
     1  // -*- Mode: Go; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
     3  /*
     4   * Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Canonical Ltd
     5   *
     6   * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     7   * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
     8   * published by the Free Software Foundation.
     9   *
    10   * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    11   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    13   * GNU General Public License for more details.
    14   *
    15   * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    16   * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
    17   *
    18   */
    20  package snapstate
    22  import (
    23  	"context"
    24  	"encoding/json"
    25  	"fmt"
    26  	"os"
    27  	"path/filepath"
    28  	"sort"
    29  	"strconv"
    30  	"strings"
    31  	"time"
    33  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  	""
    43  	""
    44  	""
    45  	""
    46  	""
    47  	""
    48  	""
    49  	""
    50  	""
    51  	""
    52  )
    54  // TaskSnapSetup returns the SnapSetup with task params hold by or referred to by the task.
    55  func TaskSnapSetup(t *state.Task) (*SnapSetup, error) {
    56  	var snapsup SnapSetup
    58  	err := t.Get("snap-setup", &snapsup)
    59  	if err != nil && err != state.ErrNoState {
    60  		return nil, err
    61  	}
    62  	if err == nil {
    63  		return &snapsup, nil
    64  	}
    66  	var id string
    67  	err = t.Get("snap-setup-task", &id)
    68  	if err != nil {
    69  		return nil, err
    70  	}
    72  	ts := t.State().Task(id)
    73  	if ts == nil {
    74  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("internal error: tasks are being pruned")
    75  	}
    76  	if err := ts.Get("snap-setup", &snapsup); err != nil {
    77  		return nil, err
    78  	}
    79  	return &snapsup, nil
    80  }
    82  // SetTaskSnapSetup writes the given SnapSetup to the provided task's
    83  // snap-setup-task Task, or to the task itself if the task does not have a
    84  // snap-setup-task (i.e. it _is_ the snap-setup-task)
    85  func SetTaskSnapSetup(t *state.Task, snapsup *SnapSetup) error {
    86  	if t.Has("snap-setup") {
    87  		// this is the snap-setup-task so just write to the task directly
    88  		t.Set("snap-setup", snapsup)
    89  	} else {
    90  		// this task isn't the snap-setup-task, so go get that and write to that
    91  		// one
    92  		var id string
    93  		err := t.Get("snap-setup-task", &id)
    94  		if err != nil {
    95  			return err
    96  		}
    98  		ts := t.State().Task(id)
    99  		if ts == nil {
   100  			return fmt.Errorf("internal error: tasks are being pruned")
   101  		}
   102  		ts.Set("snap-setup", snapsup)
   103  	}
   105  	return nil
   106  }
   108  func snapSetupAndState(t *state.Task) (*SnapSetup, *SnapState, error) {
   109  	snapsup, err := TaskSnapSetup(t)
   110  	if err != nil {
   111  		return nil, nil, err
   112  	}
   113  	var snapst SnapState
   114  	err = Get(t.State(), snapsup.InstanceName(), &snapst)
   115  	if err != nil && err != state.ErrNoState {
   116  		return nil, nil, err
   117  	}
   118  	return snapsup, &snapst, nil
   119  }
   121  /* State Locking
   123     do* / undo* handlers should usually lock the state just once with:
   125  	st.Lock()
   126  	defer st.Unlock()
   128     For tasks doing slow operations (long i/o, networking operations) it's OK
   129     to unlock the state temporarily:
   131          st.Unlock()
   132          err := slowIOOp()
   133          st.Lock()
   134          if err != nil {
   135             ...
   136          }
   138      but if a task Get and then Set the SnapState of a snap it must avoid
   139      releasing the state lock in between, other tasks might have
   140      reasons to update the SnapState independently:
   142          // DO NOT DO THIS!:
   143          snapst := ...
   144          snapst.Attr = ...
   145          st.Unlock()
   146          ...
   147          st.Lock()
   148          Set(st, snapName, snapst)
   150      if a task really needs to mix mutating a SnapState and releasing the state
   151      lock it should be serialized at the task runner level, see
   152      SnapManger.blockedTask and TaskRunner.SetBlocked
   154  */
   156  const defaultCoreSnapName = "core"
   158  func defaultBaseSnapsChannel() string {
   159  	channel := os.Getenv("SNAPD_BASES_CHANNEL")
   160  	if channel == "" {
   161  		return "stable"
   162  	}
   163  	return channel
   164  }
   166  func defaultSnapdSnapsChannel() string {
   167  	channel := os.Getenv("SNAPD_SNAPD_CHANNEL")
   168  	if channel == "" {
   169  		return "stable"
   170  	}
   171  	return channel
   172  }
   174  func defaultPrereqSnapsChannel() string {
   175  	channel := os.Getenv("SNAPD_PREREQS_CHANNEL")
   176  	if channel == "" {
   177  		return "stable"
   178  	}
   179  	return channel
   180  }
   182  func linkSnapInFlight(st *state.State, snapName string) (bool, error) {
   183  	for _, chg := range st.Changes() {
   184  		if chg.Status().Ready() {
   185  			continue
   186  		}
   187  		for _, tc := range chg.Tasks() {
   188  			if tc.Status().Ready() {
   189  				continue
   190  			}
   191  			if tc.Kind() == "link-snap" {
   192  				snapsup, err := TaskSnapSetup(tc)
   193  				if err != nil {
   194  					return false, err
   195  				}
   196  				if snapsup.InstanceName() == snapName {
   197  					return true, nil
   198  				}
   199  			}
   200  		}
   201  	}
   203  	return false, nil
   204  }
   206  func isInstalled(st *state.State, snapName string) (bool, error) {
   207  	var snapState SnapState
   208  	err := Get(st, snapName, &snapState)
   209  	if err != nil && err != state.ErrNoState {
   210  		return false, err
   211  	}
   212  	return snapState.IsInstalled(), nil
   213  }
   215  // timeout for tasks to check if the prerequisites are ready
   216  var prerequisitesRetryTimeout = 30 * time.Second
   218  func (m *SnapManager) doPrerequisites(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
   219  	st := t.State()
   220  	st.Lock()
   221  	defer st.Unlock()
   223  	perfTimings := state.TimingsForTask(t)
   224  	defer perfTimings.Save(st)
   226  	// check if we need to inject tasks to install core
   227  	snapsup, _, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
   228  	if err != nil {
   229  		return err
   230  	}
   232  	// os/base/kernel/gadget cannot have prerequisites other
   233  	// than the models default base (or core) which is installed anyway
   234  	switch snapsup.Type {
   235  	case snap.TypeOS, snap.TypeBase, snap.TypeKernel, snap.TypeGadget:
   236  		return nil
   237  	}
   238  	// snapd is special and has no prereqs
   239  	if snapsup.Type == snap.TypeSnapd {
   240  		return nil
   241  	}
   243  	// we need to make sure we install all prereqs together in one
   244  	// operation
   245  	base := defaultCoreSnapName
   246  	if snapsup.Base != "" {
   247  		base = snapsup.Base
   248  	}
   250  	if err := m.installPrereqs(t, base, snapsup.Prereq, snapsup.UserID, perfTimings); err != nil {
   251  		return err
   252  	}
   254  	return nil
   255  }
   257  func (m *SnapManager) installOneBaseOrRequired(st *state.State, snapName string, requireTypeBase bool, channel string, onInFlight error, userID int) (*state.TaskSet, error) {
   258  	// The core snap provides everything we need for core16.
   259  	coreInstalled, err := isInstalled(st, "core")
   260  	if err != nil {
   261  		return nil, err
   262  	}
   263  	if snapName == "core16" && coreInstalled {
   264  		return nil, nil
   265  	}
   267  	// installed already?
   268  	isInstalled, err := isInstalled(st, snapName)
   269  	if err != nil {
   270  		return nil, err
   271  	}
   272  	if isInstalled {
   273  		return nil, nil
   274  	}
   275  	// in progress?
   276  	inFlight, err := linkSnapInFlight(st, snapName)
   277  	if err != nil {
   278  		return nil, err
   279  	}
   280  	if inFlight {
   281  		return nil, onInFlight
   282  	}
   284  	// not installed, nor queued for install -> install it
   285  	ts, err := Install(context.TODO(), st, snapName, &RevisionOptions{Channel: channel}, userID, Flags{RequireTypeBase: requireTypeBase})
   287  	// something might have triggered an explicit install while
   288  	// the state was unlocked -> deal with that here by simply
   289  	// retrying the operation.
   290  	if _, ok := err.(*ChangeConflictError); ok {
   291  		return nil, &state.Retry{After: prerequisitesRetryTimeout}
   292  	}
   293  	return ts, err
   294  }
   296  func (m *SnapManager) installPrereqs(t *state.Task, base string, prereq []string, userID int, tm timings.Measurer) error {
   297  	st := t.State()
   299  	// We try to install all wanted snaps. If one snap cannot be installed
   300  	// because of change conflicts or similar we retry. Only if all snaps
   301  	// can be installed together we add the tasks to the change.
   302  	var tss []*state.TaskSet
   303  	for _, prereqName := range prereq {
   304  		var onInFlightErr error = nil
   305  		var err error
   306  		var ts *state.TaskSet
   307  		timings.Run(tm, "install-prereq", fmt.Sprintf("install %q", prereqName), func(timings.Measurer) {
   308  			noTypeBaseCheck := false
   309  			ts, err = m.installOneBaseOrRequired(st, prereqName, noTypeBaseCheck, defaultPrereqSnapsChannel(), onInFlightErr, userID)
   310  		})
   311  		if err != nil {
   312  			return prereqError("prerequisite", prereqName, err)
   313  		}
   314  		if ts == nil {
   315  			continue
   316  		}
   317  		tss = append(tss, ts)
   318  	}
   320  	// for base snaps we need to wait until the change is done
   321  	// (either finished or failed)
   322  	onInFlightErr := &state.Retry{After: prerequisitesRetryTimeout}
   324  	var tsBase *state.TaskSet
   325  	var err error
   326  	if base != "none" {
   327  		timings.Run(tm, "install-prereq", fmt.Sprintf("install base %q", base), func(timings.Measurer) {
   328  			requireTypeBase := true
   329  			tsBase, err = m.installOneBaseOrRequired(st, base, requireTypeBase, defaultBaseSnapsChannel(), onInFlightErr, userID)
   330  		})
   331  		if err != nil {
   332  			return prereqError("snap base", base, err)
   333  		}
   334  	}
   336  	// on systems without core or snapd need to install snapd to
   337  	// make interfaces work - LP: 1819318
   338  	var tsSnapd *state.TaskSet
   339  	snapdSnapInstalled, err := isInstalled(st, "snapd")
   340  	if err != nil {
   341  		return err
   342  	}
   343  	coreSnapInstalled, err := isInstalled(st, "core")
   344  	if err != nil {
   345  		return err
   346  	}
   347  	if base != "core" && !snapdSnapInstalled && !coreSnapInstalled {
   348  		timings.Run(tm, "install-prereq", "install snapd", func(timings.Measurer) {
   349  			noTypeBaseCheck := false
   350  			tsSnapd, err = m.installOneBaseOrRequired(st, "snapd", noTypeBaseCheck, defaultSnapdSnapsChannel(), onInFlightErr, userID)
   351  		})
   352  		if err != nil {
   353  			return prereqError("system snap", "snapd", err)
   354  		}
   355  	}
   357  	chg := t.Change()
   358  	// add all required snaps, no ordering, this will be done in the
   359  	// auto-connect task handler
   360  	for _, ts := range tss {
   361  		ts.JoinLane(st.NewLane())
   362  		chg.AddAll(ts)
   363  	}
   364  	// add the base if needed, prereqs else must wait on this
   365  	if tsBase != nil {
   366  		tsBase.JoinLane(st.NewLane())
   367  		for _, t := range chg.Tasks() {
   368  			t.WaitAll(tsBase)
   369  		}
   370  		chg.AddAll(tsBase)
   371  	}
   372  	// add snapd if needed, everything must wait on this
   373  	if tsSnapd != nil {
   374  		tsSnapd.JoinLane(st.NewLane())
   375  		for _, t := range chg.Tasks() {
   376  			t.WaitAll(tsSnapd)
   377  		}
   378  		chg.AddAll(tsSnapd)
   379  	}
   381  	// make sure that the new change is committed to the state
   382  	// together with marking this task done
   383  	t.SetStatus(state.DoneStatus)
   385  	return nil
   386  }
   388  func prereqError(what, snapName string, err error) error {
   389  	if _, ok := err.(*state.Retry); ok {
   390  		return err
   391  	}
   392  	return fmt.Errorf("cannot install %s %q: %v", what, snapName, err)
   393  }
   395  func (m *SnapManager) doPrepareSnap(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
   396  	st := t.State()
   397  	st.Lock()
   398  	defer st.Unlock()
   399  	snapsup, snapst, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
   400  	if err != nil {
   401  		return err
   402  	}
   404  	if snapsup.Revision().Unset() {
   405  		// Local revisions start at -1 and go down.
