
     1  [
     2    {
     3      "id": "April",
     4      "translation": "April"
     5    },
     6    {
     7      "id": "August",
     8      "translation": "August"
     9    },
    10    {
    11      "id": "December",
    12      "translation": "December"
    13    },
    14    {
    15      "id": "February",
    16      "translation": "February"
    17    },
    18    {
    19      "id": "January",
    20      "translation": "January"
    21    },
    22    {
    23      "id": "July",
    24      "translation": "July"
    25    },
    26    {
    27      "id": "June",
    28      "translation": "June"
    29    },
    30    {
    31      "id": "March",
    32      "translation": "March"
    33    },
    34    {
    35      "id": "May",
    36      "translation": "May"
    37    },
    38    {
    39      "id": "November",
    40      "translation": "November"
    41    },
    42    {
    43      "id": "October",
    44      "translation": "October"
    45    },
    46    {
    47      "id": "September",
    48      "translation": "September"
    49    },
    50    {
    51      "id": "actiance.export.marshalToXml.appError",
    52      "translation": "Unable to convert export to XML."
    53    },
    54    {
    55      "id": "api.admin.add_certificate.array.app_error",
    56      "translation": "No file under 'certificate' in request."
    57    },
    58    {
    59      "id": "api.restricted_system_admin",
    60      "translation": "This action is forbidden to a restricted system admin."
    61    },
    62    {
    63      "id": "app.submit_interactive_dialog.json_error",
    64      "translation": "Encountered an error encoding JSON for the interactive dialog."
    65    },
    66    {
    67      "id": "interactive_message.generate_trigger_id.signing_failed",
    68      "translation": "Failed to sign generated trigger ID for interactive dialog."
    69    },
    70    {
    71      "id": "interactive_message.decode_trigger_id.base64_decode_failed",
    72      "translation": "Failed to decode base64 for trigger ID for interactive dialog."
    73    },
    74    {
    75      "id": "interactive_message.decode_trigger_id.missing_data",
    76      "translation": "Trigger ID missing required data for interactive dialog."
    77    },
    78    {
    79      "id": "interactive_message.decode_trigger_id.expired",
    80      "translation": "Trigger ID for interactive dialog is expired. Trigger IDs live for a maximum of {{.Seconds}} seconds."
    81    },
    82    {
    83      "id": "interactive_message.decode_trigger_id.signature_decode_failed",
    84      "translation": "Failed to decode base64 signature of trigger ID for interactive dialog."
    85    },
    86    {
    87      "id": "interactive_message.decode_trigger_id.verify_signature_failed",
    88      "translation": "Signature verification failed of trigger ID for interactive dialog."
    89    },
    90    {
    91      "id": "api.admin.add_certificate.no_file.app_error",
    92      "translation": "No file under 'certificate' in request."
    93    },
    94    {
    95      "id": "",
    96      "translation": "Could not open certificate file."
    97    },
    98    {
    99      "id": "api.admin.add_certificate.saving.app_error",
   100      "translation": "Could not save certificate file."
   101    },
   102    {
   103      "id": "api.admin.file_read_error",
   104      "translation": "Error reading log file."
   105    },
   106    {
   107      "id": "",
   108      "translation": "Image storage is not configured."
   109    },
   110    {
   111      "id": "api.admin.remove_certificate.delete.app_error",
   112      "translation": "An error occurred while deleting the certificate."
   113    },
   114    {
   115      "id": "api.admin.saml.metadata.app_error",
   116      "translation": "An error occurred while building Service Provider Metadata."
   117    },
   118    {
   119      "id": "api.admin.saml.not_available.app_error",
   120      "translation": "SAML 2.0 is not configured or supported on this server."
   121    },
   122    {
   123      "id": "api.admin.test_email.body",
   124      "translation": "It appears your Mattermost email is setup correctly!"
   125    },
   126    {
   127      "id": "api.admin.test_email.missing_server",
   128      "translation": "SMTP Server is required"
   129    },
   130    {
   131      "id": "api.admin.test_email.reenter_password",
   132      "translation": "The SMTP server, port, or username has changed. Please re-enter the SMTP password to test connection."
   133    },
   134    {
   135      "id": "api.admin.test_email.subject",
   136      "translation": "Mattermost - Testing Email Settings"
   137    },
   138    {
   139      "id": "api.admin.test_s3.missing_s3_bucket",
   140      "translation": "S3 Bucket is required"
   141    },
   142    {
   143      "id": "api.admin.upload_brand_image.array.app_error",
   144      "translation": "Empty array under 'image' in request"
   145    },
   146    {
   147      "id": "api.admin.upload_brand_image.no_file.app_error",
   148      "translation": "No file under 'image' in request"
   149    },
   150    {
   151      "id": "api.admin.upload_brand_image.parse.app_error",
   152      "translation": "Could not parse multipart form"
   153    },
   154    {
   155      "id": "",
   156      "translation": "Unable to upload image. Image storage is not configured."
   157    },
   158    {
   159      "id": "api.admin.upload_brand_image.too_large.app_error",
   160      "translation": "Unable to upload file. File is too large."
   161    },
   162    {
   163      "id": "",
   164      "translation": "%v added to the channel by %v."
   165    },
   166    {
   167      "id": "",
   168      "translation": "Failed to add user to channel"
   169    },
   170    {
   171      "id": "",
   172      "translation": "Failed to add user to channel because they have been removed from the team."
   173    },
   174    {
   175      "id": "",
   176      "translation": "Can not add user to this channel type"
   177    },
   178    {
   179      "id": "",
   180      "translation": "This channel has been converted to a Public Channel and can be joined by any team member."
   181    },
   182    {
   183      "id": "",
   184      "translation": "This channel has been converted to a Private Channel."
   185    },
   186    {
   187      "id": "",
   188      "translation": "This default channel cannot be converted into a private channel."
   189    },
   190    {
   191      "id": "",
   192      "translation": "The channel requested to convert is already a private channel."
   193    },
   194    {
   195      "id": "",
   196      "translation": "Must use createDirectChannel API service for direct message channel creation"
   197    },
   198    {
   199      "id": "",
   200      "translation": "Invalid character '__' in channel name for non-direct channel"
   201    },
   202    {
   203      "id": "",
   204      "translation": "Unable to create more than {{.MaxChannelsPerTeam}} channels for current team"
   205    },
   206    {
   207      "id": "",
   208      "translation": "Off-Topic"
   209    },
   210    {
   211      "id": "",
   212      "translation": "Town Square"
   213    },
   214    {
   215      "id": "",
   216      "translation": "Invalid user ID for direct channel creation"
   217    },
   218    {
   219      "id": "",
   220      "translation": "Group message channels must contain at least 3 and no more than 8 users"
   221    },
   222    {
   223      "id": "",
   224      "translation": "One of the provided users does not exist"
   225    },
   226    {
   227      "id": "",
   228      "translation": "%v archived the channel."
   229    },
   230    {
   231      "id": "",
   232      "translation": "Unable to delete the default channel {{.Channel}}"
   233    },
   234    {
   235      "id": "",
   236      "translation": "The channel has been archived or deleted"
   237    },
   238    {
   239      "id": "",
   240      "translation": "Unable to delete direct or group message channels"
   241    },
   242    {
   243      "id": "",
   244      "translation": "You do not have the appropriate permissions"
   245    },
   246    {
   247      "id": "",
   248      "translation": "%v joined the channel."
   249    },
   250    {
   251      "id": "",
   252      "translation": "Unable to leave the default channel {{.Channel}}"
   253    },
   254    {
   255      "id": "",
   256      "translation": "Unable to leave a direct message channel"
   257    },
   258    {
   259      "id": "",
   260      "translation": "You're the only member left, try removing the Private Channel instead of leaving."
   261    },
   262    {
   263      "id": "",
   264      "translation": "%v left the channel."
   265    },
   266    {
   267      "id": "",
   268      "translation": "Failed to update the channel"
   269    },
   270    {
   271      "id": "",
   272      "translation": "Failed to post channel privacy update message."
   273    },
   274    {
   275      "id": "",
   276      "translation": "Failed to post displayname update message"
   277    },
   278    {
   279      "id": "",
   280      "translation": "Failed to retrieve user while updating channel DisplayName field"
   281    },
   282    {
   283      "id": "",
   284      "translation": "%s updated the channel display name from: %s to: %s"
   285    },
   286    {
   287      "id": "",
   288      "translation": "Failed to post update channel header message"
   289    },
   290    {
   291      "id": "",
   292      "translation": "%s removed the channel header (was: %s)"
   293    },
   294    {
   295      "id": "",
   296      "translation": "Failed to retrieve user while updating channel header"
   297    },
   298    {
   299      "id": "",
   300      "translation": "%s updated the channel header from: %s to: %s"
   301    },
   302    {
   303      "id": "",
   304      "translation": "%s updated the channel header to: %s"
   305    },
   306    {
   307      "id": "",
   308      "translation": "Failed to post join/leave message"
   309    },
   310    {
   311      "id": "",
   312      "translation": "Unable to remove user from the default channel {{.Channel}}"
   313    },
   314    {
   315      "id": "",
   316      "translation": "Unable to remove user from a channel."
   317    },
   318    {
   319      "id": "",
   320      "translation": "%v removed from the channel."
   321    },
   322    {
   323      "id": "",
   324      "translation": "You cannot rename a direct message channel"
   325    },
   326    {
   327      "id": "",
   328      "translation": "You cannot rename a group message channel"
   329    },
   330    {
   331      "id": "",
   332      "translation": "The channel has been archived or deleted"
   333    },
   334    {
   335      "id": "",
   336      "translation": "Tried to perform an invalid update of the default channel {{.Channel}}"
   337    },
   338    {
   339      "id": "",
   340      "translation": "The provided role is managed by a Scheme and therefore cannot be applied directly to a Channel Member"
   341    },
   342    {
   343      "id": "",
   344      "translation": "Your license does not support updating a channel's scheme"
   345    },
   346    {
   347      "id": "",
   348      "translation": "Unable to set the scheme to the channel because the supplied scheme is not a channel scheme."
   349    },
   350    {
   351      "id": "",
   352      "translation": "The provided role is managed by a Scheme and therefore cannot be applied directly to a Team Member"
   353    },
   354    {
   355      "id": "api.command.admin_only.app_error",
   356      "translation": "Integrations have been limited to admins only."
   357    },
   358    {
   359      "id": "api.command.disabled.app_error",
   360      "translation": "Commands have been disabled by the system admin."
   361    },
   362    {
   363      "id": "api.command.duplicate_trigger.app_error",
   364      "translation": "This trigger word is already in use. Please choose another word."
   365    },
   366    {
   367      "id": "api.command.execute_command.create_post_failed.app_error",
   368      "translation": "Command '{{.Trigger}}' failed to post response. Please contact your System Administrator."
   369    },
   370    {
   371      "id": "api.command.execute_command.debug",
   372      "translation": "Executing cmd=%v userId=%v"
   373    },
   374    {
   375      "id": "api.command.execute_command.failed.app_error",
   376      "translation": "Command with a trigger of '{{.Trigger}}' failed"
   377    },
   378    {
   379      "id": "api.command.execute_command.failed_empty.app_error",
   380      "translation": "Command with a trigger of '{{.Trigger}}' returned an empty response"
   381    },
   382    {
   383      "id": "api.command.execute_command.failed_resp.app_error",
   384      "translation": "Command with a trigger of '{{.Trigger}}' returned response {{.Status}}"
   385    },
   386    {
   387      "id": "api.command.execute_command.not_found.app_error",
   388      "translation": "Command with a trigger of '{{.Trigger}}' not found. To send a message beginning with \"/\", try adding an empty space at the beginning of the message."
   389    },
   390    {
   391      "id": "api.command.execute_command.start.app_error",
   392      "translation": "No command trigger found"
   393    },
   394    {
   395      "id": "api.command.command_post.forbidden.app_error",
   396      "translation": "Specified user is not a member of specified channel."
   397    },
   398    {
   399      "id": "api.command.invite_people.desc",
   400      "translation": "Send an email invite to your Mattermost team"
   401    },
   402    {
   403      "id": "api.command.invite_people.email_invitations_off",
   404      "translation": "Email invitations are disabled, no invite(s) sent"
   405    },
   406    {
   407      "id": "api.command.invite_people.email_off",
   408      "translation": "Email has not been configured, no invite(s) sent"
   409    },
   410    {
   411      "id": "",
   412      "translation": "Encountered an error sending email invite(s)"
   413    },
   414    {
   415      "id": "api.command.invite_people.hint",
   416      "translation": "[ ...]"
   417    },
   418    {
   419      "id": "api.command.invite_people.invite_off",
   420      "translation": "User creation has been disabled on this server, no invite(s) sent"
   421    },
   422    {
   423      "id": "",
   424      "translation": "invite_people"
   425    },
   426    {
   427      "id": "api.command.invite_people.no_email",
   428      "translation": "Please specify one or more valid email addresses"
   429    },
   430    {
   431      "id": "api.command.invite_people.sent",
   432      "translation": "Email invite(s) sent"
   433    },
   434    {
   435      "id": "api.command.team_mismatch.app_error",
   436      "translation": "Unable to update commands across teams"
   437    },
   438    {
   439      "id": "api.command_away.desc",
   440      "translation": "Set your status away"
   441    },
   442    {
   443      "id": "",
   444      "translation": "away"
   445    },
   446    {
   447      "id": "api.command_away.success",
   448      "translation": "You are now away"
   449    },
   450    {
   451      "id": "",
   452      "translation": "Error to retrieve the current channel."
   453    },
   454    {
   455      "id": "api.command_channel_header.desc",
   456      "translation": "Edit the channel header"
   457    },
   458    {
   459      "id": "api.command_channel_header.hint",
   460      "translation": "[text]"
   461    },
   462    {
   463      "id": "api.command_channel_header.message.app_error",
   464      "translation": "Text must be provided with the /header command."
   465    },
   466    {
   467      "id": "",
   468      "translation": "header"
   469    },
   470    {
   471      "id": "api.command_channel_header.permission.app_error",
   472      "translation": "You don't have the appropriate permissions to edit the channel header."
   473    },
   474    {
   475      "id": "api.command_channel_header.update_channel.app_error",
   476      "translation": "Error to update the current channel."
   477    },
   478    {
   479      "id": "",
   480      "translation": "Error to retrieve the current channel."
   481    },
   482    {
   483      "id": "api.command_channel_purpose.desc",
   484      "translation": "Edit the channel purpose"
   485    },
   486    {
   487      "id": "api.command_channel_purpose.direct_group.app_error",
   488      "translation": "Unable to set purpose for direct message channels. Use /header to set the header instead."
   489    },
   490    {
   491      "id": "api.command_channel_purpose.hint",
   492      "translation": "[text]"
   493    },
   494    {
   495      "id": "api.command_channel_purpose.message.app_error",
   496      "translation": "A message must be provided with the /purpose command."
   497    },
   498    {
   499      "id": "",
   500      "translation": "purpose"
   501    },
   502    {
   503      "id": "api.command_channel_purpose.permission.app_error",
   504      "translation": "You don't have the appropriate permissions to edit the channel purpose."
   505    },
   506    {
   507      "id": "api.command_channel_purpose.update_channel.app_error",
   508      "translation": "Error to update the current channel."
   509    },
   510    {
   511      "id": "",
   512      "translation": "Error retrieving the current channel."
   513    },
   514    {
   515      "id": "",
   516      "translation": "Error to retrieve the current channel."
   517    },
   518    {
   519      "id": "api.command_channel_rename.desc",
   520      "translation": "Rename the channel"
   521    },
   522    {
   523      "id": "api.command_channel_rename.direct_group.app_error",
   524      "translation": "Unable to rename direct message channels."
   525    },
   526    {
   527      "id": "api.command_channel_rename.hint",
   528      "translation": "[text]"
   529    },
   530    {
   531      "id": "api.command_channel_rename.message.app_error",
   532      "translation": "A message must be provided with the /rename command."
   533    },
   534    {
   535      "id": "",
   536      "translation": "rename"
   537    },
   538    {
   539      "id": "api.command_channel_rename.permission.app_error",
   540      "translation": "You don't have the appropriate permissions to rename the channel."
   541    },
   542    {
   543      "id": "api.command_channel_rename.too_long.app_error",
   544      "translation": "Channel name must be {{.Length}} or fewer characters"
   545    },
   546    {
   547      "id": "api.command_channel_rename.too_short.app_error",
   548      "translation": "Channel name must be {{.Length}} or more characters"
   549    },
   550    {
   551      "id": "api.command_channel_rename.update_channel.app_error",
   552      "translation": "Error to update the current channel."
   553    },
   554    {
   555      "id": "api.command_code.desc",
   556      "translation": "Display text as a code block"
   557    },
   558    {
   559      "id": "api.command_code.hint",
   560      "translation": "[text]"
   561    },
   562    {
   563      "id": "api.command_code.message.app_error",
   564      "translation": "A message must be provided with the /code command."
   565    },
   566    {
   567      "id": "",
   568      "translation": "code"
   569    },
   570    {
   571      "id": "api.command_collapse.desc",
   572      "translation": "Turn on auto-collapsing of image previews"
   573    },
   574    {
   575      "id": "",
   576      "translation": "collapse"
   577    },
   578    {
   579      "id": "api.command_collapse.success",
   580      "translation": "Image links now collapse by default"
   581    },
   582    {
   583      "id": "api.command_dnd.desc",
   584      "translation": "Do not disturb disables desktop and mobile push notifications."
   585    },
   586    {
   587      "id": "api.command_dnd.disabled",
   588      "translation": "Do Not Disturb is disabled."
   589    },
   590    {
   591      "id": "api.command_dnd.error",
   592      "translation": "Error to retrieve the user status."
   593    },
   594    {
   595      "id": "",
   596      "translation": "dnd"
   597    },
   598    {
   599      "id": "api.command_dnd.success",
   600      "translation": "Do Not Disturb is enabled. You will not receive desktop or mobile push notifications until Do Not Disturb is turned off."
   601    },
   602    {
   603      "id": "api.command_echo.delay.app_error",
   604      "translation": "Delays must be under 10000 seconds"
   605    },
   606    {
   607      "id": "api.command_echo.desc",
   608      "translation": "Echo back text from your account"
   609    },
   610    {
   611      "id": "api.command_echo.high_volume.app_error",
   612      "translation": "High volume of echo request, cannot process request"
   613    },
   614    {
   615      "id": "api.command_echo.hint",
   616      "translation": "'message' [delay in seconds]"
   617    },
   618    {
   619      "id": "api.command_echo.message.app_error",
   620      "translation": "A message must be provided with the /echo command."
   621    },
   622    {
   623      "id": "",
   624      "translation": "echo"
   625    },
   626    {
   627      "id": "api.command_expand.desc",
   628      "translation": "Turn off auto-collapsing of image previews"
   629    },
   630    {
   631      "id": "",
   632      "translation": "expand"
   633    },
   634    {
   635      "id": "api.command_expand.success",
   636      "translation": "Image links now expand by default"
   637    },
   638    {
   639      "id": "",
   640      "translation": "An error occurred while expanding previews"
   641    },
   642    {
   643      "id": "api.command_groupmsg.desc",
   644      "translation": "Sends a Group Message to the specified users"
   645    },
   646    {
   647      "id": "",
   648      "translation": "An error occurred while messaging the users."
   649    },
   650    {
   651      "id": "api.command_groupmsg.group_fail.app_error",
   652      "translation": "An error occurred while creating the group message."
   653    },
   654    {
   655      "id": "api.command_groupmsg.hint",
   656      "translation": "@[username1],@[username2] 'message'"
   657    },
   658    {
   659      "id": "api.command_groupmsg.invalid_user.app_error",
   660      "translation": {
   661        "one": "Unable to find the user: {{.Users}}",
   662        "other": "Unable to find the users: {{.Users}}"
   663      }
   664    },
   665    {
   666      "id": "api.command_groupmsg.max_users.app_error",
   667      "translation": "Group messages are limited to a maximum of {{.MaxUsers}} users."
   668    },
   669    {
   670      "id": "api.command_groupmsg.min_users.app_error",
   671      "translation": "Group messages are limited to a minimum of {{.MinUsers}} users."
   672    },
   673    {
   674      "id": "",
   675      "translation": "message"
   676    },
   677    {
   678      "id": "api.command_groupmsg.permission.app_error",
   679      "translation": "You don't have the appropriate permissions to create a new group message."
   680    },
   681    {
   682      "id": "api.command_help.desc",
   683      "translation": "Open the Mattermost help page"
   684    },
   685    {
   686      "id": "",
   687      "translation": "help"
   688    },
   689    {
   690      "id": "",
   691      "translation": "Error to retrieve the current channel."
   692    },
   693    {
   694      "id": "",
   695      "translation": "Could not find the channel {{.Channel}}. Please use the [channel handle]( to identify channels."
   696    },
   697    {
   698      "id": "api.command_invite.desc",
   699      "translation": "Invite a user to a channel"
   700    },
   701    {
   702      "id": "api.command_invite.directchannel.app_error",
   703      "translation": "You can't add someone to a direct message channel."
   704    },
   705    {
   706      "id": "",
   707      "translation": "An error occurred while joining the channel."
   708    },
   709    {
   710      "id": "api.command_invite.hint",
   711      "translation": "@[username] ~[channel]"
   712    },
   713    {
   714      "id": "api.command_invite.missing_message.app_error",
   715      "translation": "Missing Username and Channel."
   716    },
   717    {
   718      "id": "api.command_invite.missing_user.app_error",
   719      "translation": "We couldn't find the user. They may have been deactivated by the System Administrator."
   720    },
   721    {
   722      "id": "",
   723      "translation": "invite"
   724    },
   725    {
   726      "id": "api.command_invite.permission.app_error",
   727      "translation": "You don't have enough permissions to add {{.User}} in {{.Channel}}."
   728    },
   729    {
   730      "id": "api.command_invite.private_channel.app_error",
   731      "translation": "Could not find the channel {{.Channel}}. Please use the channel handle to identify channels."
   732    },
   733    {
   734      "id": "api.command_invite.success",
   735      "translation": "{{.User}} added to {{.Channel}} channel."
   736    },
   737    {
   738      "id": "api.command_invite.user_already_in_channel.app_error",
   739      "translation": "{{.User}} is already in the channel."
   740    },
   741    {
   742      "id": "api.command_invite_people.permission.app_error",
   743      "translation": "You don't have permission to invite new users to this server."
   744    },
   745    {
   746      "id": "api.command_join.desc",
   747      "translation": "Join the open channel"
   748    },
   749    {
   750      "id": "",
   751      "translation": "An error occurred while joining the channel."
   752    },
   753    {
   754      "id": "api.command_join.hint",
   755      "translation": "~[channel]"
   756    },
   757    {
   758      "id": "api.command_join.list.app_error",
   759      "translation": "An error occurred while listing channels."
   760    },
   761    {
   762      "id": "api.command_join.missing.app_error",
   763      "translation": "Unable to find the channel"
   764    },
   765    {
   766      "id": "",
   767      "translation": "join"
   768    },
   769    {
   770      "id": "",
   771      "translation": "kick"
   772    },
   773    {
   774      "id": "api.command_leave.desc",
   775      "translation": "Leave the current channel"
   776    },
   777    {
   778      "id": "",
   779      "translation": "An error occurred while leaving the channel."
   780    },
   781    {
   782      "id": "",
   783      "translation": "leave"
   784    },
   785    {
   786      "id": "api.command_logout.desc",
   787      "translation": "Logout of Mattermost"
   788    },
   789    {
   790      "id": "api.command_logout.fail_message",
   791      "translation": "Failed to log out"
   792    },
   793    {
   794      "id": "",
   795      "translation": "logout"
   796    },
   797    {
   798      "id": "api.command_me.desc",
   799      "translation": "Do an action"
   800    },
   801    {
   802      "id": "api.command_me.hint",
   803      "translation": "[message]"
   804    },
   805    {
   806      "id": "",
   807      "translation": "me"
   808    },
   809    {
   810      "id": "api.command_msg.desc",
   811      "translation": "Send Direct Message to a user"
   812    },
   813    {
   814      "id": "api.command_msg.dm_fail.app_error",
   815      "translation": "An error occurred while creating the direct message."
   816    },
   817    {
   818      "id": "",
   819      "translation": "An error occurred while messaging the user."
   820    },
   821    {
   822      "id": "api.command_msg.hint",
   823      "translation": "@[username] 'message'"
   824    },
   825    {
   826      "id": "api.command_msg.missing.app_error",
   827      "translation": "Unable to find the user"
   828    },
   829    {
   830      "id": "",
   831      "translation": "message"
   832    },
   833    {
   834      "id": "api.command_msg.permission.app_error",
   835      "translation": "You don't have the appropriate permissions to direct message this user."
   836    },
   837    {
   838      "id": "api.command_mute.desc",
   839      "translation": "Turns off desktop, email and push notifications for the current channel or the [channel] specified."
   840    },
   841    {
   842      "id": "api.command_mute.error",
   843      "translation": "Could not find the channel {{.Channel}}. Please use the [channel handle]( to identify channels."
   844    },
   845    {
   846      "id": "api.command_mute.hint",
   847      "translation": "~[channel]"
   848    },
   849    {
   850      "id": "",
   851      "translation": "mute"
   852    },
   853    {
   854      "id": "api.command_mute.no_channel.error",
   855      "translation": "Could not find the specified channel. Please use the [channel handle]( to identify channels."
   856    },
   857    {
   858      "id": "api.command_mute.not_member.error",
   859      "translation": "Could not mute channel {{.Channel}} as you are not a member."
   860    },
   861    {
   862      "id": "api.command_mute.success_mute",
   863      "translation": "You will not receive notifications for {{.Channel}} until channel mute is turned off."
   864    },
   865    {
   866      "id": "api.command_mute.success_mute_direct_msg",
   867      "translation": "You will not receive notifications for this channel until channel mute is turned off."
   868    },
   869    {
   870      "id": "api.command_mute.success_unmute",
   871      "translation": "{{.Channel}} is no longer muted."
   872    },
   873    {
   874      "id": "api.command_mute.success_unmute_direct_msg",
   875      "translation": "This channel is no longer muted."
   876    },
   877    {
   878      "id": "api.command_offline.desc",
   879      "translation": "Set your status offline"
   880    },
   881    {
   882      "id": "",
   883      "translation": "offline"
   884    },
   885    {
   886      "id": "api.command_offline.success",
   887      "translation": "You are now offline"
   888    },
   889    {
   890      "id": "api.command_online.desc",
   891      "translation": "Set your status online"
   892    },
   893    {
   894      "id": "",
   895      "translation": "online"
   896    },
   897    {
   898      "id": "api.command_online.success",
   899      "translation": "You are now online"
   900    },
   901    {
   902      "id": "",
   903      "translation": "open"
   904    },
   905    {
   906      "id": "api.command_remove.desc",
   907      "translation": "Remove a member from the channel"
   908    },
   909    {
   910      "id": "api.command_remove.direct_group.app_error",
   911      "translation": "You can't remove someone from a direct message channel."
   912    },
   913    {
   914      "id": "api.command_remove.hint",
   915      "translation": "@[username]"
   916    },
   917    {
   918      "id": "api.command_remove.message.app_error",
   919      "translation": "A message must be provided with the /remove or /kick command."
   920    },
   921    {
   922      "id": "api.command_remove.missing.app_error",
   923      "translation": "We couldn't find the user. They may have been deactivated by the System Administrator."
   924    },
   925    {
   926      "id": "",
   927      "translation": "remove"
   928    },
   929    {
   930      "id": "api.command_remove.permission.app_error",
   931      "translation": "You don't have the appropriate permissions to remove the member."
   932    },
   933    {
   934      "id": "api.command_remove.user_not_in_channel",
   935      "translation": "{{.Username}} is not a member of this channel."
   936    },
   937    {
   938      "id": "api.command_search.desc",
   939      "translation": "Search text in messages"
   940    },
   941    {
   942      "id": "api.command_search.hint",
   943      "translation": "[text]"
   944    },
   945    {
   946      "id": "",
   947      "translation": "search"
   948    },
   949    {
   950      "id": "api.command_search.unsupported.app_error",
   951      "translation": "The search command is not supported on your device"
   952    },
   953    {
   954      "id": "api.command_settings.desc",
   955      "translation": "Open the Account Settings dialog"
   956    },
   957    {
   958      "id": "",
   959      "translation": "settings"
   960    },
   961    {
   962      "id": "api.command_settings.unsupported.app_error",
   963      "translation": "The settings command is not supported on your device"
   964    },
   965    {
   966      "id": "api.command_shortcuts.desc",
   967      "translation": "Displays a list of keyboard shortcuts"
   968    },
   969    {
   970      "id": "",
   971      "translation": "shortcuts"
   972    },
   973    {
   974      "id": "api.command_shortcuts.unsupported.app_error",
   975      "translation": "The shortcuts command is not supported on your device"
   976    },
   977    {
   978      "id": "api.command_shrug.desc",
   979      "translation": "Adds ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ to your message"
   980    },
   981    {
   982      "id": "api.command_shrug.hint",
   983      "translation": "[message]"
   984    },
   985    {
   986      "id": "",
   987      "translation": "shrug"
   988    },
   989    {
   990      "id": "api.config.client.old_format.app_error",
   991      "translation": "New format for the client configuration is not supported yet. Please specify format=old in the query string."
   992    },
   993    {
   994      "id": "api.config.update_config.restricted_merge.app_error",
   995      "translation": "Failed to merge given config."
   996    },
   997    {
   998      "id": "api.context.404.app_error",
   999      "translation": "Sorry, we could not find the page."
  1000    },
  1001    {
  1002      "id": "api.context.invalid_body_param.app_error",
  1003      "translation": "Invalid or missing {{.Name}} in request body"
  1004    },
  1005    {
  1006      "id": "api.context.invalid_param.app_error",
  1007      "translation": "Invalid {{.Name}} parameter"
  1008    },
  1009    {
  1010      "id": "api.context.invalid_token.error",
  1011      "translation": "Invalid session token={{.Token}}, err={{.Error}}"
  1012    },
  1013    {
  1014      "id": "api.context.invalid_url_param.app_error",
  1015      "translation": "Invalid or missing {{.Name}} parameter in request URL"
  1016    },
  1017    {
  1018      "id": "api.context.mfa_required.app_error",
  1019      "translation": "Multi-factor authentication is required on this server."
  1020    },
  1021    {
  1022      "id": "api.context.permissions.app_error",
  1023      "translation": "You do not have the appropriate permissions"
  1024    },
  1025    {
  1026      "id": "api.context.session_expired.app_error",
  1027      "translation": "Invalid or expired session, please login again."
  1028    },
  1029    {
  1030      "id": "api.context.token_provided.app_error",
  1031      "translation": "Session is not OAuth but token was provided in the query string"
  1032    },
  1033    {
  1034      "id": "api.email_batching.add_notification_email_to_batch.channel_full.app_error",
  1035      "translation": "Email batching job's receiving channel was full. Please increase the EmailBatchingBufferSize."
  1036    },
  1037    {
  1038      "id": "api.email_batching.add_notification_email_to_batch.disabled.app_error",
  1039      "translation": "Email batching has been disabled by the system administrator"
  1040    },
  1041    {
  1042      "id": "",
  1043      "translation": "{{.Hour}}:{{.Minute}} {{.Timezone}}, {{.Month}} {{.Day}}"
  1044    },
  1045    {
  1046      "id": "api.email_batching.render_batched_post.direct_message",
  1047      "translation": "Direct Message from "
  1048    },
  1049    {
  1050      "id": "api.email_batching.render_batched_post.go_to_post",
  1051      "translation": "Go to Post"
  1052    },
  1053    {
  1054      "id": "api.email_batching.render_batched_post.group_message",
  1055      "translation": "Group Message from "
  1056    },
  1057    {
  1058      "id": "api.email_batching.render_batched_post.notification",
  1059      "translation": "Notification from "
  1060    },
  1061    {
  1062      "id": "api.email_batching.send_batched_email_notification.body_text",
  1063      "translation": {
  1064        "one": "You have a new notification.",
  1065        "other": "You have {{.Count}} new notifications."
  1066      }
  1067    },
  1068    {
  1069      "id": "api.email_batching.send_batched_email_notification.subject",
  1070      "translation": {
  1071        "one": "[{{.SiteName}}] New Notification for {{.Month}} {{.Day}}, {{.Year}}",
  1072        "other": "[{{.SiteName}}] New Notifications for {{.Month}} {{.Day}}, {{.Year}}"
  1073      }
  1074    },
  1075    {
  1076      "id": "api.emoji.create.duplicate.app_error",
  1077      "translation": "Unable to create emoji. Another emoji with the same name already exists."
