
     1  // Copyright 2021-present The Atlas Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // This source code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license found
     3  // in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
     5  // Package cmdapi holds the atlas commands used to build an atlas distribution.
     6  package cmdapi
     8  import (
     9  	"context"
    10  	"encoding/csv"
    11  	"errors"
    12  	"fmt"
    13  	"io"
    14  	"net/url"
    15  	"os"
    16  	"path/filepath"
    17  	"strings"
    18  	"time"
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  )
    31  var (
    32  	// Root represents the root command when called without any subcommands.
    33  	Root = &cobra.Command{
    34  		Use:          "atlas",
    35  		Short:        "A database toolkit.",
    36  		SilenceUsage: true,
    37  	}
    39  	// GlobalFlags contains flags common to many Atlas sub-commands.
    40  	GlobalFlags struct {
    41  		// Config defines the path to the Atlas project/config file.
    42  		ConfigURL string
    43  		// SelectedEnv contains the environment selected from the active project via the --env flag.
    44  		SelectedEnv string
    45  		// Vars contains the input variables passed from the CLI to Atlas DDL or project files.
    46  		Vars Vars
    47  	}
    49  	// version holds Atlas version. When built with cloud packages should be set by build flag
    50  	// "-X '${version}'"
    51  	version string
    53  	// schemaCmd represents the subcommand 'atlas version'.
    54  	versionCmd = &cobra.Command{
    55  		Use:   "version",
    56  		Short: "Prints this Atlas CLI version information.",
    57  		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
    58  			v, u := parseV(version)
    59  			cmd.Printf("atlas version %s\n%s\n", v, u)
    60  		},
    61  	}
    63  	// license holds Atlas license. When built with cloud packages should be set by build flag
    64  	// "-X '${license}'"
    65  	license = `LICENSE
    66  Atlas is licensed under Apache 2.0 as found in`
    67  	licenseCmd = &cobra.Command{
    68  		Use:   "license",
    69  		Short: "Display license information",
    70  		Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) {
    71  			cmd.Println(license)
    72  		},
    73  	}
    74  )
    76  func init() {
    77  	Root.AddCommand(versionCmd)
    78  	Root.AddCommand(licenseCmd)
    79  	// Register a global function to clean up the global
    80  	// flags regardless if the command passed or failed.
    81  	cobra.OnFinalize(func() {
    82  		GlobalFlags.ConfigURL = ""
    83  		GlobalFlags.Vars = nil
    84  		GlobalFlags.SelectedEnv = ""
    85  	})
    86  }
    88  // inputValuesFromEnv populates GlobalFlags.Vars from the active environment. If we are working
    89  // inside a project, the "var" flag is not propagated to the schema definition. Instead, it
    90  // is used to evaluate the project file which can pass input values via the "values" block
    91  // to the schema.
    92  func inputValuesFromEnv(cmd *cobra.Command, env *Env) error {
    93  	if fl := cmd.Flag(flagVar); fl == nil {
    94  		return nil
    95  	}
    96  	values, err := env.asMap()
    97  	if err != nil {
    98  		return err
    99  	}
   100  	if len(values) == 0 {
   101  		return nil
   102  	}
   103  	pairs := make([]string, 0, len(values))
   104  	for k, v := range values {
   105  		pairs = append(pairs, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v))
   106  	}
   107  	vars := strings.Join(pairs, ",")
   108  	if err := cmd.Flags().Set(flagVar, vars); err != nil {
   109  		return fmt.Errorf("set flag %q: %w", flagVar, err)
   110  	}
   111  	return nil
   112  }
   114  // parseV returns a user facing version and release notes url
   115  func parseV(version string) (string, string) {
   116  	u := ""
   117  	if ok := semver.IsValid(version); !ok {
   118  		return "- development", u
   119  	}
   120  	s := strings.Split(version, "-")
   121  	if len(s) != 0 && s[len(s)-1] != "canary" {
   122  		u = fmt.Sprintf("", version)
   123  	}
   124  	return version, u
   125  }
   127  // Version returns the current Atlas binary version.
