
     1  ns: data
     2  preamble: |
     3    A collection of functions that retrieve, parse, and convert structured data.
     4  funcs:
     5    - name: datasource
     6      alias: ds
     7      released: v0.5.0
     8      description: |
     9        Parses a given datasource (provided by the [`--datasource/-d`](../../usage/#datasource-d) argument or [`defineDatasource`](#definedatasource)).
    11        If the `alias` is undefined, but is a valid URL, `datasource` will dynamically read from that URL.
    13        See [Datasources](../../datasources) for (much!) more information.
    14      pipeline: false
    15      arguments:
    16        - name: alias
    17          required: true
    18          description: the datasource alias (or a URL for dynamic use)
    19        - name: subpath
    20          required: false
    21          description: the subpath to use, if supported by the datasource
    22      rawExamples:
    23        - |
    24          _`person.json`:_
    25          ```json
    26          { "name": "Dave" }
    27          ```
    29          ```console
    30          $ gomplate -d person.json -i 'Hello {{ (datasource "person").name }}'
    31          Hello Dave
    32          ```
    33    - name: datasourceExists
    34      released: v1.3.0
    35      description: |
    36        Tests whether or not a given datasource was defined on the commandline (with the
    37        [`--datasource/-d`](../../usage/#datasource-d) argument). This is intended mainly to allow
    38        a template to be rendered differently whether or not a given datasource was
    39        defined.
    41        Note: this does _not_ verify if the datasource is reachable.
    43        Useful when used in an `if`/`else` block.
    44      pipeline: false
    45      arguments:
    46        - name: alias
    47          required: true
    48          description: the datasource alias
    49      examples:
    50        - |
    51          $ echo '{{if (datasourceExists "test")}}{{datasource "test"}}{{else}}no worries{{end}}' | gomplate
    52          no worries
    53    - name: datasourceReachable
    54      released: v2.5.0
    55      description: |
    56        Tests whether or not a given datasource is defined and reachable, where the definition of "reachable" differs by datasource, but generally means the data is able to be read successfully.
    58        Useful when used in an `if`/`else` block.
    59      pipeline: false
    60      arguments:
    61        - name: alias
    62          required: true
    63          description: the datasource alias
    64      examples:
    65        - |
    66          $ gomplate -i '{{if (datasourceReachable "test")}}{{datasource "test"}}{{else}}no worries{{end}}' -d test=
    67          no worries
    68    - name: listDatasources
    69      released: v3.11.0
    70      description: |
    71        Lists all the datasources defined, list returned will be sorted in ascending order.
    72      pipeline: false
    73      examples:
    74        - |
    75          $ gomplate -d person=env:///FOO -d bar=env:///BAR -i '{{range (listDatasources)}} Datasource-{{.}} {{end}}'
    76          Datasource-bar
    77          Datasource-person
    78    - name: defineDatasource
    79      released: v2.7.0
    80      description: |
    81        Define a datasource alias with target URL inside the template. Overridden by the [`--datasource/-d`](../../usage/#datasource-d) flag.
    83        Note: once a datasource is defined, it can not be redefined (i.e. if this function is called twice with the same alias, only the first applies).
    85        This function can provide a good way to set a default datasource when sharing templates.
    87        See [Datasources](../../datasources) for (much!) more information.
    88      pipeline: false
    89      arguments:
    90        - name: alias
    91          required: true
    92          description: the datasource alias
    93        - name: url
    94          required: true
    95          description: the datasource's URL
    96      rawExamples:
    97        - |
    98          _`person.json`:_
    99          ```json
   100          { "name": "Dave" }
   101          ```
   103          ```console
   104          $ gomplate -i '{{ defineDatasource "person" "person.json" }}Hello {{ (ds "person").name }}'
   105          Hello Dave
   106          $ FOO='{"name": "Daisy"}' gomplate -d person=env:///FOO -i '{{ defineDatasource "person" "person.json" }}Hello {{ (ds "person").name }}'
   107          Hello Daisy
   108          ```
   109    - name: include
   110      released: v1.8.0
   111      description: |
   112        Includes the content of a given datasource (provided by the [`--datasource/-d`](../../usage/#datasource-d) argument).
   114        This is similar to [`datasource`](#datasource), except that the data is not parsed. There is no restriction on the type of data included, except that it should be textual.
