
     1  # Terraform Core Architecture Summary
     3  This document is a summary of the main components of Terraform Core and how
     4  data and requests flow between these components. It's intended as a primer
     5  to help navigate the codebase to dig into more details.
     7  We assume some familiarity with user-facing Terraform concepts like
     8  configuration, state, CLI workflow, etc. The Terraform website has
     9  documentation on these ideas.
    11  ## Terraform Request Flow
    13  The following diagram shows an approximation of how a user command is
    14  executed in Terraform:
    16  ![Terraform Architecture Diagram, described in text below](./images/architecture-overview.png)
    18  Each of the different subsystems (solid boxes) in this diagram is described
    19  in more detail in a corresponding section below.
    21  ## CLI (`command` package)
    23  Each time a user runs the `terraform` program, aside from some initial
    24  bootstrapping in the root package (not shown in the diagram) execution
    25  transfers immediately into one of the "command" implementations in
    26  [the `command` package](
    27  The mapping between the user-facing command names and
    28  their corresponding `command` package types can be found in the `commands.go`
    29  file in the root of the repository.
    31  The full flow illustrated above does not actually apply to _all_ commands,
    32  but it applies to the main Terraform workflow commands `terraform plan` and
    33  `terraform apply`, along with a few others.
    35  For these commands, the role of the command implementation is to read and parse
    36  any command line arguments, command line options, and environment variables
    37  that are needed for the given command and use them to produce a
    38  [`backend.Operation`](
    39  object that describes an action to be taken.
    41  An _operation_ consists of:
    43  * The action to be taken (e.g. "plan", "apply").
    44  * The name of the [workspace](
    45    where the action will be taken.
    46  * Root module input variables to use for the action.
    47  * For the "plan" operation, a path to the directory containing the configuration's root module.
    48  * For the "apply" operation, the plan to apply.
    49  * Various other less-common options/settings such as `-target` addresses, the
    50  "force" flag, etc.
    52  The operation is then passed to the currently-selected
    53  [backend]( Each backend name
    54  corresponds to an implementation of
    55  [`backend.Backend`](, using a
    56  mapping table in
    57  [the `backend/init` package](
    59  Backends that are able to execute operations additionally implement
    60  [`backend.Enhanced`](;
    61  the command-handling code calls `Operation` with the operation it has
    62  constructed, and then the backend is responsible for executing that action.
    64  Backends that execute operations, however, do so as an architectural implementation detail and not a
    65  general feature of backends. That is, the term 'backend' as a Terraform feature is used to refer to
    66  a plugin that determines where Terraform stores its state snapshots - only the default `local`
    67  backend and Terraform Cloud's backends (`remote`, `cloud`) perform operations.
    69  Thus, most backends do _not_ implement this interface, and so the `command` package wraps these
    70  backends in an instance of
    71  [`local.Local`](,
    72  causing the operation to be executed locally within the `terraform` process itself.
    74  ## Backends
    76  A _backend_ determines where Terraform should store its state snapshots.
    78  As described above, the `local` backend also executes operations on behalf of most other
    79  backends. It uses a _state manager_
    80  (either
    81  [`statemgr.Filesystem`]( if the
    82  local backend is being used directly, or an implementation provided by whatever
    83  backend is being wrapped) to retrieve the current state for the workspace
    84  specified in the operation, then uses the _config loader_ to load and do
    85  initial processing/validation of the configuration specified in the
    86  operation. It then uses these, along with the other settings given in the
    87  operation, to construct a
    88  [`terraform.Context`](,
    89  which is the main object that actually performs Terraform operations.
    91  The `local` backend finally calls an appropriate method on that context to
    92  begin execution of the relevant command, such as
    93  [`Plan`](
    94  or
    95  [`Apply`](), which in turn constructs a graph using a _graph builder_,
    96  described in a later section.
    98  ## Configuration Loader
   100  The top-level configuration structure is represented by model types in
   101  [package `configs`](
   102  A whole configuration (the root module plus all of its descendent modules)
   103  is represented by
   104  [`configs.Config`](
   106  The `configs` package contains some low-level functionality for constructing
   107  configuration objects, but the main entry point is in the sub-package
   108  [`configload`](]),
   109  via
   110  [`configload.Loader`](
   111  A loader deals with all of the details of installing child modules
   112  (during `terraform init`) and then locating those modules again when a
   113  configuration is loaded by a backend. It takes the path to a root module
   114  and recursively loads all of the child modules to produce a single
   115  [`configs.Config`](
   116  representing the entire configuration.
   118  Terraform expects configuration files written in the Terraform language, which
   119  is a DSL built on top of
   120  [HCL]( Some parts of the configuration
   121  cannot be interpreted until we build and walk the graph, since they depend
   122  on the outcome of other parts of the configuration, and so these parts of
   123  the configuration remain represented as the low-level HCL types
   124  [`hcl.Body`](
   125  and
   126  [`hcl.Expression`](,
   127  allowing Terraform to interpret them at a more appropriate time.