  1078    },
  1079    {
  1080      "id": "api.emoji.create.other_user.app_error",
  1081      "translation": "Invalid user id"
  1082    },
  1083    {
  1084      "id": "api.emoji.create.parse.app_error",
  1085      "translation": "Unable to create emoji. Could not understand request."
  1086    },
  1087    {
  1088      "id": "api.emoji.create.too_large.app_error",
  1089      "translation": "Unable to create emoji. Image must be less than 1 MB in size."
  1090    },
  1091    {
  1092      "id": "api.emoji.disabled.app_error",
  1093      "translation": "Custom emoji have been disabled by the system admin."
  1094    },
  1095    {
  1096      "id": "api.emoji.get_image.decode.app_error",
  1097      "translation": "Unable to decode image file for emoji."
  1098    },
  1099    {
  1100      "id": "",
  1101      "translation": "Unable to read image file for emoji."
  1102    },
  1103    {
  1104      "id": "",
  1105      "translation": "File storage not configured properly. Please configure for either S3 or local server file storage."
  1106    },
  1107    {
  1108      "id": "api.emoji.upload.image.app_error",
  1109      "translation": "Unable to create emoji. File must be a PNG, JPEG, or GIF."
  1110    },
  1111    {
  1112      "id": "api.emoji.upload.large_image.decode_error",
  1113      "translation": "Unable to create emoji. An error occurred when trying to decode the image."
  1114    },
  1115    {
  1116      "id": "api.emoji.upload.large_image.encode_error",
  1117      "translation": "Unable to create emoji. An error occurred when trying to encode the image."
  1118    },
  1119    {
  1120      "id": "api.emoji.upload.large_image.gif_decode_error",
  1121      "translation": "Unable to create emoji. An error occurred when trying to decode the GIF image."
  1122    },
  1123    {
  1124      "id": "api.emoji.upload.large_image.gif_encode_error",
  1125      "translation": "Unable to create emoji. An error occurred when trying to encode the GIF image."
  1126    },
  1127    {
  1128      "id": "api.emoji.upload.large_image.too_large.app_error",
  1129      "translation": "Unable to create emoji. Image must be smaller than {{.MaxWidth}} by {{.MaxHeight}}."
  1130    },
  1131    {
  1132      "id": "",
  1133      "translation": "Unable to create the emoji. An error occurred when trying to open the attached image."
  1134    },
  1135    {
  1136      "id": "api.file.attachments.disabled.app_error",
  1137      "translation": "File attachments have been disabled on this server."
  1138    },
  1139    {
  1140      "id": "api.file.file_exists.exists_local.app_error",
  1141      "translation": "Unable to check if the file exists."
  1142    },
  1143    {
  1144      "id": "api.file.file_exists.s3.app_error",
  1145      "translation": "Unable to check if the file exists."
  1146    },
  1147    {
  1148      "id": "api.file.get_file.public_invalid.app_error",
  1149      "translation": "The public link does not appear to be valid"
  1150    },
  1151    {
  1152      "id": "api.file.get_file_preview.no_preview.app_error",
  1153      "translation": "File doesn't have a preview image"
  1154    },
  1155    {
  1156      "id": "api.file.get_file_thumbnail.no_thumbnail.app_error",
  1157      "translation": "File doesn't have a thumbnail image"
  1158    },
  1159    {
  1160      "id": "api.file.get_public_link.disabled.app_error",
  1161      "translation": "Public links have been disabled"
  1162    },
  1163    {
  1164      "id": "api.file.get_public_link.no_post.app_error",
  1165      "translation": "Unable to get public link for file. File must be attached to a post that can be read by the current user."
  1166    },
  1167    {
  1168      "id": "api.file.move_file.copy_within_s3.app_error",
  1169      "translation": "Unable to copy file within S3."
  1170    },
  1171    {
  1172      "id": "api.file.move_file.delete_from_s3.app_error",
  1173      "translation": "Unable to delete file from S3."
  1174    },
  1175    {
  1176      "id": "api.file.move_file.rename.app_error",
  1177      "translation": "Unable to move file locally."
  1178    },
  1179    {
  1180      "id": "api.file.no_driver.app_error",
  1181      "translation": "No file driver selected."
  1182    },
  1183    {
  1184      "id": "api.file.read_file.reading_local.app_error",
  1185      "translation": "Encountered an error reading from local server file storage"
  1186    },
  1187    {
  1188      "id": "api.file.read_file.s3.app_error",
  1189      "translation": "Encountered an error reading from S3 storage"
  1190    },
  1191    {
  1192      "id": "api.file.reader.reading_local.app_error",
  1193      "translation": "Encountered an error opening a reader from local server file storage"
  1194    },
  1195    {
  1196      "id": "api.file.reader.s3.app_error",
  1197      "translation": "Encountered an error opening a reader from S3 storage"
  1198    },
  1199    {
  1200      "id": "api.file.test_connection.local.connection.app_error",
  1201      "translation": "Don't have permissions to write to local path specified or other error."
  1202    },
  1203    {
  1204      "id": "api.file.test_connection.s3.bucked_create.app_error",
  1205      "translation": "Unable to create bucket."
  1206    },
  1207    {
  1208      "id": "api.file.test_connection.s3.bucket_exists.app_error",
  1209      "translation": "Error checking if bucket exists."
  1210    },
  1211    {
  1212      "id": "api.file.test_connection.s3.connection.app_error",
  1213      "translation": "Bad connection to S3 or minio."
  1214    },
  1215    {
  1216      "id": "api.file.upload_file.read_request.app_error",
  1217      "translation": "Unable to upload file(s). Error reading or parsing request data."
  1218    },
  1219    {
  1220      "id": "api.file.upload_file.read_form_value.app_error",
  1221      "translation": "Unable to upload file(s). Error reading the value for {{.Formname}}."
  1222    },
  1223    {
  1224      "id": "api.file.upload_file.multiple_channel_ids.app_error",
  1225      "translation": "Unable to upload file(s). Multiple conflicting channel_ids."
  1226    },
  1227    {
  1228      "id": "api.file.upload_file.incorrect_number_of_client_ids.app_error",
  1229      "translation": "Unable to upload file(s). Have {{.NumClientIds}} client_ids for {{.NumFiles}} files."
  1230    },
  1231    {
  1232      "id": "api.file.upload_file.incorrect_number_of_files.app_error",
  1233      "translation": "Unable to upload files. Incorrect number of files specified."
  1234    },
  1235    {
  1236      "id": "api.file.upload_file.large_image_detailed.app_error",
  1237      "translation": "{{.Filename}} dimensions ({{.Width}} by {{.Height}} pixels) exceed the limits"
  1238    },
  1239    {
  1240      "id": "api.file.upload_file.large_image.app_error",
  1241      "translation": "File above maximum dimensions could not be uploaded: {{.Filename}}"
  1242    },
  1243    {
  1244      "id": "",
  1245      "translation": "Unable to upload file. Image storage is not configured."
  1246    },
  1247    {
  1248      "id": "api.file.upload_file.too_large.app_error",
  1249      "translation": "Unable to upload file. File is too large."
  1250    },
  1251    {
  1252      "id": "api.file.upload_file.too_large_detailed.app_error",
  1253      "translation": "Unable to upload file {{.Filename}}. {{.Length}} bytes exceeds the maximum allowed {{.Limit}} bytes."
  1254    },
  1255    {
  1256      "id": "api.file.upload_file.rejected_by_plugin.app_error",
  1257      "translation": "Unable to upload file {{.Filename}}. Rejected by plugin: {{.Reason}}"
  1258    },
  1259    {
  1260      "id": "api.file.write_file.s3.app_error",
  1261      "translation": "Encountered an error writing to S3"
  1262    },
  1263    {
  1264      "id": "api.file.write_file_locally.create_dir.app_error",
  1265      "translation": "Encountered an error creating the directory for the new file"
  1266    },
  1267    {
  1268      "id": "api.file.write_file_locally.writing.app_error",
  1269      "translation": "Encountered an error writing to local server storage"
  1270    },
  1271    {
  1272      "id": "api.incoming_webhook.disabled.app_error",
  1273      "translation": "Incoming webhooks have been disabled by the system admin."
  1274    },
  1275    {
  1276      "id": "api.incoming_webhook.invalid_username.app_error",
  1277      "translation": "Invalid username."
  1278    },
  1279    {
  1280      "id": "api.license.add_license.array.app_error",
  1281      "translation": "Empty array under 'license' in request"
  1282    },
  1283    {
  1284      "id": "api.license.add_license.expired.app_error",
  1285      "translation": "License is either expired or has not yet started."
  1286    },
  1287    {
  1288      "id": "api.license.add_license.invalid.app_error",
  1289      "translation": "Invalid license file."
  1290    },
  1291    {
  1292      "id": "api.license.add_license.invalid_count.app_error",
  1293      "translation": "Unable to count total unique users."
  1294    },
  1295    {
  1296      "id": "api.license.add_license.no_file.app_error",
  1297      "translation": "No file under 'license' in request"
  1298    },
  1299    {
  1300      "id": "",
  1301      "translation": "Could not open license file"
  1302    },
  1303    {
  1304      "id": "",
  1305      "translation": "License did not save properly."
  1306    },
  1307    {
  1308      "id": "api.license.add_license.save_active.app_error",
  1309      "translation": "Active license ID did not save properly."
  1310    },
  1311    {
  1312      "id": "api.license.add_license.unique_users.app_error",
  1313      "translation": "This license only supports {{.Users}} users, when your system has {{.Count}} unique users. Unique users are counted distinctly by email address. You can see total user count under Site Reports -> View Statistics."
  1314    },
  1315    {
  1316      "id": "api.license.client.old_format.app_error",
  1317      "translation": "New format for the client license is not supported yet. Please specify format=old in the query string."
  1318    },
  1319    {
  1320      "id": "api.oauth.allow_oauth.redirect_callback.app_error",
  1321      "translation": "invalid_request: Supplied redirect_uri did not match registered callback_url"
  1322    },
  1323    {
  1324      "id": "api.oauth.allow_oauth.turn_off.app_error",
  1325      "translation": "The system admin has turned off OAuth2 Service Provider."
  1326    },
  1327    {
  1328      "id": "api.oauth.authorize_oauth.disabled.app_error",
  1329      "translation": "The system admin has turned off OAuth2 Service Provider."
  1330    },
  1331    {
  1332      "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.bad_client_id.app_error",
  1333      "translation": "invalid_request: Bad client_id"
  1334    },
  1335    {
  1336      "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.bad_client_secret.app_error",
  1337      "translation": "invalid_request: Missing client_secret"
  1338    },
  1339    {
  1340      "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.bad_grant.app_error",
  1341      "translation": "invalid_request: Bad grant_type"
  1342    },
  1343    {
  1344      "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.credentials.app_error",
  1345      "translation": "invalid_client: Invalid client credentials"
  1346    },
  1347    {
  1348      "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.disabled.app_error",
  1349      "translation": "The system admin has turned off OAuth2 Service Provider."
  1350    },
  1351    {
  1352      "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.expired_code.app_error",
  1353      "translation": "invalid_grant: Invalid or expired authorization code"
  1354    },
  1355    {
  1356      "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.internal.app_error",
  1357      "translation": "server_error: Encountered internal server error while accessing database"
  1358    },
  1359    {
  1360      "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.internal_saving.app_error",
  1361      "translation": "server_error: Encountered internal server error while saving access token to database"
  1362    },
  1363    {
  1364      "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.internal_session.app_error",
  1365      "translation": "server_error: Encountered internal server error while saving session to database"
  1366    },
  1367    {
  1368      "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.internal_user.app_error",
  1369      "translation": "server_error: Encountered internal server error while pulling user from database"
  1370    },
  1371    {
  1372      "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.missing_code.app_error",
  1373      "translation": "invalid_request: Missing code"
  1374    },
  1375    {
  1376      "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.missing_refresh_token.app_error",
  1377      "translation": "invalid_request: Missing refresh_token"
  1378    },
  1379    {
  1380      "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.redirect_uri.app_error",
  1381      "translation": "invalid_request: Supplied redirect_uri does not match authorization code redirect_uri"
  1382    },
  1383    {
  1384      "id": "api.oauth.get_access_token.refresh_token.app_error",
  1385      "translation": "invalid_grant: Invalid refresh token"
  1386    },
  1387    {
  1388      "id": "api.oauth.invalid_state_token.app_error",
  1389      "translation": "Invalid state token"
  1390    },
  1391    {
  1392      "id": "api.oauth.register_oauth_app.turn_off.app_error",
  1393      "translation": "The system admin has turned off OAuth2 Service Provider."
  1394    },
  1395    {
  1396      "id": "api.oauth.revoke_access_token.del_session.app_error",
  1397      "translation": "Error deleting session from DB"
  1398    },
  1399    {
  1400      "id": "api.oauth.revoke_access_token.del_token.app_error",
  1401      "translation": "Error deleting access token from DB"
  1402    },
  1403    {
  1404      "id": "api.oauth.revoke_access_token.get.app_error",
  1405      "translation": "Error getting access token from DB before deletion"
  1406    },
  1407    {
  1408      "id": "api.oauth.singup_with_oauth.disabled.app_error",
  1409      "translation": "User sign-up is disabled."
  1410    },
  1411    {
  1412      "id": "api.oauth.singup_with_oauth.expired_link.app_error",
  1413      "translation": "The signup link has expired"
  1414    },
  1415    {
  1416      "id": "api.oauth.singup_with_oauth.invalid_link.app_error",
  1417      "translation": "The signup link does not appear to be valid"
  1418    },
  1419    {
  1420      "id": "api.outgoing_webhook.disabled.app_error",
  1421      "translation": "Outgoing webhooks have been disabled by the system admin."
  1422    },
  1423    {
  1424      "id": "api.plugin.upload.array.app_error",
  1425      "translation": "File array is empty in multipart/form request"
  1426    },
  1427    {
  1428      "id": "api.plugin.upload.file.app_error",
  1429      "translation": "Unable to open file in multipart/form request"
  1430    },
  1431    {
  1432      "id": "api.plugin.upload.no_file.app_error",
  1433      "translation": "Missing file in multipart/form request"
  1434    },
  1435    {
  1436      "id": "",
  1437      "translation": "@{{.Usernames}} and @{{.LastUsername}} were mentioned, but they did not receive notifications because they do not belong to this channel."
  1438    },
  1439    {
  1440      "id": "",
  1441      "translation": "@{{.Username}} was mentioned, but they did not receive notifications because they do not belong to this channel."
  1442    },
  1443    {
  1444      "id": "",
  1445      "translation": "Can not post to deleted channel."
  1446    },
  1447    {
  1448      "id": "",
  1449      "translation": "Invalid ChannelId for RootId parameter"
  1450    },
  1451    {
  1452      "id": "",
  1453      "translation": "Invalid ParentId parameter"
  1454    },
  1455    {
  1456      "id": "",
  1457      "translation": "Invalid RootId parameter"
  1458    },
  1459    {
  1460      "id": "",
  1461      "translation": "This channel is read-only. Only members with permission can post here."
  1462    },
  1463    {
  1464      "id": "",
  1465      "translation": "Can not update a post in a deleted channel."
  1466    },
  1467    {
  1468      "id": "",
  1469      "translation": "Can not update a post in a deleted channel."
  1470    },
  1471    {
  1472      "id": "",
  1473      "translation": "Can not delete a post in a deleted channel."
  1474    },
  1475    {
  1476      "id": "",
  1477      "translation": "This channel is read-only. Only members with permission can pin or unpin posts here."
  1478    },
  1479    {
  1480      "id": "",
  1481      "translation": "Error creating post"
  1482    },
  1483    {
  1484      "id": "",
  1485      "translation": "Failed to fetch original post after deduplicating a client repeating the same request."
  1486    },
  1487    {
  1488      "id": "",
  1489      "translation": "Rejected post since another client is making the same request."
  1490    },
  1491    {
  1492      "id": "",
  1493      "translation": "@all has been disabled because the channel has more than {{.Users}} users."
  1494    },
  1495    {
  1496      "id": "",
  1497      "translation": "@channel has been disabled because the channel has more than {{.Users}} users."
  1498    },
  1499    {
  1500      "id": "",
  1501      "translation": "@here has been disabled because the channel has more than {{.Users}} users."
  1502    },
  1503    {
  1504      "id": "",
  1505      "translation": "Invalid action id"
  1506    },
  1507    {
  1508      "id": "",
  1509      "translation": "Action integration error"
  1510    },
  1511    {
  1512      "id": "",
  1513      "translation": {
  1514        "one": "{{.Count}} file sent: {{.Filenames}}",
  1515        "other": "{{.Count}} files sent: {{.Filenames}}"
  1516      }
  1517    },
  1518    {
  1519      "id": "",
  1520      "translation": {
  1521        "one": "{{.Count}} image sent: {{.Filenames}}",
  1522        "other": "{{.Count}} images sent: {{.Filenames}}"
  1523      }
  1524    },
  1525    {
  1526      "id": "",
  1527      "translation": "Link previews have been disabled by the system administrator."
  1528    },
  1529    {
  1530      "id": "",
  1531      "translation": " notified the channel."
  1532    },
  1533    {
  1534      "id": "",
  1535      "translation": " commented on your post."
  1536    },
  1537    {
  1538      "id": "",
  1539      "translation": " commented on a thread you participated in."
  1540    },
  1541    {
  1542      "id": "",
  1543      "translation": " mentioned you."
  1544    },
  1545    {
  1546      "id": "",
  1547      "translation": " posted a message."
  1548    },
  1549    {
  1550      "id": "",
  1551      "translation": " attached a file."
  1552    },
  1553    {
  1554      "id": "",
  1555      "translation": "sent you a message."
  1556    },
  1557    {
  1558      "id": "",
  1559      "translation": "Unable to find the existing post or comment to update."
  1560    },
  1561    {
  1562      "id": "",
  1563      "translation": "Already deleted id={{.PostId}}"
  1564    },
  1565    {
  1566      "id": "",
  1567      "translation": "Post edit is only allowed for {{.timeLimit}} seconds. Please ask your System Administrator for details."
  1568    },
  1569    {
  1570      "id": "",
  1571      "translation": "Unable to update system message"
  1572    },
  1573    {
  1574      "id": "api.post_get_post_by_id.get.app_error",
  1575      "translation": "Unable to get post"
  1576    },
  1577    {
  1578      "id": "api.preference.delete_preferences.delete.app_error",
  1579      "translation": "Unable to delete user preferences."
  1580    },
  1581    {
  1582      "id": "api.preference.preferences_category.get.app_error",
  1583      "translation": "Unable to get user preferences."
  1584    },
  1585    {
  1586      "id": "api.preference.update_preferences.set.app_error",
  1587      "translation": "Unable to set user preferences."
  1588    },
  1589    {
  1590      "id": "api.reaction.delete.archived_channel.app_error",
  1591      "translation": "You cannot remove a reaction in an archived channel."
  1592    },
  1593    {
  1594      "id": "",
  1595      "translation": "You cannot react in an archived channel."
  1596    },
  1597    {
  1598      "id": "api.reaction.save_reaction.invalid.app_error",
  1599      "translation": "Reaction is not valid."
  1600    },
  1601    {
  1602      "id": "api.reaction.save_reaction.user_id.app_error",
  1603      "translation": "You cannot save reaction for the other user."
  1604    },
  1605    {
  1606      "id": "api.reaction.town_square_read_only",
  1607      "translation": "Reacting to posts is not possible in read-only channels."
  1608    },
  1609    {
  1610      "id": "api.roles.patch_roles.license.error",
  1611      "translation": "Your license does not support advanced permissions."
  1612    },
  1613    {
  1614      "id": "api.scheme.create_scheme.license.error",
  1615      "translation": "Your license does not support creating permissions schemes."
  1616    },
  1617    {
  1618      "id": "api.scheme.delete_scheme.license.error",
  1619      "translation": "Your license not support delete permissions schemes"
  1620    },
  1621    {
  1622      "id": "api.scheme.get_channels_for_scheme.scope.error",
  1623      "translation": "Unable to get the channels for scheme because the supplied scheme is not a channel scheme."
  1624    },
  1625    {
  1626      "id": "api.scheme.get_teams_for_scheme.scope.error",
  1627      "translation": "Unable to get the teams for scheme because the supplied scheme is not a team scheme."
  1628    },
  1629    {
  1630      "id": "api.scheme.patch_scheme.license.error",
  1631      "translation": "Your license does not support update permissions schemes"
  1632    },
  1633    {
  1634      "id": "api.server.start_server.forward80to443.disabled_while_using_lets_encrypt",
  1635      "translation": "Must enable Forward80To443 when using LetsEncrypt"
  1636    },
  1637    {
  1638      "id": "api.server.start_server.forward80to443.enabled_but_listening_on_wrong_port",
  1639      "translation": "Unable to forward port 80 to port 443 while listening on port %s: disable Forward80To443 if using a proxy server"
  1640    },
  1641    {
  1642      "id": "api.server.start_server.rate_limiting_memory_store",
  1643      "translation": "Unable to initialize rate limiting memory store. Check MemoryStoreSize config setting."
  1644    },
  1645    {
  1646      "id": "api.server.start_server.rate_limiting_rate_limiter",
  1647      "translation": "Unable to initialize rate limiting."
  1648    },
  1649    {
  1650      "id": "api.server.start_server.starting.critical",
  1651      "translation": "Error starting server, err:%v"
  1652    },
  1653    {
  1654      "id": "api.slackimport.slack_add_bot_user.email_pwd",
  1655      "translation": "The Integration/Slack Bot user with email {{.Email}} and password {{.Password}} has been imported.\r\n"
  1656    },
  1657    {
  1658      "id": "api.slackimport.slack_add_bot_user.unable_import",
  1659      "translation": "Unable to import the Integration/Slack Bot user {{.Username}}.\r\n"
  1660    },
  1661    {
  1662      "id": "api.slackimport.slack_add_channels.added",
  1663      "translation": "\r\nChannels added:\r\n"
  1664    },
  1665    {
  1666      "id": "api.slackimport.slack_add_channels.failed_to_add_user",
  1667      "translation": "Unable to add Slack user {{.Username}} to channel.\r\n"
  1668    },
  1669    {
  1670      "id": "api.slackimport.slack_add_channels.import_failed",
  1671      "translation": "Unable to import Slack channel {{.DisplayName}}.\r\n"
  1672    },
  1673    {
  1674      "id": "api.slackimport.slack_add_channels.merge",
  1675      "translation": "The Slack channel {{.DisplayName}} already exists as an active Mattermost channel. Both channels have been merged.\r\n"
  1676    },
  1677    {
  1678      "id": "api.slackimport.slack_add_users.created",
  1679      "translation": "\r\nUsers created:\r\n"
  1680    },
  1681    {
  1682      "id": "api.slackimport.slack_add_users.email_pwd",
  1683      "translation": "Slack user with email {{.Email}} and password {{.Password}} has been imported.\r\n"
  1684    },
  1685    {
  1686      "id": "api.slackimport.slack_add_users.merge_existing",
  1687      "translation": "Slack user merged with an existing Mattermost user with matching email {{.Email}} and username {{.Username}}.\r\n"
  1688    },
  1689    {
  1690      "id": "api.slackimport.slack_add_users.merge_existing_failed",
  1691      "translation": "Slack user merged with an existing Mattermost user with matching email {{.Email}} and username {{.Username}}, but was unable to add the user to their team.\r\n"
  1692    },
  1693    {
  1694      "id": "api.slackimport.slack_add_users.missing_email_address",
  1695      "translation": "User {{.Username}} does not have an email address in the Slack export. Used {{.Email}} as a placeholder. The user should update their email address once logged in to the system.\r\n"
  1696    },
  1697    {
  1698      "id": "api.slackimport.slack_add_users.unable_import",
  1699      "translation": "Unable to import Slack user: {{.Username}}.\r\n"
  1700    },
  1701    {
  1702      "id": "api.slackimport.slack_import.log",
  1703      "translation": "Mattermost Slack Import Log\r\n"
  1704    },
  1705    {
  1706      "id": "api.slackimport.slack_import.note1",
  1707      "translation": "- Some messages may not have been imported because they were not supported by this importer.\r\n"
  1708    },
  1709    {
  1710      "id": "api.slackimport.slack_import.note2",
  1711      "translation": "- Slack bot messages are currently not supported.\r\n"
  1712    },
  1713    {
  1714      "id": "api.slackimport.slack_import.note3",
  1715      "translation": "- Additional errors may be found in the server logs.\r\n"
  1716    },
  1717    {
  1718      "id": "api.slackimport.slack_import.notes",
  1719      "translation": "\r\nNotes:\r\n"
  1720    },
  1721    {
  1722      "id": "",
  1723      "translation": "Unable to open the file: {{.Filename}}.\r\n"
  1724    },
  1725    {
  1726      "id": "api.slackimport.slack_import.team_fail",
  1727      "translation": "Unable to get the team to import into.\r\n"
  1728    },
  1729    {
  1730      "id": "",
  1731      "translation": "Unable to open the Slack export zip file.\r\n"
  1732    },
  1733    {
  1734      "id": "api.status.user_not_found.app_error",
  1735      "translation": "User not found"
  1736    },
  1737    {
  1738      "id": "",
  1739      "translation": "%v added to the team by %v."
  1740    },
  1741    {
  1742      "id": "",
  1743      "translation": "Parameter required to add user to team."
  1744    },
  1745    {
  1746      "id": "",
  1747      "translation": "Invite is invalid because this is not an open team."
  1748    },
  1749    {
  1750      "id": "",
  1751      "translation": "Invalid driver name for file settings.  Must be 'local' or 'amazons3'"
  1752    },
  1753    {
  1754      "id": "",
  1755      "translation": "Unable to read the team icon file."
  1756    },
  1757    {
  1758      "id": "",
  1759      "translation": "Empty array under 'file' in request"
  1760    },
  1761    {
  1762      "id": "",
  1763      "translation": "Filesize not an integer"
  1764    },
  1765    {
  1766      "id": "",
  1767      "translation": "No file under 'file' in request"
  1768    },
  1769    {
  1770      "id": "",
  1771      "translation": "Malformed request: importFrom field is not present."
  1772    },
  1773    {
  1774      "id": "",
  1775      "translation": "Could not open file"
  1776    },
  1777    {
  1778      "id": "",
  1779      "translation": "Could not parse multipart form"
  1780    },
  1781    {
  1782      "id": "",
  1783      "translation": "Malformed request: filesize field is not present."
  1784    },
  1785    {
  1786      "id": "",
  1787      "translation": "Error invalidating email invites."
  1788    },
  1789    {
  1790      "id": "",
  1791      "translation": "Email invitations are disabled."
  1792    },
  1793    {
  1794      "id": "",
  1795      "translation": "The following email addresses do not belong to an accepted domain: {{.Addresses}}. Please contact your System Administrator for details."
  1796    },
  1797    {
  1798      "id": "",
  1799      "translation": "member"
  1800    },
  1801    {
  1802      "id": "",
  1803      "translation": "No one to invite."
  1804    },
  1805    {
  1806      "id": "",
  1807      "translation": "Team creation has been disabled. Please ask your System Administrator for details."
  1808    },
  1809    {
  1810      "id": "",
  1811      "translation": "Email must be from a specific domain (e.g. Please ask your System Administrator for details."
  1812    },
  1813    {
  1814      "id": "",
  1815      "translation": "%v joined the team."
  1816    },
  1817    {
  1818      "id": "",
  1819      "translation": "Email must be from a specific domain (e.g. Please ask your team or system administrator for details."
  1820    },
  1821    {
  1822      "id": "",
  1823      "translation": "%v left the team."
  1824    },
  1825    {
  1826      "id": "",
  1827      "translation": "Failed to post channel move message."
  1828    },
  1829    {
  1830      "id": "",
  1831      "translation": "This channel has been moved to this team from %v."
  1832    },
  1833    {
  1834      "id": "",
  1835      "translation": "An error occurred getting the team"
  1836    },
  1837    {
  1838      "id": "",
  1839      "translation": "The user does not appear to be part of this team."
  1840    },
  1841    {
  1842      "id": "",
  1843      "translation": "%v removed from the team."
  1844    },
  1845    {
  1846      "id": "",
  1847      "translation": "Empty array under 'image' in request"
  1848    },
  1849    {
  1850      "id": "",
  1851      "translation": "Could not decode team icon"
  1852    },
  1853    {
  1854      "id": "",
  1855      "translation": "Could not decode team icon metadata"
  1856    },
  1857    {
  1858      "id": "",
  1859      "translation": "Could not encode team icon"
  1860    },
  1861    {
  1862      "id": "",
  1863      "translation": "An error occurred getting the team"
  1864    },
  1865    {
  1866      "id": "",
  1867      "translation": "No file under 'image' in request"
  1868    },
  1869    {
  1870      "id": "",
  1871      "translation": "Could not open image file"
  1872    },
  1873    {
  1874      "id": "",
  1875      "translation": "Could not parse multipart form"
  1876    },
  1877    {
  1878      "id": "",
  1879      "translation": "Unable to upload team icon. Image storage is not configured."
  1880    },
  1881    {
  1882      "id": "",
  1883      "translation": "Unable to upload team icon. File is too large."
  1884    },
  1885    {
  1886      "id": "",
  1887      "translation": "Could not save team icon"
  1888    },
  1889    {
  1890      "id": "",
  1891      "translation": "An error occurred updating the team icon"
  1892    },
  1893    {
  1894      "id": "",
  1895      "translation": "Specified user is not a member of specified team."
  1896    },
  1897    {
  1898      "id": "",
  1899      "translation": "Restricting team to {{ .Domain }} is not allowed by the system config. Please contact your system administrator."
  1900    },
  1901    {
  1902      "id": "",
  1903      "translation": "Your license does not support updating a team's scheme"
  1904    },
  1905    {
  1906      "id": "",
  1907      "translation": "Unable to set the scheme to the team because the supplied scheme is not a team scheme."
  1908    },
  1909    {
  1910      "id": "",
  1911      "translation": "You deactivated your account on {{ .SiteURL }}."
  1912    },
  1913    {
  1914      "id": "api.templates.deactivate_body.title",
  1915      "translation": "Your account has been deactivated at {{ .ServerURL }}"
  1916    },
  1917    {
  1918      "id": "api.templates.deactivate_body.warning",
  1919      "translation": "If this change was not initiated by you or you want to reactivate your account, contact your system administrator."
  1920    },
  1921    {
  1922      "id": "api.templates.deactivate_subject",
  1923      "translation": "[{{ .SiteName }}] Your account at {{ .ServerURL }} has been deactivated"
  1924    },
  1925    {
  1926      "id": "",
  1927      "translation": "Your email address for {{.TeamDisplayName}} has been changed to {{.NewEmail}}."
  1928    },
  1929    {
  1930      "id": "api.templates.email_change_body.title",
  1931      "translation": "You updated your email"
  1932    },
  1933    {
  1934      "id": "api.templates.email_change_subject",
  1935      "translation": "[{{ .SiteName }}] Your email address has changed"
  1936    },
  1937    {
  1938      "id": "api.templates.email_change_verify_body.button",
  1939      "translation": "Verify Email"
  1940    },
  1941    {
  1942      "id": "",
  1943      "translation": "To finish updating your email address for {{.TeamDisplayName}}, please click the link below to confirm this is the right address."
  1944    },
  1945    {
  1946      "id": "api.templates.email_change_verify_body.title",
  1947      "translation": "You updated your email"
  1948    },
  1949    {
  1950      "id": "api.templates.email_change_verify_subject",
  1951      "translation": "[{{ .SiteName }}] Verify new email address"
  1952    },
  1953    {
  1954      "id": "api.templates.email_footer",
  1955      "translation": "To change your notification preferences, log in to your team site and go to Account Settings > Notifications."
  1956    },
  1957    {
  1958      "id": "api.templates.email_info1",
  1959      "translation": "Any questions at all, mail us any time: "
  1960    },
  1961    {
  1962      "id": "api.templates.email_info2",
  1963      "translation": "Best wishes,"
  1964    },
  1965    {
  1966      "id": "api.templates.email_info3",
  1967      "translation": "The {{.SiteName}} Team"
  1968    },
  1969    {
  1970      "id": "api.templates.email_organization",
  1971      "translation": "Sent by "
  1972    },
  1973    {
  1974      "id": "api.templates.email_warning",
  1975      "translation": "If you did not make this change, please contact the system administrator."