   406  		revision := snapst.LocalRevision()
   407  		if revision.Unset() || revision.N > 0 {
   408  			revision = snap.R(-1)
   409  		} else {
   410  			revision.N--
   411  		}
   412  		if !revision.Local() {
   413  			panic("internal error: invalid local revision built: " + revision.String())
   414  		}
   415  		snapsup.SideInfo.Revision = revision
   416  	}
   418  	t.Set("snap-setup", snapsup)
   419  	return nil
   420  }
   422  func (m *SnapManager) undoPrepareSnap(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
   423  	st := t.State()
   424  	st.Lock()
   425  	defer st.Unlock()
   427  	snapsup, err := TaskSnapSetup(t)
   428  	if err != nil {
   429  		return err
   430  	}
   432  	if snapsup.SideInfo == nil || snapsup.SideInfo.RealName == "" {
   433  		return nil
   434  	}
   436  	var logMsg []string
   437  	var snapSetup string
   438  	dupSig := []string{"snap-install:"}
   439  	chg := t.Change()
   440  	logMsg = append(logMsg, fmt.Sprintf("change %q: %q", chg.Kind(), chg.Summary()))
   441  	for _, t := range chg.Tasks() {
   442  		// TODO: report only tasks in intersecting lanes?
   443  		tintro := fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", t.Kind(), t.Status())
   444  		logMsg = append(logMsg, tintro)
   445  		dupSig = append(dupSig, tintro)
   446  		if snapsup, err := TaskSnapSetup(t); err == nil && snapsup.SideInfo != nil {
   447  			snapSetup1 := fmt.Sprintf(" snap-setup: %q (%v) %q", snapsup.SideInfo.RealName, snapsup.SideInfo.Revision, snapsup.SideInfo.Channel)
   448  			if snapSetup1 != snapSetup {
   449  				snapSetup = snapSetup1
   450  				logMsg = append(logMsg, snapSetup)
   451  				dupSig = append(dupSig, fmt.Sprintf(" snap-setup: %q", snapsup.SideInfo.RealName))
   452  			}
   453  		}
   454  		for _, l := range t.Log() {
   455  			// cut of the rfc339 timestamp to ensure duplicate
   456  			// detection works in daisy
   457  			tStampLen := strings.Index(l, " ")
   458  			if tStampLen < 0 {
   459  				continue
   460  			}
   461  			// not tStampLen+1 because the indent is nice
   462  			entry := l[tStampLen:]
   463  			logMsg = append(logMsg, entry)
   464  			dupSig = append(dupSig, entry)
   465  		}
   466  	}
   468  	var ubuntuCoreTransitionCount int
   469  	err = st.Get("ubuntu-core-transition-retry", &ubuntuCoreTransitionCount)
   470  	if err != nil && err != state.ErrNoState {
   471  		return err
   472  	}
   473  	extra := map[string]string{
   474  		"Channel":  snapsup.Channel,
   475  		"Revision": snapsup.SideInfo.Revision.String(),
   476  	}
   477  	if ubuntuCoreTransitionCount > 0 {
   478  		extra["UbuntuCoreTransitionCount"] = strconv.Itoa(ubuntuCoreTransitionCount)
   479  	}
   481  	// Only report and error if there is an actual error in the change,
   482  	// we could undo things because the user canceled the change.
   483  	var isErr bool
   484  	for _, tt := range t.Change().Tasks() {
   485  		if tt.Status() == state.ErrorStatus {
   486  			isErr = true
   487  			break
   488  		}
   489  	}
   490  	if isErr && !settings.ProblemReportsDisabled(st) {
   491  		st.Unlock()
   492  		oopsid, err := errtrackerReport(snapsup.SideInfo.RealName, strings.Join(logMsg, "\n"), strings.Join(dupSig, "\n"), extra)
   493  		st.Lock()
   494  		if err == nil {
   495  			logger.Noticef("Reported install problem for %q as %s", snapsup.SideInfo.RealName, oopsid)
   496  		} else {
   497  			logger.Debugf("Cannot report problem: %s", err)
   498  		}
   499  	}
   501  	return nil
   502  }
   504  func installInfoUnlocked(st *state.State, snapsup *SnapSetup, deviceCtx DeviceContext) (store.SnapActionResult, error) {
   505  	st.Lock()
   506  	defer st.Unlock()
   507  	opts := &RevisionOptions{Channel: snapsup.Channel, CohortKey: snapsup.CohortKey, Revision: snapsup.Revision()}
   508  	return installInfo(context.TODO(), st, snapsup.InstanceName(), opts, snapsup.UserID, deviceCtx)
   509  }
   511  // autoRefreshRateLimited returns the rate limit of auto-refreshes or 0 if
   512  // there is no limit.
   513  func autoRefreshRateLimited(st *state.State) (rate int64) {
   514  	tr := config.NewTransaction(st)
   516  	var rateLimit string
   517  	err := tr.Get("core", "refresh.rate-limit", &rateLimit)
   518  	if err != nil {
   519  		return 0
   520  	}
   521  	// NOTE ParseByteSize errors on negative rates
   522  	val, err := strutil.ParseByteSize(rateLimit)
   523  	if err != nil {
   524  		return 0
   525  	}
   526  	return val
   527  }
   529  func downloadSnapParams(st *state.State, t *state.Task) (*SnapSetup, StoreService, *auth.UserState, error) {
   530  	snapsup, err := TaskSnapSetup(t)
   531  	if err != nil {
   532  		return nil, nil, nil, err
   533  	}
   535  	deviceCtx, err := DeviceCtx(st, t, nil)
   536  	if err != nil {
   537  		return nil, nil, nil, err
   538  	}
   540  	sto := Store(st, deviceCtx)
   542  	user, err := userFromUserID(st, snapsup.UserID)
   543  	if err != nil {
   544  		return nil, nil, nil, err
   545  	}
   547  	return snapsup, sto, user, nil
   548  }
   550  func (m *SnapManager) doDownloadSnap(t *state.Task, tomb *tomb.Tomb) error {
   551  	st := t.State()
   552  	var rate int64
   554  	st.Lock()
   555  	perfTimings := state.TimingsForTask(t)
   556  	snapsup, theStore, user, err := downloadSnapParams(st, t)
   557  	if snapsup != nil && snapsup.IsAutoRefresh {
   558  		// NOTE rate is never negative
   559  		rate = autoRefreshRateLimited(st)
   560  	}
   561  	st.Unlock()
   562  	if err != nil {
   563  		return err
   564  	}
   566  	meter := NewTaskProgressAdapterUnlocked(t)
   567  	targetFn := snapsup.MountFile()
   569  	dlOpts := &store.DownloadOptions{
   570  		IsAutoRefresh: snapsup.IsAutoRefresh,
   571  		RateLimit:     rate,
   572  	}
   573  	if snapsup.DownloadInfo == nil {
   574  		var storeInfo store.SnapActionResult
   575  		// COMPATIBILITY - this task was created from an older version
   576  		// of snapd that did not store the DownloadInfo in the state
   577  		// yet. Therefore do not worry about DeviceContext.
   578  		storeInfo, err = installInfoUnlocked(st, snapsup, nil)
   579  		if err != nil {
   580  			return err
   581  		}
   582  		timings.Run(perfTimings, "download", fmt.Sprintf("download snap %q", snapsup.SnapName()), func(timings.Measurer) {
   583  			err = theStore.Download(tomb.Context(nil), snapsup.SnapName(), targetFn, &storeInfo.DownloadInfo, meter, user, dlOpts)
   584  		})
   585  		snapsup.SideInfo = &storeInfo.SideInfo
   586  	} else {
   587  		timings.Run(perfTimings, "download", fmt.Sprintf("download snap %q", snapsup.SnapName()), func(timings.Measurer) {
   588  			err = theStore.Download(tomb.Context(nil), snapsup.SnapName(), targetFn, snapsup.DownloadInfo, meter, user, dlOpts)
   589  		})
   590  	}
   591  	if err != nil {
   592  		return err
   593  	}
   595  	snapsup.SnapPath = targetFn
   597  	// update the snap setup for the follow up tasks
   598  	st.Lock()
   599  	t.Set("snap-setup", snapsup)
   600  	perfTimings.Save(st)
   601  	st.Unlock()
   603  	return nil
   604  }
   606  var (
   607  	mountPollInterval = 1 * time.Second
   608  )
   610  // hasOtherInstances checks whether there are other instances of the snap, be it
   611  // instance keyed or not
   612  func hasOtherInstances(st *state.State, instanceName string) (bool, error) {
   613  	snapName, _ := snap.SplitInstanceName(instanceName)
   614  	var all map[string]*json.RawMessage
   615  	if err := st.Get("snaps", &all); err != nil && err != state.ErrNoState {
   616  		return false, err
   617  	}
   618  	for otherName := range all {
   619  		if otherName == instanceName {
   620  			continue
   621  		}
   622  		if otherSnapName, _ := snap.SplitInstanceName(otherName); otherSnapName == snapName {
   623  			return true, nil
   624  		}
   625  	}
   626  	return false, nil
   627  }
   629  func (m *SnapManager) doMountSnap(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
   630  	st := t.State()
   631  	st.Lock()
   632  	perfTimings := state.TimingsForTask(t)
   633  	snapsup, snapst, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
   634  	st.Unlock()
   635  	if err != nil {
   636  		return err
   637  	}
   639  	curInfo, err := snapst.CurrentInfo()
   640  	if err != nil && err != ErrNoCurrent {
   641  		return err
   642  	}
   644  	m.backend.CurrentInfo(curInfo)
   646  	st.Lock()
   647  	deviceCtx, err := DeviceCtx(t.State(), t, nil)
   648  	st.Unlock()
   649  	if err != nil {
   650  		return err
   651  	}
   653  	timings.Run(perfTimings, "check-snap", fmt.Sprintf("check snap %q", snapsup.InstanceName()), func(timings.Measurer) {
   654  		err = checkSnap(st, snapsup.SnapPath, snapsup.InstanceName(), snapsup.SideInfo, curInfo, snapsup.Flags, deviceCtx)
   655  	})
   656  	if err != nil {
   657  		return err
   658  	}
   660  	cleanup := func() {
   661  		st.Lock()
   662  		defer st.Unlock()
   664  		otherInstances, err := hasOtherInstances(st, snapsup.InstanceName())
   665  		if err != nil {
   666  			t.Errorf("cannot cleanup partial setup snap %q: %v", snapsup.InstanceName(), err)
   667  			return
   668  		}
   670  		// remove snap dir is idempotent so it's ok to always call it in the cleanup path
   671  		if err := m.backend.RemoveSnapDir(snapsup.placeInfo(), otherInstances); err != nil {
   672  			t.Errorf("cannot cleanup partial setup snap %q: %v", snapsup.InstanceName(), err)
   673  		}
   675  	}
   677  	pb := NewTaskProgressAdapterUnlocked(t)
   678  	// TODO Use snapsup.Revision() to obtain the right info to mount
   679  	//      instead of assuming the candidate is the right one.
