
     1  // Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package amd64
     7  import (
     8  	"cmd/compile/internal/gc"
     9  	"cmd/internal/obj"
    10  	"cmd/internal/obj/x86"
    11  )
    13  var (
    14  	thechar     int           = '6'
    15  	thestring   string        = "amd64"
    16  	thelinkarch *obj.LinkArch = &x86.Linkamd64
    17  )
    19  func linkarchinit() {
    20  	if obj.Getgoarch() == "amd64p32" {
    21  		thelinkarch = &x86.Linkamd64p32
    22  		gc.Thearch.Thelinkarch = thelinkarch
    23  		thestring = "amd64p32"
    24  		gc.Thearch.Thestring = "amd64p32"
    25  	}
    26  }
    28  var MAXWIDTH int64 = 1 << 50
    30  var (
    31  	addptr int = x86.AADDQ
    32  	movptr int = x86.AMOVQ
    33  	leaptr int = x86.ALEAQ
    34  	cmpptr int = x86.ACMPQ
    35  )
    37  /*
    38   * go declares several platform-specific type aliases:
    39   * int, uint, and uintptr
    40   */
    41  var typedefs = []gc.Typedef{
    42  	gc.Typedef{"int", gc.TINT, gc.TINT64},
    43  	gc.Typedef{"uint", gc.TUINT, gc.TUINT64},
    44  	gc.Typedef{"uintptr", gc.TUINTPTR, gc.TUINT64},
    45  }
    47  func betypeinit() {
    48  	gc.Widthptr = 8
    49  	gc.Widthint = 8
    50  	gc.Widthreg = 8
    51  	if obj.Getgoarch() == "amd64p32" {
    52  		gc.Widthptr = 4
    53  		gc.Widthint = 4
    54  		addptr = x86.AADDL
    55  		movptr = x86.AMOVL
    56  		leaptr = x86.ALEAL
    57  		cmpptr = x86.ACMPL
    58  		typedefs[0].Sameas = gc.TINT32
    59  		typedefs[1].Sameas = gc.TUINT32
    60  		typedefs[2].Sameas = gc.TUINT32
    61  	}
    63  	if gc.Ctxt.Flag_dynlink {
    64  		gc.Thearch.ReservedRegs = append(gc.Thearch.ReservedRegs, x86.REG_R15)
    65  	}
    66  }
    68  func Main() {
    69  	if obj.Getgoos() == "nacl" {
    70  		resvd = append(resvd, x86.REG_BP, x86.REG_R15)
    71  	} else if obj.Framepointer_enabled != 0 {
    72  		resvd = append(resvd, x86.REG_BP)
    73  	}
    75  	gc.Thearch.Thechar = thechar
    76  	gc.Thearch.Thestring = thestring
    77  	gc.Thearch.Thelinkarch = thelinkarch
    78  	gc.Thearch.Typedefs = typedefs
    79  	gc.Thearch.REGSP = x86.REGSP
    80  	gc.Thearch.REGCTXT = x86.REGCTXT
    81  	gc.Thearch.REGCALLX = x86.REG_BX
    82  	gc.Thearch.REGCALLX2 = x86.REG_AX
    83  	gc.Thearch.REGRETURN = x86.REG_AX
    84  	gc.Thearch.REGMIN = x86.REG_AX
    85  	gc.Thearch.REGMAX = x86.REG_R15
    86  	gc.Thearch.FREGMIN = x86.REG_X0
    87  	gc.Thearch.FREGMAX = x86.REG_X15
    88  	gc.Thearch.MAXWIDTH = MAXWIDTH
    89  	gc.Thearch.ReservedRegs = resvd
    91  	gc.Thearch.AddIndex = addindex
    92  	gc.Thearch.Betypeinit = betypeinit
    93  	gc.Thearch.Cgen_bmul = cgen_bmul
    94  	gc.Thearch.Cgen_hmul = cgen_hmul
    95  	gc.Thearch.Cgen_shift = cgen_shift
    96  	gc.Thearch.Clearfat = clearfat
    97  	gc.Thearch.Defframe = defframe
    98  	gc.Thearch.Dodiv = dodiv
    99  	gc.Thearch.Excise = excise
   100  	gc.Thearch.Expandchecks = expandchecks
   101  	gc.Thearch.Getg = getg
   102  	gc.Thearch.Gins = gins
   103  	gc.Thearch.Ginsboolval = ginsboolval
   104  	gc.Thearch.Ginscmp = ginscmp
   105  	gc.Thearch.Ginscon = ginscon
   106  	gc.Thearch.Ginsnop = ginsnop
   107  	gc.Thearch.Gmove = gmove
   108  	gc.Thearch.Linkarchinit = linkarchinit
   109  	gc.Thearch.Peep = peep
   110  	gc.Thearch.Proginfo = proginfo
   111  	gc.Thearch.Regtyp = regtyp
   112  	gc.Thearch.Sameaddr = sameaddr
   113  	gc.Thearch.Smallindir = smallindir
   114  	gc.Thearch.Stackaddr = stackaddr
   115  	gc.Thearch.Blockcopy = blockcopy
   116  	gc.Thearch.Sudoaddable = sudoaddable
   117  	gc.Thearch.Sudoclean = sudoclean
   118  	gc.Thearch.Excludedregs = excludedregs
   119  	gc.Thearch.RtoB = RtoB
   120  	gc.Thearch.FtoB = FtoB
   121  	gc.Thearch.BtoR = BtoR
   122  	gc.Thearch.BtoF = BtoF
   123  	gc.Thearch.Optoas = optoas
   124  	gc.Thearch.Doregbits = doregbits
   125  	gc.Thearch.Regnames = regnames
   127  	gc.Main()
   128  	gc.Exit(0)
   129  }