   128  func Version() string {
   129  	return version
   130  }
   132  // Vars implements pflag.Value.
   133  type Vars map[string]cty.Value
   135  // String implements pflag.Value.String.
   136  func (v Vars) String() string {
   137  	var b strings.Builder
   138  	for k := range v {
   139  		if b.Len() > 0 {
   140  			b.WriteString(", ")
   141  		}
   142  		b.WriteString(k)
   143  		b.WriteString(":")
   144  		b.WriteString(v[k].GoString())
   145  	}
   146  	return "[" + b.String() + "]"
   147  }
   149  // Copy returns a copy of the current variables.
   150  func (v Vars) Copy() Vars {
   151  	vc := make(Vars)
   152  	for k := range v {
   153  		vc[k] = v[k]
   154  	}
   155  	return vc
   156  }
   158  // Replace overrides the variables.
   159  func (v *Vars) Replace(vc Vars) {
   160  	*v = vc
   161  }
   163  // Set implements pflag.Value.Set.
   164  func (v *Vars) Set(s string) error {
   165  	if *v == nil {
   166  		*v = make(Vars)
   167  	}
   168  	kvs, err := csv.NewReader(strings.NewReader(s)).Read()
   169  	if err != nil {
   170  		return err
   171  	}
   172  	for i := range kvs {
   173  		kv := strings.SplitN(kvs[i], "=", 2)
   174  		if len(kv) != 2 {
   175  			return fmt.Errorf("variables must be format as key=value, got: %q", kvs[i])
   176  		}
   177  		v1 := cty.StringVal(kv[1])
   178  		switch v0, ok := (*v)[kv[0]]; {
   179  		case ok && v0.Type().IsListType():
   180  			(*v)[kv[0]] = cty.ListVal(append(v0.AsValueSlice(), v1))
   181  		case ok:
   182  			(*v)[kv[0]] = cty.ListVal([]cty.Value{v0, v1})
   183  		default:
   184  			(*v)[kv[0]] = v1
   185  		}
   186  	}
   187  	return nil
   188  }
   190  // Type implements pflag.Value.Type.
   191  func (v *Vars) Type() string {
   192  	return "<name>=<value>"
   193  }
   195  const (
   196  	flagAllowDirty     = "allow-dirty"
   197  	flagEdit           = "edit"
   198  	flagAutoApprove    = "auto-approve"
   199  	flagBaseline       = "baseline"
   200  	flagConfig         = "config"
   201  	flagDevURL         = "dev-url"
   202  	flagDirURL         = "dir"
   203  	flagDirFormat      = "dir-format"
   204  	flagDryRun         = "dry-run"
   205  	flagEnv            = "env"
   206  	flagExclude        = "exclude"
   207  	flagFile           = "file"
   208  	flagFrom           = "from"
   209  	flagFromShort      = "f"
   210  	flagFormat         = "format"
   211  	flagGitBase        = "git-base"
   212  	flagGitDir         = "git-dir"
   213  	flagLatest         = "latest"
   214  	flagLockTimeout    = "lock-timeout"
   215  	flagLog            = "log"
   216  	flagRevisionSchema = "revisions-schema"
   217  	flagSchema         = "schema"
   218  	flagSchemaShort    = "s"
   219  	flagTo             = "to"
   220  	flagTxMode         = "tx-mode"
   221  	flagURL            = "url"
   222  	flagURLShort       = "u"
   223  	flagVar            = "var"
   224  	flagQualifier      = "qualifier"
   225  )
   227  func addGlobalFlags(set *pflag.FlagSet) {
   228  	set.StringVar(&GlobalFlags.SelectedEnv, flagEnv, "", "set which env from the config file to use")
   229  	set.Var(&GlobalFlags.Vars, flagVar, "input variables")
   230  	set.StringVarP(&GlobalFlags.ConfigURL, flagConfig, "c", defaultConfigPath, "select config (project) file using URL format")
   231  }
   233  func addFlagAutoApprove(set *pflag.FlagSet, target *bool) {
   234  	set.BoolVar(target, flagAutoApprove, false, "apply changes without prompting for approval")
   235  }
   237  func addFlagDirFormat(set *pflag.FlagSet, target *string) {
   238  	set.StringVar(target, flagDirFormat, "atlas", "select migration file format")
   239  }
   241  func addFlagLockTimeout(set *pflag.FlagSet, target *time.Duration) {
   242  	set.DurationVar(target, flagLockTimeout, 10*time.Second, "set how long to wait for the database lock")
   243  }
   245  // addFlagURL adds a URL flag. If given, args[0] override the name, args[1] the shorthand, args[2] the default value.
