
     1  # InfluxDB
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     3    <img  src="assets/influxdb-logo.png" width="600" alt="InfluxDB Logo">
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     8    <img alt="CircleCI" src="" />
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    12    <img alt="Slack Status" src="" />
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    16    <img alt="Docker Pulls" src="" />
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    20    <img alt="Docker Pulls" src="" />
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    23  <h3 align="center">
    24      <b><a href="">Website</a></b>
    25      •
    26      <a href="">Documentation</a>
    27      •
    28      <a href="">InfluxDB University</a>
    29      •
    30      <a href="">Blog</a>
    31  </h3>
    33  ---
    35  InfluxDB is an open source time series platform. This includes APIs for storing and querying data, processing it in the background for ETL or monitoring and alerting purposes, user dashboards, and visualizing and exploring the data and more. The master branch on this repo now represents the latest InfluxDB, which now includes functionality for Kapacitor (background processing) and Chronograf (the UI) all in a single binary.
    37  The list of InfluxDB Client Libraries that are compatible with the latest version can be found in [our documentation](
    39  If you are looking for the 1.x line of releases, there are branches for each minor version as well as a `master-1.x` branch that will contain the code for the next 1.x release. The master-1.x [working branch is here]( The [InfluxDB 1.x Go Client can be found here](
    41  | Try **InfluxDB Cloud** for free and get started fast with no local setup required. Click [**here**]( to start building your application on InfluxDB Cloud. |
    42  |:------|
    44  ## Install
    46  We have nightly and versioned Docker images, Debian packages, RPM packages, and tarballs of InfluxDB available at the [InfluxData downloads page]( We also provide the `influx` command line interface (CLI) client as a separate binary available at the same location.
    48  If you are interested in building from source, see the [building from source]( guide for contributors.
    50  <a href="">
    51    <img src="assets/influxdbU-banner.png" width="600"/>
    52  </a>
    54  ## Get Started
    56  For a complete getting started guide, please see our full [online documentation site](
    58  To write and query data or use the API in any way, you'll need to first create a user, credentials, organization and bucket.
    59  Everything in InfluxDB is organized under a concept of an organization. The API is designed to be multi-tenant.
    60  Buckets represent where you store time series data.
    61  They're synonymous with what was previously in InfluxDB 1.x a database and retention policy.
    63  The simplest way to get set up is to point your browser to [http://localhost:8086](http://localhost:8086) and go through the prompts.
    65  You can also get set up from the CLI using the command `influx setup`:
    68  ```bash
    69  $ bin/$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')/influx setup
    70  Welcome to InfluxDB 2.0!
    71  Please type your primary username: marty
    73  Please type your password:
    75  Please type your password again:
    77  Please type your primary organization name.: InfluxData
    79  Please type your primary bucket name.: telegraf
    81  Please type your retention period in hours.
    82  Or press ENTER for infinite.: 72
    85  You have entered:
    86    Username:          marty
    87    Organization:      InfluxData
    88    Bucket:            telegraf
    89    Retention Period:  72 hrs
    90  Confirm? (y/n): y
    92  UserID                  Username        Organization    Bucket
    93  033a3f2c5ccaa000        marty           InfluxData      Telegraf
    94  Your token has been stored in /Users/marty/.influxdbv2/credentials
    95  ```
    97  You can run this command non-interactively using the `-f, --force` flag if you are automating the setup.
    98  Some added flags can help:
    99  ```bash
   100  $ bin/$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')/influx setup \
   101  --username marty \
   102  --password F1uxKapacit0r85 \
   103  --org InfluxData \
   104  --bucket telegraf \
   105  --retention 168 \
   106  --token where-were-going-we-dont-need-roads \
   107  --force
   108  ```
   110  Once setup is complete, a configuration profile is created to allow you to interact with your local InfluxDB without passing in credentials each time. You can list and manage those profiles using the `influx config` command.
   111  ```bash
   112  $ bin/$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')/influx config
   113  Active	Name	URL			            Org
   114  *	    default	http://localhost:8086	InfluxData
   115  ```
   117  ## Write Data
   118  Write to measurement `m`, with tag `v=2`, in bucket `telegraf`, which belongs to organization `InfluxData`:
   120  ```bash
   121  $ bin/$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')/influx write --bucket telegraf --precision s "m v=2 $(date +%s)"
