
     1  // Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
     2  // See LICENSE.txt for license information.
     4  package slackimport
     6  import (
     7  	"archive/zip"
     8  	"bytes"
     9  	"image"
    10  	"io"
    11  	"mime/multipart"
    12  	"net/http"
    13  	"path/filepath"
    14  	"regexp"
    15  	"sort"
    16  	"strings"
    17  	"time"
    18  	"unicode/utf8"
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  )
    26  type slackChannel struct {
    27  	Id      string          `json:"id"`
    28  	Name    string          `json:"name"`
    29  	Creator string          `json:"creator"`
    30  	Members []string        `json:"members"`
    31  	Purpose slackChannelSub `json:"purpose"`
    32  	Topic   slackChannelSub `json:"topic"`
    33  	Type    string
    34  }
    36  type slackChannelSub struct {
    37  	Value string `json:"value"`
    38  }
    40  type slackProfile struct {
    41  	FirstName string `json:"first_name"`
    42  	LastName  string `json:"last_name"`
    43  	Email     string `json:"email"`
    44  }
    46  type slackUser struct {
    47  	Id       string       `json:"id"`
    48  	Username string       `json:"name"`
    49  	Profile  slackProfile `json:"profile"`
    50  }
    52  type slackFile struct {
    53  	Id    string `json:"id"`
    54  	Title string `json:"title"`
    55  }
    57  type slackPost struct {
    58  	User        string                   `json:"user"`
    59  	BotId       string                   `json:"bot_id"`
    60  	BotUsername string                   `json:"username"`
    61  	Text        string                   `json:"text"`
    62  	TimeStamp   string                   `json:"ts"`
    63  	ThreadTS    string                   `json:"thread_ts"`
    64  	Type        string                   `json:"type"`
    65  	SubType     string                   `json:"subtype"`
    66  	Comment     *slackComment            `json:"comment"`
    67  	Upload      bool                     `json:"upload"`
    68  	File        *slackFile               `json:"file"`
    69  	Files       []*slackFile             `json:"files"`
    70  	Attachments []*model.SlackAttachment `json:"attachments"`
    71  }
    73  var isValidChannelNameCharacters = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+$`).MatchString
    75  const slackImportMaxFileSize = 1024 * 1024 * 70
    77  type slackComment struct {
    78  	User    string `json:"user"`
    79  	Comment string `json:"comment"`
    80  }
    82  // Actions provides the actions that needs to be used for import slack data
    83  type Actions struct {
    84  	UpdateActive           func(*model.User, bool) (*model.User, *model.AppError)
    85  	AddUserToChannel       func(*model.User, *model.Channel) (*model.ChannelMember, *model.AppError)
    86  	JoinUserToTeam         func(*model.Team, *model.User, string) *model.AppError
    87  	CreateDirectChannel    func(string, string) (*model.Channel, *model.AppError)
    88  	CreateGroupChannel     func([]string) (*model.Channel, *model.AppError)
    89  	CreateChannel          func(*model.Channel, bool) (*model.Channel, *model.AppError)
    90  	DoUploadFile           func(time.Time, string, string, string, string, []byte) (*model.FileInfo, *model.AppError)
    91  	GenerateThumbnailImage func(image.Image, string)
    92  	GeneratePreviewImage   func(image.Image, string)
    93  	InvalidateAllCaches    func()
    94  	MaxPostSize            func() int
    95  	PrepareImage           func(fileData []byte) (image.Image, int, int)
    96  }
    98  // SlackImporter is a service that allows to import slack dumps into mattermost
    99  type SlackImporter struct {
   100  	store   store.Store
   101  	actions Actions
   102  	config  *model.Config
   103  }
   105  // New creates a new SlackImporter service instance. It receive a store, a set of actions and the current config.