   246  func addFlagDirURL(set *pflag.FlagSet, target *string, args ...string) {
   247  	name, short, val := flagDirURL, "", "file://migrations"
   248  	switch len(args) {
   249  	case 3:
   250  		val = args[2]
   251  		fallthrough
   252  	case 2:
   253  		short = args[1]
   254  		fallthrough
   255  	case 1:
   256  		name = args[0]
   257  	}
   258  	set.StringVarP(target, name, short, val, "select migration directory using URL format")
   259  }
   261  func addFlagDevURL(set *pflag.FlagSet, target *string) {
   262  	set.StringVar(
   263  		target,
   264  		flagDevURL,
   265  		"",
   266  		"[driver://username:password@address/dbname?param=value] select a dev database using the URL format",
   267  	)
   268  }
   270  func addFlagDryRun(set *pflag.FlagSet, target *bool) {
   271  	set.BoolVar(target, flagDryRun, false, "print SQL without executing it")
   272  }
   274  func addFlagExclude(set *pflag.FlagSet, target *[]string) {
   275  	set.StringSliceVar(
   276  		target,
   277  		flagExclude,
   278  		nil,
   279  		"list of glob patterns used to filter resources from applying",
   280  	)
   281  }
   283  func addFlagLog(set *pflag.FlagSet, target *string) {
   284  	set.StringVar(target, flagLog, "", "Go template to use to format the output")
   285  	// Use MarkHidden instead of MarkDeprecated to avoid
   286  	// spam users' system logs with deprecation warnings.
   287  	cobra.CheckErr(set.MarkHidden(flagLog))
   288  }
   290  func addFlagFormat(set *pflag.FlagSet, target *string) {
   291  	set.StringVar(target, flagFormat, "", "Go template to use to format the output")
   292  }
   294  func addFlagRevisionSchema(set *pflag.FlagSet, target *string) {
   295  	set.StringVar(target, flagRevisionSchema, "", "name of the schema the revisions table resides in")
   296  }
   298  func addFlagSchemas(set *pflag.FlagSet, target *[]string) {
   299  	set.StringSliceVarP(
   300  		target,
   301  		flagSchema, flagSchemaShort,
   302  		nil,
   303  		"set schema names",
   304  	)
   305  }
   307  // addFlagURL adds a URL flag. If given, args[0] override the name, args[1] the shorthand.
   308  func addFlagURL(set *pflag.FlagSet, target *string, args ...string) {
   309  	name, short := flagURL, flagURLShort
   310  	switch len(args) {
   311  	case 2:
   312  		short = args[1]
   313  		fallthrough
   314  	case 1:
   315  		name = args[0]
   316  	}
   317  	set.StringVarP(
   318  		target,
   319  		name, short,
   320  		"",
   321  		"[driver://username:password@address/dbname?param=value] select a resource using the URL format",
   322  	)
   323  }
   325  func addFlagURLs(set *pflag.FlagSet, target *[]string, args ...string) {
   326  	name, short := flagURL, flagURLShort
   327  	switch len(args) {
   328  	case 2:
   329  		short = args[1]
   330  		fallthrough
   331  	case 1:
   332  		name = args[0]
   333  	}
   334  	set.StringSliceVarP(
   335  		target,
   336  		name, short,
   337  		nil,
   338  		"[driver://username:password@address/dbname?param=value] select a resource using the URL format",
   339  	)
   340  }
   342  func addFlagToURLs(set *pflag.FlagSet, target *[]string) {
   343  	set.StringSliceVarP(target, flagTo, "", nil, "[driver://username:password@address/dbname?param=value] select a desired state using the URL format")
   344  }
   346  // maySetFlag sets the flag with the provided name to envVal if such a flag exists
   347  // on the cmd, it was not set by the user via the command line and if envVal is not
   348  // an empty string.
