
     1  """Supporting definitions for the Python regression tests."""
     3  # if __name__ != 'test.test_support':
     4  #     raise ImportError('test_support must be imported from the test package')
     6  import contextlib
     7  # import errno
     8  # import functools
     9  # import gc
    10  # import socket
    11  import sys
    12  import os
    13  # import platform
    14  # import shutil
    15  import warnings
    16  import unittest
    17  # import importlib
    18  import UserDict
    19  # import re
    20  # import time
    21  # import struct
    22  # import sysconfig
    23  try:
    24      import thread
    25  except ImportError:
    26      thread = None
    28  __all__ = [
    29      "Error", "TestFailed", "have_unicode", "BasicTestRunner", "run_unittest",
    30      "check_warnings", "check_py3k_warnings", "CleanImport",
    31      "EnvironmentVarGuard"
    32  ]
    34  # __all__ = ["Error", "TestFailed", "ResourceDenied", "import_module",
    35  #            "verbose", "use_resources", "max_memuse", "record_original_stdout",
    36  #            "get_original_stdout", "unload", "unlink", "rmtree", "forget",
    37  #            "is_resource_enabled", "requires", "requires_mac_ver",
    38  #            "find_unused_port", "bind_port",
    39  #            "fcmp", "have_unicode", "is_jython", "TESTFN", "HOST", "FUZZ",
    40  #            "SAVEDCWD", "temp_cwd", "findfile", "sortdict", "check_syntax_error",
    41  #            "open_urlresource", "check_warnings", "check_py3k_warnings",
    42  #            "CleanImport", "EnvironmentVarGuard", "captured_output",
    43  #            "captured_stdout", "TransientResource", "transient_internet",
    44  #            "run_with_locale", "set_memlimit", "bigmemtest", "bigaddrspacetest",
    45  #            "BasicTestRunner", "run_unittest", "run_doctest", "threading_setup",
    46  #            "threading_cleanup", "reap_threads", "start_threads", "cpython_only",
    47  #            "check_impl_detail", "get_attribute", "py3k_bytes",
    48  #            "import_fresh_module", "threading_cleanup", "reap_children",
    49  #            "strip_python_stderr", "IPV6_ENABLED", "run_with_tz"]
    51  class Error(Exception):
    52      """Base class for regression test exceptions."""
    54  class TestFailed(Error):
    55      """Test failed."""
    57  # class ResourceDenied(unittest.SkipTest):
    58  #     """Test skipped because it requested a disallowed resource.
    60  #     This is raised when a test calls requires() for a resource that
    61  #     has not been enabled.  It is used to distinguish between expected
    62  #     and unexpected skips.
    63  #     """
    65  # @contextlib.contextmanager
    66  # def _ignore_deprecated_imports(ignore=True):
    67  #     """Context manager to suppress package and module deprecation
    68  #     warnings when importing them.
    70  #     If ignore is False, this context manager has no effect."""
    71  #     if ignore:
    72  #         with warnings.catch_warnings():
    73  #             warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", ".+ (module|package)",
    74  #                                     DeprecationWarning)
    75  #             yield
    76  #     else:
    77  #         yield
    80  # def import_module(name, deprecated=False):
    81  #     """Import and return the module to be tested, raising SkipTest if
    82  #     it is not available.
    84  #     If deprecated is True, any module or package deprecation messages
    85  #     will be suppressed."""
    86  #     with _ignore_deprecated_imports(deprecated):
    87  #         try:
    88  #             return importlib.import_module(name)
    89  #         except ImportError, msg:
    90  #             raise unittest.SkipTest(str(msg))
    93  # def _save_and_remove_module(name, orig_modules):
    94  #     """Helper function to save and remove a module from sys.modules
    96  #        Raise ImportError if the module can't be imported."""
    97  #     # try to import the module and raise an error if it can't be imported
    98  #     if name not in sys.modules:
    99  #         __import__(name)
   100  #         del sys.modules[name]
   101  #     for modname in list(sys.modules):
   102  #         if modname == name or modname.startswith(name + '.'):
   103  #             orig_modules[modname] = sys.modules[modname]
   104  #             del sys.modules[modname]
   106  # def _save_and_block_module(name, orig_modules):
   107  #     """Helper function to save and block a module in sys.modules
   109  #        Return True if the module was in sys.modules, False otherwise."""
   110  #     saved = True
   111  #     try:
   112  #         orig_modules[name] = sys.modules[name]
   113  #     except KeyError:
   114  #         saved = False
   115  #     sys.modules[name] = None
   116  #     return saved
   119  # def import_fresh_module(name, fresh=(), blocked=(), deprecated=False):
   120  #     """Imports and returns a module, deliberately bypassing the sys.modules cache
   121  #     and importing a fresh copy of the module. Once the import is complete,
   122  #     the sys.modules cache is restored to its original state.
   124  #     Modules named in fresh are also imported anew if needed by the import.
   125  #     If one of these modules can't be imported, None is returned.
   127  #     Importing of modules named in blocked is prevented while the fresh import
   128  #     takes place.
   130  #     If deprecated is True, any module or package deprecation messages
   131  #     will be suppressed."""
   132  #     # NOTE: test_heapq, test_json, and test_warnings include extra sanity
   133  #     # checks to make sure that this utility function is working as expected
   134  #     with _ignore_deprecated_imports(deprecated):
   135  #         # Keep track of modules saved for later restoration as well
   136  #         # as those which just need a blocking entry removed
   137  #         orig_modules = {}
   138  #         names_to_remove = []
   139  #         _save_and_remove_module(name, orig_modules)
   140  #         try:
   141  #             for fresh_name in fresh:
   142  #                 _save_and_remove_module(fresh_name, orig_modules)
   143  #             for blocked_name in blocked:
   144  #                 if not _save_and_block_module(blocked_name, orig_modules):
   145  #                     names_to_remove.append(blocked_name)
   146  #             fresh_module = importlib.import_module(name)
   147  #         except ImportError:
   148  #             fresh_module = None
   149  #         finally:
   150  #             for orig_name, module in orig_modules.items():
   151  #                 sys.modules[orig_name] = module
   152  #             for name_to_remove in names_to_remove:
   153  #                 del sys.modules[name_to_remove]
   154  #         return fresh_module
   157  # def get_attribute(obj, name):
   158  #     """Get an attribute, raising SkipTest if AttributeError is raised."""
   159  #     try:
   160  #         attribute = getattr(obj, name)
   161  #     except AttributeError:
   162  #         raise unittest.SkipTest("module %s has no attribute %s" % (
   163  #             obj.__name__, name))
   164  #     else:
   165  #         return attribute
   168  verbose = 1              # Flag set to 0 by
   169  # use_resources = None     # Flag set to [] by
   170  # max_memuse = 0           # Disable bigmem tests (they will still be run with
   171  #                          # small sizes, to make sure they work.)
   172  # real_max_memuse = 0
   174  # # _original_stdout is meant to hold stdout at the time regrtest began.
   175  # # This may be "the real" stdout, or IDLE's emulation of stdout, or whatever.
   176  # # The point is to have some flavor of stdout the user can actually see.
   177  # _original_stdout = None
   178  # def record_original_stdout(stdout):
   179  #     global _original_stdout
   180  #     _original_stdout = stdout
   182  # def get_original_stdout():
   183  #     return _original_stdout or sys.stdout
   185  # def unload(name):
   186  #     try:
   187  #         del sys.modules[name]
   188  #     except KeyError:
   189  #         pass
   191  if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
   192      def _waitfor(func, pathname, waitall=False):
   193          # Perform the operation
   194          func(pathname)
   195          # Now setup the wait loop
   196          if waitall:
   197              dirname = pathname
   198          else:
   199              dirname, name = os.path.split(pathname)
   200              dirname = dirname or '.'
   201          # Check for `pathname` to be removed from the filesystem.
   202          # The exponential backoff of the timeout amounts to a total
   203          # of ~1 second after which the deletion is probably an error
   204          # anyway.
   205          # Testing on a i7@4.3GHz shows that usually only 1 iteration is
   206          # required when contention occurs.
   207          timeout = 0.001
   208          while timeout < 1.0:
   209              # Note we are only testing for the existence of the file(s) in
   210              # the contents of the directory regardless of any security or
   211              # access rights.  If we have made it this far, we have sufficient
   212              # permissions to do that much using Python's equivalent of the
   213              # Windows API FindFirstFile.