  1976    },
  1977    {
  1978      "id": "api.templates.invite_body.button",
  1979      "translation": "Join Team"
  1980    },
  1981    {
  1982      "id": "api.templates.invite_body.extra_info",
  1983      "translation": "Mattermost lets you share messages and files from your PC or phone, with instant search and archiving. After you’ve joined [[{{.TeamDisplayName}}]], you can sign-in to your new team and access these features anytime from the web address:"
  1984    },
  1985    {
  1986      "id": "",
  1987      "translation": "The team {{.SenderStatus}} [[{{.SenderName}}]], has invited you to join [[{{.TeamDisplayName}}]]."
  1988    },
  1989    {
  1990      "id": "api.templates.invite_body.title",
  1991      "translation": "You've been invited"
  1992    },
  1993    {
  1994      "id": "api.templates.invite_subject",
  1995      "translation": "[{{ .SiteName }}] {{ .SenderName }} invited you to join {{ .TeamDisplayName }} Team"
  1996    },
  1997    {
  1998      "id": "",
  1999      "translation": "Multi-factor authentication has been added to your account on {{ .SiteURL }}."
  2000    },
  2001    {
  2002      "id": "api.templates.mfa_activated_body.title",
  2003      "translation": "Multi-factor authentication was added"
  2004    },
  2005    {
  2006      "id": "api.templates.mfa_change_subject",
  2007      "translation": "[{{ .SiteName }}] Your MFA has been updated"
  2008    },
  2009    {
  2010      "id": "",
  2011      "translation": "Multi-factor authentication has been removed from your account on {{ .SiteURL }}."
  2012    },
  2013    {
  2014      "id": "api.templates.mfa_deactivated_body.title",
  2015      "translation": "Multi-factor authentication was removed"
  2016    },
  2017    {
  2018      "id": "",
  2019      "translation": "Your password has been updated for {{.TeamDisplayName}} on {{ .TeamURL }} by {{.Method}}."
  2020    },
  2021    {
  2022      "id": "api.templates.password_change_body.title",
  2023      "translation": "Your password has been updated"
  2024    },
  2025    {
  2026      "id": "api.templates.password_change_subject",
  2027      "translation": "[{{ .SiteName }}] Your password has been updated"
  2028    },
  2029    {
  2030      "id": "api.templates.post_body.button",
  2031      "translation": "Go To Post"
  2032    },
  2033    {
  2034      "id": "api.templates.reset_body.button",
  2035      "translation": "Reset Password"
  2036    },
  2037    {
  2038      "id": "api.templates.reset_body.info1",
  2039      "translation": "To change your password, click \"Reset Password\" below."
  2040    },
  2041    {
  2042      "id": "api.templates.reset_body.info2",
  2043      "translation": "If you did not mean to reset your password, please ignore this email and your password will remain the same. The password reset link expires in 24 hours."
  2044    },
  2045    {
  2046      "id": "api.templates.reset_body.title",
  2047      "translation": "You requested a password reset"
  2048    },
  2049    {
  2050      "id": "api.templates.reset_subject",
  2051      "translation": "[{{ .SiteName }}] Reset your password"
  2052    },
  2053    {
  2054      "id": "",
  2055      "translation": "You updated your sign-in method on {{ .SiteName }} to {{.Method}}."
  2056    },
  2057    {
  2058      "id": "api.templates.signin_change_email.body.method_email",
  2059      "translation": "email and password"
  2060    },
  2061    {
  2062      "id": "api.templates.signin_change_email.body.title",
  2063      "translation": "You updated your sign-in method"
  2064    },
  2065    {
  2066      "id": "api.templates.signin_change_email.subject",
  2067      "translation": "[{{ .SiteName }}] Your sign-in method has been updated"
  2068    },
  2069    {
  2070      "id": "",
  2071      "translation": "A personal access token was added to your account on {{ .SiteURL }}. They can be used to access {{.SiteName}} with your account."
  2072    },
  2073    {
  2074      "id": "api.templates.user_access_token_body.title",
  2075      "translation": "Personal access token added to your account"
  2076    },
  2077    {
  2078      "id": "api.templates.user_access_token_subject",
  2079      "translation": "[{{ .SiteName }}] Personal access token added to your account"
  2080    },
  2081    {
  2082      "id": "",
  2083      "translation": "Your username for {{.TeamDisplayName}} has been changed to {{.NewUsername}}."
  2084    },
  2085    {
  2086      "id": "api.templates.username_change_body.title",
  2087      "translation": "You updated your username"
  2088    },
  2089    {
  2090      "id": "api.templates.username_change_subject",
  2091      "translation": "[{{ .SiteName }}] Your username has changed"
  2092    },
  2093    {
  2094      "id": "api.templates.verify_body.button",
  2095      "translation": "Verify Email"
  2096    },
  2097    {
  2098      "id": "",
  2099      "translation": "Please verify your email address by clicking below."
  2100    },
  2101    {
  2102      "id": "api.templates.verify_body.title",
  2103      "translation": "You've joined {{ .ServerURL }}"
  2104    },
  2105    {
  2106      "id": "api.templates.verify_subject",
  2107      "translation": "[{{ .SiteName }}] Email Verification"
  2108    },
  2109    {
  2110      "id": "api.templates.welcome_body.app_download_info",
  2111      "translation": "For the best experience, download the apps for PC, Mac, iOS and Android from:"
  2112    },
  2113    {
  2114      "id": "api.templates.welcome_body.button",
  2115      "translation": "Verify Email"
  2116    },
  2117    {
  2118      "id": "",
  2119      "translation": "Please verify your email address by clicking below."
  2120    },
  2121    {
  2122      "id": "api.templates.welcome_body.info2",
  2123      "translation": "You can sign in from:"
  2124    },
  2125    {
  2126      "id": "api.templates.welcome_body.info3",
  2127      "translation": "Mattermost lets you share messages and files from your PC or phone, with instant search and archiving."
  2128    },
  2129    {
  2130      "id": "api.templates.welcome_body.title",
  2131      "translation": "You've joined {{ .ServerURL }}"
  2132    },
  2133    {
  2134      "id": "api.templates.welcome_subject",
  2135      "translation": "[{{ .SiteName }}] You joined {{ .ServerURL }}"
  2136    },
  2137    {
  2138      "id": "api.user.activate_mfa.email_and_ldap_only.app_error",
  2139      "translation": "MFA is not available for this account type"
  2140    },
  2141    {
  2142      "id": "api.user.add_direct_channels_and_forget.failed.error",
  2143      "translation": "Failed to add direct channel preferences for user user_id={{.UserId}}, team_id={{.TeamId}}, err={{.Error}}"
  2144    },
  2145    {
  2146      "id": "api.user.authorize_oauth_user.bad_response.app_error",
  2147      "translation": "Bad response from token request"
  2148    },
  2149    {
  2150      "id": "api.user.authorize_oauth_user.bad_token.app_error",
  2151      "translation": "Bad token type"
  2152    },
  2153    {
  2154      "id": "api.user.authorize_oauth_user.invalid_state.app_error",
  2155      "translation": "Invalid state"
  2156    },
  2157    {
  2158      "id": "api.user.authorize_oauth_user.missing.app_error",
  2159      "translation": "Missing access token"
  2160    },
  2161    {
  2162      "id": "api.user.authorize_oauth_user.response.app_error",
  2163      "translation": "Received invalid response from OAuth service provider"
  2164    },
  2165    {
  2166      "id": "api.user.authorize_oauth_user.service.app_error",
  2167      "translation": "Token request to {{.Service}} failed"
  2168    },
  2169    {
  2170      "id": "api.user.authorize_oauth_user.token_failed.app_error",
  2171      "translation": "Token request failed"
  2172    },
  2173    {
  2174      "id": "api.user.authorize_oauth_user.unsupported.app_error",
  2175      "translation": "Unsupported OAuth service provider"
  2176    },
  2177    {
  2178      "id": "api.user.autocomplete_users.invalid_team_id",
  2179      "translation": "Invalid team id"
  2180    },
  2181    {
  2182      "id": "api.user.check_user_login_attempts.too_many.app_error",
  2183      "translation": "Your account is locked because of too many failed password attempts. Please reset your password."
  2184    },
  2185    {
  2186      "id": "api.user.check_user_mfa.bad_code.app_error",
  2187      "translation": "Invalid MFA token."
  2188    },
  2189    {
  2190      "id": "api.user.check_user_password.invalid.app_error",
  2191      "translation": "Login failed because of invalid password"
  2192    },
  2193    {
  2194      "id": "api.user.complete_switch_with_oauth.blank_email.app_error",
  2195      "translation": "Blank email"
  2196    },
  2197    {
  2198      "id": "api.user.complete_switch_with_oauth.parse.app_error",
  2199      "translation": "Could not parse auth data out of {{.Service}} user object"
  2200    },
  2201    {
  2202      "id": "api.user.complete_switch_with_oauth.unavailable.app_error",
  2203      "translation": "{{.Service}} SSO through OAuth 2.0 not available on this server"
  2204    },
  2205    {
  2206      "id": "api.user.create_oauth_user.already_attached.app_error",
  2207      "translation": "There is already an account associated with that email address using a sign in method other than {{.Service}}. Please sign in using {{.Auth}}."
  2208    },
  2209    {
  2210      "id": "api.user.create_oauth_user.create.app_error",
  2211      "translation": "Could not create user out of {{.Service}} user object"
  2212    },
  2213    {
  2214      "id": "api.user.create_oauth_user.not_available.app_error",
  2215      "translation": "{{.Service}} SSO through OAuth 2.0 not available on this server"
  2216    },
  2217    {
  2218      "id": "api.user.create_profile_image.default_font.app_error",
  2219      "translation": "Could not create default profile image font"
  2220    },
  2221    {
  2222      "id": "api.user.create_profile_image.encode.app_error",
  2223      "translation": "Could not encode default profile image"
  2224    },
  2225    {
  2226      "id": "api.user.create_profile_image.initial.app_error",
  2227      "translation": "Could not add user initial to default profile picture"
  2228    },
  2229    {
  2230      "id": "api.user.create_user.accepted_domain.app_error",
  2231      "translation": "The email you provided does not belong to an accepted domain. Please contact your administrator or sign up with a different email."
  2232    },
  2233    {
  2234      "id": "api.user.create_user.disabled.app_error",
  2235      "translation": "User creation is disabled."
  2236    },
  2237    {
  2238      "id": "api.user.create_user.missing_invite_id.app_error",
  2239      "translation": "Missing Invite Id."
  2240    },
  2241    {
  2242      "id": "api.user.create_user.missing_token.app_error",
  2243      "translation": "Missing Token."
  2244    },
  2245    {
  2246      "id": "api.user.create_user.no_open_server",
  2247      "translation": "This server does not allow open signups.  Please speak with your Administrator to receive an invitation."
  2248    },
  2249    {
  2250      "id": "api.user.create_user.signup_email_disabled.app_error",
  2251      "translation": "User sign-up with email is disabled."
  2252    },
  2253    {
  2254      "id": "api.user.create_user.signup_link_expired.app_error",
  2255      "translation": "The signup link has expired"
  2256    },
  2257    {
  2258      "id": "api.user.create_user.signup_link_invalid.app_error",
  2259      "translation": "The signup link does not appear to be valid"
  2260    },
  2261    {
  2262      "id": "api.user.email_to_ldap.not_available.app_error",
  2263      "translation": "AD/LDAP not available on this server"
  2264    },
  2265    {
  2266      "id": "api.user.email_to_oauth.not_available.app_error",
  2267      "translation": "Authentication Transfer not configured or available on this server."
  2268    },
  2269    {
  2270      "id": "api.user.get_authorization_code.unsupported.app_error",
  2271      "translation": "Unsupported OAuth service provider"
  2272    },
  2273    {
  2274      "id": "api.user.get_profile_image.not_found.app_error",
  2275      "translation": "Unable to get profile image, user not found."
  2276    },
  2277    {
  2278      "id": "api.user.get_user_by_email.permissions.app_error",
  2279      "translation": "Unable to get user by email."
  2280    },
  2281    {
  2282      "id": "api.user.ldap_to_email.not_available.app_error",
  2283      "translation": "AD/LDAP not available on this server"
  2284    },
  2285    {
  2286      "id": "api.user.ldap_to_email.not_ldap_account.app_error",
  2287      "translation": "This user account does not use AD/LDAP"
  2288    },
  2289    {
  2290      "id": "api.user.login.bot_login_forbidden.app_error",
  2291      "translation": "Bot login is forbidden"
  2292    },
  2293    {
  2294      "id": "api.user.login.blank_pwd.app_error",
  2295      "translation": "Password field must not be blank"
  2296    },
  2297    {
  2298      "id": "api.user.login.client_side_cert.certificate.app_error",
  2299      "translation": "Attempted to sign in using the experimental feature ClientSideCert without providing a valid certificate"
  2300    },
  2301    {
  2302      "id": "api.user.login.client_side_cert.license.app_error",
  2303      "translation": "Attempt to use the experimental feature ClientSideCertEnable without a valid enterprise license"
  2304    },
  2305    {
  2306      "id": "api.user.login.inactive.app_error",
  2307      "translation": "Login failed because your account has been deactivated.  Please contact an administrator."
  2308    },
  2309    {
  2310      "id": "api.user.login.invalid_credentials",
  2311      "translation": "User ID or password incorrect."
  2312    },
  2313    {
  2314      "id": "api.user.login.not_verified.app_error",
  2315      "translation": "Login failed because email address has not been verified"
  2316    },
  2317    {
  2318      "id": "api.user.login.use_auth_service.app_error",
  2319      "translation": "Please sign in using {{.AuthService}}"
  2320    },
  2321    {
  2322      "id": "api.user.login_by_oauth.bot_login_forbidden.app_error",
  2323      "translation": "Bot login is forbidden"
  2324    },
  2325    {
  2326      "id": "api.user.login_by_oauth.not_available.app_error",
  2327      "translation": "{{.Service}} SSO through OAuth 2.0 not available on this server"
  2328    },
  2329    {
  2330      "id": "api.user.login_by_oauth.parse.app_error",
  2331      "translation": "Could not parse auth data out of {{.Service}} user object"
  2332    },
  2333    {
  2334      "id": "api.user.login_ldap.not_available.app_error",
  2335      "translation": "AD/LDAP not available on this server"
  2336    },
  2337    {
  2338      "id": "api.user.oauth_to_email.context.app_error",
  2339      "translation": "Update password failed because context user_id did not match provided user's id"
  2340    },
  2341    {
  2342      "id": "api.user.oauth_to_email.not_available.app_error",
  2343      "translation": "Authentication Transfer not configured or available on this server."
  2344    },
  2345    {
  2346      "id": "api.user.reset_password.broken_token.app_error",
  2347      "translation": "The reset password token does not appear to be valid."
  2348    },
  2349    {
  2350      "id": "api.user.reset_password.invalid_link.app_error",
  2351      "translation": "The reset password link does not appear to be valid."
  2352    },
  2353    {
  2354      "id": "api.user.reset_password.link_expired.app_error",
  2355      "translation": "The password reset link has expired."
  2356    },
  2357    {
  2358      "id": "api.user.reset_password.method",
  2359      "translation": "using a reset password link"
  2360    },
  2361    {
  2362      "id": "api.user.reset_password.sso.app_error",
  2363      "translation": "Unable to reset password for SSO accounts"
  2364    },
  2365    {
  2366      "id": "api.user.saml.app_error",
  2367      "translation": "Unable to process SAML login request."
  2368    },
  2369    {
  2370      "id": "api.user.saml.extension_id.app_error",
  2371      "translation": "Invalid extension id"
  2372    },
  2373    {
  2374      "id": "api.user.saml.extension_unsupported",
  2375      "translation": "Extensions are not supported."
  2376    },
  2377    {
  2378      "id": "api.user.saml.invalid_extension",
  2379      "translation": "Extension with extension_id={{.ExtensionId}} is not supported."
  2380    },
  2381    {
  2382      "id": "api.user.saml.not_available.app_error",
  2383      "translation": "SAML 2.0 is not configured or supported on this server."
  2384    },
  2385    {
  2386      "id": "api.user.send_deactivate_email_and_forget.failed.error",
  2387      "translation": "Failed to send the deactivate account email successfully"
  2388    },
  2389    {
  2390      "id": "api.user.send_email_change_email_and_forget.error",
  2391      "translation": "Failed to send email change notification email successfully"
  2392    },
  2393    {
  2394      "id": "api.user.send_email_change_username_and_forget.error",
  2395      "translation": "Failed to send username change notification email successfully"
  2396    },
  2397    {
  2398      "id": "api.user.send_email_change_verify_email_and_forget.error",
  2399      "translation": "Failed to send email change verification email successfully"
  2400    },
  2401    {
  2402      "id": "api.user.verify_email.link_expired.app_error",
  2403      "translation": "The email verification link has expired."
  2404    },
  2405    {
  2406      "id": "api.user.verify_email.token_parse.error",
  2407      "translation": "Failed to parse token data from email verification"
  2408    },
  2409    {
  2410      "id": "api.user.create_email_token.error",
  2411      "translation": "Failed to create token data for email verification"
  2412    },
  2413    {
  2414      "id": "api.user.send_mfa_change_email.error",
  2415      "translation": "Unable to send email notification for MFA change."
  2416    },
  2417    {
  2418      "id": "api.user.send_password_change_email_and_forget.error",
  2419      "translation": "Failed to send update password email successfully"
  2420    },
  2421    {
  2422      "id": "api.user.send_password_reset.send.app_error",
  2423      "translation": "Failed to send password reset email successfully"
  2424    },
  2425    {
  2426      "id": "api.user.send_password_reset.sso.app_error",
  2427      "translation": "Unable to reset password for SSO accounts"
  2428    },
  2429    {
  2430      "id": "api.user.send_sign_in_change_email_and_forget.error",
  2431      "translation": "Failed to send update password email successfully"
  2432    },
  2433    {
  2434      "id": "api.user.send_user_access_token.error",
  2435      "translation": "Failed to send \"Personal access token added\" email successfully"
  2436    },
  2437    {
  2438      "id": "api.user.send_verify_email_and_forget.failed.error",
  2439      "translation": "Failed to send verification email successfully"
  2440    },
  2441    {
  2442      "id": "api.user.send_welcome_email_and_forget.failed.error",
  2443      "translation": "Failed to send welcome email successfully"
  2444    },
  2445    {
  2446      "id": "api.user.update_active.not_enable.app_error",
  2447      "translation": "You cannot deactivate yourself because this feature is not enabled. Please contact your System Administrator."
  2448    },
  2449    {
  2450      "id": "api.user.update_active.permissions.app_error",
  2451      "translation": "You do not have the appropriate permissions"
  2452    },
  2453    {
  2454      "id": "api.user.update_oauth_user_attrs.get_user.app_error",
  2455      "translation": "Could not get user from {{.Service}} user object"
  2456    },
  2457    {
  2458      "id": "api.user.update_password.context.app_error",
  2459      "translation": "Update password failed because context user_id did not match props user_id"
  2460    },
  2461    {
  2462      "id": "api.user.update_password.failed.app_error",
  2463      "translation": "Update password failed"
  2464    },
  2465    {
  2466      "id": "api.user.update_password.incorrect.app_error",
  2467      "translation": "The \"Current Password\" you entered is incorrect. Please check that Caps Lock is off and try again."
  2468    },
  2469    {
  2470      "id": "",
  2471      "translation": "using the settings menu"
  2472    },
  2473    {
  2474      "id": "api.user.update_password.oauth.app_error",
  2475      "translation": "Update password failed because the user is logged in through an OAuth service"
  2476    },
  2477    {
  2478      "id": "api.user.update_password.valid_account.app_error",
  2479      "translation": "Update password failed because we couldn't find a valid account"
  2480    },
  2481    {
  2482      "id": "api.user.upload_profile_user.array.app_error",
  2483      "translation": "Empty array under 'image' in request"
  2484    },
  2485    {
  2486      "id": "api.user.upload_profile_user.decode.app_error",
  2487      "translation": "Could not decode profile image"
  2488    },
  2489    {
  2490      "id": "api.user.upload_profile_user.decode_config.app_error",
  2491      "translation": "Could not save profile image. File does not appear to be a valid image."
  2492    },
  2493    {
  2494      "id": "api.user.upload_profile_user.encode.app_error",
  2495      "translation": "Could not encode profile image"
  2496    },
  2497    {
  2498      "id": "api.user.upload_profile_user.no_file.app_error",
  2499      "translation": "No file under 'image' in request"
  2500    },
  2501    {
  2502      "id": "",
  2503      "translation": "Could not open image file"
  2504    },
  2505    {
  2506      "id": "api.user.upload_profile_user.parse.app_error",
  2507      "translation": "Could not parse multipart form"
  2508    },
  2509    {
  2510      "id": "",
  2511      "translation": "Unable to upload file. Image storage is not configured."
  2512    },
  2513    {
  2514      "id": "api.user.upload_profile_user.too_large.app_error",
  2515      "translation": "Unable to upload profile image. File is too large."
  2516    },
  2517    {
  2518      "id": "api.user.upload_profile_user.upload_profile.app_error",
  2519      "translation": "Couldn't upload profile image"
  2520    },
  2521    {
  2522      "id": "api.user.verify_email.bad_link.app_error",
  2523      "translation": "Bad verify email link."
  2524    },
  2525    {
  2526      "id": "api.user.verify_email.broken_token.app_error",
  2527      "translation": "Bad verify email token type."
  2528    },
  2529    {
  2530      "id": "api.user.register_terms_of_service_action.bad_value.app_error",
  2531      "translation": "Bad accepted value"
  2532    },
  2533    {
  2534      "id": "api.web_socket.connect.upgrade.app_error",
  2535      "translation": "Failed to upgrade websocket connection"
  2536    },
  2537    {
  2538      "id": "api.web_socket_router.bad_action.app_error",
  2539      "translation": "Unknown WebSocket action."
  2540    },
  2541    {
  2542      "id": "api.web_socket_router.bad_seq.app_error",
  2543      "translation": "Invalid sequence for WebSocket message."
  2544    },
  2545    {
  2546      "id": "api.web_socket_router.no_action.app_error",
  2547      "translation": "No websocket action."
  2548    },
  2549    {
  2550      "id": "api.web_socket_router.not_authenticated.app_error",
  2551      "translation": "WebSocket connection is not authenticated. Please log in and try again."
  2552    },
  2553    {
  2554      "id": "api.webhook.create_outgoing.intersect.app_error",
  2555      "translation": "Outgoing webhooks from the same channel cannot have the same trigger words/callback URLs."
  2556    },
  2557    {
  2558      "id": "api.webhook.create_outgoing.not_open.app_error",
  2559      "translation": "Outgoing webhooks can only be created for public channels."
  2560    },
  2561    {
  2562      "id": "api.webhook.create_outgoing.permissions.app_error",
  2563      "translation": "Invalid permissions to create outgoing webhook."
  2564    },
  2565    {
  2566      "id": "api.webhook.create_outgoing.triggers.app_error",
  2567      "translation": "Either trigger_words or channel_id must be set"
  2568    },
  2569    {
  2570      "id": "api.webhook.incoming.error",
  2571      "translation": "Could not decode the multipart payload of incoming webhook."
  2572    },
  2573    {
  2574      "id": "api.webhook.team_mismatch.app_error",
  2575      "translation": "Unable to update webhook across teams"
  2576    },
  2577    {
  2578      "id": "api.webhook.update_outgoing.intersect.app_error",
  2579      "translation": "Outgoing webhooks from the same channel cannot have the same trigger words/callback URLs."
  2580    },
  2581    {
  2582      "id": "api.websocket_handler.invalid_param.app_error",
  2583      "translation": "Invalid {{.Name}} parameter"
  2584    },
  2585    {
  2586      "id": "api.create_terms_of_service.empty_text.app_error",
  2587      "translation": "Please enter text for your Custom Terms of Service."
  2588    },
  2589    {
  2590      "id": "api.create_terms_of_service.custom_terms_of_service_disabled.app_error",
  2591      "translation": "Custom terms of service feature is disabled"
  2592    },
  2593    {
  2594      "id": "app.admin.test_email.failure",
  2595      "translation": "Connection unsuccessful: {{.Error}}"
  2596    },
  2597    {
  2598      "id": "",
  2599      "translation": "Must specify the team ID to create a channel"
  2600    },
  2601    {
  2602      "id": "",
  2603      "translation": "Unable to move a channel unless all its members are already members of the destination team."
  2604    },
  2605    {
  2606      "id": "",
  2607      "translation": "Failed to post channel purpose message"
  2608    },
  2609    {
  2610      "id": "",
  2611      "translation": "%s removed the channel purpose (was: %s)"
  2612    },
  2613    {
  2614      "id": "",
  2615      "translation": "Failed to retrieve user while updating channel purpose message %v"
  2616    },
  2617    {
  2618      "id": "",
  2619      "translation": "%s updated the channel purpose from: %s to: %s"
  2620    },
  2621    {
  2622      "id": "",
  2623      "translation": "%s updated the channel purpose to: %s"
  2624    },
  2625    {
  2626      "id": "app.cluster.404.app_error",
  2627      "translation": "Cluster API endpoint not found."
  2628    },
  2629    {
  2630      "id": "app.export.export_write_line.io_writer.error",
  2631      "translation": "An error occurred writing the export data."
  2632    },
  2633    {
  2634      "id": "app.export.export_write_line.json_marshall.error",
  2635      "translation": "An error occurred marshalling the JSON data for export."
  2636    },
  2637    {
  2638      "id": "app.import.attachment.bad_file.error",
  2639      "translation": "Error reading the file at: \"{{.FilePath}}\""
  2640    },
  2641    {
  2642      "id": "app.import.attachment.file_upload.error",
  2643      "translation": "Error uploading the file: \"{{.FilePath}}\""
  2644    },
  2645    {
  2646      "id": "app.import.bulk_import.file_scan.error",
  2647      "translation": "Error reading import data file."
  2648    },
  2649    {
  2650      "id": "app.import.bulk_import.json_decode.error",
  2651      "translation": "JSON decode of line failed."
  2652    },
  2653    {
  2654      "id": "app.import.bulk_import.unsupported_version.error",
  2655      "translation": "Incorrect or missing version in the data import file. Make sure version is the first object in your import file and try again."
  2656    },
  2657    {
  2658      "id": "app.import.emoji.bad_file.error",
  2659      "translation": "Error reading import emoji image file. Emoji with name: \"{{.EmojiName}}\""
  2660    },
  2661    {
  2662      "id": "app.import.import_channel.scheme_deleted.error",
  2663      "translation": "Unable to set a channel to use a deleted scheme."
  2664    },
  2665    {
  2666      "id": "app.import.import_channel.scheme_wrong_scope.error",
  2667      "translation": "Channel must be assigned to a Channel-scoped scheme."
  2668    },
  2669    {
  2670      "id": "app.import.import_channel.team_not_found.error",
  2671      "translation": "Error importing channel. Team with name \"{{.TeamName}}\" could not be found."
  2672    },
  2673    {
  2674      "id": "app.import.import_direct_channel.create_direct_channel.error",
  2675      "translation": "Failed to create direct channel"
  2676    },
  2677    {
  2678      "id": "app.import.import_direct_channel.create_group_channel.error",
  2679      "translation": "Failed to create group channel"
  2680    },
  2681    {
  2682      "id": "app.import.import_direct_channel.member_not_found.error",
  2683      "translation": "Could not find channel member when importing direct channel"
  2684    },
  2685    {
  2686      "id": "app.import.import_direct_channel.update_header_failed.error",
  2687      "translation": "Failed to update direct channel header"
  2688    },
  2689    {
  2690      "id": "app.import.import_direct_post.channel_member_not_found.error",
  2691      "translation": "Could not find channel member when importing direct channel post"
  2692    },
  2693    {
  2694      "id": "app.import.import_direct_post.create_direct_channel.error",
  2695      "translation": "Failed to get direct channel"
  2696    },
  2697    {
  2698      "id": "app.import.import_direct_post.create_group_channel.error",
  2699      "translation": "Failed to get group channel"
  2700    },
  2701    {
  2702      "id": "app.import.import_direct_post.save_preferences.error",
  2703      "translation": "Error importing direct post. Failed to save preferences."
  2704    },
  2705    {
  2706      "id": "app.import.import_direct_post.user_not_found.error",
  2707      "translation": "Post user does not exist"
  2708    },
  2709    {
  2710      "id": "app.import.import_line.null_channel.error",
  2711      "translation": "Import data line has type \"channel\" but the channel object is null."
  2712    },
  2713    {
  2714      "id": "app.import.import_line.null_direct_channel.error",
  2715      "translation": "Import data line has type \"direct_channel\" but the direct_channel object is null."
  2716    },
  2717    {
  2718      "id": "app.import.import_line.null_direct_post.error",
  2719      "translation": "Import data line has type \"direct_post\" but the direct_post object is null."
  2720    },
  2721    {
  2722      "id": "app.import.import_line.null_emoji.error",
  2723      "translation": "Import data line has type \"emoji\" but the emoji object is null."
  2724    },
  2725    {
  2726      "id": "app.import.import_line.null_post.error",
  2727      "translation": "Import data line has type \"post\" but the post object is null."
  2728    },
  2729    {
  2730      "id": "app.import.import_line.null_scheme.error",
  2731      "translation": "Import data line has type \"scheme\" but the scheme object is null."
  2732    },
  2733    {
  2734      "id": "app.import.import_line.null_team.error",
  2735      "translation": "Import data line has type \"team\" but the team object is null."
  2736    },
  2737    {
  2738      "id": "app.import.import_line.null_user.error",
  2739      "translation": "Import data line has type \"user\" but the user object is null."
  2740    },
  2741    {
  2742      "id": "app.import.import_line.unknown_line_type.error",
  2743      "translation": "Import data line has unknown type \"{{.Type}}\"."
  2744    },
  2745    {
  2746      "id": "app.import.import_post.channel_not_found.error",
  2747      "translation": "Error importing post. Channel with name \"{{.ChannelName}}\" could not be found."
  2748    },
  2749    {
  2750      "id": "app.import.import_post.save_preferences.error",
  2751      "translation": "Error importing post. Failed to save preferences."
  2752    },
  2753    {
  2754      "id": "app.import.import_post.team_not_found.error",
  2755      "translation": "Error importing post. Team with name \"{{.TeamName}}\" could not be found."
  2756    },
  2757    {
  2758      "id": "app.import.import_post.user_not_found.error",
  2759      "translation": "Error importing post. User with username \"{{.Username}}\" could not be found."
  2760    },
  2761    {
  2762      "id": "app.import.import_scheme.scope_change.error",
  2763      "translation": "The bulk importer cannot change the scope of an already-existing scheme."
  2764    },
  2765    {
  2766      "id": "app.import.import_team.scheme_deleted.error",
  2767      "translation": "Unable to set a team to use a deleted scheme."
  2768    },
  2769    {
  2770      "id": "app.import.import_team.scheme_wrong_scope.error",
  2771      "translation": "Team must be assigned to a Team-scoped scheme."
  2772    },
  2773    {
  2774      "id": "app.import.import_user.save_preferences.error",
  2775      "translation": "Error importing user preferences. Failed to save preferences."
  2776    },
  2777    {
  2778      "id": "app.import.import_user_channels.save_preferences.error",
  2779      "translation": "Error importing user channel memberships. Failed to save preferences."
  2780    },
  2781    {
  2782      "id": "app.import.process_import_data_file_version_line.invalid_version.error",
  2783      "translation": "Unable to read the version of the data import file."
  2784    },
  2785    {
  2786      "id": "app.import.validate_channel_import_data.display_name_length.error",
  2787      "translation": "Channel display_name is not within permitted length constraints."
  2788    },
  2789    {
  2790      "id": "app.import.validate_channel_import_data.display_name_missing.error",
  2791      "translation": "Missing required channel property: display_name"
  2792    },
  2793    {
  2794      "id": "app.import.validate_channel_import_data.header_length.error",
  2795      "translation": "Channel header is too long."
  2796    },
  2797    {
  2798      "id": "app.import.validate_channel_import_data.name_characters.error",
  2799      "translation": "Channel name contains invalid characters."
  2800    },
  2801    {
  2802      "id": "app.import.validate_channel_import_data.name_length.error",
  2803      "translation": "Channel name is too long."
  2804    },
  2805    {
  2806      "id": "app.import.validate_channel_import_data.name_missing.error",
  2807      "translation": "Missing required channel property: name"
  2808    },
  2809    {
  2810      "id": "app.import.validate_channel_import_data.purpose_length.error",
  2811      "translation": "Channel purpose is too long."
