
     1  /*
     2  Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
     4  SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     5  */
     7  package api
     9  import (
    10  	"time"
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  )
    17  // RegistrationRequest for a new identity
    18  type RegistrationRequest struct {
    19  	// Name is the unique name of the identity
    20  	Name string `json:"id" help:"Unique name of the identity"`
    21  	// Type of identity being registered (e.g. "peer, app, user")
    22  	Type string `json:"type" def:"client" help:"Type of identity being registered (e.g. 'peer, app, user')"`
    23  	// Secret is an optional password.  If not specified,
    24  	// a random secret is generated.  In both cases, the secret
    25  	// is returned in the RegistrationResponse.
    26  	Secret string `json:"secret,omitempty" mask:"password" help:"The enrollment secret for the identity being registered"`
    27  	// MaxEnrollments is the maximum number of times the secret can
    28  	// be reused to enroll.
    29  	MaxEnrollments int `json:"max_enrollments,omitempty" help:"The maximum number of times the secret can be reused to enroll (default CA's Max Enrollment)"`
    30  	// is returned in the response.
    31  	// The identity's affiliation.
    32  	// For example, an affiliation of "org1.department1" associates the identity with "department1" in "org1".
    33  	Affiliation string `json:"affiliation" help:"The identity's affiliation"`
    34  	// Attributes associated with this identity
    35  	Attributes []Attribute `json:"attrs,omitempty"`
    36  	// CAName is the name of the CA to connect to
    37  	CAName string `json:"caname,omitempty" skip:"true"`
    38  }
    40  func (rr *RegistrationRequest) String() string {
    41  	return util.StructToString(rr)
    42  }
    44  // RegistrationResponse is a registration response
    45  type RegistrationResponse struct {
    46  	// The secret returned from a successful registration response
    47  	Secret string `json:"secret"`
    48  }
    50  // EnrollmentRequest is a request to enroll an identity
    51  type EnrollmentRequest struct {
    52  	// The identity name to enroll
    53  	Name string `json:"name" skip:"true"`
    54  	// The secret returned via Register
    55  	Secret string `json:"secret,omitempty" skip:"true" mask:"password"`
    56  	// CAName is the name of the CA to connect to
    57  	CAName string `json:"caname,omitempty" skip:"true"`
    58  	// AttrReqs are requests for attributes to add to the certificate.
    59  	// Each attribute is added only if the requestor owns the attribute.
    60  	AttrReqs []*AttributeRequest `json:"attr_reqs,omitempty"`
    61  	// Profile is the name of the signing profile to use in issuing the X509 certificate
    62  	Profile string `json:"profile,omitempty" help:"Name of the signing profile to use in issuing the certificate"`
    63  	// Label is the label to use in HSM operations
    64  	Label string `json:"label,omitempty" help:"Label to use in HSM operations"`
    65  	// CSR is Certificate Signing Request info
    66  	CSR *CSRInfo `json:"csr,omitempty" skip:"true"` // Skipping this because we pull the CSR from the CSR flags
    67  	// The type of the enrollment request: x509 or idemix
    68  	// The default is a request for an X509 enrollment certificate
    69  	Type string `def:"x509" help:"The type of enrollment request: 'x509' or 'idemix'"`
    70  }
    72  func (er EnrollmentRequest) String() string {
    73  	return util.StructToString(&er)
    74  }
    76  // ReenrollmentRequest is a request to reenroll an identity.
    77  // This is useful to renew a certificate before it has expired.
    78  type ReenrollmentRequest struct {
    79  	// Profile is the name of the signing profile to use in issuing the certificate
    80  	Profile string `json:"profile,omitempty"`
    81  	// Label is the label to use in HSM operations
    82  	Label string `json:"label,omitempty"`
    83  	// CSR is Certificate Signing Request info
    84  	CSR *CSRInfo `json:"csr,omitempty"`
    85  	// CAName is the name of the CA to connect to
    86  	CAName string `json:"caname,omitempty" skip:"true"`
    87  	// AttrReqs are requests for attributes to add to the certificate.
    88  	// Each attribute is added only if the requestor owns the attribute.
    89  	AttrReqs []*AttributeRequest `json:"attr_reqs,omitempty"`
    90  }
    92  // RevocationRequest is a revocation request for a single certificate or all certificates
    93  // associated with an identity.
    94  // To revoke a single certificate, both the Serial and AKI fields must be set;
    95  // otherwise, to revoke all certificates and the identity associated with an enrollment ID,
    96  // the Name field must be set to an existing enrollment ID.
