
     1  #!/usr/bin/env bash
     2  # Generate a minimal filesystem for archlinux and load it into the local
     3  # docker as "archlinux"
     4  # requires root
     5  set -e
     7  hash pacstrap &>/dev/null || {
     8  	echo "Could not find pacstrap. Run pacman -S arch-install-scripts"
     9  	exit 1
    10  }
    12  hash expect &>/dev/null || {
    13  	echo "Could not find expect. Run pacman -S expect"
    14  	exit 1
    15  }
    17  export LANG="C.UTF-8"
    19  ROOTFS=$(mktemp -d ${TMPDIR:-/var/tmp}/rootfs-archlinux-XXXXXXXXXX)
    20  chmod 755 $ROOTFS
    22  # packages to ignore for space savings
    23  PKGIGNORE=(
    24      cryptsetup
    25      device-mapper
    26      dhcpcd
    27      iproute2
    28      jfsutils
    29      linux
    30      lvm2
    31      man-db
    32      man-pages
    33      mdadm
    34      nano
    35      netctl
    36      openresolv
    37      pciutils
    38      pcmciautils
    39      reiserfsprogs
    40      s-nail
    41      systemd-sysvcompat
    42      usbutils
    43      vi
    44      xfsprogs
    45  )
    46  IFS=','
    48  unset IFS
    50  expect <<EOF
    51  	set send_slow {1 .1}
    52  	proc send {ignore arg} {
    53  		sleep .1
    54  		exp_send -s -- \$arg
    55  	}
    56  	set timeout 60
    58  	spawn pacstrap -C ./mkimage-arch-pacman.conf -c -d -G -i $ROOTFS base haveged --ignore $PKGIGNORE
    59  	expect {
    60  		-exact "anyway? \[Y/n\] " { send -- "n\r"; exp_continue }
    61  		-exact "(default=all): " { send -- "\r"; exp_continue }
    62  		-exact "installation? \[Y/n\]" { send -- "y\r"; exp_continue }
    63  	}
    64  EOF
    66  arch-chroot $ROOTFS /bin/sh -c 'rm -r /usr/share/man/*'
    67  arch-chroot $ROOTFS /bin/sh -c "haveged -w 1024; pacman-key --init; pkill haveged; pacman -Rs --noconfirm haveged; pacman-key --populate archlinux; pkill gpg-agent"
    68  arch-chroot $ROOTFS /bin/sh -c "ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC /etc/localtime"
    69  echo 'en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8' > $ROOTFS/etc/locale.gen
    70  arch-chroot $ROOTFS locale-gen
    71  arch-chroot $ROOTFS /bin/sh -c 'echo "Server =\$repo/os/\$arch" > /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist'
    73  # udev doesn't work in containers, rebuild /dev
    74  DEV=$ROOTFS/dev
    75  rm -rf $DEV
    76  mkdir -p $DEV
    77  mknod -m 666 $DEV/null c 1 3
    78  mknod -m 666 $DEV/zero c 1 5
    79  mknod -m 666 $DEV/random c 1 8
    80  mknod -m 666 $DEV/urandom c 1 9
    81  mkdir -m 755 $DEV/pts
    82  mkdir -m 1777 $DEV/shm
    83  mknod -m 666 $DEV/tty c 5 0
    84  mknod -m 600 $DEV/console c 5 1
    85  mknod -m 666 $DEV/tty0 c 4 0
    86  mknod -m 666 $DEV/full c 1 7
    87  mknod -m 600 $DEV/initctl p
    88  mknod -m 666 $DEV/ptmx c 5 2
    89  ln -sf /proc/self/fd $DEV/fd
    91  tar --numeric-owner --xattrs --acls -C $ROOTFS -c . | docker import - archlinux
    92  docker run -t archlinux echo Success.
    93  rm -rf $ROOTFS