
     1  package docker
     3  import (
     4  	"bytes"
     5  	"context"
     6  	"encoding/json"
     7  	"fmt"
     8  	"io/ioutil"
     9  	"net"
    10  	"os"
    11  	"path/filepath"
    12  	"runtime"
    13  	"strconv"
    14  	"strings"
    15  	"sync"
    16  	"time"
    18  	docker ""
    19  	""
    20  	hclog ""
    21  	multierror ""
    22  	plugin ""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	nstructs ""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	pstructs ""
    31  )
    33  var (
    34  	// createClientsLock is a lock that protects reading/writing global client
    35  	// variables
    36  	createClientsLock sync.Mutex
    38  	// client is a docker client with a timeout of 5 minutes. This is for doing
    39  	// all operations with the docker daemon besides which are not long running
    40  	// such as creating, killing containers, etc.
    41  	client *docker.Client
    43  	// waitClient is a docker client with no timeouts. This is used for long
    44  	// running operations such as waiting on containers and collect stats
    45  	waitClient *docker.Client
    47  	dockerTransientErrs = []string{
    48  		"Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers",
    49  		"EOF",
    50  		"API error (500)",
    51  	}
    53  	// recoverableErrTimeouts returns a recoverable error if the error was due
    54  	// to timeouts
    55  	recoverableErrTimeouts = func(err error) error {
    56  		r := false
    57  		if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers") ||
    58  			strings.Contains(err.Error(), "EOF") {
    59  			r = true
    60  		}
    61  		return nstructs.NewRecoverableError(err, r)
    62  	}
    64  	// taskHandleVersion is the version of task handle which this driver sets
    65  	// and understands how to decode driver state
    66  	taskHandleVersion = 1
    68  	// Nvidia-container-runtime environment variable names
    69  	nvidiaVisibleDevices = "NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"
    70  )
    72  const (
    73  	dockerLabelAllocID = "com.hashicorp.nomad.alloc_id"
    74  )
    76  type Driver struct {
    77  	// eventer is used to handle multiplexing of TaskEvents calls such that an
    78  	// event can be broadcast to all callers
    79  	eventer *eventer.Eventer
    81  	// config contains the runtime configuration for the driver set by the
    82  	// SetConfig RPC
    83  	config *DriverConfig
    85  	// clientConfig contains a driver specific subset of the Nomad client
    86  	// configuration
    87  	clientConfig *base.ClientDriverConfig
    89  	// ctx is the context for the driver. It is passed to other subsystems to
    90  	// coordinate shutdown
    91  	ctx context.Context
    93  	// tasks is the in memory datastore mapping taskIDs to taskHandles
    94  	tasks *taskStore
    96  	// coordinator is what tracks multiple image pulls against the same docker image
    97  	coordinator *dockerCoordinator
    99  	// logger will log to the Nomad agent
   100  	logger hclog.Logger
   102  	// gpuRuntime indicates nvidia-docker runtime availability
   103  	gpuRuntime bool
   105  	// A tri-state boolean to know if the fingerprinting has happened and
   106  	// whether it has been successful
   107  	fingerprintSuccess *bool
   108  	fingerprintLock    sync.RWMutex
   110  	// A boolean to know if the docker driver has ever been correctly detected
   111  	// for use during fingerprinting.
   112  	detected     bool
   113  	detectedLock sync.RWMutex
   115  	reconciler *containerReconciler
   116  }
   118  // NewDockerDriver returns a docker implementation of a driver plugin
   119  func NewDockerDriver(ctx context.Context, logger hclog.Logger) drivers.DriverPlugin {
   120  	logger = logger.Named(pluginName)
   121  	return &Driver{
   122  		eventer: eventer.NewEventer(ctx, logger),
   123  		config:  &DriverConfig{},
   124  		tasks:   newTaskStore(),
   125  		ctx:     ctx,
   126  		logger:  logger,
   127  	}
   128  }
   130  func (d *Driver) reattachToDockerLogger(reattachConfig *structs.ReattachConfig) (docklog.DockerLogger, *plugin.Client, error) {
   131  	reattach, err := pstructs.ReattachConfigToGoPlugin(reattachConfig)
   132  	if err != nil {
   133  		return nil, nil, err
   134  	}
   136  	dlogger, dloggerPluginClient, err := docklog.ReattachDockerLogger(reattach)
   137  	if err != nil {
   138  		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to reattach to docker logger process: %v", err)
   139  	}
   141  	return dlogger, dloggerPluginClient, nil
   142  }
   144  func (d *Driver) setupNewDockerLogger(container *docker.Container, cfg *drivers.TaskConfig, startTime time.Time) (docklog.DockerLogger, *plugin.Client, error) {
   145  	dlogger, pluginClient, err := docklog.LaunchDockerLogger(d.logger)
   146  	if err != nil {
   147  		if pluginClient != nil {
   148  			pluginClient.Kill()
   149  		}
   150  		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to launch docker logger plugin: %v", err)
   151  	}
   153  	if err := dlogger.Start(&docklog.StartOpts{
   154  		Endpoint:    d.config.Endpoint,
   155  		ContainerID: container.ID,
   156  		TTY:         container.Config.Tty,
   157  		Stdout:      cfg.StdoutPath,
   158  		Stderr:      cfg.StderrPath,
   159  		TLSCert:     d.config.TLS.Cert,
   160  		TLSKey:      d.config.TLS.Key,
   161  		TLSCA:       d.config.TLS.CA,
   162  		StartTime:   startTime.Unix(),
   163  	}); err != nil {
   164  		pluginClient.Kill()
   165  		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to launch docker logger process %s: %v", container.ID, err)
   166  	}
   168  	return dlogger, pluginClient, nil
   169  }
   171  func (d *Driver) RecoverTask(handle *drivers.TaskHandle) error {
   172  	if _, ok := d.tasks.Get(handle.Config.ID); ok {
   173  		return nil
   174  	}
   176  	// COMPAT(0.10): pre 0.9 upgrade path check
   177  	if handle.Version == 0 {
   178  		return d.recoverPre09Task(handle)
   179  	}
   181  	var handleState taskHandleState
   182  	if err := handle.GetDriverState(&handleState); err != nil {
   183  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to decode driver task state: %v", err)
   184  	}
   186  	client, _, err := d.dockerClients()
   187  	if err != nil {
   188  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to get docker client: %v", err)
   189  	}
   191  	container, err := client.InspectContainer(handleState.ContainerID)
   192  	if err != nil {
   193  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to inspect container for id %q: %v", handleState.ContainerID, err)
   194  	}
   196  	h := &taskHandle{
   197  		client:                client,
   198  		waitClient:            waitClient,
   199  		logger:                d.logger.With("container_id", container.ID),
   200  		task:                  handle.Config,
   201  		containerID:           container.ID,
   202  		containerImage:        container.Image,
   203  		doneCh:                make(chan bool),
   204  		waitCh:                make(chan struct{}),
   205  		removeContainerOnExit: d.config.GC.Container,
   206  		net:                   handleState.DriverNetwork,
   207  	}
   209  	if !d.config.DisableLogCollection {
   210  		h.dlogger, h.dloggerPluginClient, err = d.reattachToDockerLogger(handleState.ReattachConfig)
   211  		if err != nil {
   212  			d.logger.Warn("failed to reattach to docker logger process", "error", err)
   214  			h.dlogger, h.dloggerPluginClient, err = d.setupNewDockerLogger(container, handle.Config, time.Now())
   215  			if err != nil {
   216  				if err := client.StopContainer(handleState.ContainerID, 0); err != nil {
   217  					d.logger.Warn("failed to stop container during cleanup", "container_id", handleState.ContainerID, "error", err)
   218  				}
   219  				return fmt.Errorf("failed to setup replacement docker logger: %v", err)
   220  			}
   222  			if err := handle.SetDriverState(h.buildState()); err != nil {
   223  				if err := client.StopContainer(handleState.ContainerID, 0); err != nil {
   224  					d.logger.Warn("failed to stop container during cleanup", "container_id", handleState.ContainerID, "error", err)
   225  				}
   226  				return fmt.Errorf("failed to store driver state: %v", err)
   227  			}
   228  		}
   229  	}
   231  	d.tasks.Set(handle.Config.ID, h)
   232  	go
   234  	return nil
   235  }
   237  func (d *Driver) StartTask(cfg *drivers.TaskConfig) (*drivers.TaskHandle, *drivers.DriverNetwork, error) {
   238  	if _, ok := d.tasks.Get(cfg.ID); ok {
   239  		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("task with ID %q already started", cfg.ID)
   240  	}
   242  	var driverConfig TaskConfig
   244  	if err := cfg.DecodeDriverConfig(&driverConfig); err != nil {
   245  		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode driver config: %v", err)
   246  	}
   248  	if driverConfig.Image == "" {
   249  		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("image name required for docker driver")
   250  	}
   252  	// Remove any http
   253  	if strings.HasPrefix(driverConfig.Image, "https://") {
