
     1  // Copyright 2017 The go-ethereum Authors
     2  // This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
     3  //
     4  // The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     5  // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
     6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     7  // (at your option) any later version.
     8  //
     9  // The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    12  // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
    13  //
    14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    15  // along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
    17  package vm
    19  import (
    20  	"errors"
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  )
    26  // memoryGasCost calculates the quadratic gas for memory expansion. It does so
    27  // only for the memory region that is expanded, not the total memory.
    28  func memoryGasCost(mem *Memory, newMemSize uint64) (uint64, error) {
    29  	if newMemSize == 0 {
    30  		return 0, nil
    31  	}
    32  	// The maximum that will fit in a uint64 is max_word_count - 1. Anything above
    33  	// that will result in an overflow. Additionally, a newMemSize which results in
    34  	// a newMemSizeWords larger than 0xFFFFFFFF will cause the square operation to
    35  	// overflow. The constant 0x1FFFFFFFE0 is the highest number that can be used
    36  	// without overflowing the gas calculation.
    37  	if newMemSize > 0x1FFFFFFFE0 {
    38  		return 0, errGasUintOverflow
    39  	}
    40  	newMemSizeWords := toWordSize(newMemSize)
    41  	newMemSize = newMemSizeWords * 32
    43  	if newMemSize > uint64(mem.Len()) {
    44  		square := newMemSizeWords * newMemSizeWords
    45  		linCoef := newMemSizeWords * params.MemoryGas
    46  		quadCoef := square / params.QuadCoeffDiv
    47  		newTotalFee := linCoef + quadCoef
    49  		fee := newTotalFee - mem.lastGasCost
    50  		mem.lastGasCost = newTotalFee
    52  		return fee, nil
    53  	}
    54  	return 0, nil
    55  }
    57  // memoryCopierGas creates the gas functions for the following opcodes, and takes
    58  // the stack position of the operand which determines the size of the data to copy
    59  // as argument:
    60  // CALLDATACOPY (stack position 2)
    61  // CODECOPY (stack position 2)
    62  // EXTCODECOPY (stack poition 3)
    63  // RETURNDATACOPY (stack position 2)
    64  func memoryCopierGas(stackpos int) gasFunc {
    65  	return func(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize uint64) (uint64, error) {
    66  		// Gas for expanding the memory
    67  		gas, err := memoryGasCost(mem, memorySize)
    68  		if err != nil {
    69  			return 0, err
    70  		}
    71  		// And gas for copying data, charged per word at param.CopyGas
    72  		words, overflow := bigUint64(stack.Back(stackpos))
    73  		if overflow {
    74  			return 0, errGasUintOverflow
    75  		}
    77  		if words, overflow = math.SafeMul(toWordSize(words), params.CopyGas); overflow {
    78  			return 0, errGasUintOverflow
    79  		}
    81  		if gas, overflow = math.SafeAdd(gas, words); overflow {
    82  			return 0, errGasUintOverflow
    83  		}
    84  		return gas, nil
    85  	}
    86  }
    88  var (
    89  	gasCallDataCopy   = memoryCopierGas(2)
    90  	gasCodeCopy       = memoryCopierGas(2)
    91  	gasExtCodeCopy    = memoryCopierGas(3)
    92  	gasReturnDataCopy = memoryCopierGas(2)
    93  )
    95  func gasSStore(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize uint64) (uint64, error) {
    96  	var (
    97  		y, x    = stack.Back(1), stack.Back(0)
    98  		current = evm.StateDB.GetState(contract.Address(), common.BigToHash(x))
    99  	)
   100  	// The legacy gas metering only takes into consideration the current state
   101  	// Legacy rules should be applied if we are in Petersburg (removal of EIP-1283)
   102  	// OR Constantinople is not active
   103  	if evm.chainRules.IsPetersburg || !evm.chainRules.IsConstantinople {
   104  		// This checks for 3 scenario's and calculates gas accordingly:
   105  		//
   106  		// 1. From a zero-value address to a non-zero value         (NEW VALUE)
   107  		// 2. From a non-zero value address to a zero-value address (DELETE)
   108  		// 3. From a non-zero to a non-zero                         (CHANGE)
   109  		switch {
   110  		case current == (common.Hash{}) && y.Sign() != 0: // 0 => non 0
   111  			return params.SstoreSetGas, nil
   112  		case current != (common.Hash{}) && y.Sign() == 0: // non 0 => 0
   113  			evm.StateDB.AddRefund(params.SstoreRefundGas)
   114  			return params.SstoreClearGas, nil
   115  		default: // non 0 => non 0 (or 0 => 0)
   116  			return params.SstoreResetGas, nil
   117  		}
   118  	}
   119  	// The new gas metering is based on net gas costs (EIP-1283):
   120  	//
   121  	// 1. If current value equals new value (this is a no-op), 200 gas is deducted.