   106  // It is expected to be used right away and discarded after that
   107  func New(store store.Store, actions Actions, config *model.Config) *SlackImporter {
   108  	return &SlackImporter{
   109  		store:   store,
   110  		actions: actions,
   111  		config:  config,
   112  	}
   113  }
   115  func (si *SlackImporter) SlackImport(fileData multipart.File, fileSize int64, teamID string) (*model.AppError, *bytes.Buffer) {
   116  	// Create log file
   117  	log := bytes.NewBufferString(utils.T("api.slackimport.slack_import.log"))
   119  	zipreader, err := zip.NewReader(fileData, fileSize)
   120  	if err != nil || zipreader.File == nil {
   121  		log.WriteString(utils.T(""))
   122  		return model.NewAppError("SlackImport", "", nil, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest), log
   123  	}
   125  	var channels []slackChannel
   126  	var publicChannels []slackChannel
   127  	var privateChannels []slackChannel
   128  	var groupChannels []slackChannel
   129  	var directChannels []slackChannel
   131  	var users []slackUser
   132  	posts := make(map[string][]slackPost)
   133  	uploads := make(map[string]*zip.File)
   134  	for _, file := range zipreader.File {
   135  		if file.UncompressedSize64 > slackImportMaxFileSize {
   136  			log.WriteString(utils.T("", map[string]interface{}{"Filename": file.Name}))
   137  			continue
   138  		}
   139  		reader, err := file.Open()
   140  		if err != nil {
   141  			log.WriteString(utils.T("", map[string]interface{}{"Filename": file.Name}))
   142  			return model.NewAppError("SlackImport", "", map[string]interface{}{"Filename": file.Name}, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError), log
   143  		}
   144  		if file.Name == "channels.json" {
   145  			publicChannels, _ = slackParseChannels(reader, model.CHANNEL_OPEN)
   146  			channels = append(channels, publicChannels...)
   147  		} else if file.Name == "dms.json" {
   148  			directChannels, _ = slackParseChannels(reader, model.CHANNEL_DIRECT)
   149  			channels = append(channels, directChannels...)
   150  		} else if file.Name == "groups.json" {
   151  			privateChannels, _ = slackParseChannels(reader, model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE)
   152  			channels = append(channels, privateChannels...)
   153  		} else if file.Name == "mpims.json" {
   154  			groupChannels, _ = slackParseChannels(reader, model.CHANNEL_GROUP)
   155  			channels = append(channels, groupChannels...)
   156  		} else if file.Name == "users.json" {
   157  			users, _ = slackParseUsers(reader)
   158  		} else {
   159  			spl := strings.Split(file.Name, "/")
   160  			if len(spl) == 2 && strings.HasSuffix(spl[1], ".json") {
   161  				newposts, _ := slackParsePosts(reader)
   162  				channel := spl[0]
   163  				if _, ok := posts[channel]; !ok {
   164  					posts[channel] = newposts
   165  				} else {
   166  					posts[channel] = append(posts[channel], newposts...)
   167  				}
   168  			} else if len(spl) == 3 && spl[0] == "__uploads" {
   169  				uploads[spl[1]] = file
   170  			}
   171  		}
   172  	}
   174  	posts = slackConvertUserMentions(users, posts)
   175  	posts = slackConvertChannelMentions(channels, posts)
   176  	posts = slackConvertPostsMarkup(posts)
   178  	addedUsers := si.slackAddUsers(teamID, users, log)
   179  	botUser := si.slackAddBotUser(teamID, log)
   181  	si.slackAddChannels(teamID, channels, posts, addedUsers, uploads, botUser, log)
   183  	if botUser != nil {
   184  		si.deactivateSlackBotUser(botUser)
   185  	}
   187  	si.actions.InvalidateAllCaches()
   189  	log.WriteString(utils.T("api.slackimport.slack_import.notes"))
   190  	log.WriteString("=======\r\n\r\n")
   192  	log.WriteString(utils.T("api.slackimport.slack_import.note1"))
   193  	log.WriteString(utils.T("api.slackimport.slack_import.note2"))
   194  	log.WriteString(utils.T("api.slackimport.slack_import.note3"))
   196  	return nil, log
   197  }
   199  func truncateRunes(s string, i int) string {
   200  	runes := []rune(s)
   201  	if len(runes) > i {
   202  		return string(runes[:i])
   203  	}
   204  	return s
   205  }
   207  func (si *SlackImporter) slackAddUsers(teamId string, slackusers []slackUser, importerLog *bytes.Buffer) map[string]*model.User {
