
     1  # (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2024
     3  ---
     4  apiVersion:
     5  kind: Task
     6  metadata:
     7    name: go-tracer-clone-task
     8  spec:
     9    params:
    10      - name: revision
    11        type: string
    12      - name: SHA
    13        type: string
    14    workspaces:
    15      - name: task-pvc
    16        mountPath: /workspace
    17    steps:
    18      - name: clone
    19        image: alpine/git@sha256:0cfba46c00b715c97df21cfa8854dfe73e7d606b95332d35637a6a6945acc341
    20        workingDir: /workspace/
    21        script: |
    22          #!/bin/sh
    23          echo "Cloning repo!"
    24          git clone --depth 1 -b $(params.revision) && cd /workspace/go-sensor && git checkout $(params.SHA) && git status
    26  ---
    27  apiVersion:
    28  kind: Task
    29  metadata:
    30    name: go-tracer-cache-restore-task
    31  spec:
    32    params:
    33    - name: imageTag
    34      type: string
    35    workspaces:
    36      - name: task-pvc
    37        mountPath: /workspace
    38      - name: cache-pvc
    39        mountPath: /cache
    40    steps:
    41      - name: cache-restore
    42        image: alpinelinux/rsyncd@sha256:6f8b68b4b15a8e6b0abfb7db0e2a765849c77a6104ac248810ff9a9fb97996fb
    43        env:
    44          - name: GO_VERSION
    45            value: $(params.imageTag)
    46        workingDir: /workspace/
    47        script: |
    48          #!/bin/sh
    49          echo "Creating Go path!"
    50          mkdir -p ./go/pkg/mod
    52          echo "Restoring cache!"
    53          rsync -ah --progress /cache/${GO_VERSION}/mod/ ./go/pkg/mod || ls -lah ./go/pkg/mod
    56  ---
    57  apiVersion:
    58  kind: Task
    59  metadata:
    60    name: go-tracer-cache-update-task
    61  spec:
    62    params:
    63    - name: imageTag
    64      type: string
    65    workspaces:
    66      - name: task-pvc
    67        mountPath: /workspace
    68      - name: cache-pvc
    69        mountPath: /cache
    70    steps:
    71      - name: cache-update
    72        image: alpinelinux/rsyncd@sha256:6f8b68b4b15a8e6b0abfb7db0e2a765849c77a6104ac248810ff9a9fb97996fb
    73        env:
    74          - name: GO_VERSION
    75            value: $(params.imageTag)
    76        workingDir: /workspace/
    77        script: |
    78          #!/bin/sh
    79          echo "Sync cache path!"
    80          mkdir -p /cache/${GO_VERSION}/mod
    81          echo "Updating cache!"
    82          rsync -ah --progress ./go/pkg/mod/ /cache/${GO_VERSION}/mod
    83          ls -lah /cache/${GO_VERSION}/mod
    85  ---
    86  apiVersion:
    87  kind: Task
    88  metadata:
    89    name: go-tracer-unittest-task
    90  spec:
    91    params:
    92      - name: imageTag
    93        type: string
    94      - name: excludeDirs
    95        type: string
    96    workspaces:
    97      - name: task-pvc
    98        mountPath: /workspace
    99      - name: cache-pvc
   100        mountPath: /cache
   102    steps:
   103      - name: unit-test
   104        image: golang:$(params.imageTag)
   105        env:
   106          - name: GO_VERSION
   107            value: $(params.imageTag)
   108          - name: RUN_LINTER
   109            # TODO : Change this to "yes" when the existing issues with linting are resolved.
   110            value: "no"
   111          - name: GO111MODULE
   112            value: "auto"
   113          - name: VENDOR_DEPS
   114            value: "no"
   115          - name: EXCLUDE_DIRS
   116            value: $(params.excludeDirs)
   117          - name: GOPATH
   118            value: "/workspace/go"
   119        workingDir: /workspace/go-sensor/
   120        script: |
   121          #!/bin/sh
   122          echo "Running unit tests!"
   123          make test
   124          if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
   125            echo "Unit tests failed. Retrying..."
   126            make test
   127          fi
   129  ---
   130  apiVersion:
   131  kind: Task
   132  metadata:
   133    name: go-tracer-gofmt-task
   134  spec:
   135    params:
   136      - name: imageTag
   137        type: string
   138      - name: excludeDirs
   139        type: string
   140    workspaces:
   141      - name: task-pvc
   142        mountPath: /workspace
   143    steps:
   144      - name: go-fmt
   145        image: golang:$(params.imageTag)
   146        env:
   147          - name: EXCLUDE_DIRS
   148            value: $(params.excludeDirs)
   149        workingDir: /workspace/go-sensor/
   150        script: |
   151          #!/bin/sh
   152          echo "Running go fmt check!"
   153          make fmtcheck
   155  ---
   156  apiVersion:
   157  kind: Task
   158  metadata:
   159    name: go-tracer-goimports-task
   160  spec:
   161    params:
   162      - name: imageTag
   163        type: string
   164      - name: excludeDirs
   165        type: string
   166    workspaces:
   167      - name: task-pvc
   168        mountPath: /workspace
   169    steps:
   170      - name: go-imports
   171        image: golang:$(params.imageTag)
   172        env:
   173          - name: EXCLUDE_DIRS
   174            value: $(params.excludeDirs)
   175        workingDir: /workspace/go-sensor/
   176        script: |
   177          #!/bin/sh
   178          echo "Installing go imports!"
