			var beforeLockCount int
   104  			go func() {
   105  				iterations := 50
   106  				for iterations > 0 {
   107  					_ = backupConn.Get(&beforeLockCount, checkLockQuery)
   108  					if beforeLockCount < 1 {
   109  						time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
   110  						iterations--
   111  					} else {
   112  						break
   113  					}
   114  				}
   115  				_ = cmd.Process.Signal(unix.SIGINT)
   116  			}()
   117  			output, _ := cmd.CombinedOutput()
   118  			Expect(beforeLockCount).To(Equal(1))
   120  			// After gpbackup has been canceled, we should no longer see a blocked SQL
   121  			// session trying to acquire AccessShareLock on foo2.
   122  			var afterLockCount int
   123  			_ = backupConn.Get(&afterLockCount, checkLockQuery)
   124  			Expect(afterLockCount).To(Equal(0))
   125  			backupConn.MustExec("ROLLBACK")
   127  			stdout := string(output)
   128  			Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("Received an interrupt signal, aborting backup process"))
   129  			Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("Interrupt received while acquiring ACCESS SHARE locks on tables"))
   130  			Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("Cleanup complete"))
   131  			Expect(stdout).To(Not(ContainSubstring("CRITICAL")))
   132  			timestamp := getBackupTimestamp(stdout)
   133  			assertArtifactsCleaned(timestamp)
   134  		})
   135  		It("runs gpbackup with single-data-file and sends a SIGINT to ensure blocked LOCK TABLE query is canceled", func() {
   136  			if useOldBackupVersion {
   137  				Skip("This test is not needed for old backup versions")
   138  			}
   140  			// Query to see if gpbackup lock acquire on schema2.foo2 is blocked
   141  			checkLockQuery := `SELECT count(*) FROM pg_locks l, pg_class c, pg_namespace n WHERE l.relation = c.oid AND n.oid = c.relnamespace AND n.nspname = 'schema2' AND c.relname = 'foo2' AND l.granted = 'f'`
   143  			// Acquire AccessExclusiveLock on schema2.foo2 to prevent gpbackup from acquiring AccessShareLock
   144  			backupConn.MustExec("BEGIN; LOCK TABLE schema2.foo2 IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE")
   145  			args := []string{
   146  				"--dbname", "testdb",
   147  				"--backup-dir", backupDir,
   148  				"--single-data-file",
   149  				"--verbose"}
   150  			cmd := exec.Command(gpbackupPath, args...)
   152  			// Wait up to 5 seconds for gpbackup to block on acquiring AccessShareLock.
   153  			// Once blocked, we send a SIGINT to cancel gpbackup.
   154  			var beforeLockCount int
   155  			go func() {
   156  				iterations := 50
   157  				for iterations > 0 {
   158  					_ = backupConn.Get(&beforeLockCount, checkLockQuery)
   159  					if beforeLockCount < 1 {
   160  						time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
   161  						iterations--
   162  					} else {
   163  						break
   164  					}
   165  				}
   166  				_ = cmd.Process.Signal(unix.SIGINT)
   167  			}()
   168  			output, _ := cmd.CombinedOutput()
   169  			Expect(beforeLockCount).To(Equal(1))
   171  			// After gpbackup has been canceled, we should no longer see a blocked SQL
   172  			// session trying to acquire AccessShareLock on foo2.
   173  			var afterLockCount int
   174  			_ = backupConn.Get(&afterLockCount, checkLockQuery)
   175  			Expect(afterLockCount).To(Equal(0))
   176  			backupConn.MustExec("ROLLBACK")
   178  			stdout := string(output)
   179  			Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("Received an interrupt signal, aborting backup process"))
   180  			Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("Interrupt received while acquiring ACCESS SHARE locks on tables"))
   181  			Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("Cleanup complete"))
   182  			Expect(stdout).To(Not(ContainSubstring("CRITICAL")))
   183  			timestamp := getBackupTimestamp(stdout)
   184  			assertArtifactsCleaned(timestamp)
   185  		})
   186  		It("runs gprestore and sends a SIGINT to ensure cleanup functions successfully", func() {
   187  			if useOldBackupVersion {
   188  				Skip("This test is not needed for old backup versions")
   189  			}
   190  			output := gpbackup(gpbackupPath, backupHelperPath,
   191  				"--backup-dir", backupDir,
   192  				"--single-data-file")
   193  			timestamp := getBackupTimestamp(string(output))
   194  			args := []string{
   195  				"--timestamp", timestamp,
   196  				"--redirect-db", "restoredb",
   197  				"--backup-dir", backupDir,
   198  				"--verbose"}
   199  			cmd := exec.Command(gprestorePath, args...)