   208  	// Log header
   209  	importerLog.WriteString(utils.T("api.slackimport.slack_add_users.created"))
   210  	importerLog.WriteString("===============\r\n\r\n")
   212  	addedUsers := make(map[string]*model.User)
   214  	// Need the team
   215  	team, err :=
   216  	if err != nil {
   217  		importerLog.WriteString(utils.T("api.slackimport.slack_import.team_fail"))
   218  		return addedUsers
   219  	}
   221  	for _, sUser := range slackusers {
   222  		firstName := sUser.Profile.FirstName
   223  		lastName := sUser.Profile.LastName
   224  		email := sUser.Profile.Email
   225  		if email == "" {
   226  			email = sUser.Username + ""
   227  			importerLog.WriteString(utils.T("api.slackimport.slack_add_users.missing_email_address", map[string]interface{}{"Email": email, "Username": sUser.Username}))
   228  			mlog.Warn("Slack Import: User does not have an email address in the Slack export. Used username as a placeholder. The user should update their email address once logged in to the system.", mlog.String("user_email", email), mlog.String("user_name", sUser.Username))
   229  		}
   231  		password := model.NewId()
   233  		// Check for email conflict and use existing user if found
   234  		if existingUser, err :=; err == nil {
   235  			addedUsers[sUser.Id] = existingUser
   236  			if err := si.actions.JoinUserToTeam(team, addedUsers[sUser.Id], ""); err != nil {
   237  				importerLog.WriteString(utils.T("api.slackimport.slack_add_users.merge_existing_failed", map[string]interface{}{"Email": existingUser.Email, "Username": existingUser.Username}))
   238  			} else {
   239  				importerLog.WriteString(utils.T("api.slackimport.slack_add_users.merge_existing", map[string]interface{}{"Email": existingUser.Email, "Username": existingUser.Username}))
   240  			}
   241  			continue
   242  		}
   244  		email = strings.ToLower(email)
   245  		newUser := model.User{
   246  			Username:  sUser.Username,
   247  			FirstName: firstName,
   248  			LastName:  lastName,
   249  			Email:     email,
   250  			Password:  password,
   251  		}
   253  		mUser := si.oldImportUser(team, &newUser)
   254  		if mUser == nil {
   255  			importerLog.WriteString(utils.T("api.slackimport.slack_add_users.unable_import", map[string]interface{}{"Username": sUser.Username}))
   256  			continue
   257  		}
   258  		addedUsers[sUser.Id] = mUser
   259  		importerLog.WriteString(utils.T("api.slackimport.slack_add_users.email_pwd", map[string]interface{}{"Email": newUser.Email, "Password": password}))
   260  	}
   262  	return addedUsers
   263  }
   265  func (si *SlackImporter) slackAddBotUser(teamId string, log *bytes.Buffer) *model.User {
   266  	team, err :=
   267  	if err != nil {
   268  		log.WriteString(utils.T("api.slackimport.slack_import.team_fail"))
   269  		return nil
   270  	}
   272  	password := model.NewId()
   273  	username := "slackimportuser_" + model.NewId()
   274  	email := username + "@localhost"
   276  	botUser := model.User{
   277  		Username:  username,
   278  		FirstName: "",
   279  		LastName:  "",
   280  		Email:     email,
   281  		Password:  password,
   282  	}
   284  	mUser := si.oldImportUser(team, &botUser)
   285  	if mUser == nil {
   286  		log.WriteString(utils.T("api.slackimport.slack_add_bot_user.unable_import", map[string]interface{}{"Username": username}))
   287  		return nil
   288  	}
   290  	log.WriteString(utils.T("api.slackimport.slack_add_bot_user.email_pwd", map[string]interface{}{"Email": botUser.Email, "Password": password}))
   291  	return mUser
   292  }
   294  func (si *SlackImporter) slackAddPosts(teamId string, channel *model.Channel, posts []slackPost, users map[string]*model.User, uploads map[string]*zip.File, botUser *model.User) {
   295  	sort.Slice(posts, func(i, j int) bool {
   296  		return slackConvertTimeStamp(posts[i].TimeStamp) < slackConvertTimeStamp(posts[j].TimeStamp)
   297  	})
   298  	threads := make(map[string]string)
   299  	for _, sPost := range posts {
   300  		switch {
   301  		case sPost.Type == "message" && (sPost.SubType == "" || sPost.SubType == "file_share"):
   302  			if sPost.User == "" {
   303  				mlog.Debug("Slack Import: Unable to import the message as the user field is missing.")
