
     1  package responses
     3  import (
     4  	""
     5  	""
     6  )
     8  // ResponseOpts allows to create a new custom response or update the existing custom response using given parameters.
     9  type ResponseOpts struct {
    10  	// APIG group name, which can contain 1 to 64 characters, only letters, digits, hyphens (-) and
    11  	// underscores (_) are allowed.
    12  	Name string `json:"name" required:"true"`
    13  	// Response type definition, which includes a key and value. Options of the key:
    14  	//     AUTH_FAILURE: Authentication failed.
    15  	//     AUTH_HEADER_MISSING: The identity source is missing.
    16  	//     AUTHORIZER_FAILURE: Custom authentication failed.
    17  	//     AUTHORIZER_CONF_FAILURE: There has been a custom authorizer error.
    18  	//     AUTHORIZER_IDENTITIES_FAILURE: The identity source of the custom authorizer is invalid.
    19  	//     BACKEND_UNAVAILABLE: The backend service is unavailable.
    20  	//     BACKEND_TIMEOUT: Communication with the backend service timed out.
    21  	//     THROTTLED: The request was rejected due to request throttling.
    22  	//     UNAUTHORIZED: The app you are using has not been authorized to call the API.
    23  	//     ACCESS_DENIED: Access denied.
    24  	//     NOT_FOUND: No API is found.
    25  	//     REQUEST_PARAMETERS_FAILURE: The request parameters are incorrect.
    26  	//     DEFAULT_4XX: Another 4XX error occurred.
    27  	//     DEFAULT_5XX: Another 5XX error occurred.
    28  	// Each error type is in JSON format.
    29  	Responses map[string]ResponseInfo `json:"responses,omitempty"`
    30  	// APIG dedicated instance ID.
    31  	InstanceId string `json:"-"`
    32  	// APIG group ID.
    33  	GroupId string `json:"-"`
    34  }
    36  type ResponseInfo struct {
    37  	// Response body template.
    38  	Body string `json:"body" required:"true"`
    39  	// HTTP status code of the response. If omitted, the status will be cancelled.
    40  	Status int `json:"status,omitempty"`
    41  	// Indicates whether the response is the default response.
    42  	// Only the response of the API call is supported.
    43  	IsDefault bool `json:"default,omitempty"`
    44  }
    46  type ResponseOptsBuilder interface {
    47  	ToResponseOptsMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
    48  	GetInstanceId() string
    49  	GetGroupId() string
    50  }
    52  func (opts ResponseOpts) ToResponseOptsMap() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
    53  	return golangsdk.BuildRequestBody(opts, "")
    54  }
    56  func (opts ResponseOpts) GetInstanceId() string {
    57  	return opts.InstanceId
    58  }
    60  func (opts ResponseOpts) GetGroupId() string {
    61  	return opts.GroupId
    62  }
    64  // Create is a method by which to create function that create a new custom response.
    65  func Create(client *golangsdk.ServiceClient, opts ResponseOptsBuilder) (r CreateResult) {
    66  	reqBody, err := opts.ToResponseOptsMap()
    67  	if err != nil {
    68  		r.Err = err
    69  		return
    70  	}
    71  	_, r.Err = client.Post(rootURL(client, buildResponsesPath(opts.GetInstanceId(), opts.GetGroupId())),
    72  		reqBody, &r.Body, nil)
    73  	return
    74  }
    76  // Update is a method by which to create function that udpate the existing custom response.
    77  func Update(client *golangsdk.ServiceClient, respId string, opts ResponseOptsBuilder) (r UpdateResult) {
    78  	reqBody, err := opts.ToResponseOptsMap()
    79  	if err != nil {
    80  		r.Err = err
    81  		return
    82  	}
    83  	_, r.Err = client.Put(resourceURL(client, buildResponsesPath(opts.GetInstanceId(), opts.GetGroupId()), respId),
    84  		reqBody, &r.Body, &golangsdk.RequestOpts{
    85  			OkCodes: []int{200},
    86  		})
    87  	return
    88  }
    90  // Get is a method to obtain the specified custom response according to the instanceId, appId and respId.
    91  func Get(client *golangsdk.ServiceClient, instanceId, groupId, respId string) (r GetResult) {
    92  	_, r.Err = client.Get(resourceURL(client, buildResponsesPath(instanceId, groupId), respId), &r.Body, nil)
    93  	return
    94  }
    96  // ListOpts allows to filter list data using given parameters.
    97  type ListOpts struct {
    98  	// Offset from which the query starts.
    99  	// If the offset is less than 0, the value is automatically converted to 0. Default to 0.
   100  	Offset int `q:"offset"`
   101  	// Number of items displayed on each page. The valid values are range form 1 to 500, default to 20.
