
     1  // Copyright (C) 2013-2018, The MetaCurrency Project (Eric Harris-Braun, Arthur Brock, et. al.)
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by GPLv3 found in the LICENSE file
     3  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     4  // AppPackage implements loading DNA and other app information from an AppPackage structure
     6  package holochain
     8  import (
     9  	"io"
    10  )
    12  const (
    13  	AppPackageVersion = "0.0.1"
    14  )
    16  type AppPackageUIFile struct {
    17  	FileName string
    18  	Data     string
    19  	Encoding string
    20  }
    22  type AppPackageTests struct {
    23  	Name    string
    24  	TestSet TestSet
    25  }
    27  type AppPackageScenario struct {
    28  	Name   string
    29  	Roles  []AppPackageTests
    30  	Config TestConfig
    31  }
    33  type AppPackage struct {
    34  	Version   string
    35  	Generator string
    36  	DNA       DNA
    37  	TestSets  []AppPackageTests
    38  	UI        []AppPackageUIFile
    39  	Scenarios []AppPackageScenario
    40  }
    42  // LoadAppPackage decodes DNA and other appPackage data from appPackage file (via an io.reader)
    43  func LoadAppPackage(reader io.Reader, encodingFormat string) (appPackageP *AppPackage, err error) {
    44  	var appPackage AppPackage
    45  	err = Decode(reader, encodingFormat, &appPackage)
    46  	if err != nil {
    47  		return
    48  	}
    49  	appPackageP = &appPackage
    50  	appPackage.DNA.PropertiesSchema = `{
    51  	"title": "Properties Schema",
    52  	"type": "object",
    53  	"properties": {
    54  		"description": {
    55  			"type": "string"
    56  		},
    57  		"language": {
    58  			"type": "string"
    59  		}
    60  	}
    61  }
    62  `
    63  	return
    64  }
    66  const (
    67  	BasicTemplateAppPackageFormat = "yml"
    68  )
    70  var BasicTemplateAppPackage string = `{
    71   # AppPackage Version
    72   # The app package schema version of this file.
    73  "Version": "` + AppPackageVersion + `",
    74  "Generator": "holochain",
    76  "DNA": {
    77    # This is a holochain application package yaml definition.
    79    # DNA File Version
    80    # Version indicator for changes to DNA
    81    "Version": 1,
    83    # DNA Unique ID
    84    # This ID differentiates your app from others. For example, to tell one Slack team from another with same code, so change it!
    85    "UUID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    87    # Application Name
    88    # What would you like to call your holochain app?
    89    "Name": "templateApp",
    91    # Requires Holochain Version
    92    # Version indicator for which minimal version of holochain is required by this DNA
    93    "RequiresVersion": ` + VersionStr + `,
    95    # Properties
    96    # Properties that you want available across all Zomes.
    97    "Properties": {
    99      # Application Description
   100      # Briefly describe your holochain app.
   101      "description": "provides an application template",
   103      # Language
   104      # The base (human) language of this holochain app.
   105      "language": "en"
   106    },
   108    # Properties Schema File
   109    # Describes the entries in the Properties section of your dna file.
   110    "PropertiesSchemaFile": "properties_schema.json",
   112    # DHT Settings
   113    # Configure the properties of your Distributed Hash Table (e.g. hash algorithm, neighborhood size, etc.).
   114    "DHTConfig": {
   115      "HashType": "sha2-256"
   116    },
   118    # Zomes
   119    # List the Zomes your application will support.
   120    "Zomes": [
   121      {
   123        # Zome Name
   124        # The name of this code module.
   125        "Name": "sampleZome",
   127        # Zome Description
   128        # What is the purpose of this module?
   129        "Description": "provide a sample zome",
   131        # Ribosome Type
   132        # What scripting language will you code in?
   133        "RibosomeType": "js",
   135        # Zome Entries
   136        # Data stored and tracked by your Zome.
   137        "Entries": [
   138          {
   139            "Name": "sampleEntry", # The name of this entry.
   140            "Required": true, # Is this entry required?
   141            "DataFormat": "json", # What type of data should this entry store?
   142            "Sharing": "public", # Should this entry be publicly accessible?