  2812    },
  2813    {
  2814      "id": "app.import.validate_channel_import_data.scheme_invalid.error",
  2815      "translation": "Invalid scheme name for channel."
  2816    },
  2817    {
  2818      "id": "app.import.validate_channel_import_data.team_missing.error",
  2819      "translation": "Missing required channel property: team"
  2820    },
  2821    {
  2822      "id": "app.import.validate_channel_import_data.type_invalid.error",
  2823      "translation": "Channel type is invalid."
  2824    },
  2825    {
  2826      "id": "app.import.validate_channel_import_data.type_missing.error",
  2827      "translation": "Missing required channel property: type."
  2828    },
  2829    {
  2830      "id": "app.import.validate_direct_channel_import_data.header_length.error",
  2831      "translation": "Direct channel header is too long"
  2832    },
  2833    {
  2834      "id": "app.import.validate_direct_channel_import_data.members_required.error",
  2835      "translation": "Missing required direct channel property: members"
  2836    },
  2837    {
  2838      "id": "app.import.validate_direct_channel_import_data.members_too_few.error",
  2839      "translation": "Direct channel members list contains too few items"
  2840    },
  2841    {
  2842      "id": "app.import.validate_direct_channel_import_data.members_too_many.error",
  2843      "translation": "Direct channel members list contains too many items"
  2844    },
  2845    {
  2846      "id": "app.import.validate_direct_channel_import_data.unknown_favoriter.error",
  2847      "translation": "Direct channel can only be favorited by members. \"{{.Username}}\" is not a member."
  2848    },
  2849    {
  2850      "id": "app.import.validate_direct_post_import_data.channel_members_required.error",
  2851      "translation": "Missing required direct post property: channel_members"
  2852    },
  2853    {
  2854      "id": "app.import.validate_direct_post_import_data.channel_members_too_few.error",
  2855      "translation": "Direct post channel members list contains too few items"
  2856    },
  2857    {
  2858      "id": "app.import.validate_direct_post_import_data.channel_members_too_many.error",
  2859      "translation": "Direct post channel members list contains too many items"
  2860    },
  2861    {
  2862      "id": "app.import.validate_direct_post_import_data.create_at_missing.error",
  2863      "translation": "Missing required direct post property: create_at"
  2864    },
  2865    {
  2866      "id": "app.import.validate_direct_post_import_data.create_at_zero.error",
  2867      "translation": "CreateAt must be greater than 0"
  2868    },
  2869    {
  2870      "id": "app.import.validate_direct_post_import_data.message_length.error",
  2871      "translation": "Message is too long"
  2872    },
  2873    {
  2874      "id": "app.import.validate_direct_post_import_data.message_missing.error",
  2875      "translation": "Missing required direct post property: message"
  2876    },
  2877    {
  2878      "id": "app.import.validate_direct_post_import_data.unknown_flagger.error",
  2879      "translation": "Direct post can only be flagged by members of the channel it is in. \"{{.Username}}\" is not a member."
  2880    },
  2881    {
  2882      "id": "app.import.validate_direct_post_import_data.user_missing.error",
  2883      "translation": "Missing required direct post property: user"
  2884    },
  2885    {
  2886      "id": "app.import.validate_emoji_import_data.empty.error",
  2887      "translation": "Import emoji data empty."
  2888    },
  2889    {
  2890      "id": "app.import.validate_emoji_import_data.image_missing.error",
  2891      "translation": "Import emoji image field missing or blank."
  2892    },
  2893    {
  2894      "id": "app.import.validate_emoji_import_data.name_missing.error",
  2895      "translation": "Import emoji name field missing or blank."
  2896    },
  2897    {
  2898      "id": "app.import.validate_post_import_data.channel_missing.error",
  2899      "translation": "Missing required Post property: Channel."
  2900    },
  2901    {
  2902      "id": "app.import.validate_post_import_data.create_at_missing.error",
  2903      "translation": "Missing required Post property: create_at."
  2904    },
  2905    {
  2906      "id": "app.import.validate_post_import_data.create_at_zero.error",
  2907      "translation": "Post CreateAt property must not be zero."
  2908    },
  2909    {
  2910      "id": "app.import.validate_post_import_data.message_length.error",
  2911      "translation": "Post Message property is longer than the maximum permitted length."
  2912    },
  2913    {
  2914      "id": "app.import.validate_post_import_data.message_missing.error",
  2915      "translation": "Missing required Post property: Message."
  2916    },
  2917    {
  2918      "id": "app.import.validate_post_import_data.team_missing.error",
  2919      "translation": "Missing required Post property: Team."
  2920    },
  2921    {
  2922      "id": "app.import.validate_post_import_data.user_missing.error",
  2923      "translation": "Missing required Post property: User."
  2924    },
  2925    {
  2926      "id": "app.import.validate_reaction_import_data.create_at_before_parent.error",
  2927      "translation": "Reaction CreateAt property must be greater than the parent post CreateAt."
  2928    },
  2929    {
  2930      "id": "app.import.validate_reaction_import_data.create_at_missing.error",
  2931      "translation": "Missing required Reaction property: create_at."
  2932    },
  2933    {
  2934      "id": "app.import.validate_reaction_import_data.create_at_zero.error",
  2935      "translation": "Reaction CreateAt property must not be zero."
  2936    },
  2937    {
  2938      "id": "app.import.validate_reaction_import_data.emoji_name_length.error",
  2939      "translation": "Reaction EmojiName property is longer than the maximum permitted length."
  2940    },
  2941    {
  2942      "id": "app.import.validate_reaction_import_data.emoji_name_missing.error",
  2943      "translation": "Missing required Reaction property: EmojiName."
  2944    },
  2945    {
  2946      "id": "app.import.validate_reaction_import_data.user_missing.error",
  2947      "translation": "Missing required Reaction property: User."
  2948    },
  2949    {
  2950      "id": "app.import.validate_reply_import_data.create_at_before_parent.error",
  2951      "translation": "Reply CreateAt property must be greater than the parent post CreateAt."
  2952    },
  2953    {
  2954      "id": "app.import.validate_reply_import_data.create_at_missing.error",
  2955      "translation": "Missing required Reply property: create_at."
  2956    },
  2957    {
  2958      "id": "app.import.validate_reply_import_data.create_at_zero.error",
  2959      "translation": "Reply CreateAt property must not be zero."
  2960    },
  2961    {
  2962      "id": "app.import.validate_reply_import_data.message_length.error",
  2963      "translation": "Reply Message property is longer than the maximum permitted length."
  2964    },
  2965    {
  2966      "id": "app.import.validate_reply_import_data.message_missing.error",
  2967      "translation": "Missing required Reply property: Message."
  2968    },
  2969    {
  2970      "id": "app.import.validate_reply_import_data.user_missing.error",
  2971      "translation": "Missing required Reply property: User."
  2972    },
  2973    {
  2974      "id": "app.import.validate_role_import_data.description_invalid.error",
  2975      "translation": "Invalid role description."
  2976    },
  2977    {
  2978      "id": "app.import.validate_role_import_data.display_name_invalid.error",
  2979      "translation": "Invalid role display name."
  2980    },
  2981    {
  2982      "id": "app.import.validate_role_import_data.invalid_permission.error",
  2983      "translation": "Invalid permission on role."
  2984    },
  2985    {
  2986      "id": "app.import.validate_role_import_data.name_invalid.error",
  2987      "translation": "Invalid role name."
  2988    },
  2989    {
  2990      "id": "app.import.validate_scheme_import_data.description_invalid.error",
  2991      "translation": "Invalid scheme description."
  2992    },
  2993    {
  2994      "id": "app.import.validate_scheme_import_data.display_name_invalid.error",
  2995      "translation": "Invalid scheme display name."
  2996    },
  2997    {
  2998      "id": "app.import.validate_scheme_import_data.name_invalid.error",
  2999      "translation": "Invalid scheme name."
  3000    },
  3001    {
  3002      "id": "app.import.validate_scheme_import_data.null_scope.error",
  3003      "translation": "Scheme scope is required."
  3004    },
  3005    {
  3006      "id": "app.import.validate_scheme_import_data.unknown_scheme.error",
  3007      "translation": "Unknown scheme scope."
  3008    },
  3009    {
  3010      "id": "app.import.validate_scheme_import_data.wrong_roles_for_scope.error",
  3011      "translation": "The wrong roles were provided for a scheme with this scope."
  3012    },
  3013    {
  3014      "id": "app.import.validate_team_import_data.description_length.error",
  3015      "translation": "Team description is too long."
  3016    },
  3017    {
  3018      "id": "app.import.validate_team_import_data.display_name_length.error",
  3019      "translation": "Team display_name is not within permitted length constraints."
  3020    },
  3021    {
  3022      "id": "app.import.validate_team_import_data.display_name_missing.error",
  3023      "translation": "Missing required team property: display_name."
  3024    },
  3025    {
  3026      "id": "app.import.validate_team_import_data.name_characters.error",
  3027      "translation": "Team name contains invalid characters."
  3028    },
  3029    {
  3030      "id": "app.import.validate_team_import_data.name_length.error",
  3031      "translation": "Team name is too long."
  3032    },
  3033    {
  3034      "id": "app.import.validate_team_import_data.name_missing.error",
  3035      "translation": "Missing required team property: name."
  3036    },
  3037    {
  3038      "id": "app.import.validate_team_import_data.name_reserved.error",
  3039      "translation": "Team name contains reserved words."
  3040    },
  3041    {
  3042      "id": "app.import.validate_team_import_data.scheme_invalid.error",
  3043      "translation": "Invalid scheme name for team."
  3044    },
  3045    {
  3046      "id": "app.import.validate_team_import_data.type_invalid.error",
  3047      "translation": "Team type is not valid."
  3048    },
  3049    {
  3050      "id": "app.import.validate_team_import_data.type_missing.error",
  3051      "translation": "Missing required team property: type."
  3052    },
  3053    {
  3054      "id": "app.import.validate_user_channels_import_data.channel_name_missing.error",
  3055      "translation": "Channel name missing from User's Channel Membership."
  3056    },
  3057    {
  3058      "id": "app.import.validate_user_channels_import_data.invalid_notify_props_desktop.error",
  3059      "translation": "Invalid Desktop NotifyProps for User's Channel Membership."
  3060    },
  3061    {
  3062      "id": "app.import.validate_user_channels_import_data.invalid_notify_props_mark_unread.error",
  3063      "translation": "Invalid MarkUnread NotifyProps for User's Channel Membership."
  3064    },
  3065    {
  3066      "id": "app.import.validate_user_channels_import_data.invalid_notify_props_mobile.error",
  3067      "translation": "Invalid Mobile NotifyProps for User's Channel Membership."
  3068    },
  3069    {
  3070      "id": "app.import.validate_user_channels_import_data.invalid_roles.error",
  3071      "translation": "Invalid roles for User's Channel Membership."
  3072    },
  3073    {
  3074      "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.auth_data_and_password.error",
  3075      "translation": "User AuthData and Password are mutually exclusive."
  3076    },
  3077    {
  3078      "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.auth_data_length.error",
  3079      "translation": "User AuthData is too long."
  3080    },
  3081    {
  3082      "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.email_length.error",
  3083      "translation": "User email has an invalid length."
  3084    },
  3085    {
  3086      "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.email_missing.error",
  3087      "translation": "Missing required user property: email."
  3088    },
  3089    {
  3090      "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.first_name_length.error",
  3091      "translation": "User First Name is too long."
  3092    },
  3093    {
  3094      "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.last_name_length.error",
  3095      "translation": "User Last Name is too long."
  3096    },
  3097    {
  3098      "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.nickname_length.error",
  3099      "translation": "User nickname is too long."
  3100    },
  3101    {
  3102      "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.notify_props_channel_trigger_invalid.error",
  3103      "translation": "Invalid Channel Trigger Notify Prop for user."
  3104    },
  3105    {
  3106      "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.notify_props_comments_trigger_invalid.error",
  3107      "translation": "Invalid Comments Prop value for user."
  3108    },
  3109    {
  3110      "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.notify_props_desktop_invalid.error",
  3111      "translation": "Invalid Desktop Notify Prop value for user."
  3112    },
  3113    {
  3114      "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.notify_props_desktop_sound_invalid.error",
  3115      "translation": "Invalid Desktop Sound Notify Prop value for user."
  3116    },
  3117    {
  3118      "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.notify_props_email_invalid.error",
  3119      "translation": "Invalid Email Notify Prop value for user."
  3120    },
  3121    {
  3122      "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.notify_props_mobile_invalid.error",
  3123      "translation": "Invalid Mobile Notify Prop value for user."
  3124    },
  3125    {
  3126      "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.notify_props_mobile_push_status_invalid.error",
  3127      "translation": "Invalid Mobile Push Status Notify Prop for user."
  3128    },
  3129    {
  3130      "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.password_length.error",
  3131      "translation": "User Password has invalid length."
  3132    },
  3133    {
  3134      "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.position_length.error",
  3135      "translation": "User Position is too long."
  3136    },
  3137    {
  3138      "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.profile_image.error",
  3139      "translation": "Invalid profile image."
  3140    },
  3141    {
  3142      "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.roles_invalid.error",
  3143      "translation": "User roles are not valid."
  3144    },
  3145    {
  3146      "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.username_invalid.error",
  3147      "translation": "Username is not valid."
  3148    },
  3149    {
  3150      "id": "app.import.validate_user_import_data.username_missing.error",
  3151      "translation": "Missing require user property: username."
  3152    },
  3153    {
  3154      "id": "app.import.validate_user_teams_import_data.invalid_roles.error",
  3155      "translation": "Invalid roles for User's Team Membership."
  3156    },
  3157    {
  3158      "id": "app.import.validate_user_teams_import_data.team_name_missing.error",
  3159      "translation": "Team name missing from User's Team Membership."
  3160    },
  3161    {
  3162      "id": "",
  3163      "translation": "You have a new Direct Message."
  3164    },
  3165    {
  3166      "id": "",
  3167      "translation": "You have a new Direct Message from @{{.SenderName}}"
  3168    },
  3169    {
  3170      "id": "app.notification.body.intro.group_message.full",
  3171      "translation": "You have a new Group Message."
  3172    },
  3173    {
  3174      "id": "app.notification.body.intro.group_message.generic",
  3175      "translation": "You have a new Group Message from @{{.SenderName}}"
  3176    },
  3177    {
  3178      "id": "app.notification.body.intro.notification.full",
  3179      "translation": "You have a new notification."
  3180    },
  3181    {
  3182      "id": "app.notification.body.intro.notification.generic",
  3183      "translation": "You have a new notification from @{{.SenderName}}"
  3184    },
  3185    {
  3186      "id": "",
  3187      "translation": "@{{.SenderName}} - {{.Hour}}:{{.Minute}} {{.TimeZone}}, {{.Month}} {{.Day}}"
  3188    },
  3189    {
  3190      "id": "",
  3191      "translation": "{{.Hour}}:{{.Minute}} {{.TimeZone}}, {{.Month}} {{.Day}}"
  3192    },
  3193    {
  3194      "id": "app.notification.body.text.group_message.full",
  3195      "translation": "Channel: {{.ChannelName}}"
  3196    },
  3197    {
  3198      "id": "app.notification.body.text.group_message.full2",
  3199      "translation": "@{{.SenderName}} - {{.Hour}}:{{.Minute}} {{.TimeZone}}, {{.Month}} {{.Day}}"
  3200    },
  3201    {
  3202      "id": "app.notification.body.text.group_message.generic",
  3203      "translation": "{{.Hour}}:{{.Minute}} {{.TimeZone}}, {{.Month}} {{.Day}}"
  3204    },
  3205    {
  3206      "id": "app.notification.body.text.notification.full",
  3207      "translation": "Channel: {{.ChannelName}}"
  3208    },
  3209    {
  3210      "id": "app.notification.body.text.notification.full2",
  3211      "translation": "@{{.SenderName}} - {{.Hour}}:{{.Minute}} {{.TimeZone}}, {{.Month}} {{.Day}}"
  3212    },
  3213    {
  3214      "id": "app.notification.body.text.notification.generic",
  3215      "translation": "{{.Hour}}:{{.Minute}} {{.TimeZone}}, {{.Month}} {{.Day}}"
  3216    },
  3217    {
  3218      "id": "",
  3219      "translation": "[{{.SiteName}}] New Direct Message from @{{.SenderDisplayName}} on {{.Month}} {{.Day}}, {{.Year}}"
  3220    },
  3221    {
  3222      "id": "app.notification.subject.group_message.full",
  3223      "translation": "[{{ .SiteName }}] New Group Message in {{ .ChannelName}} on {{.Month}} {{.Day}}, {{.Year}}"
  3224    },
  3225    {
  3226      "id": "app.notification.subject.group_message.generic",
  3227      "translation": "[{{ .SiteName }}] New Group Message on {{.Month}} {{.Day}}, {{.Year}}"
  3228    },
  3229    {
  3230      "id": "app.notification.subject.notification.full",
  3231      "translation": "[{{ .SiteName }}] Notification in {{ .TeamName}} on {{.Month}} {{.Day}}, {{.Year}}"
  3232    },
  3233    {
  3234      "id": "app.save_config.app_error",
  3235      "translation": "An error occurred saving the configuration"
  3236    },
  3237    {
  3238      "id": "app.plugin.cluster.save_config.app_error",
  3239      "translation": "The plugin configuration in your config.json file must be updated manually when using ReadOnlyConfig with clustering enabled."
  3240    },
  3241    {
  3242      "id": "app.plugin.config.app_error",
  3243      "translation": "Error saving plugin state in config"
  3244    },
  3245    {
  3246      "id": "app.plugin.deactivate.app_error",
  3247      "translation": "Unable to deactivate plugin"
  3248    },
  3249    {
  3250      "id": "app.plugin.disabled.app_error",
  3251      "translation": "Plugins have been disabled. Please check your logs for details."
  3252    },
  3253    {
  3254      "id": "app.plugin.extract.app_error",
  3255      "translation": "Encountered error extracting plugin"
  3256    },
  3257    {
  3258      "id": "app.plugin.filesystem.app_error",
  3259      "translation": "Encountered filesystem error"
  3260    },
  3261    {
  3262      "id": "app.plugin.get_cluster_plugin_statuses.app_error",
  3263      "translation": "Unable to get plugin statuses from the cluster."
  3264    },
  3265    {
  3266      "id": "app.plugin.get_plugins.app_error",
  3267      "translation": "Unable to get active plugins"
  3268    },
  3269    {
  3270      "id": "app.plugin.get_statuses.app_error",
  3271      "translation": "Unable to get plugin statuses"
  3272    },
  3273    {
  3274      "id": "app.plugin.install.app_error",
  3275      "translation": "Unable to install plugin."
  3276    },
  3277    {
  3278      "id": "app.plugin.install_id.app_error",
  3279      "translation": "Unable to install plugin. A plugin with the same ID is already installed."
  3280    },
  3281    {
  3282      "id": "app.plugin.install_id_failed_remove.app_error",
  3283      "translation": "Unable to install plugin. A plugin with the same ID is already installed and failed to be removed."
  3284    },
  3285    {
  3286      "id": "app.plugin.invalid_id.app_error",
  3287      "translation": "Plugin Id must be at least {{.Min}} characters, at most {{.Max}} characters and match {{.Regex}}."
  3288    },
  3289    {
  3290      "id": "app.plugin.manifest.app_error",
  3291      "translation": "Unable to find manifest for extracted plugin"
  3292    },
  3293    {
  3294      "id": "app.plugin.mvdir.app_error",
  3295      "translation": "Unable to move plugin from temporary directory to final destination. Another plugin may be using the same directory name."
  3296    },
  3297    {
  3298      "id": "app.plugin.not_installed.app_error",
  3299      "translation": "Plugin is not installed"
  3300    },
  3301    {
  3302      "id": "app.plugin.remove.app_error",
  3303      "translation": "Unable to delete plugin"
  3304    },
  3305    {
  3306      "id": "app.plugin.upload_disabled.app_error",
  3307      "translation": "Plugins and/or plugin uploads have been disabled."
  3308    },
  3309    {
  3310      "id": "app.role.check_roles_exist.role_not_found",
  3311      "translation": "The provided role does not exist"
  3312    },
  3313    {
  3314      "id": "app.schemes.is_phase_2_migration_completed.not_completed.app_error",
  3315      "translation": "This API endpoint is not accessible as required migrations have not yet completed."
  3316    },
  3317    {
  3318      "id": "app.system_install_date.parse_int.app_error",
  3319      "translation": "Failed to parse installation date"
  3320    },
  3321    {
  3322      "id": "",
  3323      "translation": "This team has reached the maximum number of allowed accounts. Contact your System Administrator to set a higher limit."
  3324    },
  3325    {
  3326      "id": "app.user.complete_switch_with_oauth.blank_email.app_error",
  3327      "translation": "Unable to complete SAML login with an empty email address."
  3328    },
  3329    {
  3330      "id": "app.user_access_token.disabled",
  3331      "translation": "Personal access tokens are disabled on this server. Please contact your system administrator for details."
  3332    },
  3333    {
  3334      "id": "app.user_access_token.invalid_or_missing",
  3335      "translation": "Invalid or missing token"
  3336    },
  3337    {
  3338      "id": "brand.save_brand_image.decode.app_error",
  3339      "translation": "Unable to decode the image data."
  3340    },
  3341    {
  3342      "id": "brand.save_brand_image.decode_config.app_error",
  3343      "translation": "Unable to get image metadata."
  3344    },
  3345    {
  3346      "id": "brand.save_brand_image.encode.app_error",
  3347      "translation": "Unable to convert the image data to PNG format. Please try again."
  3348    },
  3349    {
  3350      "id": "",
  3351      "translation": "Unable to upload the custom brand image. Make sure the image size is less than 2 MB and try again."
  3352    },
  3353    {
  3354      "id": "brand.save_brand_image.save_image.app_error",
  3355      "translation": "Unable to write the image file to your file storage. Please check your connection and try again."
  3356    },
  3357    {
  3358      "id": "brand.save_brand_image.too_large.app_error",
  3359      "translation": "Unable to read the image file. Make sure the image size is less than 2 MB and try again."
  3360    },
  3361    {
  3362      "id": "cli.license.critical",
  3363      "translation": "Feature requires an upgrade to Enterprise Edition and the inclusion of a license key. Please contact your System Administrator."
  3364    },
  3365    {
  3366      "id": "ent.account_migration.get_all_failed",
  3367      "translation": "Unable to get users."
  3368    },
  3369    {
  3370      "id": "ent.account_migration.get_saml_users_failed",
  3371      "translation": "Unable to get SAML users."
  3372    },
  3373    {
  3374      "id": "",
  3375      "translation": "Cluster configuration has changed for id={{ .id }}. The cluster may become unstable and a restart is required. To ensure the cluster is configured correctly you should perform a rolling restart immediately."
  3376    },
  3377    {
  3378      "id": "ent.cluster.save_config.error",
  3379      "translation": "System Console is set to read-only when High Availability is enabled unless ReadOnlyConfig is disabled in the configuration file."
  3380    },
  3381    {
  3382      "id": "ent.compliance.bad_export_type.appError",
  3383      "translation": "Unknown output format {{.ExportType}}"
  3384    },
  3385    {
  3386      "id": "ent.compliance.csv.attachment.copy.appError",
  3387      "translation": "Unable to copy the attachment into the zip file."
  3388    },
  3389    {
  3390      "id": "ent.compliance.csv.attachment.export.appError",
  3391      "translation": "Unable to add attachment to the CSV export."
  3392    },
  3393    {
  3394      "id": "ent.compliance.csv.file.creation.appError",
  3395      "translation": "Unable to create temporary CSV export file."
  3396    },
  3397    {
  3398      "id": "ent.compliance.csv.header.export.appError",
  3399      "translation": "Unable to add header to the CSV export."
  3400    },
  3401    {
  3402      "id": "ent.compliance.csv.metadata.export.appError",
  3403      "translation": "Unable to add metadata file to the zip file."
  3404    },
  3405    {
  3406      "id": "ent.compliance.csv.metadata.json.marshalling.appError",
  3407      "translation": "Unable to convert metadata to json."
  3408    },
  3409    {
  3410      "id": "",
  3411      "translation": "Unable to export a post."
  3412    },
  3413    {
  3414      "id": "",
  3415      "translation": "Unable to create the zip export file."
  3416    },
  3417    {
  3418      "id": "ent.compliance.global_relay.attachments_removed.appError",
  3419      "translation": "Uploaded file was removed from Global Relay export because it was too large to send."
  3420    },
  3421    {
  3422      "id": "ent.compliance.global_relay.open_temporary_file.appError",
  3423      "translation": "Unable to open the temporary export file."
  3424    },
  3425    {
  3426      "id": "ent.compliance.global_relay.rewind_temporary_file.appError",
  3427      "translation": "Unable to re-read the Global Relay temporary export file."
  3428    },
  3429    {
  3430      "id": "ent.compliance.licence_disable.app_error",
  3431      "translation": "Compliance functionality disabled by current license. Please contact your system administrator about upgrading your enterprise license."
  3432    },
  3433    {
  3434      "id": "ent.compliance.run_export.template_watcher.appError",
  3435      "translation": "Unable to load export templates. Please try again."
  3436    },
  3437    {
  3438      "id": "ent.compliance.run_failed.error",
  3439      "translation": "Compliance export failed for job '{{.JobName}}' at '{{.FilePath}}'"
  3440    },
  3441    {
  3442      "id": "ent.data_retention.generic.license.error",
  3443      "translation": "Your license does not support Data Retention."
  3444    },
  3445    {
  3446      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.aggregator_worker.create_index_job.error",
  3447      "translation": "Elasticsearch aggregator worker failed to create the indexing job"
  3448    },
  3449    {
  3450      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.aggregator_worker.delete_indexes.error",
  3451      "translation": "Elasticsearch aggregator worker failed to delete the indexes"
  3452    },
  3453    {
  3454      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.aggregator_worker.get_indexes.error",
  3455      "translation": "Elasticsearch aggregator worker failed to get indexes"
  3456    },
  3457    {
  3458      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.aggregator_worker.index_job_failed.error",
  3459      "translation": "Elasticsearch aggregator worker failed due to the indexing job failing"
  3460    },
  3461    {
  3462      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.create_client.connect_failed",
  3463      "translation": "Setting up Elasticsearch Client Failed"
  3464    },
  3465    {
  3466      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.create_index_if_not_exists.index_create_failed",
  3467      "translation": "Failed to create Elasticsearch index"
  3468    },
  3469    {
  3470      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.data_retention_delete_indexes.delete_index.error",
  3471      "translation": "Failed to delete Elasticsearch index"
  3472    },
  3473    {
  3474      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.data_retention_delete_indexes.get_indexes.error",
  3475      "translation": "Failed to get Elasticsearch indexes"
  3476    },
  3477    {
  3478      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.delete_post.error",
  3479      "translation": "Failed to delete the post"
  3480    },
  3481    {
  3482      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.generic.disabled",
  3483      "translation": "Elasticsearch search is not enabled on this server"
  3484    },
  3485    {
  3486      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.index_post.error",
  3487      "translation": "Failed to index the post"
  3488    },
  3489    {
  3490      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.indexer.do_job.get_oldest_post.error",
  3491      "translation": "The oldest post could not be retrieved from the database."
  3492    },
  3493    {
  3494      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.indexer.do_job.parse_end_time.error",
  3495      "translation": "Elasticsearch indexing worker failed to parse the end time"
  3496    },
  3497    {
  3498      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.indexer.do_job.parse_start_time.error",
  3499      "translation": "Elasticsearch indexing worker failed to parse the start time"
  3500    },
  3501    {
  3502      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.indexer.index_batch.nothing_left_to_index.error",
  3503      "translation": "Trying to index a new batch when all the entities are completed."
  3504    },
  3505    {
  3506      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.not_started.error",
  3507      "translation": "Elasticsearch is not started"
  3508    },
  3509    {
  3510      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.purge_indexes.delete_failed",
  3511      "translation": "Failed to delete Elasticsearch index"
  3512    },
  3513    {
  3514      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.search_posts.disabled",
  3515      "translation": "Elasticsearch searching is disabled on this server"
  3516    },
  3517    {
  3518      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.search_posts.parse_matches_failed",
  3519      "translation": "Failed to parse search result matches"
  3520    },
  3521    {
  3522      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.search_posts.search_failed",
  3523      "translation": "Search failed to complete"
  3524    },
  3525    {
  3526      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.search_posts.unmarshall_post_failed",
  3527      "translation": "Failed to decode search results"
  3528    },
  3529    {
  3530      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.start.already_started.app_error",
  3531      "translation": "Elasticsearch is already started"
  3532    },
  3533    {
  3534      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.start.create_bulk_processor_failed.app_error",
  3535      "translation": "Failed to create Elasticsearch bulk processor"
  3536    },
  3537    {
  3538      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.start.start_bulk_processor_failed.app_error",
  3539      "translation": "Failed to start Elasticsearch bulk processor"
  3540    },
  3541    {
  3542      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.stop.already_stopped.app_error",
  3543      "translation": "Elasticsearch is already stopped"
  3544    },
  3545    {
  3546      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.test_config.connect_failed",
  3547      "translation": "Connecting to Elasticsearch server failed."
  3548    },
  3549    {
  3550      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.test_config.indexing_disabled.error",
  3551      "translation": "Elasticsearch is disabled."
  3552    },
  3553    {
  3554      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.test_config.license.error",
  3555      "translation": "Your license does not support Elasticsearch."
  3556    },
  3557    {
  3558      "id": "ent.elasticsearch.test_config.reenter_password",
  3559      "translation": "The Elasticsearch Server URL or Username has changed. Please re-enter the Elasticsearch password to test connection."
  3560    },
  3561    {
  3562      "id": "ent.ldap.create_fail",
  3563      "translation": "Unable to create LDAP user."
  3564    },
  3565    {
  3566      "id": "ent.ldap.disabled.app_error",
  3567      "translation": "AD/LDAP disabled or licence does not support AD/LDAP."
  3568    },
  3569    {
  3570      "id": "ent.ldap.do_login.bind_admin_user.app_error",
  3571      "translation": "Unable to bind to AD/LDAP server. Check BindUsername and BindPassword."
  3572    },
  3573    {
  3574      "id": "ent.ldap.do_login.invalid_password.app_error",
  3575      "translation": "Invalid Password"
  3576    },
  3577    {
  3578      "id": "ent.ldap.do_login.licence_disable.app_error",
  3579      "translation": "AD/LDAP functionality disabled by current license. Please contact your system administrator about upgrading your enterprise license."
  3580    },
  3581    {
  3582      "id": "ent.ldap.do_login.matched_to_many_users.app_error",
  3583      "translation": "Username given matches multiple users"
  3584    },
  3585    {
  3586      "id": "ent.ldap.do_login.search_ldap_server.app_error",
  3587      "translation": "Failed to search AD/LDAP server"
  3588    },
  3589    {
  3590      "id": "ent.ldap.do_login.unable_to_connect.app_error",
  3591      "translation": "Unable to connect to AD/LDAP server"
  3592    },
  3593    {
  3594      "id": "ent.ldap.do_login.user_filtered.app_error",
  3595      "translation": "Your AD/LDAP account does not have permission to use this Mattermost server. Please ask your System Administrator to check the AD/LDAP user filter."
  3596    },
  3597    {
  3598      "id": "ent.ldap.do_login.user_not_registered.app_error",
  3599      "translation": "User not registered on AD/LDAP server"
  3600    },
  3601    {
  3602      "id": "ent.ldap.syncronize.get_all.app_error",
  3603      "translation": "Unable to get all users using AD/LDAP"
  3604    },
  3605    {
  3606      "id": "ent.ldap.syncronize.search_failure.app_error",
  3607      "translation": "Failed to search users in AD/LDAP. Test if the Mattermost server can connect to your AD/LDAP server and try again."
  3608    },
  3609    {
  3610      "id": "ent.ldap.validate_filter.app_error",
  3611      "translation": "Invalid AD/LDAP Filter"
  3612    },
  3613    {
  3614      "id": "ent.message_export.global_relay.attach_file.app_error",
  3615      "translation": "Unable to add attachment to the Global Relay export."
  3616    },
  3617    {
  3618      "id": "ent.message_export.global_relay.close_zip_file.app_error",
  3619      "translation": "Unable to close the zip file."
  3620    },
  3621    {
  3622      "id": "ent.message_export.global_relay.create_file_in_zip.app_error",
  3623      "translation": "Unable to create the eml file."
