
     1  // Copyright 2017 The go-ethereum Authors
     2  // This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
     3  //
     4  // The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     5  // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
     6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     7  // (at your option) any later version.
     8  //
     9  // The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    12  // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
    13  //
    14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    15  // along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
    17  // Package usbwallet implements support for USB hardware wallets.
    18  package usbwallet
    20  import (
    21  	"context"
    22  	"fmt"
    23  	"io"
    24  	"math/big"
    25  	"sync"
    26  	"time"
    28  	ethereum ""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  )
    37  // Maximum time between wallet health checks to detect USB unplugs.
    38  const heartbeatCycle = time.Second
    40  // Minimum time to wait between self derivation attempts, even it the user is
    41  // requesting accounts like crazy.
    42  const selfDeriveThrottling = time.Second
    44  // driver defines the vendor specific functionality hardware wallets instances
    45  // must implement to allow using them with the wallet lifecycle management.
    46  type driver interface {
    47  	// Status returns a textual status to aid the user in the current state of the
    48  	// wallet. It also returns an error indicating any failure the wallet might have
    49  	// encountered.
    50  	Status() (string, error)
    52  	// Open initializes access to a wallet instance. The passphrase parameter may
    53  	// or may not be used by the implementation of a particular wallet instance.
    54  	Open(device io.ReadWriter, passphrase string) error
    56  	// Close releases any resources held by an open wallet instance.
    57  	Close() error
    59  	// Heartbeat performs a sanity check against the hardware wallet to see if it
    60  	// is still online and healthy.
    61  	Heartbeat() error
    63  	// Derive sends a derivation request to the USB device and returns the Ethereum
    64  	// address located on that path.
    65  	Derive(path accounts.DerivationPath) (common.Address, error)
    67  	// SignTx sends the transaction to the USB device and waits for the user to confirm
    68  	// or deny the transaction.
    69  	SignTx(path accounts.DerivationPath, tx *types.Transaction, chainID *big.Int) (common.Address, *types.Transaction, error)
    70  }
    72  // wallet represents the common functionality shared by all USB hardware
    73  // wallets to prevent reimplementing the same complex maintenance mechanisms
    74  // for different vendors.
    75  type wallet struct {
    76  	hub    *Hub          // USB hub scanning
    77  	driver driver        // Hardware implementation of the low level device operations
    78  	url    *accounts.URL // Textual URL uniquely identifying this wallet
    80  	info   usb.DeviceInfo // Known USB device infos about the wallet
    81  	device usb.Device     // USB device advertising itself as a hardware wallet
    83  	accounts []accounts.Account                         // List of derive accounts pinned on the hardware wallet
    84  	paths    map[common.Address]accounts.DerivationPath // Known derivation paths for signing operations
    86  	deriveNextPaths []accounts.DerivationPath // Next derivation paths for account auto-discovery (multiple bases supported)
    87  	deriveNextAddrs []common.Address          // Next derived account addresses for auto-discovery (multiple bases supported)
    88  	deriveChain     ethereum.ChainStateReader // Blockchain state reader to discover used account with
    89  	deriveReq       chan chan struct{}        // Channel to request a self-derivation on
    90  	deriveQuit      chan chan error           // Channel to terminate the self-deriver with
    92  	healthQuit chan chan error
    94  	// Locking a hardware wallet is a bit special. Since hardware devices are lower
    95  	// performing, any communication with them might take a non negligible amount of
    96  	// time. Worse still, waiting for user confirmation can take arbitrarily long,
    97  	// but exclusive communication must be upheld during. Locking the entire wallet
    98  	// in the mean time however would stall any parts of the system that don't want
    99  	// to communicate, just read some state (e.g. list the accounts).
   100  	//
   101  	// As such, a hardware wallet needs two locks to function correctly. A state
   102  	// lock can be used to protect the wallet's software-side internal state, which
   103  	// must not be held exclusively during hardware communication. A communication
   104  	// lock can be used to achieve exclusive access to the device itself, this one
   105  	// however should allow "skipping" waiting for operations that might want to
   106  	// use the device, but can live without too (e.g. account self-derivation).