   115      pipeline: false
   116      arguments:
   117        - name: alias
   118          required: true
   119          description: the datasource alias, as provided by [`--datasource/-d`](../../usage/#datasource-d)
   120        - name: subpath
   121          required: false
   122          description: the subpath to use, if supported by the datasource
   123      rawExamples:
   124        - |
   125          _`person.json`:_
   126          ```json
   127          { "name": "Dave" }
   128          ```
   130          _`input.tmpl`:_
   131          ```go
   132          {
   133            "people": [
   134              {{ include "person" }}
   135            ]
   136          }
   137          ```
   139          ```console
   140          $ gomplate -d person.json -f input.tmpl
   141          {
   142            "people": [
   143              { "name": "Dave" }
   144            ]
   145          }
   146          ```
   147    - name: data.JSON
   148      alias: json
   149      released: v1.4.0
   150      description: |
   151        Converts a JSON string into an object. Works for JSON Objects, but will
   152        also parse JSON Arrays. Will not parse other valid JSON types.
   154        For more explict JSON Array support, see [`data.JSONArray`](#data-jsonarray).
   156        #### Encrypted JSON support (EJSON)
   158        If the input is in the [EJSON]( format (i.e. has a `_public_key` field), this function will attempt to decrypt the document first. A private key must be provided by one of these methods:
   160        - set the `EJSON_KEY` environment variable to the private key's value
   161        - set the `EJSON_KEY_FILE` environment variable to the path to a file containing the private key
   162        - set the `EJSON_KEYDIR` environment variable to the path to a directory containing private keys (filename must be the public key), just like [`ejson decrypt`'s `--keydir`]( flag. Defaults to `/opt/ejson/keys`.
   163      pipeline: true
   164      arguments:
   165        - name: in
   166          required: true
   167          description: the input string
   168      rawExamples:
   169        - |
   170          _`input.tmpl`:_
   171          ```
   172          Hello {{ (getenv "FOO" | json).hello }}
   173          ```
   175          ```console
   176          $ export FOO='{"hello":"world"}'
   177          $ gomplate < input.tmpl
   178          Hello world
   179          ```
   180    - name: data.JSONArray
   181      alias: jsonArray
   182      released: v2.0.0
   183      description: |
   184        Converts a JSON string into a slice. Only works for JSON Arrays.
   185      pipeline: true
   186      arguments:
   187        - name: in
   188          required: true
   189          description: the input string
   190      rawExamples:
   191        - |
   192          _`input.tmpl`:_
   193          ```
   194          Hello {{ index (getenv "FOO" | jsonArray) 1 }}
   195          ```
   197          ```console
   198          $ export FOO='[ "you", "world" ]'
   199          $ gomplate < input.tmpl
   200          Hello world
   201          ```
   202    - name: data.YAML
   203      alias: yaml
   204      released: v2.0.0
   205      description: |
   206        Converts a YAML string into an object. Works for YAML Objects but will
   207        also parse YAML Arrays. This can be used to access properties of YAML objects.
   209        For more explict YAML Array support, see [`data.JSONArray`](#data-yamlarray).
   210      pipeline: true
   211      arguments:
   212        - name: in
   213          required: true
   214          description: the input string
   215      rawExamples:
   216        - |
   217          _`input.tmpl`:_
   218          ```
   219          Hello {{ (getenv "FOO" | yaml).hello }}
   220          ```
   222          ```console
   223          $ export FOO='hello: world'
   224          $ gomplate < input.tmpl
   225          Hello world
   226          ```
   227    - name: data.YAMLArray
   228      alias: yamlArray
   229      released: v2.0.0
   230      description: |
   231        Converts a YAML string into a slice. Only works for YAML Arrays.
   232      pipeline: true
   233      arguments:
   234        - name: in
   235          required: true
   236          description: the input string
   237      rawExamples:
   238        - |
   239          _`input.tmpl`:_
   240          ```
   241          Hello {{ index (getenv "FOO" | yamlArray) 1 }}
   242          ```
   244          ```console
   245          $ export FOO='[ "you", "world" ]'
   246          $ gomplate < input.tmpl
   247          Hello world
   248          ```
   249    - name: data.TOML
   250      alias: toml
   251      released: v2.0.0
   252      description: |
   253        Converts a [TOML]( document into an object.
   254        This can be used to access properties of TOML documents.
   256        Compatible with [TOML v0.4.0](
   257      pipeline: true
   258      arguments:
   259        - name: input
   260          required: true
   261          description: the TOML document to parse
   262      rawExamples:
   263        - |
   264          _`input.tmpl`:_
   265          ```
   266          {{ $t := `[data]
   267          hello = "world"` -}}
   268          Hello {{ (toml $t).hello }}
   269          ```
   271          ```console
   272          $ gomplate -f input.tmpl
   273          Hello world
   274          ```
   275    - name: data.CSV
   276      alias: csv
   277      released: v2.0.0
   278      description: |
   279        Converts a CSV-format string into a 2-dimensional string array.
   281        By default, the [RFC 4180]( format is
   282        supported, but any single-character delimiter can be specified.
