
     1  // Copyright 2010 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package runtime
     7  import "unsafe"
     9  func dumpregs(u *ureg) {
    10  	print("ax    ", hex(, "\n")
    11  	print("bx    ", hex(u.bx), "\n")
    12  	print("cx    ", hex(, "\n")
    13  	print("dx    ", hex(u.dx), "\n")
    14  	print("di    ", hex(u.di), "\n")
    15  	print("si    ", hex(, "\n")
    16  	print("bp    ", hex(u.bp), "\n")
    17  	print("sp    ", hex(u.sp), "\n")
    18  	print("r8    ", hex(u.r8), "\n")
    19  	print("r9    ", hex(u.r9), "\n")
    20  	print("r10   ", hex(u.r10), "\n")
    21  	print("r11   ", hex(u.r11), "\n")
    22  	print("r12   ", hex(u.r12), "\n")
    23  	print("r13   ", hex(u.r13), "\n")
    24  	print("r14   ", hex(u.r14), "\n")
    25  	print("r15   ", hex(u.r15), "\n")
    26  	print("ip    ", hex(u.ip), "\n")
    27  	print("flags ", hex(u.flags), "\n")
    28  	print("cs    ", hex(uint64(u.cs)), "\n")
    29  	print("fs    ", hex(uint64(u.fs)), "\n")
    30  	print("gs    ", hex(uint64(, "\n")
    31  }
    33  func sighandler(_ureg *ureg, note *byte, gp *g) int {
    34  	_g_ := getg()
    35  	var t sigTabT
    36  	var docrash bool
    37  	var length int
    38  	var sig int
    39  	var flags int
    41  	// The kernel will never pass us a nil note or ureg so we probably
    42  	// made a mistake somewhere in sigtramp.
    43  	if _ureg == nil || note == nil {
    44  		print("sighandler: ureg ", _ureg, " note ", note, "\n")
    45  		goto Throw
    46  	}
    47  	// Check that the note is no more than ERRMAX bytes (including
    48  	// the trailing NUL). We should never receive a longer note.
    49  	length = findnull(note)
    50  	if length > _ERRMAX-1 {
    51  		print("sighandler: note is longer than ERRMAX\n")
    52  		goto Throw
    53  	}
    54  	// See if the note matches one of the patterns in sigtab.
    55  	// Notes that do not match any pattern can be handled at a higher
    56  	// level by the program but will otherwise be ignored.
    57  	flags = _SigNotify
    58  	for sig, t = range sigtable {
    59  		n := len(
    60  		if length < n {
    61  			continue
    62  		}
    63  		if strncmp(note, &[0], uintptr(n)) == 0 {
    64  			flags = t.flags
    65  			break
    66  		}
    67  	}
    68  	if flags&_SigGoExit != 0 {
    69  		exits((*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(note), 9))) // Strip "go: exit " prefix.
    70  	}
    71  	if flags&_SigPanic != 0 {
    72  		// Copy the error string from sigtramp's stack into m->notesig so
    73  		// we can reliably access it from the panic routines.
    74  		memmove(unsafe.Pointer(_g_.m.notesig), unsafe.Pointer(note), uintptr(length+1))
    75  		gp.sig = uint32(sig)
    76  		gp.sigpc = uintptr(_ureg.ip)
    77  		// Only push sigpanic if PC != 0.
    78  		//
    79  		// If PC == 0, probably panicked because of a call to a nil func.
    80  		// Not pushing that onto SP will make the trace look like a call
    81  		// to sigpanic instead. (Otherwise the trace will end at
    82  		// sigpanic and we won't get to see who faulted).
    83  		if _ureg.ip != 0 {
    84  			sp := _ureg.sp
    85  			if regSize > ptrSize {
    86  				sp -= ptrSize
    87  				*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(sp))) = 0
    88  			}
    89  			sp -= ptrSize
    90  			*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(sp))) = uintptr(_ureg.ip)
    91  			_ureg.sp = sp
    92  		}
    93  		_ureg.ip = uint64(funcPC(sigpanic))
    94  		return _NCONT
    95  	}
    96  	if flags&_SigNotify != 0 {
    97  		// TODO(ality): See if os/signal wants it.
    98  		//if(sigsend(...))
    99  		//	return _NCONT;
   100  	}
   101  	if flags&_SigKill != 0 {
   102  		goto Exit
   103  	}
   104  	if flags&_SigThrow == 0 {
   105  		return _NCONT
   106  	}
   107  Throw:
   108  	_g_.m.throwing = 1
   109  	_g_.m.caughtsig = gp
   110  	startpanic()
   111  	print(gostringnocopy(note), "\n")
   112  	print("PC=", hex(_ureg.ip), "\n")
   113  	print("\n")
   114  	if gotraceback(&docrash) > 0 {
   115  		goroutineheader(gp)
   116  		tracebacktrap(uintptr(_ureg.ip), uintptr(_ureg.sp), 0, gp)
   117  		tracebackothers(gp)
   118  		print("\n")
   119  		dumpregs(_ureg)
   120  	}
   121  	if docrash {
   122  		crash()
   123  	}
   124  Exit:
   125  	goexitsall(note)
   126  	exits(note)
   127  	return _NDFLT // not reached
   128  }
   130  func sigenable(sig uint32) {
   131  }
   133  func sigdisable(sig uint32) {
   134  }
   136  func resetcpuprofiler(hz int32) {
   137  	// TODO: Enable profiling interrupts.
   138  	getg().m.profilehz = hz
   139  }