   107  	//
   108  	// Since we have two locks, it's important to know how to properly use them:
   109  	//   - Communication requires the `device` to not change, so obtaining the
   110  	//     commsLock should be done after having a stateLock.
   111  	//   - Communication must not disable read access to the wallet state, so it
   112  	//     must only ever hold a *read* lock to stateLock.
   113  	commsLock chan struct{} // Mutex (buf=1) for the USB comms without keeping the state locked
   114  	stateLock sync.RWMutex  // Protects read and write access to the wallet struct fields
   116  	log log.Logger // Contextual logger to tag the base with its id
   117  }
   119  // URL implements accounts.Wallet, returning the URL of the USB hardware device.
   120  func (w *wallet) URL() accounts.URL {
   121  	return *w.url // Immutable, no need for a lock
   122  }
   124  // Status implements accounts.Wallet, returning a custom status message from the
   125  // underlying vendor-specific hardware wallet implementation.
   126  func (w *wallet) Status() (string, error) {
   127  	w.stateLock.RLock() // No device communication, state lock is enough
   128  	defer w.stateLock.RUnlock()
   130  	status, failure := w.driver.Status()
   131  	if w.device == nil {
   132  		return "Closed", failure
   133  	}
   134  	return status, failure
   135  }
   137  // Open implements accounts.Wallet, attempting to open a USB connection to the
   138  // hardware wallet.
   139  func (w *wallet) Open(passphrase string) error {
   140  	w.stateLock.Lock() // State lock is enough since there's no connection yet at this point
   141  	defer w.stateLock.Unlock()
   143  	// If the device was already opened once, refuse to try again
   144  	if w.paths != nil {
   145  		return accounts.ErrWalletAlreadyOpen
   146  	}
   147  	// Make sure the actual device connection is done only once
   148  	if w.device == nil {
   149  		device, err :=
   150  		if err != nil {
   151  			return err
   152  		}
   153  		w.device = device
   154  		w.commsLock = make(chan struct{}, 1)
   155  		w.commsLock <- struct{}{} // Enable lock
   156  	}
   157  	// Delegate device initialization to the underlying driver
   158  	if err := w.driver.Open(w.device, passphrase); err != nil {
   159  		return err
   160  	}
   161  	// Connection successful, start life-cycle management
   162  	w.paths = make(map[common.Address]accounts.DerivationPath)
   164  	w.deriveReq = make(chan chan struct{})
   165  	w.deriveQuit = make(chan chan error)
   166  	w.healthQuit = make(chan chan error)
   168  	go w.heartbeat()
   169  	go w.selfDerive()
   171  	// Notify anyone listening for wallet events that a new device is accessible
   172  	go w.hub.updateFeed.Send(accounts.WalletEvent{Wallet: w, Kind: accounts.WalletOpened})
   174  	return nil
   175  }
   177  // heartbeat is a health check loop for the USB wallets to periodically verify
   178  // whether they are still present or if they malfunctioned.
   179  func (w *wallet) heartbeat() {
   180  	w.log.Debug("USB wallet health-check started")
   181  	defer w.log.Debug("USB wallet health-check stopped")
   183  	// Execute heartbeat checks until termination or error
   184  	var (
   185  		errc chan error
   186  		err  error
   187  	)
   188  	for errc == nil && err == nil {
   189  		// Wait until termination is requested or the heartbeat cycle arrives
   190  		select {
   191  		case errc = <-w.healthQuit:
   192  			// Termination requested
   193  			continue
   194  		case <-time.After(heartbeatCycle):
   195  			// Heartbeat time
   196  		}
   197  		// Execute a tiny data exchange to see responsiveness
   198  		w.stateLock.RLock()
   199  		if w.device == nil {
   200  			// Terminated while waiting for the lock
   201  			w.stateLock.RUnlock()
   202  			continue
   203  		}
   204  		<-w.commsLock // Don't lock state while resolving version
   205  		err = w.driver.Heartbeat()
   206  		w.commsLock <- struct{}{}
   207  		w.stateLock.RUnlock()
   209  		if err != nil {
   210  			w.stateLock.Lock() // Lock state to tear the wallet down
   211  			w.close()
   212  			w.stateLock.Unlock()
   213  		}
   214  		// Ignore non hardware related errors
   215  		err = nil
   216  	}
   217  	// In case of error, wait for termination
   218  	if err != nil {
   219  		w.log.Debug("USB wallet health-check failed", "err", err)
   220  		errc = <-w.healthQuit
   221  	}
   222  	errc <- err
   223  }
   225  // Close implements accounts.Wallet, closing the USB connection to the device.