   304  				continue
   305  			}
   306  			if users[sPost.User] == nil {
   307  				mlog.Debug("Slack Import: Unable to add the message as the Slack user does not exist in Mattermost.", mlog.String("user", sPost.User))
   308  				continue
   309  			}
   310  			newPost := model.Post{
   311  				UserId:    users[sPost.User].Id,
   312  				ChannelId: channel.Id,
   313  				Message:   sPost.Text,
   314  				CreateAt:  slackConvertTimeStamp(sPost.TimeStamp),
   315  			}
   316  			if sPost.Upload {
   317  				if sPost.File != nil {
   318  					if fileInfo, ok := si.slackUploadFile(sPost.File, uploads, teamId, newPost.ChannelId, newPost.UserId, sPost.TimeStamp); ok {
   319  						newPost.FileIds = append(newPost.FileIds, fileInfo.Id)
   320  					}
   321  				} else if sPost.Files != nil {
   322  					for _, file := range sPost.Files {
   323  						if fileInfo, ok := si.slackUploadFile(file, uploads, teamId, newPost.ChannelId, newPost.UserId, sPost.TimeStamp); ok {
   324  							newPost.FileIds = append(newPost.FileIds, fileInfo.Id)
   325  						}
   326  					}
   327  				}
   328  			}
   329  			// If post in thread
   330  			if sPost.ThreadTS != "" && sPost.ThreadTS != sPost.TimeStamp {
   331  				newPost.RootId = threads[sPost.ThreadTS]
   332  				newPost.ParentId = threads[sPost.ThreadTS]
   333  			}
   334  			postId := si.oldImportPost(&newPost)
   335  			// If post is thread starter
   336  			if sPost.ThreadTS == sPost.TimeStamp {
   337  				threads[sPost.ThreadTS] = postId
   338  			}
   339  		case sPost.Type == "message" && sPost.SubType == "file_comment":
   340  			if sPost.Comment == nil {
   341  				mlog.Debug("Slack Import: Unable to import the message as it has no comments.")
   342  				continue
   343  			}
   344  			if sPost.Comment.User == "" {
   345  				mlog.Debug("Slack Import: Unable to import the message as the user field is missing.")
   346  				continue
   347  			}
   348  			if users[sPost.Comment.User] == nil {
   349  				mlog.Debug("Slack Import: Unable to add the message as the Slack user does not exist in Mattermost.", mlog.String("user", sPost.User))
   350  				continue
   351  			}
   352  			newPost := model.Post{
   353  				UserId:    users[sPost.Comment.User].Id,
   354  				ChannelId: channel.Id,
   355  				Message:   sPost.Comment.Comment,
   356  				CreateAt:  slackConvertTimeStamp(sPost.TimeStamp),
   357  			}
   358  			si.oldImportPost(&newPost)
   359  		case sPost.Type == "message" && sPost.SubType == "bot_message":
   360  			if botUser == nil {
   361  				mlog.Warn("Slack Import: Unable to import the bot message as the bot user does not exist.")
   362  				continue
   363  			}
   364  			if sPost.BotId == "" {
   365  				mlog.Warn("Slack Import: Unable to import bot message as the BotId field is missing.")
   366  				continue
   367  			}
   369  			props := make(model.StringInterface)
   370  			props["override_username"] = sPost.BotUsername
   371  			if len(sPost.Attachments) > 0 {
   372  				props["attachments"] = sPost.Attachments
   373  			}
   375  			post := &model.Post{
   376  				UserId:    botUser.Id,
   377  				ChannelId: channel.Id,
   378  				CreateAt:  slackConvertTimeStamp(sPost.TimeStamp),
   379  				Message:   sPost.Text,
   380  				Type:      model.POST_SLACK_ATTACHMENT,
   381  			}
   383  			postId := si.oldImportIncomingWebhookPost(post, props)
   384  			// If post is thread starter
   385  			if sPost.ThreadTS == sPost.TimeStamp {
   386  				threads[sPost.ThreadTS] = postId
   387  			}
   388  		case sPost.Type == "message" && (sPost.SubType == "channel_join" || sPost.SubType == "channel_leave"):
   389  			if sPost.User == "" {
   390  				mlog.Debug("Slack Import: Unable to import the message as the user field is missing.")
   391  				continue
   392  			}
   393  			if users[sPost.User] == nil {
   394  				mlog.Debug("Slack Import: Unable to add the message as the Slack user does not exist in Mattermost.", mlog.String("user", sPost.User))
   395  				continue
   396  			}
   398  			var postType string
   399  			if sPost.SubType == "channel_join" {
   400  				postType = model.POST_JOIN_CHANNEL
   401  			} else {
   402  				postType = model.POST_LEAVE_CHANNEL
   403  			}
   405  			newPost := model.Post{
   406  				UserId:    users[sPost.User].Id,
   407  				ChannelId: channel.Id,
   408  				Message:   sPost.Text,
   409  				CreateAt:  slackConvertTimeStamp(sPost.TimeStamp),
   410  				Type:      postType,
   411  				Props: model.StringInterface{
   412  					"username": users[sPost.User].Username,
   413  				},
   414  			}
   415  			si.oldImportPost(&newPost)
   416  		case sPost.Type == "message" && sPost.SubType == "me_message":
   417  			if sPost.User == "" {
   418  				mlog.Debug("Slack Import: Unable to import the message as the user field is missing.")
