
     1  package jobs
     3  import (
     4  	""
     5  	""
     6  )
     8  type commonResult struct {
     9  	golangsdk.Result
    10  }
    12  // CreateResult represents a result of the Create method.
    13  type CreateResult struct {
    14  	golangsdk.Result
    15  }
    17  // CreateResp is a struct that represents the result of Create methods.
    18  type CreateResp struct {
    19  	// Job execution result
    20  	JobSubmitResult JobResp `json:"job_submit_result"`
    21  	// Error message
    22  	ErrorMsg string `json:"error_msg"`
    23  	// Error code
    24  	ErrorCode string `json:"error_code"`
    25  }
    27  // JobResp is an object struct that represents the details of the submit result.
    28  type JobResp struct {
    29  	// Job ID
    30  	JobId string `json:"job_id"`
    31  	// Job submission status.
    32  	// COMPLETE: The job is submitted.
    33  	// JOBSTAT_SUBMIT_FAILED: Failed to submit the job.
    34  	State string `json:"state"`
    35  }
    37  // Extract is a method which to extract a creation response.
    38  func (r CreateResult) Extract() (*CreateResp, error) {
    39  	var s CreateResp
    40  	err := r.ExtractInto(&s)
    41  	return &s, err
    42  }
    44  // Job is a struct that represents the details of the mapreduce job.
    45  type Job struct {
    46  	// Job ID.
    47  	JobId string `json:"job_id"`
    48  	// Name of the user who submits a job.
    49  	User string `json:"user"`
    50  	// Job name. It contains 1 to 64 characters. Only letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_) are allowed.
    51  	JobName string `json:"job_name"`
    52  	// Final result of a job.
    53  	//   FAILED: indicates that the job fails to be executed.
    54  	//   KILLED: indicates that the job is manually terminated during execution.
    55  	//   UNDEFINED: indicates that the job is being executed.
    56  	//   SUCCEEDED: indicates that the job has been successfully executed.
    57  	JobResult string `json:"job_result"`
    58  	// Execution status of a job.
    59  	//   FAILED: failed
    60  	//   KILLED: indicates that the job is terminated.
    61  	//   New: indicates that the job is created.
    62  	//   NEW_SAVING: indicates that the job has been created and is being saved.
    63  	//   SUBMITTED: indicates that the job is submitted.
    64  	//   ACCEPTED: indicates that the job is accepted.
    65  	//   RUNNING: indicates that the job is running.
    66  	//   FINISHED: indicates that the job is completed.
    67  	JobState string `json:"job_state"`
    68  	// Job execution progress.
    69  	JobProgress float32 `json:"job_progress"`
    70  	// Type of a job, which support:
    71  	//   MapReduce
    72  	//   SparkSubmit
    73  	//   HiveScript
    74  	//   HiveSql
    75  	//   DistCp, importing and exporting data
    76  	//   SparkScript
    77  	//   SparkSql
    78  	//   Flink
    79  	JobType string `json:"job_type"`
    80  	// Start time to run a job. Unit: ms.
    81  	StartedTime int `json:"started_time"`
    82  	// Time when a job is submitted. Unit: ms.
    83  	SubmittedTime int `json:"submitted_time"`
    84  	// End time to run a job. Unit: ms.
    85  	FinishedTime int `json:"finished_time"`
    86  	// Running duration of a job. Unit: ms.
    87  	ElapsedTime int `json:"elapsed_time"`
    88  	// Running parameter. The parameter contains a maximum of 4,096 characters,
    89  	// excluding special characters such as ;|&>'<$, and can be left blank.
    90  	Arguments string `json:"arguments"`
    91  	// Configuration parameter, which is used to configure -d parameters.
    92  	// The parameter contains a maximum of 2,048 characters, excluding special characters such as ><|'`&!\,
    93  	// and can be left blank.
    94  	Properties string `json:"properties"`
    95  	// Launcher job ID.
    96  	LauncherId string `json:"launcher_id"`
    97  	// Actual job ID.
    98  	AppId string `json:"app_id"`
    99  }
   101  // GetResult represents a result of the Get method.
   102  type GetResult struct {
   103  	commonResult
   104  }
   106  func (r commonResult) Extract() (*Job, error) {
   107  	var s Job
   108  	err := r.ExtractIntoStructPtr(&s, "job_detail")
   109  	return &s, err
   110  }
   112  // JobPage represents the response pages of the List operation.
   113  type JobPage struct {
   114  	pagination.SinglePageBase
   115  }
   117  // ExtractJobs is a method which to extract a job list by job pages.
   118  func ExtractJobs(r pagination.Page) ([]Job, error) {
   119  	var s []Job
   120  	err := r.(JobPage).Result.ExtractIntoSlicePtr(&s, "job_list")
   121  	return s, err
   122  }
   124  // DeleteResult represents a result of the Delete method.
   125  type DeleteResult struct {
   126  	golangsdk.ErrResult
   127  }