   680  	var snapType snap.Type
   681  	var installRecord *backend.InstallRecord
   682  	timings.Run(perfTimings, "setup-snap", fmt.Sprintf("setup snap %q", snapsup.InstanceName()), func(timings.Measurer) {
   683  		snapType, installRecord, err = m.backend.SetupSnap(snapsup.SnapPath, snapsup.InstanceName(), snapsup.SideInfo, deviceCtx, pb)
   684  	})
   685  	if err != nil {
   686  		cleanup()
   687  		return err
   688  	}
   690  	// double check that the snap is mounted
   691  	var readInfoErr error
   692  	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
   693  		_, readInfoErr = readInfo(snapsup.InstanceName(), snapsup.SideInfo, errorOnBroken)
   694  		if readInfoErr == nil {
   695  			break
   696  		}
   697  		if _, ok := readInfoErr.(*snap.NotFoundError); !ok {
   698  			break
   699  		}
   700  		// snap not found, seems is not mounted yet
   701  		msg := fmt.Sprintf("expected snap %q revision %v to be mounted but is not", snapsup.InstanceName(), snapsup.Revision())
   702  		readInfoErr = fmt.Errorf("cannot proceed, %s", msg)
   703  		if i == 0 {
   704  			logger.Noticef(msg)
   705  		}
   706  		time.Sleep(mountPollInterval)
   707  	}
   708  	if readInfoErr != nil {
   709  		timings.Run(perfTimings, "undo-setup-snap", fmt.Sprintf("Undo setup of snap %q", snapsup.InstanceName()), func(timings.Measurer) {
   710  			err = m.backend.UndoSetupSnap(snapsup.placeInfo(), snapType, installRecord, deviceCtx, pb)
   711  		})
   712  		if err != nil {
   713  			st.Lock()
   714  			t.Errorf("cannot undo partial setup snap %q: %v", snapsup.InstanceName(), err)
   715  			st.Unlock()
   716  		}
   718  		cleanup()
   719  		return readInfoErr
   720  	}
   722  	st.Lock()
   723  	// set snapst type for undoMountSnap
   724  	t.Set("snap-type", snapType)
   725  	if installRecord != nil {
   726  		t.Set("install-record", installRecord)
   727  	}
   728  	st.Unlock()
   730  	if snapsup.Flags.RemoveSnapPath {
   731  		if err := os.Remove(snapsup.SnapPath); err != nil {
   732  			logger.Noticef("Failed to cleanup %s: %s", snapsup.SnapPath, err)
   733  		}
   734  	}
   736  	st.Lock()
   737  	perfTimings.Save(st)
   738  	st.Unlock()
   740  	return nil
   741  }
   743  func (m *SnapManager) undoMountSnap(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
   744  	st := t.State()
   745  	st.Lock()
   746  	snapsup, err := TaskSnapSetup(t)
   747  	st.Unlock()
   748  	if err != nil {
   749  		return err
   750  	}
   752  	st.Lock()
   753  	deviceCtx, err := DeviceCtx(t.State(), t, nil)
   754  	st.Unlock()
   755  	if err != nil {
   756  		return err
   757  	}
   759  	st.Lock()
   760  	var typ snap.Type
   761  	err = t.Get("snap-type", &typ)
   762  	st.Unlock()
   763  	// backward compatibility
   764  	if err == state.ErrNoState {
   765  		typ = "app"
   766  	} else if err != nil {
   767  		return err
   768  	}
   770  	var installRecord backend.InstallRecord
   771  	st.Lock()
   772  	// install-record is optional (e.g. not present in tasks from older snapd)
   773  	err = t.Get("install-record", &installRecord)
   774  	st.Unlock()
   775  	if err != nil && err != state.ErrNoState {
   776  		return err
   777  	}
   779  	pb := NewTaskProgressAdapterUnlocked(t)
   780  	if err := m.backend.UndoSetupSnap(snapsup.placeInfo(), typ, &installRecord, deviceCtx, pb); err != nil {
   781  		return err
   782  	}
   784  	st.Lock()
   785  	defer st.Unlock()
   787  	otherInstances, err := hasOtherInstances(st, snapsup.InstanceName())
   788  	if err != nil {
   789  		return err
   790  	}
   792  	return m.backend.RemoveSnapDir(snapsup.placeInfo(), otherInstances)
   793  }
   795  // queryDisabledServices uses wrappers.QueryDisabledServices()
   796  //
   797  // Note this function takes a snap info rather than snapst because there are
   798  // situations where we want to call this on non-current snap infos, i.e. in the
   799  // undo handlers, see undoLinkSnap for an example.
   800  func (m *SnapManager) queryDisabledServices(info *snap.Info, pb progress.Meter) ([]string, error) {
   801  	return m.backend.QueryDisabledServices(info, pb)
   802  }
   804  func (m *SnapManager) doUnlinkCurrentSnap(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
   805  	st := t.State()
   806  	st.Lock()
   807  	defer st.Unlock()
   809  	snapsup, snapst, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
   810  	if err != nil {
   811  		return err
   812  	}
   814  	oldInfo, err := snapst.CurrentInfo()
   815  	if err != nil {
   816  		return err
   817  	}
   819  	// add to the disabled services list in snapst services which were disabled
   820  	// when stop-snap-services ran, for usage across changes like in reverting
   821  	// and enabling after being disabled.
   822  	// we keep what's already in the list in snapst because that list is
   823  	// services which were previously present in the snap and disabled, but are
   824  	// no longer present.
   825  	snapst.LastActiveDisabledServices = append(
   826  		snapst.LastActiveDisabledServices,
   827  		snapsup.LastActiveDisabledServices...,
   828  	)
   830  	tr := config.NewTransaction(st)
   831  	experimentalRefreshAppAwareness, err := features.Flag(tr, features.RefreshAppAwareness)
   832  	if err != nil && !config.IsNoOption(err) {
   833  		return err
   834  	}
   836  	if experimentalRefreshAppAwareness {
   837  		// A process may be created after the soft refresh done upon
   838  		// the request to refresh a snap. If such process is alive by
   839  		// the time this code is reached the refresh process is stopped.
   840  		// In case of failure the snap state is modified to indicate
   841  		// when the refresh was first inhibited. If the first
   842  		// inhibition is outside of a grace period then refresh
   843  		// proceeds regardless of the existing processes.
   844  		if err := inhibitRefresh(st, snapst, oldInfo, HardNothingRunningRefreshCheck); err != nil {
   845  			return err
   846  		}
   847  	}
   849  	snapst.Active = false
   851  	// do the final unlink
   852  	linkCtx := backend.LinkContext{
   853  		FirstInstall: false,
   854  	}
   855  	err = m.backend.UnlinkSnap(oldInfo, linkCtx, NewTaskProgressAdapterLocked(t))
   856  	if err != nil {
   857  		return err
   858  	}
   860  	// mark as inactive
   861  	Set(st, snapsup.InstanceName(), snapst)
   862  	return nil
   863  }
   865  func (m *SnapManager) undoUnlinkCurrentSnap(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
   866  	st := t.State()
   867  	st.Lock()
   868  	defer st.Unlock()
   870  	perfTimings := state.TimingsForTask(t)
   871  	defer perfTimings.Save(st)
   873  	snapsup, snapst, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
   874  	if err != nil {
   875  		return err
   876  	}
   878  	oldInfo, err := snapst.CurrentInfo()
   879  	if err != nil {
   880  		return err
   881  	}
   883  	deviceCtx, err := DeviceCtx(st, t, nil)
   884  	if err != nil {
   885  		return err
   886  	}
   888  	// get the services which LinkSnap should disable when generating wrappers,
   889  	// as well as the services which are not present in this revision, but were
   890  	// present and disabled in a previous one and as such should be kept inside
   891  	// snapst for persistent storage.
   892  	svcsToSave, svcsToDisable, err := missingDisabledServices(snapst.LastActiveDisabledServices, oldInfo)
   893  	if err != nil {
   894  		return err
   895  	}
   897  	snapst.Active = true
   898  	vitalityRank, err := vitalityRank(st, snapsup.InstanceName())
   899  	if err != nil {
   900  		return err
   901  	}
   902  	linkCtx := backend.LinkContext{
   903  		PrevDisabledServices: svcsToDisable,
   904  		FirstInstall:         false,
   905  		VitalityRank:         vitalityRank,
   906  	}
   907  	reboot, err := m.backend.LinkSnap(oldInfo, deviceCtx, linkCtx, perfTimings)
   908  	if err != nil {
   909  		return err
   910  	}
   912  	// re-save the missing services so when we unlink this revision and go to a
   913  	// different revision with potentially different service names, the
   914  	// currently missing service names will be re-disabled if they exist later
   915  	snapst.LastActiveDisabledServices = svcsToSave
   917  	// mark as active again
   918  	Set(st, snapsup.InstanceName(), snapst)
   920  	// if we just put back a previous a core snap, request a restart
   921  	// so that we switch executing its snapd
   922  	m.maybeRestart(t, oldInfo, reboot, deviceCtx)
   924  	return nil
   925  }
   927  func (m *SnapManager) doCopySnapData(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
   928  	st := t.State()
   929  	st.Lock()
   930  	snapsup, snapst, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
   931  	st.Unlock()
   932  	if err != nil {
   933  		return err
   934  	}
   936  	newInfo, err := readInfo(snapsup.InstanceName(), snapsup.SideInfo, 0)
   937  	if err != nil {
   938  		return err
   939  	}
   941  	oldInfo, err := snapst.CurrentInfo()
   942  	if err != nil && err != ErrNoCurrent {
   943  		return err
   944  	}
   946  	pb := NewTaskProgressAdapterUnlocked(t)
   947  	if copyDataErr := m.backend.CopySnapData(newInfo, oldInfo, pb); copyDataErr != nil {
   948  		if oldInfo != nil {
   949  			// there is another revision of the snap, cannot remove
   950  			// shared data directory
   951  			return copyDataErr
   952  		}
   954  		// cleanup shared snap data directory
   955  		st.Lock()
   956  		defer st.Unlock()
   958  		otherInstances, err := hasOtherInstances(st, snapsup.InstanceName())
   959  		if err != nil {
   960  			t.Errorf("cannot undo partial snap %q data copy: %v", snapsup.InstanceName(), err)
   961  			return copyDataErr
   962  		}
   963  		// no other instances of this snap, shared data directory can be
   964  		// removed now too
   965  		if err := m.backend.RemoveSnapDataDir(newInfo, otherInstances); err != nil {
   966  			t.Errorf("cannot undo partial snap %q data copy, failed removing shared directory: %v", snapsup.InstanceName(), err)
   967  		}
   968  		return copyDataErr
   969  	}
   970  	return nil
   971  }
   973  func (m *SnapManager) undoCopySnapData(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
   974  	st := t.State()
   975  	st.Lock()
   976  	snapsup, snapst, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
   977  	st.Unlock()
   978  	if err != nil {
   979  		return err
   980  	}
   982  	newInfo, err := readInfo(snapsup.InstanceName(), snapsup.SideInfo, 0)
   983  	if err != nil {
   984  		return err
   985  	}
   987  	oldInfo, err := snapst.CurrentInfo()
   988  	if err != nil && err != ErrNoCurrent {
   989  		return err
   990  	}
   992  	pb := NewTaskProgressAdapterUnlocked(t)
   993  	if err := m.backend.UndoCopySnapData(newInfo, oldInfo, pb); err != nil {
   994  		return err
   995  	}
   997  	if oldInfo != nil {
   998  		// there is other revision of this snap, cannot remove shared
   999  		// directory anyway
  1000  		return nil
  1001  	}
  1003  	st.Lock()
  1004  	defer st.Unlock()
  1006  	otherInstances, err := hasOtherInstances(st, snapsup.InstanceName())
  1007  	if err != nil {
  1008  		return err
  1009  	}
  1010  	// no other instances of this snap and no other revisions, shared data
  1011  	// directory can be removed
  1012  	if err := m.backend.RemoveSnapDataDir(newInfo, otherInstances); err != nil {
  1013  		return err
  1014  	}
  1015  	return nil
  1016  }
  1018  func (m *SnapManager) cleanupCopySnapData(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
  1019  	st := t.State()
  1020  	st.Lock()
  1021  	defer st.Unlock()
  1023  	if t.Status() != state.DoneStatus {
  1024  		// it failed
  1025  		return nil
  1026  	}
  1028  	_, snapst, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
  1029  	if err != nil {
  1030  		return err
  1031  	}
  1033  	info, err := snapst.CurrentInfo()
  1034  	if err != nil {
  1035  		return err
  1036  	}
  1038  	m.backend.ClearTrashedData(info)
  1040  	return nil
  1041  }
  1043  // writeSeqFile writes the sequence file for failover handling
  1044  func writeSeqFile(name string, snapst *SnapState) error {
  1045  	p := filepath.Join(dirs.SnapSeqDir, name+".json")
  1046  	if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(p), 0755); err != nil {
  1047  		return err
  1048  	}
  1050  	b, err := json.Marshal(&struct {
  1051  		Sequence []*snap.SideInfo `json:"sequence"`
  1052  		Current  string           `json:"current"`
  1053  	}{
  1054  		Sequence: snapst.Sequence,
  1055  		Current:  snapst.Current.String(),
  1056  	})
  1057  	if err != nil {
  1058  		return err
  1059  	}
  1061  	return osutil.AtomicWriteFile(p, b, 0644, 0)
  1062  }
  1064  // missingDisabledServices returns a list of services that were disabled
  1065  // that are currently missing from the specific snap info (i.e. they were
  1066  // renamed in this snap info), as well as a list of disabled services that are
  1067  // present in this snap info.