   419  				continue
   420  			}
   421  			if users[sPost.User] == nil {
   422  				mlog.Debug("Slack Import: Unable to add the message as the Slack user does not exist in Mattermost.", mlog.String("user", sPost.User))
   423  				continue
   424  			}
   425  			newPost := model.Post{
   426  				UserId:    users[sPost.User].Id,
   427  				ChannelId: channel.Id,
   428  				Message:   "*" + sPost.Text + "*",
   429  				CreateAt:  slackConvertTimeStamp(sPost.TimeStamp),
   430  			}
   431  			postId := si.oldImportPost(&newPost)
   432  			// If post is thread starter
   433  			if sPost.ThreadTS == sPost.TimeStamp {
   434  				threads[sPost.ThreadTS] = postId
   435  			}
   436  		case sPost.Type == "message" && sPost.SubType == "channel_topic":
   437  			if sPost.User == "" {
   438  				mlog.Debug("Slack Import: Unable to import the message as the user field is missing.")
   439  				continue
   440  			}
   441  			if users[sPost.User] == nil {
   442  				mlog.Debug("Slack Import: Unable to add the message as the Slack user does not exist in Mattermost.", mlog.String("user", sPost.User))
   443  				continue
   444  			}
   445  			newPost := model.Post{
   446  				UserId:    users[sPost.User].Id,
   447  				ChannelId: channel.Id,
   448  				Message:   sPost.Text,
   449  				CreateAt:  slackConvertTimeStamp(sPost.TimeStamp),
   450  				Type:      model.POST_HEADER_CHANGE,
   451  			}
   452  			si.oldImportPost(&newPost)
   453  		case sPost.Type == "message" && sPost.SubType == "channel_purpose":
   454  			if sPost.User == "" {
   455  				mlog.Debug("Slack Import: Unable to import the message as the user field is missing.")
   456  				continue
   457  			}
   458  			if users[sPost.User] == nil {
   459  				mlog.Debug("Slack Import: Unable to add the message as the Slack user does not exist in Mattermost.", mlog.String("user", sPost.User))
   460  				continue
   461  			}
   462  			newPost := model.Post{
   463  				UserId:    users[sPost.User].Id,
   464  				ChannelId: channel.Id,
   465  				Message:   sPost.Text,
   466  				CreateAt:  slackConvertTimeStamp(sPost.TimeStamp),
   467  				Type:      model.POST_PURPOSE_CHANGE,
   468  			}
   469  			si.oldImportPost(&newPost)
   470  		case sPost.Type == "message" && sPost.SubType == "channel_name":
   471  			if sPost.User == "" {
   472  				mlog.Debug("Slack Import: Unable to import the message as the user field is missing.")
   473  				continue
   474  			}
   475  			if users[sPost.User] == nil {
   476  				mlog.Debug("Slack Import: Unable to add the message as the Slack user does not exist in Mattermost.", mlog.String("user", sPost.User))
   477  				continue
   478  			}
   479  			newPost := model.Post{
   480  				UserId:    users[sPost.User].Id,
   481  				ChannelId: channel.Id,
   482  				Message:   sPost.Text,
   483  				CreateAt:  slackConvertTimeStamp(sPost.TimeStamp),
   484  				Type:      model.POST_DISPLAYNAME_CHANGE,
   485  			}
   486  			si.oldImportPost(&newPost)
   487  		default:
   488  			mlog.Warn(
   489  				"Slack Import: Unable to import the message as its type is not supported",
   490  				mlog.String("post_type", sPost.Type),
   491  				mlog.String("post_subtype", sPost.SubType),
   492  			)
   493  		}
   494  	}
   495  }
   497  func (si *SlackImporter) slackUploadFile(slackPostFile *slackFile, uploads map[string]*zip.File, teamId string, channelId string, userId string, slackTimestamp string) (*model.FileInfo, bool) {
   498  	if slackPostFile == nil {
   499  		mlog.Warn("Slack Import: Unable to attach the file to the post as the latter has no file section present in Slack export.")
