
     1  package telegraf
     3  // Parser is an interface defining functions that a parser plugin must satisfy.
     4  type Parser interface {
     5  	// Parse takes a byte buffer separated by newlines
     6  	// ie, `cpu.usage.idle 90\ncpu.usage.busy 10`
     7  	// and parses it into telegraf metrics
     8  	//
     9  	// Must be thread-safe.
    10  	Parse(buf []byte) ([]Metric, error)
    12  	// ParseLine takes a single string metric
    13  	// ie, "cpu.usage.idle 90"
    14  	// and parses it into a telegraf metric.
    15  	//
    16  	// Must be thread-safe.
    17  	ParseLine(line string) (Metric, error)
    19  	// SetDefaultTags tells the parser to add all of the given tags
    20  	// to each parsed metric.
    21  	// NOTE: do _not_ modify the map after you've passed it here!!
    22  	SetDefaultTags(tags map[string]string)
    23  }
    25  type ParserFunc func() (Parser, error)
    27  // ParserPlugin is an interface for plugins that are able to parse
    28  // arbitrary data formats.
    29  type ParserPlugin interface {
    30  	// SetParser sets the parser function for the interface
    31  	SetParser(parser Parser)
    32  }
    34  // ParserFuncPlugin is an interface for plugins that are able to parse
    35  // arbitrary data formats.
    36  type ParserFuncPlugin interface {
    37  	// GetParser returns a new parser.
    38  	SetParserFunc(fn ParserFunc)
    39  }