   349  func maySetFlag(cmd *cobra.Command, name, envVal string) error {
   350  	if f := cmd.Flag(name); f == nil || f.Changed || envVal == "" {
   351  		return nil
   352  	}
   353  	return cmd.Flags().Set(name, envVal)
   354  }
   356  // resetFromEnv traverses the command flags, records what flags
   357  // were not set by the user and returns a callback to clear them
   358  // after it was set by the current environment.
   359  func resetFromEnv(cmd *cobra.Command) func() {
   360  	mayReset := make(map[string]func() error)
   361  	cmd.Flags().VisitAll(func(f *pflag.Flag) {
   362  		if f.Changed {
   363  			return
   364  		}
   365  		vs := f.Value.String()
   366  		r := func() error { return f.Value.Set(vs) }
   367  		if v, ok := f.Value.(*Vars); ok {
   368  			vs := v.Copy()
   369  			r = func() error {
   370  				v.Replace(vs)
   371  				return nil
   372  			}
   373  		} else if v, ok := f.Value.(pflag.SliceValue); ok {
   374  			vs := v.GetSlice()
   375  			r = func() error {
   376  				return v.Replace(vs)
   377  			}
   378  		}
   379  		mayReset[f.Name] = r
   380  	})
   381  	return func() {
   382  		for name, reset := range mayReset {
   383  			if f := cmd.Flag(name); f != nil && f.Changed {
   384  				f.Changed = false
   385  				// Unexpected error, because this flag was set before.
   386  				cobra.CheckErr(reset())
   387  			}
   388  		}
   389  	}
   390  }
   392  type (
   393  	// stateReadCloser is a migrate.StateReader with an optional io.Closer.
   394  	stateReadCloser struct {
   395  		migrate.StateReader
   396  		io.Closer        // optional close function
   397  		schema    string // in case we work on a single schema
   398  		hcl       bool   // true if state was read from HCL files since in that case we always compare realms
   399  	}
   400  	// stateReaderConfig is given to stateReader.
   401  	stateReaderConfig struct {
   402  		urls        []string          // urls to create a migrate.StateReader from
   403  		client, dev *sqlclient.Client // database connections, while dev is considered a dev database, client is not
   404  		schemas     []string          // schemas to work on
   405  		exclude     []string          // exclude flag values
   406  		vars        Vars
   407  	}
   408  )
   410  // stateReader returns a migrate.StateReader that reads the state from the given urls.
   411  func stateReader(ctx context.Context, config *stateReaderConfig) (*stateReadCloser, error) {
   412  	scheme, err := selectScheme(config.urls)
   413  	if err != nil {
   414  		return nil, err
   415  	}
   416  	parsed := make([]*url.URL, len(config.urls))
   417  	for i, u := range config.urls {
   418  		parsed[i], err = url.Parse(u)
   419  		if err != nil {
   420  			return nil, err
   421  		}
   422  	}
   423  	switch scheme {
   424  	// "file" scheme is valid for both migration directory and HCL paths.
   425  	case "file":
   426  		switch ext, err := filesExt(parsed); {
   427  		case err != nil:
   428  			return nil, err
   429  		case ext == extHCL:
   430  			return hclStateReader(ctx, config, parsed)
   431  		case ext == extSQL:
   432  			return sqlStateReader(ctx, config, parsed)
   433  		default:
   434  			panic("unreachable") // checked by filesExt.
   435  		}
   436  	default:
   437  		// In case there is an external state-loader registered with this scheme.