   254  		driverConfig.Image = strings.Replace(driverConfig.Image, "https://", "", 1)
   255  	}
   257  	handle := drivers.NewTaskHandle(taskHandleVersion)
   258  	handle.Config = cfg
   260  	// Initialize docker API clients
   261  	client, _, err := d.dockerClients()
   262  	if err != nil {
   263  		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to connect to docker daemon: %s", err)
   264  	}
   266  	id, err := d.createImage(cfg, &driverConfig, client)
   267  	if err != nil {
   268  		return nil, nil, err
   269  	}
   271  	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
   272  		err = d.convertAllocPathsForWindowsLCOW(cfg, driverConfig.Image)
   273  		if err != nil {
   274  			return nil, nil, err
   275  		}
   276  	}
   278  	containerCfg, err := d.createContainerConfig(cfg, &driverConfig, driverConfig.Image)
   279  	if err != nil {
   280  		d.logger.Error("failed to create container configuration", "image_name", driverConfig.Image,
   281  			"image_id", id, "error", err)
   282  		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to create container configuration for image %q (%q): %v", driverConfig.Image, id, err)
   283  	}
   285  	startAttempts := 0
   286  CREATE:
   287  	container, err := d.createContainer(client, containerCfg, driverConfig.Image)
   288  	if err != nil {
   289  		d.logger.Error("failed to create container", "error", err)
   290  		client.RemoveContainer(docker.RemoveContainerOptions{
   291  			ID:    containerCfg.Name,
   292  			Force: true,
   293  		})
   294  		return nil, nil, nstructs.WrapRecoverable(fmt.Sprintf("failed to create container: %v", err), err)
   295  	}
   297  	d.logger.Info("created container", "container_id", container.ID)
   299  	// We don't need to start the container if the container is already running
   300  	// since we don't create containers which are already present on the host
   301  	// and are running
   302  	if !container.State.Running {
   303  		// Start the container
   304  		if err := d.startContainer(container); err != nil {
   305  			d.logger.Error("failed to start container", "container_id", container.ID, "error", err)
   306  			client.RemoveContainer(docker.RemoveContainerOptions{
   307  				ID:    container.ID,
   308  				Force: true,
   309  			})
   310  			// Some sort of docker race bug, recreating the container usually works
   311  			if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "OCI runtime create failed: container with id exists:") && startAttempts < 5 {
   312  				startAttempts++
   313  				d.logger.Debug("reattempting container create/start sequence", "attempt", startAttempts, "container_id", id)
   314  				goto CREATE
   315  			}
   316  			return nil, nil, nstructs.WrapRecoverable(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to start container %s: %s", container.ID, err), err)
   317  		}
   319  		// InspectContainer to get all of the container metadata as
   320  		// much of the metadata (eg networking) isn't populated until
   321  		// the container is started
   322  		runningContainer, err := client.InspectContainer(container.ID)
   323  		if err != nil {
   324  			client.RemoveContainer(docker.RemoveContainerOptions{
   325  				ID:    container.ID,
   326  				Force: true,
   327  			})
   328  			msg := "failed to inspect started container"
   329  			d.logger.Error(msg, "error", err)
   330  			client.RemoveContainer(docker.RemoveContainerOptions{
   331  				ID:    container.ID,
   332  				Force: true,
   333  			})
   334  			return nil, nil, nstructs.NewRecoverableError(fmt.Errorf("%s %s: %s", msg, container.ID, err), true)
   335  		}
   336  		container = runningContainer
   337  		d.logger.Info("started container", "container_id", container.ID)
   338  	} else {
   339  		d.logger.Debug("re-attaching to container", "container_id",
   340  			container.ID, "container_state", container.State.String())
   341  	}
   343  	collectingLogs := !d.config.DisableLogCollection
   345  	var dlogger docklog.DockerLogger
   346  	var pluginClient *plugin.Client
   348  	if collectingLogs {
   349  		dlogger, pluginClient, err = d.setupNewDockerLogger(container, cfg, time.Unix(0, 0))
   350  		if err != nil {
   351  			d.logger.Error("an error occurred after container startup, terminating container", "container_id", container.ID)
   352  			client.RemoveContainer(docker.RemoveContainerOptions{ID: container.ID, Force: true})
   353  			return nil, nil, err
   354  		}
   355  	}
   357  	// Detect container address
   358  	ip, autoUse := d.detectIP(container, &driverConfig)
   360  	net := &drivers.DriverNetwork{
   361  		PortMap:       driverConfig.PortMap,
   362  		IP:            ip,
   363  		AutoAdvertise: autoUse,
   364  	}
   366  	// Return a driver handle
   367  	h := &taskHandle{
   368  		client:                client,
   369  		waitClient:            waitClient,
   370  		dlogger:               dlogger,
   371  		dloggerPluginClient:   pluginClient,
   372  		logger:                d.logger.With("container_id", container.ID),
   373  		task:                  cfg,
   374  		containerID:           container.ID,
   375  		containerImage:        container.Image,
   376  		doneCh:                make(chan bool),
   377  		waitCh:                make(chan struct{}),
   378  		removeContainerOnExit: d.config.GC.Container,
   379  		net:                   net,
   380  	}
   382  	if err := handle.SetDriverState(h.buildState()); err != nil {
   383  		d.logger.Error("error encoding container occurred after startup, terminating container", "container_id", container.ID, "error", err)
   384  		if collectingLogs {
   385  			dlogger.Stop()
   386  			pluginClient.Kill()
   387  		}
   388  		client.RemoveContainer(docker.RemoveContainerOptions{ID: container.ID, Force: true})
   389  		return nil, nil, err
   390  	}
   392  	d.tasks.Set(cfg.ID, h)
   393  	go
   395  	return handle, net, nil
   396  }
   398  // createContainerClient is the subset of Docker Client methods used by the
   399  // createContainer method to ease testing subtle error conditions.
   400  type createContainerClient interface {
   401  	CreateContainer(docker.CreateContainerOptions) (*docker.Container, error)
   402  	InspectContainer(id string) (*docker.Container, error)
   403  	ListContainers(docker.ListContainersOptions) ([]docker.APIContainers, error)
   404  	RemoveContainer(opts docker.RemoveContainerOptions) error
   405  }
   407  // createContainer creates the container given the passed configuration. It
   408  // attempts to handle any transient Docker errors.
   409  func (d *Driver) createContainer(client createContainerClient, config docker.CreateContainerOptions,
   410  	image string) (*docker.Container, error) {
   411  	// Create a container
   412  	attempted := 0
   413  CREATE:
   414  	container, createErr := client.CreateContainer(config)
   415  	if createErr == nil {
   416  		return container, nil
   417  	}
   419  	d.logger.Debug("failed to create container", "container_name",
   420  		config.Name, "image_name", image, "image_id", config.Config.Image,
   421  		"attempt", attempted+1, "error", createErr)
   423  	// Volume management tools like Portworx may not have detached a volume
   424  	// from a previous node before Nomad started a task replacement task.
   425  	// Treat these errors as recoverable so we retry.
   426  	if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(createErr.Error()), "volume is attached on another node") {
   427  		return nil, nstructs.NewRecoverableError(createErr, true)
   428  	}
   430  	// If the container already exists determine whether it's already
   431  	// running or if it's dead and needs to be recreated.
   432  	if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(createErr.Error()), "container already exists") {
   434  		container, err := d.containerByName(config.Name)
   435  		if err != nil {
   436  			return nil, err
   437  		}
   439  		if container != nil && container.State.Running {
   440  			return container, nil
   441  		}
   443  		// Purge conflicting container if found.
   444  		// If container is nil here, the conflicting container was
   445  		// deleted in our check here, so retry again.
   446  		if container != nil {
   447  			// Delete matching containers
   448  			err = client.RemoveContainer(docker.RemoveContainerOptions{
   449  				ID:    container.ID,
   450  				Force: true,
   451  			})
   452  			if err != nil {
   453  				d.logger.Error("failed to purge container", "container_id", container.ID)
   454  				return nil, recoverableErrTimeouts(fmt.Errorf("Failed to purge container %s: %s", container.ID, err))
   455  			} else {
   456  				d.logger.Info("purged container", "container_id", container.ID)
   457  			}
   458  		}
   460  		if attempted < 5 {
   461  			attempted++
   462  			time.Sleep(nextBackoff(attempted))
   463  			goto CREATE
   464  		}
   465  	} else if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(createErr.Error()), "no such image") {
   466  		// There is still a very small chance this is possible even with the
   467  		// coordinator so retry.