   214              # Other Windows APIs can fail or give incorrect results when
   215              # dealing with files that are pending deletion.
   216              L = os.listdir(dirname)
   217              if not (L if waitall else name in L):
   218                  return
   219              # Increase the timeout and try again
   220              time.sleep(timeout)
   221              timeout *= 2
   222          warnings.warn('tests may fail, delete still pending for ' + pathname,
   223                        RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=4)
   225      def _unlink(filename):
   226          _waitfor(os.unlink, filename)
   228      def _rmdir(dirname):
   229          _waitfor(os.rmdir, dirname)
   231      def _rmtree(path):
   232          def _rmtree_inner(path):
   233              for name in os.listdir(path):
   234                  fullname = os.path.join(path, name)
   235                  if os.path.isdir(fullname):
   236                      _waitfor(_rmtree_inner, fullname, waitall=True)
   237                      os.rmdir(fullname)
   238                  else:
   239                      os.unlink(fullname)
   240          _waitfor(_rmtree_inner, path, waitall=True)
   241          _waitfor(os.rmdir, path)
   242  else:
   243      _unlink = os.unlink
   244      _rmdir = os.rmdir
   245  #    _rmtree = shutil.rmtree
   247  def unlink(filename):
   248      try:
   249          _unlink(filename)
   250      except OSError:
   251          pass
   253  # def rmdir(dirname):
   254  #     try:
   255  #         _rmdir(dirname)
   256  #     except OSError as error:
   257  #         # The directory need not exist.
   258  #         if error.errno != errno.ENOENT:
   259  #             raise
   261  # def rmtree(path):
   262  #     try:
   263  #         _rmtree(path)
   264  #     except OSError, e:
   265  #         # Unix returns ENOENT, Windows returns ESRCH.
   266  #         if e.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ESRCH):
   267  #             raise
   269  # def forget(modname):
   270  #     '''"Forget" a module was ever imported by removing it from sys.modules and
   271  #     deleting any .pyc and .pyo files.'''
   272  #     unload(modname)
   273  #     for dirname in sys.path:
   274  #         unlink(os.path.join(dirname, modname + os.extsep + 'pyc'))
   275  #         # Deleting the .pyo file cannot be within the 'try' for the .pyc since
   276  #         # the chance exists that there is no .pyc (and thus the 'try' statement
   277  #         # is exited) but there is a .pyo file.
   278  #         unlink(os.path.join(dirname, modname + os.extsep + 'pyo'))
   280  # # Check whether a gui is actually available
   281  # def _is_gui_available():
   282  #     if hasattr(_is_gui_available, 'result'):
   283  #         return _is_gui_available.result
   284  #     reason = None
   285  #     if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
   286  #         # if Python is running as a service (such as the buildbot service),
   287  #         # gui interaction may be disallowed
   288  #         import ctypes
   289  #         import ctypes.wintypes
   290  #         UOI_FLAGS = 1
   291  #         WSF_VISIBLE = 0x0001
   292  #         class USEROBJECTFLAGS(ctypes.Structure):
   293  #             _fields_ = [("fInherit", ctypes.wintypes.BOOL),
   294  #                         ("fReserved", ctypes.wintypes.BOOL),
   295  #                         ("dwFlags", ctypes.wintypes.DWORD)]
   296  #         dll = ctypes.windll.user32
   297  #         h = dll.GetProcessWindowStation()
   298  #         if not h:
   299  #             raise ctypes.WinError()
   300  #         uof = USEROBJECTFLAGS()
   301  #         needed = ctypes.wintypes.DWORD()
   302  #         res = dll.GetUserObjectInformationW(h,
   303  #             UOI_FLAGS,
   304  #             ctypes.byref(uof),
   305  #             ctypes.sizeof(uof),
   306  #             ctypes.byref(needed))
   307  #         if not res:
   308  #             raise ctypes.WinError()
   309  #         if not bool(uof.dwFlags & WSF_VISIBLE):
   310  #             reason = "gui not available (WSF_VISIBLE flag not set)"
   311  #     elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
   312  #         # The Aqua Tk implementations on OS X can abort the process if
   313  #         # being called in an environment where a window server connection
   314  #         # cannot be made, for instance when invoked by a buildbot or ssh
   315  #         # process not running under the same user id as the current console
   316  #         # user.  To avoid that, raise an exception if the window manager
   317  #         # connection is not available.
   318  #         from ctypes import cdll, c_int, pointer, Structure
   319  #         from ctypes.util import find_library
   321  #         app_services = cdll.LoadLibrary(find_library("ApplicationServices"))
   323  #         if app_services.CGMainDisplayID() == 0:
   324  #             reason = "gui tests cannot run without OS X window manager"
   325  #         else:
   326  #             class ProcessSerialNumber(Structure):
   327  #                 _fields_ = [("highLongOfPSN", c_int),
   328  #                             ("lowLongOfPSN", c_int)]
   329  #             psn = ProcessSerialNumber()
   330  #             psn_p = pointer(psn)
   331  #             if (  (app_services.GetCurrentProcess(psn_p) < 0) or
   332  #                   (app_services.SetFrontProcess(psn_p) < 0) ):
   333  #                 reason = "cannot run without OS X gui process"
   335  #     # check on every platform whether tkinter can actually do anything
   336  #     if not reason:
   337  #         try:
   338  #             from Tkinter import Tk
   339  #             root = Tk()
   340  #             root.update()
   341  #             root.destroy()
   342  #         except Exception as e:
   343  #             err_string = str(e)
   344  #             if len(err_string) > 50:
   345  #                 err_string = err_string[:50] + ' [...]'
   346  #             reason = 'Tk unavailable due to {}: {}'.format(type(e).__name__,
   347  #                                                            err_string)
   349  #     _is_gui_available.reason = reason
   350  #     _is_gui_available.result = not reason
   352  #     return _is_gui_available.result
   354  # def is_resource_enabled(resource):
   355  #     """Test whether a resource is enabled.
   357  #     Known resources are set by  If not running under,
   358  #     all resources are assumed enabled unless use_resources has been set.
   359  #     """
   360  #     return use_resources is None or resource in use_resources
   362  # def requires(resource, msg=None):
   363  #     """Raise ResourceDenied if the specified resource is not available."""
   364  #     if resource == 'gui' and not _is_gui_available():
   365  #         raise ResourceDenied(_is_gui_available.reason)
   366  #     if not is_resource_enabled(resource):
   367  #         if msg is None:
   368  #             msg = "Use of the `%s' resource not enabled" % resource
   369  #         raise ResourceDenied(msg)
   371  # def requires_mac_ver(*min_version):
   372  #     """Decorator raising SkipTest if the OS is Mac OS X and the OS X
   373  #     version if less than min_version.
   375  #     For example, @requires_mac_ver(10, 5) raises SkipTest if the OS X version
   376  #     is lesser than 10.5.
   377  #     """
   378  #     def decorator(func):
   379  #         @functools.wraps(func)
   380  #         def wrapper(*args, **kw):
   381  #             if sys.platform == 'darwin':
   382  #                 version_txt = platform.mac_ver()[0]
   383  #                 try:
   384  #                     version = tuple(map(int, version_txt.split('.')))
   385  #                 except ValueError:
   386  #                     pass
   387  #                 else:
   388  #                     if version < min_version:
   389  #                         min_version_txt = '.'.join(map(str, min_version))
   390  #                         raise unittest.SkipTest(
   391  #                             "Mac OS X %s or higher required, not %s"
   392  #                             % (min_version_txt, version_txt))
   393  #             return func(*args, **kw)
   394  #         wrapper.min_version = min_version
   395  #         return wrapper
   396  #     return decorator
   399  # # Don't use "localhost", since resolving it uses the DNS under recent
   400  # # Windows versions (see issue #18792).
   401  # HOST = ""
   402  # HOSTv6 = "::1"
   405  # def find_unused_port(family=socket.AF_INET, socktype=socket.SOCK_STREAM):
   406  #     """Returns an unused port that should be suitable for binding.  This is
   407  #     achieved by creating a temporary socket with the same family and type as
   408  #     the 'sock' parameter (default is AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM), and binding it to
   409  #     the specified host address (defaults to with the port set to 0,
   410  #     eliciting an unused ephemeral port from the OS.  The temporary socket is
   411  #     then closed and deleted, and the ephemeral port is returned.