  1068  // the first arg is the disabled services when the snap was last active
  1069  func missingDisabledServices(svcs []string, info *snap.Info) ([]string, []string, error) {
  1070  	// make a copy of all the previously disabled services that we will remove
  1071  	// from, as well as an empty list to add to for the found services
  1072  	missingSvcs := []string{}
  1073  	foundSvcs := []string{}
  1075  	// for all the previously disabled services, check if they are in the
  1076  	// current snap info revision as services or not
  1077  	for _, disabledSvcName := range svcs {
  1078  		// check if the service is an app _and_ is a service
  1079  		if app, ok := info.Apps[disabledSvcName]; ok && app.IsService() {
  1080  			foundSvcs = append(foundSvcs, disabledSvcName)
  1081  		} else {
  1082  			missingSvcs = append(missingSvcs, disabledSvcName)
  1083  		}
  1084  	}
  1086  	// sort the lists for easier testing
  1087  	sort.Strings(missingSvcs)
  1088  	sort.Strings(foundSvcs)
  1090  	return missingSvcs, foundSvcs, nil
  1091  }
  1093  func vitalityRank(st *state.State, instanceName string) (rank int, err error) {
  1094  	tr := config.NewTransaction(st)
  1096  	var vitalityStr string
  1097  	err = tr.GetMaybe("core", "resilience.vitality-hint", &vitalityStr)
  1098  	if err != nil {
  1099  		return 0, err
  1100  	}
  1101  	for i, s := range strings.Split(vitalityStr, ",") {
  1102  		if s == instanceName {
  1103  			return i + 1, nil
  1104  		}
  1105  	}
  1106  	return 0, nil
  1107  }
  1109  func (m *SnapManager) doLinkSnap(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) (err error) {
  1110  	st := t.State()
  1111  	st.Lock()
  1112  	defer st.Unlock()
  1114  	perfTimings := state.TimingsForTask(t)
  1115  	defer perfTimings.Save(st)
  1117  	snapsup, snapst, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
  1118  	if err != nil {
  1119  		return err
  1120  	}
  1122  	deviceCtx, err := DeviceCtx(st, t, nil)
  1123  	if err != nil {
  1124  		return err
  1125  	}
  1127  	// find if the snap is already installed before we modify snapst below
  1128  	isInstalled := snapst.IsInstalled()
  1130  	cand := snapsup.SideInfo
  1131  	m.backend.Candidate(cand)
  1133  	oldCandidateIndex := snapst.LastIndex(cand.Revision)
  1135  	if oldCandidateIndex < 0 {
  1136  		snapst.Sequence = append(snapst.Sequence, cand)
  1137  	} else if !snapsup.Revert {
  1138  		// remove the old candidate from the sequence, add it at the end
  1139  		copy(snapst.Sequence[oldCandidateIndex:len(snapst.Sequence)-1], snapst.Sequence[oldCandidateIndex+1:])
  1140  		snapst.Sequence[len(snapst.Sequence)-1] = cand
  1141  	}
  1143  	oldCurrent := snapst.Current
  1144  	snapst.Current = cand.Revision
  1145  	snapst.Active = true
  1146  	oldChannel := snapst.TrackingChannel
  1147  	if snapsup.Channel != "" {
  1148  		err := snapst.SetTrackingChannel(snapsup.Channel)
  1149  		if err != nil {
  1150  			return err
  1151  		}
  1152  	}
  1153  	oldIgnoreValidation := snapst.IgnoreValidation
  1154  	snapst.IgnoreValidation = snapsup.IgnoreValidation
  1155  	oldTryMode := snapst.TryMode
  1156  	snapst.TryMode = snapsup.TryMode
  1157  	oldDevMode := snapst.DevMode
  1158  	snapst.DevMode = snapsup.DevMode
  1159  	oldJailMode := snapst.JailMode
  1160  	snapst.JailMode = snapsup.JailMode
  1161  	oldClassic := snapst.Classic
  1162  	snapst.Classic = snapsup.Classic
  1163  	oldCohortKey := snapst.CohortKey
  1164  	snapst.CohortKey = snapsup.CohortKey
  1165  	if snapsup.Required { // set only on install and left alone on refresh
  1166  		snapst.Required = true
  1167  	}
  1168  	oldRefreshInhibitedTime := snapst.RefreshInhibitedTime
  1169  	// only set userID if unset or logged out in snapst and if we
  1170  	// actually have an associated user
  1171  	if snapsup.UserID > 0 {
  1172  		var user *auth.UserState
  1173  		if snapst.UserID != 0 {
  1174  			user, err = auth.User(st, snapst.UserID)
  1175  			if err != nil && err != auth.ErrInvalidUser {
  1176  				return err
  1177  			}
  1178  		}
  1179  		if user == nil {
  1180  			// if the original user installing the snap is
  1181  			// no longer available transfer to user who
  1182  			// triggered this change
  1183  			snapst.UserID = snapsup.UserID
  1184  		}
  1185  	}
  1186  	// keep instance key
  1187  	snapst.InstanceKey = snapsup.InstanceKey
  1189  	newInfo, err := readInfo(snapsup.InstanceName(), cand, 0)
  1190  	if err != nil {
  1191  		return err
  1192  	}
  1194  	// record type
  1195  	snapst.SetType(newInfo.Type())
  1197  	pb := NewTaskProgressAdapterLocked(t)
  1199  	// Check for D-Bus service conflicts a second time to detect
  1200  	// conflicts within a transaction.
  1201  	if err := checkDBusServiceConflicts(st, newInfo); err != nil {
  1202  		return err
  1203  	}
  1205  	// get the services which LinkSnap should disable when generating wrappers,
  1206  	// as well as the services which are not present in this revision, but were
  1207  	// present and disabled in a previous one and as such should be kept inside
  1208  	// snapst for persistent storage
  1209  	svcsToSave, svcsToDisable, err := missingDisabledServices(snapst.LastActiveDisabledServices, newInfo)
  1210  	if err != nil {
  1211  		return err
  1212  	}
  1214  	vitalityRank, err := vitalityRank(st, snapsup.InstanceName())
  1215  	if err != nil {
  1216  		return err
  1217  	}
  1218  	linkCtx := backend.LinkContext{
  1219  		FirstInstall:         oldCurrent.Unset(),
  1220  		PrevDisabledServices: svcsToDisable,
  1221  		VitalityRank:         vitalityRank,
  1222  	}
  1223  	reboot, err := m.backend.LinkSnap(newInfo, deviceCtx, linkCtx, perfTimings)
  1224  	// defer a cleanup helper which will unlink the snap if anything fails after
  1225  	// this point
  1226  	defer func() {
  1227  		if err == nil {
  1228  			return
  1229  		}
  1230  		// err is not nil, we need to try and unlink the snap to cleanup after
  1231  		// ourselves
  1232  		var unlinkErr error
  1233  		unlinkErr = m.backend.UnlinkSnap(newInfo, linkCtx, pb)
  1234  		if unlinkErr != nil {
  1235  			t.Errorf("cannot cleanup failed attempt at making snap %q available to the system: %v", snapsup.InstanceName(), unlinkErr)
  1236  		}
  1237  	}()
  1238  	if err != nil {
  1239  		return err
  1240  	}
  1242  	// commit the missing services to state so when we unlink this revision and
  1243  	// go to a different revision with potentially different service names, the
  1244  	// currently missing service names will be re-disabled if they exist later
  1245  	snapst.LastActiveDisabledServices = svcsToSave
  1247  	// Restore configuration of the target revision (if available) on revert
  1248  	if isInstalled {
  1249  		// Make a copy of configuration of current snap revision
  1250  		if err = config.SaveRevisionConfig(st, snapsup.InstanceName(), oldCurrent); err != nil {
  1251  			return err
  1252  		}
  1253  	}
  1255  	// Restore configuration of the target revision (if available; nothing happens if it's not).
  1256  	// We only do this on reverts (and not on refreshes).
  1257  	if snapsup.Revert {
  1258  		if err = config.RestoreRevisionConfig(st, snapsup.InstanceName(), snapsup.Revision()); err != nil {
  1259  			return err
  1260  		}
  1261  	}
  1263  	if len(snapst.Sequence) == 1 {
  1264  		if err := m.createSnapCookie(st, snapsup.InstanceName()); err != nil {
  1265  			return fmt.Errorf("cannot create snap cookie: %v", err)
  1266  		}
  1267  	}
  1268  	// save for undoLinkSnap
  1269  	t.Set("old-trymode", oldTryMode)
  1270  	t.Set("old-devmode", oldDevMode)
  1271  	t.Set("old-jailmode", oldJailMode)
  1272  	t.Set("old-classic", oldClassic)
  1273  	t.Set("old-last-active-disabled-services", svcsToSave)
  1274  	t.Set("old-ignore-validation", oldIgnoreValidation)
  1275  	t.Set("old-channel", oldChannel)
  1276  	t.Set("old-current", oldCurrent)
  1277  	t.Set("old-candidate-index", oldCandidateIndex)
  1278  	t.Set("old-refresh-inhibited-time", oldRefreshInhibitedTime)
  1279  	t.Set("old-cohort-key", oldCohortKey)
  1281  	// Record the fact that the snap was refreshed successfully.
  1282  	snapst.RefreshInhibitedTime = nil
  1284  	// Do at the end so we only preserve the new state if it worked.
  1285  	Set(st, snapsup.InstanceName(), snapst)
  1287  	if cand.SnapID != "" {
  1288  		// write the auxiliary store info
  1289  		aux := &auxStoreInfo{
  1290  			Media:   snapsup.Media,
  1291  			Website: snapsup.Website,
  1292  		}
  1293  		if err := keepAuxStoreInfo(cand.SnapID, aux); err != nil {
  1294  			return err
  1295  		}
  1296  		if len(snapst.Sequence) == 1 {
  1297  			defer func() {
  1298  				if err != nil {
  1299  					// the install is getting undone, and there are no more of this snap
  1300  					// try to remove the aux info we just created
  1301  					discardAuxStoreInfo(cand.SnapID)
  1302  				}
  1303  			}()
  1304  		}
  1305  	}
  1307  	// write sequence file for failover helpers
  1308  	if err := writeSeqFile(snapsup.InstanceName(), snapst); err != nil {
  1309  		return err
  1310  	}
  1312  	// Compatibility with old snapd: check if we have auto-connect task and
  1313  	// if not, inject it after self (link-snap) for snaps that are not core
  1314  	if newInfo.Type() != snap.TypeOS {
  1315  		var hasAutoConnect, hasSetupProfiles bool
  1316  		for _, other := range t.Change().Tasks() {
  1317  			// Check if this is auto-connect task for same snap and we it's part of the change with setup-profiles task
  1318  			if other.Kind() == "auto-connect" || other.Kind() == "setup-profiles" {
  1319  				otherSnapsup, err := TaskSnapSetup(other)
  1320  				if err != nil {
  1321  					return err
  1322  				}
  1323  				if snapsup.InstanceName() == otherSnapsup.InstanceName() {
  1324  					if other.Kind() == "auto-connect" {
  1325  						hasAutoConnect = true
  1326  					} else {
  1327  						hasSetupProfiles = true
  1328  					}
  1329  				}
  1330  			}
  1331  		}
  1332  		if !hasAutoConnect && hasSetupProfiles {
  1333  			InjectAutoConnect(t, snapsup)
  1334  		}
  1335  	}
  1337  	// Make sure if state commits and snapst is mutated we won't be rerun
  1338  	t.SetStatus(state.DoneStatus)
  1340  	// if we just installed a core snap, request a restart
  1341  	// so that we switch executing its snapd.
  1342  	m.maybeRestart(t, newInfo, reboot, deviceCtx)
  1344  	return nil
  1345  }
  1347  // maybeRestart will schedule a reboot or restart as needed for the
  1348  // just linked snap with info if it's a core or snapd or kernel snap.
  1349  func (m *SnapManager) maybeRestart(t *state.Task, info *snap.Info, rebootRequired bool, deviceCtx DeviceContext) {
  1350  	// Don't restart when preseeding - we will switch to new snapd on
  1351  	// first boot.
  1352  	if m.preseed {
  1353  		return
  1354  	}
  1356  	st := t.State()
  1358  	if rebootRequired {
  1359  		t.Logf("Requested system restart.")
  1360  		st.RequestRestart(state.RestartSystem)
  1361  		return
  1362  	}
  1364  	typ := info.Type()
  1366  	// if bp is non-trivial then either we're not on classic, or the snap is
  1367  	// snapd. So daemonRestartReason will always return "" which is what we
  1368  	// want. If that combination stops being true and there's a situation
  1369  	// where a non-trivial bp could return a non-empty reason, use IsTrivial
  1370  	// to check and bail before reaching this far.
  1372  	restartReason := daemonRestartReason(st, typ)
  1373  	if restartReason == "" {
  1374  		// no message -> no restart
  1375  		return
  1376  	}
  1378  	t.Logf(restartReason)
  1379  	st.RequestRestart(state.RestartDaemon)
  1380  }
  1382  func daemonRestartReason(st *state.State, typ snap.Type) string {
  1383  	if !((release.OnClassic && typ == snap.TypeOS) || typ == snap.TypeSnapd) {
  1384  		// not interesting
  1385  		return ""
  1386  	}
  1388  	if typ == snap.TypeOS {
  1389  		// ignore error here as we have no way to return to caller
  1390  		snapdSnapInstalled, _ := isInstalled(st, "snapd")
  1391  		if snapdSnapInstalled {
  1392  			// this snap is the base, but snapd is running from the snapd snap
  1393  			return ""
  1394  		}
  1395  		return "Requested daemon restart."
  1396  	}
  1398  	return "Requested daemon restart (snapd snap)."
  1399  }
  1401  // maybeUndoRemodelBootChanges will check if an undo needs to update the
  1402  // bootloader. This can happen if e.g. a new kernel gets installed. This
  1403  // will switch the bootloader to the new kernel but if the change is later
  1404  // undone we need to switch back to the kernel of the old model.