   468  		return nil, nstructs.NewRecoverableError(createErr, true)
   469  	} else if isDockerTransientError(createErr) && attempted < 5 {
   470  		attempted++
   471  		time.Sleep(nextBackoff(attempted))
   472  		goto CREATE
   473  	}
   475  	return nil, recoverableErrTimeouts(createErr)
   476  }
   478  // startContainer starts the passed container. It attempts to handle any
   479  // transient Docker errors.
   480  func (d *Driver) startContainer(c *docker.Container) error {
   481  	// Start a container
   482  	attempted := 0
   483  START:
   484  	startErr := client.StartContainer(c.ID, c.HostConfig)
   485  	if startErr == nil || strings.Contains(startErr.Error(), "Container already running") {
   486  		return nil
   487  	}
   489  	d.logger.Debug("failed to start container", "container_id", c.ID, "attempt", attempted+1, "error", startErr)
   491  	if isDockerTransientError(startErr) {
   492  		if attempted < 5 {
   493  			attempted++
   494  			time.Sleep(nextBackoff(attempted))
   495  			goto START
   496  		}
   497  		return nstructs.NewRecoverableError(startErr, true)
   498  	}
   500  	return recoverableErrTimeouts(startErr)
   501  }
   503  // nextBackoff returns appropriate docker backoff durations after attempted attempts.
   504  func nextBackoff(attempted int) time.Duration {
   505  	// attempts in 200ms, 800ms, 3.2s, 12.8s, 51.2s
   506  	// TODO: add randomization factor and extract to a helper
   507  	return 1 << (2 * uint64(attempted)) * 50 * time.Millisecond
   508  }
   510  // createImage creates a docker image either by pulling it from a registry or by
   511  // loading it from the file system
   512  func (d *Driver) createImage(task *drivers.TaskConfig, driverConfig *TaskConfig, client *docker.Client) (string, error) {
   513  	image := driverConfig.Image
   514  	repo, tag := parseDockerImage(image)
   516  	// We're going to check whether the image is already downloaded. If the tag
   517  	// is "latest", or ForcePull is set, we have to check for a new version every time so we don't
   518  	// bother to check and cache the id here. We'll download first, then cache.
   519  	if driverConfig.ForcePull {
   520  		d.logger.Debug("force pulling image instead of inspecting local", "image_ref", dockerImageRef(repo, tag))
   521  	} else if tag != "latest" {
   522  		if dockerImage, _ := client.InspectImage(image); dockerImage != nil {
   523  			// Image exists so just increment its reference count
   524  			d.coordinator.IncrementImageReference(dockerImage.ID, image, task.ID)
   525  			return dockerImage.ID, nil
   526  		}
   527  	}
   529  	// Load the image if specified
   530  	if driverConfig.LoadImage != "" {
   531  		return d.loadImage(task, driverConfig, client)
   532  	}
   534  	// Download the image
   535  	return d.pullImage(task, driverConfig, client, repo, tag)
   536  }
   538  // pullImage creates an image by pulling it from a docker registry
   539  func (d *Driver) pullImage(task *drivers.TaskConfig, driverConfig *TaskConfig, client *docker.Client, repo, tag string) (id string, err error) {
   540  	authOptions, err := d.resolveRegistryAuthentication(driverConfig, repo)
   541  	if err != nil {
   542  		if driverConfig.AuthSoftFail {
   543  			d.logger.Warn("Failed to find docker repo auth", "repo", repo, "error", err)
   544  		} else {
   545  			return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to find docker auth for repo %q: %v", repo, err)
   546  		}
   547  	}
   549  	if authIsEmpty(authOptions) {
   550  		d.logger.Debug("did not find docker auth for repo", "repo", repo)
   551  	}
   553  	d.eventer.EmitEvent(&drivers.TaskEvent{
   554  		TaskID:    task.ID,
   555  		AllocID:   task.AllocID,
   556  		TaskName:  task.Name,
   557  		Timestamp: time.Now(),
   558  		Message:   "Downloading image",
   559  		Annotations: map[string]string{
   560  			"image": dockerImageRef(repo, tag),
   561  		},
   562  	})
   564  	return d.coordinator.PullImage(driverConfig.Image, authOptions, task.ID, d.emitEventFunc(task), d.config.pullActivityTimeoutDuration)
   565  }
   567  func (d *Driver) emitEventFunc(task *drivers.TaskConfig) LogEventFn {
   568  	return func(msg string, annotations map[string]string) {
   569  		d.eventer.EmitEvent(&drivers.TaskEvent{
   570  			TaskID:      task.ID,
   571  			AllocID:     task.AllocID,
   572  			TaskName:    task.Name,
   573  			Timestamp:   time.Now(),
   574  			Message:     msg,
   575  			Annotations: annotations,
   576  		})
   577  	}
   578  }
   580  // authBackend encapsulates a function that resolves registry credentials.
   581  type authBackend func(string) (*docker.AuthConfiguration, error)
   583  // resolveRegistryAuthentication attempts to retrieve auth credentials for the
   584  // repo, trying all authentication-backends possible.
   585  func (d *Driver) resolveRegistryAuthentication(driverConfig *TaskConfig, repo string) (*docker.AuthConfiguration, error) {
   586  	return firstValidAuth(repo, []authBackend{
   587  		authFromTaskConfig(driverConfig),
   588  		authFromDockerConfig(d.config.Auth.Config),
   589  		authFromHelper(d.config.Auth.Helper),
   590  	})
   591  }
   593  // loadImage creates an image by loading it from the file system
   594  func (d *Driver) loadImage(task *drivers.TaskConfig, driverConfig *TaskConfig, client *docker.Client) (id string, err error) {
   596  	archive := filepath.Join(task.TaskDir().LocalDir, driverConfig.LoadImage)
   597  	d.logger.Debug("loading image from disk", "archive", archive)
   599  	f, err := os.Open(archive)
   600  	if err != nil {
   601  		return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to open image archive: %v", err)
   602  	}
   604  	if err := client.LoadImage(docker.LoadImageOptions{InputStream: f}); err != nil {
   605  		return "", err
   606  	}
   607  	f.Close()
   609  	dockerImage, err := client.InspectImage(driverConfig.Image)
   610  	if err != nil {
   611  		return "", recoverableErrTimeouts(err)
   612  	}
   614  	d.coordinator.IncrementImageReference(dockerImage.ID, driverConfig.Image, task.ID)
   615  	return dockerImage.ID, nil
   616  }
   618  func (d *Driver) convertAllocPathsForWindowsLCOW(task *drivers.TaskConfig, image string) error {
   619  	imageConfig, err := client.InspectImage(image)
   620  	if err != nil {
   621  		return fmt.Errorf("the image does not exist: %v", err)
   622  	}
   623  	// LCOW If we are running a Linux Container on Windows, we need to mount it correctly, as c:\ does not exist on unix
   624  	if imageConfig.OS == "linux" {
   625  		a := []rune(task.Env[taskenv.AllocDir])
   626  		task.Env[taskenv.AllocDir] = strings.ReplaceAll(string(a[2:]), "\\", "/")
   627  		l := []rune(task.Env[taskenv.TaskLocalDir])
   628  		task.Env[taskenv.TaskLocalDir] = strings.ReplaceAll(string(l[2:]), "\\", "/")
   629  		s := []rune(task.Env[taskenv.SecretsDir])
   630  		task.Env[taskenv.SecretsDir] = strings.ReplaceAll(string(s[2:]), "\\", "/")
   631  	}
   632  	return nil
   633  }
   635  func (d *Driver) containerBinds(task *drivers.TaskConfig, driverConfig *TaskConfig) ([]string, error) {
   636  	allocDirBind := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", task.TaskDir().SharedAllocDir, task.Env[taskenv.AllocDir])
   637  	taskLocalBind := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", task.TaskDir().LocalDir, task.Env[taskenv.TaskLocalDir])
   638  	secretDirBind := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", task.TaskDir().SecretsDir, task.Env[taskenv.SecretsDir])
   639  	binds := []string{allocDirBind, taskLocalBind, secretDirBind}
   641  	taskLocalBindVolume := driverConfig.VolumeDriver == ""
   643  	if !d.config.Volumes.Enabled && !taskLocalBindVolume {
   644  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("volumes are not enabled; cannot use volume driver %q", driverConfig.VolumeDriver)
   645  	}
   647  	for _, userbind := range driverConfig.Volumes {
   648  		// This assumes host OS = docker container OS.
