
     1  /*
     2  © 2020–present Harald Rudell <> (
     3  ISC License
     4  */
     6  package errorglue
     8  import (
     9  	"fmt"
    10  )
    12  // errorData contains single key-value pair strings, both that may be empty
    13  //   - rich error: has ChainString method
    14  //   - [] aggregates:
    15  //   - — values with empty key into a slice
    16  //   - — values with non-empty key into a map, overwriting older values
    17  //   - [] with formats:
    18  //   - —  [] or
    19  //   - — []
    20  //   - — prints key:value with each error
    21  type errorData struct {
    22  	RichError
    23  	key   string
    24  	value string
    25  }
    27  var _ error = &errorData{}         // errorData behaves like an error
    28  var _ ErrorHasData = &errorData{}  // errorData implements the error116.ErrorHasData interface
    29  var _ Wrapper = &errorData{}       // errorData has an error chain
    30  var _ fmt.Formatter = &errorData{} // errorData can be used with fmt.Printf %v
    31  var _ ChainStringer = &errorData{} // errorData can be used by error116.ChainStringer()
    33  // NewErrorData returns an error containg a key/value pair
    34  func NewErrorData(err error, key, value string) (e2 error) {
    35  	return &errorData{*newRichError(err), key, value}
    36  }
    38  // KeyValue returns the assoiacted key/value pair
    39  func (e *errorData) KeyValue() (key, value string) {
    40  	if e == nil {
    41  		return
    42  	}
    43  	return e.key, e.value
    44  }
    46  // ChainString returns a string representation
    47  //   - invoked by []
    48  func (e *errorData) ChainString(format CSFormat) (s string) {
    50  	// nil case
    51  	if e == nil {
    52  		return
    53  	}
    55  	switch format {
    56  	case ShortSuffix:
    57  		return
    58  	case DefaultFormat, ShortFormat: // no data
    59  		s = e.Error()
    60  		return
    61  	case LongSuffix:
    62  	case LongFormat:
    63  		s = fmt.Sprintf("%s [%T]", e.Error(), e)
    64  	default:
    65  		return
    66  	}
    67  	// LongSuffix or LongFormat
    69  	// build “key: value”
    70  	//	- may be empty
    71  	var keyValue = e.value
    72  	if e.key != "" {
    73  		keyValue = e.key + ":\x20" + keyValue
    74  	}
    76  	// append to s
    77  	if s == "" {
    78  		s = keyValue
    79  	} else if keyValue != "" {
    80  		s = s + "\n" + keyValue
    81  	}
    83  	return
    84  }