   143            "Schema": "{\n	\"title\": \"sampleEntry Schema\",\n	\"type\": \"object\",\n	\"properties\": {\n		\"content\": {\n			\"type\": \"string\"\n		},\n		\"timestamp\": {\n			\"type\": \"integer\"\n		}\n	},\n    \"required\": [\"content\", \"timestamp\"]\n}"
   144          }
   145        ],
   147        # Zome Functions
   148        # Functions which can be called in your Zome's API.
   149        "Functions": [
   150          {
   151            "Name": "sampleEntryCreate", # The name of this function.
   152            "CallingType": "json", # Data format for parameters passed to this function.
   153            "Exposure": "public" # Level to which is this function exposed.
   154          },
   155          {
   156            "Name": "sampleEntryRead", # The name of this function.
   157            "CallingType": "json", # Data format for parameters passed to this function.
   158            "Exposure": "public" # Level to which is this function exposed.
   159          },
   160          {
   161            "Name": "doSampleAction", # The name of this function.
   162            "CallingType": "json", # Data format for parameters passed to this function.
   163            "Exposure": "public" # Level to which is this function exposed.
   164          }
   165        ],
   167        # Zome Source Code
   168        # The logic that will control Zome behavior
   169        "Code": "/*******************************************************************************\n * Utility functions\n ******************************************************************************/\n\n/**\n * Is this a valid entry type?\n *\n * @param {any} entryType The data to validate as an expected entryType.\n * @return {boolean} true if the passed argument is a valid entryType.\n */\nfunction isValidEntryType (entryType) {\n  // Add additonal entry types here as they are added to dna.json.\n  return [\"sampleEntry\"].includes(entryType);\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the creator of an entity, given an entity hash.\n *\n * @param  {string} hash The entity hash.\n * @return {string} The agent hash of the entity creator.\n */\nfunction getCreator (hash) {\n  return get(hash, { GetMask: HC.GetMask.Sources })[0];\n}\n\n/*******************************************************************************\n * Required callbacks\n ******************************************************************************/\n\n/**\n * System genesis callback: Can the app start?\n *\n * Executes just after the initial genesis entries are committed to your chain\n * (1st - DNA entry, 2nd Identity entry). Enables you specify any additional\n * operations you want performed when a node joins your holochain.\n *\n * @return {boolean} true if genesis is successful and so the app may start.\n *\n * @see\n */\nfunction genesis () {\n  return true;\n}\n\n/**\n * Validation callback: Can this entry be committed to a source chain?\n *\n * @param  {string} entryType Type of the entry as per DNA config for this zome.\n * @param  {string|object} entry Data with type as per DNA config for this zome.\n * @param  {Header-object} header Header object for this entry.\n * @param  {Package-object|null} pkg Package object for this entry, if exists.\n * @param  {string[]} sources Array of agent hashes involved in this commit.\n * @return {boolean} true if this entry may be committed to a source chain.\n *\n * @see\n * @see\n */\nfunction validateCommit (entryType, entry, header, pkg, sources) {\n  return isValidEntryType(entryType);\n}\n\n/**\n * Validation callback: Can this entry be committed to the DHT on any node?\n *\n * It is very likely that this validation routine should check the same data\n * integrity as validateCommit, but, as it happens during a different part of\n * the data life-cycle, it may require additional validation steps.\n *\n * This function will only get called on entry types with \"public\" sharing, as\n * they are the only types that get put to the DHT by the system.\n *\n * @param  {string} entryType Type of the entry as per DNA config for this zome.\n * @param  {string|object} entry Data with type as per DNA config for this zome.\n * @param  {Header-object} header Header object for this entry.\n * @param  {Package-object|null} pkg Package object for this entry, if exists.\n * @param  {string[]} sources Array of agent hashes involved in this commit.