
     1  # (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2024
     3  apiVersion:
     4  kind: TriggerTemplate
     5  metadata:
     6    name: github-pipeline-template
     7  spec:
     8    params:
     9      - description: The git branch name
    10        name: git-branch
    11      - description: The git branch name shortened and converted to RFC 1123 subdomain names
    12        name: git-branch-normalized
    13      - description: The full sha of the git commit
    14        name: git-commit-sha
    15      - description: The short 7 digit sha of the git commit
    16        name: git-commit-short-sha
    17    resourcetemplates:
    18      - apiVersion:
    19        kind: PipelineRun
    20        metadata:
    21          # After variable resolution, this has to be maximum 63 character long,
    22          # lower case, RFC 1123 subdomain name. The regex used for validation is
    23          # '[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*'
    24          name: $(tt.params.git-branch-normalized)-go22-$(tt.params.git-commit-short-sha)
    25        spec:
    26          params:
    27          - name: revision
    28            value: $(tt.params.git-branch)
    29          - name: git-commit-sha
    30            value: $(tt.params.git-commit-sha)
    31          - name: go-version
    32            value: "1.22"
    33          - name: excludeDirs
    34            value: ""
    35          pipelineRef:
    36            name: go-tracer-ci-pipeline
    37          workspaces:
    38          - name: go-tracer-ci-pipeline-pvc
    39            volumeClaimTemplate:
    40              spec:
    41                accessModes:
    42                  - ReadWriteOnce
    43                resources:
    44                  requests:
    45                    storage: 1Gi
    46          - name: cache-pvc
    47            persistentVolumeClaim:
    48              claimName: cache-pvc
    50      - apiVersion:
    51        kind: PipelineRun
    52        metadata:
    53          name: $(tt.params.git-branch-normalized)-go21-$(tt.params.git-commit-short-sha)
    54        spec:
    55          params:
    56          - name: revision
    57            value: $(tt.params.git-branch)
    58          - name: git-commit-sha
    59            value: $(tt.params.git-commit-sha)
    60          - name: go-version
    61            value: "1.21"
    62          - name: excludeDirs
    63            value: "./instrumentation/instacosmos"
    64          pipelineRef:
    65            name: go-tracer-ci-pipeline
    66          workspaces:
    67          - name: go-tracer-ci-pipeline-pvc
    68            volumeClaimTemplate:
    69              spec:
    70                accessModes:
    71                  - ReadWriteOnce
    72                resources:
    73                  requests:
    74                    storage: 1Gi
    75          - name: cache-pvc
    76            persistentVolumeClaim:
    77              claimName: cache-pvc
    79  ---
    80  apiVersion:
    81  kind: TriggerBinding
    82  metadata:
    83    name: github-pr-binding
    84  spec:
    85    params:
    86      - name: git-branch
    87        value: $(body.pull_request.head.ref)
    88      - name: git-branch-normalized
    89        value: $(extensions.git_branch_normalized)
    90      - name: git-commit-sha
    91        value: $(body.pull_request.head.sha)
    92      - name: git-commit-short-sha
    93        value: $(extensions.truncated_sha)
    95  ---
    96  apiVersion:
    97  kind: TriggerBinding
    98  metadata:
    99    name: github-push-binding
   100  spec:
   101    params:
   102      - name: git-branch
   103        value: $(extensions.git_branch)
   104      - name: git-branch-normalized
   105        value: $(extensions.git_branch_normalized)
   106      - name: git-commit-sha
   107        value: $(
   108      - name: git-commit-short-sha
   109        value: $(extensions.truncated_sha)
   110  ---
   111  apiVersion:
   112  kind: EventListener
   113  metadata:
   114    name: github-pr-eventlistener
   115  spec:
   116    serviceAccountName: tekton-triggers-eventlistener-serviceaccount
   117    triggers:
   118      - name: github-pr-trigger
   119        interceptors:
   120          - name: receive-github-event
   121            ref:
   122              name: "github"
   123            params:
   124              - name: "secretRef"
   125                value:
   126                  secretName: github-interceptor-secret
   127                  secretKey: secretToken
   128              - name: "eventTypes"
   129                value: ["pull_request"]
   130          - name: filter-and-modify
   131            ref:
   132              name: "cel"
   133            params:
   134              - name: "filter"
   135                # We should not trigger on 'closed', 'assigned', 'unassigned', 'converted_to_draft'
   136                value: "body.action in ['opened', 'synchronize', 'reopened', 'labeled', 'unlabeled'] && body.pull_request.labels.exists(label, == 'tekton_ci')"
   137              - name: "overlays"
   138                value:
   139                - key: truncated_sha
   140                  expression: "body.pull_request.head.sha.truncate(7)"
   141                - key: git_branch_normalized
   142                  # The git branch name shortened and converted to RFC 1123 subdomain names
   143                  expression: 'body.pull_request.head.ref.truncate(32).lowerAscii().translate("_", "-").translate("/", "-").translate("\\.", "-")'
   144        bindings:
   145          - ref: github-pr-binding
   146        template:
   147          ref: github-pipeline-template
   148  ---
   149  apiVersion:
   150  kind: EventListener
   151  metadata:
   152    name: github-push-eventlistener
   153  spec:
   154    serviceAccountName: tekton-triggers-eventlistener-serviceaccount
   155    triggers:
   156      - name: github-push-trigger
   157        interceptors:
   158          - name: receive-github-push-event
   159            ref:
   160              name: "github"
   161            params:
   162              - name: "secretRef"
   163                value:
   164                  secretName: github-interceptor-secret
   165                  secretKey: secretToken
   166              - name: "eventTypes"
   167                value: ["push"]
   168          - name: filter-and-modify
   169            ref:
   170              name: "cel"
   171            params:
   172              - name: "filter"
   173                # We should trigger on push to main branch only
   174                value: "body.ref in ['refs/heads/main']"
   175              - name: "overlays"
   176                value:
   177                - key: truncated_sha
   178                  expression: ""
   179                - key: git_branch
   180                  expression: 'body.ref.translate("refs/heads/", "")'
   181                - key: git_branch_normalized
   182                  # The git branch name shortened and converted to RFC 1123 subdomain names
   183                  expression: 'body.ref.translate("refs/heads/", "").truncate(32).lowerAscii().translate("_", "-").translate("/", "-")'
   184        bindings:
   185          - ref: github-push-binding
   186        template:
   187          ref: github-pipeline-template