  1405  func (m *SnapManager) maybeUndoRemodelBootChanges(t *state.Task) error {
  1406  	// get the new and the old model
  1407  	deviceCtx, err := DeviceCtx(t.State(), t, nil)
  1408  	if err != nil {
  1409  		return err
  1410  	}
  1411  	// we only have an old model if we are in a remodel situation
  1412  	if !deviceCtx.ForRemodeling() {
  1413  		return nil
  1414  	}
  1415  	groundDeviceCtx := deviceCtx.GroundContext()
  1416  	oldModel := groundDeviceCtx.Model()
  1417  	newModel := deviceCtx.Model()
  1419  	// check type of the snap we are undoing, only kernel/base/core are
  1420  	// relevant
  1421  	snapsup, _, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
  1422  	if err != nil {
  1423  		return err
  1424  	}
  1425  	var newSnapName, snapName string
  1426  	switch snapsup.Type {
  1427  	case snap.TypeKernel:
  1428  		snapName = oldModel.Kernel()
  1429  		newSnapName = newModel.Kernel()
  1430  	case snap.TypeOS, snap.TypeBase:
  1431  		// XXX: add support for "core"
  1432  		snapName = oldModel.Base()
  1433  		newSnapName = newModel.Base()
  1434  	default:
  1435  		return nil
  1436  	}
  1437  	// we can stop if the kernel/base has not changed
  1438  	if snapName == newSnapName {
  1439  		return nil
  1440  	}
  1441  	// we can stop if the snap we are looking at is not a kernel/base
  1442  	// of the new model
  1443  	if snapsup.InstanceName() != newSnapName {
  1444  		return nil
  1445  	}
  1446  	// get info for *old* kernel/base/core and see if we need to reboot
  1447  	// TODO: we may need something like infoForDeviceSnap here
  1448  	var snapst SnapState
  1449  	if err = Get(t.State(), snapName, &snapst); err != nil {
  1450  		return err
  1451  	}
  1452  	info, err := snapst.CurrentInfo()
  1453  	if err != nil && err != ErrNoCurrent {
  1454  		return err
  1455  	}
  1456  	bp := boot.Participant(info, info.Type(), groundDeviceCtx)
  1457  	reboot, err := bp.SetNextBoot()
  1458  	if err != nil {
  1459  		return err
  1460  	}
  1462  	// we may just have switch back to the old kernel/base/core so
  1463  	// we may need to restart
  1464  	m.maybeRestart(t, info, reboot, groundDeviceCtx)
  1466  	return nil
  1467  }
  1469  func (m *SnapManager) undoLinkSnap(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
  1470  	st := t.State()
  1471  	st.Lock()
  1472  	defer st.Unlock()
  1474  	perfTimings := state.TimingsForTask(t)
  1475  	defer perfTimings.Save(st)
  1477  	snapsup, snapst, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
  1478  	if err != nil {
  1479  		return err
  1480  	}
  1482  	var oldChannel string
  1483  	err = t.Get("old-channel", &oldChannel)
  1484  	if err != nil {
  1485  		return err
  1486  	}
  1487  	var oldIgnoreValidation bool
  1488  	err = t.Get("old-ignore-validation", &oldIgnoreValidation)
  1489  	if err != nil && err != state.ErrNoState {
  1490  		return err
  1491  	}
  1492  	var oldTryMode bool
  1493  	err = t.Get("old-trymode", &oldTryMode)
  1494  	if err != nil {
  1495  		return err
  1496  	}
  1497  	var oldDevMode bool
  1498  	err = t.Get("old-devmode", &oldDevMode)
  1499  	if err != nil {
  1500  		return err
  1501  	}
  1502  	var oldJailMode bool
  1503  	err = t.Get("old-jailmode", &oldJailMode)
  1504  	if err != nil {
  1505  		return err
  1506  	}
  1507  	var oldClassic bool
  1508  	err = t.Get("old-classic", &oldClassic)
  1509  	if err != nil {
  1510  		return err
  1511  	}
  1512  	var oldCurrent snap.Revision
  1513  	err = t.Get("old-current", &oldCurrent)
  1514  	if err != nil {
  1515  		return err
  1516  	}
  1517  	var oldCandidateIndex int
  1518  	if err := t.Get("old-candidate-index", &oldCandidateIndex); err != nil {
  1519  		return err
  1520  	}
  1521  	var oldRefreshInhibitedTime *time.Time
  1522  	if err := t.Get("old-refresh-inhibited-time", &oldRefreshInhibitedTime); err != nil && err != state.ErrNoState {
  1523  		return err
  1524  	}
  1525  	var oldCohortKey string
  1526  	if err := t.Get("old-cohort-key", &oldCohortKey); err != nil && err != state.ErrNoState {
  1527  		return err
  1528  	}
  1530  	var oldLastActiveDisabledServices []string
  1531  	if err := t.Get("old-last-active-disabled-services", &oldLastActiveDisabledServices); err != nil && err != state.ErrNoState {
  1532  		return err
  1533  	}
  1535  	if len(snapst.Sequence) == 1 {
  1536  		// XXX: shouldn't these two just log and carry on? this is an undo handler...
  1537  		timings.Run(perfTimings, "discard-snap-namespace", fmt.Sprintf("discard the namespace of snap %q", snapsup.InstanceName()), func(tm timings.Measurer) {
  1538  			err = m.backend.DiscardSnapNamespace(snapsup.InstanceName())
  1539  		})
  1540  		if err != nil {
  1541  			t.Errorf("cannot discard snap namespace %q, will retry in 3 mins: %s", snapsup.InstanceName(), err)
  1542  			return &state.Retry{After: 3 * time.Minute}
  1543  		}
  1544  		if err := m.removeSnapCookie(st, snapsup.InstanceName()); err != nil {
  1545  			return fmt.Errorf("cannot remove snap cookie: %v", err)
  1546  		}
  1547  		// try to remove the auxiliary store info
  1548  		if err := discardAuxStoreInfo(snapsup.SideInfo.SnapID); err != nil {
  1549  			return fmt.Errorf("cannot remove auxiliary store info: %v", err)
  1550  		}
  1551  	}
  1553  	isRevert := snapsup.Revert
  1555  	// relinking of the old snap is done in the undo of unlink-current-snap
  1556  	currentIndex := snapst.LastIndex(snapst.Current)
  1557  	if currentIndex < 0 {
  1558  		return fmt.Errorf("internal error: cannot find revision %d in %v for undoing the added revision", snapsup.SideInfo.Revision, snapst.Sequence)
  1559  	}
  1561  	if oldCandidateIndex < 0 {
  1562  		snapst.Sequence = append(snapst.Sequence[:currentIndex], snapst.Sequence[currentIndex+1:]...)
  1563  	} else if !isRevert {
  1564  		oldCand := snapst.Sequence[currentIndex]
  1565  		copy(snapst.Sequence[oldCandidateIndex+1:], snapst.Sequence[oldCandidateIndex:])
  1566  		snapst.Sequence[oldCandidateIndex] = oldCand
  1567  	}
  1568  	snapst.Current = oldCurrent
  1569  	snapst.Active = false
  1570  	snapst.TrackingChannel = oldChannel
  1571  	snapst.IgnoreValidation = oldIgnoreValidation
  1572  	snapst.TryMode = oldTryMode
  1573  	snapst.DevMode = oldDevMode
  1574  	snapst.JailMode = oldJailMode
  1575  	snapst.Classic = oldClassic
  1576  	snapst.RefreshInhibitedTime = oldRefreshInhibitedTime
  1577  	snapst.CohortKey = oldCohortKey
  1578  	snapst.LastActiveDisabledServices = oldLastActiveDisabledServices
  1580  	newInfo, err := readInfo(snapsup.InstanceName(), snapsup.SideInfo, 0)
  1581  	if err != nil {
  1582  		return err
  1583  	}
  1585  	// we need to undo potential changes to current snap configuration (e.g. if
  1586  	// modified by post-refresh/install/configure hooks as part of failed
  1587  	// refresh/install) by restoring the configuration of "old current".
  1588  	// similarly, we need to re-save the disabled services if there is a
  1589  	// revision for us to go back to, see comment below for full explanation
  1590  	if len(snapst.Sequence) > 0 {
  1591  		if err = config.RestoreRevisionConfig(st, snapsup.InstanceName(), oldCurrent); err != nil {
  1592  			return err
  1593  		}
  1595  		// unlock state while we talk to systemd
  1596  		st.Unlock()
  1597  		defer st.Lock()
  1599  		// get the currently disabled services and add them to
  1600  		// snapst.LastActiveDisabledServices because if we completed a successful
  1601  		// doLinkSnap (hence we are in the undo handler), then we already disabled
  1602  		// the services and deleted currently existing services from the state
  1603  		// during doLinkSnap, but now we will need that information again when we go
  1604  		// to link the old version to prevent accidental enabling of disabled
  1605  		// services on a failed revert/refresh
  1606  		disabledServices, err := m.queryDisabledServices(newInfo, NewTaskProgressAdapterUnlocked(t))
  1607  		if err != nil {
  1608  			return err
  1609  		}
  1611  		st.Lock()
  1612  		defer st.Unlock()
  1614  		snapst.LastActiveDisabledServices = append(
  1615  			snapst.LastActiveDisabledServices,
  1616  			disabledServices...,
  1617  		)
  1618  	} else {
  1619  		// in the case of an install we need to clear any config
  1620  		err = config.DeleteSnapConfig(st, snapsup.InstanceName())
  1621  		if err != nil {
  1622  			return err
  1623  		}
  1624  	}
  1626  	pb := NewTaskProgressAdapterLocked(t)
  1627  	linkCtx := backend.LinkContext{
  1628  		FirstInstall: oldCurrent.Unset(),
  1629  	}
  1630  	err = m.backend.UnlinkSnap(newInfo, linkCtx, pb)
  1631  	if err != nil {
  1632  		return err
  1633  	}
  1635  	if err := m.maybeUndoRemodelBootChanges(t); err != nil {
  1636  		return err
  1637  	}
  1639  	// restart only when snapd was installed for the first time and the rest of
  1640  	// the cleanup is performed by snapd from core;
  1641  	// when reverting a subsequent snapd revision, the restart happens in
  1642  	// undoLinkCurrentSnap() instead
  1643  	if linkCtx.FirstInstall && newInfo.Type() == snap.TypeSnapd {
  1644  		// only way to get
  1645  		deviceCtx, err := DeviceCtx(st, t, nil)
  1646  		if err != nil {
  1647  			return err
  1648  		}
  1649  		const rebootRequired = false
  1650  		m.maybeRestart(t, newInfo, rebootRequired, deviceCtx)
  1651  	}
  1653  	// mark as inactive
  1654  	Set(st, snapsup.InstanceName(), snapst)
  1655  	// write sequence file for failover helpers
  1656  	if err := writeSeqFile(snapsup.InstanceName(), snapst); err != nil {
  1657  		return err
  1658  	}
  1659  	// Make sure if state commits and snapst is mutated we won't be rerun
  1660  	t.SetStatus(state.UndoneStatus)
  1662  	// If we are on classic and have no previous version of core
  1663  	// we may have restarted from a distro package into the core
  1664  	// snap. We need to undo that restart here. Instead of in
  1665  	// doUnlinkCurrentSnap() like we usually do when going from
  1666  	// core snap -> next core snap
  1667  	if release.OnClassic && newInfo.Type() == snap.TypeOS && oldCurrent.Unset() {
  1668  		t.Logf("Requested daemon restart (undo classic initial core install)")
  1669  		st.RequestRestart(state.RestartDaemon)
  1670  	}
  1671  	return nil
  1672  }
  1674  type doSwitchFlags struct {
  1675  	switchCurrentChannel bool
  1676  }
  1678  // doSwitchSnapChannel switches the snap's tracking channel and/or cohort. It
  1679  // also switches the current channel if appropriate. For use from 'Update'.
  1680  func (m *SnapManager) doSwitchSnapChannel(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
  1681  	return m.genericDoSwitchSnap(t, doSwitchFlags{switchCurrentChannel: true})
  1682  }
  1684  // doSwitchSnap switches the snap's tracking channel and/or cohort, *without*
  1685  // switching the current snap channel. For use from 'Switch'.
  1686  func (m *SnapManager) doSwitchSnap(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
  1687  	return m.genericDoSwitchSnap(t, doSwitchFlags{})
  1688  }
  1690  func (m *SnapManager) genericDoSwitchSnap(t *state.Task, flags doSwitchFlags) error {
  1691  	st := t.State()
  1692  	st.Lock()
  1693  	defer st.Unlock()
  1695  	snapsup, snapst, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
  1696  	if err != nil {
  1697  		return err
  1698  	}
  1700  	// switched the tracked channel
  1701  	if err := snapst.SetTrackingChannel(snapsup.Channel); err != nil {
  1702  		return err
  1703  	}
  1704  	snapst.CohortKey = snapsup.CohortKey
  1705  	if flags.switchCurrentChannel {
  1706  		// optionally support switching the current snap channel too, e.g.