   500  		return nil, false
   501  	}
   502  	file, ok := uploads[slackPostFile.Id]
   503  	if !ok {
   504  		mlog.Warn("Slack Import: Unable to import file as the file is missing from the Slack export zip file.", mlog.String("file_id", slackPostFile.Id))
   505  		return nil, false
   506  	}
   507  	openFile, err := file.Open()
   508  	if err != nil {
   509  		mlog.Warn("Slack Import: Unable to open the file from the Slack export.", mlog.String("file_id", slackPostFile.Id), mlog.Err(err))
   510  		return nil, false
   511  	}
   512  	defer openFile.Close()
   514  	timestamp := utils.TimeFromMillis(slackConvertTimeStamp(slackTimestamp))
   515  	uploadedFile, err := si.oldImportFile(timestamp, openFile, teamId, channelId, userId, filepath.Base(file.Name))
   516  	if err != nil {
   517  		mlog.Warn("Slack Import: An error occurred when uploading file.", mlog.String("file_id", slackPostFile.Id), mlog.Err(err))
   518  		return nil, false
   519  	}
   521  	return uploadedFile, true
   522  }
   524  func (si *SlackImporter) deactivateSlackBotUser(user *model.User) {
   525  	if _, err := si.actions.UpdateActive(user, false); err != nil {
   526  		mlog.Warn("Slack Import: Unable to deactivate the user account used for the bot.")
   527  	}
   528  }
   530  func (si *SlackImporter) addSlackUsersToChannel(members []string, users map[string]*model.User, channel *model.Channel, log *bytes.Buffer) {
   531  	for _, member := range members {
   532  		user, ok := users[member]
   533  		if !ok {
   534  			log.WriteString(utils.T("api.slackimport.slack_add_channels.failed_to_add_user", map[string]interface{}{"Username": "?"}))
   535  			continue
   536  		}
   537  		if _, err := si.actions.AddUserToChannel(user, channel); err != nil {
   538  			log.WriteString(utils.T("api.slackimport.slack_add_channels.failed_to_add_user", map[string]interface{}{"Username": user.Username}))
   539  		}
   540  	}
   541  }
   543  func slackSanitiseChannelProperties(channel model.Channel) model.Channel {
   544  	if utf8.RuneCountInString(channel.DisplayName) > model.CHANNEL_DISPLAY_NAME_MAX_RUNES {
   545  		mlog.Warn("Slack Import: Channel display name exceeds the maximum length. It will be truncated when imported.", mlog.String("channel_display_name", channel.DisplayName))
   546  		channel.DisplayName = truncateRunes(channel.DisplayName, model.CHANNEL_DISPLAY_NAME_MAX_RUNES)
   547  	}
   549  	if len(channel.Name) > model.CHANNEL_NAME_MAX_LENGTH {
   550  		mlog.Warn("Slack Import: Channel handle exceeds the maximum length. It will be truncated when imported.", mlog.String("channel_display_name", channel.DisplayName))
   551  		channel.Name = channel.Name[0:model.CHANNEL_NAME_MAX_LENGTH]
   552  	}
   554  	if utf8.RuneCountInString(channel.Purpose) > model.CHANNEL_PURPOSE_MAX_RUNES {
   555  		mlog.Warn("Slack Import: Channel purpose exceeds the maximum length. It will be truncated when imported.", mlog.String("channel_display_name", channel.DisplayName))
   556  		channel.Purpose = truncateRunes(channel.Purpose, model.CHANNEL_PURPOSE_MAX_RUNES)
   557  	}
   559  	if utf8.RuneCountInString(channel.Header) > model.CHANNEL_HEADER_MAX_RUNES {
   560  		mlog.Warn("Slack Import: Channel header exceeds the maximum length. It will be truncated when imported.", mlog.String("channel_display_name", channel.DisplayName))
   561  		channel.Header = truncateRunes(channel.Header, model.CHANNEL_HEADER_MAX_RUNES)
   562  	}
   564  	return channel
   565  }
   567  func (si *SlackImporter) slackAddChannels(teamId string, slackchannels []slackChannel, posts map[string][]slackPost, users map[string]*model.User, uploads map[string]*zip.File, botUser *model.User, importerLog *bytes.Buffer) map[string]*model.Channel {
   568  	// Write Header
   569  	importerLog.WriteString(utils.T("api.slackimport.slack_add_channels.added"))
   570  	importerLog.WriteString("=================\r\n\r\n")
   572  	addedChannels := make(map[string]*model.Channel)
   573  	for _, sChannel := range slackchannels {
   574  		newChannel := model.Channel{
   575  			TeamId:      teamId,
   576  			Type:        sChannel.Type,
   577  			DisplayName: sChannel.Name,
   578  			Name:        slackConvertChannelName(sChannel.Name, sChannel.Id),
   579  			Purpose:     sChannel.Purpose.Value,
   580  			Header:      sChannel.Topic.Value,
   581  		}
   583  		// Direct message channels in Slack don't have a name so we set the id as name or else the messages won't get imported.