   200  			go func() {
   201  				/*
   202  				* We use a random delay for the sleep in this test (between
   203  				* 0.5s and 1.5s) so that gprestore will be interrupted at a
   204  				* different point in the backup process every time to help
   205  				* catch timing issues with the cleanup.
   206  				 */
   207  				rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
   208  				time.Sleep(time.Duration(rng.Intn(1000)+500) * time.Millisecond)
   209  				_ = cmd.Process.Signal(unix.SIGINT)
   210  			}()
   211  			output, _ = cmd.CombinedOutput()
   212  			stdout := string(output)
   213  			Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("Received an interrupt signal, aborting restore process"))
   214  			Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("Cleanup complete"))
   215  			Expect(stdout).To(Not(ContainSubstring("CRITICAL")))
   216  			assertArtifactsCleaned(timestamp)
   217  		})
   218  		It("runs gprestore with copy-queue-size and sends a SIGINT to ensure cleanup functions successfully", func() {
   219  			if useOldBackupVersion {
   220  				Skip("This test is not needed for old backup versions")
   221  			}
   222  			outputBkp := gpbackup(gpbackupPath, backupHelperPath,
   223  				"--backup-dir", backupDir,
   224  				"--single-data-file")
   225  			timestampBkp := getBackupTimestamp(string(outputBkp))
   226  			args := []string{
   227  				"--timestamp", timestampBkp,
   228  				"--redirect-db", "restoredb",
   229  				"--backup-dir", backupDir,
   230  				"--verbose",
   231  				"--copy-queue-size", "4"}
   232  			cmd := exec.Command(gprestorePath, args...)
   233  			go func() {
   234  				/*
   235  				* We use a random delay for the sleep in this test (between
   236  				* 0.5s and 1.5s) so that gprestore will be interrupted at a
   237  				* different point in the backup process every time to help
   238  				* catch timing issues with the cleanup.
   239  				 */
   240  				rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
   241  				time.Sleep(time.Duration(rng.Intn(1000)+500) * time.Millisecond)
   242  				_ = cmd.Process.Signal(unix.SIGINT)
   243  			}()
   244  			outputRes, _ := cmd.CombinedOutput()
   245  			stdoutRes := string(outputRes)
   246  			Expect(stdoutRes).To(ContainSubstring("Received an interrupt signal, aborting restore process"))
   247  			Expect(stdoutRes).To(ContainSubstring("Cleanup complete"))
   248  			Expect(stdoutRes).To(Not(ContainSubstring("CRITICAL")))
   249  			assertArtifactsCleaned(timestampBkp)
   250  		})
   251  	})
   252  	Context("SIGTERM", func() {
   253  		It("runs gpbackup and sends a SIGTERM to ensure cleanup functions successfully", func() {
   254  			if useOldBackupVersion {
   255  				Skip("This test is not needed for old backup versions")
   256  			}
   257  			args := []string{"--dbname", "testdb",
   258  				"--backup-dir", backupDir,
   259  				"--single-data-file",
   260  				"--verbose"}
   261  			cmd := exec.Command(gpbackupPath, args...)
   262  			go func() {
   263  				/*
   264  				* We use a random delay for the sleep in this test (between
   265  				* 0.5s and 1.5s) so that gpbackup will be interrupted at a
   266  				* different point in the backup process every time to help
   267  				* catch timing issues with the cleanup.
   268  				 */
   269  				rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
   270  				time.Sleep(time.Duration(rng.Intn(1000)+500) * time.Millisecond)
   271  				_ = cmd.Process.Signal(unix.SIGTERM)
   272  			}()
   273  			output, _ := cmd.CombinedOutput()
   274  			stdout := string(output)
   275  			Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("Received a termination signal, aborting backup process"))
   276  			Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("Cleanup complete"))
   277  			Expect(stdout).To(Not(ContainSubstring("CRITICAL")))
   278  			timestamp := getBackupTimestamp(stdout)
   279  			if timestamp != "" { // empty timestamp means backup was killed before generating timestamp
   280  				assertArtifactsCleaned(timestamp)
   281  			}
   282  		})
   283  		It("runs gpbackup with copy-queue-size and sends a SIGTERM to ensure cleanup functions successfully", func() {
   284  			if useOldBackupVersion {
   285  				Skip("This test is not needed for old backup versions")
   286  			}
   287  			args := []string{"--dbname", "testdb",
   288  				"--backup-dir", backupDir,
   289  				"--single-data-file",
   290  				"--copy-queue-size", "4",
   291  				"--verbose"}
   292  			cmd := exec.Command(gpbackupPath, args...)
   293  			go func() {
   294  				/*
   295  				* We use a random delay for the sleep in this test (between
   296  				* 0.5s and 1.5s) so that gpbackup will be interrupted at a
   297  				* different point in the backup process every time to help
   298  				* catch timing issues with the cleanup.