   413  #     Either this method or bind_port() should be used for any tests where a
   414  #     server socket needs to be bound to a particular port for the duration of
   415  #     the test.  Which one to use depends on whether the calling code is creating
   416  #     a python socket, or if an unused port needs to be provided in a constructor
   417  #     or passed to an external program (i.e. the -accept argument to openssl's
   418  #     s_server mode).  Always prefer bind_port() over find_unused_port() where
   419  #     possible.  Hard coded ports should *NEVER* be used.  As soon as a server
   420  #     socket is bound to a hard coded port, the ability to run multiple instances
   421  #     of the test simultaneously on the same host is compromised, which makes the
   422  #     test a ticking time bomb in a buildbot environment. On Unix buildbots, this
   423  #     may simply manifest as a failed test, which can be recovered from without
   424  #     intervention in most cases, but on Windows, the entire python process can
   425  #     completely and utterly wedge, requiring someone to log in to the buildbot
   426  #     and manually kill the affected process.
   428  #     (This is easy to reproduce on Windows, unfortunately, and can be traced to
   429  #     the SO_REUSEADDR socket option having different semantics on Windows versus
   430  #     Unix/Linux.  On Unix, you can't have two AF_INET SOCK_STREAM sockets bind,
   431  #     listen and then accept connections on identical host/ports.  An EADDRINUSE
   432  #     socket.error will be raised at some point (depending on the platform and
   433  #     the order bind and listen were called on each socket).
   435  #     However, on Windows, if SO_REUSEADDR is set on the sockets, no EADDRINUSE
   436  #     will ever be raised when attempting to bind two identical host/ports. When
   437  #     accept() is called on each socket, the second caller's process will steal
   438  #     the port from the first caller, leaving them both in an awkwardly wedged
   439  #     state where they'll no longer respond to any signals or graceful kills, and
   440  #     must be forcibly killed via OpenProcess()/TerminateProcess().
   442  #     The solution on Windows is to use the SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE socket option
   443  #     instead of SO_REUSEADDR, which effectively affords the same semantics as
   444  #     SO_REUSEADDR on Unix.  Given the propensity of Unix developers in the Open
   445  #     Source world compared to Windows ones, this is a common mistake.  A quick
   446  #     look over OpenSSL's 0.9.8g source shows that they use SO_REUSEADDR when
   447  #     openssl.exe is called with the 's_server' option, for example. See
   448  # for more info.  The following site also
   449  #     has a very thorough description about the implications of both REUSEADDR
   450  #     and EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE on Windows:
   451  #
   453  #     XXX: although this approach is a vast improvement on previous attempts to
   454  #     elicit unused ports, it rests heavily on the assumption that the ephemeral
   455  #     port returned to us by the OS won't immediately be dished back out to some
   456  #     other process when we close and delete our temporary socket but before our
   457  #     calling code has a chance to bind the returned port.  We can deal with this
   458  #     issue if/when we come across it."""
   459  #     tempsock = socket.socket(family, socktype)
   460  #     port = bind_port(tempsock)
   461  #     tempsock.close()
   462  #     del tempsock
   463  #     return port
   465  # def bind_port(sock, host=HOST):
   466  #     """Bind the socket to a free port and return the port number.  Relies on
   467  #     ephemeral ports in order to ensure we are using an unbound port.  This is
   468  #     important as many tests may be running simultaneously, especially in a
   469  #     buildbot environment.  This method raises an exception if the
   470  #     is AF_INET and sock.type is SOCK_STREAM, *and* the socket has SO_REUSEADDR
   471  #     or SO_REUSEPORT set on it.  Tests should *never* set these socket options
   472  #     for TCP/IP sockets.  The only case for setting these options is testing
   473  #     multicasting via multiple UDP sockets.
   475  #     Additionally, if the SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE socket option is available (i.e.
   476  #     on Windows), it will be set on the socket.  This will prevent anyone else
   477  #     from bind()'ing to our host/port for the duration of the test.
   478  #     """
   479  #     if == socket.AF_INET and sock.type == socket.SOCK_STREAM:
   480  #         if hasattr(socket, 'SO_REUSEADDR'):
   481  #             if sock.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR) == 1:
   482  #                 raise TestFailed("tests should never set the SO_REUSEADDR "   \
   483  #                                  "socket option on TCP/IP sockets!")
   484  #         if hasattr(socket, 'SO_REUSEPORT'):
   485  #             try:
   486  #                 if sock.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEPORT) == 1:
   487  #                     raise TestFailed("tests should never set the SO_REUSEPORT "   \
   488  #                                      "socket option on TCP/IP sockets!")
   489  #             except EnvironmentError:
   490  #                 # Python's socket module was compiled using modern headers
   491  #                 # thus defining SO_REUSEPORT but this process is running
   492  #                 # under an older kernel that does not support SO_REUSEPORT.
   493  #                 pass
   494  #         if hasattr(socket, 'SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE'):
   495  #             sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE, 1)
   497  #     sock.bind((host, 0))
   498  #     port = sock.getsockname()[1]
   499  #     return port
   501  # def _is_ipv6_enabled():
   502  #     """Check whether IPv6 is enabled on this host."""
   503  #     if socket.has_ipv6:
   504  #         sock = None
   505  #         try:
   506  #             sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
   507  #             sock.bind((HOSTv6, 0))
   508  #             return True
   509  #         except socket.error:
   510  #             pass
   511  #         finally:
   512  #             if sock:
   513  #                 sock.close()
   514  #     return False
   516  # IPV6_ENABLED = _is_ipv6_enabled()
   518  # def system_must_validate_cert(f):
   519  #     """Skip the test on TLS certificate validation failures."""
   520  #     @functools.wraps(f)
   521  #     def dec(*args, **kwargs):
   522  #         try:
   523  #             f(*args, **kwargs)
   524  #         except IOError as e:
   525  #             if "CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED" in str(e):
   526  #                 raise unittest.SkipTest("system does not contain "
   527  #                                         "necessary certificates")
   528  #             raise
   529  #     return dec
   531  # FUZZ = 1e-6
   533  # def fcmp(x, y): # fuzzy comparison function
   534  #     if isinstance(x, float) or isinstance(y, float):
   535  #         try:
   536  #             fuzz = (abs(x) + abs(y)) * FUZZ
   537  #             if abs(x-y) <= fuzz:
   538  #                 return 0
   539  #         except:
   540  #             pass
   541  #     elif type(x) == type(y) and isinstance(x, (tuple, list)):
   542  #         for i in range(min(len(x), len(y))):
   543  #             outcome = fcmp(x[i], y[i])
   544  #             if outcome != 0:
   545  #                 return outcome
   546  #         return (len(x) > len(y)) - (len(x) < len(y))
   547  #     return (x > y) - (x < y)
   550  # # A constant likely larger than the underlying OS pipe buffer size, to
   551  # # make writes blocking.
   552  # # Windows limit seems to be around 512 B, and many Unix kernels have a
   553  # # 64 KiB pipe buffer size or 16 * PAGE_SIZE: take a few megs to be sure.
   554  # # (see issue #17835 for a discussion of this number).
   555  # PIPE_MAX_SIZE = 4 * 1024 * 1024 + 1
   557  # # A constant likely larger than the underlying OS socket buffer size, to make
   558  # # writes blocking.
   559  # # The socket buffer sizes can usually be tuned system-wide (e.g. through sysctl
   560  # # on Linux), or on a per-socket basis (SO_SNDBUF/SO_RCVBUF). See issue #18643
   561  # # for a discussion of this number).
   562  # SOCK_MAX_SIZE = 16 * 1024 * 1024 + 1
   564  # is_jython = sys.platform.startswith('java')
   566  try:
   567      unicode
   568      have_unicode = True
   569  except NameError:
   570      have_unicode = False
   572  requires_unicode = unittest.skipUnless(have_unicode, 'no unicode support')
   574  # def u(s):
   575  #     return unicode(s, 'unicode-escape')
   577  # FS_NONASCII: non-ASCII Unicode character encodable by
   578  # sys.getfilesystemencoding(), or None if there is no such character.
   579  FS_NONASCII = None
   580  # if have_unicode:
   581  #     for character in (
   582  #         # First try printable and common characters to have a readable filename.
   583  #         # For each character, the encoding list are just example of encodings able
   584  #         # to encode the character (the list is not exhaustive).