   226  func (w *wallet) Close() error {
   227  	// Ensure the wallet was opened
   228  	w.stateLock.RLock()
   229  	hQuit, dQuit := w.healthQuit, w.deriveQuit
   230  	w.stateLock.RUnlock()
   232  	// Terminate the health checks
   233  	var herr error
   234  	if hQuit != nil {
   235  		errc := make(chan error)
   236  		hQuit <- errc
   237  		herr = <-errc // Save for later, we *must* close the USB
   238  	}
   239  	// Terminate the self-derivations
   240  	var derr error
   241  	if dQuit != nil {
   242  		errc := make(chan error)
   243  		dQuit <- errc
   244  		derr = <-errc // Save for later, we *must* close the USB
   245  	}
   246  	// Terminate the device connection
   247  	w.stateLock.Lock()
   248  	defer w.stateLock.Unlock()
   250  	w.healthQuit = nil
   251  	w.deriveQuit = nil
   252  	w.deriveReq = nil
   254  	if err := w.close(); err != nil {
   255  		return err
   256  	}
   257  	if herr != nil {
   258  		return herr
   259  	}
   260  	return derr
   261  }
   263  // close is the internal wallet closer that terminates the USB connection and
   264  // resets all the fields to their defaults.
   265  //
   266  // Note, close assumes the state lock is held!
   267  func (w *wallet) close() error {
   268  	// Allow duplicate closes, especially for health-check failures
   269  	if w.device == nil {
   270  		return nil
   271  	}
   272  	// Close the device, clear everything, then return
   273  	w.device.Close()
   274  	w.device = nil
   276  	w.accounts, w.paths = nil, nil
   277  	return w.driver.Close()
   278  }
   280  // Accounts implements accounts.Wallet, returning the list of accounts pinned to
   281  // the USB hardware wallet. If self-derivation was enabled, the account list is
   282  // periodically expanded based on current chain state.
   283  func (w *wallet) Accounts() []accounts.Account {
   284  	// Attempt self-derivation if it's running
   285  	reqc := make(chan struct{}, 1)
   286  	select {
   287  	case w.deriveReq <- reqc:
   288  		// Self-derivation request accepted, wait for it
   289  		<-reqc
   290  	default:
   291  		// Self-derivation offline, throttled or busy, skip
   292  	}
   293  	// Return whatever account list we ended up with
   294  	w.stateLock.RLock()
   295  	defer w.stateLock.RUnlock()
   297  	cpy := make([]accounts.Account, len(w.accounts))
   298  	copy(cpy, w.accounts)
   299  	return cpy
   300  }
   302  // selfDerive is an account derivation loop that upon request attempts to find
   303  // new non-zero accounts.