  3624    },
  3625    {
  3626      "id": "ent.message_export.global_relay.generate_email.app_error",
  3627      "translation": "Unable to generate eml file data."
  3628    },
  3629    {
  3630      "id": "ent.message_export.global_relay_export.deliver.close.app_error",
  3631      "translation": "Unable to deliver the email to Global Relay."
  3632    },
  3633    {
  3634      "id": "ent.message_export.global_relay_export.deliver.from_address.app_error",
  3635      "translation": "Unable to set the email From address."
  3636    },
  3637    {
  3638      "id": "ent.message_export.global_relay_export.deliver.msg.app_error",
  3639      "translation": "Unable to set the email message."
  3640    },
  3641    {
  3642      "id": "ent.message_export.global_relay_export.deliver.msg_data.app_error",
  3643      "translation": "Unable to write the email message."
  3644    },
  3645    {
  3646      "id": "ent.message_export.global_relay_export.deliver.parse_mail.app_error",
  3647      "translation": "Unable to read the email information."
  3648    },
  3649    {
  3650      "id": "ent.message_export.global_relay_export.deliver.to_address.app_error",
  3651      "translation": "Unable to set the email To address."
  3652    },
  3653    {
  3654      "id": "ent.message_export.global_relay_export.deliver.unable_to_get_file_info.app_error",
  3655      "translation": "Unable to get the information of the export temporary file"
  3656    },
  3657    {
  3658      "id": "ent.message_export.global_relay_export.deliver.unable_to_open_email_file.app_error",
  3659      "translation": "Unable to get the an email from the temporary file"
  3660    },
  3661    {
  3662      "id": "ent.message_export.global_relay_export.deliver.unable_to_open_zip_file_data.app_error",
  3663      "translation": "Unable to open the export temporary file"
  3664    },
  3665    {
  3666      "id": "ent.migration.migratetoldap.duplicate_field",
  3667      "translation": "Unable to migrate AD/LDAP users with specified field. Duplicate entry detected. Please remove all duplcates and try again."
  3668    },
  3669    {
  3670      "id": "ent.migration.migratetoldap.user_not_found",
  3671      "translation": "Unable to find user on AD/LDAP server: "
  3672    },
  3673    {
  3674      "id": "ent.migration.migratetosaml.email_already_used_by_other_user",
  3675      "translation": "Email already used by another SAML user."
  3676    },
  3677    {
  3678      "id": "ent.migration.migratetosaml.user_not_found_in_users_mapping_file",
  3679      "translation": "User not found in the users file."
  3680    },
  3681    {
  3682      "id": "ent.migration.migratetosaml.username_already_used_by_other_user",
  3683      "translation": "Username already used by another Mattermost user."
  3684    },
  3685    {
  3686      "id": "ent.saml.attribute.app_error",
  3687      "translation": "SAML login was unsuccessful because one of the attributes is incorrect. Please contact your System Administrator."
  3688    },
  3689    {
  3690      "id": "ent.saml.build_request.app_error",
  3691      "translation": "An error occurred while initiating the request to the Identity Provider. Please contact your System Administrator."
  3692    },
  3693    {
  3694      "id": "ent.saml.build_request.encoding.app_error",
  3695      "translation": "An error occurred while encoding the request for the Identity Provider. Please contact your System Administrator."
  3696    },
  3697    {
  3698      "id": "ent.saml.configure.encryption_not_enabled.app_error",
  3699      "translation": "SAML login was unsuccessful because encryption is not enabled. Please contact your System Administrator."
  3700    },
  3701    {
  3702      "id": "ent.saml.configure.load_idp_cert.app_error",
  3703      "translation": "Identity Provider Public Certificate File was not found. Please contact your System Administrator."
  3704    },
  3705    {
  3706      "id": "ent.saml.configure.load_private_key.app_error",
  3707      "translation": "SAML login was unsuccessful because the Service Provider Private Key was not found. Please contact your System Administrator."
  3708    },
  3709    {
  3710      "id": "ent.saml.configure.not_encrypted_response.app_error",
  3711      "translation": "SAML login was unsuccessful as the Identity Provider response is not encrypted. Please contact your System Administrator."
  3712    },
  3713    {
  3714      "id": "ent.saml.do_login.decrypt.app_error",
  3715      "translation": "SAML login was unsuccessful because an error occurred while decrypting the response from the Identity Provider. Please contact your System Administrator."
  3716    },
  3717    {
  3718      "id": "ent.saml.do_login.empty_response.app_error",
  3719      "translation": "We received an empty response from the Identity Provider"
  3720    },
  3721    {
  3722      "id": "ent.saml.do_login.parse.app_error",
  3723      "translation": "An error occurred while parsing the response from the Identity Provider. Please contact your System Administrator."
  3724    },
  3725    {
  3726      "id": "ent.saml.do_login.validate.app_error",
  3727      "translation": "An error occurred while validating the response from the Identity Provider. Please contact your System Administrator."
  3728    },
  3729    {
  3730      "id": "ent.saml.license_disable.app_error",
  3731      "translation": "Your license does not support SAML authentication."
  3732    },
  3733    {
  3734      "id": "ent.saml.metadata.app_error",
  3735      "translation": "An error occurred while building Service Provider Metadata."
  3736    },
  3737    {
  3738      "id": "ent.saml.service_disable.app_error",
  3739      "translation": "SAML 2.0 is not configured or supported on this server."
  3740    },
  3741    {
  3742      "id": "jobs.do_job.batch_size.parse_error",
  3743      "translation": "Could not parse message export job BatchSize."
  3744    },
  3745    {
  3746      "id": "jobs.do_job.batch_start_timestamp.parse_error",
  3747      "translation": "Could not parse message export job ExportFromTimestamp."
  3748    },
  3749    {
  3750      "id": "jobs.request_cancellation.status.error",
  3751      "translation": "Could not request cancellation for job that is not in a cancelable state."
  3752    },
  3753    {
  3754      "id": "jobs.set_job_error.update.error",
  3755      "translation": "Failed to set job status to error"
  3756    },
  3757    {
  3758      "id": "jobs.start_synchronize_job.timeout",
  3759      "translation": "Reached AD/LDAP synchronization job timeout."
  3760    },
  3761    {
  3762      "id": "manaultesting.manual_test.parse.app_error",
  3763      "translation": "Unable to parse URL"
  3764    },
  3765    {
  3766      "id": "manaultesting.test_autolink.unable.app_error",
  3767      "translation": "Unable to get channels"
  3768    },
  3769    {
  3770      "id": "mattermost.bulletin.subject",
  3771      "translation": "Mattermost Security Bulletin"
  3772    },
  3773    {
  3774      "id": "mfa.activate.authenticate.app_error",
  3775      "translation": "Error attempting to authenticate MFA token"
  3776    },
  3777    {
  3778      "id": "mfa.activate.bad_token.app_error",
  3779      "translation": "Invalid MFA token"
  3780    },
  3781    {
  3782      "id": "mfa.activate.save_active.app_error",
  3783      "translation": "Unable to update MFA active status for the user"
  3784    },
  3785    {
  3786      "id": "mfa.deactivate.save_active.app_error",
  3787      "translation": "Unable to update MFA active status for the user"
  3788    },
  3789    {
  3790      "id": "mfa.deactivate.save_secret.app_error",
  3791      "translation": "Error clearing the MFA secret"
  3792    },
  3793    {
  3794      "id": "mfa.generate_qr_code.create_code.app_error",
  3795      "translation": "Error generating QR code"
  3796    },
  3797    {
  3798      "id": "mfa.generate_qr_code.save_secret.app_error",
  3799      "translation": "Error saving the MFA secret"
  3800    },
  3801    {
  3802      "id": "mfa.mfa_disabled.app_error",
  3803      "translation": "Multi-factor authentication has been disabled on this server."
  3804    },
  3805    {
  3806      "id": "mfa.validate_token.authenticate.app_error",
  3807      "translation": "Error trying to authenticate MFA token"
  3808    },
  3809    {
  3810      "id": "migrations.worker.run_advanced_permissions_phase_2_migration.invalid_progress",
  3811      "translation": "Migration failed due to invalid progress data."
  3812    },
  3813    {
  3814      "id": "migrations.worker.run_migration.unknown_key",
  3815      "translation": "Unable to run migration job due to unknown migration key."
  3816    },
  3817    {
  3818      "id": "model.access.is_valid.access_token.app_error",
  3819      "translation": "Invalid access token"
  3820    },
  3821    {
  3822      "id": "model.access.is_valid.client_id.app_error",
  3823      "translation": "Invalid client id"
  3824    },
  3825    {
  3826      "id": "model.access.is_valid.redirect_uri.app_error",
  3827      "translation": "Invalid redirect uri"
  3828    },
  3829    {
  3830      "id": "model.access.is_valid.refresh_token.app_error",
  3831      "translation": "Invalid refresh token"
  3832    },
  3833    {
  3834      "id": "model.access.is_valid.user_id.app_error",
  3835      "translation": "Invalid user id"
  3836    },
  3837    {
  3838      "id": "model.authorize.is_valid.auth_code.app_error",
  3839      "translation": "Invalid authorization code"
  3840    },
  3841    {
  3842      "id": "model.authorize.is_valid.client_id.app_error",
  3843      "translation": "Invalid client id"
  3844    },
  3845    {
  3846      "id": "model.authorize.is_valid.create_at.app_error",
  3847      "translation": "Create at must be a valid time"
  3848    },
  3849    {
  3850      "id": "model.authorize.is_valid.expires.app_error",
  3851      "translation": "Expires in must be set"
  3852    },
  3853    {
  3854      "id": "model.authorize.is_valid.redirect_uri.app_error",
  3855      "translation": "Invalid redirect uri"
  3856    },
  3857    {
  3858      "id": "model.authorize.is_valid.response_type.app_error",
  3859      "translation": "Invalid response type"
  3860    },
  3861    {
  3862      "id": "model.authorize.is_valid.scope.app_error",
  3863      "translation": "Invalid scope"
  3864    },
  3865    {
  3866      "id": "model.authorize.is_valid.state.app_error",
  3867      "translation": "Invalid state"
  3868    },
  3869    {
  3870      "id": "model.authorize.is_valid.user_id.app_error",
  3871      "translation": "Invalid user id"
  3872    },
  3873    {
  3874      "id": "",
  3875      "translation": "Invalid create at"
  3876    },
  3877    {
  3878      "id": "",
  3879      "translation": "Invalid creator id"
  3880    },
  3881    {
  3882      "id": "",
  3883      "translation": "Invalid description"
  3884    },
  3885    {
  3886      "id": "",
  3887      "translation": "Invalid update at"
  3888    },
  3889    {
  3890      "id": "",
  3891      "translation": "Invalid user id"
  3892    },
  3893    {
  3894      "id": "",
  3895      "translation": "Invalid username"
  3896    },
  3897    {
  3898      "id": "",
  3899      "translation": "Name must be 2 or more lowercase alphanumeric characters"
  3900    },
  3901    {
  3902      "id": "",
  3903      "translation": "Create at must be a valid time"
  3904    },
  3905    {
  3906      "id": "",
  3907      "translation": "Invalid creator id"
  3908    },
  3909    {
  3910      "id": "",
  3911      "translation": "Invalid display name"
  3912    },
  3913    {
  3914      "id": "",
  3915      "translation": "Invalid header"
  3916    },
  3917    {
  3918      "id": "",
  3919      "translation": "Invalid Id"
  3920    },
  3921    {
  3922      "id": "",
  3923      "translation": "Invalid purpose"
  3924    },
  3925    {
  3926      "id": "",
  3927      "translation": "Invalid type"
  3928    },
  3929    {
  3930      "id": "",
  3931      "translation": "Update at must be a valid time"
  3932    },
  3933    {
  3934      "id": "model.channel_member.is_valid.channel_id.app_error",
  3935      "translation": "Invalid channel id"
  3936    },
  3937    {
  3938      "id": "model.channel_member.is_valid.email_value.app_error",
  3939      "translation": "Invalid email notification value"
  3940    },
  3941    {
  3942      "id": "model.channel_member.is_valid.ignore_channel_mentions_value.app_error",
  3943      "translation": "Invalid ignore channel mentions status"
  3944    },
  3945    {
  3946      "id": "model.channel_member.is_valid.notify_level.app_error",
  3947      "translation": "Invalid notify level"
  3948    },
  3949    {
  3950      "id": "model.channel_member.is_valid.push_level.app_error",
  3951      "translation": "Invalid push notification level"
  3952    },
  3953    {
  3954      "id": "model.channel_member.is_valid.unread_level.app_error",
  3955      "translation": "Invalid mark unread level"
  3956    },
  3957    {
  3958      "id": "model.channel_member.is_valid.user_id.app_error",
  3959      "translation": "Invalid user id"
  3960    },
  3961    {
  3962      "id": "model.client.connecting.app_error",
  3963      "translation": "We encountered an error while connecting to the server"
  3964    },
  3965    {
  3966      "id": "model.client.create_emoji.emoji.app_error",
  3967      "translation": "Unable to attach emoji data to request"
  3968    },
  3969    {
  3970      "id": "model.client.create_emoji.image.app_error",
  3971      "translation": "Unable to attach image to request"
  3972    },
  3973    {
  3974      "id": "model.client.create_emoji.writer.app_error",
  3975      "translation": "Unable to write request"
  3976    },
  3977    {
  3978      "id": "model.client.get_flagged_posts_in_channel.missing_parameter.app_error",
  3979      "translation": "Missing channel parameter"
  3980    },
  3981    {
  3982      "id": "model.client.get_flagged_posts_in_team.missing_parameter.app_error",
  3983      "translation": "Missing team parameter"
  3984    },
  3985    {
  3986      "id": "model.client.get_team_icon.app_error",
  3987      "translation": "Unable to read the team icon from the body response."
  3988    },
  3989    {
  3990      "id": "model.client.read_file.app_error",
  3991      "translation": "We encountered an error while reading the file"
  3992    },
  3993    {
  3994      "id": "model.client.set_profile_user.no_file.app_error",
  3995      "translation": "No file under 'image' in request"
  3996    },
  3997    {
  3998      "id": "model.client.set_profile_user.writer.app_error",
  3999      "translation": "Unable to write request"
  4000    },
  4001    {
  4002      "id": "model.client.set_team_icon.no_file.app_error",
  4003      "translation": "No file under 'image' in request."
  4004    },
  4005    {
  4006      "id": "model.client.set_team_icon.writer.app_error",
  4007      "translation": "Unable to write the request."
  4008    },
  4009    {
  4010      "id": "model.client.upload_post_attachment.channel_id.app_error",
  4011      "translation": "Error writing channel id to multipart form"
  4012    },
  4013    {
  4014      "id": "model.client.upload_post_attachment.file.app_error",
  4015      "translation": "Error writing file to multipart form"
  4016    },
  4017    {
  4018      "id": "model.client.upload_post_attachment.file_size.app_error",
  4019      "translation": "Error writing fileSize to multipart form"
  4020    },
  4021    {
  4022      "id": "model.client.upload_post_attachment.import_from.app_error",
  4023      "translation": "Error writing importFrom to multipart form"
  4024    },
  4025    {
  4026      "id": "model.client.upload_post_attachment.writer.app_error",
  4027      "translation": "Error closing multipart writer"
  4028    },
  4029    {
  4030      "id": "model.client.upload_saml_cert.app_error",
  4031      "translation": "Error creating SAML certificate multipart form request"
  4032    },
  4033    {
  4034      "id": "model.client.writer.app_error",
  4035      "translation": "Unable to build multipart request"
  4036    },
  4037    {
  4038      "id": "model.cluster.is_valid.create_at.app_error",
  4039      "translation": "CreateAt must be set"
  4040    },
  4041    {
  4042      "id": "model.cluster.is_valid.hostname.app_error",
  4043      "translation": "Hostname must be set"
  4044    },
  4045    {
  4046      "id": "",
  4047      "translation": "Invalid Id"
  4048    },
  4049    {
  4050      "id": "model.cluster.is_valid.last_ping_at.app_error",
  4051      "translation": "LastPingAt must be set"
  4052    },
  4053    {
  4054      "id": "",
  4055      "translation": "ClusterName must be set"
  4056    },
  4057    {
  4058      "id": "model.cluster.is_valid.type.app_error",
  4059      "translation": "Type must be set"
  4060    },
  4061    {
  4062      "id": "model.command.is_valid.create_at.app_error",
  4063      "translation": "Create at must be a valid time"
  4064    },
  4065    {
  4066      "id": "model.command.is_valid.description.app_error",
  4067      "translation": "Invalid description"
  4068    },
  4069    {
  4070      "id": "model.command.is_valid.display_name.app_error",
  4071      "translation": "Invalid title"
  4072    },
  4073    {
  4074      "id": "",
  4075      "translation": "Invalid Id"
  4076    },
  4077    {
  4078      "id": "model.command.is_valid.method.app_error",
  4079      "translation": "Invalid Method"
  4080    },
  4081    {
  4082      "id": "model.command.is_valid.team_id.app_error",
  4083      "translation": "Invalid team ID"
  4084    },
  4085    {
  4086      "id": "model.command.is_valid.token.app_error",
  4087      "translation": "Invalid token"
  4088    },
  4089    {
  4090      "id": "model.command.is_valid.trigger.app_error",
  4091      "translation": "Invalid trigger"
  4092    },
  4093    {
  4094      "id": "model.command.is_valid.update_at.app_error",
  4095      "translation": "Update at must be a valid time"
  4096    },
  4097    {
  4098      "id": "model.command.is_valid.url.app_error",
  4099      "translation": "Invalid URL"
  4100    },
  4101    {
  4102      "id": "model.command.is_valid.url_http.app_error",
  4103      "translation": "Invalid URL. Must be a valid URL and start with http:// or https://"
  4104    },
  4105    {
  4106      "id": "model.command.is_valid.user_id.app_error",
  4107      "translation": "Invalid user id"
  4108    },
  4109    {
  4110      "id": "model.command_hook.channel_id.app_error",
  4111      "translation": "Invalid channel id"
  4112    },
  4113    {
  4114      "id": "model.command_hook.command_id.app_error",
  4115      "translation": "Invalid command id"
  4116    },
  4117    {
  4118      "id": "model.command_hook.create_at.app_error",
  4119      "translation": "Create at must be a valid time"
  4120    },
  4121    {
  4122      "id": "",
  4123      "translation": "Invalid command hook id"
  4124    },
  4125    {
  4126      "id": "model.command_hook.parent_id.app_error",
  4127      "translation": "Invalid parent id"
  4128    },
  4129    {
  4130      "id": "model.command_hook.root_id.app_error",
  4131      "translation": "Invalid root id"
  4132    },
  4133    {
  4134      "id": "model.command_hook.user_id.app_error",
  4135      "translation": "Invalid user id"
  4136    },
  4137    {
  4138      "id": "model.compliance.is_valid.create_at.app_error",
  4139      "translation": "Create at must be a valid time"
  4140    },
  4141    {
  4142      "id": "model.compliance.is_valid.desc.app_error",
  4143      "translation": "Invalid description"
  4144    },
  4145    {
  4146      "id": "model.compliance.is_valid.end_at.app_error",
  4147      "translation": "To must be a valid time"
  4148    },
  4149    {
  4150      "id": "",
  4151      "translation": "Invalid Id"
  4152    },
  4153    {
  4154      "id": "model.compliance.is_valid.start_at.app_error",
  4155      "translation": "From must be a valid time"
  4156    },
  4157    {
  4158      "id": "model.compliance.is_valid.start_end_at.app_error",
  4159      "translation": "To must be greater than From"
  4160    },
  4161    {
  4162      "id": "model.config.is_valid.allow_cookies_for_subdomains.app_error",
  4163      "translation": "Allowing cookies for subdomains requires SiteURL to be set."
  4164    },
  4165    {
  4166      "id": "model.config.is_valid.atmos_camo_image_proxy_options.app_error",
  4167      "translation": "Invalid RemoteImageProxyOptions for atmos/camo. Must be set to your shared key."
  4168    },
  4169    {
  4170      "id": "model.config.is_valid.atmos_camo_image_proxy_url.app_error",
  4171      "translation": "Invalid RemoteImageProxyURL for atmos/camo. Must be set to your shared key."
  4172    },
  4173    {
  4174      "id": "model.config.is_valid.cluster_email_batching.app_error",
  4175      "translation": "Unable to enable email batching when clustering is enabled."
  4176    },
  4177    {
  4178      "id": "model.config.is_valid.data_retention.deletion_job_start_time.app_error",
  4179      "translation": "Data retention job start time must be a 24-hour time stamp in the form HH:MM."
  4180    },
  4181    {
  4182      "id": "model.config.is_valid.data_retention.file_retention_days_too_low.app_error",
  4183      "translation": "File retention must be one day or longer."
  4184    },
  4185    {
  4186      "id": "model.config.is_valid.data_retention.message_retention_days_too_low.app_error",
  4187      "translation": "Message retention must be one day or longer."
  4188    },
  4189    {
  4190      "id": "model.config.is_valid.display.custom_url_schemes.app_error",
  4191      "translation": "The custom URL scheme {{.Scheme}} is invalid. Custom URL schemes must start with a letter and contain only letters, numbers and hyphen (-)."
  4192    },
  4193    {
  4194      "id": "model.config.is_valid.elastic_search.aggregate_posts_after_days.app_error",
  4195      "translation": "Elasticsearch AggregatePostsAfterDays setting must be a number greater than or equal to 1"
  4196    },
  4197    {
  4198      "id": "model.config.is_valid.elastic_search.bulk_indexing_time_window_seconds.app_error",
  4199      "translation": "Elasticsearch Bulk Indexing Time Window must be at least 1 second."
  4200    },
  4201    {
  4202      "id": "model.config.is_valid.elastic_search.connection_url.app_error",
  4203      "translation": "Elastic Search ConnectionUrl setting must be provided when Elastic Search indexing is enabled."
  4204    },
  4205    {
  4206      "id": "model.config.is_valid.elastic_search.enable_searching.app_error",
  4207      "translation": "Elastic Search IndexingEnabled setting must be set to true when Elastic Search SearchEnabled is set to true."
  4208    },
  4209    {
  4210      "id": "model.config.is_valid.elastic_search.live_indexing_batch_size.app_error",
  4211      "translation": "Elasticsearch Live Indexing Batch Size must be at least 1"
  4212    },
  4213    {
  4214      "id": "model.config.is_valid.elastic_search.posts_aggregator_job_start_time.app_error",
  4215      "translation": "Elasticsearch PostsAggregatorJobStartTime setting must be a time in the format \"hh:mm\""
  4216    },
  4217    {
  4218      "id": "model.config.is_valid.elastic_search.request_timeout_seconds.app_error",
  4219      "translation": "Elasticsearch Request Timeout must be at least 1 second."
  4220    },
  4221    {
  4222      "id": "model.config.is_valid.email_batching_buffer_size.app_error",
  4223      "translation": "Invalid email batching buffer size for email settings. Must be zero or a positive number."
  4224    },
  4225    {
  4226      "id": "model.config.is_valid.email_batching_interval.app_error",
  4227      "translation": "Invalid email batching interval for email settings. Must be 30 seconds or more."
  4228    },
  4229    {
  4230      "id": "model.config.is_valid.email_notification_contents_type.app_error",
  4231      "translation": "Invalid email notification contents type for email settings. Must be one of either 'full' or 'generic'."
  4232    },
  4233    {
  4234      "id": "model.config.is_valid.email_salt.app_error",
  4235      "translation": "Invalid invite salt for email settings. Must be 32 chars or more."
  4236    },
  4237    {
  4238      "id": "model.config.is_valid.email_security.app_error",
  4239      "translation": "Invalid connection security for email settings. Must be '', 'TLS', or 'STARTTLS'"
  4240    },
  4241    {
  4242      "id": "model.config.is_valid.encrypt_sql.app_error",
  4243      "translation": "Invalid at rest encrypt key for SQL settings. Must be 32 chars or more."
  4244    },
  4245    {
  4246      "id": "model.config.is_valid.file_driver.app_error",
  4247      "translation": "Invalid driver name for file settings. Must be 'local' or 'amazons3'"
  4248    },
  4249    {
  4250      "id": "model.config.is_valid.file_salt.app_error",
  4251      "translation": "Invalid public link salt for file settings. Must be 32 chars or more."
  4252    },
  4253    {
  4254      "id": "model.config.is_valid.group_unread_channels.app_error",
  4255      "translation": "Invalid group unread channels for service settings. Must be 'disabled', 'default_on', or 'default_off'."
  4256    },
  4257    {
  4258      "id": "model.config.is_valid.image_proxy_type.app_error",
  4259      "translation": "Invalid image proxy type. Must be 'local' or 'atmos/camo'."
  4260    },
  4261    {
  4262      "id": "model.config.is_valid.ldap_basedn",
  4263      "translation": "AD/LDAP field \"BaseDN\" is required."
  4264    },
  4265    {
  4266      "id": "model.config.is_valid.ldap_email",
  4267      "translation": "AD/LDAP field \"Email Attribute\" is required."
  4268    },
  4269    {
  4270      "id": "model.config.is_valid.ldap_id",
  4271      "translation": "AD/LDAP field \"ID Attribute\" is required."
  4272    },
  4273    {
  4274      "id": "model.config.is_valid.ldap_login_id",
  4275      "translation": "AD/LDAP field \"Login ID Attribute\" is required."
  4276    },
  4277    {
  4278      "id": "model.config.is_valid.ldap_max_page_size.app_error",
  4279      "translation": "Invalid max page size value."
  4280    },
  4281    {
  4282      "id": "model.config.is_valid.ldap_security.app_error",
  4283      "translation": "Invalid connection security for AD/LDAP settings. Must be '', 'TLS', or 'STARTTLS'"
  4284    },
  4285    {
  4286      "id": "model.config.is_valid.ldap_server",
  4287      "translation": "AD/LDAP field \"AD/LDAP Server\" is required."
  4288    },
  4289    {
  4290      "id": "model.config.is_valid.ldap_sync_interval.app_error",
  4291      "translation": "Invalid sync interval time. Must be at least one minute."
  4292    },
  4293    {
  4294      "id": "model.config.is_valid.ldap_username",
  4295      "translation": "AD/LDAP field \"Username Attribute\" is required."
  4296    },
  4297    {
  4298      "id": "model.config.is_valid.listen_address.app_error",
  4299      "translation": "Invalid listen address for service settings Must be set."
  4300    },
  4301    {
  4302      "id": "model.config.is_valid.localization.available_locales.app_error",
  4303      "translation": "Available Languages must contain Default Client Language"
  4304    },
  4305    {
  4306      "id": "model.config.is_valid.login_attempts.app_error",
  4307      "translation": "Invalid maximum login attempts for service settings. Must be a positive number."
  4308    },
  4309    {
  4310      "id": "model.config.is_valid.max_burst.app_error",
  4311      "translation": "Maximum burst size must be greater than zero."
  4312    },
  4313    {
  4314      "id": "model.config.is_valid.max_channels.app_error",
  4315      "translation": "Invalid maximum channels per team for team settings. Must be a positive number."
  4316    },
  4317    {
  4318      "id": "model.config.is_valid.max_file_size.app_error",
  4319      "translation": "Invalid max file size for file settings. Must be a whole number greater than zero."
  4320    },
  4321    {
  4322      "id": "model.config.is_valid.max_notify_per_channel.app_error",
  4323      "translation": "Invalid maximum notifications per channel for team settings. Must be a positive number."
  4324    },
  4325    {
  4326      "id": "model.config.is_valid.max_users.app_error",
  4327      "translation": "Invalid maximum users per team for team settings. Must be a positive number."
  4328    },
  4329    {
  4330      "id": "model.config.is_valid.message_export.batch_size.app_error",
  4331      "translation": "Message export job BatchSize must be a positive integer"
  4332    },
  4333    {
  4334      "id": "model.config.is_valid.message_export.daily_runtime.app_error",
  4335      "translation": "Message export job DailyRuntime must be a 24-hour time stamp in the form HH:MM."
  4336    },
  4337    {
  4338      "id": "model.config.is_valid.message_export.enable.app_error",
  4339      "translation": "Message export job EnableExport setting must be either true or false"
  4340    },
  4341    {
  4342      "id": "model.config.is_valid.message_export.export_from.app_error",
  4343      "translation": "Message export job ExportFromTimestamp must be a timestamp (expressed in seconds since unix epoch). Only messages sent after this timestamp will be exported."
  4344    },
  4345    {
  4346      "id": "model.config.is_valid.message_export.export_type.app_error",
  4347      "translation": "Message export job ExportFormat must be one of 'actiance', 'csv' or 'globalrelay'"
  4348    },
  4349    {
  4350      "id": "model.config.is_valid.message_export.global_relay.config_missing.app_error",
  4351      "translation": "Message export job ExportFormat is set to 'globalrelay', but GlobalRelaySettings are missing"
  4352    },
  4353    {
  4354      "id": "model.config.is_valid.message_export.global_relay.customer_type.app_error",
  4355      "translation": "Message export GlobalRelaySettings.CustomerType must be set to one of either 'A9' or 'A10'"
  4356    },
  4357    {
  4358      "id": "model.config.is_valid.message_export.global_relay.email_address.app_error",
  4359      "translation": "Message export job GlobalRelaySettings.EmailAddress must be set to a valid email address"
  4360    },
  4361    {
  4362      "id": "model.config.is_valid.message_export.global_relay.smtp_password.app_error",
  4363      "translation": "Message export job GlobalRelaySettings.SmtpPassword must be set"
  4364    },
  4365    {
  4366      "id": "model.config.is_valid.message_export.global_relay.smtp_username.app_error",
  4367      "translation": "Message export job GlobalRelaySettings.SmtpUsername must be set"
  4368    },
  4369    {
  4370      "id": "model.config.is_valid.password_length.app_error",
  4371      "translation": "Minimum password length must be a whole number greater than or equal to {{.MinLength}} and less than or equal to {{.MaxLength}}."
  4372    },
  4373    {
  4374      "id": "model.config.is_valid.rate_mem.app_error",
  4375      "translation": "Invalid memory store size for rate limit settings. Must be a positive number"
  4376    },
  4377    {
  4378      "id": "model.config.is_valid.rate_sec.app_error",
  4379      "translation": "Invalid per sec for rate limit settings. Must be a positive number"
  4380    },
  4381    {
  4382      "id": "model.config.is_valid.read_timeout.app_error",
  4383      "translation": "Invalid value for read timeout."
  4384    },
  4385    {
  4386      "id": "model.config.is_valid.restrict_direct_message.app_error",
  4387      "translation": "Invalid direct message restriction. Must be 'any', or 'team'"
  4388    },
  4389    {
  4390      "id": "model.config.is_valid.saml_assertion_consumer_service_url.app_error",
  4391      "translation": "Service Provider Login URL must be a valid URL and start with http:// or https://."
  4392    },
  4393    {
  4394      "id": "model.config.is_valid.saml_email_attribute.app_error",
  4395      "translation": "Invalid Email attribute. Must be set."
  4396    },
  4397    {
  4398      "id": "model.config.is_valid.saml_idp_cert.app_error",
  4399      "translation": "Identity Provider Public Certificate missing. Did you forget to upload it?"
  4400    },
  4401    {
  4402      "id": "model.config.is_valid.saml_idp_descriptor_url.app_error",
  4403      "translation": "Identity Provider Issuer URL must be a valid URL and start with http:// or https://."
  4404    },
  4405    {
  4406      "id": "model.config.is_valid.saml_idp_url.app_error",
  4407      "translation": "SAML SSO URL must be a valid URL and start with http:// or https://."
  4408    },
  4409    {
  4410      "id": "model.config.is_valid.saml_private_key.app_error",
  4411      "translation": "Service Provider Private Key missing. Did you forget to upload it?"
  4412    },
  4413    {
  4414      "id": "model.config.is_valid.saml_public_cert.app_error",
  4415      "translation": "Service Provider Public Certificate missing. Did you forget to upload it?"
  4416    },
  4417    {
  4418      "id": "model.config.is_valid.saml_username_attribute.app_error",
  4419      "translation": "Invalid Username attribute. Must be set."
  4420    },
  4421    {
  4422      "id": "model.config.is_valid.site_url.app_error",
  4423      "translation": "Site URL must be a valid URL and start with http:// or https://"
  4424    },
  4425    {
  4426      "id": "model.config.is_valid.site_url_email_batching.app_error",
  4427      "translation": "Unable to enable email batching when SiteURL isn't set."
