
     1  package command
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"path/filepath"
     6  	"strings"
     8  	svchost ""
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  )
    13  // LogoutCommand is a Command implementation which removes stored credentials
    14  // for a remote service host.
    15  type LogoutCommand struct {
    16  	Meta
    17  }
    19  // Run implements cli.Command.
    20  func (c *LogoutCommand) Run(args []string) int {
    21  	args = c.Meta.process(args)
    22  	cmdFlags := c.Meta.defaultFlagSet("logout")
    23  	cmdFlags.Usage = func() { c.Ui.Error(c.Help()) }
    24  	if err := cmdFlags.Parse(args); err != nil {
    25  		return 1
    26  	}
    28  	args = cmdFlags.Args()
    29  	if len(args) > 1 {
    30  		c.Ui.Error(
    31  			"The logout command expects at most one argument: the host to log out of.")
    32  		cmdFlags.Usage()
    33  		return 1
    34  	}
    36  	var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
    38  	givenHostname := ""
    39  	if len(args) != 0 {
    40  		givenHostname = args[0]
    41  	}
    43  	hostname, err := svchost.ForComparison(givenHostname)
    44  	if err != nil {
    45  		diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
    46  			tfdiags.Error,
    47  			"Invalid hostname",
    48  			fmt.Sprintf("The given hostname %q is not valid: %s.", givenHostname, err.Error()),
    49  		))
    50  		c.showDiagnostics(diags)
    51  		return 1
    52  	}
    54  	// From now on, since we've validated the given hostname, we should use
    55  	// dispHostname in the UI to ensure we're presenting it in the canonical
    56  	// form, in case that helps users with debugging when things aren't
    57  	// working as expected. (Perhaps the normalization is part of the cause.)
    58  	dispHostname := hostname.ForDisplay()
    60  	creds := c.Services.CredentialsSource().(*cliconfig.CredentialsSource)
    61  	filename, _ := creds.CredentialsFilePath()
    62  	credsCtx := &loginCredentialsContext{
    63  		Location:      creds.HostCredentialsLocation(hostname),
    64  		LocalFilename: filename, // empty in the very unlikely event that we can't select a config directory for this user
    65  		HelperType:    creds.CredentialsHelperType(),
    66  	}
    68  	if credsCtx.Location == cliconfig.CredentialsInOtherFile {
    69  		diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
    70  			tfdiags.Error,
    71  			fmt.Sprintf("Credentials for %s are manually configured", dispHostname),
    72  			"The \"terraform logout\" command cannot log out because credentials for this host are manually configured in a CLI configuration file.\n\nTo log out, revoke the existing credentials and remove that block from the CLI configuration.",
    73  		))
    74  	}
    76  	if diags.HasErrors() {
    77  		c.showDiagnostics(diags)
    78  		return 1
    79  	}
    81  	// credsCtx might not be set if we're using a mock credentials source
    82  	// in a test, but it should always be set in normal use.
    83  	if credsCtx != nil {
    84  		switch credsCtx.Location {
    85  		case cliconfig.CredentialsNotAvailable:
    86  			c.Ui.Output(fmt.Sprintf("No credentials for %s are stored.\n", dispHostname))
    87  			return 0
    88  		case cliconfig.CredentialsViaHelper:
    89  			c.Ui.Output(fmt.Sprintf("Removing the stored credentials for %s from the configured\n%q credentials helper.\n", dispHostname, credsCtx.HelperType))
    90  		case cliconfig.CredentialsInPrimaryFile:
    91  			c.Ui.Output(fmt.Sprintf("Removing the stored credentials for %s from the following file:\n    %s\n", dispHostname, credsCtx.LocalFilename))
    92  		}
    93  	}
    95  	err = creds.ForgetForHost(hostname)
    96  	if err != nil {
    97  		diags = diags.Append(tfdiags.Sourceless(
    98  			tfdiags.Error,
    99  			"Failed to remove API token",
   100  			fmt.Sprintf("Unable to remove stored API token: %s", err),
   101  		))
   102  	}
   104  	c.showDiagnostics(diags)
   105  	if diags.HasErrors() {
   106  		return 1
   107  	}
   109  	c.Ui.Output(
   110  		fmt.Sprintf(
   111  			c.Colorize().Color(strings.TrimSpace(`
   112  [green][bold]Success![reset] [bold]Terraform has removed the stored API token for %s.[reset]
   113  `)),
   114  			dispHostname,
   115  		) + "\n",
   116  	)
   118  	return 0
   119  }
   121  // Help implements cli.Command.
   122  func (c *LogoutCommand) Help() string {
   123  	defaultFile := c.defaultOutputFile()
   124  	if defaultFile == "" {
   125  		// Because this is just for the help message and it's very unlikely
   126  		// that a user wouldn't have a functioning home directory anyway,
   127  		// we'll just use a placeholder here. The real command has some
   128  		// more complex behavior for this case. This result is not correct
   129  		// on all platforms, but given how unlikely we are to hit this case
   130  		// that seems okay.
   131  		defaultFile = "~/.terraform/credentials.tfrc.json"
   132  	}
   134  	helpText := `
   135  Usage: terraform [global options] logout [hostname]
   137    Removes locally-stored credentials for specified hostname.
   139    Note: the API token is only removed from local storage, not destroyed on the
   140    remote server, so it will remain valid until manually revoked.
   142    If no hostname is provided, the default hostname is
   143        %s
   144  `
   145  	return strings.TrimSpace(helpText)
   146  }
   148  // Synopsis implements cli.Command.
   149  func (c *LogoutCommand) Synopsis() string {
   150  	return "Remove locally-stored credentials for a remote host"
   151  }
   153  func (c *LogoutCommand) defaultOutputFile() string {
   154  	if c.CLIConfigDir == "" {
   155  		return "" // no default available
   156  	}
   157  	return filepath.Join(c.CLIConfigDir, "credentials.tfrc.json")
   158  }