   283      pipeline: true
   284      arguments:
   285        - name: delim
   286          required: false
   287          description: the (single-character!) field delimiter, defaults to `","`
   288        - name: input
   289          required: true
   290          description: the CSV-format string to parse
   291      rawExamples:
   292        - |
   293          _`input.tmpl`:_
   294          ```
   295          {{ $c := `C,32
   296          Go,25
   297          COBOL,357` -}}
   298          {{ range ($c | csv) -}}
   299          {{ index . 0 }} has {{ index . 1 }} keywords.
   300          {{ end }}
   301          ```
   303          ```console
   304          $ gomplate < input.tmpl
   305          C has 32 keywords.
   306          Go has 25 keywords.
   307          COBOL has 357 keywords.
   308          ```
   309    - name: data.CSVByRow
   310      alias: csvByRow
   311      released: v2.0.0
   312      description: |
   313        Converts a CSV-format string into a slice of maps.
   315        By default, the [RFC 4180]( format is
   316        supported, but any single-character delimiter can be specified.
   318        Also by default, the first line of the string will be assumed to be the header,
   319        but this can be overridden by providing an explicit header, or auto-indexing
   320        can be used.
   321      pipeline: true
   322      arguments:
   323        - name: delim
   324          required: false
   325          description: the (single-character!) field delimiter, defaults to `","`
   326        - name: header
   327          required: false
   328          description: list of column names separated by `delim`, set to `""` to get auto-named columns (A-Z), defaults to using the first line of `input`
   329        - name: input
   330          required: true
   331          description: the CSV-format string to parse
   332      rawExamples:
   333        - |
   334          _`input.tmpl`:_
   335          ```
   336          {{ $c := `lang,keywords
   337          C,32
   338          Go,25
   339          COBOL,357` -}}
   340          {{ range ($c | csvByRow) -}}
   341          {{ .lang }} has {{ .keywords }} keywords.
   342          {{ end }}
   343          ```
   345          ```console
   346          $ gomplate < input.tmpl
   347          C has 32 keywords.
   348          Go has 25 keywords.
   349          COBOL has 357 keywords.
   350          ```
   351    - name: data.CSVByColumn
   352      alias: csvByColumn
   353      released: v2.0.0
   354      description: |
   355        Like [`csvByRow`](#csvByRow), except that the data is presented as a columnar
   356        (column-oriented) map.
   357      pipeline: true
   358      arguments:
   359        - name: delim
   360          required: false
   361          description: the (single-character!) field delimiter, defaults to `","`
   362        - name: header
   363          required: false
   364          description: list of column names separated by `delim`, set to `""` to get auto-named columns (A-Z), defaults to using the first line of `input`
   365        - name: input
   366          required: true
   367          description: the CSV-format string to parse
   368      rawExamples:
   369        - |
   370          _`input.tmpl`:_
   371          ```
   372          {{ $c := `C;32
   373          Go;25
   374          COBOL;357` -}}
   375          {{ $langs := ($c | csvByColumn ";" "lang,keywords").lang -}}
   376          {{ range $langs }}{{ . }}
   377          {{ end -}}
   378          ```
   380          ```console
   381          $ gomplate < input.tmpl
   382          C
   383          Go
   384          COBOL
   385          ```
   386    - name: data.CUE
   387      alias: cue
   388      description: |
   389        Converts a [CUE]( document into an object. Any type
   390        of CUE document is supported. This can be used to access properties of CUE
   391        documents.
   393        Note that the `import` statement is not yet supported, and will result in
   394        an error (except for importing builtin packages).
   395      pipeline: true
   396      arguments:
   397        - name: input
   398          required: true
   399          description: the CUE document to parse
   400      examples:
   401        - |
   402          $ gomplate -i '{{ $t := `data: {
   403              hello: "world"
   404            }` -}}
   405            Hello {{ (cue $t).data.hello }}'
   406          Hello world
   407    - name: data.ToJSON
   408      alias: toJSON
   409      released: v2.0.0
   410      description: |
   411        Converts an object to a JSON document. Input objects may be the result of `json`, `yaml`, `jsonArray`, or `yamlArray` functions, or they could be provided by a `datasource`.
   412      pipeline: true
   413      arguments:
   414        - name: obj
   415          required: true
   416          description: the object to marshal
   417      rawExamples:
   418        - |
   419          _This is obviously contrived - `json` is used to create an object._
   421          _`input.tmpl`:_
   422          ```
   423          {{ (`{"foo":{"hello":"world"}}` | json).foo | toJSON }}
   424          ```
   426          ```console
   427          $ gomplate < input.tmpl
   428          {"hello":"world"}
   429          ```
   430    - name: data.ToJSONPretty
   431      alias: toJSONPretty
   432      released: v2.0.0
   433      description: |
   434        Converts an object to a pretty-printed (or _indented_) JSON document.
   435        Input objects may be the result of functions like `data.JSON`, `data.YAML`,
   436        `data.JSONArray`, or `data.YAMLArray` functions, or they could be provided
   437        by a [`datasource`](../general/datasource).