   122  	// 2. If current value does not equal new value
   123  	//   2.1. If original value equals current value (this storage slot has not been changed by the current execution context)
   124  	//     2.1.1. If original value is 0, 20000 gas is deducted.
   125  	// 	   2.1.2. Otherwise, 5000 gas is deducted. If new value is 0, add 15000 gas to refund counter.
   126  	// 	2.2. If original value does not equal current value (this storage slot is dirty), 200 gas is deducted. Apply both of the following clauses.
   127  	// 	  2.2.1. If original value is not 0
   128  	// If current value is 0 (also means that new value is not 0), remove 15000 gas from refund counter. We can prove that refund counter will never go below 0.
   129  	// If new value is 0 (also means that current value is not 0), add 15000 gas to refund counter.
   130  	// 	  2.2.2. If original value equals new value (this storage slot is reset)
   131  	// If original value is 0, add 19800 gas to refund counter.
   132  	// Otherwise, add 4800 gas to refund counter.
   133  	value := common.BigToHash(y)
   134  	if current == value { // noop (1)
   135  		return params.NetSstoreNoopGas, nil
   136  	}
   137  	original := evm.StateDB.GetCommittedState(contract.Address(), common.BigToHash(x))
   138  	if original == current {
   139  		if original == (common.Hash{}) { // create slot (2.1.1)
   140  			return params.NetSstoreInitGas, nil
   141  		}
   142  		if value == (common.Hash{}) { // delete slot (2.1.2b)
   143  			evm.StateDB.AddRefund(params.NetSstoreClearRefund)
   144  		}
   145  		return params.NetSstoreCleanGas, nil // write existing slot (2.1.2)
   146  	}
   147  	if original != (common.Hash{}) {
   148  		if current == (common.Hash{}) { // recreate slot (
   149  			evm.StateDB.SubRefund(params.NetSstoreClearRefund)
   150  		} else if value == (common.Hash{}) { // delete slot (
   151  			evm.StateDB.AddRefund(params.NetSstoreClearRefund)
   152  		}
   153  	}
   154  	if original == value {
   155  		if original == (common.Hash{}) { // reset to original inexistent slot (
   156  			evm.StateDB.AddRefund(params.NetSstoreResetClearRefund)
   157  		} else { // reset to original existing slot (
   158  			evm.StateDB.AddRefund(params.NetSstoreResetRefund)
   159  		}
   160  	}
   161  	return params.NetSstoreDirtyGas, nil
   162  }
   164  // 0. If *gasleft* is less than or equal to 2300, fail the current call.
   165  // 1. If current value equals new value (this is a no-op), SSTORE_NOOP_GAS gas is deducted.
   166  // 2. If current value does not equal new value:
   167  //   2.1. If original value equals current value (this storage slot has not been changed by the current execution context):
   168  //     2.1.1. If original value is 0, SSTORE_INIT_GAS gas is deducted.
   169  //     2.1.2. Otherwise, SSTORE_CLEAN_GAS gas is deducted. If new value is 0, add SSTORE_CLEAR_REFUND to refund counter.
