
     1  ![PODMAN logo](logo/podman-logo-source.svg)
     2  # Contributing to Podman
     4  We'd love to have you join the community! Below summarizes the processes
     5  that we follow.
     7  ## Topics
     9  * [Reporting Issues](#reporting-issues)
    10  * [Working On Issues](#working-on-issues)
    11  * [Contributing to Podman](#contributing-to-podman)
    12  * [Continuous Integration](#continuous-integration) [![Build Status](](
    13  * [Submitting Pull Requests](#submitting-pull-requests)
    14  * [Communications](#communications)
    16  ## Reporting Issues
    18  Before reporting an issue, check our backlog of
    19  [open issues](
    20  to see if someone else has already reported it. If so, feel free to add
    21  your scenario, or additional information, to the discussion. Or simply
    22  "subscribe" to it to be notified when it is updated.
    24  If you find a new issue with the project we'd love to hear about it! The most
    25  important aspect of a bug report is that it includes enough information for
    26  us to reproduce it. So, please include as much detail as possible and try
    27  to remove the extra stuff that doesn't really relate to the issue itself.
    28  The easier it is for us to reproduce it, the faster it'll be fixed!
    30  Please don't include any private/sensitive information in your issue!
    32  ## Working On Issues
    34  Once you have decided to contribute to Podman by working on an issue, check our
    35  backlog of [open issues]( looking
    36  for any that do not have an "In Progress" label attached to it.  Often issues
    37  will be assigned to someone, to be worked on at a later time.  If you have the
    38  time to work on the issue now add yourself as an assignee, and set the
    39  "In Progress" label if you’re a member of the “Containers” GitHub organization.
    40  If you can not set the label, just  add a quick comment in the issue asking that
    41  the “In Progress” label be set and a member will do so for you.
    43  ## Contributing to Podman
    45  This section describes how to start a contribution to Podman.
    47  ### Prepare your environment
    49  Read the [install documentation to see how to install dependencies](
    51  The install documentation will illustrate the following steps:
    52  - install libs and tools
    53  - check installed versions
    54  - configure network
    55  - how to install Podman from sources
    57  ### Fork and clone Podman
    59  First you need to fork this project on GitHub.
    61  Be sure to have [defined your `$GOPATH` environment variable](
    63  Create a path that corresponds to the go import paths of Podman: `mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/`.
    65  Then clone your fork locally:
    66  ```shell
    67  $ git clone<you>/podman $GOPATH/src/
    68  $ cd $GOPATH/src/
    69  ```
    71  ### Deal with make
    73  Podman use a Makefile to realize common action like building etc...
    75  You can list available actions by using:
    76  ```shell
    77  $ make help
    78  Usage: make <target>
    79  ...output...
    80  ```
    82  ### Install tools
    84  Makefile allow you to install needed tools:
    85  ```shell
    86  $ make
    87  ```
    89  ### Prerequisite before build
    91  You need install some dependencies before building a binary.
    93  #### Fedora
    95    ```shell
    96    $ sudo dnf install gpgme-devel libseccomp-devel.x86_64 libseccomp-devel.x86_64 systemd-devel
    97    $ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/lib/pkgconfig"
    98    ```
   100  ### Building binaries and test your changes
   102  To test your changes do `make binaries` to generate your binaries.
   104  Your binaries are created inside the `bin/` directory and you can test your changes:
   105  ```shell
   106  $ bin/podman -h
   107  bin/podman -h
   108  NAME:
   109     podman - manage pods and images
   111  USAGE:
   112     podman [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
   114  VERSION:
   115     1.0.1-dev
   117  COMMANDS:
   118       attach           Attach to a running container
   119       build            Build an image using instructions from Dockerfiles
   120       commit           Create new image based on the changed container
   121       container        Manage Containers
   122       cp               Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem
   123  ```
   125  Well, you can now create your own branch, apply changes on it, and then submitting your pull request.
   127  For further reading about branching [you can read this document](
   129  ## Documentation
   131  Make sure to update the documentation if needed. You can find the man pages under `docs/source/markdown`. The syntax for the formatting of all man pages can be found [here](docs/
   133  ## Submitting Pull Requests
   135  No Pull Request (PR) is too small! Typos, additional comments in the code,
   136  new test cases, bug fixes, new features, more documentation, ... it's all
   137  welcome!