   439        The indent string must be provided as an argument.
   440      pipeline: true
   441      arguments:
   442        - name: indent
   443          required: true
   444          description: the string to use for indentation
   445        - name: obj
   446          required: true
   447          description: the object to marshal
   448      rawExamples:
   449        - |
   450          _`input.tmpl`:_
   451          ```
   452          {{ `{"hello":"world"}` | data.JSON | data.ToJSONPretty "  " }}
   453          ```
   455          ```console
   456          $ gomplate < input.tmpl
   457          {
   458            "hello": "world"
   459          }
   460          ```
   461    - name: data.ToYAML
   462      alias: toYAML
   463      released: v2.0.0
   464      description: |
   465        Converts an object to a YAML document. Input objects may be the result of
   466        `data.JSON`, `data.YAML`, `data.JSONArray`, or `data.YAMLArray` functions,
   467        or they could be provided by a [`datasource`](../general/datasource).
   468      pipeline: true
   469      arguments:
   470        - name: obj
   471          required: true
   472          description: the object to marshal
   473      rawExamples:
   474        - |
   475          _This is obviously contrived - `data.JSON` is used to create an object._
   477          _`input.tmpl`:_
   478          ```
   479          {{ (`{"foo":{"hello":"world"}}` | data.JSON).foo | data.ToYAML }}
   480          ```
   482          ```console
   483          $ gomplate < input.tmpl
   484          hello: world
   485          ```
   486    - name: data.ToTOML
   487      alias: toTOML
   488      released: v2.0.0
   489      description: |
   490        Converts an object to a [TOML]( document.
   491      pipeline: true
   492      arguments:
   493        - name: obj
   494          required: true
   495          description: the object to marshal as a TOML document
   496      examples:
   497        - |
   498          $ gomplate -i '{{ `{"foo":"bar"}` | data.JSON | data.ToTOML }}'
   499          foo = "bar"
   500    - name: data.ToCSV
   501      alias: toCSV
   502      released: v2.0.0
   503      description: |
   504        Converts an object to a CSV document. The input object must be a 2-dimensional
   505        array of strings (a `[][]string`). Objects produced by [`data.CSVByRow`](#conv-csvbyrow)
   506        and [`data.CSVByColumn`](#conv-csvbycolumn) cannot yet be converted back to CSV documents.
   508        **Note:** With the exception that a custom delimiter can be used, `data.ToCSV`
   509        outputs according to the [RFC 4180]( format,
   510        which means that line terminators are `CRLF` (Windows format, or `\r\n`). If
   511        you require `LF` (UNIX format, or `\n`), the output can be piped through
   512        [`strings.ReplaceAll`](../strings/#strings-replaceall) to replace `"\r\n"` with `"\n"`.
   513      pipeline: true
   514      arguments:
   515        - name: delim
   516          required: false
   517          description: the (single-character!) field delimiter, defaults to `","`
   518        - name: input
   519          required: true
   520          description: the object to convert to a CSV
   521      rawExamples:
   522        - |
   523          _`input.tmpl`:_
   524          ```go
   525          {{ $rows := (jsonArray `[["first","second"],["1","2"],["3","4"]]`) -}}
   526          {{ data.ToCSV ";" $rows }}
   527          ```
   529          ```console
   530          $ gomplate -f input.tmpl
   531          first,second
   532          1,2
   533          3,4
   534          ```
   535    - name: data.ToCUE
   536      alias: toCUE
   537      description: |
   538        Converts an object to a [CUE]( document in canonical
   539        format. The input object can be of any type.
   541        This is roughly equivalent to using the `cue export --out=cue <file>`
   542        command to convert from other formats to CUE.
   543      pipeline: true
   544      arguments:
   545        - name: input
   546          required: true
   547          description: the object to marshal as a CUE document
   548      examples:
   549        - |
   550          $ gomplate -i '{{ `{"foo":"bar"}` | data.JSON | data.ToCUE }}'
   551          {
   552          	foo: "bar"
   553          }
   554        - |
   555          $ gomplate -i '{{ toCUE "hello world" }}'
   556          "hello world"
   557        - |
   558          $ gomplate -i '{{ coll.Slice 1 "two" true | data.ToCUE }}'
   559          [1, "two", true]