    97  // A RevocationRequest can only be performed by a user with the "hf.Revoker" attribute.
    98  type RevocationRequest struct {
    99  	// Name of the identity whose certificates should be revoked
   100  	// If this field is omitted, then Serial and AKI must be specified.
   101  	Name string `json:"id,omitempty" opt:"e" help:"Identity whose certificates should be revoked"`
   102  	// Serial number of the certificate to be revoked
   103  	// If this is omitted, then Name must be specified
   104  	Serial string `json:"serial,omitempty" opt:"s" help:"Serial number of the certificate to be revoked"`
   105  	// AKI (Authority Key Identifier) of the certificate to be revoked
   106  	AKI string `json:"aki,omitempty" opt:"a" help:"AKI (Authority Key Identifier) of the certificate to be revoked"`
   107  	// Reason is the reason for revocation.  See for
   108  	// valid values.  The default value is 0 (ocsp.Unspecified).
   109  	Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty" opt:"r" help:"Reason for revocation"`
   110  	// CAName is the name of the CA to connect to
   111  	CAName string `json:"caname,omitempty" skip:"true"`
   112  	// GenCRL specifies whether to generate a CRL
   113  	GenCRL bool `def:"false" skip:"true" json:"gencrl,omitempty"`
   114  }
   116  // RevocationResponse represents response from the server for a revocation request
   117  type RevocationResponse struct {
   118  	// RevokedCerts is an array of certificates that were revoked
   119  	RevokedCerts []RevokedCert
   120  	// CRL is PEM-encoded certificate revocation list (CRL) that contains all unexpired revoked certificates
   121  	CRL []byte
   122  }
   124  // RevokedCert represents a revoked certificate
   125  type RevokedCert struct {
   126  	// Serial number of the revoked certificate
   127  	Serial string
   128  	// AKI of the revoked certificate
   129  	AKI string
   130  }
   132  // GetCAInfoRequest is request to get generic CA information
   133  type GetCAInfoRequest struct {
   134  	CAName string `json:"caname,omitempty" skip:"true"`
   135  }
   137  // GenCRLRequest represents a request to get CRL for the specified certificate authority
   138  type GenCRLRequest struct {
   139  	CAName        string    `json:"caname,omitempty" skip:"true"`
   140  	RevokedAfter  time.Time `json:"revokedafter,omitempty"`
   141  	RevokedBefore time.Time `json:"revokedbefore,omitempty"`
   142  	ExpireAfter   time.Time `json:"expireafter,omitempty"`
   143  	ExpireBefore  time.Time `json:"expirebefore,omitempty"`
   144  }
   146  // GenCRLResponse represents a response to get CRL
   147  type GenCRLResponse struct {
   148  	// CRL is PEM-encoded certificate revocation list (CRL) that contains requested unexpired revoked certificates
   149  	CRL []byte
   150  }
   152  // GetCRIRequest is a request to send to server to get Idemix credential revocation information
   153  type GetCRIRequest struct {
   154  	CAName string `json:"caname,omitempty" skip:"true"`
   155  }
   157  // GetCRIResponse is the response from the server for get CRI request
   158  type GetCRIResponse struct {
   159  	// CRI is base64 encoded proto bytes of idemix.CredentialRevocationInformation
   160  	CRI string
   161  }
   163  // AddIdentityRequest represents the request to add a new identity to the
   164  // fabric-ca-server
   165  type AddIdentityRequest struct {
   166  	ID             string      `json:"id" skip:"true"`
   167  	Type           string      `json:"type" def:"user" help:"Type of identity being registered (e.g. 'peer, app, user')"`
   168  	Affiliation    string      `json:"affiliation" help:"The identity's affiliation"`
   169  	Attributes     []Attribute `json:"attrs" mapstructure:"attrs" `
   170  	MaxEnrollments int         `json:"max_enrollments" mapstructure:"max_enrollments" help:"The maximum number of times the secret can be reused to enroll (default CA's Max Enrollment)"`
   171  	// Secret is an optional password.  If not specified,
   172  	// a random secret is generated.  In both cases, the secret
   173  	// is returned in the RegistrationResponse.