   586  #         # U+00E6 (Latin Small Letter Ae): cp1252, iso-8859-1
   587  #         unichr(0x00E6),
   588  #         # U+0130 (Latin Capital Letter I With Dot Above): cp1254, iso8859_3
   589  #         unichr(0x0130),
   590  #         # U+0141 (Latin Capital Letter L With Stroke): cp1250, cp1257
   591  #         unichr(0x0141),
   592  #         # U+03C6 (Greek Small Letter Phi): cp1253
   593  #         unichr(0x03C6),
   594  #         # U+041A (Cyrillic Capital Letter Ka): cp1251
   595  #         unichr(0x041A),
   596  #         # U+05D0 (Hebrew Letter Alef): Encodable to cp424
   597  #         unichr(0x05D0),
   598  #         # U+060C (Arabic Comma): cp864, cp1006, iso8859_6, mac_arabic
   599  #         unichr(0x060C),
   600  #         # U+062A (Arabic Letter Teh): cp720
   601  #         unichr(0x062A),
   602  #         # U+0E01 (Thai Character Ko Kai): cp874
   603  #         unichr(0x0E01),
   605  #         # Then try more "special" characters. "special" because they may be
   606  #         # interpreted or displayed differently depending on the exact locale
   607  #         # encoding and the font.
   609  #         # U+00A0 (No-Break Space)
   610  #         unichr(0x00A0),
   611  #         # U+20AC (Euro Sign)
   612  #         unichr(0x20AC),
   613  #     ):
   614  #         try:
   615  #             character.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())\
   616  #                      .decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
   617  #         except UnicodeError:
   618  #             pass
   619  #         else:
   620  #             FS_NONASCII = character
   621  #             break
   623  # Filename used for testing
   624  if == 'java':
   625      # Jython disallows @ in module names
   626      TESTFN = '$test'
   627  elif == 'riscos':
   628      TESTFN = 'testfile'
   629  else:
   630      TESTFN = '@test'
   631  #     # Unicode name only used if TEST_FN_ENCODING exists for the platform.
   632  #     if have_unicode:
   633  #         # Assuming sys.getfilesystemencoding()!=sys.getdefaultencoding()
   634  #         # TESTFN_UNICODE is a filename that can be encoded using the
   635  #         # file system encoding, but *not* with the default (ascii) encoding
   636  #         if isinstance('', unicode):
   637  #             # python -U
   638  #             # XXX perhaps unicode() should accept Unicode strings?
   639  #             TESTFN_UNICODE = "@test-\xe0\xf2"
   640  #         else:
   641  #             # 2 latin characters.
   642  #             TESTFN_UNICODE = unicode("@test-\xe0\xf2", "latin-1")
   643  #         TESTFN_ENCODING = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
   644  #         # TESTFN_UNENCODABLE is a filename that should *not* be
   645  #         # able to be encoded by *either* the default or filesystem encoding.
   646  #         # This test really only makes sense on Windows NT platforms
   647  #         # which have special Unicode support in posixmodule.
   648  #         if (not hasattr(sys, "getwindowsversion") or
   649  #                 sys.getwindowsversion()[3] < 2): #  0=win32s or 1=9x/ME
   650  #             TESTFN_UNENCODABLE = None
   651  #         else:
   652  #             # Japanese characters (I think - from bug 846133)
   653  #             TESTFN_UNENCODABLE = eval('u"@test-\u5171\u6709\u3055\u308c\u308b"')
   654  #             try:
   655  #                 # XXX - Note - should be using TESTFN_ENCODING here - but for
   656  #                 # Windows, "mbcs" currently always operates as if in
   657  #                 # errors=ignore' mode - hence we get '?' characters rather than
   658  #                 # the exception.  'Latin1' operates as we expect - ie, fails.
   659  #                 # See [ 850997 ] mbcs encoding ignores errors
   660  #                 TESTFN_UNENCODABLE.encode("Latin1")
   661  #             except UnicodeEncodeError:
   662  #                 pass
   663  #             else:
   664  #                 print \
   665  #                 'WARNING: The filename %r CAN be encoded by the filesystem.  ' \
   666  #                 'Unicode filename tests may not be effective' \
   667  #                 % TESTFN_UNENCODABLE
   669  # Disambiguate TESTFN for parallel testing, while letting it remain a valid
   670  # module name.
   671  TESTFN = "%s_%s_tmp" % (TESTFN, os.getpid())
   673  # # Save the initial cwd
   674  # SAVEDCWD = os.getcwd()
   676  # @contextlib.contextmanager
   677  # def change_cwd(path, quiet=False):
   678  #     """Return a context manager that changes the current working directory.
   680  #     Arguments:
   682  #       path: the directory to use as the temporary current working directory.
   684  #       quiet: if False (the default), the context manager raises an exception
   685  #         on error.  Otherwise, it issues only a warning and keeps the current
   686  #         working directory the same.
   688  #     """
   689  #     saved_dir = os.getcwd()
   690  #     try:
   691  #         os.chdir(path)
   692  #     except OSError:
   693  #         if not quiet:
   694  #             raise
   695  #         warnings.warn('tests may fail, unable to change CWD to: ' + path,
   696  #                       RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=3)
   697  #     try:
   698  #         yield os.getcwd()
   699  #     finally:
   700  #         os.chdir(saved_dir)
   703  # @contextlib.contextmanager
   704  # def temp_cwd(name='tempcwd', quiet=False):
   705  #     """
   706  #     Context manager that creates a temporary directory and set it as CWD.
   708  #     The new CWD is created in the current directory and it's named *name*.
   709  #     If *quiet* is False (default) and it's not possible to create or change
   710  #     the CWD, an error is raised.  If it's True, only a warning is raised
   711  #     and the original CWD is used.
   712  #     """
   713  #     if (have_unicode and isinstance(name, unicode) and
   714  #         not os.path.supports_unicode_filenames):
   715  #         try:
   716  #             name = name.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding() or 'ascii')
   717  #         except UnicodeEncodeError:
   718  #             if not quiet:
   719  #                 raise unittest.SkipTest('unable to encode the cwd name with '
   720  #                                         'the filesystem encoding.')
   721  #     saved_dir = os.getcwd()
   722  #     is_temporary = False
   723  #     try:
   724  #         os.mkdir(name)
   725  #         os.chdir(name)
   726  #         is_temporary = True
   727  #     except OSError:
   728  #         if not quiet:
   729  #             raise
   730  #         warnings.warn('tests may fail, unable to change the CWD to ' + name,
   731  #                       RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=3)
   732  #     try:
   733  #         yield os.getcwd()
   734  #     finally:
   735  #         os.chdir(saved_dir)
   736  #         if is_temporary:
   737  #             rmtree(name)
   740  # def findfile(file, here=__file__, subdir=None):
   741  #     """Try to find a file on sys.path and the working directory.  If it is not
   742  #     found the argument passed to the function is returned (this does not
   743  #     necessarily signal failure; could still be the legitimate path)."""
   744  #     if os.path.isabs(file):
   745  #         return file
   746  #     if subdir is not None:
   747  #         file = os.path.join(subdir, file)
   748  #     path = sys.path
   749  #     path = [os.path.dirname(here)] + path
   750  #     for dn in path:
   751  #         fn = os.path.join(dn, file)
   752  #         if os.path.exists(fn): return fn
   753  #     return file
   755  # def sortdict(dict):
   756  #     "Like repr(dict), but in sorted order."
   757  #     items = dict.items()
   758  #     items.sort()
   759  #     reprpairs = ["%r: %r" % pair for pair in items]
   760  #     withcommas = ", ".join(reprpairs)
   761  #     return "{%s}" % withcommas
   763  # def make_bad_fd():
   764  #     """
   765  #     Create an invalid file descriptor by opening and closing a file and return
   766  #     its fd.
   767  #     """
   768  #     file = open(TESTFN, "wb")
   769  #     try:
   770  #         return file.fileno()
   771  #     finally:
   772  #         file.close()
   773  #         unlink(TESTFN)
   775  # def check_syntax_error(testcase, statement):
   776  #     testcase.assertRaises(SyntaxError, compile, statement,
   777  #                           '<test string>', 'exec')
   779  # def open_urlresource(url, check=None):
   780  #     import urlparse, urllib2
   782  #     filename = urlparse.urlparse(url)[2].split('/')[-1] # '/': it's URL!