   139  While bug fixes can first be identified via an "issue", that is not required.
   140  It's ok to just open up a PR with the fix, but make sure you include the same
   141  information you would have included in an issue - like how to reproduce it.
   143  PRs for new features should include some background on what use cases the
   144  new code is trying to address. When possible and when it makes sense, try to break-up
   145  larger PRs into smaller ones - it's easier to review smaller
   146  code changes. But only if those smaller ones make sense as stand-alone PRs.
   148  Regardless of the type of PR, all PRs should include:
   149  * well documented code changes.
   150  * additional testcases. Ideally, they should fail w/o your code change applied.
   151    (With a few exceptions, CI hooks will block your PR unless your change
   152    includes files named `*_test.go` or under the `test/` subdirectory. To
   153    bypass this block, include the string `[NO NEW TESTS NEEDED]` in your
   154    commit message).
   155  * documentation changes.
   157  Squash your commits into logical pieces of work that might want to be reviewed
   158  separate from the rest of the PRs. But, squashing down to just one commit is ok
   159  too since in the end the entire PR will be reviewed anyway. When in doubt,
   160  squash.
   162  PRs that fix issues should include a reference like `Closes #XXXX` in the
   163  commit message so that GitHub will automatically close the referenced issue
   164  when the PR is merged.
   166  PRs will be approved by an [approver][owners] listed in [`OWNERS`](OWNERS).
   168  In case you're only changing docs, make sure to prefix the PR title with
   169  "[CI:DOCS]".  That will prevent functional tests from running and save time and
   170  energy.
   172  ### Describe your Changes in Commit Messages
   174  Describe your problem. Whether your patch is a one-line bug fix or 5000 lines
   175  of a new feature, there must be an underlying problem that motivated you to do
   176  this work. Convince the reviewer that there is a problem worth fixing and that
   177  it makes sense for them to read past the first paragraph.
   179  Describe user-visible impact. Straight up crashes and lockups are pretty
   180  convincing, but not all bugs are that blatant. Even if the problem was spotted
   181  during code review, describe the impact you think it can have on users. Keep in
   182  mind that the majority of users run packages provided by distributions, so
   183  include anything that could help route your change downstream.
   185  Quantify optimizations and trade-offs. If you claim improvements in
   186  performance, memory consumption, stack footprint, or binary size, include
   187  numbers that back them up. But also describe non-obvious costs. Optimizations
   188  usually aren’t free but trade-offs between CPU, memory, and readability; or,
   189  when it comes to heuristics, between different workloads. Describe the expected
   190  downsides of your optimization so that the reviewer can weigh costs against
   191  benefits.
   193  Once the problem is established, describe what you are actually doing about it
   194  in technical detail. It’s important to describe the change in plain English for
   195  the reviewer to verify that the code is behaving as you intend it to.
   197  Solve only one problem per patch. If your description starts to get long,
   198  that’s a sign that you probably need to split up your patch.
   200  If the patch fixes a logged bug entry, refer to that bug entry by number and
   201  URL. If the patch follows from a mailing list discussion, give a URL to the
   202  mailing list archive.
   204  However, try to make your explanation understandable without external
   205  resources. In addition to giving a URL to a mailing list archive or bug,
   206  summarize the relevant points of the discussion that led to the patch as
   207  submitted.
   209  If you want to refer to a specific commit, don’t just refer to the SHA-1 ID of
   210  the commit. Please also include the oneline summary of the commit, to make it
   211  easier for reviewers to know what it is about. Example:
   213  ```
   214  Commit f641c2d9384e ("fix bug in rm -fa parallel deletes") [...]
   215  ```
   217  You should also be sure to use at least the first twelve characters of the
   218  SHA-1 ID. The Podman repository holds a lot of objects, making collisions with
   219  shorter IDs a real possibility. Bear in mind that, even if there is no
   220  collision with your six-character ID now, that condition may change five years
   221  from now.