   584  		if newChannel.Type == model.CHANNEL_DIRECT {
   585  			sChannel.Name = sChannel.Id
   586  		}
   588  		newChannel = slackSanitiseChannelProperties(newChannel)
   590  		var mChannel *model.Channel
   591  		var err error
   592  		if mChannel, err =, sChannel.Name, true); err == nil {
   593  			// The channel already exists as an active channel. Merge with the existing one.
   594  			importerLog.WriteString(utils.T("api.slackimport.slack_add_channels.merge", map[string]interface{}{"DisplayName": newChannel.DisplayName}))
   595  		} else if _, nErr :=, sChannel.Name); nErr == nil {
   596  			// The channel already exists but has been deleted. Generate a random string for the handle instead.
   597  			newChannel.Name = model.NewId()
   598  			newChannel = slackSanitiseChannelProperties(newChannel)
   599  		}
   601  		if mChannel == nil {
   602  			// Haven't found an existing channel to merge with. Try importing it as a new one.
   603  			mChannel = si.oldImportChannel(&newChannel, sChannel, users)
   604  			if mChannel == nil {
   605  				mlog.Warn("Slack Import: Unable to import Slack channel.", mlog.String("channel_display_name", newChannel.DisplayName))
   606  				importerLog.WriteString(utils.T("api.slackimport.slack_add_channels.import_failed", map[string]interface{}{"DisplayName": newChannel.DisplayName}))
   607  				continue
   608  			}
   609  		}
   611  		// Members for direct and group channels are added during the creation of the channel in the oldImportChannel function
   612  		if sChannel.Type == model.CHANNEL_OPEN || sChannel.Type == model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE {
   613  			si.addSlackUsersToChannel(sChannel.Members, users, mChannel, importerLog)
   614  		}
   615  		importerLog.WriteString(newChannel.DisplayName + "\r\n")
   616  		addedChannels[sChannel.Id] = mChannel
   617  		si.slackAddPosts(teamId, mChannel, posts[sChannel.Name], users, uploads, botUser)
   618  	}
   620  	return addedChannels
   621  }
   623  //
   624  // -- Old SlackImport Functions --
   625  // Import functions are suitable for entering posts and users into the database without
   626  // some of the usual checks. (IsValid is still run)
   627  //
   629  func (si *SlackImporter) oldImportPost(post *model.Post) string {
   630  	// Workaround for empty messages, which may be the case if they are webhook posts.
   631  	firstIteration := true
   632  	firstPostId := ""
   633  	if post.ParentId != "" {
   634  		firstPostId = post.ParentId
   635  	}
   636  	maxPostSize := si.actions.MaxPostSize()
   637  	for messageRuneCount := utf8.RuneCountInString(post.Message); messageRuneCount > 0 || firstIteration; messageRuneCount = utf8.RuneCountInString(post.Message) {
   638  		var remainder string
   639  		if messageRuneCount > maxPostSize {
   640  			remainder = string(([]rune(post.Message))[maxPostSize:])
   641  			post.Message = truncateRunes(post.Message, maxPostSize)
   642  		} else {
   643  			remainder = ""
   644  		}
   646  		post.Hashtags, _ = model.ParseHashtags(post.Message)
   648  		post.RootId = firstPostId
   649  		post.ParentId = firstPostId
   651  		_, err :=
   652  		if err != nil {
   653  			mlog.Debug("Error saving post.", mlog.String("user_id", post.UserId), mlog.String("message", post.Message))
   654  		}
   656  		if firstIteration {
   657  			if firstPostId == "" {
   658  				firstPostId = post.Id
   659  			}
   660  			for _, fileId := range post.FileIds {
   661  				if err :=, post.Id, post.UserId); err != nil {
   662  					mlog.Error(
   663  						"Error attaching files to post.",
   664  						mlog.String("post_id", post.Id),
   665  						mlog.String("file_ids", strings.Join(post.FileIds, ",")),
   666  						mlog.String("user_id", post.UserId),
   667  						mlog.Err(err),
   668  					)
   669  				}
   670  			}
   671  			post.FileIds = nil
   672  		}
   674  		post.Id = ""
   675  		post.CreateAt++
   676  		post.Message = remainder
   677  		firstIteration = false
   678  	}
   679  	return firstPostId
   680  }
   682  func (si *SlackImporter) oldImportUser(team *model.Team, user *model.User) *model.User {
   683  	user.MakeNonNil()