   784  #     fn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", filename)
   786  #     def check_valid_file(fn):
   787  #         f = open(fn)
   788  #         if check is None:
   789  #             return f
   790  #         elif check(f):
   791  #   
   792  #             return f
   793  #         f.close()
   795  #     if os.path.exists(fn):
   796  #         f = check_valid_file(fn)
   797  #         if f is not None:
   798  #             return f
   799  #         unlink(fn)
   801  #     # Verify the requirement before downloading the file
   802  #     requires('urlfetch')
   804  #     print >> get_original_stdout(), '\tfetching %s ...' % url
   805  #     f = urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=15)
   806  #     try:
   807  #         with open(fn, "wb") as out:
   808  #             s =
   809  #             while s:
   810  #                 out.write(s)
   811  #                 s =
   812  #     finally:
   813  #         f.close()
   815  #     f = check_valid_file(fn)
   816  #     if f is not None:
   817  #         return f
   818  #     raise TestFailed('invalid resource "%s"' % fn)
   821  class WarningsRecorder(object):
   822      """Convenience wrapper for the warnings list returned on
   823         entry to the warnings.catch_warnings() context manager.
   824      """
   825      def __init__(self, warnings_list):
   826          self._warnings = warnings_list
   827          self._last = 0
   829      def __getattr__(self, attr):
   830          if len(self._warnings) > self._last:
   831              return getattr(self._warnings[-1], attr)
   832          elif attr in warnings.WarningMessage._WARNING_DETAILS:
   833              return None
   834          raise AttributeError("%r has no attribute %r" % (self, attr))
   836      @property
   837      def warnings(self):
   838          return self._warnings[self._last:]
   840      def reset(self):
   841          self._last = len(self._warnings)
   844  def _filterwarnings(filters, quiet=False):
   845      """Catch the warnings, then check if all the expected
   846      warnings have been raised and re-raise unexpected warnings.
   847      If 'quiet' is True, only re-raise the unexpected warnings.
   848      """
   849      # Clear the warning registry of the calling module
   850      # in order to re-raise the warnings.
   851      # frame = sys._getframe(2)
   852      # registry = frame.f_globals.get('__warningregistry__')
   853      # if registry:
   854      #     registry.clear()
   855      with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
   856          # Set filter "always" to record all warnings.  Because
   857          # test_warnings swap the module, we need to look up in
   858          # the sys.modules dictionary.
   859          sys.modules['warnings'].simplefilter("always")
   860          yield WarningsRecorder(w)
   861      # Filter the recorded warnings
   862      reraise = [warning.message for warning in w]
   863      missing = []
   864      for msg, cat in filters:
   865          seen = False
   866          for exc in reraise[:]:
   867              message = str(exc)
   868              # Filter out the matching messages
   869              if (re.match(msg, message, re.I) and
   870                  issubclass(exc.__class__, cat)):
   871                  seen = True
   872                  reraise.remove(exc)
   873          if not seen and not quiet:
   874              # This filter caught nothing
   875              missing.append((msg, cat.__name__))
   876      if reraise:
   877          raise AssertionError("unhandled warning %r" % reraise[0])
   878      if missing:
   879          raise AssertionError("filter (%r, %s) did not catch any warning" %
   880                               missing[0])
   883  @contextlib.contextmanager
   884  def check_warnings(*filters, **kwargs):
   885      """Context manager to silence warnings.
   887      Accept 2-tuples as positional arguments:
   888          ("message regexp", WarningCategory)
   890      Optional argument:
   891       - if 'quiet' is True, it does not fail if a filter catches nothing
   892          (default True without argument,
   893           default False if some filters are defined)
   895      Without argument, it defaults to:
   896          check_warnings(("", Warning), quiet=True)
   897      """
   898      quiet = kwargs.get('quiet')
   899      if not filters:
   900          filters = (("", Warning),)
   901          # Preserve backward compatibility
   902          if quiet is None:
   903              quiet = True
   904      return _filterwarnings(filters, quiet)
   907  @contextlib.contextmanager
   908  def check_py3k_warnings(*filters, **kwargs):
   909      """Context manager to silence py3k warnings.
   911      Accept 2-tuples as positional arguments:
   912          ("message regexp", WarningCategory)
   914      Optional argument:
   915       - if 'quiet' is True, it does not fail if a filter catches nothing
   916          (default False)
   918      Without argument, it defaults to:
   919          check_py3k_warnings(("", DeprecationWarning), quiet=False)
   920      """
   921      if sys.py3kwarning:
   922          if not filters:
   923              filters = (("", DeprecationWarning),)
   924      else:
   925          # It should not raise any py3k warning
   926          filters = ()
   927      return _filterwarnings(filters, kwargs.get('quiet'))
   930  class CleanImport(object):
   931      """Context manager to force import to return a new module reference.
   933      This is useful for testing module-level behaviours, such as
   934      the emission of a DeprecationWarning on import.
   936      Use like this:
   938          with CleanImport("foo"):
   939              importlib.import_module("foo") # new reference
   940      """
   942      def __init__(self, *module_names):
   943          self.original_modules = sys.modules.copy()
   944          for module_name in module_names:
   945              if module_name in sys.modules:
   946                  module = sys.modules[module_name]
   947                  # It is possible that module_name is just an alias for
   948                  # another module (e.g. stub for modules renamed in 3.x).
   949                  # In that case, we also need delete the real module to clear
   950                  # the import cache.
   951                  if module.__name__ != module_name:
   952                      del sys.modules[module.__name__]
   953                  del sys.modules[module_name]
   955      def __enter__(self):
   956          return self
   958      def __exit__(self, *ignore_exc):
   959          sys.modules.update(self.original_modules)
   962  class EnvironmentVarGuard(UserDict.DictMixin):
   964      """Class to help protect the environment variable properly.  Can be used as
   965      a context manager."""
   967      def __init__(self):
   968          self._environ = os.environ
   969          self._changed = {}
   971      def __getitem__(self, envvar):
   972          return self._environ[envvar]
   974      def __setitem__(self, envvar, value):
   975          # Remember the initial value on the first access
   976          if envvar not in self._changed:
   977              self._changed[envvar] = self._environ.get(envvar)
   978          self._environ[envvar] = value
   980      def __delitem__(self, envvar):
   981          # Remember the initial value on the first access
   982          if envvar not in self._changed:
   983              self._changed[envvar] = self._environ.get(envvar)
   984          if envvar in self._environ:
   985              del self._environ[envvar]
   987      def keys(self):
   988          return self._environ.keys()
   990      def set(self, envvar, value):
   991          self[envvar] = value
   993      def unset(self, envvar):
   994          del self[envvar]
   996      def __enter__(self):
   997          return self
   999      def __exit__(self, *ignore_exc):
  1000          for (k, v) in self._changed.items():
  1001              if v is None:
  1002                  if k in self._environ:
  1003                      del self._environ[k]
  1004              else:
  1005                  self._environ[k] = v
  1006          os.environ = self._environ
  1009  # class DirsOnSysPath(object):
  1010  #     """Context manager to temporarily add directories to sys.path.
  1012  #     This makes a copy of sys.path, appends any directories given
  1013  #     as positional arguments, then reverts sys.path to the copied
  1014  #     settings when the context ends.
  1016  #     Note that *all* sys.path modifications in the body of the
  1017  #     context manager, including replacement of the object,
  1018  #     will be reverted at the end of the block.
  1019  #     """
  1021  #     def __init__(self, *paths):
  1022  #         self.original_value = sys.path[:]
  1023  #         self.original_object = sys.path
  1024  #         sys.path.extend(paths)
  1026  #     def __enter__(self):
  1027  #         return self
  1029  #     def __exit__(self, *ignore_exc):
  1030  #         sys.path = self.original_object
  1031  #         sys.path[:] = self.original_value
  1034  # class TransientResource(object):
  1036  #     """Raise ResourceDenied if an exception is raised while the context manager
  1037  #     is in effect that matches the specified exception and attributes."""
  1039  #     def __init__(self, exc, **kwargs):
  1040  #         self.exc = exc
  1041  #         self.attrs = kwargs
  1043  #     def __enter__(self):
  1044  #         return self
  1046  #     def __exit__(self, type_=None, value=None, traceback=None):
  1047  #         """If type_ is a subclass of self.exc and value has attributes matching
  1048  #         self.attrs, raise ResourceDenied.  Otherwise let the exception
  1049  #         propagate (if any)."""
