
     1  ns: regexp
     2  preamble: |
     3    These functions allow user you to search and modify text with regular expressions.
     5    The syntax of the regular expressions accepted is [Go's `regexp` syntax](,
     6    and is the same general syntax used by Perl, Python, and other languages.
     7  funcs:
     8    - name: regexp.Find
     9      released: v3.1.0
    10      description: |
    11        Returns a string holding the text of the leftmost match in `input`
    12        of the regular expression `expression`.
    14        This function provides the same behaviour as Go's
    15        [`regexp.FindString`]( function.
    16      pipeline: true
    17      arguments:
    18        - name: expression
    19          required: true
    20          description: The regular expression
    21        - name: input
    22          required: true
    23          description: The input to search
    24      examples:
    25        - |
    26          $ gomplate -i '{{ regexp.Find "[a-z]{3}" "foobar"}}'
    27          foo
    28        - |
    29          $ gomplate -i 'no {{ "will not match" | regexp.Find "[0-9]" }}numbers'
    30          no numbers
    31    - name: regexp.FindAll
    32      released: v3.1.0
    33      description: |
    34        Returns a list of all successive matches of the regular expression.
    36        This can be called with 2 or 3 arguments. When called with 2 arguments, the
    37        `n` argument (number of matches) will be set to `-1`, causing all matches
    38        to be returned.
    40        This function provides the same behaviour as Go's
    41        [`regexp.FindAllString`]( function.
    42      pipeline: true
    43      arguments:
    44        - name: expression
    45          required: true
    46          description: The regular expression
    47        - name: n
    48          required: false
    49          description: The number of matches to return
    50        - name: input
    51          required: true
    52          description: The input to search
    53      examples:
    54        - |
    55          $ gomplate -i '{{ regexp.FindAll "[a-z]{3}" "foobar" | toJSON}}'
    56          ["foo", "bar"]
    57        - |
    58          $ gomplate -i '{{ "foo bar baz qux" | regexp.FindAll "[a-z]{3}" 3 | toJSON}}'
    59          ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
    60    - name: regexp.Match
    61      released: v1.9.0
    62      description: |
    63        Returns `true` if a given regular expression matches a given input.
    65        This returns a boolean which can be used in an `if` condition, for example.
    66      pipeline: true
    67      arguments:
    68        - name: expression
    69          required: true
    70          description: The regular expression
    71        - name: input
    72          required: true
    73          description: The input to test
    74      examples:
    75        - |
    76          $ gomplate -i '{{ if (.Env.USER | regexp.Match `^h`) }}username ({{.Env.USER}}) starts with h!{{end}}'
    77          username (hairyhenderson) starts with h!
    78    - name: regexp.QuoteMeta
    79      released: v3.7.0
    80      description: |
    81        Escapes all regular expression metacharacters in the input. The returned string is a regular expression matching the literal text.
    83        This function provides the same behaviour as Go's
    84        [`regexp.QuoteMeta`]( function.
    85      pipeline: true
    86      arguments:
    87        - name: input
    88          required: true
    89          description: The input to escape
    90      examples:
    91        - |
    92          $ gomplate -i '{{ `{hello}` | regexp.QuoteMeta }}'
    93          \{hello\}
    94    - name: regexp.Replace
    95      released: v1.9.0
    96      description: |
    97        Replaces matches of a regular expression with the replacement string.
    99        The replacement is substituted after expanding variables beginning with `$`.
   101        This function provides the same behaviour as Go's
   102        [`regexp.ReplaceAllString`]( function.
   103      pipeline: true
   104      arguments:
   105        - name: expression
   106          required: true
   107          description: The regular expression string
   108        - name: replacement
   109          required: true
   110          description: The replacement string
   111        - name: input
   112          required: true
   113          description: The input string to operate on
   114      examples:
   115        - |
   116          $ gomplate -i '{{ regexp.Replace "(foo)bar" "$1" "foobar"}}'
   117          foo
   118        - |
   119          $ gomplate -i '{{ regexp.Replace "(?P<first>[a-zA-Z]+) (?P<last>[a-zA-Z]+)" "${last}, ${first}" "Alan Turing"}}'
   120          Turing, Alan
   121    - name: regexp.ReplaceLiteral
   122      released: v3.1.0
   123      description: |
   124        Replaces matches of a regular expression with the replacement string.
   126        The replacement is substituted directly, without expanding variables
   127        beginning with `$`.
   129        This function provides the same behaviour as Go's
   130        [`regexp.ReplaceAllLiteralString`]( function.
   131      pipeline: true
   132      arguments:
   133        - name: expression
   134          required: true
   135          description: The regular expression string
   136        - name: replacement
   137          required: true
   138          description: The replacement string
   139        - name: input
   140          required: true
   141          description: The input string to operate on
   142      examples:
   143        - |
   144          $ gomplate -i '{{ regexp.ReplaceLiteral "(foo)bar" "$1" "foobar"}}'
   145          $1
   146        - |
   147          $ gomplate -i '{{ `,baz` | regexp.ReplaceLiteral `\W` `$` }}'
   148          foo$bar$baz
   149    - name: regexp.Split
   150      released: v3.1.0
   151      description: |
   152        Splits `input` into sub-strings, separated by the expression.
   154        This can be called with 2 or 3 arguments. When called with 2 arguments, the
   155        `n` argument (number of matches) will be set to `-1`, causing all sub-strings
   156        to be returned.
   158        This is equivalent to [`strings.SplitN`](../strings/#strings-splitn),
   159        except that regular expressions are supported.
   161        This function provides the same behaviour as Go's
   162        [`regexp.Split`]( function.
   163      pipeline: true
   164      arguments:
   165        - name: expression
   166          required: true
   167          description: The regular expression
   168        - name: n
   169          required: false
   170          description: The number of matches to return
   171        - name: input
   172          required: true
   173          description: The input to search
   174      examples:
   175        - |
   176          $ gomplate -i '{{ regexp.Split `[\s,.]` "foo bar,baz.qux" | toJSON}}'
   177          ["foo","bar","baz","qux"]
   178        - |
   179          $ gomplate -i '{{ "foo bar.baz,qux" | regexp.Split `[\s,.]` 3 | toJSON}}'
   180          ["foo","bar","baz"]