   122  ```
   124  Since you have a default profile set up, you can omit the Organization and Token from the command.
   126  Write the same point using `curl`:
   128  ```bash
   129  curl --header "Authorization: Token $(bin/$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')/influx auth list --json | jq -r '.[0].token')" \
   130  --data-raw "m v=2 $(date +%s)" \
   131  "http://localhost:8086/api/v2/write?org=InfluxData&bucket=telegraf&precision=s"
   132  ```
   134  Read that back with a simple Flux query:
   136  ```bash
   137  $ bin/$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')/influx query 'from(bucket:"telegraf") |> range(start:-1h)'
   138  Result: _result
   139  Table: keys: [_start, _stop, _field, _measurement]
   140                     _start:time                      _stop:time           _field:string     _measurement:string                      _time:time                  _value:float
   141  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------------  ----------------------------
   142  2019-12-30T22:19:39.043918000Z  2019-12-30T23:19:39.043918000Z                       v                       m  2019-12-30T23:17:02.000000000Z                             2
   143  ```
   145  Use the `-r, --raw` option to return the raw flux response from the query. This is useful for moving data from one instance to another as the `influx write` command can accept the Flux response using the `--format csv` option.
   147  ## Script with Flux
   149  Flux (previously named IFQL) is an open source functional data scripting language designed for querying, analyzing, and acting on data. Flux supports multiple data source types, including:
   151  - Time series databases (such as InfluxDB)
   152  - Relational SQL databases (such as MySQL and PostgreSQL)
   153  - CSV
   155  The source for Flux is [available on GitHub](
   156  To learn more about Flux, see the latest [InfluxData Flux documentation]( and [CTO Paul Dix's presentation](
   158  ## Contribute to the Project
   160  InfluxDB is an [MIT licensed](LICENSE) open source project and we love our community. The fastest way to get something fixed is to open a PR. Check out our [contributing]( guide if you're interested in helping out. Also, join us on our [Community Slack Workspace]( if you have questions or comments for our engineering teams.
   162  ## CI and Static Analysis
   164  ### CI
   166  All pull requests will run through CI, which is currently hosted by Circle.
   167  Community contributors should be able to see the outcome of this process by looking at the checks on their PR.
   168  Please fix any issues to ensure a prompt review from members of the team.
   170  The InfluxDB project is used internally in a number of proprietary InfluxData products, and as such, PRs and changes need to be tested internally.
   171  This can take some time, and is not really visible to community contributors.
   173  ### Static Analysis
   175  This project uses the following static analysis tools.
   176  Failure during the running of any of these tools results in a failed build.
   177  Generally, code must be adjusted to satisfy these tools, though there are exceptions.
   179  - [go vet]( checks for Go code that should be considered incorrect.
   180  - [go fmt]( checks that Go code is correctly formatted.
   181  - [go mod tidy]( ensures that the source code and go.mod agree.
   182  - [staticcheck]( checks for things like: unused code, code that can be simplified, code that is incorrect and code that will have performance issues.
   184  ### staticcheck
   186  If your PR fails `staticcheck` it is easy to dig into why it failed, and also to fix the problem.
   187  First, take a look at the error message in Circle under the `staticcheck` build section, e.g.,
   189  ```
   190  tsdb/tsm1/encoding.gen.go:1445:24: func BooleanValues.assertOrdered is unused (U1000)
   191  tsdb/tsm1/encoding.go:172:7: receiver name should not be an underscore, omit the name if it is unused (ST1006)
   192  ```
   194  Next, go and take a [look here]( for some clarification on the error code that you have received, e.g., `U1000`.
   195  The docs will tell you what's wrong, and often what you need to do to fix the issue.
   197  #### Generated Code
   199  Sometimes generated code will contain unused code or occasionally that will fail a different check.
   200  `staticcheck` allows for [entire files]( to be ignored, though it's not ideal.
   201  A linter directive, in the form of a comment, must be placed within the generated file.
   202  This is problematic because it will be erased if the file is re-generated.
   203  Until a better solution comes about, below is the list of generated files that need an ignores comment.
   204  If you re-generate a file and find that `staticcheck` has failed, please see this list below for what you need to put back:
   206  |          File          |                             Comment                              |
   207  | :--------------------: | :--------------------------------------------------------------: |
   208  | query/promql/promql.go | //lint:file-ignore SA6001 Ignore all unused code, it's generated |
   210  #### End-to-End Tests
   212  CI also runs end-to-end tests. These test the integration between the `influxd` server the UI.
   213  Since the UI is used by interal repositories as well as the `influxdb` repository, the
   214  end-to-end tests cannot be run on forked pull requests or run locally. The extent of end-to-end
   215  testing required for forked pull requests will be determined as part of the review process.
   217  ## Additional Resources
   218  - [InfluxDB Tips and Tutorials](
   219  - [InfluxDB Essentials Course](
   220  - [Exploring InfluxDB Cloud Course](