  1050  #         if type_ is not None and issubclass(self.exc, type_):
  1051  #             for attr, attr_value in self.attrs.iteritems():
  1052  #                 if not hasattr(value, attr):
  1053  #                     break
  1054  #                 if getattr(value, attr) != attr_value:
  1055  #                     break
  1056  #             else:
  1057  #                 raise ResourceDenied("an optional resource is not available")
  1060  # @contextlib.contextmanager
  1061  # def transient_internet(resource_name, timeout=30.0, errnos=()):
  1062  #     """Return a context manager that raises ResourceDenied when various issues
  1063  #     with the Internet connection manifest themselves as exceptions."""
  1064  #     default_errnos = [
  1065  #         ('ECONNREFUSED', 111),
  1066  #         ('ECONNRESET', 104),
  1067  #         ('EHOSTUNREACH', 113),
  1068  #         ('ENETUNREACH', 101),
  1069  #         ('ETIMEDOUT', 110),
  1070  #     ]
  1071  #     default_gai_errnos = [
  1072  #         ('EAI_AGAIN', -3),
  1073  #         ('EAI_FAIL', -4),
  1074  #         ('EAI_NONAME', -2),
  1075  #         ('EAI_NODATA', -5),
  1076  #         # Windows defines EAI_NODATA as 11001 but idiotic getaddrinfo()
  1077  #         # implementation actually returns WSANO_DATA i.e. 11004.
  1078  #         ('WSANO_DATA', 11004),
  1079  #     ]
  1081  #     denied = ResourceDenied("Resource '%s' is not available" % resource_name)
  1082  #     captured_errnos = errnos
  1083  #     gai_errnos = []
  1084  #     if not captured_errnos:
  1085  #         captured_errnos = [getattr(errno, name, num)
  1086  #                            for (name, num) in default_errnos]
  1087  #         gai_errnos = [getattr(socket, name, num)
  1088  #                       for (name, num) in default_gai_errnos]
  1090  #     def filter_error(err):
  1091  #         n = getattr(err, 'errno', None)
  1092  #         if (isinstance(err, socket.timeout) or
  1093  #             (isinstance(err, socket.gaierror) and n in gai_errnos) or
  1094  #             n in captured_errnos):
  1095  #             if not verbose:
  1096  #                 sys.stderr.write(denied.args[0] + "\n")
  1097  #             raise denied
  1099  #     old_timeout = socket.getdefaulttimeout()
  1100  #     try:
  1101  #         if timeout is not None:
  1102  #             socket.setdefaulttimeout(timeout)
  1103  #         yield
  1104  #     except IOError as err:
  1105  #         # urllib can wrap original socket errors multiple times (!), we must
  1106  #         # unwrap to get at the original error.
  1107  #         while True:
  1108  #             a = err.args
  1109  #             if len(a) >= 1 and isinstance(a[0], IOError):
  1110  #                 err = a[0]
  1111  #             # The error can also be wrapped as args[1]:
  1112  #             #    except socket.error as msg:
  1113  #             #        raise IOError('socket error', msg).with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2])
  1114  #             elif len(a) >= 2 and isinstance(a[1], IOError):
  1115  #                 err = a[1]
  1116  #             else:
  1117  #                 break
  1118  #         filter_error(err)
  1119  #         raise
  1120  #     # XXX should we catch generic exceptions and look for their
  1121  #     # __cause__ or __context__?
  1122  #     finally:
  1123  #         socket.setdefaulttimeout(old_timeout)
  1126  # @contextlib.contextmanager
  1127  # def captured_output(stream_name):
  1128  #     """Return a context manager used by captured_stdout and captured_stdin
  1129  #     that temporarily replaces the sys stream *stream_name* with a StringIO."""
  1130  #     import StringIO
  1131  #     orig_stdout = getattr(sys, stream_name)
  1132  #     setattr(sys, stream_name, StringIO.StringIO())
  1133  #     try:
  1134  #         yield getattr(sys, stream_name)
  1135  #     finally:
  1136  #         setattr(sys, stream_name, orig_stdout)
  1138  # def captured_stdout():
  1139  #     """Capture the output of sys.stdout:
  1141  #        with captured_stdout() as s:
  1142  #            print "hello"
  1143  #        self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), "hello")
  1144  #     """
  1145  #     return captured_output("stdout")
  1147  # def captured_stderr():
  1148  #     return captured_output("stderr")
  1150  # def captured_stdin():
  1151  #     return captured_output("stdin")
  1153  # def gc_collect():
  1154  #     """Force as many objects as possible to be collected.
  1156  #     In non-CPython implementations of Python, this is needed because timely
  1157  #     deallocation is not guaranteed by the garbage collector.  (Even in CPython
  1158  #     this can be the case in case of reference cycles.)  This means that __del__
  1159  #     methods may be called later than expected and weakrefs may remain alive for
  1160  #     longer than expected.  This function tries its best to force all garbage
  1161  #     objects to disappear.
  1162  #     """
  1163  #     gc.collect()
  1164  #     if is_jython:
  1165  #         time.sleep(0.1)
  1166  #     gc.collect()
  1167  #     gc.collect()
  1170  # _header = '2P'
  1171  # if hasattr(sys, "gettotalrefcount"):
  1172  #     _header = '2P' + _header
  1173  # _vheader = _header + 'P'
  1175  # def calcobjsize(fmt):
  1176  #     return struct.calcsize(_header + fmt + '0P')
  1178  # def calcvobjsize(fmt):
  1179  #     return struct.calcsize(_vheader + fmt + '0P')
  1182  # _TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC = 1<<14
  1183  # _TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE = 1<<9
  1185  # def check_sizeof(test, o, size):
  1186  #     import _testcapi
  1187  #     result = sys.getsizeof(o)
  1188  #     # add GC header size
  1189  #     if ((type(o) == type) and (o.__flags__ & _TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE) or\
  1190  #         ((type(o) != type) and (type(o).__flags__ & _TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC))):
  1191  #         size += _testcapi.SIZEOF_PYGC_HEAD
  1192  #     msg = 'wrong size for %s: got %d, expected %d' \
  1193  #             % (type(o), result, size)
  1194  #     test.assertEqual(result, size, msg)
  1197  # #=======================================================================
  1198  # # Decorator for running a function in a different locale, correctly resetting
  1199  # # it afterwards.
  1201  # def run_with_locale(catstr, *locales):
  1202  #     def decorator(func):
  1203  #         def inner(*args, **kwds):
  1204  #             try:
  1205  #                 import locale
  1206  #                 category = getattr(locale, catstr)
  1207  #                 orig_locale = locale.setlocale(category)
  1208  #             except AttributeError:
  1209  #                 # if the test author gives us an invalid category string
  1210  #                 raise
  1211  #             except:
  1212  #                 # cannot retrieve original locale, so do nothing
  1213  #                 locale = orig_locale = None
  1214  #             else:
  1215  #                 for loc in locales:
  1216  #                     try:
  1217  #                         locale.setlocale(category, loc)
  1218  #                         break
  1219  #                     except:
  1220  #                         pass
  1222  #             # now run the function, resetting the locale on exceptions
  1223  #             try:
  1224  #                 return func(*args, **kwds)
  1225  #             finally:
  1226  #                 if locale and orig_locale:
  1227  #                     locale.setlocale(category, orig_locale)
  1228  #         inner.func_name = func.func_name
  1229  #         inner.__doc__ = func.__doc__
  1230  #         return inner
  1231  #     return decorator
  1233  # #=======================================================================
  1234  # # Decorator for running a function in a specific timezone, correctly
  1235  # # resetting it afterwards.
  1237  # def run_with_tz(tz):
  1238  #     def decorator(func):
  1239  #         def inner(*args, **kwds):
  1240  #             try:
  1241  #                 tzset = time.tzset
  1242  #             except AttributeError:
  1243  #                 raise unittest.SkipTest("tzset required")
  1244  #             if 'TZ' in os.environ:
  1245  #                 orig_tz = os.environ['TZ']
  1246  #             else:
  1247  #                 orig_tz = None
  1248  #             os.environ['TZ'] = tz
  1249  #             tzset()
  1251  #             # now run the function, resetting the tz on exceptions
  1252  #             try:
  1253  #                 return func(*args, **kwds)
  1254  #             finally:
  1255  #                 if orig_tz is None:
  1256  #                     del os.environ['TZ']
  1257  #                 else:
  1258  #                     os.environ['TZ'] = orig_tz
  1259  #                 time.tzset()
  1261  #         inner.__name__ = func.__name__
  1262  #         inner.__doc__ = func.__doc__
  1263  #         return inner
  1264  #     return decorator
  1266  # #=======================================================================
  1267  # # Big-memory-test support. Separate from 'resources' because memory use should be configurable.