   129  ## State Manager
   131  A _state manager_ is responsible for storing and retrieving snapshots of the
   132  [Terraform state](
   133  for a particular workspace. Each manager is an implementation of
   134  some combination of interfaces in
   135  [the `statemgr` package](,
   136  with most practical managers implementing the full set of operations
   137  described by
   138  [`statemgr.Full`](
   139  provided by a _backend_. The smaller interfaces exist primarily for use in
   140  other function signatures to be explicit about what actions the function might
   141  take on the state manager; there is little reason to write a state manager
   142  that does not implement all of `statemgr.Full`.
   144  The implementation
   145  [`statemgr.Filesystem`]( is used
   146  by default (by the `local` backend) and is responsible for the familiar
   147  `terraform.tfstate` local file that most Terraform users start with, before
   148  they switch to [remote state](
   149  Other implementations of `statemgr.Full` are used to implement remote state.
   150  Each of these saves and retrieves state via a remote network service
   151  appropriate to the backend that creates it.
   153  A state manager accepts and returns a state snapshot as a
   154  [`states.State`](
   155  object. The state manager is responsible for exactly how that object is
   156  serialized and stored, but all state managers at the time of writing use
   157  the same JSON serialization format, storing the resulting JSON bytes in some
   158  kind of arbitrary blob store.
   160  ## Graph Builder
   162  A _graph builder_ is called by a
   163  [`terraform.Context`](
   164  method (e.g. `Plan` or `Apply`) to produce the graph that will be used
   165  to represent the necessary steps for that operation and the dependency
   166  relationships between them.
   168  In most cases, the
   169  [vertices]( of Terraform's
   170  graphs each represent a specific object in the configuration, or something
   171  derived from those configuration objects. For example, each `resource` block
   172  in the configuration has one corresponding
   173  [`GraphNodeConfigResource`](
   174  vertex representing it in the "plan" graph. (Terraform Core uses terminology
   175  inconsistently, describing graph _vertices_ also as graph _nodes_ in various
   176  places. These both describe the same concept.)
   178  The [edges](
   179  in the graph represent "must happen after" relationships. These define the
   180  order in which the vertices are evaluated, ensuring that e.g. one resource is
   181  created before another resource that depends on it.
   183  Each operation has its own graph builder, because the graph building process
   184  is different for each. For example, a "plan" operation needs a graph built
   185  directly from the configuration, but an "apply" operation instead builds its
   186  graph from the set of changes described in the plan that is being applied.
   188  The graph builders all work in terms of a sequence of _transforms_, which
   189  are implementations of
   190  [`terraform.GraphTransformer`](
   191  Implementations of this interface just take a graph and mutate it in any
   192  way needed, and so the set of available transforms is quite varied. Some
   193  important examples include:
   195  * [`ConfigTransformer`](,
   196    which creates a graph vertex for each `resource` block in the configuration.
   198  * [`StateTransformer`](,
   199    which creates a graph vertex for each resource instance currently tracked
   200    in the state.
   202  * [`ReferenceTransformer`](,
   203    which analyses the configuration to find dependencies between resources and
   204    other objects and creates any necessary "happens after" edges for these.
   206  * [`ProviderTransformer`](,
   207    which associates each resource or resource instance with exactly one
   208    provider configuration (implementing
   209    [the inheritance rules](
   210    and then creates "happens after" edges to ensure that the providers are
   211    initialized before taking any actions with the resources that belong to
   212    them.
   214  There are many more different graph transforms, which can be discovered
   215  by reading the source code for the different graph builders. Each graph
   216  builder uses a different subset of these depending on the needs of the
   217  operation that is being performed.
   219  The result of graph building is a
   220  [`terraform.Graph`](, which
   221  can then be processed using a _graph walker_.
   223  ## Graph Walk
   225  The process of walking the graph visits each vertex of that graph in a way
   226  which respects the "happens after" edges in the graph. The walk algorithm
   227  itself is implemented in
   228  [the low-level `dag` package](
   229  (where "DAG" is short for [_Directed Acyclic Graph_](, in
   230  [`AcyclicGraph.Walk`](
   231  However, the "interesting" Terraform walk functionality is implemented in
   232  [`terraform.ContextGraphWalker`](,
   233  which implements a small set of higher-level operations that are performed
   234  during the graph walk:
   236  * `EnterPath` is called once for each module in the configuration, taking a
   237    module address and returning a
   238    [`terraform.EvalContext`](
   239    that tracks objects within that module. `terraform.Context` is the _global_
   240    context for the entire operation, while `terraform.EvalContext` is a
   241    context for processing within a single module, and is the primary means
   242    by which the namespaces in each module are kept separate.
   244  Each vertex in the graph is evaluated, in an order that guarantees that the
   245  "happens after" edges will be respected. If possible, the graph walk algorithm
   246  will evaluate multiple vertices concurrently. Vertex evaluation code must
   247  therefore make careful use of concurrency primitives such as mutexes in order
   248  to coordinate access to shared objects such as the `states.State` object.
   249  In most cases, we use the helper wrapper
   250  [`states.SyncState`](
   251  to safely implement concurrent reads and writes from the shared state.