   174  	Secret string `json:"secret,omitempty" mask:"password" help:"The enrollment secret for the identity being added"`
   175  	CAName string `json:"caname,omitempty" skip:"true"`
   176  }
   178  // ModifyIdentityRequest represents the request to modify an existing identity on the
   179  // fabric-ca-server
   180  type ModifyIdentityRequest struct {
   181  	ID             string      `skip:"true"`
   182  	Type           string      `json:"type" help:"Type of identity being registered (e.g. 'peer, app, user')"`
   183  	Affiliation    string      `json:"affiliation" help:"The identity's affiliation"`
   184  	Attributes     []Attribute `mapstructure:"attrs" json:"attrs"`
   185  	MaxEnrollments int         `mapstructure:"max_enrollments" json:"max_enrollments" help:"The maximum number of times the secret can be reused to enroll"`
   186  	Secret         string      `json:"secret,omitempty" mask:"password" help:"The enrollment secret for the identity"`
   187  	CAName         string      `json:"caname,omitempty" skip:"true"`
   188  }
   190  // RemoveIdentityRequest represents the request to remove an existing identity from the
   191  // fabric-ca-server
   192  type RemoveIdentityRequest struct {
   193  	ID     string `skip:"true"`
   194  	Force  bool   `json:"force"`
   195  	CAName string `json:"caname,omitempty" skip:"true"`
   196  }
   198  // GetIDResponse is the response from the GetIdentity call
   199  type GetIDResponse struct {
   200  	ID             string      `json:"id" skip:"true"`
   201  	Type           string      `json:"type" def:"user"`
   202  	Affiliation    string      `json:"affiliation"`
   203  	Attributes     []Attribute `json:"attrs" mapstructure:"attrs" `
   204  	MaxEnrollments int         `json:"max_enrollments" mapstructure:"max_enrollments"`
   205  	CAName         string      `json:"caname,omitempty"`
   206  }
   208  // GetAllIDsResponse is the response from the GetAllIdentities call
   209  type GetAllIDsResponse struct {
   210  	Identities []IdentityInfo `json:"identities"`
   211  	CAName     string         `json:"caname,omitempty"`
   212  }
   214  // IdentityResponse is the response from the any add/modify/remove identity call
   215  type IdentityResponse struct {
   216  	ID             string      `json:"id" skip:"true"`
   217  	Type           string      `json:"type,omitempty"`
   218  	Affiliation    string      `json:"affiliation"`
   219  	Attributes     []Attribute `json:"attrs,omitempty" mapstructure:"attrs"`
   220  	MaxEnrollments int         `json:"max_enrollments,omitempty" mapstructure:"max_enrollments"`
   221  	Secret         string      `json:"secret,omitempty"`
   222  	CAName         string      `json:"caname,omitempty"`
   223  }
   225  // IdentityInfo contains information about an identity
   226  type IdentityInfo struct {
   227  	ID             string      `json:"id"`
   228  	Type           string      `json:"type"`
   229  	Affiliation    string      `json:"affiliation"`
   230  	Attributes     []Attribute `json:"attrs" mapstructure:"attrs"`
   231  	MaxEnrollments int         `json:"max_enrollments" mapstructure:"max_enrollments"`
   232  }
   234  // AddAffiliationRequest represents the request to add a new affiliation to the
   235  // fabric-ca-server
   236  type AddAffiliationRequest struct {
   237  	Name   string `json:"name"`
   238  	Force  bool   `json:"force"`
   239  	CAName string `json:"caname,omitempty"`
   240  }
   242  // ModifyAffiliationRequest represents the request to modify an existing affiliation on the
   243  // fabric-ca-server
   244  type ModifyAffiliationRequest struct {
   245  	Name    string
   246  	NewName string `json:"name"`
   247  	Force   bool   `json:"force"`
   248  	CAName  string `json:"caname,omitempty"`
   249  }
   251  // RemoveAffiliationRequest represents the request to remove an existing affiliation from the
   252  // fabric-ca-server
   253  type RemoveAffiliationRequest struct {
   254  	Name   string
   255  	Force  bool   `json:"force"`
   256  	CAName string `json:"caname,omitempty"`
   257  }
   259  // AffiliationResponse contains the response for get, add, modify, and remove an affiliation
   260  type AffiliationResponse struct {
   261  	AffiliationInfo `mapstructure:",squash"`
   262  	CAName          string `json:"caname,omitempty"`
   263  }
   265  // AffiliationInfo contains the affiliation name, child affiliation info, and identities
   266  // associated with this affiliation.
