
     1  // Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package x509
     7  import (
     8  	"testing"
     9  )
    11  func TestFallbackPanic(t *testing.T) {
    12  	defer func() {
    13  		if recover() == nil {
    14  			t.Fatal("Multiple calls to SetFallbackRoots should panic")
    15  		}
    16  	}()
    17  	SetFallbackRoots(nil)
    18  	SetFallbackRoots(nil)
    19  }
    21  func TestFallback(t *testing.T) {
    22  	// call systemRootsPool so that the sync.Once is triggered, and we can
    23  	// manipulate systemRoots without worrying about our working being overwritten
    24  	systemRootsPool()
    25  	if systemRoots != nil {
    26  		originalSystemRoots := *systemRoots
    27  		defer func() { systemRoots = &originalSystemRoots }()
    28  	}
    30  	tests := []struct {
    31  		name            string
    32  		systemRoots     *CertPool
    33  		systemPool      bool
    34  		poolContent     []*Certificate
    35  		forceFallback   bool
    36  		returnsFallback bool
    37  	}{
    38  		{
    39  			name:            "nil systemRoots",
    40  			returnsFallback: true,
    41  		},
    42  		{
    43  			name:            "empty systemRoots",
    44  			systemRoots:     NewCertPool(),
    45  			returnsFallback: true,
    46  		},
    47  		{
    48  			name:        "empty systemRoots system pool",
    49  			systemRoots: NewCertPool(),
    50  			systemPool:  true,
    51  		},
    52  		{
    53  			name:        "filled systemRoots system pool",
    54  			systemRoots: NewCertPool(),
    55  			poolContent: []*Certificate{{}},
    56  			systemPool:  true,
    57  		},
    58  		{
    59  			name:        "filled systemRoots",
    60  			systemRoots: NewCertPool(),
    61  			poolContent: []*Certificate{{}},
    62  		},
    63  		{
    64  			name:            "filled systemRoots, force fallback",
    65  			systemRoots:     NewCertPool(),
    66  			poolContent:     []*Certificate{{}},
    67  			forceFallback:   true,
    68  			returnsFallback: true,
    69  		},
    70  		{
    71  			name:            "filled systemRoot system pool, force fallback",
    72  			systemRoots:     NewCertPool(),
    73  			poolContent:     []*Certificate{{}},
    74  			systemPool:      true,
    75  			forceFallback:   true,
    76  			returnsFallback: true,
    77  		},
    78  	}
    80  	for _, tc := range tests {
    81  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
    82  			fallbacksSet = false
    83  			systemRoots = tc.systemRoots
    84  			if systemRoots != nil {
    85  				systemRoots.systemPool = tc.systemPool
    86  			}
    87  			for _, c := range tc.poolContent {
    88  				systemRoots.AddCert(c)
    89  			}
    90  			if tc.forceFallback {
    91  				t.Setenv("GODEBUG", "x509usefallbackroots=1")
    92  			} else {
    93  				t.Setenv("GODEBUG", "x509usefallbackroots=0")
    94  			}
    96  			fallbackPool := NewCertPool()
    97  			SetFallbackRoots(fallbackPool)
    99  			systemPoolIsFallback := systemRoots == fallbackPool
   101  			if tc.returnsFallback && !systemPoolIsFallback {
   102  				t.Error("systemRoots was not set to fallback pool")
   103  			} else if !tc.returnsFallback && systemPoolIsFallback {
   104  				t.Error("systemRoots was set to fallback pool when it shouldn't have been")
   105  			}
   106  		})
   107  	}
   108  }