   253  ## Vertex Evaluation
   255  The action taken for each vertex during the graph walk is called
   256  _execution_. Execution runs a sequence of arbitrary actions that make sense
   257  for a particular vertex type.
   259  For example, evaluation of a vertex representing a resource instance during
   260  a plan operation would include the following high-level steps:
   262  * Retrieve the resource's associated provider from the `EvalContext`. This
   263    should already be initialized earlier by the provider's own graph vertex,
   264    due to the "happens after" edge between the resource node and the provider
   265    node.
   267  * Retrieve from the state the portion relevant to the specific resource
   268    instance being evaluated.
   270  * Evaluate the attribute expressions given for the resource in configuration.
   271    This often involves retrieving the state of _other_ resource instances so
   272    that their values can be copied or transformed into the current instance's
   273    attributes, which is coordinated by the `EvalContext`.
   275  * Pass the current instance state and the resource configuration to the
   276    provider, asking the provider to produce an _instance diff_ representing the
   277    differences between the state and the configuration.
   279  * Save the instance diff as part of the plan that is being constructed by
   280    this operation.
   282  Each execution step for a vertex is an implementation of
   283  [`terraform.Execute`](
   284  As with graph transforms, the behavior of these implementations varies widely:
   285  whereas graph transforms can take any action against the graph, an `Execute`
   286  implementation can take any action against the `EvalContext`.
   288  The implementation of `terraform.EvalContext` used in real processing
   289  (as opposed to testing) is
   290  [`terraform.BuiltinEvalContext`](
   291  It provides coordinated access to plugins, the current state, and the current
   292  plan via the `EvalContext` interface methods.
   294  In order to be executed, a vertex must implement
   295  [`terraform.GraphNodeExecutable`](,
   296  which has a single `Execute` method that handles. There are numerous `Execute`
   297  implementations with different behaviors, but some prominent examples are:
   299  * [NodePlannableResource.Execute](, which handles the `plan` operation.
   301  * [`NodeApplyableResourceInstance.Execute`](, which handles the main `apply` operation.
   303  * [`NodeDestroyResourceInstance.Execute`](, which handles the main `destroy` operation.
   305  A vertex must complete successfully before the graph walk will begin evaluation
   306  for other vertices that have "happens after" edges. Evaluation can fail with one
   307  or more errors, in which case the graph walk is halted and the errors are
   308  returned to the user.
   310  ### Expression Evaluation
   312  An important part of vertex evaluation for most vertex types is evaluating
   313  any expressions in the configuration block associated with the vertex. This
   314  completes the processing of the portions of the configuration that were not
   315  processed by the configuration loader.
   317  The high-level process for expression evaluation is:
   319  1. Analyze the configuration expressions to see which other objects they refer
   320    to. For example, the expression `aws_instance.example[1]` refers to one of
   321    the instances created by a `resource "aws_instance" "example"` block in
   322    configuration. This analysis is performed by
   323    [`lang.References`](,
   324    or more often one of the helper wrappers around it:
   325    [`lang.ReferencesInBlock`](
   326    or
   327    [`lang.ReferencesInExpr`](
   329  1. Retrieve from the state the data for the objects that are referred to and
   330    create a lookup table of the values from these objects that the
   331    HCL evaluation code can refer to.
   333  1. Prepare the table of built-in functions so that HCL evaluation can refer to
   334    them.
   336  1. Ask HCL to evaluate each attribute's expression (a
   337    [`hcl.Expression`](
   338    object) against the data and function lookup tables.
   340  In practice, steps 2 through 4 are usually run all together using one
   341  of the methods on [`lang.Scope`](;
   342  most commonly,
   343  [`lang.EvalBlock`](
   344  or
   345  [`lang.EvalExpr`](
   347  Expression evaluation produces a dynamic value represented as a
   348  [`cty.Value`](
   349  This Go type represents values from the Terraform language and such values
   350  are eventually passed to provider plugins.
   352  ### Sub-graphs
   354  Some vertices have a special additional behavior that happens after their
   355  evaluation steps are complete, where the vertex implementation is given
   356  the opportunity to build another separate graph which will be walked as part
   357  of the evaluation of the vertex.
   359  The main example of this is when a `resource` block has the `count` argument
   360  set. In that case, the plan graph initially contains one vertex for each
   361  `resource` block, but that graph then _dynamically expands_ to have a sub-graph
   362  containing one vertex for each instance requested by the count. That is, the
   363  sub-graph of `aws_instance.example` might contain vertices for
   364  `aws_instance.example[0]`, `aws_instance.example[1]`, etc. This is necessary
   365  because the `count` argument may refer to other objects whose values are not
   366  known when the main graph is constructed, but become known while evaluating
   367  other vertices in the main graph.
   369  This special behavior applies to vertex objects that implement
   370  [`terraform.GraphNodeDynamicExpandable`](
   371  Such vertices have their own nested _graph builder_, _graph walk_,
   372  and _vertex evaluation_ steps, with the same behaviors as described in these
   373  sections for the main graph. The difference is in which graph transforms
   374  are used to construct the graph and in which evaluation steps apply to the
   375  nodes in that sub-graph.