   223  If your patch fixes a bug in a specific commit, e.g. you found an issue using
   224  git bisect, please use the ‘Fixes:’ tag with the first 12 characters of the
   225  SHA-1 ID, and the one line summary. For example:
   227  ```
   228  Fixes: f641c2d9384e ("fix bug in rm -fa parallel deletes")
   229  ```
   231  The following git config settings can be used to add a pretty format for
   232  outputting the above style in the git log or git show commands:
   234  ```
   235  [core]
   236          abbrev = 12
   237  [pretty]
   238          fixes = Fixes: %h (\"%s\")
   239  ```
   241  ### Sign your PRs
   243  The sign-off is a line at the end of the explanation for the patch. Your
   244  signature certifies that you wrote the patch or otherwise have the right to pass
   245  it on as an open-source patch. The rules are simple: if you can certify
   246  the below (from [](
   248  ```
   249  Developer Certificate of Origin
   250  Version 1.1
   252  Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 The Linux Foundation and its contributors.
   253  660 York Street, Suite 102,
   254  San Francisco, CA 94110 USA
   256  Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this
   257  license document, but changing it is not allowed.
   259  Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1
   261  By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:
   263  (a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I
   264      have the right to submit it under the open source license
   265      indicated in the file; or
   267  (b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best
   268      of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source
   269      license and I have the right under that license to submit that
   270      work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part
   271      by me, under the same open source license (unless I am
   272      permitted to submit under a different license), as indicated
   273      in the file; or
   275  (c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other
   276      person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified
   277      it.
   279  (d) I understand and agree that this project and the contribution
   280      are public and that a record of the contribution (including all
   281      personal information I submit with it, including my sign-off) is
   282      maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent with
   283      this project or the open source license(s) involved.
   284  ```
   286  Then you just add a line to every git commit message:
   288      Signed-off-by: Joe Smith <>
   290  Use your real name (sorry, no pseudonyms or anonymous contributions.)
   292  If you set your `` and `` git configs, you can sign your
   293  commit automatically with `git commit -s`.
   295  ### Go Format and lint
   297  All code changes must pass ``make validate`` and ``make lint``.
   299  ```
   300  podman build -t gate -f contrib/gate/Dockerfile .
   301  ```
   303  ***N/B:*** **don't miss the dot (.) at the end, it's really important**
   305  #### Local use of gate container
   307  The gate container's entry-point executes 'make' by default, on a copy of
   308  the repository made at runtime.  This avoids the container changing or
   309  leaving build artifacts in your hosts working directory.  It also guarantees
   310  every execution is based upon pristine code provided from the host.
   312  Execution does not require any special permissions from the host. However,
   313  your Podman repository clone's root must be bind-mounted to the container at
   314  '/usr/src/libpod'.  The copy will be made into /var/tmp/go (`$GOSRC` in container)
   315  before running your make target.  For example, running `make lint` from a
   316  repository clone at $HOME/devel/podman could be done with the commands:
   318  ```bash
   319  $ cd $HOME/devel/podman
   320  $ podman run -it --rm -v $PWD:/usr/src/libpod:ro \
   321      --security-opt label=disable \
   322      lint
   323  ```
   325  ***N/B:*** Depending on your clone's git remotes-configuration,
   326  (esp. for `validate` and `lint` targets), you may also need to reference the
   327  commit which was your upstream fork-point.  Otherwise you may receive an error
   328  similar to:
   330  ```
   331  fatal: Not a valid object name master
   332  Makefile:152: *** Required variable EPOCH_TEST_COMMIT value is undefined, whitespace, or empty.  Stop.
   333  ```
   335  For example, assuming your have a remote called `upstream` running the
   336  validate target should be done like this:
   338  ```bash
   339  $ cd $HOME/devel/podman
   340  $ git remote update upstream
   341  $ export EPOCH_TEST_COMMIT=$(git merge-base upstream/master HEAD)
   342  $ podman run -it --rm -e EPOCH_TEST_COMMIT -v $PWD:/usr/src/libpod:ro \
   343      --security-opt label=disable \
   344      validate
   345  ```
   347  ### Integration Tests
   349  Our primary means of performing integration testing for Podman is with the
   350  [Ginkgo]( BDD testing framework. This allows
   351  us to use native Golang to perform our tests and there is a strong affiliation
   352  between Ginkgo and the Go test framework.  Adequate test cases are expected to
   353  be provided with PRs.