  1707  		// if a snap is in both stable and candidate with the same revision
  1708  		// we can update it here and it will be displayed correctly in the UI
  1709  		if snapsup.SideInfo.Channel != "" {
  1710  			snapst.CurrentSideInfo().Channel = snapsup.Channel
  1711  		}
  1712  	}
  1714  	Set(st, snapsup.InstanceName(), snapst)
  1715  	return nil
  1716  }
  1718  func (m *SnapManager) doToggleSnapFlags(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
  1719  	st := t.State()
  1720  	st.Lock()
  1721  	defer st.Unlock()
  1723  	snapsup, snapst, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
  1724  	if err != nil {
  1725  		return err
  1726  	}
  1728  	// for now we support toggling only ignore-validation
  1729  	snapst.IgnoreValidation = snapsup.IgnoreValidation
  1731  	Set(st, snapsup.InstanceName(), snapst)
  1732  	return nil
  1733  }
  1735  func (m *SnapManager) startSnapServices(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
  1736  	st := t.State()
  1737  	st.Lock()
  1738  	defer st.Unlock()
  1740  	perfTimings := state.TimingsForTask(t)
  1741  	defer perfTimings.Save(st)
  1743  	_, snapst, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
  1744  	if err != nil {
  1745  		return err
  1746  	}
  1748  	currentInfo, err := snapst.CurrentInfo()
  1749  	if err != nil {
  1750  		return err
  1751  	}
  1752  	svcs := currentInfo.Services()
  1753  	if len(svcs) == 0 {
  1754  		return nil
  1755  	}
  1757  	startupOrdered, err := snap.SortServices(svcs)
  1758  	if err != nil {
  1759  		return err
  1760  	}
  1762  	pb := NewTaskProgressAdapterUnlocked(t)
  1763  	st.Unlock()
  1764  	err = m.backend.StartServices(startupOrdered, pb, perfTimings)
  1765  	st.Lock()
  1766  	return err
  1767  }
  1769  func (m *SnapManager) stopSnapServices(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
  1770  	st := t.State()
  1771  	st.Lock()
  1772  	defer st.Unlock()
  1774  	perfTimings := state.TimingsForTask(t)
  1775  	defer perfTimings.Save(st)
  1777  	snapsup, snapst, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
  1778  	if err != nil {
  1779  		return err
  1780  	}
  1782  	currentInfo, err := snapst.CurrentInfo()
  1783  	if err != nil {
  1784  		return err
  1785  	}
  1786  	svcs := currentInfo.Services()
  1787  	if len(svcs) == 0 {
  1788  		return nil
  1789  	}
  1791  	var stopReason snap.ServiceStopReason
  1792  	if err := t.Get("stop-reason", &stopReason); err != nil && err != state.ErrNoState {
  1793  		return err
  1794  	}
  1796  	pb := NewTaskProgressAdapterUnlocked(t)
  1797  	st.Unlock()
  1798  	defer st.Lock()
  1800  	// stop the services
  1801  	err = m.backend.StopServices(svcs, stopReason, pb, perfTimings)
  1802  	if err != nil {
  1803  		return err
  1804  	}
  1806  	// get the disabled services after we stopped all the services.
  1807  	// NOTE: we could probably do this before we stopped all the services (or
  1808  	// later in a different task from this entirely), but the important ordering
  1809  	// for saving the disabled services is that we save the list before we
  1810  	// unlink the snap (and hence destroy systemd's state of what services are
  1811  	// disabled).
  1812  	// this list is not meant to save what services are disabled at any given
  1813  	// time, specifically just what services are disabled while systemd loses
  1814  	// track of the services because we need to delete and re-generate the
  1815  	// service units.
  1816  	disabledServices, err := m.queryDisabledServices(currentInfo, pb)
  1817  	if err != nil {
  1818  		return err
  1819  	}
  1821  	st.Lock()
  1822  	defer st.Unlock()
  1824  	// finally commit the disabled services to snapsetup
  1825  	snapsup.LastActiveDisabledServices = disabledServices
  1827  	err = SetTaskSnapSetup(t, snapsup)
  1828  	if err != nil {
  1829  		return err
  1830  	}
  1832  	return nil
  1833  }
  1835  func (m *SnapManager) doUnlinkSnap(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
  1836  	// invoked only if snap has a current active revision
  1837  	st := t.State()
  1838  	st.Lock()
  1839  	defer st.Unlock()
  1841  	snapsup, snapst, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
  1842  	if err != nil {
  1843  		return err
  1844  	}
  1846  	info, err := Info(t.State(), snapsup.InstanceName(), snapsup.Revision())
  1847  	if err != nil {
  1848  		return err
  1849  	}
  1851  	// do the final unlink
  1852  	linkCtx := backend.LinkContext{
  1853  		FirstInstall: false,
  1854  	}
  1855  	err = m.backend.UnlinkSnap(info, linkCtx, NewTaskProgressAdapterLocked(t))
  1856  	if err != nil {
  1857  		return err
  1858  	}
  1860  	// add to the disabled services list in snapst services which were disabled
  1861  	// when stop-snap-services ran, for usage across changes like in reverting
  1862  	// and enabling after being disabled.
  1863  	// we keep what's already in the list in snapst because that list is
  1864  	// services which were previously present in the snap and disabled, but are
  1865  	// no longer present.
  1866  	snapst.LastActiveDisabledServices = append(
  1867  		snapst.LastActiveDisabledServices,
  1868  		snapsup.LastActiveDisabledServices...,
  1869  	)
  1871  	// mark as inactive
  1872  	snapst.Active = false
  1873  	Set(st, snapsup.InstanceName(), snapst)
  1875  	return err
  1876  }
  1878  func (m *SnapManager) doClearSnapData(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
  1879  	st := t.State()
  1880  	st.Lock()
  1881  	snapsup, snapst, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
  1882  	st.Unlock()
  1883  	if err != nil {
  1884  		return err
  1885  	}
  1887  	st.Lock()
  1888  	info, err := Info(t.State(), snapsup.InstanceName(), snapsup.Revision())
  1889  	st.Unlock()
  1890  	if err != nil {
  1891  		return err
  1892  	}
  1894  	if err = m.backend.RemoveSnapData(info); err != nil {
  1895  		return err
  1896  	}
  1898  	if len(snapst.Sequence) == 1 {
  1899  		// Only remove data common between versions if this is the last version
  1900  		if err = m.backend.RemoveSnapCommonData(info); err != nil {
  1901  			return err
  1902  		}
  1904  		st.Lock()
  1905  		defer st.Unlock()
  1907  		otherInstances, err := hasOtherInstances(st, snapsup.InstanceName())
  1908  		if err != nil {
  1909  			return err
  1910  		}
  1911  		// Snap data directory can be removed now too
  1912  		if err := m.backend.RemoveSnapDataDir(info, otherInstances); err != nil {
  1913  			return err
  1914  		}
  1915  	}
  1917  	return nil
  1918  }
  1920  func (m *SnapManager) doDiscardSnap(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
  1921  	st := t.State()
  1922  	st.Lock()
  1923  	defer st.Unlock()
  1925  	snapsup, snapst, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
  1926  	if err != nil {
  1927  		return err
  1928  	}
  1930  	deviceCtx, err := DeviceCtx(st, t, nil)
  1931  	if err != nil {
  1932  		return err
  1933  	}
  1935  	if snapst.Current == snapsup.Revision() && snapst.Active {
  1936  		return fmt.Errorf("internal error: cannot discard snap %q: still active", snapsup.InstanceName())
  1937  	}
  1939  	if len(snapst.Sequence) == 1 {
  1940  		snapst.Sequence = nil
  1941  		snapst.Current = snap.Revision{}
  1942  	} else {
  1943  		newSeq := make([]*snap.SideInfo, 0, len(snapst.Sequence))
  1944  		for _, si := range snapst.Sequence {
  1945  			if si.Revision == snapsup.Revision() {
  1946  				// leave out
  1947  				continue
  1948  			}
  1949  			newSeq = append(newSeq, si)
  1950  		}
  1951  		snapst.Sequence = newSeq
  1952  		if snapst.Current == snapsup.Revision() {
  1953  			snapst.Current = newSeq[len(newSeq)-1].Revision
  1954  		}
  1955  	}
  1957  	pb := NewTaskProgressAdapterLocked(t)
  1958  	typ, err := snapst.Type()
  1959  	if err != nil {
  1960  		return err
  1961  	}
  1962  	err = m.backend.RemoveSnapFiles(snapsup.placeInfo(), typ, nil, deviceCtx, pb)
  1963  	if err != nil {
  1964  		t.Errorf("cannot remove snap file %q, will retry in 3 mins: %s", snapsup.InstanceName(), err)
  1965  		return &state.Retry{After: 3 * time.Minute}
  1966  	}
  1967  	if len(snapst.Sequence) == 0 {
  1968  		// Remove configuration associated with this snap.
  1969  		err = config.DeleteSnapConfig(st, snapsup.InstanceName())
  1970  		if err != nil {
  1971  			return err
  1972  		}
  1973  		err = m.backend.DiscardSnapNamespace(snapsup.InstanceName())
  1974  		if err != nil {
  1975  			t.Errorf("cannot discard snap namespace %q, will retry in 3 mins: %s", snapsup.InstanceName(), err)
  1976  			return &state.Retry{After: 3 * time.Minute}
  1977  		}
  1978  		if err := m.removeSnapCookie(st, snapsup.InstanceName()); err != nil {
  1979  			return fmt.Errorf("cannot remove snap cookie: %v", err)
  1980  		}
  1982  		otherInstances, err := hasOtherInstances(st, snapsup.InstanceName())
  1983  		if err != nil {
  1984  			return err
  1985  		}
  1987  		if err := m.backend.RemoveSnapDir(snapsup.placeInfo(), otherInstances); err != nil {
  1988  			return fmt.Errorf("cannot remove snap directory: %v", err)
  1989  		}
  1991  		// try to remove the auxiliary store info
  1992  		if err := discardAuxStoreInfo(snapsup.SideInfo.SnapID); err != nil {
  1993  			logger.Noticef("Cannot remove auxiliary store info for %q: %v", snapsup.InstanceName(), err)
  1994  		}
  1996  		// XXX: also remove sequence files?
