
     2  swagger: '2.0'
     4  info:
     5    version: "1.0.0"
     6    title: fixture for nested allOf with ref
     7    description: we test various composition combinations, including nested, and nested isolated with a properties (e.g. issue #1479)
     8  produces:
     9    - application/json
    10  consumes:
    11    - application/json
    12  paths:
    13    /models:
    14      get:
    15        operationId: modelOp
    16        summary: many model variations
    17        description: no description
    18        responses:
    19          default:
    20            description: Generic Out
    22  definitions:
    23    notReallyComposedThing:
    24      allOf:
    25        - type: object 
    26          properties: 
    27            prop0:
    28              type: string
    29              format: uuid
    30    composedThing:
    31      allOf:
    32        - type: object 
    33          properties: 
    34            prop1:
    35              type: string
    36              format: uuid
    37        - type: object 
    38          properties: 
    39            prop2:
    40              type: string
    41              format: uuid
    42    simpleNestedObject:
    43      allOf:
    44        - $ref: '#/definitions/composedThing'
    45        - type: object 
    46          properties: 
    47            prop3:
    48              type: string
    49              format: uuid
    50    deepNestedObject:
    51      type: object
    52      allOf:
    53        - $ref: '#/definitions/simpleNestedObject'
    54        - type: object 
    55          allOf:
    56            - type: object 
    57              properties: 
    58                prop4:
    59                  type: string
    60                  format: uuid
    61            - type: object 
    62              properties: 
    63                prop5:
    64                  type: string
    65                  format: date
    66    breakNestedObject:
    67      type: object
    68      allOf:
    69        - $ref: '#/definitions/simpleNestedObject'
    70        - type: object 
    71          properties: 
    72            prop6:
    73              type: string
    74              format: uuid
    75            prop7:
    76              type: object
    77              allOf:
    78                - type: object
    79                  properties:
    80                    prop8:
    81                      type: integer
    82                      minimum: 12
    83                - type: object
    84                  properties:
    85                    prop9:
    86                      type: integer
    87                      maximum: 12