
     1  {
     2    "id":"32f54163-7166-48f1-93d8-ff217bdb0653",
     3    "input_descriptors":[
     4      {
     5        "id":"banking_input",
     6        "name":"Bank Account Information",
     7        "purpose":"We need your bank and account information.",
     8        "schema":[
     9          {
    10            "uri":""
    11          }
    12        ],
    13        "constraints":{
    14          "limit_disclosure":"required",
    15          "fields":[
    16            {
    17              "path":[
    18                "$.issuer",
    19                "$.vc.issuer",
    20                "$.iss"
    21              ],
    22              "purpose":"The claim must be from one of the specified issuers",
    23              "filter":{
    24                "type":"string",
    25                "pattern":"did:example:123|did:example:456"
    26              }
    27            }
    28          ]
    29        }
    30      },
    31      {
    32        "id":"citizenship_input",
    33        "name":"US Passport",
    34        "schema":[
    35          {
    36            "uri":"hub://did:foo:123/Collections/"
    37          }
    38        ],
    39        "constraints":{
    40          "fields":[
    41            {
    42              "path":[
    43                "$.credentialSubject.birth_date",
    44                "$.vc.credentialSubject.birth_date",
    45                "$.birth_date"
    46              ],
    47              "filter":{
    48                "type":"string",
    49                "format":"date",
    50                "minimum":"1999-5-16"
    51              }
    52            }
    53          ]
    54        }
    55      }
    56    ]
    57  }