
     1  #### Server
     3  | Feature                                                    | v2ray-core | clash |
     4  |------------------------------------------------------------|------------|-------|
     5  | Direct inbound                                             | ✔          | X     |
     6  | SOCKS4a inbound                                            | ✔          | X     |
     7  | Mixed (http/socks) inbound                                 | X          | ✔     |
     8  | Shadowsocks AEAD 2022 single-user/multi-user/relay inbound | X          | X     |
     9  | VMess/Trojan inbound                                       | ✔          | X     |
    10  | Naive/Hysteria inbound                                     | X          | X     |
    11  | Resolve incoming domain names using custom policy          | X          | X     |
    12  | Set system proxy on Windows/Linux/macOS/Android            | X          | X     |
    13  | TLS certificate auto reload                                | X          | X     |
    14  | TLS ACME certificate issuer                                | X          | X     |
    16  #### Client
    18  | Feature                                                | v2ray-core                         | clash    |
    19  |--------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------|----------|
    20  | Set upstream client (proxy chain)                      | TCP only, and has poor performance | TCP only |
    21  | Bind to network interface                              | Linux only                         | ✔        |
    22  | Custom dns strategy for resolving server address       | X                                  | X        |
    23  | Fast fallback (RFC 6555) support for connect to server | X                                  | X        |
    24  | SOCKS4/4a outbound                                     | added by me                        | X        |
    25  | Shadowsocks AEAD 2022 outbound                         | X                                  | X        |
    26  | Shadowsocks UDP over TCP                               | X                                  | X        |
    27  | Multiplex (smux/yamux)                                 |                           | X        |
    28  | Tor/WireGuard/Hysteria outbound                        | X                                  | X        |
    29  | Selector outbound and Clash API                        | X                                  | ✔        |
    31  #### Sniffing
    33  | Protocol         | v2ray-core  | clash-premium |
    34  |------------------|-------------|---------------|
    35  | HTTP Host        | ✔           | X             |
    36  | QUIC ClientHello | added by me | added by me   |
    37  | STUN             | X           | X             |
    39  | Feature                                 | v2ray-core                | clash-premium |
    40  |-----------------------------------------|---------------------------|---------------|
    41  | For routing only                        | added by me               | X             |
    42  | No performance impact (like TCP splice) | no general splice support | X             |
    43  | Set separately for each server          | ✔                         | X             |
    45  #### Routing
    47  | Feature                    | v2ray-core | clash-premium |
    48  |----------------------------|------------|---------------|
    49  | Auto detect interface      | X          | tun only      |
    50  | Set default interface name | X          | tun only      |
    51  | Set default firewall mark  | X          | X             |
    53  #### Routing Rule
    55  | Rule                 | v2ray-core                 | clash |
    56  |----------------------|----------------------------|-------|
    57  | Inbound              | ✔                          | X     |
    58  | IP Version           | X                          | X     |
    59  | User from inbound    | vmess and shadowsocks only | X     |
    60  | Sniffed protocol     | ✔                          | X     |
    61  | GeoSite              | ✔                          | X     |
    62  | Process name         | X                          | ✔     |
    63  | Android package name | X                          | X     |
    64  | Linux user/user id   | X                          | X     |
    65  | Invert rule          | X                          | X     |
    66  | Logical rule         | X                          | X     |
    68  #### DNS
    70  | Feature                            | v2ray-core  | clash |
    71  |------------------------------------|-------------|-------|
    72  | DNS proxy                          | A/AAAA only | ✔     |
    73  | DNS cache                          | A/AAAA only | X     |
    74  | DNS routing                        | X           | X     |
    75  | DNS Over QUIC                      | ✔           | X     |
    76  | DNS Over HTTP3                     | X           | X     |
    77  | Fake dns response with custom code | X           | X     |
    79  #### Tun
    81  | Feature                                   | clash-premium |
    82  |-------------------------------------------|---------------|
    83  | Full IPv6 support                         | X             |
    84  | Auto route on Linux/Windows/macOS/Android | ✔             |
    85  | Embed windows driver                      | X             |
    86  | Custom address/mtu                        | X             |
    87  | Limit uid (Linux) in routing              | X             |
    88  | Limit android user in routing             | X             |
    89  | Limit android package in routing          | X             |
    91  #### Memory usage
    93  | GeoSite code      | sing-box | v2ray-core |
    94  |-------------------|----------|------------|
    95  | cn                | 17.8M    | 140.3M     |
    96  | cn (Loyalsoldier) | 74.3M    | 246.7M     |
    98  #### Benchmark
   100  ##### Shadowsocks
   102  | /                                  |   none    | aes-128-gcm | 2022-blake3-aes-128-gcm |
   103  |------------------------------------|:---------:|:-----------:|:-----------------------:|
   104  | v2ray-core (5.0.7)                 | 13.0 Gbps |  5.02 Gbps  |            /            |
   105  | shadowsocks-rust (v1.15.0-alpha.5) | 10.7 Gbps |      /      |        9.36 Gbps        |
   106  | sing-box                           | 29.0 Gbps |      /      |        11.8 Gbps        |
   108  ##### VMess
   110  | /                  |    TCP    |   HTTP    |  H2 TLS   | WebSocket TLS | gRPC TLS  |
   111  |--------------------|:---------:|:---------:|:---------:|:-------------:|:---------:|
   112  | v2ray-core (5.1.0) | 7.86 GBps | 2.86 Gbps | 1.83 Gbps |   2.36 Gbps   | 2.43 Gbps |
   113  | sing-box           | 7.96 Gbps | 8.09 Gbps | 6.11 Gbps |   8.02 Gbps   | 6.35 Gbps |
   115  #### License
   117  | /          | License                           |
   118  |------------|-----------------------------------|
   119  | sing-box   | GPLv3 or later (Full open-source) |
   120  | v2ray-core | MIT (Full open-source)            |
   121  | clash      | GPLv3                             |