   438  		if l, ok := cmdext.States.Loader(scheme); ok {
   439  			sr, err := l.LoadState(ctx, &cmdext.LoadStateOptions{URLs: parsed, Dev:})
   440  			if err != nil {
   441  				return nil, err
   442  			}
   443  			rc := &stateReadCloser{StateReader: sr}
   444  			if != nil && != "" {
   445  				rc.schema =
   446  			}
   447  			return rc, nil
   448  		}
   449  		// All other schemes are database (or docker) connections.
   450  		c, err := sqlclient.Open(ctx, config.urls[0]) // call to selectScheme already checks for len > 0
   451  		if err != nil {
   452  			return nil, err
   453  		}
   454  		var sr migrate.StateReader
   455  		switch c.URL.Schema {
   456  		case "":
   457  			sr = migrate.RealmConn(c.Driver, &schema.InspectRealmOption{
   458  				Schemas: config.schemas,
   459  				Exclude: config.exclude,
   460  			})
   461  		default:
   462  			sr = migrate.SchemaConn(c.Driver, c.URL.Schema, &schema.InspectOptions{Exclude: config.exclude})
   463  		}
   464  		return &stateReadCloser{
   465  			StateReader: sr,
   466  			Closer:      c,
   467  			schema:      c.URL.Schema,
   468  		}, nil
   469  	}
   470  }
   472  // hclStateReadr returns a StateReader that reads the state from the given HCL paths urls.
   473  func hclStateReader(ctx context.Context, config *stateReaderConfig, urls []*url.URL) (*stateReadCloser, error) {
   474  	var client *sqlclient.Client
   475  	switch {
   476  	case != nil:
   477  		client =
   478  	case config.client != nil:
   479  		client = config.client
   480  	default:
   481  		return nil, errors.New("--dev-url cannot be empty")
   482  	}
   483  	paths := make([]string, len(urls))
   484  	for i, u := range urls {
   485  		paths[i] = filepath.Join(u.Host, u.Path)
   486  	}
   487  	parser, err := parseHCLPaths(paths...)
   488  	if err != nil {
   489  		return nil, err
   490  	}
   491  	realm := &schema.Realm{}
   492  	if err := client.Eval(parser, realm, config.vars); err != nil {
   493  		return nil, err
   494  	}
   495  	if len(config.schemas) > 0 {
   496  		// Validate all schemas in file were selected by user.
   497  		sm := make(map[string]bool, len(config.schemas))
   498  		for _, s := range config.schemas {
   499  			sm[s] = true
   500  		}
   501  		for _, s := range realm.Schemas {
   502  			if !sm[s.Name] {
   503  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("schema %q from paths %q is not requested (all schemas in HCL must be requested)", s.Name, paths)
   504  			}
   505  		}
   506  	}
   507  	// In case the dev connection is bound to a specific schema, we require the
   508  	// desired schema to contain only one schema. Thus, executing diff will be
   509  	// done on the content of these two schema and not the whole realm.
   510  	if client.URL.Schema != "" && len(realm.Schemas) > 1 {
   511  		return nil, fmt.Errorf(
   512  			"cannot use HCL with more than 1 schema when dev-url is limited to schema %q",
   514  		)
   515  	}
   516  	if norm, ok := client.Driver.(schema.Normalizer); ok && != nil { // only normalize on a dev database
   517  		realm, err = norm.NormalizeRealm(ctx, realm)
   518  		if err != nil {
   519  			return nil, err
   520  		}
   521  	}
   522  	t := &stateReadCloser{StateReader: migrate.Realm(realm), hcl: true}
   523  	return t, nil
   524  }
   526  func sqlStateReader(ctx context.Context, config *stateReaderConfig, urls []*url.URL) (*stateReadCloser, error) {
   527  	if len(urls) != 1 {
   528  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("the provided SQL state must be either a single schema file or a migration directory, but %d paths were found", len(urls))
   529  	}
   530  	// Replaying a migration directory requires a dev connection.
   531  	if == nil {
   532  		return nil, errors.New("--dev-url cannot be empty")
   533  	}
   534  	var (
   535  		dir  migrate.Dir
   536  		opts []migrate.ReplayOption
   537  		path = filepath.Join(urls[0].Host, urls[0].Path)
   538  	)
   539  	switch fi, err := os.Stat(path); {
   540  	case err != nil:
   541  		return nil, err
   542  	// A single schema file.
