
     1  // Copyright 2018 Authors of Cilium
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  package xds
    17  import (
    18  	"errors"
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  )
    28  // ProxyError wraps the error and the detail received from the proxy in to a new type
    29  // that implements the error interface.
    30  type ProxyError struct {
    31  	Err    error
    32  	Detail string
    33  }
    35  func (pe *ProxyError) Error() string {
    36  	return pe.Err.Error() + ": " + pe.Detail
    37  }
    39  var (
    40  	ErrNackReceived error = errors.New("NACK received")
    41  )
    43  // ResourceVersionAckObserver defines the HandleResourceVersionAck method
    44  // which is called whenever a node acknowledges having applied a version of
    45  // the resources of a given type.
    46  type ResourceVersionAckObserver interface {
    47  	// HandleResourceVersionAck notifies that the node with the given NodeIP
    48  	// has acknowledged having applied the resources.
    49  	// Calls to this function must not block.
    50  	HandleResourceVersionAck(ackVersion uint64, nackVersion uint64, nodeIP string, resourceNames []string, typeURL string, detail string)
    51  }
    53  // AckingResourceMutatorRevertFunc is a function which reverts the effects of
    54  // an update on a AckingResourceMutator.
    55  // The completion is called back when the new resource update is
    56  // ACKed by the Envoy nodes.
    57  type AckingResourceMutatorRevertFunc func(completion *completion.Completion)
    59  // AckingResourceMutator is a variant of ResourceMutator which calls back a
    60  // Completion when a resource update is ACKed by a set of Envoy nodes.
    61  type AckingResourceMutator interface {
    62  	// Upsert inserts or updates a resource from this set by name and increases
    63  	// the set's version number atomically if the resource is actually inserted
    64  	// or updated.
    65  	// The completion is called back when the new upserted resources' version is
    66  	// ACKed by the Envoy nodes which IDs are given in nodeIDs.
    67  	// A call to the returned revert function reverts the effects of this
    68  	// method call.
    69  	Upsert(typeURL string, resourceName string, resource proto.Message, nodeIDs []string, wg *completion.WaitGroup, callback func(error)) AckingResourceMutatorRevertFunc
    71  	// UseCurrent inserts a completion that allows the caller to wait for the current
    72  	// version of the given typeURL to be ACKed.
    73  	UseCurrent(typeURL string, nodeIDs []string, wg *completion.WaitGroup)
    75  	// DeleteNode frees resources held for the named node
    76  	DeleteNode(nodeID string)
    78  	// Delete deletes a resource from this set by name and increases the cache's
    79  	// version number atomically if the resource is actually deleted.
    80  	// The completion is called back when the new deleted resources' version is
    81  	// ACKed by the Envoy nodes which IDs are given in nodeIDs.
    82  	// A call to the returned revert function reverts the effects of this
    83  	// method call.
    84  	Delete(typeURL string, resourceName string, nodeIDs []string, wg *completion.WaitGroup, callback func(error)) AckingResourceMutatorRevertFunc
    85  }
    87  // AckingResourceMutatorWrapper is an AckingResourceMutator which wraps a
    88  // ResourceMutator to notifies callers when resource updates are ACKed by
    89  // nodes.
    90  // AckingResourceMutatorWrapper also implements ResourceVersionAckObserver in
    91  // order to be notified of ACKs from nodes.
    92  type AckingResourceMutatorWrapper struct {
    93  	// mutator is the wrapped resource mutator.
    94  	mutator ResourceMutator
    96  	// locker locks all accesses to the remaining fields.
    97  	locker lock.Mutex
    99  	// Last version stored by 'mutator'
   100  	version uint64
   102  	// ackedVersions is the last version acked by a node for this cache.
   103  	// The key is the IPv4 address in string format for an Istio sidecar,
   104  	// or "" for the host proxy.
   105  	ackedVersions map[string]uint64
   107  	// pendingCompletions is the list of updates that are pending completion.
   108  	pendingCompletions map[*completion.Completion]*pendingCompletion
   109  }
   111  // pendingCompletion is an update that is pending completion.
   112  type pendingCompletion struct {
   113  	// version is the version to be ACKed.
   114  	version uint64
   116  	// typeURL is the type URL of the resources to be ACKed.
   117  	typeURL string
   119  	// remainingNodesResources maps each pending node ID to pending resource
   120  	// name.
   121  	remainingNodesResources map[string]map[string]struct{}
   122  }
   124  // NewAckingResourceMutatorWrapper creates a new AckingResourceMutatorWrapper
   125  // to wrap the given ResourceMutator.