   649  		// Not true, when we support Linux containers on Windows
   650  		src, dst, mode, err := parseVolumeSpec(userbind, runtime.GOOS)
   651  		if err != nil {
   652  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid docker volume %q: %v", userbind, err)
   653  		}
   655  		// Paths inside task dir are always allowed when using the default driver,
   656  		// Relative paths are always allowed as they mount within a container
   657  		// When a VolumeDriver is set, we assume we receive a binding in the format
   658  		// volume-name:container-dest
   659  		// Otherwise, we assume we receive a relative path binding in the format
   660  		// relative/to/task:/also/in/container
   661  		if taskLocalBindVolume {
   662  			src = expandPath(task.TaskDir().Dir, src)
   663  		} else {
   664  			// Resolve dotted path segments
   665  			src = filepath.Clean(src)
   666  		}
   668  		if !d.config.Volumes.Enabled && !isParentPath(task.AllocDir, src) {
   669  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("volumes are not enabled; cannot mount host paths: %+q", userbind)
   670  		}
   672  		bind := src + ":" + dst
   673  		if mode != "" {
   674  			bind += ":" + mode
   675  		}
   676  		binds = append(binds, bind)
   677  	}
   679  	if selinuxLabel := d.config.Volumes.SelinuxLabel; selinuxLabel != "" {
   680  		// Apply SELinux Label to each volume
   681  		for i := range binds {
   682  			binds[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", binds[i], selinuxLabel)
   683  		}
   684  	}
   686  	return binds, nil
   687  }
   689  var userMountToUnixMount = map[string]string{
   690  	// Empty string maps to `rprivate` for backwards compatibility in restored
   691  	// older tasks, where mount propagation will not be present.
   692  	"":                                     "rprivate",
   693  	nstructs.VolumeMountPropagationPrivate: "rprivate",
   694  	nstructs.VolumeMountPropagationHostToTask:    "rslave",
   695  	nstructs.VolumeMountPropagationBidirectional: "rshared",
   696  }
   698  // takes a local seccomp daemon, reads the file contents for sending to the daemon
   699  // this code modified slightly from the docker CLI code
   700  //
   701  func parseSecurityOpts(securityOpts []string) ([]string, error) {
   702  	for key, opt := range securityOpts {
   703  		con := strings.SplitN(opt, "=", 2)
   704  		if len(con) == 1 && con[0] != "no-new-privileges" {
   705  			if strings.Contains(opt, ":") {
   706  				con = strings.SplitN(opt, ":", 2)
   707  			} else {
   708  				return securityOpts, fmt.Errorf("invalid security_opt: %q", opt)
   709  			}
   710  		}
   711  		if con[0] == "seccomp" && con[1] != "unconfined" {
   712  			f, err := ioutil.ReadFile(con[1])
   713  			if err != nil {
   714  				return securityOpts, fmt.Errorf("opening seccomp profile (%s) failed: %v", con[1], err)
   715  			}
   716  			b := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
   717  			if err := json.Compact(b, f); err != nil {
   718  				return securityOpts, fmt.Errorf("compacting json for seccomp profile (%s) failed: %v", con[1], err)
   719  			}
   720  			securityOpts[key] = fmt.Sprintf("seccomp=%s", b.Bytes())
   721  		}
   722  	}
   724  	return securityOpts, nil
   725  }
   727  // memoryLimits computes the memory and memory_reservation values passed along to
   728  // the docker host config. These fields represent hard and soft memory limits from
   729  // docker's perspective, respectively.
   730  //
   731  // The memory field on the task configuration can be interpreted as a hard or soft
   732  // limit. Before Nomad v0.11.3, it was always a hard limit. Now, it is interpreted
   733  // as a soft limit if the memory_hard_limit value is configured on the docker
   734  // task driver configuration. When memory_hard_limit is set, the docker host
   735  // config is configured such that the memory field is equal to memory_hard_limit
   736  // value, and the memory_reservation field is set to the task driver memory value.
   737  //
   738  // If memory_hard_limit is not set (i.e. zero value), then the memory field of
   739  // the task resource config is interpreted as a hard limit. In this case both the
   740  // memory is set to the task resource memory value and memory_reservation is left
   741  // unset.
   742  //
   743  // Returns (memory (hard), memory_reservation (soft)) values in bytes.
   744  func (_ *Driver) memoryLimits(driverHardLimitMB, taskMemoryLimitBytes int64) (int64, int64) {
   745  	if driverHardLimitMB <= 0 {
   746  		return taskMemoryLimitBytes, 0
   747  	}
   748  	return driverHardLimitMB * 1024 * 1024, taskMemoryLimitBytes
   749  }
   751  func (d *Driver) createContainerConfig(task *drivers.TaskConfig, driverConfig *TaskConfig,
   752  	imageID string) (docker.CreateContainerOptions, error) {
   754  	// ensure that PortMap variables are populated early on
   755  	task.Env = taskenv.SetPortMapEnvs(task.Env, driverConfig.PortMap)
   757  	logger := d.logger.With("task_name", task.Name)
   758  	var c docker.CreateContainerOptions
   759  	if task.Resources == nil {
   760  		// Guard against missing resources. We should never have been able to
   761  		// schedule a job without specifying this.
   762  		logger.Error("task.Resources is empty")
   763  		return c, fmt.Errorf("task.Resources is empty")
   764  	}
   765  	binds, err := d.containerBinds(task, driverConfig)
   766  	if err != nil {
   767  		return c, err
   768  	}
   769  	logger.Trace("binding volumes", "volumes", binds)
   771  	// create the config block that will later be consumed by go-dockerclient
   772  	config := &docker.Config{
   773  		Image:      imageID,
   774  		Entrypoint: driverConfig.Entrypoint,
   775  		Hostname:   driverConfig.Hostname,
   776  		User:       task.User,
   777  		Tty:        driverConfig.TTY,
   778  		OpenStdin:  driverConfig.Interactive,
   779  	}
   781  	if driverConfig.WorkDir != "" {
   782  		config.WorkingDir = driverConfig.WorkDir
   783  	}
   785  	containerRuntime := driverConfig.Runtime
   786  	if _, ok := task.DeviceEnv[nvidiaVisibleDevices]; ok {
   787  		if !d.gpuRuntime {
   788  			return c, fmt.Errorf("requested docker runtime %q was not found", d.config.GPURuntimeName)
   789  		}
   790  		if containerRuntime != "" && containerRuntime != d.config.GPURuntimeName {
   791  			return c, fmt.Errorf("conflicting runtime requests: gpu runtime %q conflicts with task runtime %q", d.config.GPURuntimeName, containerRuntime)
   792  		}
   793  		containerRuntime = d.config.GPURuntimeName
   794  	}
   795  	if _, ok := d.config.allowRuntimes[containerRuntime]; !ok && containerRuntime != "" {
   796  		return c, fmt.Errorf("requested runtime %q is not allowed", containerRuntime)
   797  	}
   799  	memory, memoryReservation := d.memoryLimits(driverConfig.MemoryHardLimit, task.Resources.LinuxResources.MemoryLimitBytes)
   801  	hostConfig := &docker.HostConfig{
   802  		Memory:            memory,            // hard limit
   803  		MemoryReservation: memoryReservation, // soft limit
   805  		CPUShares: task.Resources.LinuxResources.CPUShares,
   807  		// Binds are used to mount a host volume into the container. We mount a
   808  		// local directory for storage and a shared alloc directory that can be
   809  		// used to share data between different tasks in the same task group.
   810  		Binds: binds,
   812  		StorageOpt:   driverConfig.StorageOpt,
   813  		VolumeDriver: driverConfig.VolumeDriver,
   815  		PidsLimit: &driverConfig.PidsLimit,
   817  		Runtime: containerRuntime,
   818  	}
   820  	// Calculate CPU Quota
   821  	// cfs_quota_us is the time per core, so we must
   822  	// multiply the time by the number of cores available
   823  	// See
   824  	if driverConfig.CPUHardLimit {
   825  		numCores := runtime.NumCPU()
   826  		if driverConfig.CPUCFSPeriod < 0 || driverConfig.CPUCFSPeriod > 1000000 {
   827  			return c, fmt.Errorf("invalid value for cpu_cfs_period")
   828  		}
   829  		if driverConfig.CPUCFSPeriod == 0 {
   830  			driverConfig.CPUCFSPeriod = task.Resources.LinuxResources.CPUPeriod
   831  		}
   832  		hostConfig.CPUPeriod = driverConfig.CPUCFSPeriod
   833  		hostConfig.CPUQuota = int64(task.Resources.LinuxResources.PercentTicks*float64(driverConfig.CPUCFSPeriod)) * int64(numCores)
   834  	}
   836  	// Windows does not support MemorySwap/MemorySwappiness #2193
   837  	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
   838  		hostConfig.MemorySwap = 0
   839  		hostConfig.MemorySwappiness = nil
   840  	} else {
   841  		hostConfig.MemorySwap = task.Resources.LinuxResources.MemoryLimitBytes // MemorySwap is memory + swap.
