
     1  // Copyright 2019-2023 The Inspektor Gadget authors
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  syntax = "proto3";
    17  option go_package = "";
    19  package api;
    21  message BuiltInGadgetRunRequest {
    22    // name of the gadget as returned by gadgetDesc.Name()
    23    string gadgetName = 1;
    25    // category of the gadget as returned by gadgetDesc.Category()
    26    string gadgetCategory = 2;
    28    // params is a combined map of all params a gadget could need (including those
    29    // of runtime and operators, which need specific prefixes, see implementation in
    30    // pkg/runtime/grpc)
    31    map<string, string> params = 3;
    33    // args are all parameters which were not specified with a flag
    34    repeated string args = 4;
    36    // a list of nodes the gadget should run on; if not specified, it should run
    37    // on all nodes
    38    repeated string nodes = 10;
    40    // if set to true, the gadget service should forward the request to each node
    41    // from the nodes list (or each node it knows, if the list is empty) and combine
    42    // their output
    43    bool fanOut = 11;
    45    // sets the requested log level (see pkg/logger/logger.go)
    46    uint32 logLevel = 12;
    48    // time that a gadget should run; use 0, if the gadget should run until it's being
    49    // stopped or done; time is in nanoseconds and directly converted to time.Duration
    50    int64 timeout = 13;
    51  }
    53  message GadgetRunRequest {
    54    string imageName = 1;
    56    // paramValues is a combined map of all params a gadget could need (including those
    57    // of runtime and operators, which need specific prefixes, see implementation in
    58    // pkg/runtime/grpc)
    59    map<string, string> paramValues = 2;
    61    // args are all parameters which were not specified with a flag
    62    repeated string args = 3;
    64    // used to inform the server about the expected protocol version
    65    uint32 version = 4;
    67    // sets the requested log level (see pkg/logger/logger.go)
    68    uint32 logLevel = 12;
    70    // time that a gadget should run; use 0, if the gadget should run until it's being
    71    // stopped or done; time is in nanoseconds and directly converted to time.Duration
    72    int64 timeout = 13;
    73  }
    75  message BuiltInGadgetStopRequest {
    76  }
    78  message GadgetEvent {
    79    // Types are specified in consts.go. Upper 16 bits are used for log severity levels
    80    uint32 type = 1;
    81    uint32 seq = 2;
    82    bytes payload = 3;
    83    uint32 dataSourceID = 4;
    84  }
    86  message BuiltInGadgetControlRequest {
    87    oneof Event {
    88      BuiltInGadgetRunRequest runRequest = 1;
    89      BuiltInGadgetStopRequest stopRequest = 2;
    90    }
    91  }
    93  message GadgetStopRequest {
    94  }
    96  message GadgetControlRequest {
    97    oneof Event {
    98      GadgetRunRequest runRequest = 1;
    99      GadgetStopRequest stopRequest = 2;
   100    }
   101  }
   103  message InfoRequest {
   104    string version = 1;
   105  }
   107  message InfoResponse {
   108    string version = 1;
   109    bytes catalog = 2;
   110    bool experimental = 3;
   111    string serverVersion = 4;
   112  }
   114  message GadgetData {
   115    string node = 1;
   116    uint32 seq = 2;
   117    repeated bytes payload = 3;
   118  }
   120  message Param {
   121    string key = 1;
   122    string description = 2;
   123    string defaultValue = 3;
   124    string typeHint = 4;
   125    string title = 5;
   126    string alias = 6;
   127    repeated string tags = 7;
   128    string valueHint = 8;
   129    repeated string possibleValues = 9;
   130    bool isMandatory = 10;
   131    string prefix = 11;
   132  }
   134  message GadgetInfo {
   135    string name = 1;
   136    string imageName = 2;
   137    repeated DataSource dataSources = 4;
   138    map<string, string> annotations = 5;
   139    bytes metadata = 6;
   140    repeated Param params = 7;
   141  }
   143  message DataSource {
   144    uint32 id = 1;
   145    string name = 2;
   146    uint32 type = 3;
   147    repeated Field fields = 4;
   148    repeated string tags = 5;
   149    map<string, string> annotations = 6;
   150    uint32 flags = 7;
   151  }
   153  enum Kind {
   154    Invalid = 0;
   155    Bool = 1;
   156    Int8 = 2;
   157    Int16 = 3;
   158    Int32 = 4;
   159    Int64 = 5;
   160    Uint8 = 6;
   161    Uint16 = 7;
   162    Uint32 = 8;
   163    Uint64 = 9;
   164    Float32 = 10;
   165    Float64 = 11;
   166    String = 12;
   167    CString = 13;
   168  }
   170  message Field {
   171    // name contains the plain field name
   172    string name = 1;
   174    // fullName contains a fully qualified field name
   175    // e.g. when it is a sub field of another, it's called
   176    //
   177    string fullName = 2;
   179    // index holds the index to this field inside the
   180    // field array of the DataSource
   181    uint32 index = 3;
   183    // payloadIndex describes in which payload this field
   184    // is contained
   185    uint32 payloadIndex = 4;
   187    // offs is the offset of the fields' contents inside the
   188    // payload specified by payloadIndex
   189    uint32 offs = 5;
   191    // size is (if fixed) the size of the fields' content
   192    uint32 size = 6;
   194    // flags describe different attributes of the field, like
   195    // whether it has a parent, is virtual, etc.
   196    uint32 flags = 7;
   198    // kind describes how the content of the field should be
   199    // handled
   200    Kind kind = 8;
   202    // tags can contain multiple tags that describe the contents
   203    // of the field; they are used by operators to find
   204    // interesting fields, for example
   205    repeated string tags = 9;
   207    // annotations are additional information that can be used
   208    // by operators or third party consumers
   209    map<string, string> annotations = 10;
   211    // parent holds the index of the field that is considered
   212    // this fields' parent; only true if the corresponding flag
   213    // is set in flags
   214    uint32 parent = 11;
   216    // order determines the default position of this field when
   217    // ordering multiple fields
   218    int32 order = 12;
   219  }
   221  message GetGadgetInfoRequest {
   222    // params are the gadget's parameters
   223    map<string, string> paramValues = 1;
   225    string imageName = 2;
   227    // can be used to inform about the expected version of GadgetInfo
   228    uint32 version = 3;
   229  }
   231  message GetGadgetInfoResponse {
   232    GadgetInfo gadgetInfo = 1;
   233  }
   235  service BuiltInGadgetManager {
   236    rpc GetInfo(InfoRequest) returns (InfoResponse) {}
   237    rpc RunBuiltInGadget(stream BuiltInGadgetControlRequest) returns (stream GadgetEvent) {}
   238  }
   240  service GadgetManager {
   241    rpc GetGadgetInfo(GetGadgetInfoRequest) returns (GetGadgetInfoResponse) {}
   242    rpc RunGadget(stream GadgetControlRequest) returns (stream GadgetEvent) {}
   243  }