   126  func NewAckingResourceMutatorWrapper(mutator ResourceMutator) *AckingResourceMutatorWrapper {
   127  	return &AckingResourceMutatorWrapper{
   128  		mutator:            mutator,
   129  		ackedVersions:      make(map[string]uint64),
   130  		pendingCompletions: make(map[*completion.Completion]*pendingCompletion),
   131  	}
   132  }
   134  // AddVersionCompletion adds a completion to wait for any ACK for the
   135  // version and type URL, ignoring the ACKed resource names.
   136  func (m *AckingResourceMutatorWrapper) addVersionCompletion(typeURL string, version uint64, nodeIDs []string, c *completion.Completion) {
   137  	comp := &pendingCompletion{
   138  		version:                 version,
   139  		typeURL:                 typeURL,
   140  		remainingNodesResources: make(map[string]map[string]struct{}, len(nodeIDs)),
   141  	}
   142  	for _, nodeID := range nodeIDs {
   143  		comp.remainingNodesResources[nodeID] = nil
   144  	}
   145  	m.pendingCompletions[c] = comp
   146  }
   148  // DeleteNode frees resources held for the named nodes
   149  func (m *AckingResourceMutatorWrapper) DeleteNode(nodeID string) {
   151  	defer
   153  	delete(m.ackedVersions, nodeID)
   154  }
   156  func (m *AckingResourceMutatorWrapper) Upsert(typeURL string, resourceName string, resource proto.Message, nodeIDs []string, wg *completion.WaitGroup, callback func(error)) AckingResourceMutatorRevertFunc {
   158  	defer
   160  	var updated bool
   161  	var revert ResourceMutatorRevertFunc
   162  	m.version, updated, revert = m.mutator.Upsert(typeURL, resourceName, resource)
   164  	if !updated {
   165  		if wg != nil {
   166  			m.useCurrent(typeURL, nodeIDs, wg)
   167  		}
   168  		return func(completion *completion.Completion) {}
   169  	}
   171  	if wg != nil {
   172  		c := wg.AddCompletionWithCallback(callback)
   173  		if _, found := m.pendingCompletions[c]; found {
   174  			log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
   175  				logfields.XDSTypeURL:      typeURL,
   176  				logfields.XDSResourceName: resourceName,
   177  			}).Fatalf("attempt to reuse completion to upsert xDS resource: %v", c)
   178  		}
   180  		comp := &pendingCompletion{
   181  			version:                 m.version,
   182  			typeURL:                 typeURL,
   183  			remainingNodesResources: make(map[string]map[string]struct{}, len(nodeIDs)),
   184  		}
   185  		for _, nodeID := range nodeIDs {
   186  			comp.remainingNodesResources[nodeID] = make(map[string]struct{}, 1)
   187  			comp.remainingNodesResources[nodeID][resourceName] = struct{}{}
   188  		}
   189  		m.pendingCompletions[c] = comp
   190  	}
   192  	return func(completion *completion.Completion) {
   194  		defer
   196  		if revert != nil {
   197  			m.version, _ = revert()
   199  			if completion != nil {
   200  				// We don't know whether the revert did an Upsert or a Delete, so as a
   201  				// best effort, just wait for any ACK for the version and type URL,
   202  				// and ignore the ACKed resource names, like for a Delete.
   203  				m.addVersionCompletion(typeURL, m.version, nodeIDs, completion)
   204  			}
   205  		}
   206  	}
   207  }
   209  func (m *AckingResourceMutatorWrapper) useCurrent(typeURL string, nodeIDs []string, wg *completion.WaitGroup) {
   210  	if !m.currentVersionAcked(nodeIDs) {
   211  		// Add a completion object for 'version' so that the caller may wait for the N/ACK
   212  		m.addVersionCompletion(typeURL, m.version, nodeIDs, wg.AddCompletion())
   213  	}
   214  }
   216  // UseCurrent adds a completion to the WaitGroup if the current
   217  // version of the cached resource has not been acked yet, allowing the
   218  // caller to wait for the ACK.
   219  func (m *AckingResourceMutatorWrapper) UseCurrent(typeURL string, nodeIDs []string, wg *completion.WaitGroup) {
   221  	defer
   223  	m.useCurrent(typeURL, nodeIDs, wg)
   224  }
   226  func (m *AckingResourceMutatorWrapper) currentVersionAcked(nodeIDs []string) bool {
   227  	for _, node := range nodeIDs {
   228  		if acked, exists := m.ackedVersions[node]; !exists || acked < m.version {
   229  			ackLog := log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
   230  				logfields.XDSCachedVersion: m.version,
   231  				logfields.XDSAckedVersion:  acked,
   232  				logfields.XDSClientNode:    node,
   233  			})
   234  			ackLog.Debugf("Node has not acked the current cached version yet")
   235  			return false
   236  		}
   237  	}
   238  	return true
   239  }
   241  func (m *AckingResourceMutatorWrapper) Delete(typeURL string, resourceName string, nodeIDs []string, wg *completion.WaitGroup, callback func(error)) AckingResourceMutatorRevertFunc {
   243  	defer
   245  	// Always delete the resource, even if the completion's context was
   246  	// canceled before we even started, since we have no way to signal whether
   247  	// the resource is actually deleted.