   843  		// disable swap explicitly in non-Windows environments
   844  		var swapiness int64 = 0
   845  		hostConfig.MemorySwappiness = &swapiness
   847  	}
   849  	loggingDriver := driverConfig.Logging.Type
   850  	if loggingDriver == "" {
   851  		loggingDriver = driverConfig.Logging.Driver
   852  	}
   854  	hostConfig.LogConfig = docker.LogConfig{
   855  		Type:   loggingDriver,
   856  		Config: driverConfig.Logging.Config,
   857  	}
   859  	if hostConfig.LogConfig.Type == "" && hostConfig.LogConfig.Config == nil {
   860  		logger.Trace("no docker log driver provided, defaulting to json-file")
   861  		hostConfig.LogConfig.Type = "json-file"
   862  		hostConfig.LogConfig.Config = map[string]string{
   863  			"max-file": "2",
   864  			"max-size": "2m",
   865  		}
   866  	}
   868  	logger.Debug("configured resources",
   869  		"memory", hostConfig.Memory, "memory_reservation", hostConfig.MemoryReservation,
   870  		"cpu_shares", hostConfig.CPUShares, "cpu_quota", hostConfig.CPUQuota,
   871  		"cpu_period", hostConfig.CPUPeriod)
   873  	logger.Debug("binding directories", "binds", hclog.Fmt("%#v", hostConfig.Binds))
   875  	//  set privileged mode
   876  	if driverConfig.Privileged && !d.config.AllowPrivileged {
   877  		return c, fmt.Errorf(`Docker privileged mode is disabled on this Nomad agent`)
   878  	}
   879  	hostConfig.Privileged = driverConfig.Privileged
   881  	// set capabilities
   882  	hostCapsWhitelistConfig := d.config.AllowCaps
   883  	hostCapsWhitelist := make(map[string]struct{})
   884  	for _, cap := range hostCapsWhitelistConfig {
   885  		cap = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(cap))
   886  		hostCapsWhitelist[cap] = struct{}{}
   887  	}
   889  	if _, ok := hostCapsWhitelist["all"]; !ok {
   890  		effectiveCaps, err := tweakCapabilities(
   891  			strings.Split(dockerBasicCaps, ","),
   892  			driverConfig.CapAdd,
   893  			driverConfig.CapDrop,
   894  		)
   895  		if err != nil {
   896  			return c, err
   897  		}
   898  		var missingCaps []string
   899  		for _, cap := range effectiveCaps {
   900  			cap = strings.ToLower(cap)
   901  			if _, ok := hostCapsWhitelist[cap]; !ok {
   902  				missingCaps = append(missingCaps, cap)
   903  			}
   904  		}
   905  		if len(missingCaps) > 0 {
   906  			return c, fmt.Errorf("Docker driver doesn't have the following caps whitelisted on this Nomad agent: %s", missingCaps)
   907  		}
   908  	}
   910  	hostConfig.CapAdd = driverConfig.CapAdd
   911  	hostConfig.CapDrop = driverConfig.CapDrop
   913  	// set SHM size
   914  	if driverConfig.ShmSize != 0 {
   915  		hostConfig.ShmSize = driverConfig.ShmSize
   916  	}
   918  	// set DNS servers
   919  	for _, ip := range driverConfig.DNSServers {
   920  		if net.ParseIP(ip) != nil {
   921  			hostConfig.DNS = append(hostConfig.DNS, ip)
   922  		} else {
   923  			logger.Error("invalid ip address for container dns server", "ip", ip)
   924  		}
   925  	}
   927  	// Setup devices
   928  	for _, device := range driverConfig.Devices {
   929  		dd, err := device.toDockerDevice()
   930  		if err != nil {
   931  			return c, err
   932  		}
   933  		hostConfig.Devices = append(hostConfig.Devices, dd)
   934  	}
   935  	for _, device := range task.Devices {
   936  		hostConfig.Devices = append(hostConfig.Devices, docker.Device{
   937  			PathOnHost:        device.HostPath,
   938  			PathInContainer:   device.TaskPath,
   939  			CgroupPermissions: device.Permissions,
   940  		})
   941  	}
   943  	// Setup mounts
   944  	for _, m := range driverConfig.Mounts {
   945  		hm, err := m.toDockerHostMount()
   946  		if err != nil {
   947  			return c, err
   948  		}
   950  		switch hm.Type {
   951  		case "bind":
   952  			hm.Source = expandPath(task.TaskDir().Dir, hm.Source)
   954  			// paths inside alloc dir are always allowed as they mount within
   955  			// a container, and treated as relative to task dir
   956  			if !d.config.Volumes.Enabled && !isParentPath(task.AllocDir, hm.Source) {
   957  				return c, fmt.Errorf(
   958  					"volumes are not enabled; cannot mount host path: %q %q",
   959  					hm.Source, task.AllocDir)
   960  			}
   961  		case "tmpfs":
   962  			// no source, so no sandbox check required
   963  		default: // "volume", but also any new thing that comes along
   964  			if !d.config.Volumes.Enabled {
   965  				return c, fmt.Errorf(
   966  					"volumes are not enabled; cannot mount volume: %q", hm.Source)
   967  			}
   968  		}
   970  		hostConfig.Mounts = append(hostConfig.Mounts, hm)
   971  	}
   973  	for _, m := range task.Mounts {
   974  		hm := docker.HostMount{
   975  			Type:     "bind",
   976  			Target:   m.TaskPath,
   977  			Source:   m.HostPath,
   978  			ReadOnly: m.Readonly,
   979  		}
   981  		// MountPropagation is only supported by Docker on Linux:
   982  		//
   983  		if runtime.GOOS == "linux" {
   984  			hm.BindOptions = &docker.BindOptions{
   985  				Propagation: userMountToUnixMount[m.PropagationMode],
   986  			}
   987  		}
   989  		hostConfig.Mounts = append(hostConfig.Mounts, hm)
   990  	}
   992  	// set DNS search domains and extra hosts
   993  	hostConfig.DNSSearch = driverConfig.DNSSearchDomains
   994  	hostConfig.DNSOptions = driverConfig.DNSOptions
   995  	hostConfig.ExtraHosts = driverConfig.ExtraHosts
   997  	hostConfig.IpcMode = driverConfig.IPCMode
   998  	hostConfig.PidMode = driverConfig.PidMode
   999  	hostConfig.UTSMode = driverConfig.UTSMode
  1000  	hostConfig.UsernsMode = driverConfig.UsernsMode
  1001  	hostConfig.SecurityOpt = driverConfig.SecurityOpt
  1002  	hostConfig.Sysctls = driverConfig.Sysctl
  1004  	hostConfig.SecurityOpt, err = parseSecurityOpts(driverConfig.SecurityOpt)
  1005  	if err != nil {
  1006  		return c, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse security_opt configuration: %v", err)
  1007  	}
  1009  	ulimits, err := sliceMergeUlimit(driverConfig.Ulimit)
  1010  	if err != nil {
  1011  		return c, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse ulimit configuration: %v", err)
  1012  	}
  1013  	hostConfig.Ulimits = ulimits
  1015  	hostConfig.ReadonlyRootfs = driverConfig.ReadonlyRootfs
  1017  	// set the docker network mode
  1018  	hostConfig.NetworkMode = driverConfig.NetworkMode
  1020  	// if the driver config does not specify a network mode then try to use the
  1021  	// shared alloc network
  1022  	if hostConfig.NetworkMode == "" {
  1023  		if task.NetworkIsolation != nil && task.NetworkIsolation.Path != "" {
  1024  			// find the previously created parent container to join networks with
  1025  			netMode := fmt.Sprintf("container:%s", task.NetworkIsolation.Labels[dockerNetSpecLabelKey])
  1026  			logger.Debug("configuring network mode for task group", "network_mode", netMode)
  1027  			hostConfig.NetworkMode = netMode
  1028  		} else {
  1029  			// docker default
  1030  			logger.Debug("networking mode not specified; using default")
  1031  			hostConfig.NetworkMode = "default"
  1032  		}
  1033  	}
  1035  	// Setup port mapping and exposed ports
  1036  	if len(task.Resources.NomadResources.Networks) == 0 {
