
     1  // Copyright (c) 2022 IoTeX Foundation
     2  // This source code is provided 'as is' and no warranties are given as to title or non-infringement, merchantability
     3  // or fitness for purpose and, to the extent permitted by law, all liability for your use of the code is disclaimed.
     4  // This source code is governed by Apache License 2.0 that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     6  package staking
     8  import (
     9  	""
    10  	""
    12  	""
    14  	""
    15  )
    17  type (
    18  	// BucketIndices defines the array of bucket index for a
    19  	BucketIndices []uint64
    20  )
    22  // Proto converts bucket indices to protobuf
    23  func (bis *BucketIndices) Proto() *stakingpb.BucketIndices {
    24  	bucketIndicesPb := make([]uint64, 0, len(*bis))
    25  	for _, bi := range *bis {
    26  		bucketIndicesPb = append(bucketIndicesPb, bi)
    27  	}
    28  	return &stakingpb.BucketIndices{Indices: bucketIndicesPb}
    29  }
    31  // LoadProto converts protobuf to bucket indices
    32  func (bis *BucketIndices) LoadProto(bucketIndicesPb *stakingpb.BucketIndices) error {
    33  	if bucketIndicesPb == nil {
    34  		return errors.New("bucket indices protobuf cannot be nil")
    35  	}
    36  	*bis = bucketIndicesPb.Indices
    37  	return nil
    38  }
    40  // Deserialize deserializes bytes into bucket indices
    41  func (bis *BucketIndices) Deserialize(data []byte) error {
    42  	bucketIndicesPb := &stakingpb.BucketIndices{}
    43  	if err := proto.Unmarshal(data, bucketIndicesPb); err != nil {
    44  		return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to unmarshal bucket indices")
    45  	}
    46  	return bis.LoadProto(bucketIndicesPb)
    47  }
    49  // Serialize serializes bucket indices into bytes
    50  func (bis *BucketIndices) Serialize() ([]byte, error) {
    51  	return proto.Marshal(bis.Proto())
    52  }
    54  func (bis *BucketIndices) addBucketIndex(index uint64) {
    55  	*bis = append(*bis, index)
    56  }
    58  func (bis *BucketIndices) deleteBucketIndex(index uint64) {
    59  	oldBis := *bis
    60  	for i, bucketIndex := range oldBis {
    61  		if bucketIndex == index {
    62  			*bis = append(oldBis[:i], oldBis[i+1:]...)
    63  			break
    64  		}
    65  	}
    66  }
    68  // AddrKeyWithPrefix returns address key with prefix
    69  func AddrKeyWithPrefix(addr address.Address, prefix byte) []byte {
    70  	k := addr.Bytes()
    71  	key := make([]byte, len(k)+1)
    72  	key[0] = prefix
    73  	copy(key[1:], k)
    74  	return key
    75  }