
     1  package telegraf
     3  // Processor is a processor plugin interface for defining new inline processors.
     4  // these are extremely efficient and should be used over StreamingProcessor if
     5  // you do not need asynchronous metric writes.
     6  type Processor interface {
     7  	PluginDescriber
     9  	// Apply the filter to the given metric.
    10  	Apply(in ...Metric) []Metric
    11  }
    13  // StreamingProcessor is a processor that can take in a stream of messages
    14  type StreamingProcessor interface {
    15  	PluginDescriber
    17  	// Start is called once when the plugin starts; it is only called once per
    18  	// plugin instance, and never in parallel.
    19  	// Start should return once it is ready to receive metrics.
    20  	// The passed in accumulator is the same as the one passed to Add(), so you
    21  	// can choose to save it in the plugin, or use the one received from Add().
    22  	Start(acc Accumulator) error
    24  	// Add is called for each metric to be processed. The Add() function does not
    25  	// need to wait for the metric to be processed before returning, and it may
    26  	// be acceptable to let background goroutine(s) handle the processing if you
    27  	// have slow processing you need to do in parallel.
    28  	// Keep in mind Add() should not spawn unbounded goroutines, so you may need
    29  	// to use a semaphore or pool of workers (eg: reverse_dns plugin does this)
    30  	// Metrics you don't want to pass downstream should have metric.Drop() called,
    31  	// rather than simply omitting the acc.AddMetric() call
    32  	Add(metric Metric, acc Accumulator) error
    34  	// Stop gives you an opportunity to gracefully shut down the processor.
    35  	// Once Stop() is called, Add() will not be called any more. If you are using
    36  	// goroutines, you should wait for any in-progress metrics to be processed
    37  	// before returning from Stop().
    38  	// When stop returns, you should no longer be writing metrics to the
    39  	// accumulator.
    40  	Stop()
    41  }