
     1  package policies
     3  import (
     4  	"reflect"
     6  	""
     7  	""
     8  )
    10  // CreateOptsBuilder allows extensions to add additional parameters to the
    11  // Create request.
    12  type CreateOptsBuilder interface {
    13  	ToPolicyCreateMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
    14  }
    16  // CreateOpts contains the options for create a Policy. This object is
    17  // passed to Create(). For more information about these parameters,
    18  // please refer to the Policy object, or the volume backup service API v2
    19  // documentation
    20  type CreateOpts struct {
    21  	//Backup policy name.It cannot start with default.
    22  	Name string `json:"backup_policy_name" required:"true"`
    23  	//Details about the scheduling policy
    24  	ScheduledPolicy ScheduledPolicy `json:"scheduled_policy" required:"true"`
    25  	// Tags to be configured for the backup policy
    26  	Tags []Tag `json:"tags,omitempty"`
    27  }
    29  // ScheduledPolicy defines the details about scheduling policy for create
    30  type ScheduledPolicy struct {
    31  	//Start time of the backup job.
    32  	StartTime string `json:"start_time" required:"true"`
    33  	//Backup interval (1 to 14 days)
    34  	Frequency int `json:"frequency,omitempty"`
    35  	//Specifies on which days of each week backup jobs are ececuted.
    36  	WeekFrequency []string `json:"week_frequency,omitempty"`
    37  	//Number of retained backups, minimum 2.
    38  	RententionNum int `json:"rentention_num,omitempty"`
    39  	//Days of retained backups, minimum 2.
    40  	RententionDay int `json:"rentention_day,omitempty"`
    41  	//Whether to retain the first backup in the current month, possible values Y or N
    42  	RemainFirstBackup string `json:"remain_first_backup_of_curMonth" required:"true"`
    43  	//Backup policy status, ON or OFF
    44  	Status string `json:"status" required:"true"`
    45  }
    47  type Tag struct {
    48  	//Tag key. A tag key consists of up to 36 characters
    49  	Key string `json:"key" required:"true"`
    50  	//Tag value. A tag value consists of 0 to 43 characters
    51  	Value string `json:"value" required:"true"`
    52  }
    54  // ToPolicyCreateMap assembles a request body based on the contents of a
    55  // CreateOpts.
    56  func (opts CreateOpts) ToPolicyCreateMap() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
    57  	return golangsdk.BuildRequestBody(opts, "")
    58  }
    60  // Create will create a new Policy based on the values in CreateOpts. To extract
    61  // the Policy object from the response, call the Extract method on the
    62  // CreateResult.
    63  func Create(client *golangsdk.ServiceClient, opts CreateOptsBuilder) (r CreateResult) {
    64  	b, err := opts.ToPolicyCreateMap()
    65  	if err != nil {
    66  		r.Err = err
    67  		return
    68  	}
    69  	_, r.Err = client.Post(commonURL(client), b, &r.Body, &golangsdk.RequestOpts{
    70  		OkCodes: []int{200},
    71  	})
    72  	return
    73  }
    75  // UpdateOptsBuilder allows extensions to add additional parameters to the
    76  // Update request.
    77  type UpdateOptsBuilder interface {
    78  	ToPolicyUpdateMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
    79  }
    81  // UpdateOpts contains the options for Update a Policy.
    82  type UpdateOpts struct {
    83  	//Backup policy name.It cannot start with default.
    84  	Name string `json:"backup_policy_name,omitempty"`
    85  	//Details about the scheduling policy
    86  	ScheduledPolicy UpdateSchedule `json:"scheduled_policy,omitempty"`
    87  }
    89  // UpdateSchedule defiens the details about scheduling policy for update.
    90  type UpdateSchedule struct {
    91  	//Start time of the backup job.
    92  	StartTime string `json:"start_time,omitempty"`
    93  	//Backup interval (1 to 14 days)
    94  	Frequency int `json:"frequency,omitempty"`
    95  	//Specifies on which days of each week backup jobs are ececuted.
