
     1  package in_toto
     3  import (
     4  	ita1 ""
     5  	""
     6  	slsa01 ""
     7  	slsa02 ""
     8  	slsa1 ""
     9  )
    11  const (
    12  	// StatementInTotoV01 is the statement type for the generalized link format
    13  	// containing statements. This is constant for all predicate types.
    14  	StatementInTotoV01 = ""
    16  	// StatementInTotoV1 is the type URI for ITE-6 v1 Statements.
    17  	// This is constant for all predicate types.
    18  	StatementInTotoV1 = ita1.StatementTypeUri
    20  	// PredicateSPDX represents a SBOM using the SPDX standard.
    21  	// The SPDX mandates 'spdxVersion' field, so predicate type can omit
    22  	// version.
    23  	PredicateSPDX = ""
    24  	// PredicateCycloneDX represents a CycloneDX SBOM
    25  	PredicateCycloneDX = ""
    26  	// PredicateLinkV1 represents an in-toto 0.9 link.
    27  	PredicateLinkV1 = ""
    28  )
    30  // Subject describes the set of software artifacts the statement applies to.
    31  //
    32  // Deprecated: This implementation of Subject exists for historical
    33  // compatibility and should not be used. This implementation has been
    34  // superseded by a ResourceDescriptor struct generated from the Protobuf
    35  // definition in
    36  //
    37  // To generate an ITE-6 v1 Statement subject, use the ResourceDescriptor Go
    38  // APIs provided in
    39  type Subject struct {
    40  	Name   string           `json:"name"`
    41  	Digest common.DigestSet `json:"digest"`
    42  }
    44  // StatementHeader defines the common fields for all statements
    45  //
    46  // Deprecated: This implementation of StatementHeader exists for historical
    47  // compatibility and should not be used. This implementation has been
    48  // superseded by the Statement struct generated from the Protobuf
    49  // definition in
    50  //
    51  // To generate an ITE-6 v1 Statement, use the Go APIs provided in
    52  //
    53  type StatementHeader struct {
    54  	Type          string    `json:"_type"`
    55  	PredicateType string    `json:"predicateType"`
    56  	Subject       []Subject `json:"subject"`
    57  }
    59  /*
    60  Statement binds the attestation to a particular subject and identifies the
    61  of the predicate. This struct represents a generic statement.
    62  */
    63  // Deprecated: This implementation of Statement exists for historical
    64  // compatibility and should not be used. This implementation has been
    65  // superseded by the Statement struct generated from the Protobuf
    66  // definition in
    67  //
    68  // To generate an ITE-6 v1 Statement, use the Go APIs provided in
    69  //
    70  type Statement struct {
    71  	StatementHeader
    72  	// Predicate contains type speficic metadata.
    73  	Predicate interface{} `json:"predicate"`
    74  }
    76  // ProvenanceStatementSLSA01 is the definition for an entire provenance statement with SLSA 0.1 predicate.
    77  type ProvenanceStatementSLSA01 struct {
    78  	StatementHeader
    79  	Predicate slsa01.ProvenancePredicate `json:"predicate"`
    80  }
    82  // ProvenanceStatementSLSA02 is the definition for an entire provenance statement with SLSA 0.2 predicate.
    83  type ProvenanceStatementSLSA02 struct {
    84  	StatementHeader
    85  	Predicate slsa02.ProvenancePredicate `json:"predicate"`
    86  }
    88  // ProvenanceStatementSLSA1 is the definition for an entire provenance statement with SLSA 1.0 predicate.
    89  //
    90  // Deprecated: ProvenanceStatementSLSA1 exists for historical
    91  // compatibility and should not be used. To generate an ITE-6 v1 Statement
    92  // with an ITE-9 Provenance v1 predicate, use the Go APIs provided in
    93  //
    94  type ProvenanceStatementSLSA1 struct {
    95  	StatementHeader
    96  	Predicate slsa1.ProvenancePredicate `json:"predicate"`
    97  }
    99  // ProvenanceStatement is the definition for an entire provenance statement with SLSA 0.2 predicate.
   100  // Deprecated: Only version-specific provenance structs will be maintained (ProvenanceStatementSLSA01, ProvenanceStatementSLSA02).
   101  type ProvenanceStatement struct {
   102  	StatementHeader
   103  	Predicate slsa02.ProvenancePredicate `json:"predicate"`
   104  }
   106  // LinkStatement is the definition for an entire link statement.
   107  type LinkStatement struct {
   108  	StatementHeader
   109  	Predicate Link `json:"predicate"`
   110  }
   112  /*
   113  SPDXStatement is the definition for an entire SPDX statement.
   114  This is currently not implemented. Some tooling exists here:
   115, but this software is still in
   116  early state.
   117  This struct is the same as the generic Statement struct but is added for
   118  completeness
   119  */
   120  type SPDXStatement struct {
   121  	StatementHeader
   122  	Predicate interface{} `json:"predicate"`
   123  }
   125  /*
   126  CycloneDXStatement defines a cyclonedx sbom in the predicate. It is not
   127  currently serialized just as its SPDX counterpart. It is an empty
   128  interface, like the generic Statement.
   129  */
   130  type CycloneDXStatement struct {
   131  	StatementHeader
   132  	Predicate interface{} `json:"predicate"`
   133  }