
     1  #!/usr/bin/make -f
     2  # This program allows one to, relatively easily, iterate on Debian packaging in
     3  # a way that is extremely close to that occurring in the real Debian archive.
     4  #
     5  # The key aspect is that packaging is done on a machine running Debian (either
     6  # 9 or 10), with the real Debian kernel, with real build-packages (that is,
     7  # devoid of any patches potentially present only in Ubuntu), with correct
     8  # pristine build environment, unspoiled by convenience packages often present on
     9  # workstation environments. 
    10  #
    11  # The system is "portable", being able to execute on anything capable of
    12  # running Multipass and apt-cacher-ng. The workflow is as follows:
    13  #
    14  # - prepare host environment:
    15  #   $ snap install multipass --classic --edge
    16  #   $ apt install apt-cacher-ng
    17  #		On Debian/Ubuntu:
    18  #		- apt install apt-cacher-ng
    19  #		On openSUSE:
    20  #		- zypper install apt-cacher-ng
    21  #		- echo "Remap-debrep: ;" >> /etc/apt-cacher-ng/acng.conf
    22  #		- systemctl enable --now apt-cacher-ng.service
    23  #
    24  # - prepare scratch build machine:
    25  #   $ ./debian-package-builder create-debian-10
    26  #   $ ./debian-package-builder prepare-debian-10
    27  # - prepare the source package:
    28  #   On appropriate branch of the git tree compatible with
    29  #   building the debian package, e.g.
    30  #   on the "debian" branch, issue the command
    31  #   $ apt-get build-dep ./
    32  #   $ dpkg-buildpackage -S
    33  #   TIP: you can iterate on the packing and repeat this step!
    34  #   If you need to make patches to upstream snapd parts use the "debian-patches"
    35  #   branch from the same repository, where history is broken down. Then use
    36  #   $ git format-patches 2.37..HEAD (where 2.37 is the release you are working on)
    37  # export any changes made and place the generated patches as files in the
    38  #   "debian" branch, inside the directory ./debian/patches. Make sure each
    39  #   patch is listed in the file ./debian/patches/series. Then re-run
    40  #   $ dpkg-buildpackage -S
    41  #   The resulting package will be placed in the parent directory of the root of
    42  #   the project, e.g. in $HOME/packaging/src/, assuming a
    43  #   setup where the GOPATH was set to $HOME/packaging
    44  # - build the binary package
    45  #   While being in the directory $HOME/packaging/src/ issue
    46  #   ./debian-packaging-builder build-on-debian-10
    47  #   This step will copy the source package to an appropriate multipass virtual
    48  #   machine and build it there using sbuild. Any build dependencies obtained in
    49  #   this step are automatically cached and are quick to reuse on subsequent
    50  #   runs.
    51  #
    52  #   In case the build fails an interactive shell will be spawned by sbuild, still
    53  #   running inside the virtual machine. The package is unpacked twice, you
    54  #   really only care about the files in the _build directory. You can set
    55  #   GOPATH manually to
    56  #   GOPATH=/path/to/directory/called/_build:/usr/share/gocode and run tests and
    57  #   iterate as usual. The source tree alongside the _build directory is useful
    58  #   for comparison and for generating patches..
    60  # Multipass uses a bridge to communicate with virtual machines it manages.
    61  # The query below picks that bridge and prints the associated IP address.
    62  vm_bridge_ip=$(shell ip --json addr show dev mpqemubr0 | jq --raw-output '.[]|select(.addr_info | length > 0).addr_info[] | select(.scope=="global").local')
    64  # There must be an apt-cacher-ng installation on the host.
    65  proxy_url=http://$(vm_bridge_ip):3142
    67  # Packages that are not required for building snapd but are useful for interactive development.
    68  packages=git sbuild mc devscripts avahi-daemon ssh emacs-nox vim-nox rsync
    70  # Helpful function for running a command on the remote machine.
    71  # Assumes that the target name ends with machine name, like below.
    72  remote=multipass exec $* --
    74  # URLs of openstack cloud images for our virtual machines.
    75  debian-9-url=
    76  debian-10-url=
    78  PHONY: help
    79  help:
    80  	@echo "Availale targets"
    81  	@echo "  create-NAME: create a multipass virtual machine"
    82  	@echo "  prepare-NAME: prepare a virtual machine for building packages"
    83  	@echo "  destroy-NAME: destroy a multipass virtual machine"
    84  	@echo "  build-on-NAME: copy a source package and build it on a virtual machine"
    85  	@echo
    86  	@echo "Available names are: debian-9 debian-10"
    87  	@echo "NOTE: You must provide the source package yourself"
    88  	@echo "Please read the script for additional instructions."
    90  .PHONY: create-debian-9
    91  create-debian-9:
    92  	multipass launch -n debian-9 -c 8 -m 4G $(debian-9-url)
    94  .PHONY: create-debian-10
    95  create-debian-10:
    96  	multipass launch -n debian-10 -c 8 -m 4G $(debian-10-url)
    98  .PHONY: prepare-debian-9 prepare-debian-10
    99  prepare-debian-9 prepare-debian-10: prepare-%:
   100  	$(remote) sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/
   101  	$(remote) sudo sh -c 'echo "Acquire::http::Proxy \"$(proxy_url)\";" > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00proxy'
   102  	-$(remote) sudo apt-get update
   103  	$(remote) sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
   104  	$(remote) sudo apt-get install -y eatmydata $(packages)
   105  	$(remote) sudo apt-get autoremove -y
   106  	$(remote) sudo sbuild-adduser $(shell $(remote) whoami)
   107  	$(remote) cp /usr/share/doc/sbuild/examples/example.sbuildrc /home/multipass/.sbuildrc
   108  	# XXX: cloud images come with pre-made chroot?
   109  	$(remote) sudo rm -f /etc/schroot/chroot.d/sid-amd64-sbuild-*
   110  	$(remote) sudo rm -rf /srv/chroot/sid-amd64-sbuild
   111  	# NOTE: the chroot is always for sid, this is mainly to test the impact of the kernel.
   112  	$(remote) sudo http_proxy=$(proxy_url) eatmydata sbuild-createchroot --include=eatmydata,ccache,gnupg sid /srv/chroot/sid-amd64-sbuild
   114  .PHONY: destroy-debian-9 destroy-debian-10
   115  destroy-debian-9 destroy-debian-10: destroy-%:
   116  	multipass delete -p $*
   118  build-on-debian-9 build-on-debian-10: build-on-%:
   119  	multipass copy-files snapd_*.debian.tar.xz snapd_*.dsc snapd_*.orig.tar.xz snapd-*.tar.gz $*:/home/multipass/
   120  	# NOTE: %s expands to a command that starts an interactive shell for debugging.
   121  	$(remote) sbuild -d sid \
   122  		--chroot-setup-commands='echo "Acquire::http::Proxy \"$(proxy_url)\";" > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00proxy'\
   123  		--build-failed-commands=%s \
   124  		--run-autopkgtest \
   125  		$(shell ls snapd_*.dsc | sort -r -n | head -n 1)