
     1  #!/usr/bin/python3
     2  # Copyright (C) 2020 - 2023 iDigitalFlame
     3  #
     4  # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     5  # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     6  # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     7  # any later version.
     8  #
     9  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    10  # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    12  # GNU General Public License for more details.
    13  #
    14  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    15  # along with this program.  If not, see <>.
    16  #
    18  from sys import argv
    21  class ErrorValue(object):
    22      __slots__ = ("pkg", "text", "ident")
    24      def __init__(self, text, pkg=None, ident=None):
    25          self.pkg = pkg
    26          self.text = text
    27          self.ident = ident
    29      def __str__(self):
    30          if not isinstance(self.ident, str):
    31              return self.text
    32          if not isinstance(self.pkg, str):
    33              return f"{self.text} ({self.ident})"
    34          return f"{self.text} ({self.pkg}.{self.ident})"
    37  ERRORS = [None] * 0xFF
    40  def find_error(v):
    41      if isinstance(v, int):
    42          if v < 0 or v > 0xFF:
    43              return None
    44          return ERRORS[v]
    45      try:
    46          n = int(v, base=0)
    47          if n < 0 or n > 0xFF:
    48              return None
    49          return ERRORS[n]
    50      except ValueError:
    51          pass
    52      return None
    55  def add(index, text, pkg=None, ident=None):
    56      ERRORS[index] = ErrorValue(text, pkg, ident)
    59  add(0x00, "invalid/unknown error")
    60  add(0x01, "unspecified error")
    61  add(0x10, "empty or invalid Guardian name", "man")
    62  add(0x11, "no paths found", "man", "ErrNoEndpoints")
    63  add(0x12, "invalid path/name", "man")
    64  add(0x13, "invalid link type", "man")
    65  add(0x14, "update without a Service status handle", "device/winapi/svc")
    66  add(0x15, "unexpected key size", "device/winapi/registry")
    67  add(0x16, "unexpected key type", "device/winapi/registry")
    68  add(0x17, "invalid env value", "device/winapi")
    69  add(0x18, "cannot load DLL function", "device/winapi")
    70  add(0x19, "base is not a valid DOS header", "device/winapi")
    71  add(0x1A, "offset base is not a valid NT header", "device/winapi")
    72  add(0x1B, "header does not represent a DLL", "device/winapi")
    73  add(0x1C, "header has an invalid first entry point", "device/winapi")
    74  add(0x1D, "cannot find data section", "device/winapi")
    75  add(0x1E, "invalid address value", "device")
    76  add(0x1F, "quit", "device", "ErrQuit")
    77  add(0x20, "only supported on Windows devices", "device", "ErrNoWindows")
    78  add(0x21, "only supported on *nix devices", "device", "ErrNoNix")
    79  add(0x22, "cannot dump self", "device")
    80  add(0x23, "buffer limit reached", "data", "ErrLimit")
    81  add(0x24, "invalid buffer type", "data", "ErrInvalidType")
    82  add(0x25, "invalid index", "data", "ErrInvalidIndex")
    83  add(0x26, "buffer is too large", "data", "ErrTooLarge")
    84  add(0x27, "invalid whence", "data")
    85  add(0x28, "block size must be a power of two between 16 and 128", "data/crypto")
    86  add(0x29, "block size must equal IV size", "data/crypto")
    87  add(0x2A, "malformed Tag", "com", "ErrMalformedTag")
    88  add(0x2B, "tags list is too large", "com", "ErrTagsTooLarge")
    89  add(0x2C, "packet ID does not match the supplied ID", "com")
    90  add(0x2D, "invalid or missing TLS certificates", "com", "ErrInvalidTLSConfig")
    91  add(0x2E, "invalid permissions", "com/pipe")
    92  add(0x2F, "invalid permissions size", "com/pipe")
    93  add(0x30, "empty host field", "com/wc2")
    94  add(0x31, "invalid port specified", "com/wc2")
    95  add(0x32, "invalid HTTP response", "com/wc2")
    96  add(0x33, "body is not writable", "com/wc2")
    97  add(0x34, "could not get underlying net.Conn", "com/wc2")
    98  add(0x35, "not a file", "com/wc2")
    99  add(0x36, "not a directory", "com/wc2")