\n * @return {boolean} true if this entry may be committed to the DHT.\n *\n * @see\n * @see\n */\nfunction validatePut (entryType, entry, header, pkg, sources) {\n  return validateCommit(entryType, entry, header, pkg, sources);\n}\n\n/**\n * Validation callback: Can this entry be modified?\n *\n * Validate that this entry can replace 'replaces' due to 'mod'.\n *\n * @param  {string} entryType Type of the entry as per DNA config for this zome.\n * @param  {string|object} entry Data with type as per DNA config for this zome.\n * @param  {Header-object} header Header object for this entry.\n * @param  {string} replaces The hash string of the entry being replaced.\n * @param  {Package-object|null} pkg Package object for this entry, if exists.\n * @param  {string[]} sources Array of agent hashes involved in this mod.\n * @return {boolean} true if this entry may replace 'replaces'.\n *\n * @see\n * @see\n */\nfunction validateMod (entryType, entry, header, replaces, pkg, sources) {\n  return validateCommit(entryType, entry, header, pkg, sources)\n    // Only allow the creator of the entity to modify it.\n    && getCreator(header.EntryLink) === getCreator(replaces);\n}\n\n/**\n * Validation callback: Can this entry be deleted?\n *\n * @param  {string} entryType Name of the entry as per DNA config for this zome.\n * @param  {string} hash The hash of the entry to be deleted.\n * @param  {Package-object|null} pkg Package object for this entry, if exists.\n * @param  {string[]} sources Array of agent hashes involved in this delete.\n * @return {boolean} true if this entry can be deleted.\n *\n * @see\n * @see\n */\nfunction validateDel (entryType, hash, pkg, sources) {\n  return isValidEntryType(entryType)\n    // Only allow the creator of the entity to delete it.\n    && getCreator(hash) === sources[0];\n}\n\n/**\n * Package callback: The package request for validateCommit() and valdiatePut().\n *\n * Both 'commit' and 'put' trigger 'validatePutPkg' as 'validateCommit' and\n * 'validatePut' must both have the same data.\n *\n * @param  {string} entryType Name of the entry as per DNA config for this zome.\n * @return {PkgReq-object|null}\n *   null if the data required is the Entry and Header.\n *   Otherwise a \"Package Request\" object, which specifies what data to be sent\n *   to the validating node.\n *\n * @see\n * @see\n */\nfunction validatePutPkg (entryType) {\n  return null;\n}\n\n/**\n * Package callback: The package request for validateMod().\n *\n * @param  {string} entryType Name of the entry as per DNA config for this zome.\n * @return {PkgReq-object|null}\n *   null if the data required is the Entry and Header.\n *   Otherwise a \"Package Request\" object, which specifies what data to be sent\n *   to the validating node.\n *\n * @see\n * @see\n */\nfunction validateModPkg (entryType) {\n  return null;\n}\n\n/**\n * Package callback: The package request for validateDel().\n *\n * @param  {string} entryType Name of the entry as per DNA config for this zome.\n * @return {PkgReq-object|null}\n *   null if the data required is the Entry and Header.\n *   Otherwise a \"Package Request\" object, which specifies what data to be sent\n *   to the validating node.\n *\n * @see\n * @see\n */\nfunction validateDelPkg (entryType) {\n  return null;\n}"
   170      }
   171    ]},
   172  "TestSets":[{
   173    "Name":"sample",
   174    "TestSet":{"Tests":[{"Convey":"Example: (which fails because we haven't actually implemented a sampleEntryCreate function) We can create a new sampleEntry","Zome":"sampleZome","FnName": "sampleEntryCreate","Input": {"content": "this is the entry body","stamp":12345},"Output":"\"%h1%\"","Exposure":"public"}]}}
   175     ],
   176  "UI":[
   177  {"FileName":"index.html",
   178   "Data":"<html><body>Your UI here!</body></html>"
   179  },
   180  {"FileName":"hc.js",
   181   "Data":"function yourApp(){alert('your UI code here!')}"
   182  }],
   183  "Scenarios":[
   184          {"Name":"sampleScenario",
   185           "Roles":[
   186               {"Name":"listener",
   187                "TestSet":{"Tests":[
   188                    {"Convey":"add listener test here"}]}},
   189               {"Name":"speaker",
   190                "TestSet":{"Tests":[
   191                    {"Convey":"add speaker test here"}]}}],
   192           "Config":{"Duration":5,"GossipInterval":100}}]
   193  }
   194  `