  1997  	}
  1998  	if err = config.DiscardRevisionConfig(st, snapsup.InstanceName(), snapsup.Revision()); err != nil {
  1999  		return err
  2000  	}
  2001  	Set(st, snapsup.InstanceName(), snapst)
  2002  	return nil
  2003  }
  2005  /* aliases v2
  2007  aliases v2 implementation uses the following tasks:
  2009    * for install/refresh/remove/enable/disable etc
  2011      - remove-aliases: remove aliases of a snap from disk and mark them pending
  2013      - setup-aliases: (re)creates aliases from snap state, mark them as
  2014        not pending
  2016      - set-auto-aliases: updates aliases snap state based on the
  2017        snap-declaration and current revision info of the snap
  2019    * for refresh & when the snap-declaration aliases change without a
  2020      new revision
  2022      - refresh-aliases: updates aliases snap state and updates them on disk too;
  2023        its undo is used generically by other tasks as well
  2025      - prune-auto-aliases: used for the special case of automatic
  2026        aliases transferred from one snap to another to prune them from
  2027        the source snaps to avoid conflicts in later operations
  2029    * for alias/unalias/prefer:
  2031      - alias: creates a manual alias
  2033      - unalias: removes a manual alias
  2035      - disable-aliases: disable the automatic aliases of a snap and
  2036        removes all manual ones as well
  2038      - prefer-aliases: enables the automatic aliases of a snap after
  2039        disabling any other snap conflicting aliases
  2041  */
  2043  func (m *SnapManager) doSetAutoAliases(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
  2044  	st := t.State()
  2045  	st.Lock()
  2046  	defer st.Unlock()
  2047  	snapsup, snapst, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
  2048  	if err != nil {
  2049  		return err
  2050  	}
  2051  	snapName := snapsup.InstanceName()
  2052  	curInfo, err := snapst.CurrentInfo()
  2053  	if err != nil {
  2054  		return err
  2055  	}
  2057  	// --unaliased
  2058  	if snapsup.Unaliased {
  2059  		t.Set("old-auto-aliases-disabled", snapst.AutoAliasesDisabled)
  2060  		snapst.AutoAliasesDisabled = true
  2061  	}
  2063  	curAliases := snapst.Aliases
  2064  	// TODO: implement --prefer logic
  2065  	newAliases, err := refreshAliases(st, curInfo, curAliases)
  2066  	if err != nil {
  2067  		return err
  2068  	}
  2069  	_, err = checkAliasesConflicts(st, snapName, snapst.AutoAliasesDisabled, newAliases, nil)
  2070  	if err != nil {
  2071  		return err
  2072  	}
  2074  	t.Set("old-aliases-v2", curAliases)
  2075  	// noop, except on first install where we need to set this here
  2076  	snapst.AliasesPending = true
  2077  	snapst.Aliases = newAliases
  2078  	Set(st, snapName, snapst)
  2079  	return nil
  2080  }
  2082  func (m *SnapManager) doRemoveAliases(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
  2083  	st := t.State()
  2084  	st.Lock()
  2085  	defer st.Unlock()
  2086  	snapsup, snapst, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
  2087  	if err != nil {
  2088  		return err
  2089  	}
  2090  	snapName := snapsup.InstanceName()
  2092  	err = m.backend.RemoveSnapAliases(snapName)
  2093  	if err != nil {
  2094  		return err
  2095  	}
  2097  	snapst.AliasesPending = true
  2098  	Set(st, snapName, snapst)
  2099  	return nil
  2100  }
  2102  func (m *SnapManager) doSetupAliases(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
  2103  	st := t.State()
  2104  	st.Lock()
  2105  	defer st.Unlock()
  2106  	snapsup, snapst, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
  2107  	if err != nil {
  2108  		return err
  2109  	}
  2110  	snapName := snapsup.InstanceName()
  2111  	curAliases := snapst.Aliases
  2113  	_, _, err = applyAliasesChange(snapName, autoDis, nil, snapst.AutoAliasesDisabled, curAliases, m.backend, doApply)
  2114  	if err != nil {
  2115  		return err
  2116  	}
  2118  	snapst.AliasesPending = false
  2119  	Set(st, snapName, snapst)
  2120  	return nil
  2121  }
  2123  func (m *SnapManager) doRefreshAliases(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
  2124  	st := t.State()
  2125  	st.Lock()
  2126  	defer st.Unlock()
  2127  	snapsup, snapst, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
  2128  	if err != nil {
  2129  		return err
  2130  	}
  2131  	snapName := snapsup.InstanceName()
  2132  	curInfo, err := snapst.CurrentInfo()
  2133  	if err != nil {
  2134  		return err
  2135  	}
  2137  	autoDisabled := snapst.AutoAliasesDisabled
  2138  	curAliases := snapst.Aliases
  2139  	newAliases, err := refreshAliases(st, curInfo, curAliases)
  2140  	if err != nil {
  2141  		return err
  2142  	}
  2143  	_, err = checkAliasesConflicts(st, snapName, autoDisabled, newAliases, nil)
  2144  	if err != nil {
  2145  		return err
  2146  	}
  2148  	if !snapst.AliasesPending {
  2149  		if _, _, err := applyAliasesChange(snapName, autoDisabled, curAliases, autoDisabled, newAliases, m.backend, doApply); err != nil {
  2150  			return err
  2151  		}
  2152  	}
  2154  	t.Set("old-aliases-v2", curAliases)
  2155  	snapst.Aliases = newAliases
  2156  	Set(st, snapName, snapst)
  2157  	return nil
  2158  }
  2160  func (m *SnapManager) undoRefreshAliases(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
  2161  	st := t.State()
  2162  	st.Lock()
  2163  	defer st.Unlock()
  2164  	var oldAliases map[string]*AliasTarget
  2165  	err := t.Get("old-aliases-v2", &oldAliases)
  2166  	if err == state.ErrNoState {
  2167  		// nothing to do
  2168  		return nil
  2169  	}
  2170  	if err != nil {
  2171  		return err
  2172  	}
  2173  	snapsup, snapst, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
  2174  	if err != nil {
  2175  		return err
  2176  	}
  2177  	snapName := snapsup.InstanceName()
  2178  	curAutoDisabled := snapst.AutoAliasesDisabled
  2179  	autoDisabled := curAutoDisabled
  2180  	if err = t.Get("old-auto-aliases-disabled", &autoDisabled); err != nil && err != state.ErrNoState {
  2181  		return err
  2182  	}
  2184  	var otherSnapDisabled map[string]*otherDisabledAliases
  2185  	if err = t.Get("other-disabled-aliases", &otherSnapDisabled); err != nil && err != state.ErrNoState {
  2186  		return err
  2187  	}
  2189  	// check if the old states creates conflicts now
  2190  	_, err = checkAliasesConflicts(st, snapName, autoDisabled, oldAliases, nil)
  2191  	if _, ok := err.(*AliasConflictError); ok {
  2192  		// best we can do is reinstate with all aliases disabled
  2193  		t.Errorf("cannot reinstate alias state because of conflicts, disabling: %v", err)
  2194  		oldAliases, _ = disableAliases(oldAliases)
  2195  		autoDisabled = true
  2196  	} else if err != nil {
  2197  		return err
  2198  	}
  2200  	if !snapst.AliasesPending {
  2201  		curAliases := snapst.Aliases
  2202  		if _, _, err := applyAliasesChange(snapName, curAutoDisabled, curAliases, autoDisabled, oldAliases, m.backend, doApply); err != nil {
  2203  			return err
  2204  		}
  2205  	}
  2207  	snapst.AutoAliasesDisabled = autoDisabled
  2208  	snapst.Aliases = oldAliases
  2209  	newSnapStates := make(map[string]*SnapState, 1+len(otherSnapDisabled))
  2210  	newSnapStates[snapName] = snapst
  2212  	// if we disabled other snap aliases try to undo that
  2213  	conflicting := make(map[string]bool, len(otherSnapDisabled))
  2214  	otherCurSnapStates := make(map[string]*SnapState, len(otherSnapDisabled))
  2215  	for otherSnap, otherDisabled := range otherSnapDisabled {
  2216  		var otherSnapState SnapState
  2217  		err := Get(st, otherSnap, &otherSnapState)
  2218  		if err != nil {
  2219  			return err
  2220  		}
  2221  		otherCurInfo, err := otherSnapState.CurrentInfo()
  2222  		if err != nil {
  2223  			return err
  2224  		}
  2226  		otherCurSnapStates[otherSnap] = &otherSnapState
  2228  		autoDisabled := otherSnapState.AutoAliasesDisabled
  2229  		if otherDisabled.Auto {
  2230  			// automatic aliases of other were disabled, undo that
  2231  			autoDisabled = false
  2232  		}
  2233  		otherAliases := reenableAliases(otherCurInfo, otherSnapState.Aliases, otherDisabled.Manual)
  2234  		// check for conflicts taking into account
  2235  		// re-enabled aliases
  2236  		conflicts, err := checkAliasesConflicts(st, otherSnap, autoDisabled, otherAliases, newSnapStates)
  2237  		if _, ok := err.(*AliasConflictError); ok {
  2238  			conflicting[otherSnap] = true
  2239  			for conflictSnap := range conflicts {
  2240  				conflicting[conflictSnap] = true
  2241  			}
  2242  		} else if err != nil {
  2243  			return err
  2244  		}
  2246  		newSnapState := otherSnapState
  2247  		newSnapState.Aliases = otherAliases
  2248  		newSnapState.AutoAliasesDisabled = autoDisabled
  2249  		newSnapStates[otherSnap] = &newSnapState
  2250  	}
  2252  	// apply non-conflicting other
  2253  	for otherSnap, otherSnapState := range otherCurSnapStates {
  2254  		if conflicting[otherSnap] {
  2255  			// keep as it was
  2256  			continue
  2257  		}
  2258  		newSnapSt := newSnapStates[otherSnap]
  2259  		if !otherSnapState.AliasesPending {
  2260  			if _, _, err := applyAliasesChange(otherSnap, otherSnapState.AutoAliasesDisabled, otherSnapState.Aliases, newSnapSt.AutoAliasesDisabled, newSnapSt.Aliases, m.backend, doApply); err != nil {
  2261  				return err
  2262  			}
  2263  		}
  2264  	}
  2266  	for instanceName, snapst := range newSnapStates {
  2267  		if conflicting[instanceName] {
  2268  			// keep as it was
  2269  			continue
  2270  		}
  2271  		Set(st, instanceName, snapst)
  2272  	}
  2273  	return nil
  2274  }
  2276  func (m *SnapManager) doPruneAutoAliases(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
  2277  	st := t.State()
  2278  	st.Lock()
  2279  	defer st.Unlock()
  2280  	snapsup, snapst, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
  2281  	if err != nil {
  2282  		return err
  2283  	}
  2284  	var which []string
  2285  	err = t.Get("aliases", &which)
  2286  	if err != nil {
  2287  		return err
  2288  	}
  2289  	snapName := snapsup.InstanceName()
  2290  	autoDisabled := snapst.AutoAliasesDisabled
  2291  	curAliases := snapst.Aliases
  2293  	newAliases := pruneAutoAliases(curAliases, which)
  2295  	if !snapst.AliasesPending {
  2296  		if _, _, err := applyAliasesChange(snapName, autoDisabled, curAliases, autoDisabled, newAliases, m.backend, doApply); err != nil {
  2297  			return err
  2298  		}
  2299  	}
  2301  	t.Set("old-aliases-v2", curAliases)
  2302  	snapst.Aliases = newAliases
  2303  	Set(st, snapName, snapst)
  2304  	return nil
  2305  }
  2307  type changedAlias struct {
  2308  	Snap  string `json:"snap"`
  2309  	App   string `json:"app"`
  2310  	Alias string `json:"alias"`
  2311  }
  2313  func aliasesTrace(t *state.Task, added, removed []*backend.Alias) error {
  2314  	chg := t.Change()
  2315  	var data map[string]interface{}
  2316  	err := chg.Get("api-data", &data)
  2317  	if err != nil && err != state.ErrNoState {
  2318  		return err
  2319  	}
  2320  	if len(data) == 0 {
  2321  		data = make(map[string]interface{})
  2322  	}
  2324  	curAdded, _ := data["aliases-added"].([]interface{})
  2325  	for _, a := range added {
  2326  		snap, app := snap.SplitSnapApp(a.Target)
  2327  		curAdded = append(curAdded, &changedAlias{
  2328  			Snap:  snap,
  2329  			App:   app,
  2330  			Alias: a.Name,
  2331  		})
  2332  	}
  2333  	data["aliases-added"] = curAdded
  2335  	curRemoved, _ := data["aliases-removed"].([]interface{})
  2336  	for _, a := range removed {
  2337  		snap, app := snap.SplitSnapApp(a.Target)
  2338  		curRemoved = append(curRemoved, &changedAlias{
  2339  			Snap:  snap,
  2340  			App:   app,
  2341  			Alias: a.Name,
  2342  		})
  2343  	}
  2344  	data["aliases-removed"] = curRemoved
  2346  	chg.Set("api-data", data)
  2347  	return nil
  2348  }
  2350  func (m *SnapManager) doAlias(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
  2351  	st := t.State()
  2352  	st.Lock()
  2353  	defer st.Unlock()
  2354  	snapsup, snapst, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
  2355  	if err != nil {
  2356  		return err
  2357  	}
  2358  	var target, alias string
  2359  	err = t.Get("target", &target)
  2360  	if err != nil {
  2361  		return err
  2362  	}
  2363  	err = t.Get("alias", &alias)
  2364  	if err != nil {
  2365  		return err
  2366  	}
  2368  	snapName := snapsup.InstanceName()
  2369  	curInfo, err := snapst.CurrentInfo()
  2370  	if err != nil {
  2371  		return err
  2372  	}
  2374  	autoDisabled := snapst.AutoAliasesDisabled
  2375  	curAliases := snapst.Aliases