  1037  		if len(driverConfig.PortMap) > 0 {
  1038  			return c, fmt.Errorf("Trying to map ports but no network interface is available")
  1039  		}
  1040  	} else {
  1041  		// TODO add support for more than one network
  1042  		network := task.Resources.NomadResources.Networks[0]
  1043  		publishedPorts := map[docker.Port][]docker.PortBinding{}
  1044  		exposedPorts := map[docker.Port]struct{}{}
  1046  		for _, port := range network.ReservedPorts {
  1047  			// By default we will map the allocated port 1:1 to the container
  1048  			containerPortInt := port.Value
  1050  			// If the user has mapped a port using port_map we'll change it here
  1051  			if mapped, ok := driverConfig.PortMap[port.Label]; ok {
  1052  				containerPortInt = mapped
  1053  			}
  1055  			hostPortStr := strconv.Itoa(port.Value)
  1056  			containerPort := docker.Port(strconv.Itoa(containerPortInt))
  1058  			publishedPorts[containerPort+"/tcp"] = getPortBinding(network.IP, hostPortStr)
  1059  			publishedPorts[containerPort+"/udp"] = getPortBinding(network.IP, hostPortStr)
  1060  			logger.Debug("allocated static port", "ip", network.IP, "port", port.Value)
  1062  			exposedPorts[containerPort+"/tcp"] = struct{}{}
  1063  			exposedPorts[containerPort+"/udp"] = struct{}{}
  1064  			logger.Debug("exposed port", "port", port.Value)
  1065  		}
  1067  		for _, port := range network.DynamicPorts {
  1068  			// By default we will map the allocated port 1:1 to the container
  1069  			containerPortInt := port.Value
  1071  			// If the user has mapped a port using port_map we'll change it here
  1072  			if mapped, ok := driverConfig.PortMap[port.Label]; ok {
  1073  				containerPortInt = mapped
  1074  			}
  1076  			hostPortStr := strconv.Itoa(port.Value)
  1077  			containerPort := docker.Port(strconv.Itoa(containerPortInt))
  1079  			publishedPorts[containerPort+"/tcp"] = getPortBinding(network.IP, hostPortStr)
  1080  			publishedPorts[containerPort+"/udp"] = getPortBinding(network.IP, hostPortStr)
  1081  			logger.Debug("allocated mapped port", "ip", network.IP, "port", port.Value)
  1083  			exposedPorts[containerPort+"/tcp"] = struct{}{}
  1084  			exposedPorts[containerPort+"/udp"] = struct{}{}
  1085  			logger.Debug("exposed port", "port", containerPort)
  1086  		}
  1088  		hostConfig.PortBindings = publishedPorts
  1089  		config.ExposedPorts = exposedPorts
  1090  	}
  1092  	// If the user specified a custom command to run, we'll inject it here.
  1093  	if driverConfig.Command != "" {
  1094  		// Validate command
  1095  		if err := validateCommand(driverConfig.Command, "args"); err != nil {
  1096  			return c, err
  1097  		}
  1099  		cmd := []string{driverConfig.Command}
  1100  		if len(driverConfig.Args) != 0 {
  1101  			cmd = append(cmd, driverConfig.Args...)
  1102  		}
  1103  		logger.Debug("setting container startup command", "command", strings.Join(cmd, " "))
  1104  		config.Cmd = cmd
  1105  	} else if len(driverConfig.Args) != 0 {
  1106  		config.Cmd = driverConfig.Args
  1107  	}
  1109  	if len(driverConfig.Labels) > 0 {
  1110  		config.Labels = driverConfig.Labels
  1111  	}
  1113  	labels := make(map[string]string, len(driverConfig.Labels)+1)
  1114  	for k, v := range driverConfig.Labels {
  1115  		labels[k] = v
  1116  	}
  1117  	labels[dockerLabelAllocID] = task.AllocID
  1118  	config.Labels = labels
  1119  	logger.Debug("applied labels on the container", "labels", config.Labels)
  1121  	config.Env = task.EnvList()
  1123  	containerName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", strings.Replace(task.Name, "/", "_", -1), task.AllocID)
  1124  	logger.Debug("setting container name", "container_name", containerName)
  1126  	var networkingConfig *docker.NetworkingConfig
  1127  	if len(driverConfig.NetworkAliases) > 0 || driverConfig.IPv4Address != "" || driverConfig.IPv6Address != "" {
  1128  		networkingConfig = &docker.NetworkingConfig{
  1129  			EndpointsConfig: map[string]*docker.EndpointConfig{
  1130  				hostConfig.NetworkMode: {},
  1131  			},
  1132  		}
  1133  	}
  1135  	if len(driverConfig.NetworkAliases) > 0 {
  1136  		networkingConfig.EndpointsConfig[hostConfig.NetworkMode].Aliases = driverConfig.NetworkAliases
  1137  		logger.Debug("setting container network aliases", "network_mode", hostConfig.NetworkMode,
  1138  			"network_aliases", strings.Join(driverConfig.NetworkAliases, ", "))
  1139  	}
  1141  	if driverConfig.IPv4Address != "" || driverConfig.IPv6Address != "" {
  1142  		networkingConfig.EndpointsConfig[hostConfig.NetworkMode].IPAMConfig = &docker.EndpointIPAMConfig{
  1143  			IPv4Address: driverConfig.IPv4Address,
  1144  			IPv6Address: driverConfig.IPv6Address,
  1145  		}
  1146  		logger.Debug("setting container network configuration", "network_mode", hostConfig.NetworkMode,
  1147  			"ipv4_address", driverConfig.IPv4Address, "ipv6_address", driverConfig.IPv6Address)
  1148  	}
  1150  	if driverConfig.MacAddress != "" {
  1151  		config.MacAddress = driverConfig.MacAddress
  1152  		logger.Debug("setting container mac address", "mac_address", config.MacAddress)
  1153  	}
  1155  	return docker.CreateContainerOptions{
  1156  		Name:             containerName,
  1157  		Config:           config,
  1158  		HostConfig:       hostConfig,
  1159  		NetworkingConfig: networkingConfig,
  1160  	}, nil
  1161  }
  1163  // detectIP of Docker container. Returns the first IP found as well as true if
  1164  // the IP should be advertised (bridge network IPs return false). Returns an
  1165  // empty string and false if no IP could be found.
  1166  func (d *Driver) detectIP(c *docker.Container, driverConfig *TaskConfig) (string, bool) {
  1167  	if c.NetworkSettings == nil {
  1168  		// This should only happen if there's been a coding error (such
  1169  		// as not calling InspectContainer after CreateContainer). Code
  1170  		// defensively in case the Docker API changes subtly.
  1171  		d.logger.Error("no network settings for container", "container_id", c.ID)
  1172  		return "", false
  1173  	}
  1175  	ip, ipName := "", ""
  1176  	auto := false
  1177  	for name, net := range c.NetworkSettings.Networks {
  1178  		if net.IPAddress == "" {
  1179  			// Ignore networks without an IP address
  1180  			continue
  1181  		}
  1183  		ip = net.IPAddress
  1184  		if driverConfig.AdvertiseIPv6Addr {
  1185  			ip = net.GlobalIPv6Address
  1186  			auto = true
  1187  		}
  1188  		ipName = name
  1190  		// Don't auto-advertise IPs for default networks (bridge on
  1191  		// Linux, nat on Windows)
  1192  		if name != "bridge" && name != "nat" {
  1193  			auto = true
  1194  		}
  1196  		break
  1197  	}
  1199  	if n := len(c.NetworkSettings.Networks); n > 1 {
  1200  		d.logger.Warn("multiple Docker networks for container found but Nomad only supports 1",
  1201  			"total_networks", n,
  1202  			"container_id", c.ID,
  1203  			"container_network", ipName)
  1204  	}
  1206  	return ip, auto
  1207  }
  1209  // containerByName finds a running container by name, and returns an error
  1210  // if the container is dead or can't be found.
