
     1  # This is the default configuration to be used even if none supplied
     3  # Database connection settings
     4  [rdbms]
     5  dialect=sqlite3
     6  connection-url=webhook-broker.sqlite3
     7  # Use config akin to these for connecting to MySQL; note the multiStatements=true in connection param; without it migration will fail
     8  # dialect=mysql
     9  # connection-url=webhook_broker:zxc909zxc@tcp(mysql:3306)/webhook-broker?charset=utf8&parseTime=true&multiStatements=true
    10  connxn-max-idle-time-seconds=0
    11  connxn-max-lifetime-seconds=0
    12  max-idle-connxns=30
    13  max-open-connxns=100
    15  # HTTP Server settings
    16  [http]
    17  # Listener address must be bindable else it will error out
    18  listener=:8080
    19  read-timeout=240
    20  write-timeout=240
    22  # Log settings
    23  [log]
    24  # default is console logging, signified by passing empty value
    25  filename=
    26  # Enable file logging by uncommenting the following line
    27  # filename=/var/log/webhook-broker.log
    28  max-file-size-in-mb=200
    29  max-backups=3
    30  max-age-in-days=28
    31  compress-backups=true
    32  # Allowed values are debug, info, error, fatal
    33  log-level=debug
    35  # Generic Webhook Broker config such as - Max message queue size, max workers, priority dispatcher on, retrigger base-endpoint
    36  [broker]
    37  max-message-queue-size=10000
    38  max-workers=200
    39  priority-dispatcher-enabled=true
    40  # If retrigger base endpoint is not a absolute URL config initialization will error out
    41  retrigger-base-endpoint=http://localhost:8080
    42  max-retry=5
    43  rational-delay-in-seconds=2
    44  # Expected comma separated list of numbers; in case any value is a non number it will be defaulted to 15
    45  retry-backoff-delays-in-seconds=5,30,60
    46  # Whether to run recovery workers
    47  recovery-workers-enabled=true
    49  # Generic consumer configuration such as - Token Header name, User Agent, Consumer connection timeout
    50  [consumer-connection]
    51  token-header-name=X-Broker-Consumer-Token
    52  user-agent=Webhook Message Broker
    53  connection-timeout-in-seconds=30
    55  # Preemptive Channel, Producer, Consumer setup
    56  [initial-channels]
    57  sample-channel=Sample Channel
    59  [initial-producers]
    60  sample-producer=Sample Producer
    62  [initial-consumers]
    63  # If consumer callback URL is not a absolute URL the consumer will be ignored
    64  sample-consumer=http://sample-endpoint/webhook-receiver
    66  # Support for preemptive token setup for the aboves
    67  [initial-channel-tokens]
    68  sample-channel=sample-channel-token
    70  [initial-producer-tokens]
    71  sample-producer=sample-producer-token
    73  [sample-consumer]
    74  token=sample-consumer-token
    75  # Supports single `channel` key when; channel must be present
    76  channel=sample-channel