   304  func (w *wallet) selfDerive() {
   305  	w.log.Debug("USB wallet self-derivation started")
   306  	defer w.log.Debug("USB wallet self-derivation stopped")
   308  	// Execute self-derivations until termination or error
   309  	var (
   310  		reqc chan struct{}
   311  		errc chan error
   312  		err  error
   313  	)
   314  	for errc == nil && err == nil {
   315  		// Wait until either derivation or termination is requested
   316  		select {
   317  		case errc = <-w.deriveQuit:
   318  			// Termination requested
   319  			continue
   320  		case reqc = <-w.deriveReq:
   321  			// Account discovery requested
   322  		}
   323  		// Derivation needs a chain and device access, skip if either unavailable
   324  		w.stateLock.RLock()
   325  		if w.device == nil || w.deriveChain == nil {
   326  			w.stateLock.RUnlock()
   327  			reqc <- struct{}{}
   328  			continue
   329  		}
   330  		select {
   331  		case <-w.commsLock:
   332  		default:
   333  			w.stateLock.RUnlock()
   334  			reqc <- struct{}{}
   335  			continue
   336  		}
   337  		// Device lock obtained, derive the next batch of accounts
   338  		var (
   339  			accs  []accounts.Account
   340  			paths []accounts.DerivationPath
   342  			nextPaths = append([]accounts.DerivationPath{}, w.deriveNextPaths...)
   343  			nextAddrs = append([]common.Address{}, w.deriveNextAddrs...)
   345  			context = context.Background()
   346  		)
   347  		for i := 0; i < len(nextAddrs); i++ {
   348  			for empty := false; !empty; {
   349  				// Retrieve the next derived Ethereum account
   350  				if nextAddrs[i] == (common.Address{}) {
   351  					if nextAddrs[i], err = w.driver.Derive(nextPaths[i]); err != nil {
   352  						w.log.Warn("USB wallet account derivation failed", "err", err)
   353  						break
   354  					}
   355  				}
   356  				// Check the account's status against the current chain state
   357  				var (
   358  					balance *big.Int
   359  					nonce   uint64
   360  				)
   361  				balance, err = w.deriveChain.BalanceAt(context, nextAddrs[i], nil)
   362  				if err != nil {
   363  					w.log.Warn("USB wallet balance retrieval failed", "err", err)
   364  					break
   365  				}
   366  				nonce, err = w.deriveChain.NonceAt(context, nextAddrs[i], nil)
   367  				if err != nil {
   368  					w.log.Warn("USB wallet nonce retrieval failed", "err", err)
   369  					break
   370  				}
   371  				// If the next account is empty, stop self-derivation, but add for the last base path
   372  				if balance.Sign() == 0 && nonce == 0 {
   373  					empty = true
   374  					if i < len(nextAddrs)-1 {
   375  						break
   376  					}
   377  				}
   378  				// We've just self-derived a new account, start tracking it locally
   379  				path := make(accounts.DerivationPath, len(nextPaths[i]))
   380  				copy(path[:], nextPaths[i][:])
   381  				paths = append(paths, path)
   383  				account := accounts.Account{
   384  					Address: nextAddrs[i],
   385  					URL:     accounts.URL{Scheme: w.url.Scheme, Path: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", w.url.Path, path)},
   386  				}
   387  				accs = append(accs, account)
   389  				// Display a log message to the user for new (or previously empty accounts)
   390  				if _, known := w.paths[nextAddrs[i]]; !known || (!empty && nextAddrs[i] == w.deriveNextAddrs[i]) {
   391  					w.log.Info("USB wallet discovered new account", "address", nextAddrs[i], "path", path, "balance", balance, "nonce", nonce)
   392  				}
   393  				// Fetch the next potential account
   394  				if !empty {
   395  					nextAddrs[i] = common.Address{}
   396  					nextPaths[i][len(nextPaths[i])-1]++
   397  				}
   398  			}
   399  		}
   400  		// Self derivation complete, release device lock
   401  		w.commsLock <- struct{}{}
   402  		w.stateLock.RUnlock()
   404  		// Insert any accounts successfully derived
   405  		w.stateLock.Lock()
   406  		for i := 0; i < len(accs); i++ {
   407  			if _, ok := w.paths[accs[i].Address]; !ok {
   408  				w.accounts = append(w.accounts, accs[i])
   409  				w.paths[accs[i].Address] = paths[i]
   410  			}
   411  		}
   412  		// Shift the self-derivation forward
   413  		// TODO(karalabe): don't overwrite changes from wallet.SelfDerive
   414  		w.deriveNextAddrs = nextAddrs
   415  		w.deriveNextPaths = nextPaths
   416  		w.stateLock.Unlock()
   418  		// Notify the user of termination and loop after a bit of time (to avoid trashing)
   419  		reqc <- struct{}{}
   420  		if err == nil {
   421  			select {
   422  			case errc = <-w.deriveQuit:
   423  				// Termination requested, abort
   424  			case <-time.After(selfDeriveThrottling):
   425  				// Waited enough, willing to self-derive again
   426  			}
   427  		}
   428  	}
   429  	// In case of error, wait for termination
   430  	if err != nil {
   431  		w.log.Debug("USB wallet self-derivation failed", "err", err)
   432  		errc = <-w.deriveQuit
   433  	}
   434  	errc <- err
   435  }
   437  // Contains implements accounts.Wallet, returning whether a particular account is
   438  // or is not pinned into this wallet instance. Although we could attempt to resolve
   439  // unpinned accounts, that would be an non-negligible hardware operation.