   179          go install || true
   180          echo "Running import check"
   181          make importcheck
   184  ---
   185  apiVersion:
   186  kind: Task
   187  metadata:
   188    name: go-tracer-integration-common-task
   189  spec:
   190    sidecars:
   191      - name: postgresql
   192        image: postgres:14
   193        env:
   194          - name: POSTGRES_USER
   195            value: "postgres"
   196          - name: POSTGRES_DB
   197            value: "postgres"
   198          - name: POSTGRES_PASSWORD
   199            value: "mysecretpassword"
   200    params:
   201    - name: imageTag
   202      type: string
   203    - name: excludeDirs
   204      type: string
   205    workspaces:
   206      - name: task-pvc
   207        mountPath: /workspace
   208      - name: cache-pvc
   209        mountPath: /cache
   210    steps:
   211      - name: integration-test-common
   212        image: golang:$(params.imageTag)
   213        env:
   214          - name: GO_VERSION
   215            value: $(params.imageTag)
   216          - name: GO111MODULE
   217            value: "auto"
   218          - name: VENDOR_DEPS
   219            value: "no"
   220          - name: COSMOS_CONNECTION_URL
   221            valueFrom:
   222              secretKeyRef:
   223                name: "cosmos-conn-url"
   224                key: "connUrl"
   225          - name: COSMOS_KEY
   226            valueFrom:
   227              secretKeyRef:
   228                name: "cosmos-conn-key"
   229                key: "connKey"
   230          - name: EXCLUDE_DIRS
   231            value: $(params.excludeDirs)
   232          - name: GOPATH
   233            value: "/workspace/go"
   234        workingDir: /workspace/go-sensor/
   235        script: |
   236          #!/bin/sh
   237          echo "Running integration tests!"
   238          make integration-common
   239          if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
   240            echo "Common integration tests failed. Retrying..."
   241            make integration-common
   242          fi
   244  ---
   245  apiVersion:
   246  kind: Task
   247  metadata:
   248    name: go-tracer-integration-couchbase-task
   249  spec:
   250    sidecars:
   251      - name: couchbase
   252        image: couchbase/server-sandbox:7.2.4
   253        readinessProbe:
   254          httpGet:
   255             path: /ui/index.html
   256             port: 8091
   257          initialDelaySeconds: 60
   258    params:
   259    - name: imageTag
   260      type: string
   261    - name: excludeDirs
   262      type: string
   263    workspaces:
   264      - name: task-pvc
   265        mountPath: /workspace
   266      - name: cache-pvc
   267        mountPath: /cache
   268    steps:
   269      - name: integration-test-couchbase
   270        image: golang:$(params.imageTag)
   271        env:
   272          - name: GO_VERSION
   273            value: $(params.imageTag)
   274          - name: GO111MODULE
   275            value: "auto"
   276          - name: VENDOR_DEPS
   277            value: "no"
   278          - name: EXCLUDE_DIRS
   279            value: $(params.excludeDirs)
   280          - name: GOPATH
   281            value: "/workspace/go"
   282        workingDir: /workspace/go-sensor/
   283        script: |
   284          #!/bin/sh
   285          echo "Running couchbase integration tests!"
   286          make integration-couchbase
   287          if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
   288            echo "Couchbase integration tests failed. Retrying..."
   289            make integration-couchbase
   290          fi
   292  ---
   293  apiVersion:
   294  kind: Task
   295  metadata:
   296    name: github-set-status
   297  spec:
   298    params:
   299    - name: SHA
   300    - name: STATE
   301    - name: PIPELINE_RUN_NAME
   302    - name: go-version
   303    steps:
   304      - name: set-status
   305        image: curlimages/curl@sha256:f2237028bed58de91f62aea74260bb2a299cf12fbcabc23cfaf125fef276c884
   306        env:
   307        - name: SHA
   308          value: $(params.SHA)
   309        - name: STATE
   310          value: $(params.STATE)
   311        - name: PIPELINE_RUN_NAME
   312          value: $(params.PIPELINE_RUN_NAME)
   313        - name: GO_VERSION
   314          value: $(params.go-version)
   315        - name: GITHUB_TOKEN
   316          valueFrom:
   317            secretKeyRef:
   318              name: "github-token"
   319              key: "token"
   320        script: |
   321          #!/bin/sh
   323          if [ "$STATE" = "pending" ]; then
   324            status="pending"
   325            description="Tekton is running your tests"
   326          elif [ "$STATE" = "Succeeded" ] || [ "$STATE" = "Completed" ]; then
   327            status="success"
   328            description="Your tests passed on Tekton"
   329          else
   330            status="failure"
   331            description="Your tests failed on Tekton"
   332          fi
   333          echo $STATE,$status
   335          curl -L \
   336               -X POST \
   337               -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
   338               -H "Authorization: Bearer ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" \
   339               -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   340               -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
   341               "${SHA}" \
   342               -d '{
   343                     "state": "'"${status}"'",
   344                     "target_url":"http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/tekton-pipelines/services/tekton-dashboard:http/proxy/#/namespaces/default/pipelineruns/'"${PIPELINE_RUN_NAME}"'",
   345                     "description": "'"${description}"'",
   346                     "context":"Tekton Build Pipeline: go'"${GO_VERSION}"'"
   347                   }'