  2376  	newAliases, err := manualAlias(curInfo, curAliases, target, alias)
  2377  	if err != nil {
  2378  		return err
  2379  	}
  2380  	_, err = checkAliasesConflicts(st, snapName, autoDisabled, newAliases, nil)
  2381  	if err != nil {
  2382  		return err
  2383  	}
  2385  	added, removed, err := applyAliasesChange(snapName, autoDisabled, curAliases, autoDisabled, newAliases, m.backend, snapst.AliasesPending)
  2386  	if err != nil {
  2387  		return err
  2388  	}
  2389  	if err := aliasesTrace(t, added, removed); err != nil {
  2390  		return err
  2391  	}
  2393  	t.Set("old-aliases-v2", curAliases)
  2394  	snapst.Aliases = newAliases
  2395  	Set(st, snapName, snapst)
  2396  	return nil
  2397  }
  2399  func (m *SnapManager) doDisableAliases(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
  2400  	st := t.State()
  2401  	st.Lock()
  2402  	defer st.Unlock()
  2403  	snapsup, snapst, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
  2404  	if err != nil {
  2405  		return err
  2406  	}
  2407  	snapName := snapsup.InstanceName()
  2409  	oldAutoDisabled := snapst.AutoAliasesDisabled
  2410  	oldAliases := snapst.Aliases
  2411  	newAliases, _ := disableAliases(oldAliases)
  2413  	added, removed, err := applyAliasesChange(snapName, oldAutoDisabled, oldAliases, autoDis, newAliases, m.backend, snapst.AliasesPending)
  2414  	if err != nil {
  2415  		return err
  2416  	}
  2417  	if err := aliasesTrace(t, added, removed); err != nil {
  2418  		return err
  2419  	}
  2421  	t.Set("old-auto-aliases-disabled", oldAutoDisabled)
  2422  	snapst.AutoAliasesDisabled = true
  2423  	t.Set("old-aliases-v2", oldAliases)
  2424  	snapst.Aliases = newAliases
  2425  	Set(st, snapName, snapst)
  2426  	return nil
  2427  }
  2429  func (m *SnapManager) doUnalias(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
  2430  	st := t.State()
  2431  	st.Lock()
  2432  	defer st.Unlock()
  2433  	snapsup, snapst, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
  2434  	if err != nil {
  2435  		return err
  2436  	}
  2437  	var alias string
  2438  	err = t.Get("alias", &alias)
  2439  	if err != nil {
  2440  		return err
  2441  	}
  2442  	snapName := snapsup.InstanceName()
  2444  	autoDisabled := snapst.AutoAliasesDisabled
  2445  	oldAliases := snapst.Aliases
  2446  	newAliases, err := manualUnalias(oldAliases, alias)
  2447  	if err != nil {
  2448  		return err
  2449  	}
  2451  	added, removed, err := applyAliasesChange(snapName, autoDisabled, oldAliases, autoDisabled, newAliases, m.backend, snapst.AliasesPending)
  2452  	if err != nil {
  2453  		return err
  2454  	}
  2455  	if err := aliasesTrace(t, added, removed); err != nil {
  2456  		return err
  2457  	}
  2459  	t.Set("old-aliases-v2", oldAliases)
  2460  	snapst.Aliases = newAliases
  2461  	Set(st, snapName, snapst)
  2462  	return nil
  2463  }
  2465  // otherDisabledAliases is used to track for the benefit of undo what
  2466  // changes were made aka what aliases were disabled of another
  2467  // conflicting snap by prefer logic
  2468  type otherDisabledAliases struct {
  2469  	// Auto records whether prefer had to disable automatic aliases
  2470  	Auto bool `json:"auto,omitempty"`
  2471  	// Manual records which manual aliases were removed by prefer
  2472  	Manual map[string]string `json:"manual,omitempty"`
  2473  }
  2475  func (m *SnapManager) doPreferAliases(t *state.Task, _ *tomb.Tomb) error {
  2476  	st := t.State()
  2477  	st.Lock()
  2478  	defer st.Unlock()
  2479  	snapsup, snapst, err := snapSetupAndState(t)
  2480  	if err != nil {
  2481  		return err
  2482  	}
  2483  	instanceName := snapsup.InstanceName()
  2485  	if !snapst.AutoAliasesDisabled {
  2486  		// already enabled, nothing to do
  2487  		return nil
  2488  	}
  2490  	curAliases := snapst.Aliases
  2491  	aliasConflicts, err := checkAliasesConflicts(st, instanceName, autoEn, curAliases, nil)
  2492  	conflErr, isConflErr := err.(*AliasConflictError)
  2493  	if err != nil && !isConflErr {
  2494  		return err
  2495  	}
  2496  	if isConflErr && conflErr.Conflicts == nil {
  2497  		// it's a snap command namespace conflict, we cannot remedy it
  2498  		return conflErr
  2499  	}
  2500  	// proceed to disable conflicting aliases as needed
  2501  	// before re-enabling instanceName aliases
  2503  	otherSnapStates := make(map[string]*SnapState, len(aliasConflicts))
  2504  	otherSnapDisabled := make(map[string]*otherDisabledAliases, len(aliasConflicts))
  2505  	for otherSnap := range aliasConflicts {
  2506  		var otherSnapState SnapState
  2507  		err := Get(st, otherSnap, &otherSnapState)
  2508  		if err != nil {
  2509  			return err
  2510  		}
  2512  		otherAliases, disabledManual := disableAliases(otherSnapState.Aliases)
  2514  		added, removed, err := applyAliasesChange(otherSnap, otherSnapState.AutoAliasesDisabled, otherSnapState.Aliases, autoDis, otherAliases, m.backend, otherSnapState.AliasesPending)
  2515  		if err != nil {
  2516  			return err
  2517  		}
  2518  		if err := aliasesTrace(t, added, removed); err != nil {
  2519  			return err
  2520  		}
  2522  		var otherDisabled otherDisabledAliases
  2523  		otherDisabled.Manual = disabledManual
  2524  		otherSnapState.Aliases = otherAliases
  2525  		// disable automatic aliases as needed
  2526  		if !otherSnapState.AutoAliasesDisabled && len(otherAliases) != 0 {
  2527  			// record that we did disable automatic aliases
  2528  			otherDisabled.Auto = true
  2529  			otherSnapState.AutoAliasesDisabled = true
  2530  		}
  2531  		otherSnapDisabled[otherSnap] = &otherDisabled
  2532  		otherSnapStates[otherSnap] = &otherSnapState
  2533  	}
  2535  	added, removed, err := applyAliasesChange(instanceName, autoDis, curAliases, autoEn, curAliases, m.backend, snapst.AliasesPending)
  2536  	if err != nil {
  2537  		return err
  2538  	}
  2539  	if err := aliasesTrace(t, added, removed); err != nil {
  2540  		return err
  2541  	}
  2543  	for otherSnap, otherSnapState := range otherSnapStates {
  2544  		Set(st, otherSnap, otherSnapState)
  2545  	}
  2546  	if len(otherSnapDisabled) != 0 {
  2547  		t.Set("other-disabled-aliases", otherSnapDisabled)
  2548  	}
  2549  	t.Set("old-auto-aliases-disabled", true)
  2550  	t.Set("old-aliases-v2", curAliases)
  2551  	snapst.AutoAliasesDisabled = false
  2552  	Set(st, instanceName, snapst)
  2553  	return nil
  2554  }
  2556  // changeReadyUpToTask returns whether all other change's tasks are Ready.
  2557  func changeReadyUpToTask(task *state.Task) bool {
  2558  	me := task.ID()
  2559  	change := task.Change()
  2560  	for _, task := range change.Tasks() {
  2561  		if me == task.ID() {
  2562  			// ignore self
  2563  			continue
  2564  		}
  2565  		if !task.Status().Ready() {
  2566  			return false
  2567  		}
  2568  	}
  2569  	return true
  2570  }
  2572  // refreshedSnaps returns the instance names of the snaps successfully refreshed
  2573  // in the last batch of refreshes before the given (re-refresh) task.
  2574  //
  2575  // It does this by advancing through the given task's change's tasks, keeping
  2576  // track of the instance names from the first SnapSetup in every lane, stopping
  2577  // when finding the given task, and resetting things when finding a different
  2578  // re-refresh task (that indicates the end of a batch that isn't the given one).
  2579  func refreshedSnaps(reTask *state.Task) []string {
  2580  	// NOTE nothing requires reTask to be a check-rerefresh task, nor even to be in
  2581  	// a refresh-ish change, but it doesn't make much sense to call this otherwise.
  2582  	tid := reTask.ID()
  2583  	laneSnaps := map[int]string{}
  2584  	// change.Tasks() preserves the order tasks were added, otherwise it all falls apart
  2585  	for _, task := range reTask.Change().Tasks() {
  2586  		if task.ID() == tid {
  2587  			// we've reached ourselves; we don't care about anything beyond this
  2588  			break
  2589  		}
  2590  		if task.Kind() == "check-rerefresh" {
  2591  			// we've reached a previous check-rerefresh (but not ourselves).
  2592  			// Only snaps in tasks after this point are of interest.
  2593  			laneSnaps = map[int]string{}
  2594  		}
  2595  		lanes := task.Lanes()
  2596  		if len(lanes) != 1 {
  2597  			// can't happen, really
  2598  			continue
  2599  		}
  2600  		lane := lanes[0]
  2601  		if lane == 0 {
  2602  			// not really a lane
  2603  			continue
  2604  		}
  2605  		if task.Status() != state.DoneStatus {
  2606  			// ignore non-successful lane (1)
  2607  			laneSnaps[lane] = ""
  2608  			continue
  2609  		}
  2610  		if _, ok := laneSnaps[lane]; ok {
  2611  			// ignore lanes we've already seen (including ones explicitly ignored in (1))
  2612  			continue
  2613  		}
  2614  		var snapsup SnapSetup
  2615  		if err := task.Get("snap-setup", &snapsup); err != nil {
  2616  			continue
  2617  		}
  2618  		laneSnaps[lane] = snapsup.InstanceName()
  2619  	}
  2621  	snapNames := make([]string, 0, len(laneSnaps))
  2622  	for _, name := range laneSnaps {
  2623  		if name == "" {
  2624  			// the lane was unsuccessful
  2625  			continue
  2626  		}
  2627  		snapNames = append(snapNames, name)
  2628  	}
  2629  	return snapNames
  2630  }
  2632  // reRefreshSetup holds the necessary details to re-refresh snaps that need it
  2633  type reRefreshSetup struct {
  2634  	UserID int `json:"user-id,omitempty"`
  2635  	*Flags
  2636  }
  2638  // reRefreshUpdateMany exists just to make testing simpler
  2639  var reRefreshUpdateMany = updateManyFiltered
  2641  // reRefreshFilter is an updateFilter that returns whether the given update
  2642  // needs a re-refresh because of further epoch transitions available.
  2643  func reRefreshFilter(update *snap.Info, snapst *SnapState) bool {
  2644  	cur, err := snapst.CurrentInfo()
  2645  	if err != nil {
  2646  		return false
  2647  	}
  2648  	return !update.Epoch.Equal(&cur.Epoch)
  2649  }
  2651  var reRefreshRetryTimeout = time.Second / 10
  2653  func (m *SnapManager) doCheckReRefresh(t *state.Task, tomb *tomb.Tomb) error {
  2654  	st := t.State()
  2655  	st.Lock()
  2656  	defer st.Unlock()
  2658  	if numHaltTasks := t.NumHaltTasks(); numHaltTasks > 0 {
  2659  		logger.Panicf("Re-refresh task has %d tasks waiting for it.", numHaltTasks)
  2660  	}
  2662  	if !changeReadyUpToTask(t) {
  2663  		return &state.Retry{After: reRefreshRetryTimeout, Reason: "pending refreshes"}
  2664  	}
  2665  	snaps := refreshedSnaps(t)
  2666  	if len(snaps) == 0 {
  2667  		// nothing to do (maybe everything failed)
  2668  		return nil
  2669  	}
  2671  	var re reRefreshSetup
  2672  	if err := t.Get("rerefresh-setup", &re); err != nil {
  2673  		return err
  2674  	}
  2675  	chg := t.Change()
  2676  	updated, tasksets, err := reRefreshUpdateMany(tomb.Context(nil), st, snaps, re.UserID, reRefreshFilter, re.Flags, chg.ID())
  2677  	if err != nil {
  2678  		return err
  2679  	}
  2681  	if len(updated) == 0 {
  2682  		t.Logf("No re-refreshes found.")
  2683  	} else {
  2684  		t.Logf("Found re-refresh for %s.", strutil.Quoted(updated))
  2686  		for _, taskset := range tasksets {
  2687  			chg.AddAll(taskset)
  2688  		}
  2689  		st.EnsureBefore(0)
  2690  	}
  2691  	t.SetStatus(state.DoneStatus)
  2693  	return nil
  2694  }
  2696  // InjectTasks makes all the halt tasks of the mainTask wait for extraTasks;
  2697  // extraTasks join the same lane and change as the mainTask.
  2698  func InjectTasks(mainTask *state.Task, extraTasks *state.TaskSet) {
  2699  	lanes := mainTask.Lanes()
  2700  	if len(lanes) == 1 && lanes[0] == 0 {
  2701  		lanes = nil
  2702  	}
  2703  	for _, l := range lanes {
  2704  		extraTasks.JoinLane(l)
  2705  	}
  2707  	chg := mainTask.Change()
  2708  	// Change shouldn't normally be nil, except for cases where
  2709  	// this helper is used before tasks are added to a change.
  2710  	if chg != nil {
  2711  		chg.AddAll(extraTasks)
  2712  	}
  2714  	// make all halt tasks of the mainTask wait on extraTasks
  2715  	ht := mainTask.HaltTasks()
  2716  	for _, t := range ht {
  2717  		t.WaitAll(extraTasks)
  2718  	}
  2720  	// make the extra tasks wait for main task
  2721  	extraTasks.WaitFor(mainTask)
  2722  }
  2724  func InjectAutoConnect(mainTask *state.Task, snapsup *SnapSetup) {
  2725  	st := mainTask.State()
  2726  	autoConnect := st.NewTask("auto-connect", fmt.Sprintf(i18n.G("Automatically connect eligible plugs and slots of snap %q"), snapsup.InstanceName()))
  2727  	autoConnect.Set("snap-setup", snapsup)
  2728  	InjectTasks(mainTask, state.NewTaskSet(autoConnect))
  2729  	mainTask.Logf("added auto-connect task")
  2730  }