
     1  # SODA study
     2  ## block collector
     3  ```SODA_code/go-ethereum/core/state_processor.go Process()```
     4  ## trans collector
     5  external trans ```SODA_code/go-ethereum/core/state_processor.go ApplyTransaction()```
     6  internal trans ```SODA_code/go-ethereum/core/vm/interpreter.go Run()```and```SODA_code/go-ethereum/core/vm/instructions.go opCreate() opCreate2() opCall() opCallCode() opDelegateCall() opStaticCall()```
     8  ## ins collector
    10  ## update location of go-ethereum
    11  1. ```SODA_code/go-ethereum/cmd/pluginManage/* new file```
    12  2. ```SODA_code/go-ethereum/core/state_processor.go Process()```
    13  3. ```SODA_code/go-ethereum/core/vm/evm.go```
    14  4. ```SODA_code/go-ethereum/core/vm/instructions.go```
    15  5. ```SODA_code/go-ethereum/core/vm/interpreter.go Run()```
    16  6. ```SODA_code/go-ethereum/core/vm/stack.go```
    17  7. ```SODA_code/go-ethereum/eth/api.go```
    18  8. ```SODA_code/go-ethereum/log/pluginlog.go new file```
    19  9. ```SODA_code/go-ethereum/miner/worker.go```
    20  10. ```SODA_code/go-ethereum/params/config.go```
    21  11. ```SODA_code/go-ethereum/tingrong/transOpcodeStructure.go new file```
    24  # SODA_code
    25  SODA is a novel generic online detection framework for smart contracts on blockchains that support Ethereum virtual machine (EVM). We released the 8 detection apps and the source code of the framework here.  
    27  We developed the framework SODA based on go-ethereum v1.9.0 ( in Ubuntu 16.06.
    29  The source code of 8 detection apps is under the path ```SODA_code/plugin/plugin```.
    31  ## How to use this framework and the 8 detection apps
    32  1. Use ```go env``` to check your paths of ```GOPATH``` and ```GOROOT``` in your Ubuntu.
    33  2. Copy the file ```collector.go``` in the path ```SODA_code/collector``` to the path ```GOROOT/src/``` (if a directory does not exist, create it).
    34  3. Copy the folder ```json-iterator``` and ```modern-go``` in the path ```SODA_code/go-ethereum/vendor/``` to the path ```GOPATH/src/``` (if a directory does not exist, create it).
    35  4. Enter the folder ```SODA_code/go-ethereum```, set```GO111MODULE=auto```, use ```make geth``` to compile the framework, and then you can get ```geth``` from the path ```SODA_code/go-ethereum/build/bin```.
    36  5. Enter the path ```SODA_code/plugin/plugin/P1```, and then use ```go build –buildmode=plugin P1.go``` to get ``````.
    37  6. Make two new directories ```plugin``` where to put the `````` and ```public``` where to store sync data in the same directory as ```geth```.
    38  7. In the directory where ```geth``` is, use ```./geth -syncmode full -datadir public``` or ```nohup ./geth -syncmode full -datadir public > gethlog.txt 2>&1 &``` to start syncing.
    39  8. Finally, you will find the result of each app in the folder ```plugin_log```.
    41  # Result
    42  P1 is an app for detecting a malicious re-entrancy aiming at stealing ETH. The result of P1 is listed in the table ```P1_result.xlsx```.   
    43  We have listed all 8 apps' results at
    45  # Paper
    46  You can find our paper about the design, implementation, and experimental results of SODA at
    48  # Citing in Academic Work
    49  Welcome to cite our paper:
    50  Ting Chen, Rong Cao, Ting Li, Xiapu Luo, Guofei Gu, Yufei Zhang, Zhou Liao, Hang Zhu, Gang Chen, Zheyuan He, Yuxing Tang, Xiaodong Lin, Xiaosong Zhang. SODA: A Generic Online Detection Framework for Smart Contracts. In NDSS 2020.
    52  # Contact us
    53  If you have any problems in using our tool, please send emails to and