   685  	user.Roles = model.SYSTEM_USER_ROLE_ID
   687  	ruser, nErr :=
   688  	if nErr != nil {
   689  		mlog.Debug("Error saving user.", mlog.Err(nErr))
   690  		return nil
   691  	}
   693  	if _, err :=, ruser.Email); err != nil {
   694  		mlog.Warn("Failed to set email verified.", mlog.Err(err))
   695  	}
   697  	if err := si.actions.JoinUserToTeam(team, user, ""); err != nil {
   698  		mlog.Warn("Failed to join team when importing.", mlog.Err(err))
   699  	}
   701  	return ruser
   702  }
   704  func (si *SlackImporter) oldImportChannel(channel *model.Channel, sChannel slackChannel, users map[string]*model.User) *model.Channel {
   705  	switch {
   706  	case channel.Type == model.CHANNEL_DIRECT:
   707  		if len(sChannel.Members) < 2 {
   708  			return nil
   709  		}
   710  		u1 := users[sChannel.Members[0]]
   711  		u2 := users[sChannel.Members[1]]
   712  		if u1 == nil || u2 == nil {
   713  			mlog.Warn("Either or both of user ids not found in users.json. Ignoring.", mlog.String("id1", sChannel.Members[0]), mlog.String("id2", sChannel.Members[1]))
   714  			return nil
   715  		}
   716  		sc, err := si.actions.CreateDirectChannel(u1.Id, u2.Id)
   717  		if err != nil {
   718  			return nil
   719  		}
   721  		return sc
   722  	// check if direct channel has less than 8 members and if not import as private channel instead
   723  	case channel.Type == model.CHANNEL_GROUP && len(sChannel.Members) < 8:
   724  		members := make([]string, len(sChannel.Members))
   726  		for i := range sChannel.Members {
   727  			u := users[sChannel.Members[i]]
   728  			if u == nil {
   729  				mlog.Warn("User not found in users.json. Ignoring.", mlog.String("id", sChannel.Members[i]))
   730  				continue
   731  			}
   732  			members[i] = u.Id
   733  		}
   735  		creator := users[sChannel.Creator]
   736  		if creator == nil {
   737  			return nil
   738  		}
   739  		sc, err := si.actions.CreateGroupChannel(members)
   740  		if err != nil {
   741  			return nil
   742  		}
   744  		return sc
   745  	case channel.Type == model.CHANNEL_GROUP:
   746  		channel.Type = model.CHANNEL_PRIVATE
   747  		sc, err := si.actions.CreateChannel(channel, false)
   748  		if err != nil {
   749  			return nil
   750  		}
   752  		return sc
   753  	}
   755  	sc, err :=, *si.config.TeamSettings.MaxChannelsPerTeam)
   756  	if err != nil {
   757  		return nil
   758  	}
   760  	return sc
   761  }
   763  func (si *SlackImporter) oldImportFile(timestamp time.Time, file io.Reader, teamId string, channelId string, userId string, fileName string) (*model.FileInfo, error) {
   764  	buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
   765  	io.Copy(buf, file)
   766  	data := buf.Bytes()
   768  	fileInfo, err := si.actions.DoUploadFile(timestamp, teamId, channelId, userId, fileName, data)
   769  	if err != nil {
   770  		return nil, err
   771  	}
   773  	if fileInfo.IsImage() && fileInfo.MimeType != "image/svg+xml" {
   774  		img, _, _ := si.actions.PrepareImage(data)
   775  		if img != nil {
   776  			si.actions.GenerateThumbnailImage(img, fileInfo.ThumbnailPath)
   777  			si.actions.GeneratePreviewImage(img, fileInfo.PreviewPath)
   778  		}
   779  	}
   781  	return fileInfo, nil
   782  }
   784  func (si *SlackImporter) oldImportIncomingWebhookPost(post *model.Post, props model.StringInterface) string {
   785  	linkWithTextRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`<([^<\|]+)\|([^>]+)>`)
   786  	post.Message = linkWithTextRegex.ReplaceAllString(post.Message, "[${2}](${1})")
   788  	post.AddProp("from_webhook", "true")
   790  	if _, ok := props["override_username"]; !ok {
   791  		post.AddProp("override_username", model.DEFAULT_WEBHOOK_USERNAME)
   792  	}
   794  	if len(props) > 0 {
   795  		for key, val := range props {
   796  			if key == "attachments" {
   797  				if attachments, success := val.([]*model.SlackAttachment); success {
   798  					model.ParseSlackAttachment(post, attachments)
   799  				}
   800  			} else if key != "from_webhook" {
   801  				post.AddProp(key, val)
   802  			}
   803  		}
   804  	}
   806  	return si.oldImportPost(post)
   807  }