  4428    },
  4429    {
  4430      "id": "model.config.is_valid.sitename_length.app_error",
  4431      "translation": "Site name must be less than or equal to {{.MaxLength}} characters."
  4432    },
  4433    {
  4434      "id": "model.config.is_valid.sitename_empty.app_error",
  4435      "translation": "Site name cannot be empty."
  4436    },
  4437    {
  4438      "id": "model.config.is_valid.sql_conn_max_lifetime_milliseconds.app_error",
  4439      "translation": "Invalid connection maximum lifetime for SQL settings. Must be a non-negative number."
  4440    },
  4441    {
  4442      "id": "model.config.is_valid.sql_data_src.app_error",
  4443      "translation": "Invalid data source for SQL settings. Must be set."
  4444    },
  4445    {
  4446      "id": "model.config.is_valid.sql_driver.app_error",
  4447      "translation": "Invalid driver name for SQL settings. Must be 'mysql' or 'postgres'"
  4448    },
  4449    {
  4450      "id": "model.config.is_valid.sql_idle.app_error",
  4451      "translation": "Invalid maximum idle connection for SQL settings. Must be a positive number."
  4452    },
  4453    {
  4454      "id": "model.config.is_valid.sql_max_conn.app_error",
  4455      "translation": "Invalid maximum open connection for SQL settings. Must be a positive number."
  4456    },
  4457    {
  4458      "id": "model.config.is_valid.sql_query_timeout.app_error",
  4459      "translation": "Invalid query timeout for SQL settings. Must be a positive number."
  4460    },
  4461    {
  4462      "id": "model.config.is_valid.teammate_name_display.app_error",
  4463      "translation": "Invalid teammate display. Must be 'full_name', 'nickname_full_name' or 'username'"
  4464    },
  4465    {
  4466      "id": "model.config.is_valid.time_between_user_typing.app_error",
  4467      "translation": "Time between user typing updates should not be set to less than 1000 milliseconds."
  4468    },
  4469    {
  4470      "id": "model.config.is_valid.webserver_security.app_error",
  4471      "translation": "Invalid value for webserver connection security."
  4472    },
  4473    {
  4474      "id": "model.config.is_valid.tls_cert_file.app_error",
  4475      "translation": "Invalid value for TLS certificate file - Either use LetsEncrypt or set path to existing certificate file"
  4476    },
  4477    {
  4478      "id": "model.config.is_valid.tls_key_file.app_error",
  4479      "translation": "Invalid value for TLS key file - Either use LetsEncrypt or set path to existing key file"
  4480    },
  4481    {
  4482      "id": "model.config.is_valid.tls_overwrite_cipher.app_error",
  4483      "translation": "Invalid value passed for TLS overwrite cipher - Please refer to the documentation for valid values"
  4484    },
  4485    {
  4486      "id": "model.config.is_valid.websocket_url.app_error",
  4487      "translation": "Websocket URL must be a valid URL and start with ws:// or wss://"
  4488    },
  4489    {
  4490      "id": "model.config.is_valid.write_timeout.app_error",
  4491      "translation": "Invalid value for write timeout."
  4492    },
  4493    {
  4494      "id": "model.emoji.create_at.app_error",
  4495      "translation": "Create at must be a valid time"
  4496    },
  4497    {
  4498      "id": "",
  4499      "translation": "Invalid emoji id"
  4500    },
  4501    {
  4502      "id": "",
  4503      "translation": "Name must be 1 to 64 lowercase alphanumeric characters"
  4504    },
  4505    {
  4506      "id": "model.emoji.update_at.app_error",
  4507      "translation": "Update at must be a valid time"
  4508    },
  4509    {
  4510      "id": "model.emoji.user_id.app_error",
  4511      "translation": "Invalid creator id"
  4512    },
  4513    {
  4514      "id": "model.file_info.get.gif.app_error",
  4515      "translation": "Could not decode gif."
  4516    },
  4517    {
  4518      "id": "model.file_info.is_valid.create_at.app_error",
  4519      "translation": "Invalid value for create_at."
  4520    },
  4521    {
  4522      "id": "",
  4523      "translation": "Invalid value for id."
  4524    },
  4525    {
  4526      "id": "model.file_info.is_valid.path.app_error",
  4527      "translation": "Invalid value for path."
  4528    },
  4529    {
  4530      "id": "model.file_info.is_valid.post_id.app_error",
  4531      "translation": "Invalid value for post_id."
  4532    },
  4533    {
  4534      "id": "model.file_info.is_valid.update_at.app_error",
  4535      "translation": "Invalid value for update_at."
  4536    },
  4537    {
  4538      "id": "model.file_info.is_valid.user_id.app_error",
  4539      "translation": "Invalid value for user_id."
  4540    },
  4541    {
  4542      "id": "model.incoming_hook.channel_id.app_error",
  4543      "translation": "Invalid channel id"
  4544    },
  4545    {
  4546      "id": "model.incoming_hook.create_at.app_error",
  4547      "translation": "Create at must be a valid time"
  4548    },
  4549    {
  4550      "id": "model.incoming_hook.description.app_error",
  4551      "translation": "Invalid description"
  4552    },
  4553    {
  4554      "id": "model.incoming_hook.display_name.app_error",
  4555      "translation": "Invalid title"
  4556    },
  4557    {
  4558      "id": "model.incoming_hook.icon_url.app_error",
  4559      "translation": "Invalid post icon"
  4560    },
  4561    {
  4562      "id": "",
  4563      "translation": "Invalid Id"
  4564    },
  4565    {
  4566      "id": "model.incoming_hook.parse_data.app_error",
  4567      "translation": "Unable to parse incoming data"
  4568    },
  4569    {
  4570      "id": "model.incoming_hook.team_id.app_error",
  4571      "translation": "Invalid team ID"
  4572    },
  4573    {
  4574      "id": "model.incoming_hook.update_at.app_error",
  4575      "translation": "Update at must be a valid time"
  4576    },
  4577    {
  4578      "id": "model.incoming_hook.user_id.app_error",
  4579      "translation": "Invalid user id"
  4580    },
  4581    {
  4582      "id": "model.incoming_hook.username.app_error",
  4583      "translation": "Invalid username"
  4584    },
  4585    {
  4586      "id": "model.job.is_valid.create_at.app_error",
  4587      "translation": "Create at must be a valid time"
  4588    },
  4589    {
  4590      "id": "",
  4591      "translation": "Invalid job Id"
  4592    },
  4593    {
  4594      "id": "model.job.is_valid.status.app_error",
  4595      "translation": "Invalid job status"
  4596    },
  4597    {
  4598      "id": "model.job.is_valid.type.app_error",
  4599      "translation": "Invalid job type"
  4600    },
  4601    {
  4602      "id": "model.license_record.is_valid.create_at.app_error",
  4603      "translation": "Invalid value for create_at when uploading a license."
  4604    },
  4605    {
  4606      "id": "",
  4607      "translation": "Invalid value for id when uploading a license."
  4608    },
  4609    {
  4610      "id": "",
  4611      "translation": "Link metadata data cannot be nil"
  4612    },
  4613    {
  4614      "id": "model.link_metadata.is_valid.data_type.app_error",
  4615      "translation": "Link metadata data does not match the given type"
  4616    },
  4617    {
  4618      "id": "",
  4619      "translation": "Link metadata id invalid"
  4620    },
  4621    {
  4622      "id": "model.link_metadata.is_valid.timestamp.app_error",
  4623      "translation": "Link metadata timestamp must be nonzero and rounded to the nearest hour"
  4624    },
  4625    {
  4626      "id": "model.link_metadata.is_valid.type.app_error",
  4627      "translation": "Invalid link metadata type"
  4628    },
  4629    {
  4630      "id": "model.link_metadata.is_valid.url.app_error",
  4631      "translation": "Link metadata URL must be set"
  4632    },
  4633    {
  4634      "id": "model.oauth.is_valid.app_id.app_error",
  4635      "translation": "Invalid app id"
  4636    },
  4637    {
  4638      "id": "model.oauth.is_valid.callback.app_error",
  4639      "translation": "Callback URL must be a valid URL and start with http:// or https://."
  4640    },
  4641    {
  4642      "id": "model.oauth.is_valid.client_secret.app_error",
  4643      "translation": "Invalid client secret"
  4644    },
  4645    {
  4646      "id": "model.oauth.is_valid.create_at.app_error",
  4647      "translation": "Create at must be a valid time"
  4648    },
  4649    {
  4650      "id": "model.oauth.is_valid.creator_id.app_error",
  4651      "translation": "Invalid creator id"
  4652    },
  4653    {
  4654      "id": "model.oauth.is_valid.description.app_error",
  4655      "translation": "Invalid description"
  4656    },
  4657    {
  4658      "id": "model.oauth.is_valid.homepage.app_error",
  4659      "translation": "Homepage must be a valid URL and start with http:// or https://."
  4660    },
  4661    {
  4662      "id": "model.oauth.is_valid.icon_url.app_error",
  4663      "translation": "Icon URL must be a valid URL and start with http:// or https://."
  4664    },
  4665    {
  4666      "id": "",
  4667      "translation": "Invalid name"
  4668    },
  4669    {
  4670      "id": "model.oauth.is_valid.update_at.app_error",
  4671      "translation": "Update at must be a valid time"
  4672    },
  4673    {
  4674      "id": "model.outgoing_hook.icon_url.app_error",
  4675      "translation": "Invalid icon"
  4676    },
  4677    {
  4678      "id": "model.outgoing_hook.is_valid.callback.app_error",
  4679      "translation": "Invalid callback URLs"
  4680    },
  4681    {
  4682      "id": "model.outgoing_hook.is_valid.channel_id.app_error",
  4683      "translation": "Invalid channel id"
  4684    },
  4685    {
  4686      "id": "model.outgoing_hook.is_valid.content_type.app_error",
  4687      "translation": "Invalid value for content_type"
  4688    },
  4689    {
  4690      "id": "model.outgoing_hook.is_valid.create_at.app_error",
  4691      "translation": "Create at must be a valid time"
  4692    },
  4693    {
  4694      "id": "model.outgoing_hook.is_valid.description.app_error",
  4695      "translation": "Invalid description"
  4696    },
  4697    {
  4698      "id": "model.outgoing_hook.is_valid.display_name.app_error",
  4699      "translation": "Invalid title"
  4700    },
  4701    {
  4702      "id": "",
  4703      "translation": "Invalid Id"
  4704    },
  4705    {
  4706      "id": "model.outgoing_hook.is_valid.team_id.app_error",
  4707      "translation": "Invalid team ID"
  4708    },
  4709    {
  4710      "id": "model.outgoing_hook.is_valid.token.app_error",
  4711      "translation": "Invalid token"
  4712    },
  4713    {
  4714      "id": "model.outgoing_hook.is_valid.trigger_words.app_error",
  4715      "translation": "Invalid trigger words"
  4716    },
  4717    {
  4718      "id": "model.outgoing_hook.is_valid.update_at.app_error",
  4719      "translation": "Update at must be a valid time"
  4720    },
  4721    {
  4722      "id": "model.outgoing_hook.is_valid.url.app_error",
  4723      "translation": "Invalid callback URLs. Each must be a valid URL and start with http:// or https://"
  4724    },
  4725    {
  4726      "id": "model.outgoing_hook.is_valid.user_id.app_error",
  4727      "translation": "Invalid user id"
  4728    },
  4729    {
  4730      "id": "model.outgoing_hook.is_valid.words.app_error",
  4731      "translation": "Invalid trigger words"
  4732    },
  4733    {
  4734      "id": "model.outgoing_hook.username.app_error",
  4735      "translation": "Invalid username"
  4736    },
  4737    {
  4738      "id": "model.plugin_command.error.app_error",
  4739      "translation": "An error occurred while trying to execute this command."
  4740    },
  4741    {
  4742      "id": "model.plugin_key_value.is_valid.key.app_error",
  4743      "translation": "Invalid key, must be more than {{.Min}} and a of maximum {{.Max}} characters long."
  4744    },
  4745    {
  4746      "id": "model.plugin_key_value.is_valid.plugin_id.app_error",
  4747      "translation": "Invalid plugin ID, must be more than {{.Min}} and a of maximum {{.Max}} characters long."
  4748    },
  4749    {
  4750      "id": "",
  4751      "translation": "Invalid channel id"
  4752    },
  4753    {
  4754      "id": "",
  4755      "translation": "Create at must be a valid time"
  4756    },
  4757    {
  4758      "id": "",
  4759      "translation": "Invalid file ids. Note that uploads are limited to 5 files maximum. Please use additional posts for more files."
  4760    },
  4761    {
  4762      "id": "",
  4763      "translation": "Invalid filenames"
  4764    },
  4765    {
  4766      "id": "",
  4767      "translation": "Invalid hashtags"
  4768    },
  4769    {
  4770      "id": "",
  4771      "translation": "Invalid Id"
  4772    },
  4773    {
  4774      "id": "",
  4775      "translation": "Invalid message"
  4776    },
  4777    {
  4778      "id": "",
  4779      "translation": "Invalid original id"
  4780    },
  4781    {
  4782      "id": "",
  4783      "translation": "Invalid parent id"
  4784    },
  4785    {
  4786      "id": "",
  4787      "translation": "Invalid props"
  4788    },
  4789    {
  4790      "id": "",
  4791      "translation": "Invalid root id"
  4792    },
  4793    {
  4794      "id": "",
  4795      "translation": "Invalid root ID must be set if parent ID set"
  4796    },
  4797    {
  4798      "id": "",
  4799      "translation": "Invalid type"
  4800    },
  4801    {
  4802      "id": "",
  4803      "translation": "Update at must be a valid time"
  4804    },
  4805    {
  4806      "id": "",
  4807      "translation": "Invalid user id"
  4808    },
  4809    {
  4810      "id": "model.preference.is_valid.category.app_error",
  4811      "translation": "Invalid category"
  4812    },
  4813    {
  4814      "id": "",
  4815      "translation": "Invalid user id"
  4816    },
  4817    {
  4818      "id": "",
  4819      "translation": "Invalid name"
  4820    },
  4821    {
  4822      "id": "model.preference.is_valid.theme.app_error",
  4823      "translation": "Invalid theme"
  4824    },
  4825    {
  4826      "id": "model.preference.is_valid.value.app_error",
  4827      "translation": "Value is too long"
  4828    },
  4829    {
  4830      "id": "model.reaction.is_valid.create_at.app_error",
  4831      "translation": "Create at must be a valid time"
  4832    },
  4833    {
  4834      "id": "model.reaction.is_valid.emoji_name.app_error",
  4835      "translation": "Invalid emoji name"
  4836    },
  4837    {
  4838      "id": "model.reaction.is_valid.post_id.app_error",
  4839      "translation": "Invalid post id"
  4840    },
  4841    {
  4842      "id": "model.reaction.is_valid.user_id.app_error",
  4843      "translation": "Invalid user id"
  4844    },
  4845    {
  4846      "id": "",
  4847      "translation": "Name must be 2 or more lowercase alphanumeric characters"
  4848    },
  4849    {
  4850      "id": "",
  4851      "translation": "Invalid company name"
  4852    },
  4853    {
  4854      "id": "",
  4855      "translation": "Create at must be a valid time"
  4856    },
  4857    {
  4858      "id": "",
  4859      "translation": "Invalid description"
  4860    },
  4861    {
  4862      "id": "",
  4863      "translation": "Invalid allowed domains"
  4864    },
  4865    {
  4866      "id": "",
  4867      "translation": "Invalid email"
  4868    },
  4869    {
  4870      "id": "",
  4871      "translation": "Invalid Id"
  4872    },
  4873    {
  4874      "id": "",
  4875      "translation": "Invalid invite id"
  4876    },
  4877    {
  4878      "id": "",
  4879      "translation": "Invalid name"
  4880    },
  4881    {
  4882      "id": "",
  4883      "translation": "This URL is unavailable. Please try another."
  4884    },
  4885    {
  4886      "id": "",
  4887      "translation": "Invalid type"
  4888    },
  4889    {
  4890      "id": "",
  4891      "translation": "Update at must be a valid time"
  4892    },
  4893    {
  4894      "id": "",
  4895      "translation": "Invalid URL Identifier"
  4896    },
  4897    {
  4898      "id": "model.team_member.is_valid.team_id.app_error",
  4899      "translation": "Invalid team ID"
  4900    },
  4901    {
  4902      "id": "model.team_member.is_valid.user_id.app_error",
  4903      "translation": "Invalid user id"
  4904    },
  4905    {
  4906      "id": "model.token.is_valid.expiry",
  4907      "translation": "Invalid token expiry"
  4908    },
  4909    {
  4910      "id": "model.token.is_valid.size",
  4911      "translation": "Invalid token."
  4912    },
  4913    {
  4914      "id": "model.user.is_valid.pwd.app_error",
  4915      "translation": "Your password must contain at least {{.Min}} characters."
  4916    },
  4917    {
  4918      "id": "model.user.is_valid.pwd_lowercase.app_error",
  4919      "translation": "Your password must contain at least {{.Min}} characters made up of at least one lowercase letter."
  4920    },
  4921    {
  4922      "id": "model.user.is_valid.pwd_lowercase_number.app_error",
  4923      "translation": "Your password must contain at least {{.Min}} characters made up of at least one lowercase letter and at least one number."
  4924    },
  4925    {
  4926      "id": "model.user.is_valid.pwd_lowercase_number_symbol.app_error",
  4927      "translation": "Your password must contain at least {{.Min}} characters made up of at least one lowercase letter, at least one number, and at least one symbol (e.g. \"~!@#$%^&*()\")."
  4928    },
  4929    {
  4930      "id": "model.user.is_valid.pwd_lowercase_symbol.app_error",
  4931      "translation": "Your password must contain at least {{.Min}} characters made up of at least one lowercase letter and at least one symbol (e.g. \"~!@#$%^&*()\")."
  4932    },
  4933    {
  4934      "id": "model.user.is_valid.pwd_lowercase_uppercase.app_error",
  4935      "translation": "Your password must contain at least {{.Min}} characters made up of at least one lowercase letter and at least one uppercase letter."
  4936    },
  4937    {
  4938      "id": "model.user.is_valid.pwd_lowercase_uppercase_number.app_error",
  4939      "translation": "Your password must contain at least {{.Min}} characters made up of at least one lowercase letter, at least one uppercase letter, and at least one number."
  4940    },
  4941    {
  4942      "id": "model.user.is_valid.pwd_lowercase_uppercase_number_symbol.app_error",
  4943      "translation": "Your password must contain at least {{.Min}} characters made up of at least one lowercase letter, at least one uppercase letter, at least one number, and at least one symbol (e.g. \"~!@#$%^&*()\")."
  4944    },
  4945    {
  4946      "id": "model.user.is_valid.pwd_lowercase_uppercase_symbol.app_error",
  4947      "translation": "Your password must contain at least {{.Min}} characters made up of at least one lowercase letter, at least one uppercase letter, and at least one symbol (e.g. \"~!@#$%^&*()\")."
  4948    },
  4949    {
  4950      "id": "model.user.is_valid.pwd_number.app_error",
  4951      "translation": "Your password must contain at least {{.Min}} characters made up of at least one number."
  4952    },
  4953    {
  4954      "id": "model.user.is_valid.pwd_number_symbol.app_error",
  4955      "translation": "Your password must contain at least {{.Min}} characters made up of at least one number and at least one symbol (e.g. \"~!@#$%^&*()\")."
  4956    },
  4957    {
  4958      "id": "model.user.is_valid.pwd_symbol.app_error",
  4959      "translation": "Your password must contain at least {{.Min}} characters made up of at least one symbol (e.g. \"~!@#$%^&*()\")."
  4960    },
  4961    {
  4962      "id": "model.user.is_valid.pwd_uppercase.app_error",
  4963      "translation": "Your password must contain at least {{.Min}} characters made up of at least one uppercase letter."
  4964    },
  4965    {
  4966      "id": "model.user.is_valid.pwd_uppercase_number.app_error",
  4967      "translation": "Your password must contain at least {{.Min}} characters made up of at least one uppercase letter and at least one number."
  4968    },
  4969    {
  4970      "id": "model.user.is_valid.pwd_uppercase_number_symbol.app_error",
  4971      "translation": "Your password must contain at least {{.Min}} characters made up of at least one uppercase letter, at least one number, and at least one symbol (e.g. \"~!@#$%^&*()\")."
  4972    },
  4973    {
  4974      "id": "model.user.is_valid.pwd_uppercase_symbol.app_error",
  4975      "translation": "Your password must contain at least {{.Min}} characters made up of at least one uppercase letter and at least one symbol (e.g. \"~!@#$%^&*()\")."
  4976    },
  4977    {
  4978      "id": "model.user_access_token.is_valid.description.app_error",
  4979      "translation": "Invalid description, must be 255 or less characters"
  4980    },
  4981    {
  4982      "id": "",
  4983      "translation": "Invalid value for id"
  4984    },
  4985    {
  4986      "id": "model.user_access_token.is_valid.token.app_error",
  4987      "translation": "Invalid access token"
  4988    },
  4989    {
  4990      "id": "model.user_access_token.is_valid.user_id.app_error",
  4991      "translation": "Invalid user id"
  4992    },
  4993    {
  4994      "id": "",
  4995      "translation": "Please enter a valid email address."
  4996    },
  4997    {
  4998      "id": "model.user.is_valid.username.app_error",
  4999      "translation": "Username must begin with a letter and contain between 3 and 22 characters including numbers, lowercase letters, and the symbols \".\", \"-\", and \"_\"."
  5000    },
  5001    {
  5002      "id": "model.utils.decode_json.app_error",
  5003      "translation": "could not decode"
  5004    },
  5005    {
  5006      "id": "model.websocket_client.connect_fail.app_error",
  5007      "translation": "Unable to connect to the WebSocket server."
  5008    },
  5009    {
  5010      "id": "",
  5011      "translation": "Invalid term of service id."
  5012    },
  5013    {
  5014      "id": "model.terms_of_service.is_valid.create_at.app_error",
  5015      "translation": "Missing required term of service property: create_at."
  5016    },
  5017    {
  5018      "id": "model.terms_of_service.is_valid.user_id.app_error",
  5019      "translation": "Missing required terms of service property: user_id."
  5020    },
  5021    {
  5022      "id": "model.terms_of_service.is_valid.text.app_error",
  5023      "translation": "Custom terms of service text is too long. Maximum {{.MaxLength}} characters allowed."
  5024    },
  5025    {
  5026      "id": "model.user_terms_of_service.is_valid.user_id.app_error",
  5027      "translation": "Missing required terms of service property: user_id."
  5028    },
  5029    {
  5030      "id": "model.user_terms_of_service.is_valid.service_terms_id.app_error",
  5031      "translation": "Missing required terms of service property: service_terms_id."
  5032    },
  5033    {
  5034      "id": "model.user_terms_of_service.is_valid.create_at.app_error",
  5035      "translation": "Missing required terms of service property: create_at."
  5036    },
  5037    {
  5038      "id": "oauth.gitlab.tos.error",
  5039      "translation": "GitLab's Terms of Service have updated. Please go to to accept them and then try logging into Mattermost again."
  5040    },
  5041    {
  5042      "id": "plugin_api.get_file_link.disabled.app_error",
  5043      "translation": "Public links have been disabled"
  5044    },
  5045    {
  5046      "id": "plugin_api.get_file_link.no_post.app_error",
  5047      "translation": "Unable to get public link for file. File must be attached to a post that can be read."
  5048    },
  5049    {
  5050      "id": "plugin.api.update_user_status.bad_status",
  5051      "translation": "Unable to set the user status. Unknown user status."
  5052    },
  5053    {
  5054      "id": "plugin_api.send_mail.missing_htmlbody",
  5055      "translation": "Missing HTML Body."
  5056    },
  5057    {
  5058      "id": "plugin_api.send_mail.missing_to",
  5059      "translation": "Missing TO address."
  5060    },
  5061    {
  5062      "id": "plugin_api.send_mail.missing_subject",
  5063      "translation": "Missing email subject."
  5064    },
  5065    {
  5066      "id": "store.sql_channel.get_channels_batch_for_indexing.get.app_error",
  5067      "translation": "Unable to get the channels batch for indexing"
  5068    },
  5069    {
  5070      "id": "store.sql_channel.remove_all_deactivated_members.app_error",
  5071      "translation": "We could not remove the deactivated users from the channel"
  5072    },
  5073    {
  5074      "id": "store.sql.convert_string_array",
  5075      "translation": "FromDb: Unable to convert StringArray to *string"
  5076    },
  5077    {
  5078      "id": "store.sql.convert_string_interface",
  5079      "translation": "FromDb: Unable to convert StringInterface to *string"
  5080    },
  5081    {
  5082      "id": "store.sql.convert_string_map",
  5083      "translation": "FromDb: Unable to convert StringMap to *string"
  5084    },
  5085    {
  5086      "id": "store.sql_audit.get.finding.app_error",
  5087      "translation": "We encountered an error finding the audits"
  5088    },
  5089    {
  5090      "id": "store.sql_audit.get.limit.app_error",
  5091      "translation": "Limit exceeded for paging"
  5092    },
  5093    {
  5094      "id": "store.sql_audit.permanent_delete_batch.app_error",
  5095      "translation": "We encountered an error permanently deleting the batch of audits"
  5096    },
  5097    {
  5098      "id": "store.sql_audit.permanent_delete_by_user.app_error",
  5099      "translation": "We encountered an error deleting the audits"
  5100    },
  5101    {
  5102      "id": "",
  5103      "translation": "We encountered an error saving the audit"
  5104    },
  5105    {
  5106      "id": "store.sql_bot.delete.app_error",
  5107      "translation": "Unable to delete the bot"
  5108    },
  5109    {
  5110      "id": "store.sql_bot.get.app_error",
  5111      "translation": "Unable to get the bot"
  5112    },
  5113    {
  5114      "id": "store.sql_bot.get.missing.app_error",
  5115      "translation": "Bot does not exist"
  5116    },
  5117    {
  5118      "id": "store.sql_bot.get_all.app_error",
  5119      "translation": "Unable to get the bots"
  5120    },
  5121    {
  5122      "id": "",
  5123      "translation": "Unable to save the bot"
  5124    },
  5125    {
  5126      "id": "store.sql_bot.update.app_error",
  5127      "translation": "Unable to update the bot"
  5128    },
  5129    {
  5130      "id": "store.sql_bot.update.updating.app_error",
  5131      "translation": "We encountered an error updating the bot"
  5132    },
  5133    {
  5134      "id": "store.sql_channel.analytics_deleted_type_count.app_error",
  5135      "translation": "Unable to get deleted channel type counts"
  5136    },
  5137    {
  5138      "id": "store.sql_channel.analytics_type_count.app_error",
  5139      "translation": "Unable to get channel type counts"
  5140    },
  5141    {
  5142      "id": "store.sql_channel.clear_all_custom_role_assignments.commit_transaction.app_error",
  5143      "translation": "Failed to commit the database transaction"
  5144    },
  5145    {
  5146      "id": "store.sql_channel.clear_all_custom_role_assignments.open_transaction.app_error",
  5147      "translation": "Failed to begin the database transaction"
  5148    },
  5149    {
  5150      "id": "store.sql_channel.clear_all_custom_role_assignments.rollback_transaction.app_error",
  5151      "translation": "Failed to rollback the database transaction"
  5152    },
  5153    {
  5154      "id": "",
  5155      "translation": "Failed to retrieve the channel members"
  5156    },
  5157    {
  5158      "id": "store.sql_channel.clear_all_custom_role_assignments.update.app_error",
  5159      "translation": "Failed to update the channel member"
  5160    },
  5161    {
  5162      "id": "",
  5163      "translation": "Unable to delete the channel"
  5164    },
  5165    {
  5166      "id": "store.sql_channel.get.existing.app_error",
  5167      "translation": "Unable to find the existing channel"
  5168    },
  5169    {
  5170      "id": "store.sql_channel.get.find.app_error",
  5171      "translation": "We encountered an error finding the channel"
  5172    },
  5173    {
  5174      "id": "store.sql_channel.get_all.app_error",
  5175      "translation": "Unable to get all the channels"
  5176    },
  5177    {
  5178      "id": "store.sql_channel.get_by_name.existing.app_error",
  5179      "translation": "Unable to find the existing channel"
  5180    },
  5181    {
  5182      "id": "store.sql_channel.get_by_name.missing.app_error",
  5183      "translation": "Channel does not exist"
  5184    },
  5185    {
  5186      "id": "store.sql_channel.get_by_scheme.app_error",
  5187      "translation": "Unable to get the channels for the provided scheme"
  5188    },
  5189    {
  5190      "id": "store.sql_channel.get_channel_counts.get.app_error",
  5191      "translation": "Unable to get the channel counts"
  5192    },
  5193    {
  5194      "id": "store.sql_channel.get_channels.get.app_error",
  5195      "translation": "Unable to get the channels"
  5196    },
  5197    {
  5198      "id": "store.sql_channel.get_channels.not_found.app_error",
  5199      "translation": "No channels were found"
  5200    },
  5201    {
  5202      "id": "store.sql_channel.get_channels_by_ids.get.app_error",
  5203      "translation": "Unable to get the channels"
  5204    },
  5205    {
  5206      "id": "store.sql_channel.get_channels_by_ids.not_found.app_error",
  5207      "translation": "No channel found"
  5208    },
  5209    {
  5210      "id": "store.sql_channel.get_deleted.existing.app_error",
  5211      "translation": "Unable to find the existing deleted channel"
  5212    },
  5213    {
  5214      "id": "store.sql_channel.get_deleted.missing.app_error",
  5215      "translation": "No deleted channels exist"
  5216    },
  5217    {
  5218      "id": "store.sql_channel.get_deleted_by_name.existing.app_error",
  5219      "translation": "Unable to find the existing deleted channel"
  5220    },
  5221    {
  5222      "id": "store.sql_channel.get_deleted_by_name.missing.app_error",
  5223      "translation": "No deleted channel exists with that name"
  5224    },
  5225    {
  5226      "id": "store.sql_channel.get_for_post.app_error",
  5227      "translation": "Unable to get the channel for the given post"
  5228    },
  5229    {
  5230      "id": "store.sql_channel.get_member.app_error",
  5231      "translation": "Unable to get the channel member"
  5232    },
  5233    {
  5234      "id": "store.sql_channel.get_member.missing.app_error",
  5235      "translation": "No channel member found for that user ID and channel ID"
  5236    },
  5237    {
  5238      "id": "store.sql_channel.get_member_count.app_error",
  5239      "translation": "Unable to get the channel member count"
  5240    },
  5241    {
  5242      "id": "store.sql_channel.get_member_for_post.app_error",
  5243      "translation": "Unable to get the channel member for the given post"
  5244    },
  5245    {
  5246      "id": "store.sql_channel.get_members.app_error",
  5247      "translation": "Unable to get the channel members"
  5248    },
  5249    {
  5250      "id": "store.sql_channel.get_timezone.app_error",
  5251      "translation": "We couldn't get the channel members timezones"
  5252    },
  5253    {
  5254      "id": "store.sql_channel.get_members_by_ids.app_error",
  5255      "translation": "Unable to get the channel members"
  5256    },
  5257    {
  5258      "id": "store.sql_channel.get_more_channels.get.app_error",
  5259      "translation": "Unable to get the channels"
  5260    },
  5261    {
  5262      "id": "store.sql_channel.get_public_channels.get.app_error",
  5263      "translation": "Unable to get public channels"
  5264    },
  5265    {
  5266      "id": "store.sql_channel.get_unread.app_error",
  5267      "translation": "Unable to get the channel unread messages"
  5268    },
  5269    {
  5270      "id": "store.sql_channel.increment_mention_count.app_error",
  5271      "translation": "Unable to increment the mention count"
  5272    },
  5273    {
  5274      "id": "store.sql_channel.migrate_channel_members.commit_transaction.app_error",
  5275      "translation": "Failed to commit the database transaction"
  5276    },
  5277    {
  5278      "id": "store.sql_channel.migrate_channel_members.open_transaction.app_error",
  5279      "translation": "Failed to open the database transaction"
  5280    },
  5281    {
  5282      "id": "store.sql_channel.migrate_channel_members.rollback_transaction.app_error",
  5283      "translation": "Failed to roll back the database transaction"
  5284    },
  5285    {
  5286      "id": "",
  5287      "translation": "Failed to select the batch of channel members"
  5288    },
  5289    {
  5290      "id": "store.sql_channel.migrate_channel_members.update.app_error",
  5291      "translation": "Failed to update the channel member"
  5292    },
  5293    {
  5294      "id": "store.sql_channel.permanent_delete.app_error",
  5295      "translation": "Unable to delete the channel"
  5296    },
  5297    {
  5298      "id": "store.sql_channel.permanent_delete.commit_transaction.app_error",
  5299      "translation": "Unable to commit transaction"
  5300    },
  5301    {
  5302      "id": "store.sql_channel.permanent_delete.delete_public_channel.app_error",
  5303      "translation": "Unable to delete materialized public channel"
  5304    },
  5305    {
  5306      "id": "store.sql_channel.permanent_delete.open_transaction.app_error",
  5307      "translation": "Unable to open transaction"
  5308    },
  5309    {
  5310      "id": "store.sql_channel.permanent_delete_by_team.app_error",
  5311      "translation": "Unable to delete the channels"
  5312    },
  5313    {
  5314      "id": "store.sql_channel.permanent_delete_by_team.commit_transaction.app_error",
  5315      "translation": "Unable to commit transaction"
  5316    },
  5317    {
  5318      "id": "store.sql_channel.permanent_delete_by_team.delete_public_channels.app_error",
  5319      "translation": "Unable to delete materialized public channels"
  5320    },
  5321    {
  5322      "id": "store.sql_channel.permanent_delete_by_team.open_transaction.app_error",
  5323      "translation": "Unable to open transaction"
  5324    },
  5325    {
  5326      "id": "store.sql_channel.permanent_delete_members_by_user.app_error",
  5327      "translation": "Unable to remove the channel member"
  5328    },
  5329    {
  5330      "id": "store.sql_channel.pinned_posts.app_error",
  5331      "translation": "Unable to find the pinned posts"
  5332    },
  5333    {
  5334      "id": "store.sql_channel.remove_member.app_error",
  5335      "translation": "Unable to remove the channel member"
  5336    },
  5337    {
  5338      "id": "store.sql_channel.reset_all_channel_schemes.app_error",
  5339      "translation": "We could not reset the channel schemes"
  5340    },
  5341    {
  5342      "id": "store.sql_channel.reset_all_channel_schemes.commit_transaction.app_error",
  5343      "translation": "Unable to commit transaction"
  5344    },
  5345    {
  5346      "id": "store.sql_channel.reset_all_channel_schemes.open_transaction.app_error",
  5347      "translation": "Unable to open transaction"
  5348    },
  5349    {
  5350      "id": "store.sql_channel.reset_last_post_at.app_error",
  5351      "translation": "We could not reset the channel last post at date"
  5352    },
  5353    {
  5354      "id": "store.sql_channel.reset_last_post_at.commit_transaction.app_error",
  5355      "translation": "Unable to commit transaction"
  5356    },
  5357    {
  5358      "id": "store.sql_channel.reset_last_post_at.open_transaction.app_error",
  5359      "translation": "Unable to open transaction"
  5360    },
  5361    {
  5362      "id": "",
  5363      "translation": "You can not modify an archived channel"
  5364    },
  5365    {
  5366      "id": "",
  5367      "translation": "Unable to commit transaction"
  5368    },
  5369    {
  5370      "id": "",
  5371      "translation": "Use SaveDirectChannel to create a direct channel"
  5372    },
  5373    {
  5374      "id": "",
  5375      "translation": "Unable to open transaction"
  5376    },
  5377    {
  5378      "id": "",
  5379      "translation": "Unable to upsert materialized public channel"
  5380    },
  5381    {
  5382      "id": "store.sql_channel.save_channel.current_count.app_error",
  5383      "translation": "Failed to get current channel count"
  5384    },
  5385    {
  5386      "id": "store.sql_channel.save_channel.existing.app_error",
  5387      "translation": "Must call update for existing channel"
  5388    },
  5389    {
  5390      "id": "store.sql_channel.save_channel.exists.app_error",
  5391      "translation": "A channel with that name already exists on the same team"
  5392    },
  5393    {
  5394      "id": "store.sql_channel.save_channel.limit.app_error",
  5395      "translation": "You've reached the limit of the number of allowed channels."