   355  For details on how to run the tests for Podman in your test environment, see the
   356  Integration Tests [](test/
   358  ## Continuous Integration
   360  All pull requests and branch-merges automatically run:
   362  * Go format/lint checking
   363  * Unit testing
   364  * Integration Testing
   365  * Special testing (like running inside a container, or as a regular user)
   367  There is always additional complexity added by automation, and so it sometimes
   368  can fail for any number of reasons.  This includes post-merge testing on all
   369  branches, which you may occasionally see [red bars on the status graph
   370  .](
   372  When the graph shows mostly green bars on the right, it's a good indication
   373  the master branch is currently stable.  Alternating red/green bars is indicative
   374  of a testing "flake", and should be examined (anybody can do this):
   376  * *One or a small handful of tests, on a single task, (i.e. specific distro/version)
   377    where all others ran successfully:*  Frequently the cause is networking or a brief
   378    external service outage.  The failed tasks may simply be re-run by pressing the
   379    corresponding button on the task details page.
   381  * *Multiple tasks failing*: Logically this should be due to some shared/common element.
   382    If that element is identifiable as a networking or external service (e.g. packaging
   383    repository outage), a re-run should be attempted.
   385  * *All tasks are failing*: If a common element is **not** identifiable as
   386    temporary (i.e. container registry outage), please seek assistance via
   387    [the methods below](#communications) as this may be early indication of
   388    a more serious problem.
   390  In the (hopefully) rare case there are multiple, contiguous red bars, this is
   391  a ***very bad*** sign.  It means additional merges are occurring despite an uncorrected
   392  or persistently faulty condition.  This risks additional bugs being introduced
   393  and further complication of necessary corrective measures.  Most likely people
   394  are aware and working on this, but it doesn't hurt [to confirm and/or try and help
   395  if possible.](#communications)
   397  ## Communications
   399  For general questions and discussion, please use the
   400  IRC `#podman` channel on ``.
   402  For discussions around issues/bugs and features, you can use the GitHub
   403  [issues](
   404  and
   405  [PRs](
   406  tracking system.
   408  There is also a [mailing list]( at ``.
   409  You can subscribe by sending a message to `` with the subject `subscribe`.
   411  ### Bot Interactions
   413  The primary human-interface is through comments in pull-requests.  Some of these are outlined
   414  below, along with their meaning and intended usage.  Some of them require the comment
   415  author hold special privileges on the github repository.  Others can be used by anyone.
   417  * ``/close``: Closes an issue or PR.
   419  * ``/approve``: Mark a PR as appropriate to the project, and as close to meeting
   420    met all the contribution criteria above.  Adds the *approved* label, marking
   421    it as ready for review and possible future merging.
   423  * ``/lgtm``: A literal "Stamp of approval", signaling okay-to-merge.  This causes
   424    the bot to ad the *lgtm* label, then attempt a merge.  In other words - Never,
   425    ever, ever comment ``/lgtm``, unless a PR has actually, really, been fully
   426    reviewed.  The bot isn't too smart about these things, and could merge
   427    unintentionally.  Instead, just write ``LGTM``, or
   428    spell it out.
   430  * ``/hold`` and ``/unhold``: Override the automatic handling of a request.  Either
   431    put it on hold (no handling) or remove the hold (normal handling).
   433  * ``[ci skip]``: [Adding `[ci skip]` within the HEAD commit](
   434    will cause Cirrus CI to ***NOT*** execute tests for the PR or after merge.  This
   435    is useful in only one instance:  Your changes are absolutely not exercised by
   436    any test.  For example, documentation changes.  ***IMPORTANT NOTE*** **Other
   437    automation may interpret the lack of test results as "PASSED" and unintentional
   438    merge a PR.  Consider also using `/hold` in a comment, to add additional
   439    protection.**
   441  [The complete list may be found on the command-help page.](
   442  However, not all commands are implemented for this repository.  If in doubt, ask a maintainer.