(about) 1 <!--[metadata]> 2 +++ 3 title = "On Linux distributions" 4 description = "Lists the installation methods" 5 keywords = ["docker", "engine","install", "linux"] 6 [menu.main] 7 identifier = "engine_linux" 8 parent="engine_install" 9 weight="-70" 10 +++ 11 <![end-metadata]--> 12 13 # Install Docker Engine on Linux 14 15 Docker Engine is supported on several Linux distributions. Installation instructions are available for the following: 16 17 * [Arch Linux]( 18 * [CentOS]( 19 * [CRUX Linux]( 20 * [Debian]( 21 * [Fedora]( 22 * [FrugalWare]( 23 * [Gentoo]( 24 * [Oracle Linux]( 25 * [Red Hat Enterprise Linux]( 26 * [openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise]( 27 * [Ubuntu]( 28 29 If your linux distribution is not listed above, don't give up yet. To try out Docker on a distribution that is not listed above, go here: [Installation from binaries](../