   440  func (w *wallet) Contains(account accounts.Account) bool {
   441  	w.stateLock.RLock()
   442  	defer w.stateLock.RUnlock()
   444  	_, exists := w.paths[account.Address]
   445  	return exists
   446  }
   448  // Derive implements accounts.Wallet, deriving a new account at the specific
   449  // derivation path. If pin is set to true, the account will be added to the list
   450  // of tracked accounts.
   451  func (w *wallet) Derive(path accounts.DerivationPath, pin bool) (accounts.Account, error) {
   452  	// Try to derive the actual account and update its URL if successful
   453  	w.stateLock.RLock() // Avoid device disappearing during derivation
   455  	if w.device == nil {
   456  		w.stateLock.RUnlock()
   457  		return accounts.Account{}, accounts.ErrWalletClosed
   458  	}
   459  	<-w.commsLock // Avoid concurrent hardware access
   460  	address, err := w.driver.Derive(path)
   461  	w.commsLock <- struct{}{}
   463  	w.stateLock.RUnlock()
   465  	// If an error occurred or no pinning was requested, return
   466  	if err != nil {
   467  		return accounts.Account{}, err
   468  	}
   469  	account := accounts.Account{
   470  		Address: address,
   471  		URL:     accounts.URL{Scheme: w.url.Scheme, Path: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", w.url.Path, path)},
   472  	}
   473  	if !pin {
   474  		return account, nil
   475  	}
   476  	// Pinning needs to modify the state
   477  	w.stateLock.Lock()
   478  	defer w.stateLock.Unlock()
   480  	if _, ok := w.paths[address]; !ok {
   481  		w.accounts = append(w.accounts, account)
   482  		w.paths[address] = make(accounts.DerivationPath, len(path))
   483  		copy(w.paths[address], path)
   484  	}
   485  	return account, nil
   486  }
   488  // SelfDerive sets a base account derivation path from which the wallet attempts
   489  // to discover non zero accounts and automatically add them to list of tracked
   490  // accounts.
   491  //
   492  // Note, self derivaton will increment the last component of the specified path
   493  // opposed to decending into a child path to allow discovering accounts starting
   494  // from non zero components.
   495  //
   496  // Some hardware wallets switched derivation paths through their evolution, so
   497  // this method supports providing multiple bases to discover old user accounts
   498  // too. Only the last base will be used to derive the next empty account.
   499  //
   500  // You can disable automatic account discovery by calling SelfDerive with a nil
   501  // chain state reader.
   502  func (w *wallet) SelfDerive(bases []accounts.DerivationPath, chain ethereum.ChainStateReader) {
   503  	w.stateLock.Lock()
   504  	defer w.stateLock.Unlock()
   506  	w.deriveNextPaths = make([]accounts.DerivationPath, len(bases))
   507  	for i, base := range bases {
   508  		w.deriveNextPaths[i] = make(accounts.DerivationPath, len(base))
   509  		copy(w.deriveNextPaths[i][:], base[:])
   510  	}
   511  	w.deriveNextAddrs = make([]common.Address, len(bases))
   512  	w.deriveChain = chain
   513  }
   515  // signHash implements accounts.Wallet, however signing arbitrary data is not
   516  // supported for hardware wallets, so this method will always return an error.
