
     1  v2.4.0 Release Notes - November 29, 2021
     2  ========================================
     4  New features
     5  ------------
     7  **Fabric Gateway**
     9  Fabric Gateway is a new service running on peer nodes that manages transaction submission and processing for client applications, with the following benefits:
    11  * Simplifies client applications and SDKs - Your client application can simply delegate transaction submission to a trusted peer. There is no need for your application to open connections to peer nodes and ordering service nodes from other organizations.
    12  * Fabric Gateway manages collection of transaction endorsements from other organizations and submission to ordering service on behalf of client applications.
    13  * Fabric Gateway has intelligence to determine what endorsements are required for a given transaction, even if your solution utilizes a combination of chaincode-level endorsement policies, private data collection endorsement policies, and state-based endorsement policies.
    15  New lightweight Gateway SDKs (v1.0.0) are available for Node, Java, and Go. The SDKs support flexible application patterns:
    17  * You can utilize the high level programming model similar to prior SDK versions, allowing your application to simply call a single SubmitTransaction() function.
    18  * More advanced applications can leverage the gateway's individual Endorse, Submit, and CommitStatus services for transaction submission, and the Evaluate service for queries.
    19  * You can delegate transaction endorsement entirely to the gateway, or if needed, specify the endorsing organizations and the gateway will utilize a peer from each organization.
    21  For more information, see the [Fabric Gateway documentation topic](
    23  **Unjoin a channel from a peer**
    25  The new command `peer node unjoin` enables an administrator to remove (unjoin) a channel from a peer.
    26  The peer must be stopped when the command is executed so that channel artifacts can be cleaned up.
    27  The channel's blockchain, state database, and associated entries will be removed from the peer.
    28  When the peer is restarted it will no longer receive blocks for the channel.
    30  For more information, see the [peer node command reference](
    32  **Calculate package ID of a packaged chaincode**
    34  You can calculate the package ID from a packaged chaincode without installing the chaincode on peers using the new `peer lifecycle chaincode calculatepackageid` command.
    35  This command will be useful, for example, in the following cases:
    36  * When multiple chaincode packages with the same label name are installed, it is possible to identify which ID corresponds to which package later.
    37  * To check whether a particular chaincode package is installed or not without installing that package.
    39  For more information, see the [peer lifecycle command reference](
    42  Improvements
    43  ------------
    45  **peer and orderer - Implement legacy name constraints verification for Go 1.15 and above**
    47  These changes reproduce the Go 1.14 name constraint verification in the MSP.
    48  Without these changes, certificate chains that would fail verification in Go 1.14 would
    49  successfully validate in Go 1.15 and above due to the change mentioned in the [Go 1.15 release notes](
    50  Specifically, if a signing certificate contains a name constraint, the leaf certificate
    51  does not include SAN extensions, and the leaf's common name looks like a host name,
    52  then the additional verification is performed to ensure deterministic behavior relative
    53  to prior Fabric releases.
    55  **peer and orderer - Default log record format improvements**
    57  Expanded the width of the log record sequence number to a minimum of four characters,
    58  moved the log sequence number and log level to the left,
    59  and added bold formatting to the function name.
    60  These changes keep the fixed-width columns together at the left
    61  and add a visual break between the logging module name and log message text.
    63  **peer - New configuration option to disable gossip block forwarding**
    65  If all peers in an organization explicitly set "peer.deliveryclient.blockGossipEnabled" to false,
    66  no peer in the organization gossips blocks to any other peer in that organization.
    67  Use this setting when all peers pull blocks from ordering service. For more
    68  information see deprecation announcement below: **FAB-15317: Block dissemination via gossip is deprecated**.
    70  **orderer - Return transaction forwarding result back to the client synchronously**
    72  With this improvement a Raft follower waits for the transaction to be forwarded to the Raft leader,
    73  and returns the result (success or failure) back to the client accordingly.
    74  Prior to this improvement, the Raft follower returned success after enqueueing it into the message queue,
    75  which might have resulted in the transaction being dropped but a success being returned to the client.
    76  Application clients should still monitor transaction commit events, since the Raft leader is not guaranteed
    77  to deliver the transaction into a block in exception scenarios, but this improvement avoids
    78  transactions from being dropped when there are connection issues between a Raft follower and Raft leader.
    80  **peer - Ability to override core.yaml chaincode.externalBuilders via environment variable**
    82  Since chaincode.externalBuilders is an array, it previously was not possible to set via environment variable override.
    83  It is now possible to override chaincode.externalBuilders using an environment variable
    84  using the format `CORE_CHAINCODE_EXTERNALBUILDERS=[{name: x, path: dir1}, {name: y, path: dir2}]`.
    86  **peer and orderer - Make gRPC maximum message size configurable**
    88  This improvement makes gRPC maximum message size configurable in peer and orderer.
    89  Previously the maximum message size was hardcoded to 100 megabytes.
    90  Since all nodes should be consistent it is recommended to keep
    91  the default value of 100 megabytes for MaxRecvMsgSize & MaxSendMsgSize.