    96  	WeekFrequency []string `json:"week_frequency,omitempty"`
    97  	//Number of retained backups, minimum 2.
    98  	RententionNum int `json:"rentention_num,omitempty"`
    99  	//Days of retained backups, minimum 2.
   100  	RententionDay int `json:"rentention_day,omitempty"`
   101  	//Number of retained backups, minimum 2.
   102  	RemainFirstBackup string `json:"remain_first_backup_of_curMonth,omitempty"`
   103  	//Backup policy status, ON or OFF
   104  	Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`
   105  }
   107  // ToPolicyUpdateMap assembles a request body based on the contents of a
   108  // UpdateOpts.
   109  func (opts UpdateOpts) ToPolicyUpdateMap() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
   110  	return golangsdk.BuildRequestBody(opts, "")
   111  }
   113  //Update will Update an existing backup Policy based on the values in UpdateOpts.To extract
   114  // the Policy object from the response, call the Extract method on the
   115  // UpdateResult.
   116  func Update(c *golangsdk.ServiceClient, policyID string, opts UpdateOptsBuilder) (r UpdateResult) {
   117  	b, err := opts.ToPolicyUpdateMap()
   118  	if err != nil {
   119  		r.Err = err
   120  		return
   121  	}
   122  	reqOpt := &golangsdk.RequestOpts{OkCodes: []int{200}}
   123  	_, r.Err = c.Put(resourceURL(c, policyID), b, &r.Body, reqOpt)
   124  	return
   125  }
   127  //Delete will delete the specified backup policy.
   128  func Delete(c *golangsdk.ServiceClient, policyID string) (r DeleteResult) {
   129  	_, r.Err = c.Delete(resourceURL(c, policyID), nil)
   130  	return
   131  }
   133  //ListOpts allows filtering policies
   134  type ListOpts struct {
   135  	//Backup policy ID
   136  	ID string
   137  	//Backup policy name
   138  	Name string
   139  	//Backup policy status
   140  	Status string
   141  }
   143  // List returns a Pager which allows you to iterate over a collection of
   144  // Policies. It accepts a ListOpts struct, which allows you to
   145  // filter the returned collection for greater efficiency.
   146  func List(c *golangsdk.ServiceClient, opts ListOpts) ([]Policy, error) {
   148  	pages, err := pagination.NewPager(c, commonURL(c), func(r pagination.PageResult) pagination.Page {
   149  		return PolicyPage{pagination.LinkedPageBase{PageResult: r}}
   150  	}).AllPages()
   151  	if err != nil {
   152  		return nil, err
   153  	}
   155  	allPolicies, err := ExtractPolicies(pages)
   156  	if err != nil {
   157  		return nil, err
   158  	}
   160  	return FilterPolicies(allPolicies, opts)
   161  }
   163  func FilterPolicies(policies []Policy, opts ListOpts) ([]Policy, error) {
   165  	var refinedPolicies []Policy
   166  	var matched bool
   168  	m := map[string]FilterStruct{}
   170  	if opts.ID != "" {
   171  		m["ID"] = FilterStruct{Value: opts.ID}
   172  	}
   173  	if opts.Name != "" {
   174  		m["Name"] = FilterStruct{Value: opts.Name}
   175  	}
   177  	if opts.Status != "" {
   178  		m["Status"] = FilterStruct{Value: opts.Status, Driller: []string{"ScheduledPolicy"}}
   179  	}
   181  	if len(m) > 0 && len(policies) > 0 {
   182  		for _, policies := range policies {
   183  			matched = true
   185  			for key, value := range m {
   186  				if sVal := GetStructNestedField(&policies, key, value.Driller); !(sVal == value.Value) {
   187  					matched = false
   188  				}
   189  			}
   190  			if matched {
   191  				refinedPolicies = append(refinedPolicies, policies)
   192  			}
   193  		}
   194  	} else {
   195  		refinedPolicies = policies
   196  	}
   197  	return refinedPolicies, nil
   198  }
   200  func GetStructNestedField(v *Policy, field string, structDriller []string) string {
   201  	r := reflect.ValueOf(v)
   202  	for _, drillField := range structDriller {
   203  		f := reflect.Indirect(r).FieldByName(drillField).Interface()
   204  		r = reflect.ValueOf(f)
   205  	}
   206  	f1 := reflect.Indirect(r).FieldByName(field)
   207  	return string(f1.String())
   208  }
   210  type FilterStruct struct {
   211  	Value   string
   212  	Driller []string
   213  }
   215  // AssociateOptsBuilder allows extensions to add additional parameters to the
   216  // Associate request.
