
     1  ns: aws
     2  preamble: |
     3    The functions in the `aws` namespace interface with various Amazon Web Services
     4    APIs to make it possible for a template to render differently based on the AWS
     5    environment and metadata.
     7    ### Configuring AWS
     9    A number of environment variables can be used to control how gomplate communicates
    10    with AWS APIs. A few are documented here for convenience. See [the `aws-sdk-go` documentation](
    11    for details.
    13    | Environment Variable | Description |
    14    | -------------------- | ----------- |
    15    | `AWS_ANON` | Set to `true` when accessing services that do not need authentication, such as with public S3 buckets. Not part of the AWS SDK. |
    16    | `AWS_TIMEOUT` | _(Default `500`)_ Adjusts timeout for API requests, in milliseconds. Not part of the AWS SDK. |
    17    | `AWS_PROFILE` | Profile name the SDK should use when loading shared config from the configuration files. If not provided `default` will be used as the profile name. |
    18    | `AWS_REGION` | Specifies where to send requests. See [this list]( Note that the region must be set for AWS functions to work correctly, either through this variable, through a configuration profile, or by running on an EC2 instance. |
    19    | `AWS_EC2_METADATA_SERVICE_ENDPOINT` | _(Default ``)_ Sets the base address of the instance metadata service. |
    20    | `AWS_META_ENDPOINT` _(Deprecated)_ | _(Default ``)_ Sets the base address of the instance metadata service. Use `AWS_EC2_METADATA_SERVICE_ENDPOINT` instead. |
    21  funcs:
    22    - name: aws.EC2Meta
    23      alias: ec2meta
    24      released: v1.8.0
    25      description: |
    26        Queries AWS [EC2 Instance Metadata]( for information. This only retrieves data in the `meta-data` path -- for data in the `dynamic` path use `aws.EC2Dynamic`.
    28        For times when running outside EC2, or when the metadata API can't be reached, a `default` value can be provided.
    29      pipeline: false
    30      arguments:
    31        - name: key
    32          required: true
    33          description: the metadata key to query
    34        - name: default
    35          required: false
    36          description: the default value
    37      examples:
    38        - |
    39          $ echo '{{aws.EC2Meta "instance-id"}}' | gomplate
    40          i-12345678
    41    - name: aws.EC2Dynamic
    42      alias: ec2dynamic
    43      released: v1.8.0
    44      description: |
    45        Queries AWS [EC2 Instance Dynamic Metadata]( for information. This only retrieves data in the `dynamic` path -- for data in the `meta-data` path use `aws.EC2Meta`.
    47        For times when running outside EC2, or when the metadata API can't be reached, a `default` value can be provided.
    48      pipeline: false
    49      arguments:
    50        - name: key
    51          required: true
    52          description: the dynamic metadata key to query
    53        - name: default
    54          required: false
    55          description: the default value
    56      examples:
    57        - |
    58          $ echo '{{ (aws.EC2Dynamic "instance-identity/document" | json).region }}' | gomplate
    59          us-east-1
    60    - name: aws.EC2Region
    61      alias: ec2region
    62      released: v1.8.0
    63      description: |
    64        Queries AWS to get the region. An optional default can be provided, or returns
    65        `unknown` if it can't be determined for some reason.
    66      pipeline: false
    67      arguments:
    68        - name: default
    69          required: false
    70          description: the default value
    71      rawExamples:
    72        - |
    73          _In EC2_
    74          ```console
    75          $ echo '{{ aws.EC2Region }}' | ./gomplate
    76          us-east-1
    77          ```
    78          _Not in EC2_
    79          ```console
    80          $ echo '{{ aws.EC2Region }}' | ./gomplate
    81          unknown
    82          $ echo '{{ aws.EC2Region "foo" }}' | ./gomplate
    83          foo
    84          ```
    85    - name: aws.EC2Tag
    86      alias: ec2tag
    87      released: v3.8.0
    88      description: |
    89        Queries the AWS EC2 API to find the value of the given [user-defined tag]( An optional default
    90        can be provided.