   170  //   2.2. If original value does not equal current value (this storage slot is dirty), SSTORE_DIRTY_GAS gas is deducted. Apply both of the following clauses:
   171  //     2.2.1. If original value is not 0:
   172  // If current value is 0 (also means that new value is not 0), subtract SSTORE_CLEAR_REFUND gas from refund counter. We can prove that refund counter will never go below 0.
   173  // If new value is 0 (also means that current value is not 0), add SSTORE_CLEAR_REFUND gas to refund counter.
   174  //     2.2.2. If original value equals new value (this storage slot is reset):
   175  // If original value is 0, add SSTORE_INIT_REFUND to refund counter.
   176  // Otherwise, add SSTORE_CLEAN_REFUND gas to refund counter.
   177  func gasSStoreEIP2200(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize uint64) (uint64, error) {
   178  	// If we fail the minimum gas availability invariant, fail (0)
   179  	if contract.Gas <= params.SstoreSentryGasEIP2200 {
   180  		return 0, errors.New("not enough gas for reentrancy sentry")
   181  	}
   182  	// Gas sentry honoured, do the actual gas calculation based on the stored value
   183  	var (
   184  		y, x    = stack.Back(1), stack.Back(0)
   185  		current = evm.StateDB.GetState(contract.Address(), common.BigToHash(x))
   186  	)
   187  	value := common.BigToHash(y)
   189  	if current == value { // noop (1)
   190  		return params.SstoreNoopGasEIP2200, nil
   191  	}
   192  	original := evm.StateDB.GetCommittedState(contract.Address(), common.BigToHash(x))
   193  	if original == current {
   194  		if original == (common.Hash{}) { // create slot (2.1.1)
   195  			return params.SstoreInitGasEIP2200, nil
   196  		}
   197  		if value == (common.Hash{}) { // delete slot (2.1.2b)
   198  			evm.StateDB.AddRefund(params.SstoreClearRefundEIP2200)
   199  		}
   200  		return params.SstoreCleanGasEIP2200, nil // write existing slot (2.1.2)
   201  	}
   202  	if original != (common.Hash{}) {
   203  		if current == (common.Hash{}) { // recreate slot (
   204  			evm.StateDB.SubRefund(params.SstoreClearRefundEIP2200)
   205  		} else if value == (common.Hash{}) { // delete slot (
   206  			evm.StateDB.AddRefund(params.SstoreClearRefundEIP2200)
   207  		}
   208  	}
   209  	if original == value {
   210  		if original == (common.Hash{}) { // reset to original inexistent slot (
   211  			evm.StateDB.AddRefund(params.SstoreInitRefundEIP2200)
   212  		} else { // reset to original existing slot (
   213  			evm.StateDB.AddRefund(params.SstoreCleanRefundEIP2200)
   214  		}
   215  	}
   216  	return params.SstoreDirtyGasEIP2200, nil // dirty update (2.2)
   217  }
   219  func makeGasLog(n uint64) gasFunc {
   220  	return func(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize uint64) (uint64, error) {
   221  		requestedSize, overflow := bigUint64(stack.Back(1))
   222  		if overflow {
   223  			return 0, errGasUintOverflow
   224  		}
   226  		gas, err := memoryGasCost(mem, memorySize)
   227  		if err != nil {
   228  			return 0, err
   229  		}
   231  		if gas, overflow = math.SafeAdd(gas, params.LogGas); overflow {
   232  			return 0, errGasUintOverflow
   233  		}
   234  		if gas, overflow = math.SafeAdd(gas, n*params.LogTopicGas); overflow {
   235  			return 0, errGasUintOverflow
   236  		}
   238  		var memorySizeGas uint64
   239  		if memorySizeGas, overflow = math.SafeMul(requestedSize, params.LogDataGas); overflow {
   240  			return 0, errGasUintOverflow
   241  		}