  5396    },
  5397    {
  5398      "id": "store.sql_channel.save_channel.previously.app_error",
  5399      "translation": "A channel with that URL was previously created"
  5400    },
  5401    {
  5402      "id": "",
  5403      "translation": "Unable to save the channel"
  5404    },
  5405    {
  5406      "id": "store.sql_channel.save_direct_channel.add_members.app_error",
  5407      "translation": "Unable to add direct channel members"
  5408    },
  5409    {
  5410      "id": "store.sql_channel.save_direct_channel.commit.app_error",
  5411      "translation": "Unable to commit transaction"
  5412    },
  5413    {
  5414      "id": "store.sql_channel.save_direct_channel.not_direct.app_error",
  5415      "translation": "Not a direct channel attempted to be created with SaveDirectChannel"
  5416    },
  5417    {
  5418      "id": "store.sql_channel.save_direct_channel.open_transaction.app_error",
  5419      "translation": "Unable to open transaction"
  5420    },
  5421    {
  5422      "id": "store.sql_channel.save_member.commit_transaction.app_error",
  5423      "translation": "Unable to commit transaction"
  5424    },
  5425    {
  5426      "id": "store.sql_channel.save_member.exists.app_error",
  5427      "translation": "A channel member with that ID already exists"
  5428    },
  5429    {
  5430      "id": "store.sql_channel.save_member.open_transaction.app_error",
  5431      "translation": "Unable to open transaction"
  5432    },
  5433    {
  5434      "id": "",
  5435      "translation": "Unable to save the channel member"
  5436    },
  5437    {
  5438      "id": "",
  5439      "translation": "We encountered an error searching channels"
  5440    },
  5441    {
  5442      "id": "store.sql_channel.set_delete_at.commit_transaction.app_error",
  5443      "translation": "Unable to commit transaction"
  5444    },
  5445    {
  5446      "id": "store.sql_channel.set_delete_at.open_transaction.app_error",
  5447      "translation": "Unable to open transaction"
  5448    },
  5449    {
  5450      "id": "store.sql_channel.set_delete_at.update_public_channel.app_error",
  5451      "translation": "Unable to update the materialized public channel"
  5452    },
  5453    {
  5454      "id": "store.sql_channel.update.app_error",
  5455      "translation": "Unable to update the channel"
  5456    },
  5457    {
  5458      "id": "store.sql_channel.update.archived_channel.app_error",
  5459      "translation": "You can not modify an archived channel"
  5460    },
  5461    {
  5462      "id": "store.sql_channel.update.commit_transaction.app_error",
  5463      "translation": "Unable to commit transaction"
  5464    },
  5465    {
  5466      "id": "store.sql_channel.update.exists.app_error",
  5467      "translation": "A channel with that handle already exists"
  5468    },
  5469    {
  5470      "id": "store.sql_channel.update.open_transaction.app_error",
  5471      "translation": "Unable to open transaction"
  5472    },
  5473    {
  5474      "id": "store.sql_channel.update.previously.app_error",
  5475      "translation": "A channel with that handle was previously created"
  5476    },
  5477    {
  5478      "id": "store.sql_channel.update.updating.app_error",
  5479      "translation": "We encountered an error updating the channel"
  5480    },
  5481    {
  5482      "id": "store.sql_channel.update.upsert_public_channel.app_error",
  5483      "translation": "Unable to upsert materialized public channel"
  5484    },
  5485    {
  5486      "id": "store.sql_channel.update_last_viewed_at.app_error",
  5487      "translation": "Unable to update the last viewed at time"
  5488    },
  5489    {
  5490      "id": "store.sql_channel.update_member.app_error",
  5491      "translation": "We encountered an error updating the channel member"
  5492    },
  5493    {
  5494      "id": "store.sql_channel_member_history.get_users_in_channel_during.app_error",
  5495      "translation": "Failed to get users in channel during specified time period"
  5496    },
  5497    {
  5498      "id": "store.sql_channel_member_history.log_join_event.app_error",
  5499      "translation": "Failed to record channel member history"
  5500    },
  5501    {
  5502      "id": "store.sql_channel_member_history.log_leave_event.update_error",
  5503      "translation": "Failed to record channel member history. Failed to update existing join record"
  5504    },
  5505    {
  5506      "id": "store.sql_channel_member_history.permanent_delete_batch.app_error",
  5507      "translation": "Failed to purge records"
  5508    },
  5509    {
  5510      "id": "store.sql_cluster_discovery.cleanup.app_error",
  5511      "translation": "Failed to save ClusterDiscovery row"
  5512    },
  5513    {
  5514      "id": "store.sql_cluster_discovery.delete.app_error",
  5515      "translation": "Failed to delete"
  5516    },
  5517    {
  5518      "id": "store.sql_cluster_discovery.exists.app_error",
  5519      "translation": "Failed to check if it exists"
  5520    },
  5521    {
  5522      "id": "store.sql_cluster_discovery.get_all.app_error",
  5523      "translation": "Failed to get all discovery rows"
  5524    },
  5525    {
  5526      "id": "",
  5527      "translation": "Failed to save ClusterDiscovery row"
  5528    },
  5529    {
  5530      "id": "store.sql_cluster_discovery.set_last_ping.app_error",
  5531      "translation": "Failed to update last ping at"
  5532    },
  5533    {
  5534      "id": "store.sql_command.analytics_command_count.app_error",
  5535      "translation": "Unable to count the commands"
  5536    },
  5537    {
  5538      "id": "store.sql_command.get_by_trigger.app_error",
  5539      "translation": "Unable to get the command"
  5540    },
  5541    {
  5542      "id": "",
  5543      "translation": "Unable to delete the command"
  5544    },
  5545    {
  5546      "id": "",
  5547      "translation": "Unable to delete the command"
  5548    },
  5549    {
  5550      "id": "",
  5551      "translation": "Unable to get the command"
  5552    },
  5553    {
  5554      "id": "",
  5555      "translation": "Unable to get the commands"
  5556    },
  5557    {
  5558      "id": "",
  5559      "translation": "Unable to save the Command"
  5560    },
  5561    {
  5562      "id": "",
  5563      "translation": "You cannot overwrite an existing Command"
  5564    },
  5565    {
  5566      "id": "",
  5567      "translation": "Unable to update the command"
  5568    },
  5569    {
  5570      "id": "store.sql_command_webhooks.get.app_error",
  5571      "translation": "Unable to get the webhook"
  5572    },
  5573    {
  5574      "id": "",
  5575      "translation": "Unable to save the CommandWebhook"
  5576    },
  5577    {
  5578      "id": "",
  5579      "translation": "You cannot update an existing CommandWebhook"
  5580    },
  5581    {
  5582      "id": "store.sql_command_webhooks.try_use.app_error",
  5583      "translation": "Unable to use the webhook"
  5584    },
  5585    {
  5586      "id": "store.sql_command_webhooks.try_use.invalid.app_error",
  5587      "translation": "Invalid webhook"
  5588    },
  5589    {
  5590      "id": "store.sql_compliance.get.finding.app_error",
  5591      "translation": "We encountered an error retrieving the compliance reports"
  5592    },
  5593    {
  5594      "id": "store.sql_compliance.message_export.app_error",
  5595      "translation": "Failed to select message export data"
  5596    },
  5597    {
  5598      "id": "",
  5599      "translation": "We encountered an error saving the compliance report"
  5600    },
  5601    {
  5602      "id": "store.sql_emoji.delete.app_error",
  5603      "translation": "Unable to delete the emoji"
  5604    },
  5605    {
  5606      "id": "store.sql_emoji.delete.no_results",
  5607      "translation": "We couldn’t find the emoji to delete"
  5608    },
  5609    {
  5610      "id": "store.sql_emoji.get.app_error",
  5611      "translation": "Unable to get the emoji"
  5612    },
  5613    {
  5614      "id": "store.sql_emoji.get_all.app_error",
  5615      "translation": "Unable to get the emoji"
  5616    },
  5617    {
  5618      "id": "store.sql_emoji.get_by_name.app_error",
  5619      "translation": "Unable to get the emoji"
  5620    },
  5621    {
  5622      "id": "",
  5623      "translation": "Unable to save the emoji"
  5624    },
  5625    {
  5626      "id": "store.sql_file_info.PermanentDeleteByUser.app_error",
  5627      "translation": "Unable to delete attachments of the user"
  5628    },
  5629    {
  5630      "id": "store.sql_file_info.attach_to_post.app_error",
  5631      "translation": "Unable to attach the file info to the post"
  5632    },
  5633    {
  5634      "id": "store.sql_file_info.delete_for_post.app_error",
  5635      "translation": "Unable to delete the file info to the post"
  5636    },
  5637    {
  5638      "id": "store.sql_file_info.get.app_error",
  5639      "translation": "Unable to get the file info"
  5640    },
  5641    {
  5642      "id": "store.sql_file_info.get_by_path.app_error",
  5643      "translation": "Unable to get the file info by path"
  5644    },
  5645    {
  5646      "id": "store.sql_file_info.get_for_post.app_error",
  5647      "translation": "Unable to get the file info for the post"
  5648    },
  5649    {
  5650      "id": "store.sql_file_info.get_for_user_id.app_error",
  5651      "translation": "Unable to get the file info for the user"
  5652    },
  5653    {
  5654      "id": "store.sql_file_info.permanent_delete.app_error",
  5655      "translation": "Unable to permanently delete the file info"
  5656    },
  5657    {
  5658      "id": "store.sql_file_info.permanent_delete_batch.app_error",
  5659      "translation": "We encountered an error permanently deleting the batch of file infos"
  5660    },
  5661    {
  5662      "id": "",
  5663      "translation": "Unable to save the file info"
  5664    },
  5665    {
  5666      "id": "store.sql_job.delete.app_error",
  5667      "translation": "Unable to delete the job"
  5668    },
  5669    {
  5670      "id": "store.sql_job.get.app_error",
  5671      "translation": "Unable to get the job"
  5672    },
  5673    {
  5674      "id": "store.sql_job.get_all.app_error",
  5675      "translation": "Unable to get the jobs"
  5676    },
  5677    {
  5678      "id": "store.sql_job.get_count_by_status_and_type.app_error",
  5679      "translation": "Unable to get the job count by status and type"
  5680    },
  5681    {
  5682      "id": "store.sql_job.get_newest_job_by_status_and_type.app_error",
  5683      "translation": "Unable to get the newest job by status and type"
  5684    },
  5685    {
  5686      "id": "",
  5687      "translation": "Unable to save the job"
  5688    },
  5689    {
  5690      "id": "store.sql_job.update.app_error",
  5691      "translation": "Unable to update the job"
  5692    },
  5693    {
  5694      "id": "store.sql_license.get.app_error",
  5695      "translation": "We encountered an error getting the license"
  5696    },
  5697    {
  5698      "id": "store.sql_license.get.missing.app_error",
  5699      "translation": "A license with that ID was not found"
  5700    },
  5701    {
  5702      "id": "",
  5703      "translation": "We encountered an error saving the license"
  5704    },
  5705    {
  5706      "id": "store.sql_oauth.delete.commit_transaction.app_error",
  5707      "translation": "Unable to commit transaction"
  5708    },
  5709    {
  5710      "id": "store.sql_oauth.delete.open_transaction.app_error",
  5711      "translation": "Unable to open transaction to delete the OAuth2 app"
  5712    },
  5713    {
  5714      "id": "store.sql_oauth.delete.rollback_transaction.app_error",
  5715      "translation": "Unable to rollback transaction to delete the OAuth2 App"
  5716    },
  5717    {
  5718      "id": "store.sql_oauth.delete_app.app_error",
  5719      "translation": "An error occurred while deleting the OAuth2 App"
  5720    },
  5721    {
  5722      "id": "store.sql_oauth.get_access_data.app_error",
  5723      "translation": "We encountered an error finding the access token"
  5724    },
  5725    {
  5726      "id": "store.sql_oauth.get_access_data_by_user_for_app.app_error",
  5727      "translation": "We encountered an error finding all the access tokens"
  5728    },
  5729    {
  5730      "id": "store.sql_oauth.get_app.find.app_error",
  5731      "translation": "Unable to find the requested app"
  5732    },
  5733    {
  5734      "id": "store.sql_oauth.get_app.finding.app_error",
  5735      "translation": "We encountered an error finding the app"
  5736    },
  5737    {
  5738      "id": "store.sql_oauth.get_app_by_user.find.app_error",
  5739      "translation": "Unable to find any existing apps"
  5740    },
  5741    {
  5742      "id": "store.sql_oauth.get_apps.find.app_error",
  5743      "translation": "An error occurred while finding the OAuth2 Apps"
  5744    },
  5745    {
  5746      "id": "store.sql_oauth.get_auth_data.find.app_error",
  5747      "translation": "Unable to find the existing authorization code"
  5748    },
  5749    {
  5750      "id": "store.sql_oauth.get_auth_data.finding.app_error",
  5751      "translation": "We encountered an error finding the authorization code"
  5752    },
  5753    {
  5754      "id": "store.sql_oauth.get_previous_access_data.app_error",
  5755      "translation": "We encountered an error finding the access token"
  5756    },
  5757    {
  5758      "id": "store.sql_oauth.permanent_delete_auth_data_by_user.app_error",
  5759      "translation": "Unable to remove the authorization code"
  5760    },
  5761    {
  5762      "id": "store.sql_oauth.remove_access_data.app_error",
  5763      "translation": "Unable to remove the access token"
  5764    },
  5765    {
  5766      "id": "store.sql_oauth.remove_auth_data.app_error",
  5767      "translation": "Unable to remove the authorization code"
  5768    },
  5769    {
  5770      "id": "store.sql_oauth.save_access_data.app_error",
  5771      "translation": "Unable to save the access token."
  5772    },
  5773    {
  5774      "id": "store.sql_oauth.save_app.existing.app_error",
  5775      "translation": "Must call update for existing app"
  5776    },
  5777    {
  5778      "id": "",
  5779      "translation": "Unable to save the app."
  5780    },
  5781    {
  5782      "id": "store.sql_oauth.save_auth_data.app_error",
  5783      "translation": "Unable to save the authorization code."
  5784    },
  5785    {
  5786      "id": "store.sql_oauth.update_access_data.app_error",
  5787      "translation": "We encountered an error updating the access token"
  5788    },
  5789    {
  5790      "id": "store.sql_oauth.update_app.find.app_error",
  5791      "translation": "Unable to find the existing app to update"
  5792    },
  5793    {
  5794      "id": "store.sql_oauth.update_app.finding.app_error",
  5795      "translation": "We encountered an error finding the app"
  5796    },
  5797    {
  5798      "id": "store.sql_oauth.update_app.update.app_error",
  5799      "translation": "Unable to update the app"
  5800    },
  5801    {
  5802      "id": "store.sql_oauth.update_app.updating.app_error",
  5803      "translation": "We encountered an error updating the app"
  5804    },
  5805    {
  5806      "id": "store.sql_plugin_store.delete.app_error",
  5807      "translation": "Could not delete plugin key value"
  5808    },
  5809    {
  5810      "id": "store.sql_plugin_store.get.app_error",
  5811      "translation": "Could not get plugin key value"
  5812    },
  5813    {
  5814      "id": "",
  5815      "translation": "Could not save or update plugin key value"
  5816    },
  5817    {
  5818      "id": "store.sql_post.analytics_posts_count.app_error",
  5819      "translation": "Unable to get post counts"
  5820    },
  5821    {
  5822      "id": "store.sql_post.analytics_posts_count_by_day.app_error",
  5823      "translation": "Unable to get post counts by day"
  5824    },
  5825    {
  5826      "id": "store.sql_post.analytics_user_counts_posts_by_day.app_error",
  5827      "translation": "Unable to get user counts with posts"
  5828    },
  5829    {
  5830      "id": "store.sql_post.compliance_export.app_error",
  5831      "translation": "Unable to get the compliance export posts."
  5832    },
  5833    {
  5834      "id": "store.sql_post.delete.app_error",
  5835      "translation": "Unable to delete the post"
  5836    },
  5837    {
  5838      "id": "store.sql_post.get.app_error",
  5839      "translation": "Unable to get the post"
  5840    },
  5841    {
  5842      "id": "store.sql_post.get_flagged_posts.app_error",
  5843      "translation": "Unable to get the flagged posts"
  5844    },
  5845    {
  5846      "id": "store.sql_post.get_parents_posts.app_error",
  5847      "translation": "Unable to get the parent post for the channel"
  5848    },
  5849    {
  5850      "id": "store.sql_post.get_posts.app_error",
  5851      "translation": "Limit exceeded for paging"
  5852    },
  5853    {
  5854      "id": "store.sql_post.get_posts_around.get.app_error",
  5855      "translation": "Unable to get the posts for the channel"
  5856    },
  5857    {
  5858      "id": "store.sql_post.get_posts_around.get_parent.app_error",
  5859      "translation": "Unable to get the parent posts for the channel"
  5860    },
  5861    {
  5862      "id": "store.sql_post.get_posts_batch_for_indexing.get.app_error",
  5863      "translation": "Unable to get the posts batch for indexing"
  5864    },
  5865    {
  5866      "id": "store.sql_post.get_posts_by_ids.app_error",
  5867      "translation": "Unable to get the posts"
  5868    },
  5869    {
  5870      "id": "store.sql_post.get_posts_created_att.app_error",
  5871      "translation": "Unable to get the posts for the channel"
  5872    },
  5873    {
  5874      "id": "store.sql_post.get_posts_since.app_error",
  5875      "translation": "Unable to get the posts for the channel"
  5876    },
  5877    {
  5878      "id": "store.sql_post.get_root_posts.app_error",
  5879      "translation": "Unable to get the posts for the channel"
  5880    },
  5881    {
  5882      "id": "store.sql_post.overwrite.app_error",
  5883      "translation": "Unable to overwrite the Post"
  5884    },
  5885    {
  5886      "id": "store.sql_post.permanent_delete.app_error",
  5887      "translation": "Unable to delete the post"
  5888    },
  5889    {
  5890      "id": "store.sql_post.permanent_delete_all_comments_by_user.app_error",
  5891      "translation": "Unable to delete the comments for user"
  5892    },
  5893    {
  5894      "id": "store.sql_post.permanent_delete_batch.app_error",
  5895      "translation": "We encountered an error permanently deleting the batch of posts"
  5896    },
  5897    {
  5898      "id": "store.sql_post.permanent_delete_by_channel.app_error",
  5899      "translation": "Unable to delete the posts by channel"
  5900    },
  5901    {
  5902      "id": "store.sql_post.permanent_delete_by_user.app_error",
  5903      "translation": "Unable to select the posts to delete for the user"
  5904    },
  5905    {
  5906      "id": "store.sql_post.permanent_delete_by_user.too_many.app_error",
  5907      "translation": "Unable to select the posts to delete for the user (too many), please re-run"
  5908    },
  5909    {
  5910      "id": "store.sql_post.query_max_post_size.error",
  5911      "translation": "Unable to determine the maximum supported post size"
  5912    },
  5913    {
  5914      "id": "",
  5915      "translation": "Unable to save the Post"
  5916    },
  5917    {
  5918      "id": "",
  5919      "translation": "You cannot update an existing Post"
  5920    },
  5921    {
  5922      "id": "",
  5923      "translation": "Searching has been disabled on this server. Please contact your System Administrator."
  5924    },
  5925    {
  5926      "id": "store.sql_post.update.app_error",
  5927      "translation": "Unable to update the Post"
  5928    },
  5929    {
  5930      "id": "store.sql_preference.cleanup_flags_batch.app_error",
  5931      "translation": "We encountered an error cleaning up the batch of flags"
  5932    },
  5933    {
  5934      "id": "store.sql_preference.delete.app_error",
  5935      "translation": "We encountered an error while deleting preferences"
  5936    },
  5937    {
  5938      "id": "store.sql_preference.get.app_error",
  5939      "translation": "We encountered an error while finding preferences"
  5940    },
  5941    {
  5942      "id": "store.sql_preference.get_all.app_error",
  5943      "translation": "We encountered an error while finding preferences"
  5944    },
  5945    {
  5946      "id": "store.sql_preference.get_category.app_error",
  5947      "translation": "We encountered an error while finding preferences"
  5948    },
  5949    {
  5950      "id": "store.sql_preference.insert.exists.app_error",
  5951      "translation": "A preference with that user id, category, and name already exists"
  5952    },
  5953    {
  5954      "id": "",
  5955      "translation": "Unable to save the preference"
  5956    },
  5957    {
  5958      "id": "store.sql_preference.is_feature_enabled.app_error",
  5959      "translation": "We encountered an error while finding a pre release feature preference"
  5960    },
  5961    {
  5962      "id": "store.sql_preference.permanent_delete_by_user.app_error",
  5963      "translation": "We encountered an error while deleteing preferences"
  5964    },
  5965    {
  5966      "id": "",
  5967      "translation": "Unable to commit transaction to save preferences"
  5968    },
  5969    {
  5970      "id": "",
  5971      "translation": "We encountered an error while updating preferences"
  5972    },
  5973    {
  5974      "id": "",
  5975      "translation": "Unable to open transaction to save preferences"
  5976    },
  5977    {
  5978      "id": "",
  5979      "translation": "Unable to rollback transaction to save preferences"
  5980    },
  5981    {
  5982      "id": "",
  5983      "translation": "We encountered an error while updating preferences"
  5984    },
  5985    {
  5986      "id": "store.sql_preference.update.app_error",
  5987      "translation": "Unable to update the preference"
  5988    },
  5989    {
  5990      "id": "store.sql_reaction.delete.app_error",
  5991      "translation": "Unable to delete reaction"
  5992    },
  5993    {
  5994      "id": "store.sql_reaction.delete.begin.app_error",
  5995      "translation": "Unable to open transaction while deleting reaction"
  5996    },
  5997    {
  5998      "id": "store.sql_reaction.delete.commit.app_error",
  5999      "translation": "Unable to commit transaction while deleting reaction"
  6000    },
  6001    {
  6002      "id": "store.sql_reaction.delete_all_with_emoji_name.delete_reactions.app_error",
  6003      "translation": "Unable to delete all reactions with this emoji name"
  6004    },
  6005    {
  6006      "id": "store.sql_reaction.delete_all_with_emoji_name.get_reactions.app_error",
  6007      "translation": "Unable to get all reactions with this emoji name"
  6008    },
  6009    {
  6010      "id": "store.sql_reaction.get_for_post.app_error",
  6011      "translation": "Unable to get reactions for post"
  6012    },
  6013    {
  6014      "id": "store.sql_reaction.bulk_get_for_post_ids.app_error",
  6015      "translation": "Unable to get reactions for post"
  6016    },
  6017    {
  6018      "id": "store.sql_reaction.permanent_delete_batch.app_error",
  6019      "translation": "We encountered an error permanently deleting the batch of reactions"
  6020    },
  6021    {
  6022      "id": "",
  6023      "translation": "Unable to open transaction while saving reaction"
  6024    },
  6025    {
  6026      "id": "",
  6027      "translation": "Unable to commit transaction while saving reaction"
  6028    },
  6029    {
  6030      "id": "",
  6031      "translation": "Unable to save reaction"
  6032    },
  6033    {
  6034      "id": "store.sql_recover.delete.app_error",
  6035      "translation": "Unable to delete token"
  6036    },
  6037    {
  6038      "id": "store.sql_recover.remove_all_tokens_by_type.app_error",
  6039      "translation": "Unable to remove all the tokens of a type"
  6040    },
  6041    {
  6042      "id": "store.sql_recover.get_by_code.app_error",
  6043      "translation": "Unable to get a token with this code"
  6044    },
  6045    {
  6046      "id": "",
  6047      "translation": "Unable to save the token"
  6048    },
  6049    {
  6050      "id": "store.sql_role.delete.update.app_error",
  6051      "translation": "Unable to delete the role"
  6052    },
  6053    {
  6054      "id": "store.sql_role.get.app_error",
  6055      "translation": "Unable to get role"
  6056    },
  6057    {
  6058      "id": "store.sql_role.get_by_name.app_error",
  6059      "translation": "Unable to get role"
  6060    },
  6061    {
  6062      "id": "store.sql_role.get_by_names.app_error",
  6063      "translation": "Unable to get roles"
  6064    },
  6065    {
  6066      "id": "store.sql_role.permanent_delete_all.app_error",
  6067      "translation": "We could not permanently delete all the roles"
  6068    },
  6069    {
  6070      "id": "",
  6071      "translation": "Unable to save new role"
  6072    },
  6073    {
  6074      "id": "",
  6075      "translation": "The role was not valid"
  6076    },
  6077    {
  6078      "id": "",
  6079      "translation": "Failed to open the transaction to save the role"
  6080    },
  6081    {
  6082      "id": "",
  6083      "translation": "Unable to update role"
  6084    },
  6085    {
  6086      "id": "store.sql_role.save_role.commit_transaction.app_error",
  6087      "translation": "Failed to commit the transaction to save the role"
  6088    },
  6089    {
  6090      "id": "store.sql_scheme.delete.role_update.app_error",
  6091      "translation": "Unable to delete the roles belonging to this scheme"
  6092    },
  6093    {
  6094      "id": "store.sql_scheme.delete.update.app_error",
  6095      "translation": "Unable to delete the scheme"
  6096    },
  6097    {
  6098      "id": "store.sql_scheme.get.app_error",
  6099      "translation": "Unable to get the scheme"
  6100    },
  6101    {
  6102      "id": "store.sql_scheme.permanent_delete_all.app_error",
  6103      "translation": "We could not permanently delete the schemes"
  6104    },
  6105    {
  6106      "id": "store.sql_scheme.reset_channels.app_error",
  6107      "translation": "Unable to reset all channels using this scheme to the default scheme"
  6108    },
  6109    {
  6110      "id": "store.sql_scheme.reset_teams.app_error",
  6111      "translation": "Unable to reset all teams using this scheme to the default scheme"
  6112    },
  6113    {
  6114      "id": "",
  6115      "translation": "Unable to create the scheme"
  6116    },
  6117    {
  6118      "id": "",
  6119      "translation": "The provided scheme is invalid"
  6120    },
  6121    {
  6122      "id": "",
  6123      "translation": "Failed to open the transaction to save the scheme"
  6124    },
  6125    {
  6126      "id": "",
  6127      "translation": "Unable to retrieve the default scheme roles"
  6128    },
  6129    {
  6130      "id": "",
  6131      "translation": "Unable to update the scheme"
  6132    },
  6133    {
  6134      "id": "store.sql_scheme.save_scheme.commit_transaction.app_error",
  6135      "translation": "Failed to commit the transaction to save the scheme"
  6136    },
  6137    {
  6138      "id": "store.sql_session.analytics_session_count.app_error",
  6139      "translation": "Unable to count the sessions"
  6140    },
  6141    {
  6142      "id": "store.sql_session.get.app_error",
  6143      "translation": "We encountered an error finding the session"
  6144    },
  6145    {
  6146      "id": "store.sql_session.get_sessions.app_error",
  6147      "translation": "We encountered an error while finding user sessions"
  6148    },
  6149    {
  6150      "id": "store.sql_session.permanent_delete_sessions_by_user.app_error",
  6151      "translation": "Unable to remove all the sessions for the user"
  6152    },
  6153    {
  6154      "id": "store.sql_session.remove.app_error",
  6155      "translation": "Unable to remove the session"
  6156    },
  6157    {
  6158      "id": "store.sql_session.remove_all_sessions_for_team.app_error",
  6159      "translation": "Unable to remove all the sessions"
  6160    },
  6161    {
  6162      "id": "",
  6163      "translation": "Unable to save the session"
  6164    },
  6165    {
  6166      "id": "",
  6167      "translation": "Unable to update existing session"
  6168    },
  6169    {
  6170      "id": "store.sql_session.update_device_id.app_error",
  6171      "translation": "Unable to update the device id"
  6172    },
  6173    {
  6174      "id": "store.sql_session.update_last_activity.app_error",
  6175      "translation": "Unable to update the last_activity_at"
  6176    },
  6177    {
  6178      "id": "store.sql_session.update_roles.app_error",
  6179      "translation": "Unable to update the roles"
  6180    },
  6181    {
  6182      "id": "store.sql_status.get.app_error",
  6183      "translation": "Encountered an error retrieving the status"
  6184    },
  6185    {
  6186      "id": "store.sql_status.get.missing.app_error",
  6187      "translation": "No entry for that status exists"
  6188    },
  6189    {
  6190      "id": "store.sql_status.get_online.app_error",
  6191      "translation": "Encountered an error retrieving all the online statuses"
  6192    },
  6193    {
  6194      "id": "store.sql_status.get_online_away.app_error",
  6195      "translation": "Encountered an error retrieving all the online/away statuses"
  6196    },
  6197    {
  6198      "id": "store.sql_status.get_team_statuses.app_error",
  6199      "translation": "Encountered an error retrieving all statuses from the team members"
  6200    },
  6201    {
  6202      "id": "store.sql_status.get_total_active_users_count.app_error",
  6203      "translation": "We could not count the active users"
  6204    },
  6205    {
  6206      "id": "store.sql_status.reset_all.app_error",
  6207      "translation": "Encountered an error resetting all the statuses"
  6208    },
  6209    {
  6210      "id": "",
  6211      "translation": "Encountered an error saving the status"
  6212    },
  6213    {
  6214      "id": "store.sql_status.update.app_error",
  6215      "translation": "Encountered an error updating the status"
  6216    },
  6217    {
  6218      "id": "store.sql_status.update_last_activity_at.app_error",
  6219      "translation": "Unable to update the last activity date and time of the user"
  6220    },
  6221    {
  6222      "id": "store.sql_system.get.app_error",
  6223      "translation": "We encountered an error finding the system properties"
  6224    },
  6225    {
  6226      "id": "store.sql_system.get_by_name.app_error",
  6227      "translation": "Unable to find the system variable."