  1211  func (d *Driver) containerByName(name string) (*docker.Container, error) {
  1213  	client, _, err := d.dockerClients()
  1214  	if err != nil {
  1215  		return nil, err
  1216  	}
  1217  	containers, err := client.ListContainers(docker.ListContainersOptions{
  1218  		All: true,
  1219  	})
  1220  	if err != nil {
  1221  		d.logger.Error("failed to query list of containers matching name",
  1222  			"container_name", name)
  1223  		return nil, recoverableErrTimeouts(
  1224  			fmt.Errorf("Failed to query list of containers: %s", err))
  1225  	}
  1227  	// container names with a / pre-pended to the Nomad generated container names
  1228  	containerName := "/" + name
  1229  	var (
  1230  		shimContainer docker.APIContainers
  1231  		found         bool
  1232  	)
  1233  OUTER:
  1234  	for _, shimContainer = range containers {
  1235  		d.logger.Trace("listed container", "names", hclog.Fmt("%+v", shimContainer.Names))
  1236  		for _, name := range shimContainer.Names {
  1237  			if name == containerName {
  1238  				d.logger.Trace("Found container",
  1239  					"container_name", containerName, "container_id", shimContainer.ID)
  1240  				found = true
  1241  				break OUTER
  1242  			}
  1243  		}
  1244  	}
  1245  	if !found {
  1246  		return nil, nil
  1247  	}
  1249  	container, err := client.InspectContainer(shimContainer.ID)
  1250  	if err != nil {
  1251  		err = fmt.Errorf("Failed to inspect container %s: %s", shimContainer.ID, err)
  1253  		// This error is always recoverable as it could
  1254  		// be caused by races between listing
  1255  		// containers and this container being removed.
  1256  		// See #2802
  1257  		return nil, nstructs.NewRecoverableError(err, true)
  1258  	}
  1259  	return container, nil
  1260  }
  1262  // validateCommand validates that the command only has a single value and
  1263  // returns a user friendly error message telling them to use the passed
  1264  // argField.
  1265  func validateCommand(command, argField string) error {
  1266  	trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(command)
  1267  	if len(trimmed) == 0 {
  1268  		return fmt.Errorf("command empty: %q", command)
  1269  	}
  1271  	if len(trimmed) != len(command) {
  1272  		return fmt.Errorf("command contains extra white space: %q", command)
  1273  	}
  1275  	return nil
  1276  }
  1278  func (d *Driver) WaitTask(ctx context.Context, taskID string) (<-chan *drivers.ExitResult, error) {
  1279  	h, ok := d.tasks.Get(taskID)
  1280  	if !ok {
  1281  		return nil, drivers.ErrTaskNotFound
  1282  	}
  1283  	ch := make(chan *drivers.ExitResult)
  1284  	go d.handleWait(ctx, ch, h)
  1285  	return ch, nil
  1286  }
  1288  func (d *Driver) handleWait(ctx context.Context, ch chan *drivers.ExitResult, h *taskHandle) {
  1289  	defer close(ch)
  1290  	select {
  1291  	case <-h.waitCh:
  1292  		ch <- h.ExitResult()
  1293  	case <-ctx.Done():
  1294  		ch <- &drivers.ExitResult{
  1295  			Err: ctx.Err(),
  1296  		}
  1297  	}
  1298  }
  1300  func (d *Driver) StopTask(taskID string, timeout time.Duration, signal string) error {
  1301  	h, ok := d.tasks.Get(taskID)
  1302  	if !ok {
  1303  		return drivers.ErrTaskNotFound
  1304  	}
  1306  	if signal == "" {
  1307  		signal = "SIGINT"
  1308  	}
  1310  	// Windows Docker daemon does not support SIGINT, SIGTERM is the semantic equivalent that
  1311  	// allows for graceful shutdown before being followed up by a SIGKILL.
  1312  	// Supported signals:
  1313  	//
  1314  	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && signal == "SIGINT" {
  1315  		signal = "SIGTERM"
  1316  	}
  1318  	sig, err := signals.Parse(signal)
  1319  	if err != nil {
  1320  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse signal: %v", err)
  1321  	}
  1323  	return h.Kill(timeout, sig)
  1324  }
  1326  func (d *Driver) DestroyTask(taskID string, force bool) error {
  1327  	h, ok := d.tasks.Get(taskID)
  1328  	if !ok {
  1329  		return drivers.ErrTaskNotFound
  1330  	}
  1332  	c, err := h.client.InspectContainer(h.containerID)
  1333  	if err != nil {
  1334  		switch err.(type) {
  1335  		case *docker.NoSuchContainer:
  1336  			h.logger.Info("container was removed out of band, will proceed with DestroyTask",
  1337  				"error", err)
  1338  		default:
  1339  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to inspect container state: %v", err)
  1340  		}
  1341  	} else {
  1342  		if c.State.Running {
  1343  			if !force {
  1344  				return fmt.Errorf("must call StopTask for the given task before Destroy or set force to true")
  1345  			}
  1346  			if err := h.client.StopContainer(h.containerID, 0); err != nil {
  1347  				h.logger.Warn("failed to stop container during destroy", "error", err)
  1348  			}
  1349  		}
  1351  		if h.removeContainerOnExit {
  1352  			if err := h.client.RemoveContainer(docker.RemoveContainerOptions{ID: h.containerID, RemoveVolumes: true, Force: true}); err != nil {
  1353  				h.logger.Error("error removing container", "error", err)
  1354  			}
  1355  		} else {
  1356  			h.logger.Debug("not removing container due to config")
  1357  		}
  1358  	}
  1360  	if err := d.cleanupImage(h); err != nil {
  1361  		h.logger.Error("failed to cleanup image after destroying container",
  1362  			"error", err)
  1363  	}
  1365  	d.tasks.Delete(taskID)
  1366  	return nil
  1367  }
  1369  // cleanupImage removes a Docker image. No error is returned if the image
  1370  // doesn't exist or is still in use. Requires the global client to already be
  1371  // initialized.
  1372  func (d *Driver) cleanupImage(handle *taskHandle) error {
  1373  	if !d.config.GC.Image {
  1374  		return nil
  1375  	}
  1377  	d.coordinator.RemoveImage(handle.containerImage, handle.task.ID)
  1379  	return nil
  1380  }
  1382  func (d *Driver) InspectTask(taskID string) (*drivers.TaskStatus, error) {
  1383  	h, ok := d.tasks.Get(taskID)
  1384  	if !ok {
  1385  		return nil, drivers.ErrTaskNotFound
  1386  	}
  1388  	container, err := client.InspectContainer(h.containerID)
  1389  	if err != nil {
  1390  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to inspect container %q: %v", h.containerID, err)
  1391  	}
  1392  	status := &drivers.TaskStatus{
  1393  		ID:          h.task.ID,
  1394  		Name:        h.task.Name,
  1395  		StartedAt:   container.State.StartedAt,
  1396  		CompletedAt: container.State.FinishedAt,
  1397  		DriverAttributes: map[string]string{
  1398  			"container_id": container.ID,
  1399  		},
  1400  		NetworkOverride:,
  1401  		ExitResult:      h.ExitResult(),
  1402  	}
  1404  	status.State = drivers.TaskStateUnknown
  1405  	if container.State.Running {
  1406  		status.State = drivers.TaskStateRunning
  1407  	}
  1408  	if container.State.Dead {
  1409  		status.State = drivers.TaskStateExited
  1410  	}
  1412  	return status, nil
  1413  }
  1415  func (d *Driver) TaskStats(ctx context.Context, taskID string, interval time.Duration) (<-chan *drivers.TaskResourceUsage, error) {
  1416  	h, ok := d.tasks.Get(taskID)
  1417  	if !ok {
  1418  		return nil, drivers.ErrTaskNotFound
  1419  	}
  1421  	return h.Stats(ctx, interval)
  1422  }
  1424  func (d *Driver) TaskEvents(ctx context.Context) (<-chan *drivers.TaskEvent, error) {
  1425  	return d.eventer.TaskEvents(ctx)
  1426  }
  1428  func (d *Driver) SignalTask(taskID string, signal string) error {
  1429  	h, ok := d.tasks.Get(taskID)
  1430  	if !ok {
  1431  		return drivers.ErrTaskNotFound
  1432  	}
  1434  	sig, err := signals.Parse(signal)
  1435  	if err != nil {
  1436  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse signal: %v", err)
  1437  	}
  1439  	return h.Signal(sig)
  1440  }
  1442  func (d *Driver) ExecTask(taskID string, cmd []string, timeout time.Duration) (*drivers.ExecTaskResult, error) {
  1443  	h, ok := d.tasks.Get(taskID)
  1444  	if !ok {
  1445  		return nil, drivers.ErrTaskNotFound
  1446  	}
  1448  	if len(cmd) == 0 {
  1449  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("cmd is required, but was empty")
  1450  	}
  1452  	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
  1453  	defer cancel()
  1455  	return h.Exec(ctx, cmd[0], cmd[1:])
  1456  }
  1458  var _ drivers.ExecTaskStreamingDriver = (*Driver)(nil)
  1460  func (d *Driver) ExecTaskStreaming(ctx context.Context, taskID string, opts *drivers.ExecOptions) (*drivers.ExitResult, error) {
  1461  	defer opts.Stdout.Close()
  1462  	defer opts.Stderr.Close()
  1464  	done := make(chan interface{})
  1465  	defer close(done)
  1467  	h, ok := d.tasks.Get(taskID)
  1468  	if !ok {
  1469  		return nil, drivers.ErrTaskNotFound
  1470  	}
  1472  	if len(opts.Command) == 0 {
  1473  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("command is required but was empty")
  1474  	}
  1476  	createExecOpts := docker.CreateExecOptions{
  1477  		AttachStdin:  true,
  1478  		AttachStdout: true,
  1479  		AttachStderr: true,
  1480  		Tty:          opts.Tty,
  1481  		Cmd:          opts.Command,
  1482  		Container:    h.containerID,
  1483  		Context:      ctx,
  1484  	}
  1485  	exec, err := h.client.CreateExec(createExecOpts)
  1486  	if err != nil {
  1487  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create exec object: %v", err)
  1488  	}
  1490  	go func() {
  1491  		for {
  1492  			select {
  1493  			case <-ctx.Done():
  1494  				return
  1495  			case <-done:
  1496  				return
  1497  			case s, ok := <-opts.ResizeCh:
  1498  				if !ok {
  1499  					return
  1500  				}
  1501  				client.ResizeExecTTY(exec.ID, s.Height, s.Width)
  1502  			}
  1503  		}
  1504  	}()
  1506  	startOpts := docker.StartExecOptions{
  1507  		Detach: false,
  1509  		// When running in TTY, we must use a raw terminal.