  1269  # # Some handy shorthands. Note that these are used for byte-limits as well
  1270  # # as size-limits, in the various bigmem tests
  1271  # _1M = 1024*1024
  1272  # _1G = 1024 * _1M
  1273  # _2G = 2 * _1G
  1274  # _4G = 4 * _1G
  1276  MAX_Py_ssize_t = sys.maxsize
  1278  # def set_memlimit(limit):
  1279  #     global max_memuse
  1280  #     global real_max_memuse
  1281  #     sizes = {
  1282  #         'k': 1024,
  1283  #         'm': _1M,
  1284  #         'g': _1G,
  1285  #         't': 1024*_1G,
  1286  #     }
  1287  #     m = re.match(r'(\d+(\.\d+)?) (K|M|G|T)b?$', limit,
  1288  #                  re.IGNORECASE | re.VERBOSE)
  1289  #     if m is None:
  1290  #         raise ValueError('Invalid memory limit %r' % (limit,))
  1291  #     memlimit = int(float( * sizes[])
  1292  #     real_max_memuse = memlimit
  1293  #     if memlimit > MAX_Py_ssize_t:
  1294  #         memlimit = MAX_Py_ssize_t
  1295  #     if memlimit < _2G - 1:
  1296  #         raise ValueError('Memory limit %r too low to be useful' % (limit,))
  1297  #     max_memuse = memlimit
  1299  # def bigmemtest(minsize, memuse, overhead=5*_1M):
  1300  #     """Decorator for bigmem tests.
  1302  #     'minsize' is the minimum useful size for the test (in arbitrary,
  1303  #     test-interpreted units.) 'memuse' is the number of 'bytes per size' for
  1304  #     the test, or a good estimate of it. 'overhead' specifies fixed overhead,
  1305  #     independent of the testsize, and defaults to 5Mb.
  1307  #     The decorator tries to guess a good value for 'size' and passes it to
  1308  #     the decorated test function. If minsize * memuse is more than the
  1309  #     allowed memory use (as defined by max_memuse), the test is skipped.
  1310  #     Otherwise, minsize is adjusted upward to use up to max_memuse.
  1311  #     """
  1312  #     def decorator(f):
  1313  #         def wrapper(self):
  1314  #             if not max_memuse:
  1315  #                 # If max_memuse is 0 (the default),
  1316  #                 # we still want to run the tests with size set to a few kb,
  1317  #                 # to make sure they work. We still want to avoid using
  1318  #                 # too much memory, though, but we do that noisily.
  1319  #                 maxsize = 5147
  1320  #                 self.assertFalse(maxsize * memuse + overhead > 20 * _1M)
  1321  #             else:
  1322  #                 maxsize = int((max_memuse - overhead) / memuse)
  1323  #                 if maxsize < minsize:
  1324  #                     # Really ought to print 'test skipped' or something
  1325  #                     if verbose:
  1326  #                         sys.stderr.write("Skipping %s because of memory "
  1327  #                                          "constraint\n" % (f.__name__,))
  1328  #                     return
  1329  #                 # Try to keep some breathing room in memory use
  1330  #                 maxsize = max(maxsize - 50 * _1M, minsize)
  1331  #             return f(self, maxsize)
  1332  #         wrapper.minsize = minsize
  1333  #         wrapper.memuse = memuse
  1334  #         wrapper.overhead = overhead
  1335  #         return wrapper
  1336  #     return decorator
  1338  # def precisionbigmemtest(size, memuse, overhead=5*_1M, dry_run=True):
  1339  #     def decorator(f):
  1340  #         def wrapper(self):
  1341  #             if not real_max_memuse:
  1342  #                 maxsize = 5147
  1343  #             else:
  1344  #                 maxsize = size
  1346  #             if ((real_max_memuse or not dry_run)
  1347  #                 and real_max_memuse < maxsize * memuse):
  1348  #                 if verbose:
  1349  #                     sys.stderr.write("Skipping %s because of memory "
  1350  #                                      "constraint\n" % (f.__name__,))
  1351  #                 return
  1353  #             return f(self, maxsize)
  1354  #         wrapper.size = size
  1355  #         wrapper.memuse = memuse
  1356  #         wrapper.overhead = overhead
  1357  #         return wrapper
  1358  #     return decorator
  1360  # def bigaddrspacetest(f):
  1361  #     """Decorator for tests that fill the address space."""
  1362  #     def wrapper(self):
  1363  #         if max_memuse < MAX_Py_ssize_t:
  1364  #             if verbose:
  1365  #                 sys.stderr.write("Skipping %s because of memory "
  1366  #                                  "constraint\n" % (f.__name__,))
  1367  #         else:
  1368  #             return f(self)
  1369  #     return wrapper
  1371  #=======================================================================
  1372  # unittest integration.
  1374  class BasicTestRunner(object):
  1375      def run(self, test):
  1376          result = unittest.TestResult()
  1377          test(result)
  1378          return result
  1380  def _id(obj):
  1381      return obj
  1383  # def requires_resource(resource):
  1384  #     if resource == 'gui' and not _is_gui_available():
  1385  #         return unittest.skip(_is_gui_available.reason)
  1386  #     if is_resource_enabled(resource):
  1387  #         return _id
  1388  #     else:
  1389  #         return unittest.skip("resource {0!r} is not enabled".format(resource))
  1391  def cpython_only(test):
  1392      return lambda *arg, **kw: None
  1394  # def cpython_only(test):
  1395  #     """
  1396  #     Decorator for tests only applicable on CPython.
  1397  #     """
  1398  #     return impl_detail(cpython=True)(test)
  1400  # def impl_detail(msg=None, **guards):
  1401  #     if check_impl_detail(**guards):
  1402  #         return _id
  1403  #     if msg is None:
  1404  #         guardnames, default = _parse_guards(guards)
  1405  #         if default:
  1406  #             msg = "implementation detail not available on {0}"
  1407  #         else:
  1408  #             msg = "implementation detail specific to {0}"
  1409  #         guardnames = sorted(guardnames.keys())
  1410  #         msg = msg.format(' or '.join(guardnames))
  1411  #     return unittest.skip(msg)
  1413  # def _parse_guards(guards):
  1414  #     # Returns a tuple ({platform_name: run_me}, default_value)
  1415  #     if not guards:
  1416  #         return ({'cpython': True}, False)
  1417  #     is_true = guards.values()[0]
  1418  #     assert guards.values() == [is_true] * len(guards)   # all True or all False
  1419  #     return (guards, not is_true)
  1421  # # Use the following check to guard CPython's implementation-specific tests --
  1422  # # or to run them only on the implementation(s) guarded by the arguments.
  1423  # def check_impl_detail(**guards):
  1424  #     """This function returns True or False depending on the host platform.
  1425  #        Examples:
  1426  #           if check_impl_detail():               # only on CPython (default)
  1427  #           if check_impl_detail(jython=True):    # only on Jython
  1428  #           if check_impl_detail(cpython=False):  # everywhere except on CPython
  1429  #     """
  1430  #     guards, default = _parse_guards(guards)
  1431  #     return guards.get(platform.python_implementation().lower(), default)
  1435  def _run_suite(suite):
  1436      """Run tests from a unittest.TestSuite-derived class."""
  1437      if verbose:
  1438          runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(sys.stdout, verbosity=2)
  1439      else:
  1440          runner = BasicTestRunner()
  1442      result =
  1443      if not result.wasSuccessful():
  1444          if len(result.errors) == 1 and not result.failures:
  1445              err = result.errors[0][1]
  1446          elif len(result.failures) == 1 and not result.errors:
  1447              err = result.failures[0][1]
  1448          else:
  1449              err = "multiple errors occurred"
  1450              if not verbose:
  1451                  err += "; run in verbose mode for details"
  1452          raise TestFailed(err)
  1455  def run_unittest(*classes):
  1456      """Run tests from unittest.TestCase-derived classes."""