   299  				 */
   300  				rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
   301  				time.Sleep(time.Duration(rng.Intn(1000)+500) * time.Millisecond)
   302  				_ = cmd.Process.Signal(unix.SIGTERM)
   303  			}()
   304  			output, _ := cmd.CombinedOutput()
   305  			stdout := string(output)
   306  			Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("Received a termination signal, aborting backup process"))
   307  			Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("Cleanup complete"))
   308  			Expect(stdout).To(Not(ContainSubstring("CRITICAL")))
   309  			timestamp := getBackupTimestamp(stdout)
   310  			if timestamp != "" { // empty timestamp means backup was killed before generating timestamp
   311  				assertArtifactsCleaned(timestamp)
   312  			}
   313  		})
   314  		It("runs gpbackup and sends a SIGTERM to ensure blocked LOCK TABLE query is canceled", func() {
   315  			if useOldBackupVersion {
   316  				Skip("This test is not needed for old backup versions")
   317  			}
   319  			// Query to see if gpbackup lock acquire on schema2.foo2 is blocked
   320  			checkLockQuery := `SELECT count(*) FROM pg_locks l, pg_class c, pg_namespace n WHERE l.relation = c.oid AND n.oid = c.relnamespace AND n.nspname = 'schema2' AND c.relname = 'foo2' AND l.granted = 'f'`
   322  			// Acquire AccessExclusiveLock on schema2.foo2 to prevent gpbackup from acquiring AccessShareLock
   323  			backupConn.MustExec("BEGIN; LOCK TABLE schema2.foo2 IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE")
   324  			args := []string{
   325  				"--dbname", "testdb",
   326  				"--backup-dir", backupDir,
   327  				"--verbose"}
   328  			cmd := exec.Command(gpbackupPath, args...)
   330  			// Wait up to 5 seconds for gpbackup to block on acquiring AccessShareLock.
   331  			// Once blocked, we send a SIGTERM to cancel gpbackup.
   332  			var beforeLockCount int
   333  			go func() {
   334  				iterations := 50
   335  				for iterations > 0 {
   336  					_ = backupConn.Get(&beforeLockCount, checkLockQuery)
   337  					if beforeLockCount < 1 {
   338  						time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
   339  						iterations--
   340  					} else {
   341  						break
   342  					}
   343  				}
   344  				_ = cmd.Process.Signal(unix.SIGTERM)
   345  			}()
   346  			output, _ := cmd.CombinedOutput()
   347  			Expect(beforeLockCount).To(Equal(1))
   349  			// After gpbackup has been canceled, we should no longer see a blocked SQL
   350  			// session trying to acquire AccessShareLock on foo2.
   351  			var afterLockCount int
   352  			_ = backupConn.Get(&afterLockCount, checkLockQuery)
   353  			Expect(afterLockCount).To(Equal(0))
   354  			backupConn.MustExec("ROLLBACK")
   356  			stdout := string(output)
   357  			Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("Received a termination signal, aborting backup process"))
   358  			Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("Interrupt received while acquiring ACCESS SHARE locks on tables"))
   359  			Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("Cleanup complete"))
   360  			Expect(stdout).To(Not(ContainSubstring("CRITICAL")))
   361  			timestamp := getBackupTimestamp(stdout)
   362  			assertArtifactsCleaned(timestamp)
   363  		})
   364  		It("runs gpbackup with single-data-file and sends a SIGTERM to ensure blocked LOCK TABLE query is canceled", func() {
   365  			if useOldBackupVersion {
   366  				Skip("This test is not needed for old backup versions")
   367  			}
   369  			// Query to see if gpbackup lock acquire on schema2.foo2 is blocked
   370  			checkLockQuery := `SELECT count(*) FROM pg_locks l, pg_class c, pg_namespace n WHERE l.relation = c.oid AND n.oid = c.relnamespace AND n.nspname = 'schema2' AND c.relname = 'foo2' AND l.granted = 'f'`
   372  			// Acquire AccessExclusiveLock on schema2.foo2 to prevent gpbackup from acquiring AccessShareLock
   373  			backupConn.MustExec("BEGIN; LOCK TABLE schema2.foo2 IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE")
   374  			args := []string{
   375  				"--dbname", "testdb",
   376  				"--backup-dir", backupDir,
   377  				"--single-data-file",
   378  				"--verbose"}
   379  			cmd := exec.Command(gpbackupPath, args...)
   381  			// Wait up to 5 seconds for gpbackup to block on acquiring AccessShareLock.
   382  			// Once blocked, we send a SIGTERM to cancel gpbackup.