   543  	case !fi.IsDir():
   544  		b, err := os.ReadFile(path)
   545  		if err != nil {
   546  			return nil, err
   547  		}
   548  		dir = &validMemDir{}
   549  		if err := dir.WriteFile(fi.Name(), b); err != nil {
   550  			return nil, err
   551  		}
   552  	// A migration directory.
   553  	default:
   554  		if dir, err = dirURL(urls[0], false); err != nil {
   555  			return nil, err
   556  		}
   557  		if v := urls[0].Query().Get("version"); v != "" {
   558  			opts = append(opts, migrate.ReplayToVersion(v))
   559  		}
   560  	}
   561  	ex, err := migrate.NewExecutor(, dir, migrate.NopRevisionReadWriter{})
   562  	if err != nil {
   563  		return nil, err
   564  	}
   565  	sr, err := ex.Replay(ctx, func() migrate.StateReader {
   566  		if != "" {
   567  			return migrate.SchemaConn(, "", nil)
   568  		}
   569  		return migrate.RealmConn(, &schema.InspectRealmOption{
   570  			Schemas: config.schemas,
   571  			Exclude: config.exclude,
   572  		})
   573  	}(), opts...)
   574  	if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, migrate.ErrNoPendingFiles) {
   575  		return nil, err
   576  	}
   577  	return &stateReadCloser{
   578  		StateReader: migrate.Realm(sr),
   579  		schema:,
   580  	}, nil
   581  }
   583  // Close redirects calls to Close to the enclosed io.Closer.
   584  func (sr *stateReadCloser) Close() {
   585  	if sr.Closer != nil {
   586  		sr.Closer.Close()
   587  	}
   588  }
   590  // validMemDir will not throw an error when put into migrate.Validate.
   591  type validMemDir struct{ migrate.MemDir }
   593  func (d *validMemDir) Validate() error { return nil }
   595  const (
   596  	extHCL = ".hcl"
   597  	extSQL = ".sql"
   598  )
   600  func filesExt(urls []*url.URL) (string, error) {
   601  	var path, ext string
   602  	set := func(curr string) error {
   603  		switch e := filepath.Ext(curr); {
   604  		case e != extHCL && e != extSQL:
   605  			return fmt.Errorf("unknown schema file: %q", curr)
   606  		case ext != "" && ext != e:
   607  			return fmt.Errorf("ambiguous schema: both SQL and HCL files found: %q, %q", path, curr)
   608  		default:
   609  			path, ext = curr, e
   610  			return nil
   611  		}
   612  	}
   613  	for _, u := range urls {
   614  		path := filepath.Join(u.Host, u.Path)
   615  		switch fi, err := os.Stat(path); {
   616  		case err != nil:
   617  			return "", err
   618  		case fi.IsDir():
   619  			files, err := os.ReadDir(path)
   620  			if err != nil {
   621  				return "", err
   622  			}
   623  			for _, f := range files {
   624  				switch filepath.Ext(f.Name()) {
   625  				// Ignore unknown extensions in case we read directories.
   626  				case extHCL, extSQL:
   627  					if err := set(f.Name()); err != nil {
   628  						return "", err
   629  					}
   630  				}
   631  			}
   632  		default:
   633  			if err := set(fi.Name()); err != nil {
   634  				return "", err
   635  			}
   636  		}
   637  	}
   638  	switch {
   639  	case ext != "":
   640  	case len(urls) == 1 && (urls[0].Host != "" || urls[0].Path != ""):
   641  		return "", fmt.Errorf(
   642  			"%q contains neither SQL nor HCL files",
   643  			filepath.Base(filepath.Join(urls[0].Host, urls[0].Path)),
   644  		)
   645  	default:
   646  		return "", errors.New("schema contains neither SQL nor HCL files")
   647  	}
   648  	return ext, nil
   649  }