   242  		if gas, overflow = math.SafeAdd(gas, memorySizeGas); overflow {
   243  			return 0, errGasUintOverflow
   244  		}
   245  		return gas, nil
   246  	}
   247  }
   249  func gasSha3(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize uint64) (uint64, error) {
   250  	gas, err := memoryGasCost(mem, memorySize)
   251  	if err != nil {
   252  		return 0, err
   253  	}
   254  	wordGas, overflow := bigUint64(stack.Back(1))
   255  	if overflow {
   256  		return 0, errGasUintOverflow
   257  	}
   258  	if wordGas, overflow = math.SafeMul(toWordSize(wordGas), params.Sha3WordGas); overflow {
   259  		return 0, errGasUintOverflow
   260  	}
   261  	if gas, overflow = math.SafeAdd(gas, wordGas); overflow {
   262  		return 0, errGasUintOverflow
   263  	}
   264  	return gas, nil
   265  }
   267  // pureMemoryGascost is used by several operations, which aside from their
   268  // static cost have a dynamic cost which is solely based on the memory
   269  // expansion
   270  func pureMemoryGascost(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize uint64) (uint64, error) {
   271  	return memoryGasCost(mem, memorySize)
   272  }
   274  var (
   275  	gasReturn  = pureMemoryGascost
   276  	gasRevert  = pureMemoryGascost
   277  	gasMLoad   = pureMemoryGascost
   278  	gasMStore8 = pureMemoryGascost
   279  	gasMStore  = pureMemoryGascost
   280  	gasCreate  = pureMemoryGascost
   281  )
   283  func gasCreate2(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize uint64) (uint64, error) {
   284  	gas, err := memoryGasCost(mem, memorySize)
   285  	if err != nil {
   286  		return 0, err
   287  	}
   288  	wordGas, overflow := bigUint64(stack.Back(2))
   289  	if overflow {
   290  		return 0, errGasUintOverflow
   291  	}
   292  	if wordGas, overflow = math.SafeMul(toWordSize(wordGas), params.Sha3WordGas); overflow {
   293  		return 0, errGasUintOverflow
   294  	}
   295  	if gas, overflow = math.SafeAdd(gas, wordGas); overflow {
   296  		return 0, errGasUintOverflow
   297  	}
   298  	return gas, nil
   299  }
   301  func gasExpFrontier(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize uint64) (uint64, error) {
   302  	expByteLen := uint64(([stack.len()-2].BitLen() + 7) / 8)
   304  	var (
   305  		gas      = expByteLen * params.ExpByteFrontier // no overflow check required. Max is 256 * ExpByte gas
   306  		overflow bool
   307  	)
   308  	if gas, overflow = math.SafeAdd(gas, params.ExpGas); overflow {
   309  		return 0, errGasUintOverflow
   310  	}
   311  	return gas, nil
   312  }
   314  func gasExpEIP158(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize uint64) (uint64, error) {
   315  	expByteLen := uint64(([stack.len()-2].BitLen() + 7) / 8)
   317  	var (
   318  		gas      = expByteLen * params.ExpByteEIP158 // no overflow check required. Max is 256 * ExpByte gas
   319  		overflow bool
   320  	)
   321  	if gas, overflow = math.SafeAdd(gas, params.ExpGas); overflow {
   322  		return 0, errGasUintOverflow
   323  	}
   324  	return gas, nil
   325  }
   327  func gasCall(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize uint64) (uint64, error) {
   328  	var (
   329  		gas            uint64
   330  		transfersValue = stack.Back(2).Sign() != 0
   331  		address        = common.BigToAddress(stack.Back(1))
   332  	)
   333  	if evm.chainRules.IsEIP158 {
   334  		if transfersValue && evm.StateDB.Empty(address) {
   335  			gas += params.CallNewAccountGas
   336  		}
   337  	} else if !evm.StateDB.Exist(address) {