    92  The value can be configured if needed however.
    93  Configure in peer core.yaml with `peer.maxRecvMsgSize` and `peer.maxSendMsgSize`.
    94  Configure in orderer orderer.yaml with `General.MaxRecvMsgSize` and `General.MaxSendMsgSize`.
    97  Fixes
    98  -----
    99  All fixes as of v2.3.3 are included in v2.4.0. Additionally, the following fix is made in v2.4.0.
   101  **orderer - Fix bug when an orderer crashes at channel creation**
   103  This fix handles a scenario where an ordering service node crashes during channel creation.
   104  Previously the ordering service node would attempt to re-create the channel upon next startup,
   105  resulting in a panic with the following error:
   106  "Error creating chain support: error creating consenter for channel: failed to restore persisted raft data: failed to create or read WAL: failed to open WAL: fileutil: file already locked".
   109  Dependencies
   110  ------------
   111  Fabric v2.4.0 has been tested with the following dependencies:
   112  * Go 1.16.7
   113  * CouchDB v3.1.1
   115  Fabric docker images on dockerhub utilize Alpine 3.14.
   117  Deprecations (new)
   118  -----------------------
   120  **Ordering service system channel is deprecated**
   122  v2.3 introduced the ability to manage an ordering service without a system channel.
   123  Managing an ordering service without a system channel has privacy, scalability,
   124  and operational benefits. The use of a system channel is deprecated and may be removed in a future release.
   125  For information about removal of the system channel, see the [Create a channel without system channel documentation](
   127  Deprecations (existing)
   128  -----------------------
   130  **FAB-15754: The 'Solo' consensus type is deprecated.**
   132  The 'Solo' consensus type has always been marked non-production and should be in
   133  use only in test environments, however for compatibility it is still available,
   134  but may be removed entirely in a future release.
   136  **FAB-16408: The 'Kafka' consensus type is deprecated.**
   138  The 'Raft' consensus type was introduced in v1.4.1 and has become the preferred
   139  production consensus type.  There is a documented and tested migration path from
   140  Kafka to Raft, and existing users should migrate to the newer Raft consensus type.
   141  For compatibility with existing deployments, Kafka is still supported,
   142  but may be removed entirely in a future release.
   143  Additionally, the fabric-kafka and fabric-zookeeper docker images are no longer updated, maintained, or published.
   145  **Fabric CouchDB image is deprecated**
   147  v2.2.0 added support for CouchDB 3.1.0 as the recommended and tested version of CouchDB.
   148  If prior versions are utilized, a Warning will appear in peer log.
   149  Note that CouchDB 3.1.0 requires that an admin username and password be set,
   150  while this was optional in CouchDB v2.x. See the
   151  [Fabric CouchDB documentation](
   152  for configuration details.
   153  Also note that CouchDB 3.1.0 default max_document_size is reduced to 8MB. Set a higher value if needed in your environment.
   154  Finally, the fabric-couchdb docker image will not be updated to v3.1.0 and will no longer be updated, maintained, or published.
   155  Users can utilize the official CouchDB docker image maintained by the Apache CouchDB project instead.
   157  **FAB-7559: Support for specifying orderer endpoints at the global level in channel configuration is deprecated.**
   159  Utilize the new 'OrdererEndpoints' stanza within the channel configuration of an organization instead.
   160  Configuring orderer endpoints at the organization level accommodates
   161  scenarios where orderers are run by different organizations. Using
   162  this configuration ensures that only the TLS CA certificates of that organization
   163  are used for orderer communications, in contrast to the global channel level endpoints which
   164  would cause an aggregation of all orderer TLS CA certificates across
   165  all orderer organizations to be used for orderer communications.
   167  **FAB-17428: Support for configtxgen flag `--outputAnchorPeersUpdate` is deprecated.**
   169  The `--outputAnchorPeersUpdate` mechanism for updating anchor peers has always had
   170  limitations (for instance, it only works the first time anchor peers are updated).
   171  Instead, anchor peer updates should be performed through the normal config update flow.
   173  **FAB-15406: The fabric-tools docker image is deprecated**
   175  The fabric-tools docker image will not be published in future Fabric releases.
   176  Instead of using the fabric-tools docker image, users should utilize the
   177  published Fabric binaries. The Fabric binaries can be used to make client calls
   178  to Fabric runtime components, regardless of where the Fabric components are running.
   180  **FAB-15317: Block dissemination via gossip is deprecated**
   182  Block dissemination via gossip is deprecated and may be removed in a future release.
   183  Fabric peers can be configured to receive blocks directly from an ordering service
   184  node and not gossip blocks by using the following configuration:
   185  ```
   186  peer.gossip.orgLeader: true
   187  peer.gossip.useLeaderElection: false
   188  peer.gossip.state.enabled: false
   189  peer.deliveryclient.blockGossipEnabled: false
   190  ```
   192  **FAB-15061: Legacy chaincode lifecycle is deprecated**
   194  The legacy chaincode lifecycle from v1.x is deprecated and will be removed
   195  in a future release. To prepare for the eventual removal, utilize the v2.x
   196  chaincode lifecycle instead, by enabling V2_0 application capability on all
   197  channels, and redeploying all chaincodes using the v2.x lifecycle. The new
   198  chaincode lifecycle provides a more flexible and robust governance model
   199  for chaincodes. For more details see the
   200  [documentation for enabling the new lifecycle](