   217  type AssociateOptsBuilder interface {
   218  	ToPolicyAssociateMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
   219  }
   221  // AssociateOpts contains the options to associate a resource to a Policy.
   222  type AssociateOpts struct {
   223  	//Backup policy ID, to which the resource is to be associated.
   224  	PolicyID string `json:"backup_policy_id" required:"true"`
   225  	//Details about the resources to associate with the policy.
   226  	Resources []AssociateResource `json:"resources" required:"true"`
   227  }
   229  type AssociateResource struct {
   230  	//The ID of the resource to associate with policy.
   231  	ResourceID string `json:"resource_id" required:"true"`
   232  	//Type of the resource , e.g. volume.
   233  	ResourceType string `json:"resource_type" required:"true"`
   234  }
   236  // ToPolicyAssociateMap assembles a request body based on the contents of a
   237  // AssociateOpts.
   238  func (opts AssociateOpts) ToPolicyAssociateMap() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
   239  	return golangsdk.BuildRequestBody(opts, "")
   240  }
   242  // Associate will associate a resource tp a backup policy based on the values in AssociateOpts. To extract
   243  // the associated resources from the response, call the ExtractResource method on the
   244  // ResourceResult.
   245  func Associate(client *golangsdk.ServiceClient, opts AssociateOpts) (r ResourceResult) {
   246  	b, err := opts.ToPolicyAssociateMap()
   247  	if err != nil {
   248  		r.Err = err
   249  		return
   250  	}
   251  	_, r.Err = client.Post(associateURL(client), b, &r.Body, &golangsdk.RequestOpts{
   252  		OkCodes: []int{200},
   253  	})
   254  	return
   255  }
   257  // DisassociateOptsBuilder allows extensions to add additional parameters to the
   258  // Disassociate request.
   259  type DisassociateOptsBuilder interface {
   260  	ToPolicyDisassociateMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
   261  }
   263  // DisassociateOpts contains the options disassociate a resource from a Policy.
   264  type DisassociateOpts struct {
   265  	//Disassociate Resources
   266  	Resources []DisassociateResource `json:"resources" required:"true"`
   267  }
   269  type DisassociateResource struct {
   270  	//ResourceID
   271  	ResourceID string `json:"resource_id" required:"true"`
   272  }
   274  // ToPolicyDisassociateMap assembles a request body based on the contents of a
   275  // DisassociateOpts.
   276  func (opts DisassociateOpts) ToPolicyDisassociateMap() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
   277  	return golangsdk.BuildRequestBody(opts, "")
   278  }
   280  // Disassociate will disassociate a resource from a backup policy based on the values in DisassociateOpts. To extract
   281  // the disassociated resources from the response, call the ExtractResource method on the
   282  // ResourceResult.
   283  func Disassociate(client *golangsdk.ServiceClient, policyID string, opts DisassociateOpts) (r ResourceResult) {
   284  	b, err := opts.ToPolicyDisassociateMap()
   285  	if err != nil {
   286  		r.Err = err
   287  		return
   288  	}
   289  	_, r.Err = client.Post(disassociateURL(client, policyID), b, &r.Body, &golangsdk.RequestOpts{
   290  		OkCodes: []int{200},
   291  	})
   292  	return
   293  }