   338  		gas += params.CallNewAccountGas
   339  	}
   340  	if transfersValue {
   341  		gas += params.CallValueTransferGas
   342  	}
   343  	memoryGas, err := memoryGasCost(mem, memorySize)
   344  	if err != nil {
   345  		return 0, err
   346  	}
   347  	var overflow bool
   348  	if gas, overflow = math.SafeAdd(gas, memoryGas); overflow {
   349  		return 0, errGasUintOverflow
   350  	}
   352  	evm.callGasTemp, err = callGas(evm.chainRules.IsEIP150, contract.Gas, gas, stack.Back(0))
   353  	if err != nil {
   354  		return 0, err
   355  	}
   356  	if gas, overflow = math.SafeAdd(gas, evm.callGasTemp); overflow {
   357  		return 0, errGasUintOverflow
   358  	}
   359  	return gas, nil
   360  }
   362  func gasCallCode(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize uint64) (uint64, error) {
   363  	memoryGas, err := memoryGasCost(mem, memorySize)
   364  	if err != nil {
   365  		return 0, err
   366  	}
   367  	var (
   368  		gas      uint64
   369  		overflow bool
   370  	)
   371  	if stack.Back(2).Sign() != 0 {
   372  		gas += params.CallValueTransferGas
   373  	}
   374  	if gas, overflow = math.SafeAdd(gas, memoryGas); overflow {
   375  		return 0, errGasUintOverflow
   376  	}
   377  	evm.callGasTemp, err = callGas(evm.chainRules.IsEIP150, contract.Gas, gas, stack.Back(0))
   378  	if err != nil {
   379  		return 0, err
   380  	}
   381  	if gas, overflow = math.SafeAdd(gas, evm.callGasTemp); overflow {
   382  		return 0, errGasUintOverflow
   383  	}
   384  	return gas, nil
   385  }
   387  func gasDelegateCall(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize uint64) (uint64, error) {
   388  	gas, err := memoryGasCost(mem, memorySize)
   389  	if err != nil {
   390  		return 0, err
   391  	}
   392  	evm.callGasTemp, err = callGas(evm.chainRules.IsEIP150, contract.Gas, gas, stack.Back(0))
   393  	if err != nil {
   394  		return 0, err
   395  	}
   396  	var overflow bool
   397  	if gas, overflow = math.SafeAdd(gas, evm.callGasTemp); overflow {
   398  		return 0, errGasUintOverflow
   399  	}
   400  	return gas, nil
   401  }
   403  func gasStaticCall(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize uint64) (uint64, error) {
   404  	gas, err := memoryGasCost(mem, memorySize)
   405  	if err != nil {
   406  		return 0, err
   407  	}
   408  	evm.callGasTemp, err = callGas(evm.chainRules.IsEIP150, contract.Gas, gas, stack.Back(0))
   409  	if err != nil {
   410  		return 0, err
   411  	}
   412  	var overflow bool
   413  	if gas, overflow = math.SafeAdd(gas, evm.callGasTemp); overflow {
   414  		return 0, errGasUintOverflow
   415  	}
   416  	return gas, nil
   417  }
   419  func gasSelfdestruct(evm *EVM, contract *Contract, stack *Stack, mem *Memory, memorySize uint64) (uint64, error) {
   420  	var gas uint64
   421  	// EIP150 homestead gas reprice fork:
   422  	if evm.chainRules.IsEIP150 {
   423  		gas = params.SelfdestructGasEIP150
   424  		var address = common.BigToAddress(stack.Back(0))
   426  		if evm.chainRules.IsEIP158 {
   427  			// if empty and transfers value
   428  			if evm.StateDB.Empty(address) && evm.StateDB.GetBalance(contract.Address()).Sign() != 0 {
   429  				gas += params.CreateBySelfdestructGas
   430  			}
   431  		} else if !evm.StateDB.Exist(address) {
   432  			gas += params.CreateBySelfdestructGas
   433  		}
   434  	}
   436  	if !evm.StateDB.HasSuicided(contract.Address()) {
   437  		evm.StateDB.AddRefund(params.SelfdestructRefundGas)
   438  	}
   439  	return gas, nil
   440  }