   517  func (w *wallet) signHash(account accounts.Account, hash []byte) ([]byte, error) {
   518  	return nil, accounts.ErrNotSupported
   519  }
   521  // SignData signs keccak256(data). The mimetype parameter describes the type of data being signed
   522  func (w *wallet) SignData(account accounts.Account, mimeType string, data []byte) ([]byte, error) {
   523  	return w.signHash(account, crypto.Keccak256(data))
   524  }
   526  // SignDataWithPassphrase implements accounts.Wallet, attempting to sign the given
   527  // data with the given account using passphrase as extra authentication.
   528  // Since USB wallets don't rely on passphrases, these are silently ignored.
   529  func (w *wallet) SignDataWithPassphrase(account accounts.Account, passphrase, mimeType string, data []byte) ([]byte, error) {
   530  	return w.SignData(account, mimeType, data)
   531  }
   533  func (w *wallet) SignText(account accounts.Account, text []byte) ([]byte, error) {
   534  	return w.signHash(account, accounts.TextHash(text))
   535  }
   537  // SignTx implements accounts.Wallet. It sends the transaction over to the Ledger
   538  // wallet to request a confirmation from the user. It returns either the signed
   539  // transaction or a failure if the user denied the transaction.
   540  //
   541  // Note, if the version of the Ethereum application running on the Ledger wallet is
   542  // too old to sign EIP-155 transactions, but such is requested nonetheless, an error
   543  // will be returned opposed to silently signing in Homestead mode.
   544  func (w *wallet) SignTx(account accounts.Account, tx *types.Transaction, chainID *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) {
   545  	w.stateLock.RLock() // Comms have own mutex, this is for the state fields
   546  	defer w.stateLock.RUnlock()
   548  	// If the wallet is closed, abort
   549  	if w.device == nil {
   550  		return nil, accounts.ErrWalletClosed
   551  	}
   552  	// Make sure the requested account is contained within
   553  	path, ok := w.paths[account.Address]
   554  	if !ok {
   555  		return nil, accounts.ErrUnknownAccount
   556  	}
   557  	// All infos gathered and metadata checks out, request signing
   558  	<-w.commsLock
   559  	defer func() { w.commsLock <- struct{}{} }()
   561  	// Ensure the device isn't screwed with while user confirmation is pending
   562  	// TODO(karalabe): remove if hotplug lands on Windows
   563  	w.hub.commsLock.Lock()
   564  	w.hub.commsPend++
   565  	w.hub.commsLock.Unlock()
   567  	defer func() {
   568  		w.hub.commsLock.Lock()
   569  		w.hub.commsPend--
   570  		w.hub.commsLock.Unlock()
   571  	}()
   572  	// Sign the transaction and verify the sender to avoid hardware fault surprises
   573  	sender, signed, err := w.driver.SignTx(path, tx, chainID)
   574  	if err != nil {
   575  		return nil, err
   576  	}
   577  	if sender != account.Address {
   578  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("signer mismatch: expected %s, got %s", account.Address.Hex(), sender.Hex())
   579  	}
   580  	return signed, nil
   581  }
   583  // SignHashWithPassphrase implements accounts.Wallet, however signing arbitrary
   584  // data is not supported for Ledger wallets, so this method will always return
   585  // an error.
   586  func (w *wallet) SignTextWithPassphrase(account accounts.Account, passphrase string, text []byte) ([]byte, error) {
   587  	return w.SignText(account, accounts.TextHash(text))
   588  }
   590  // SignTxWithPassphrase implements accounts.Wallet, attempting to sign the given
   591  // transaction with the given account using passphrase as extra authentication.
   592  // Since USB wallets don't rely on passphrases, these are silently ignored.
   593  func (w *wallet) SignTxWithPassphrase(account accounts.Account, passphrase string, tx *types.Transaction, chainID *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) {
   594  	return w.SignTx(account, tx, chainID)
   595  }