   267  type AffiliationInfo struct {
   268  	Name         string            `json:"name"`
   269  	Affiliations []AffiliationInfo `json:"affiliations,omitempty"`
   270  	Identities   []IdentityInfo    `json:"identities,omitempty"`
   271  }
   273  // CSRInfo is Certificate Signing Request (CSR) Information
   274  type CSRInfo struct {
   275  	CN           string        `json:"CN"`
   276  	Names        []csr.Name    `json:"names,omitempty"`
   277  	Hosts        []string      `json:"hosts,omitempty"`
   278  	KeyRequest   *KeyRequest   `json:"key,omitempty"`
   279  	CA           *csr.CAConfig `json:"ca,omitempty" hide:"true"`
   280  	SerialNumber string        `json:"serial_number,omitempty"`
   281  }
   283  // GetCertificatesRequest represents the request to get certificates from the server
   284  // per the enrollment ID and/or AKI and Serial. If neither ID or AKI/Serial are
   285  // provided all certificates are returned which are in or under the caller's affiliation.
   286  // By default all certificates are returned. However, only revoked and/or expired
   287  // certificates can be requested by providing a time range.
   288  type GetCertificatesRequest struct {
   289  	ID         string    `skip:"true"`                                    // Get certificates for this enrollment ID
   290  	AKI        string    `help:"Get certificates for this AKI"`           // Get certificate that matches this AKI
   291  	Serial     string    `help:"Get certificates for this serial number"` // Get certificate that matches this serial
   292  	Revoked    TimeRange `skip:"true"`                                    // Get certificates which were revoked between the specified time range
   293  	Expired    TimeRange `skip:"true"`                                    // Get certificates which expire between the specified time range
   294  	NotExpired bool      `help:"Don't return expired certificates"`       // Don't return expired certificates
   295  	NotRevoked bool      `help:"Don't return revoked certificates"`       // Don't return revoked certificates
   296  	CAName     string    `skip:"true"`                                    // Name of CA to send request to within the server
   297  }
   299  // CertificateResponse contains the response from Get or Delete certificate request.
   300  type CertificateResponse struct {
   301  	Certs []string `json:"certs"`
   302  }
   304  // TimeRange specifies a range of time
   305  type TimeRange struct {
   306  	StartTime string
   307  	EndTime   string
   308  }
   310  // KeyRequest encapsulates size and algorithm for the key to be generated.
   311  // If ReuseKey is set, reenrollment requests will reuse the existing private
   312  // key.
   313  type KeyRequest struct {
   314  	Algo     string `json:"algo" yaml:"algo" help:"Specify key algorithm"`
   315  	Size     int    `json:"size" yaml:"size" help:"Specify key size"`
   316  	ReuseKey bool   `json:"reusekey" yaml:"reusekey" help:"Reuse existing key during reenrollment"`
   317  }
   319  // Attribute is a name and value pair
   320  type Attribute struct {
   321  	Name  string `json:"name"`
   322  	Value string `json:"value"`
   323  	ECert bool   `json:"ecert,omitempty"`
   324  }
   326  // GetName returns the name of the attribute
   327  func (a *Attribute) GetName() string {
   328  	return a.Name
   329  }
   331  // GetValue returns the value of the attribute
   332  func (a *Attribute) GetValue() string {
   333  	return a.Value
   334  }
   336  // AttributeRequest is a request for an attribute.
   337  // This implements the certmgr/AttributeRequest interface.
   338  type AttributeRequest struct {
   339  	Name     string `json:"name"`
   340  	Optional bool   `json:"optional,omitempty"`
   341  }
   343  // GetName returns the name of an attribute being requested
   344  func (ar *AttributeRequest) GetName() string {
   345  	return ar.Name
   346  }
   348  // IsRequired returns true if the attribute being requested is required
   349  func (ar *AttributeRequest) IsRequired() bool {
   350  	return !ar.Optional
   351  }
   353  // NewKeyRequest returns the KeyRequest object that is constructed
   354  // from the object returned by the csr.NewKeyRequest() function
   355  func NewKeyRequest() *KeyRequest {
   356  	bkr := csr.NewKeyRequest()
   357  	return &KeyRequest{Algo: bkr.A, Size: bkr.S}
   358  }
   360  // TODO 添加NewKeyRequest的国密版本
   361  func NewGMKeyRequest() *KeyRequest {
   362  	bkr := &csr.KeyRequest{A: bccsp.SM2, S: 256}
   363  	return &KeyRequest{Algo: bkr.A, Size: bkr.S}
   364  }