   102  	Limit int `q:"limit"`
   103  	// APIG dedicated instance ID.
   104  	InstanceId string `json:"-"`
   105  	// APIG group ID.
   106  	GroupId string `json:"-"`
   107  }
   109  type ListOptsBuilder interface {
   110  	ToListQuery() (string, error)
   111  	GetInstanceId() string
   112  	GetGroupId() string
   113  }
   115  func (opts ListOpts) GetInstanceId() string {
   116  	return opts.InstanceId
   117  }
   119  func (opts ListOpts) GetGroupId() string {
   120  	return opts.GroupId
   121  }
   123  func (opts ListOpts) ToListQuery() (string, error) {
   124  	q, err := golangsdk.BuildQueryString(opts)
   125  	if err != nil {
   126  		return "", err
   127  	}
   128  	return q.String(), err
   129  }
   131  // List is a method to obtain an array of one or more custom reponses according to the query parameters.
   132  func List(client *golangsdk.ServiceClient, opts ListOptsBuilder) pagination.Pager {
   133  	url := rootURL(client, buildResponsesPath(opts.GetInstanceId(), opts.GetGroupId()))
   134  	if opts != nil {
   135  		query, err := opts.ToListQuery()
   136  		if err != nil {
   137  			return pagination.Pager{Err: err}
   138  		}
   139  		url += query
   140  	}
   142  	return pagination.NewPager(client, url, func(r pagination.PageResult) pagination.Page {
   143  		return ResponsePage{pagination.SinglePageBase(r)}
   144  	})
   145  }
   147  // Delete is a method to delete the existing custom response.
   148  func Delete(client *golangsdk.ServiceClient, instanceId, groupId, respId string) (r DeleteResult) {
   149  	_, r.Err = client.Delete(resourceURL(client, buildResponsesPath(instanceId, groupId), respId), nil)
   150  	return
   151  }
   153  // SpecRespOpts is used to build the APIG response url. All parameters are required.
   154  type SpecRespOpts struct {
   155  	InstanceId string
   156  	GroupId    string
   157  	RespId     string
   158  }
   160  type SpecRespOptsBuilder interface {
   161  	GetInstanceId() string
   162  	GetGroupId() string
   163  	GetResponseId() string
   164  }
   166  func (opts SpecRespOpts) GetInstanceId() string {
   167  	return opts.InstanceId
   168  }
   170  func (opts SpecRespOpts) GetGroupId() string {
   171  	return opts.GroupId
   172  }
   174  func (opts SpecRespOpts) GetResponseId() string {
   175  	return opts.RespId
   176  }
   178  // GetSpecResp is a method to get the specifies custom response configuration from an group.
   179  func GetSpecResp(client *golangsdk.ServiceClient, respType string, opts SpecRespOptsBuilder) (r GetSpecRespResult) {
   180  	_, r.Err = client.Get(specResponsesURL(client, buildResponsesPath(opts.GetInstanceId(), opts.GetGroupId()),
   181  		opts.GetResponseId(), respType), &r.Body, nil)
   182  	return
   183  }
   185  type UpdateSpecRespBuilder interface {
   186  	ToSpecRespUpdateMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
   187  }
   189  func (opts ResponseInfo) ToSpecRespUpdateMap() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
   190  	return golangsdk.BuildRequestBody(opts, "")
   191  }
   193  // UpdateSpecResp is a method to update an existing custom response configuration from an group.
   194  func UpdateSpecResp(client *golangsdk.ServiceClient, respType string, specOpts SpecRespOptsBuilder,
   195  	respOpts UpdateSpecRespBuilder) (r UpdateSpecRespResult) {
   196  	reqBody, err := respOpts.ToSpecRespUpdateMap()
   197  	if err != nil {
   198  		r.Err = err
   199  		return
   200  	}
   201  	_, r.Err = client.Put(specResponsesURL(client, buildResponsesPath(specOpts.GetInstanceId(), specOpts.GetGroupId()),
   202  		specOpts.GetResponseId(), respType), reqBody, &r.Body, &golangsdk.RequestOpts{
   203  		OkCodes: []int{200},
   204  	})
   205  	return
   206  }
   208  // DeleteSpecResp is a method to delete an existing custom response configuration from an group.
   209  func DeleteSpecResp(client *golangsdk.ServiceClient, respType string, specOpts SpecRespOptsBuilder) (r DeleteResult) {
   210  	_, r.Err = client.Delete(specResponsesURL(client, buildResponsesPath(specOpts.GetInstanceId(),
   211  		specOpts.GetGroupId()), specOpts.GetResponseId(), respType), nil)
   212  	return
   213  }