   383  			var beforeLockCount int
   384  			go func() {
   385  				iterations := 50
   386  				for iterations > 0 {
   387  					_ = backupConn.Get(&beforeLockCount, checkLockQuery)
   388  					if beforeLockCount < 1 {
   389  						time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
   390  						iterations--
   391  					} else {
   392  						break
   393  					}
   394  				}
   395  				_ = cmd.Process.Signal(unix.SIGTERM)
   396  			}()
   397  			output, _ := cmd.CombinedOutput()
   398  			Expect(beforeLockCount).To(Equal(1))
   400  			// After gpbackup has been canceled, we should no longer see a blocked SQL
   401  			// session trying to acquire AccessShareLock on foo2.
   402  			var afterLockCount int
   403  			_ = backupConn.Get(&afterLockCount, checkLockQuery)
   404  			Expect(afterLockCount).To(Equal(0))
   405  			backupConn.MustExec("ROLLBACK")
   407  			stdout := string(output)
   408  			Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("Received a termination signal, aborting backup process"))
   409  			Expect(stdout).To(ContainSubstring("Cleanup complete"))
   410  			Expect(stdout).To(Not(ContainSubstring("CRITICAL")))
   411  			timestamp := getBackupTimestamp(stdout)
   412  			assertArtifactsCleaned(timestamp)
   413  		})
   414  		It("runs gprestore and sends a SIGTERM to ensure cleanup functions successfully", func() {
   415  			if useOldBackupVersion {
   416  				Skip("This test is not needed for old backup versions")
   417  			}
   418  			outputBkp := gpbackup(gpbackupPath, backupHelperPath,
   419  				"--backup-dir", backupDir,
   420  				"--single-data-file")
   421  			timestampBkp := getBackupTimestamp(string(outputBkp))
   422  			args := []string{
   423  				"--timestamp", timestampBkp,
   424  				"--redirect-db", "restoredb",
   425  				"--backup-dir", backupDir,
   426  				"--verbose"}
   427  			cmd := exec.Command(gprestorePath, args...)
   428  			go func() {
   429  				/*
   430  				* We use a random delay for the sleep in this test (between
   431  				* 0.5s and 1.5s) so that gprestore will be interrupted at a
   432  				* different point in the backup process every time to help
   433  				* catch timing issues with the cleanup.
   434  				 */
   435  				rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
   436  				time.Sleep(time.Duration(rng.Intn(1000)+500) * time.Millisecond)
   437  				_ = cmd.Process.Signal(unix.SIGTERM)
   438  			}()
   439  			outputRes, _ := cmd.CombinedOutput()
   440  			stdoutRes := string(outputRes)
   441  			Expect(stdoutRes).To(ContainSubstring("Received a termination signal, aborting restore process"))
   442  			Expect(stdoutRes).To(ContainSubstring("Cleanup complete"))
   443  			Expect(stdoutRes).To(Not(ContainSubstring("CRITICAL")))
   444  			assertArtifactsCleaned(timestampBkp)
   445  		})
   446  		It("runs gprestore with copy-queue-size and sends a SIGTERM to ensure cleanup functions successfully", func() {
   447  			if useOldBackupVersion {
   448  				Skip("This test is not needed for old backup versions")
   449  			}
   450  			outputBkp := gpbackup(gpbackupPath, backupHelperPath,
   451  				"--backup-dir", backupDir,
   452  				"--single-data-file")
   453  			timestampBkp := getBackupTimestamp(string(outputBkp))
   454  			args := []string{
   455  				"--timestamp", timestampBkp,
   456  				"--redirect-db", "restoredb",
   457  				"--backup-dir", backupDir,
   458  				"--verbose",
   459  				"--copy-queue-size", "4"}
   460  			cmd := exec.Command(gprestorePath, args...)
   461  			go func() {
   462  				/*
   463  				* We use a random delay for the sleep in this test (between
   464  				* 0.5s and 1.5s) so that gprestore will be interrupted at a
   465  				* different point in the backup process every time to help
   466  				* catch timing issues with the cleanup.
   467  				 */
   468  				rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
   469  				time.Sleep(time.Duration(rng.Intn(1000)+500) * time.Millisecond)
   470  				_ = cmd.Process.Signal(unix.SIGTERM)
   471  			}()
   472  			outputRes, _ := cmd.CombinedOutput()
   473  			stdoutRes := string(outputRes)
   474  			Expect(stdoutRes).To(ContainSubstring("Received a termination signal, aborting restore process"))
   475  			Expect(stdoutRes).To(ContainSubstring("Cleanup complete"))
   476  			Expect(stdoutRes).To(Not(ContainSubstring("CRITICAL")))
   477  			assertArtifactsCleaned(timestampBkp)
   478  		})
   479  	})
   480  })