    91      pipeline: false
    92      arguments:
    93        - name: tag
    94          required: true
    95          description: the tag to query
    96        - name: default
    97          required: false
    98          description: the default value
    99      examples:
   100        - |
   101          $ echo 'This server is in the {{ aws.EC2Tag "Account" }} account.' | ./gomplate
   102          foo
   103        - |
   104          $ echo 'I am a {{ aws.EC2Tag "classification" "meat popsicle" }}.' | ./gomplate
   105          I am a meat popsicle.
   106    - name: aws.EC2Tags
   107      alias: ec2tags
   108      released: v3.8.0
   109      description: |
   110        Queries the AWS EC2 API to find all the tags/values [user-defined tag](
   111      pipeline: false
   112      arguments:
   113      examples:
   114        - |
   115          echo '{{ range $key, $value := aws.EC2Tags }}{{(printf "%s=%s\n" $key $value)}}{{ end }}' | ./gomplate
   116          Description=foo
   117          Name=bar
   118          svc:name=foobar
   119    - name: aws.KMSEncrypt
   120      # released: v4.0.0
   121      description: |
   122        Encrypt an input string with the AWS Key Management Service (KMS).
   124        At most 4kb (4096 bytes) of data may be encrypted.
   126        The resulting ciphertext will be base-64 encoded.
   128        The `keyID` parameter is used to reference the Customer Master Key to use,
   129        and can be:
   131        - the key's ID (e.g. `1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab`)
   132        - the key's ARN (e.g. `arn:aws:kms:us-east-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab`)
   133        - the alias name (aliases must be prefixed with `alias/`, e.g. `alias/ExampleAlias`)
   134        - the alias ARN (e.g. `arn:aws:kms:us-east-2:111122223333:alias/ExampleAlias`)
   136        For information on creating keys, see [_Creating Keys_](
   138        See [the AWS documentation](
   139        for more details.
   141        See also [`aws.KMSDecrypt`](#aws-kmsdecrypt).
   142      pipeline: true
   143      arguments:
   144        - name: keyID
   145          required: true
   146          description: the ID of the Customer Master Key (CMK) to use for encryption
   147        - name: input
   148          required: true
   149          description: the string to encrypt
   150      examples:
   151        - |
   152          $ export CIPHER=$(gomplate -i '{{ aws.KMSEncrypt "alias/gomplate" "hello world" }}')
   153          $ gomplate -i '{{ env.Getenv "CIPHER" | aws.KMSDecrypt }}'
   154    - name: aws.KMSDecrypt
   155      released: v3.4.0
   156      description: |
   157        Decrypt ciphertext that was encrypted with the AWS Key Management Service
   158        (KMS).
   160        The ciphertext must be base-64 encoded.
   162        See [the AWS documentation](
   163        for more details.
   165        See also [`aws.KMSEncrypt`](#aws-kmsencrypt).
   166      pipeline: true
   167      arguments:
   168        - name: input
   169          required: true
   170          description: the base-64 encoded ciphertext to decrypt
   171      examples:
   172        - |
   173          $ export CIPHER=$(gomplate -i '{{ aws.KMSEncrypt "alias/gomplate" "hello world" }}')
   174          $ gomplate -i '{{ env.Getenv "CIPHER" | aws.KMSDecrypt }}'
   175    - name: aws.Account
   176      released: v3.4.0
   177      description: |
   178        Returns the currently-authenticated AWS account ID number.
   180        Wraps the [STS GetCallerIdentity API](
   182        See also [`aws.UserID`](#aws-userid) and [`aws.ARN`](#aws-arn).
   183      pipeline: false
   184      examples:
   185        - |
   186          $ gomplate -i 'My account is {{ aws.Account }}'
   187          My account is 123456789012
   188    - name: aws.ARN
   189      released: v3.4.0
   190      description: |
   191        Returns the AWS ARN (Amazon Resource Name) associated with the current authentication credentials.
   193        Wraps the [STS GetCallerIdentity API](
   195        See also [`aws.UserID`](#aws-userid) and [`aws.Account`](#aws-account).
   196      pipeline: false
   197      examples:
   198        - |
   199          $ gomplate -i 'Calling from {{ aws.ARN }}'
   200          Calling from arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Alice
   201    - name: aws.UserID
   202      released: v3.4.0
   203      description: |
   204        Returns the unique identifier of the calling entity. The exact value
   205        depends on the type of entity making the call. The values returned are those
   206        listed in the `aws:userid` column in the [Principal table](
   207        found on the Policy Variables reference page in the IAM User Guide.
   209        Wraps the [STS GetCallerIdentity API](
   211        See also [`aws.ARN`](#aws-arn) and [`aws.Account`](#aws-account).
   212      pipeline: false
   213      examples:
   214        - |
   215          $ gomplate -i 'I am {{ aws.UserID }}'
   216          I am AIDACKCEVSQ6C2EXAMPLE