  6228    },
  6229    {
  6230      "id": "store.sql_system.permanent_delete_by_name.app_error",
  6231      "translation": "We could not permanently delete the system table entry"
  6232    },
  6233    {
  6234      "id": "",
  6235      "translation": "We encountered an error saving the system property"
  6236    },
  6237    {
  6238      "id": "store.sql_system.update.app_error",
  6239      "translation": "We encountered an error updating the system property"
  6240    },
  6241    {
  6242      "id": "store.sql_team.analytics_get_team_count_for_scheme.app_error",
  6243      "translation": "Unable to get the channel count for the scheme."
  6244    },
  6245    {
  6246      "id": "store.sql_team.analytics_team_count.app_error",
  6247      "translation": "Unable to count the teams"
  6248    },
  6249    {
  6250      "id": "store.sql_team.clear_all_custom_role_assignments.commit_transaction.app_error",
  6251      "translation": "Failed to commit the database transaction"
  6252    },
  6253    {
  6254      "id": "store.sql_team.clear_all_custom_role_assignments.open_transaction.app_error",
  6255      "translation": "Failed to begin the database transaction"
  6256    },
  6257    {
  6258      "id": "store.sql_team.clear_all_custom_role_assignments.rollback_transaction.app_error",
  6259      "translation": "Failed to rollback the database transaction"
  6260    },
  6261    {
  6262      "id": "",
  6263      "translation": "Failed to retrieve the team members"
  6264    },
  6265    {
  6266      "id": "store.sql_team.clear_all_custom_role_assignments.update.app_error",
  6267      "translation": "Failed to update the team member"
  6268    },
  6269    {
  6270      "id": "store.sql_team.get.find.app_error",
  6271      "translation": "Unable to find the existing team"
  6272    },
  6273    {
  6274      "id": "store.sql_team.get.finding.app_error",
  6275      "translation": "We encountered an error finding the team"
  6276    },
  6277    {
  6278      "id": "store.sql_team.get_all.app_error",
  6279      "translation": "We could not get all teams"
  6280    },
  6281    {
  6282      "id": "store.sql_team.get_all_private_team_listing.app_error",
  6283      "translation": "We could not get all private teams"
  6284    },
  6285    {
  6286      "id": "store.sql_team.get_all_team_listing.app_error",
  6287      "translation": "We could not get all teams"
  6288    },
  6289    {
  6290      "id": "store.sql_team.get_by_invite_id.find.app_error",
  6291      "translation": "Unable to find the existing team"
  6292    },
  6293    {
  6294      "id": "store.sql_team.get_by_invite_id.finding.app_error",
  6295      "translation": "Unable to find the existing team"
  6296    },
  6297    {
  6298      "id": "store.sql_team.get_by_name.app_error",
  6299      "translation": "Unable to find the existing team"
  6300    },
  6301    {
  6302      "id": "store.sql_team.get_by_scheme.app_error",
  6303      "translation": "Unable to get the channels for the provided scheme"
  6304    },
  6305    {
  6306      "id": "store.sql_team.get_member.app_error",
  6307      "translation": "Unable to get the team member"
  6308    },
  6309    {
  6310      "id": "store.sql_team.get_member.missing.app_error",
  6311      "translation": "No team member found for that user ID and team ID"
  6312    },
  6313    {
  6314      "id": "store.sql_team.get_member_count.app_error",
  6315      "translation": "Unable to count the team members"
  6316    },
  6317    {
  6318      "id": "store.sql_team.get_members.app_error",
  6319      "translation": "Unable to get the team members"
  6320    },
  6321    {
  6322      "id": "store.sql_team.get_members_by_ids.app_error",
  6323      "translation": "Unable to get the team members"
  6324    },
  6325    {
  6326      "id": "store.sql_team.get_unread.app_error",
  6327      "translation": "Unable to get the teams unread messages"
  6328    },
  6329    {
  6330      "id": "store.sql_team.migrate_team_members.commit_transaction.app_error",
  6331      "translation": "Failed to commit the database transaction"
  6332    },
  6333    {
  6334      "id": "store.sql_team.migrate_team_members.open_transaction.app_error",
  6335      "translation": "Failed to open the database transaction"
  6336    },
  6337    {
  6338      "id": "store.sql_team.migrate_team_members.rollback_transaction.app_error",
  6339      "translation": "Failed to roll back the database transaction"
  6340    },
  6341    {
  6342      "id": "",
  6343      "translation": " Failed to select the batch of team members"
  6344    },
  6345    {
  6346      "id": "store.sql_team.migrate_team_members.update.app_error",
  6347      "translation": "Failed to update the team member"
  6348    },
  6349    {
  6350      "id": "store.sql_team.permanent_delete.app_error",
  6351      "translation": "Unable to delete the existing team"
  6352    },
  6353    {
  6354      "id": "store.sql_team.remove_member.app_error",
  6355      "translation": "Unable to remove the team member"
  6356    },
  6357    {
  6358      "id": "store.sql_team.reset_all_team_schemes.app_error",
  6359      "translation": "We could not reset the team schemes"
  6360    },
  6361    {
  6362      "id": "",
  6363      "translation": "Unable to save the team"
  6364    },
  6365    {
  6366      "id": "",
  6367      "translation": "A team with that name already exists"
  6368    },
  6369    {
  6370      "id": "",
  6371      "translation": "Must call update for existing team"
  6372    },
  6373    {
  6374      "id": "store.sql_team.save_member.exists.app_error",
  6375      "translation": "A team member with that ID already exists"
  6376    },
  6377    {
  6378      "id": "",
  6379      "translation": "Unable to save the team member"
  6380    },
  6381    {
  6382      "id": "store.sql_team.search_all_team.app_error",
  6383      "translation": "We encountered an error searching teams"
  6384    },
  6385    {
  6386      "id": "store.sql_team.search_open_team.app_error",
  6387      "translation": "We encountered an error searching open teams"
  6388    },
  6389    {
  6390      "id": "store.sql_team.search_private_team.app_error",
  6391      "translation": "We encountered an error searching private teams"
  6392    },
  6393    {
  6394      "id": "store.sql_team.update.app_error",
  6395      "translation": "Unable to update the team"
  6396    },
  6397    {
  6398      "id": "store.sql_team.update.find.app_error",
  6399      "translation": "Unable to find the existing team to update"
  6400    },
  6401    {
  6402      "id": "store.sql_team.update.finding.app_error",
  6403      "translation": "We encountered an error finding the team"
  6404    },
  6405    {
  6406      "id": "store.sql_team.update.updating.app_error",
  6407      "translation": "We encountered an error updating the team"
  6408    },
  6409    {
  6410      "id": "store.sql_team.update_display_name.app_error",
  6411      "translation": "Unable to update the team name"
  6412    },
  6413    {
  6414      "id": "store.sql_team.update_last_team_icon_update.app_error",
  6415      "translation": "Unable to update the date of the last team icon update"
  6416    },
  6417    {
  6418      "id": "store.sql_user.app_error",
  6419      "translation": "Failed to build query"
  6420    },
  6421    {
  6422      "id": "store.sql_user.analytics_daily_active_users.app_error",
  6423      "translation": "Unable to get the active users during the requested period"
  6424    },
  6425    {
  6426      "id": "store.sql_user.analytics_get_inactive_users_count.app_error",
  6427      "translation": "We could not count the inactive users"
  6428    },
  6429    {
  6430      "id": "store.sql_user.analytics_get_system_admin_count.app_error",
  6431      "translation": "Unable to get the system admin count"
  6432    },
  6433    {
  6434      "id": "store.sql_user.analytics_unique_user_count.app_error",
  6435      "translation": "Unable to get the unique user count"
  6436    },
  6437    {
  6438      "id": "store.sql_user.clear_all_custom_role_assignments.commit_transaction.app_error",
  6439      "translation": "Failed to commit the database transaction"
  6440    },
  6441    {
  6442      "id": "store.sql_user.clear_all_custom_role_assignments.open_transaction.app_error",
  6443      "translation": "Failed to begin the database transaction"
  6444    },
  6445    {
  6446      "id": "store.sql_user.clear_all_custom_role_assignments.rollback_transaction.app_error",
  6447      "translation": "Failed to rollback the database transaction"
  6448    },
  6449    {
  6450      "id": "",
  6451      "translation": "Failed to retrieve the users"
  6452    },
  6453    {
  6454      "id": "store.sql_user.clear_all_custom_role_assignments.update.app_error",
  6455      "translation": "Failed to update the user"
  6456    },
  6457    {
  6458      "id": "store.sql_user.get.app_error",
  6459      "translation": "We encountered an error finding the account"
  6460    },
  6461    {
  6462      "id": "store.sql_user.get_by_auth.missing_account.app_error",
  6463      "translation": "Unable to find an existing account matching your authentication type for this team. This team may require an invite from the team owner to join."
  6464    },
  6465    {
  6466      "id": "store.sql_user.get_by_auth.other.app_error",
  6467      "translation": "We encountered an error trying to find the account by authentication type."
  6468    },
  6469    {
  6470      "id": "store.sql_user.get_by_username.app_error",
  6471      "translation": "Unable to find an existing account matching your username for this team. This team may require an invite from the team owner to join."
  6472    },
  6473    {
  6474      "id": "store.sql_user.get_for_login.app_error",
  6475      "translation": "Unable to find an existing account matching your credentials. This team may require an invite from the team owner to join."
  6476    },
  6477    {
  6478      "id": "store.sql_user.get_for_login.multiple_users",
  6479      "translation": "We found multiple users matching your credentials and were unable to log you in. Please contact an administrator."
  6480    },
  6481    {
  6482      "id": "store.sql_user.get_new_users.app_error",
  6483      "translation": "We encountered an error while finding the new users"
  6484    },
  6485    {
  6486      "id": "store.sql_user.get_profiles.app_error",
  6487      "translation": "We encountered an error while finding user profiles"
  6488    },
  6489    {
  6490      "id": "store.sql_user.get_recently_active_users.app_error",
  6491      "translation": "We encountered an error while finding the recently active users"
  6492    },
  6493    {
  6494      "id": "store.sql_user.get_sysadmin_profiles.app_error",
  6495      "translation": "We encountered an error while finding user profiles"
  6496    },
  6497    {
  6498      "id": "store.sql_user.get_system_install_date.app_error",
  6499      "translation": "Unable to infer the system date based on the first user creation date."
  6500    },
  6501    {
  6502      "id": "store.sql_user.get_total_users_count.app_error",
  6503      "translation": "We could not count the users"
  6504    },
  6505    {
  6506      "id": "store.sql_user.get_unread_count.app_error",
  6507      "translation": "We could not get the unread message count for the user"
  6508    },
  6509    {
  6510      "id": "store.sql_user.get_unread_count_for_channel.app_error",
  6511      "translation": "We could not get the unread message count for the user and channel"
  6512    },
  6513    {
  6514      "id": "store.sql_user.get_users_batch_for_indexing.get_channel_members.app_error",
  6515      "translation": "Unable to get the channel members for the users batch for indexing"
  6516    },
  6517    {
  6518      "id": "store.sql_user.get_users_batch_for_indexing.get_team_members.app_error",
  6519      "translation": "Unable to get the team members for the users batch for indexing"
  6520    },
  6521    {
  6522      "id": "store.sql_user.get_users_batch_for_indexing.get_users.app_error",
  6523      "translation": "Unable to get the users batch for indexing"
  6524    },
  6525    {
  6526      "id": "store.sql_user.missing_account.const",
  6527      "translation": "Unable to find the user."
  6528    },
  6529    {
  6530      "id": "store.sql_user.permanent_delete.app_error",
  6531      "translation": "Unable to delete the existing account"
  6532    },
  6533    {
  6534      "id": "",
  6535      "translation": "Unable to save the account."
  6536    },
  6537    {
  6538      "id": "",
  6539      "translation": "An account with that email already exists."
  6540    },
  6541    {
  6542      "id": "",
  6543      "translation": "This account does not use AD/LDAP authentication. Please sign in using email and password."
  6544    },
  6545    {
  6546      "id": "",
  6547      "translation": "This account does not use SAML authentication. Please sign in using email and password."
  6548    },
  6549    {
  6550      "id": "",
  6551      "translation": "Must call update for existing user"
  6552    },
  6553    {
  6554      "id": "",
  6555      "translation": "This team has reached the maximum number of allowed accounts. Contact your System Administrator to set a higher limit."
  6556    },
  6557    {
  6558      "id": "",
  6559      "translation": "Failed to get current team member count"
  6560    },
  6561    {
  6562      "id": "",
  6563      "translation": "An account with that username already exists."
  6564    },
  6565    {
  6566      "id": "",
  6567      "translation": "An account with that username already exists. Please contact your Administrator."
  6568    },
  6569    {
  6570      "id": "",
  6571      "translation": "An account with that username already exists. Please contact your Administrator."
  6572    },
  6573    {
  6574      "id": "",
  6575      "translation": "Unable to find any user matching the search parameters"
  6576    },
  6577    {
  6578      "id": "store.sql_user.update.app_error",
  6579      "translation": "Unable to update the account"
  6580    },
  6581    {
  6582      "id": "store.sql_user.update.can_not_change_ldap.app_error",
  6583      "translation": "Can not change fields set by AD/LDAP"
  6584    },
  6585    {
  6586      "id": "store.sql_user.update.email_taken.app_error",
  6587      "translation": "This email is already taken. Please choose another."
  6588    },
  6589    {
  6590      "id": "store.sql_user.update.find.app_error",
  6591      "translation": "Unable to find the existing account to update"
  6592    },
  6593    {
  6594      "id": "store.sql_user.update.finding.app_error",
  6595      "translation": "We encountered an error finding the account"
  6596    },
  6597    {
  6598      "id": "store.sql_user.update.updating.app_error",
  6599      "translation": "We encountered an error updating the account"
  6600    },
  6601    {
  6602      "id": "store.sql_user.update.username_taken.app_error",
  6603      "translation": "This username is already taken. Please choose another."
  6604    },
  6605    {
  6606      "id": "store.sql_user.update_auth_data.app_error",
  6607      "translation": "Unable to update the auth data"
  6608    },
  6609    {
  6610      "id": "store.sql_user.update_auth_data.email_exists.app_error",
  6611      "translation": "Unable to switch account to {{.Service}}. An account using the email {{.Email}} already exists."
  6612    },
  6613    {
  6614      "id": "store.sql_user.update_failed_pwd_attempts.app_error",
  6615      "translation": "Unable to update the failed_attempts"
  6616    },
  6617    {
  6618      "id": "store.sql_user.update_last_picture_update.app_error",
  6619      "translation": "Unable to update the update_at"
  6620    },
  6621    {
  6622      "id": "store.sql_user.update_mfa_active.app_error",
  6623      "translation": "We encountered an error updating the user's MFA active status"
  6624    },
  6625    {
  6626      "id": "store.sql_user.update_mfa_secret.app_error",
  6627      "translation": "We encountered an error updating the user's MFA secret"
  6628    },
  6629    {
  6630      "id": "store.sql_user.update_password.app_error",
  6631      "translation": "Unable to update the user password"
  6632    },
  6633    {
  6634      "id": "store.sql_user.update_update.app_error",
  6635      "translation": "Unable to update the date of the last update of the user"
  6636    },
  6637    {
  6638      "id": "store.sql_user.verify_email.app_error",
  6639      "translation": "Unable to update verify email field"
  6640    },
  6641    {
  6642      "id": "store.sql_user_access_token.delete.app_error",
  6643      "translation": "Unable to delete the personal access token"
  6644    },
  6645    {
  6646      "id": "store.sql_user_access_token.get.app_error",
  6647      "translation": "Unable to get the personal access token"
  6648    },
  6649    {
  6650      "id": "store.sql_user_access_token.get_all.app_error",
  6651      "translation": "Unable to get all personal access tokens"
  6652    },
  6653    {
  6654      "id": "store.sql_user_access_token.get_by_token.app_error",
  6655      "translation": "Unable to get the personal access token by token"
  6656    },
  6657    {
  6658      "id": "store.sql_user_access_token.get_by_user.app_error",
  6659      "translation": "Unable to get the personal access tokens by user"
  6660    },
  6661    {
  6662      "id": "",
  6663      "translation": "Unable to save the personal access token"
  6664    },
  6665    {
  6666      "id": "",
  6667      "translation": "We encountered an error searching user access tokens"
  6668    },
  6669    {
  6670      "id": "store.sql_user_access_token.update_token_disable.app_error",
  6671      "translation": "Unable to disable the access token"
  6672    },
  6673    {
  6674      "id": "store.sql_user_access_token.update_token_enable.app_error",
  6675      "translation": "Unable to enable the access token"
  6676    },
  6677    {
  6678      "id": "store.sql_webhooks.analytics_incoming_count.app_error",
  6679      "translation": "Unable to count the incoming webhooks"
  6680    },
  6681    {
  6682      "id": "store.sql_webhooks.analytics_outgoing_count.app_error",
  6683      "translation": "Unable to count the outgoing webhooks"
  6684    },
  6685    {
  6686      "id": "store.sql_webhooks.delete_incoming.app_error",
  6687      "translation": "Unable to delete the webhook"
  6688    },
  6689    {
  6690      "id": "store.sql_webhooks.delete_outgoing.app_error",
  6691      "translation": "Unable to delete the webhook"
  6692    },
  6693    {
  6694      "id": "store.sql_webhooks.get_incoming.app_error",
  6695      "translation": "Unable to get the webhook"
  6696    },
  6697    {
  6698      "id": "store.sql_webhooks.get_incoming_by_channel.app_error",
  6699      "translation": "Unable to get the webhooks"
  6700    },
  6701    {
  6702      "id": "store.sql_webhooks.get_incoming_by_user.app_error",
  6703      "translation": "Unable to get the webhook"
  6704    },
  6705    {
  6706      "id": "store.sql_webhooks.get_outgoing.app_error",
  6707      "translation": "Unable to get the webhook"
  6708    },
  6709    {
  6710      "id": "store.sql_webhooks.get_outgoing_by_channel.app_error",
  6711      "translation": "Unable to get the webhooks"
  6712    },
  6713    {
  6714      "id": "store.sql_webhooks.get_outgoing_by_team.app_error",
  6715      "translation": "Unable to get the webhooks"
  6716    },
  6717    {
  6718      "id": "store.sql_webhooks.permanent_delete_incoming_by_channel.app_error",
  6719      "translation": "Unable to delete the webhook"
  6720    },
  6721    {
  6722      "id": "store.sql_webhooks.permanent_delete_incoming_by_user.app_error",
  6723      "translation": "Unable to delete the webhook"
  6724    },
  6725    {
  6726      "id": "store.sql_webhooks.permanent_delete_outgoing_by_channel.app_error",
  6727      "translation": "Unable to delete the webhook"
  6728    },
  6729    {
  6730      "id": "store.sql_webhooks.permanent_delete_outgoing_by_user.app_error",
  6731      "translation": "Unable to delete the webhook"
  6732    },
  6733    {
  6734      "id": "store.sql_webhooks.save_incoming.app_error",
  6735      "translation": "Unable to save the IncomingWebhook"
  6736    },
  6737    {
  6738      "id": "store.sql_webhooks.save_incoming.existing.app_error",
  6739      "translation": "You cannot overwrite an existing IncomingWebhook"
  6740    },
  6741    {
  6742      "id": "store.sql_webhooks.save_outgoing.app_error",
  6743      "translation": "Unable to save the OutgoingWebhook"
  6744    },
  6745    {
  6746      "id": "store.sql_webhooks.save_outgoing.override.app_error",
  6747      "translation": "You cannot overwrite an existing OutgoingWebhook"
  6748    },
  6749    {
  6750      "id": "store.sql_webhooks.update_incoming.app_error",
  6751      "translation": "Unable to update the IncomingWebhook"
  6752    },
  6753    {
  6754      "id": "store.sql_webhooks.update_outgoing.app_error",
  6755      "translation": "Unable to update the webhook"
  6756    },
  6757    {
  6758      "id": "",
  6759      "translation": "Must not call save for existing terms of service."
  6760    },
  6761    {
  6762      "id": "",
  6763      "translation": "Unable to save terms of service."
  6764    },
  6765    {
  6766      "id": "store.sql_terms_of_service_store.get.app_error",
  6767      "translation": "Unable to fetch terms of service."
  6768    },
  6769    {
  6770      "id": "store.sql_terms_of_service_store.get.no_rows.app_error",
  6771      "translation": "No terms of service found."
  6772    },
  6773    {
  6774      "id": "store.sql_user_terms_of_service.get_by_user.no_rows.app_error",
  6775      "translation": "No terms of service found."
  6776    },
  6777    {
  6778      "id": "store.sql_user_terms_of_service.get_by_user.app_error",
  6779      "translation": "Unable to fetch terms of service."
  6780    },
  6781    {
  6782      "id": "",
  6783      "translation": "Unable to save terms of service."
  6784    },
  6785    {
  6786      "id": "store.sql_user_terms_of_service.delete.app_error",
  6787      "translation": "Unable to delete terms of service."
  6788    },
  6789    {
  6790      "id": "",
  6791      "translation": "System"
  6792    },
  6793    {
  6794      "id": "utils.config.add_client_locale.app_error",
  6795      "translation": "Unable to load mattermost configuration file: Adding DefaultClientLocale to AvailableLocales."
  6796    },
  6797    {
  6798      "id": "utils.config.load_config.decoding.panic",
  6799      "translation": "Error decoding config file={{.Filename}}, err={{.Error}}"
  6800    },
  6801    {
  6802      "id": "utils.config.load_config.opening.panic",
  6803      "translation": "Error opening config file={{.Filename}}, err={{.Error}}"
  6804    },
  6805    {
  6806      "id": "utils.config.save_config.saving.app_error",
  6807      "translation": "An error occurred while saving the file to {{.Filename}}"
  6808    },
  6809    {
  6810      "id": "utils.config.supported_available_locales.app_error",
  6811      "translation": "Unable to load mattermost configuration file: AvailableLocales must include DefaultClientLocale. Setting AvailableLocales to all locales as default value."
  6812    },
  6813    {
  6814      "id": "utils.config.supported_client_locale.app_error",
  6815      "translation": "Unable to load mattermost configuration file: DefaultClientLocale must be one of the supported locales. Setting DefaultClientLocale to en as default value."
  6816    },
  6817    {
  6818      "id": "utils.config.supported_server_locale.app_error",
  6819      "translation": "Unable to load mattermost configuration file: DefaultServerLocale must be one of the supported locales. Setting DefaultServerLocale to en as default value."
  6820    },
  6821    {
  6822      "id": "utils.file.list_directory.local.app_error",
  6823      "translation": "Encountered an error listing directory from local server file storage."
  6824    },
  6825    {
  6826      "id": "utils.file.list_directory.s3.app_error",
  6827      "translation": "Encountered an error listing directory from S3."
  6828    },
  6829    {
  6830      "id": "utils.file.remove_directory.local.app_error",
  6831      "translation": "Encountered an error removing directory from local server file storage."
  6832    },
  6833    {
  6834      "id": "utils.file.remove_directory.s3.app_error",
  6835      "translation": "Encountered an error removing directory from S3."
  6836    },
  6837    {
  6838      "id": "utils.file.remove_file.local.app_error",
  6839      "translation": "Encountered an error removing file from local server file storage."
  6840    },
  6841    {
  6842      "id": "utils.file.remove_file.s3.app_error",
  6843      "translation": "Encountered an error removing file from S3."
  6844    },
  6845    {
  6846      "id": "utils.mail.connect_smtp.helo.app_error",
  6847      "translation": "Failed to set HELO"
  6848    },
  6849    {
  6850      "id": "",
  6851      "translation": "Failed to open connection"
  6852    },
  6853    {
  6854      "id": "utils.mail.connect_smtp.open_tls.app_error",
  6855      "translation": "Failed to open TLS connection"
  6856    },
  6857    {
  6858      "id": "utils.mail.new_client.auth.app_error",
  6859      "translation": "Failed to authenticate on SMTP server"
  6860    },
  6861    {
  6862      "id": "utils.mail.sendMail.attachments.write_error",
  6863      "translation": "Failed to write attachment to email"
  6864    },
  6865    {
  6866      "id": "utils.mail.send_mail.close.app_error",
  6867      "translation": "Failed to close connection to SMTP server"
  6868    },
  6869    {
  6870      "id": "utils.mail.send_mail.from_address.app_error",
  6871      "translation": "Error setting \"From Address\""
  6872    },
  6873    {
  6874      "id": "utils.mail.send_mail.msg.app_error",
  6875      "translation": "Failed to write email message"
  6876    },
  6877    {
  6878      "id": "utils.mail.send_mail.msg_data.app_error",
  6879      "translation": "Failed to add email message data"
  6880    },
  6881    {
  6882      "id": "utils.mail.send_mail.to_address.app_error",
  6883      "translation": "Error setting \"To Address\""
  6884    },
  6885    {
  6886      "id": "web.command_webhook.command.app_error",
  6887      "translation": "Couldn't find the command"
  6888    },
  6889    {
  6890      "id": "web.command_webhook.invalid.app_error",
  6891      "translation": "Invalid webhook"
  6892    },
  6893    {
  6894      "id": "web.command_webhook.parse.app_error",
  6895      "translation": "Unable to parse incoming data"
  6896    },
  6897    {
  6898      "id": "web.error.unsupported_browser.message",
  6899      "translation": "Your current browser is not supported. Please upgrade to one of the following browsers:"
  6900    },
  6901    {
  6902      "id": "web.error.unsupported_browser.title",
  6903      "translation": "Unsupported Browser"
  6904    },
  6905    {
  6906      "id": "web.get_access_token.internal_saving.app_error",
  6907      "translation": "Unable to update the user access data."
  6908    },
  6909    {
  6910      "id": "",
  6911      "translation": "Couldn't find the channel"
  6912    },
  6913    {
  6914      "id": "web.incoming_webhook.channel_locked.app_error",
  6915      "translation": "This webhook is not permitted to post to the requested channel"
  6916    },
  6917    {
  6918      "id": "web.incoming_webhook.disabled.app_error",
  6919      "translation": "Incoming webhooks have been disabled by the system admin."
  6920    },
  6921    {
  6922      "id": "web.incoming_webhook.invalid.app_error",
  6923      "translation": "Invalid webhook"
  6924    },
  6925    {
  6926      "id": "web.incoming_webhook.parse.app_error",
  6927      "translation": "Unable to parse incoming data"
  6928    },
  6929    {
  6930      "id": "web.incoming_webhook.permissions.app_error",
  6931      "translation": "Inappropriate channel permissions"
  6932    },
  6933    {
  6934      "id": "web.incoming_webhook.split_props_length.app_error",
  6935      "translation": "Unable to split webhook props into {{.Max}} character parts."
  6936    },
  6937    {
  6938      "id": "web.incoming_webhook.text.app_error",
  6939      "translation": "No text specified"
  6940    },
  6941    {
  6942      "id": "web.incoming_webhook.user.app_error",
  6943      "translation": "Couldn't find the user"
  6944    },
  6945    {
  6946      "id": "api.io_error",
  6947      "translation": "input/output error"
  6948    },
  6949    {
  6950      "id": "api.marshal_error",
  6951      "translation": "marshal error"
  6952    },
  6953    {
  6954      "id": "api.ldap_groups.license_error",
  6955      "translation": "your license does not support ldap groups"
  6956    },
  6957    {
  6958      "id": "api.ldap_group.not_found",
  6959      "translation": "ldap group not found"
  6960    },
  6961    {
  6962      "id": "ent.ldap_groups.reachable_groups_error",
  6963      "translation": "error retrieving groups for user"
  6964    },
  6965    {
  6966      "id": "ent.ldap_groups.no_rows",
  6967      "translation": "no groups found with matching uid"
  6968    },
  6969    {
  6970      "id": "ent.ldap_groups.members_of_group_error",
  6971      "translation": "error retrieving members of group"
  6972    },
  6973    {
  6974      "id": "ent.ldap_groups.group_search_error",
  6975      "translation": "error retrieving ldap group"
  6976    },
  6977    {
  6978      "id": "ent.ldap_groups.groups_search_error",
  6979      "translation": "error retrieving ldap groups"
  6980    },
  6981    {
  6982      "id": "ent.ldap.syncronize.get_all_groups.app_error",
  6983      "translation": "error retrieving groups"
  6984    },
  6985    {
  6986      "id": "ent.ldap.syncronize.populate_syncables",
  6987      "translation": "error populating syncables"
  6988    },
  6989    {
  6990      "id": "",
  6991      "translation": "invalid create at property for group"
  6992    },
  6993    {
  6994      "id": "",
  6995      "translation": "invalid description property for group"
  6996    },
  6997    {
  6998      "id": "",
  6999      "translation": "invalid display name property for group"
  7000    },
  7001    {
  7002      "id": "",
  7003      "translation": "invalid id property for group"
  7004    },
  7005    {
  7006      "id": "",
  7007      "translation": "invalid name property for group"
  7008    },
  7009    {
  7010      "id": "",
  7011      "translation": "invalid remote id property for group"
  7012    },
  7013    {
  7014      "id": "",
  7015      "translation": "invalid source property for group"
  7016    },
  7017    {
  7018      "id": "model.group_syncable.type.app_error",
  7019      "translation": "invalid type property for group syncable"
  7020    },
  7021    {
  7022      "id": "model.group_syncable.unmarshaljson.duplicate_type_identifier",
  7023      "translation": "type identifier already exists: perhaps json contains both 'team_id' and 'channel_id'"
  7024    },
  7025    {
  7026      "id": "",
  7027      "translation": "invalid update at property for group"
  7028    },
  7029    {
  7030      "id": "model.group_member.group_id.app_error",
  7031      "translation": "invalid group id property for group member"
  7032    },
  7033    {
  7034      "id": "model.group_member.user_id.app_error",
  7035      "translation": "invalid user id property for group member"
  7036    },
  7037    {
  7038      "id": "model.group_syncable.group_id.app_error",
  7039      "translation": "invalid group id property for group syncable"
  7040    },
  7041    {
  7042      "id": "model.group_syncable.syncable_id.app_error",
  7043      "translation": "invalid syncable id for group syncable"
  7044    },
  7045    {
  7046      "id": "store.sql_group.group_syncable_already_deleted",
  7047      "translation": "group syncable was already deleted"
  7048    },
  7049    {
  7050      "id": "store.insert_error",
  7051      "translation": "insert error"
  7052    },
  7053    {
  7054      "id": "",
  7055      "translation": "invalid delete at property for group"
  7056    },
  7057    {
  7058      "id": "store.sql_group.no_rows",
  7059      "translation": "no matching group found"
  7060    },
  7061    {
  7062      "id": "store.sql_group.no_rows_changed",
  7063      "translation": "no rows changed"
  7064    },
  7065    {
  7066      "id": "store.sql_group.nothing_to_update",
  7067      "translation": "nothing to update for group syncable"
  7068    },
  7069    {
  7070      "id": "store.select_error",
  7071      "translation": "select error"
  7072    },
  7073    {
  7074      "id": "store.sql_group.unique_constraint",
  7075      "translation": "a group with that name already exists"
  7076    },
  7077    {
  7078      "id": "store.sql_group.uniqueness_error",
  7079      "translation": "group member already exists"
  7080    },
  7081    {
  7082      "id": "store.update_error",
  7083      "translation": "update error"
  7084    },
  7085    {
  7086      "id": "ent.ldap.app_error",
  7087      "translation": "ldap interface was nil"
  7088    }
  7089  ]