  1510  		// If not, we set RawTerminal to false to allow docker client
  1511  		// to interpret special stdout/stderr messages
  1512  		Tty:         opts.Tty,
  1513  		RawTerminal: opts.Tty,
  1515  		InputStream:  opts.Stdin,
  1516  		OutputStream: opts.Stdout,
  1517  		ErrorStream:  opts.Stderr,
  1518  		Context:      ctx,
  1519  	}
  1520  	if err := client.StartExec(exec.ID, startOpts); err != nil {
  1521  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to start exec: %v", err)
  1522  	}
  1524  	// StartExec returns after process completes, but InspectExec seems to have a delay
  1525  	// get in getting status code
  1527  	const execTerminatingTimeout = 3 * time.Second
  1528  	start := time.Now()
  1529  	var res *docker.ExecInspect
  1530  	for (res == nil || res.Running) && time.Since(start) <= execTerminatingTimeout {
  1531  		res, err = client.InspectExec(exec.ID)
  1532  		if err != nil {
  1533  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to inspect exec result: %v", err)
  1534  		}
  1535  		time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
  1536  	}
  1538  	if res == nil || res.Running {
  1539  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve exec result")
  1540  	}
  1542  	return &drivers.ExitResult{
  1543  		ExitCode: res.ExitCode,
  1544  	}, nil
  1545  }
  1547  // dockerClients creates two *docker.Client, one for long running operations and
  1548  // the other for shorter operations. In test / dev mode we can use ENV vars to
  1549  // connect to the docker daemon. In production mode we will read docker.endpoint
  1550  // from the config file.
  1551  func (d *Driver) dockerClients() (*docker.Client, *docker.Client, error) {
  1552  	createClientsLock.Lock()
  1553  	defer createClientsLock.Unlock()
  1555  	if client != nil && waitClient != nil {
  1556  		return client, waitClient, nil
  1557  	}
  1559  	var err error
  1561  	// Onlt initialize the client if it hasn't yet been done
  1562  	if client == nil {
  1563  		client, err = d.newDockerClient(dockerTimeout)
  1564  		if err != nil {
  1565  			return nil, nil, err
  1566  		}
  1567  	}
  1569  	// Only initialize the waitClient if it hasn't yet been done
  1570  	if waitClient == nil {
  1571  		waitClient, err = d.newDockerClient(0 * time.Minute)
  1572  		if err != nil {
  1573  			return nil, nil, err
  1574  		}
  1575  	}
  1577  	return client, waitClient, nil
  1578  }
  1580  // newDockerClient creates a new *docker.Client with a configurable timeout
  1581  func (d *Driver) newDockerClient(timeout time.Duration) (*docker.Client, error) {
  1582  	var err error
  1583  	var merr multierror.Error
  1584  	var newClient *docker.Client
  1586  	// Default to using whatever is configured in docker.endpoint. If this is
  1587  	// not specified we'll fall back on NewClientFromEnv which reads config from
  1588  	// the DOCKER_* environment variables DOCKER_HOST, DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY, and
  1589  	// DOCKER_CERT_PATH. This allows us to lock down the config in production
  1590  	// but also accept the standard ENV configs for dev and test.
  1591  	dockerEndpoint := d.config.Endpoint
  1592  	if dockerEndpoint != "" {
  1593  		cert := d.config.TLS.Cert
  1594  		key := d.config.TLS.Key
  1595  		ca := d.config.TLS.CA
  1597  		if cert+key+ca != "" {
  1598  			d.logger.Debug("using TLS client connection", "endpoint", dockerEndpoint)
  1599  			newClient, err = docker.NewTLSClient(dockerEndpoint, cert, key, ca)
  1600  			if err != nil {
  1601  				merr.Errors = append(merr.Errors, err)
  1602  			}
  1603  		} else {
  1604  			d.logger.Debug("using standard client connection", "endpoint", dockerEndpoint)
  1605  			newClient, err = docker.NewClient(dockerEndpoint)
  1606  			if err != nil {
  1607  				merr.Errors = append(merr.Errors, err)
  1608  			}
  1609  		}
  1610  	} else {
  1611  		d.logger.Debug("using client connection initialized from environment")
  1612  		newClient, err = docker.NewClientFromEnv()
  1613  		if err != nil {
  1614  			merr.Errors = append(merr.Errors, err)
  1615  		}
  1616  	}
  1618  	if timeout != 0 && newClient != nil {
  1619  		newClient.SetTimeout(timeout)
  1620  	}
  1621  	return newClient, merr.ErrorOrNil()
  1622  }
  1624  func sliceMergeUlimit(ulimitsRaw map[string]string) ([]docker.ULimit, error) {
  1625  	var ulimits []docker.ULimit
  1627  	for name, ulimitRaw := range ulimitsRaw {
  1628  		if len(ulimitRaw) == 0 {
  1629  			return []docker.ULimit{}, fmt.Errorf("Malformed ulimit specification %v: %q, cannot be empty", name, ulimitRaw)
  1630  		}
  1631  		// hard limit is optional
  1632  		if strings.Contains(ulimitRaw, ":") == false {
  1633  			ulimitRaw = ulimitRaw + ":" + ulimitRaw
  1634  		}
  1636  		splitted := strings.SplitN(ulimitRaw, ":", 2)
  1637  		if len(splitted) < 2 {
  1638  			return []docker.ULimit{}, fmt.Errorf("Malformed ulimit specification %v: %v", name, ulimitRaw)
  1639  		}
  1640  		soft, err := strconv.Atoi(splitted[0])
  1641  		if err != nil {
  1642  			return []docker.ULimit{}, fmt.Errorf("Malformed soft ulimit %v: %v", name, ulimitRaw)
  1643  		}
  1644  		hard, err := strconv.Atoi(splitted[1])
  1645  		if err != nil {
  1646  			return []docker.ULimit{}, fmt.Errorf("Malformed hard ulimit %v: %v", name, ulimitRaw)
  1647  		}
  1649  		ulimit := docker.ULimit{
  1650  			Name: name,
  1651  			Soft: int64(soft),
  1652  			Hard: int64(hard),
  1653  		}
  1654  		ulimits = append(ulimits, ulimit)
  1655  	}
  1656  	return ulimits, nil
  1657  }
  1659  func isDockerTransientError(err error) bool {
  1660  	if err == nil {
  1661  		return false
  1662  	}
  1664  	errMsg := err.Error()
  1665  	for _, te := range dockerTransientErrs {
  1666  		if strings.Contains(errMsg, te) {
  1667  			return true
  1668  		}
  1669  	}
  1671  	return false
  1672  }