   100  add(0x37, "stdout already set", "cmd")
   101  add(0x38, "stderr already set", "cmd")
   102  add(0x39, "stdin already set", "cmd")
   103  add(0x3A, "process has not started", "cmd", "ErrNotStarted")
   104  add(0x3B, "process arguments are empty", "cmd", "ErrEmptyCommand")
   105  add(0x3C, "process still running", "cmd", "ErrStillRunning")
   106  add(0x3D, "process already started", "cmd", "ErrAlreadyStarted")
   107  add(0x3E, "could not find a suitable process", "cmd/filter", "ErrNoProcessFound")
   108  add(0x3F, "empty or nil Host", "c2", "ErrNoHost")
   109  add(0x40, "other side did not come up", "c2", "ErrNoConn")
   110  add(0x41, "empty or nil Profile", "c2/cfg", "ErrInvalidProfile")
   111  add(0x42, "first Packet is invalid", "c2")
   112  add(0x43, "empty or invalid pipe name", "c2")
   113  add(0x45, "unexpected OK value", "c2")
   114  add(0x46, "empty or nil Packet", "c2", "ErrMalformedPacket")
   115  add(0x47, "not a Listener", "c2/cfg", "ErrNotAListener")
   116  add(0x48, "not a Connector", "c2/cfg", "ErrNotAConnector")
   117  add(0x49, "unable to listen", "c2")
   118  add(0x4A, "empty Listener name", "c2")
   119  add(0x4B, "listener already exists", "c2")
   120  add(0x4C, "send buffer is full", "c2", "ErrFullBuffer")
   121  add(
   122      0x4D,
   123      "frag/multi total is zero on a frag/multi packet",
   124      "c2",
   125      "ErrInvalidPacketCount",
   126  )
   127  add(0x4E, "must be a client session", "c2")
   128  add(0x4F, "migration in progress", "c2")
   129  add(0x50, "cannot marshal Profile", "c2")
   130  add(0x51, "cannot marshal Proxy data", "c2")
   131  add(0x52, "packet ID does not match the supplied ID", "c2")
   132  add(0x53, "proxy support disabled", "c2")
   133  add(0x54, "cannot marshal Proxy Profile", "c2")
   134  add(0x55, "only a single Proxy per session can be active", "c2")
   135  add(0x56, "frag/multi count is larger than 0xFFFF", "c2", "ErrTooManyPackets")
   136  add(0x57, "received Packet that does not match our own device ID", "c2")
   137  add(0x58, "no Job created for client Session", "c2", "ErrNoTask")
   138  add(0x59, "empty or nil Job", "c2")
   139  add(0x5A, "cannot assign a Job ID", "c2")
   140  add(0x5B, "job already registered", "c2")
   141  add(0x5C, "empty or nil Tasklet", "c2")
   142  add(0x5D, "setting is invalid", "c2/cfg", "ErrInvalidSetting")
   143  add(0x5E, "cannot add multiple transforms", "c2/cfg", "ErrMultipleTransforms")
   144  add(0x5F, "cannot add multiple connections", "c2/cfg", "ErrMultipleConnections")
   145  add(0x60, "binary source not available", "c2/cfg")
   146  add(0x61, 'missing "type" string', "c2/cfg")
   147  add(0x62, "key not found", "c2/cfg")
   148  add(0x63, "mapping ID is invalid", "c2/task")
   149  add(0x64, "mapping ID is already exists", "c2/task")
   150  add(0x65, "empty host field", "c2/task")
   151  add(0x66, "invalid port specified", "c2/task")
   152  add(0x67, "invalid HTTP response", "c2/task")
   153  add(0x68, "invalid operation", "c2/task")
   154  add(0x69, "invalid Packet", "c2/task")
   155  add(0x6A, "empty or nil Tasklet", "c2/task")
   156  add(0x6B, "script is empty", "c2/task")
   157  add(0x6C, "empty key name", "c2/task")
   158  add(0x6D, "empty value name", "c2/task")
   159  add(0x6E, "arguments cannot be nil or empty", "c2/wrapper")
   160  add(0xFE, "invalid Task mapping", "c2")
   161  add(0x6F, "cannot find function", "device/winapi")
   162  add(0x6F, "function is a forward", "device/winapi")
   163  add(0x70, "invalid StartHour value", "c2")
   164  add(0x71, "invalid StartMin value", "c2")
   165  add(0x72, "invalid EndHour value", "c2")
   166  add(0x73, "invalid EndMin value", "c2")
   167  add(0x74, "invalid hex string length", "data")
   168  add(0x75, "invalid non-colon character", "data")
   169  add(0x76, "invalid non-hex byte", "data")
   170  add(0x77, "cannot parse curve PublicKey", "data")
   171  add(0x78, "cannot multiply PrivateKey with PublicKey", "data")
   172  add(0x79, "non-trusted server PublicKey", "c2")
   175  if __name__ == "__main__":
   176      if len(argv) == 2:
   177          print(find_error(argv[1]))
   178      else:
   179          print(f"{argv[0]} <error_code>")