   249  	// There is no explicit ACK for resource deletion in the xDS protocol.
   250  	// As a best effort, just wait for any ACK for the version and type URL,
   251  	// and ignore the ACKed resource names.
   253  	var updated bool
   254  	var revert ResourceMutatorRevertFunc
   255  	m.version, updated, revert = m.mutator.Delete(typeURL, resourceName)
   257  	if !updated {
   258  		if wg != nil {
   259  			m.useCurrent(typeURL, nodeIDs, wg)
   260  		}
   261  		return func(completion *completion.Completion) {}
   262  	}
   264  	if wg != nil {
   265  		c := wg.AddCompletionWithCallback(callback)
   266  		if _, found := m.pendingCompletions[c]; found {
   267  			log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
   268  				logfields.XDSTypeURL:      typeURL,
   269  				logfields.XDSResourceName: resourceName,
   270  			}).Fatalf("attempt to reuse completion to delete xDS resource: %v", c)
   271  		}
   273  		m.addVersionCompletion(typeURL, m.version, nodeIDs, c)
   274  	}
   276  	return func(completion *completion.Completion) {
   278  		defer
   280  		if revert != nil {
   281  			m.version, _ = revert()
   283  			if completion != nil {
   284  				// We don't know whether the revert had any effect at all, so as a
   285  				// best effort, just wait for any ACK for the version and type URL,
   286  				// and ignore the ACKed resource names, like for a Delete.
   287  				m.addVersionCompletion(typeURL, m.version, nodeIDs, completion)
   288  			}
   289  		}
   290  	}
   291  }
   293  // 'ackVersion' is the last version that was acked. 'nackVersion', if greater than 'nackVersion', is the last version that was NACKed.
   294  func (m *AckingResourceMutatorWrapper) HandleResourceVersionAck(ackVersion uint64, nackVersion uint64, nodeIP string, resourceNames []string, typeURL string, detail string) {
   295  	ackLog := log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
   296  		logfields.XDSAckedVersion: ackVersion,
   297  		logfields.XDSNonce:        nackVersion,
   298  		logfields.XDSClientNode:   nodeIP,
   299  		logfields.XDSTypeURL:      typeURL,
   300  	})
   303  	defer
   305  	// Update the last seen ACKed version if it advances the previously ACKed version.
   306  	// Version 0 is special as it indicates that we have received the first xDS
   307  	// resource request from Envoy. Prior to that we do not have a map entry for the
   308  	// node at all.
   309  	if previouslyAckedVersion, exists := m.ackedVersions[nodeIP]; !exists || previouslyAckedVersion < ackVersion {
   310  		m.ackedVersions[nodeIP] = ackVersion
   311  	}
   313  	remainingCompletions := make(map[*completion.Completion]*pendingCompletion, len(m.pendingCompletions))
   315  	for comp, pending := range m.pendingCompletions {
   316  		if comp.Err() != nil {
   317  			// Completion was canceled or timed out.
   318  			// Remove from pending list.
   319  			ackLog.Debugf("completion context was canceled: %v", pending)
   320  			continue
   321  		}
   323  		if pending.typeURL == typeURL {
   324  			if pending.version <= nackVersion {
   325  				// Get the set of resource names we are still waiting for the node
   326  				// to ACK.
   327  				remainingResourceNames, found := pending.remainingNodesResources[nodeIP]
   328  				if found {
   329  					for _, name := range resourceNames {
   330  						delete(remainingResourceNames, name)
   331  					}
   332  					if len(remainingResourceNames) == 0 {
   333  						delete(pending.remainingNodesResources, nodeIP)
   334  					}
   335  					if len(pending.remainingNodesResources) == 0 {
   336  						// Completed. Notify and remove from pending list.
   337  						if pending.version <= ackVersion {
   338  							ackLog.Debugf("completing ACK: %v", pending)
   339  							comp.Complete(nil)
   340  						} else {
   341  							ackLog.Debugf("completing NACK: %v", pending)
   342  							comp.Complete(&ProxyError{Err: ErrNackReceived, Detail: detail})
   343  						}
   344  						continue
   345  					}
   346  				}
   347  			}
   348  		}
   350  		// Completion didn't match or is still waiting for some ACKs. Keep it
   351  		// in the pending list.
   352  		remainingCompletions[comp] = pending
   353  	}
   355  	m.pendingCompletions = remainingCompletions
   356  }