  1457      valid_types = (unittest.TestSuite, unittest.TestCase)
  1458      suite = unittest.TestSuite()
  1459      for cls in classes:
  1460          if isinstance(cls, str):
  1461              if cls in sys.modules:
  1462                  suite.addTest(unittest.findTestCases(sys.modules[cls]))
  1463              else:
  1464                  raise ValueError("str arguments must be keys in sys.modules")
  1465          elif isinstance(cls, valid_types):
  1466              suite.addTest(cls)
  1467          else:
  1468              suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(cls))
  1469      _run_suite(suite)
  1471  # #=======================================================================
  1472  # # Check for the presence of docstrings.
  1474  # HAVE_DOCSTRINGS = (check_impl_detail(cpython=False) or
  1475  #                    sys.platform == 'win32' or
  1476  #                    sysconfig.get_config_var('WITH_DOC_STRINGS'))
  1478  # requires_docstrings = unittest.skipUnless(HAVE_DOCSTRINGS,
  1479  #                                           "test requires docstrings")
  1482  # #=======================================================================
  1483  # # doctest driver.
  1485  # def run_doctest(module, verbosity=None):
  1486  #     """Run doctest on the given module.  Return (#failures, #tests).
  1488  #     If optional argument verbosity is not specified (or is None), pass
  1489  #     test_support's belief about verbosity on to doctest.  Else doctest's
  1490  #     usual behavior is used (it searches sys.argv for -v).
  1491  #     """
  1493  #     import doctest
  1495  #     if verbosity is None:
  1496  #         verbosity = verbose
  1497  #     else:
  1498  #         verbosity = None
  1500  #     # Direct doctest output (normally just errors) to real stdout; doctest
  1501  #     # output shouldn't be compared by regrtest.
  1502  #     save_stdout = sys.stdout
  1503  #     sys.stdout = get_original_stdout()
  1504  #     try:
  1505  #         f, t = doctest.testmod(module, verbose=verbosity)
  1506  #         if f:
  1507  #             raise TestFailed("%d of %d doctests failed" % (f, t))
  1508  #     finally:
  1509  #         sys.stdout = save_stdout
  1510  #     if verbose:
  1511  #         print 'doctest (%s) ... %d tests with zero failures' % (module.__name__, t)
  1512  #     return f, t
  1514  #=======================================================================
  1515  # Threading support to prevent reporting refleaks when running -R
  1517  # NOTE: we use thread._count() rather than threading.enumerate() (or the
  1518  # moral equivalent thereof) because a threading.Thread object is still alive
  1519  # until its __bootstrap() method has returned, even after it has been
  1520  # unregistered from the threading module.
  1521  # thread._count(), on the other hand, only gets decremented *after* the
  1522  # __bootstrap() method has returned, which gives us reliable reference counts
  1523  # at the end of a test run.
  1525  def threading_setup():
  1526      if thread:
  1527          return (thread._count(),)
  1528      else:
  1529          return (1,)
  1531  def threading_cleanup(nb_threads):
  1532      if not thread:
  1533          return
  1535      _MAX_COUNT = 10
  1536      for count in range(_MAX_COUNT):
  1537          n = thread._count()
  1538          if n == nb_threads:
  1539              break
  1540          time.sleep(0.1)
  1541      # XXX print a warning in case of failure?
  1543  # def reap_threads(func):
  1544  #     """Use this function when threads are being used.  This will
  1545  #     ensure that the threads are cleaned up even when the test fails.
  1546  #     If threading is unavailable this function does nothing.
  1547  #     """
  1548  #     if not thread:
  1549  #         return func
  1551  #     @functools.wraps(func)
  1552  #     def decorator(*args):
  1553  #         key = threading_setup()
  1554  #         try:
  1555  #             return func(*args)
  1556  #         finally:
  1557  #             threading_cleanup(*key)
  1558  #     return decorator
  1560  def reap_children():
  1561      """Use this function at the end of test_main() whenever sub-processes
  1562      are started.  This will help ensure that no extra children (zombies)
  1563      stick around to hog resources and create problems when looking
  1564      for refleaks.
  1565      """
  1567      # Reap all our dead child processes so we don't leave zombies around.
  1568      # These hog resources and might be causing some of the buildbots to die.
  1569      if hasattr(os, 'waitpid'):
  1570          any_process = -1
  1571          while True:
  1572              try:
  1573                  # This will raise an exception on Windows.  That's ok.
  1574                  pid, status = os.waitpid(any_process, os.WNOHANG)
  1575                  if pid == 0:
  1576                      break
  1577              except:
  1578                  break
  1580  # @contextlib.contextmanager
  1581  # def start_threads(threads, unlock=None):
  1582  #     threads = list(threads)
  1583  #     started = []
  1584  #     try:
  1585  #         try:
  1586  #             for t in threads:
  1587  #                 t.start()
  1588  #                 started.append(t)
  1589  #         except:
  1590  #             if verbose:
  1591  #                 print("Can't start %d threads, only %d threads started" %
  1592  #                       (len(threads), len(started)))
  1593  #             raise
  1594  #         yield
  1595  #     finally:
  1596  #         if unlock:
  1597  #             unlock()
  1598  #         endtime = starttime = time.time()
  1599  #         for timeout in range(1, 16):
  1600  #             endtime += 60
  1601  #             for t in started:
  1602  #                 t.join(max(endtime - time.time(), 0.01))
  1603  #             started = [t for t in started if t.isAlive()]
  1604  #             if not started:
  1605  #                 break
  1606  #             if verbose:
  1607  #                 print('Unable to join %d threads during a period of '
  1608  #                       '%d minutes' % (len(started), timeout))
  1609  #     started = [t for t in started if t.isAlive()]
  1610  #     if started:
  1611  #         raise AssertionError('Unable to join %d threads' % len(started))
  1613  # @contextlib.contextmanager
  1614  # def swap_attr(obj, attr, new_val):
  1615  #     """Temporary swap out an attribute with a new object.
  1617  #     Usage:
  1618  #         with swap_attr(obj, "attr", 5):
  1619  #             ...
  1621  #         This will set obj.attr to 5 for the duration of the with: block,
  1622  #         restoring the old value at the end of the block. If `attr` doesn't
  1623  #         exist on `obj`, it will be created and then deleted at the end of the
  1624  #         block.
  1625  #     """
  1626  #     if hasattr(obj, attr):
  1627  #         real_val = getattr(obj, attr)
  1628  #         setattr(obj, attr, new_val)
  1629  #         try:
  1630  #             yield
  1631  #         finally:
  1632  #             setattr(obj, attr, real_val)
  1633  #     else:
  1634  #         setattr(obj, attr, new_val)
  1635  #         try:
  1636  #             yield
  1637  #         finally:
  1638  #             delattr(obj, attr)
  1640  # def py3k_bytes(b):
  1641  #     """Emulate the py3k bytes() constructor.
  1643  #     NOTE: This is only a best effort function.
  1644  #     """
  1645  #     try:
  1646  #         # memoryview?
  1647  #         return b.tobytes()
  1648  #     except AttributeError:
  1649  #         try:
  1650  #             # iterable of ints?
  1651  #             return b"".join(chr(x) for x in b)
  1652  #         except TypeError:
  1653  #             return bytes(b)
  1655  # def args_from_interpreter_flags():
  1656  #     """Return a list of command-line arguments reproducing the current
  1657  #     settings in sys.flags."""
  1658  #     import subprocess
  1659  #     return subprocess._args_from_interpreter_flags()
  1661  # def strip_python_stderr(stderr):
  1662  #     """Strip the stderr of a Python process from potential debug output
  1663  #     emitted by the interpreter.
  1665  #     This will typically be run on the result of the communicate() method
  1666  #     of a subprocess.Popen object.
  1667  #     """
  1668  #     stderr = re.sub(br"\[\d+ refs\]\r?\n?$", b"", stderr).strip()
  1669  #     return stderr
  1672  # def check_free_after_iterating(test, iter, cls, args=()):
  1673  #     class A(cls):
  1674  #         def __del__(self):
  1675  #             done[0] = True
  1676  #             try:
  1677  #                 next(it)
  1678  #             except StopIteration:
  1679  #                 pass
  1681  #     done = [False]
  1682  #     it = iter(A(*args))
  1683  #     # Issue 26494: Shouldn't crash
  1684  #     test.assertRaises(StopIteration, next, it)
  1685  #     # The sequence should be deallocated just after the end of iterating
  1686  #     gc_collect()
  1687  #     test.assertTrue(done[0])