
     1  // Copyright (c) 2020 IoTeX Foundation
     2  // This source code is provided 'as is' and no warranties are given as to title or non-infringement, merchantability
     3  // or fitness for purpose and, to the extent permitted by law, all liability for your use of the code is disclaimed.
     4  // This source code is governed by Apache License 2.0 that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     6  package action
     8  import (
     9  	"encoding/hex"
    10  	"math/big"
    11  	"testing"
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    17  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  )
    23  var stakeCreateTestParams = []struct {
    24  	SenderKey    crypto.PrivateKey
    25  	Nonce        uint64
    26  	CanAddress   string
    27  	AmountStr    string
    28  	Duration     uint32
    29  	AutoStake    bool
    30  	Payload      []byte
    31  	GasLimit     uint64
    32  	GasPrice     *big.Int
    33  	Serialize    string
    34  	IntrinsicGas uint64
    35  	Cost         string
    36  	ElpHash      string
    37  	Sign         string
    38  	SelpHash     string
    39  	Expected     error
    40  	SanityCheck  error
    41  }{
    42  	// valid test
    43  	{
    44  		identityset.PrivateKey(27), uint64(10), "test", "100", uint32(10000), true, []byte("payload"), uint64(1000000), big.NewInt(10), "0a0474657374120331303018904e20012a077061796c6f6164", uint64(10700), "107100", "18d76ff9f3cfed0fe84f3fd4831f11379edc5b3d689d646187520b3fe74ab44c", "0a26080118c0843d22023130c202190a0474657374120331303018904e20012a077061796c6f6164124104755ce6d8903f6b3793bddb4ea5d3589d637de2d209ae0ea930815c82db564ee8cc448886f639e8a0c7e94e99a5c1335b583c0bc76ef30dd6a1038ed9da8daf331a41563785be9d7e2d796a8aaca41dbe1a53a0bce3614ede09718e72c75cb40cdb48355964b69156008f2319e20db4a4023730c3a1664ac35dfc10a7ceff26be8ebe00", "ebb26b08e824e18cb6d38918411749351c065198603e4626bbdc10b900dde270", nil, nil,
    45  	},
    46  	// invalid test
    47  	{
    48  		identityset.PrivateKey(27), uint64(10), "test", "ae-10", uint32(10000), false, []byte("payload"), uint64(1000000), big.NewInt(1000), "", uint64(10700), "", "", "", "", ErrInvalidAmount, nil,
    49  	},
    50  	{
    51  		identityset.PrivateKey(27), uint64(10), "test", "-10", uint32(10000), false, []byte("payload"), uint64(1000000), big.NewInt(1000), "", uint64(10700), "", "", "", "", nil, ErrInvalidAmount,
    52  	},
    53  	{
    54  		identityset.PrivateKey(27), uint64(10), "test", "0", uint32(10000), false, []byte("payload"), uint64(1000000), big.NewInt(1000), "", uint64(10700), "", "", "", "", nil, ErrInvalidAmount,
    55  	},
    56  	{
    57  		identityset.PrivateKey(27), uint64(10), "test", "100", uint32(10000), true, []byte("payload"), uint64(1000000), big.NewInt(-unit.Qev), "0a0474657374120331303018904e20012a077061796c6f6164", uint64(10700), "107100", "18d76ff9f3cfed0fe84f3fd4831f11379edc5b3d689d646187520b3fe74ab44c", "0a26080118c0843d22023130c202190a0474657374120331303018904e20012a077061796c6f6164124104755ce6d8903f6b3793bddb4ea5d3589d637de2d209ae0ea930815c82db564ee8cc448886f639e8a0c7e94e99a5c1335b583c0bc76ef30dd6a1038ed9da8daf331a41563785be9d7e2d796a8aaca41dbe1a53a0bce3614ede09718e72c75cb40cdb48355964b69156008f2319e20db4a4023730c3a1664ac35dfc10a7ceff26be8ebe00", "ebb26b08e824e18cb6d38918411749351c065198603e4626bbdc10b900dde270", nil, ErrNegativeValue,
    58  	},
    59  }
    61  func TestCreateStake(t *testing.T) {
    62  	require := require.New(t)
    63  	for _, test := range stakeCreateTestParams {
    64  		stake, err := NewCreateStake(test.Nonce, test.CanAddress, test.AmountStr, test.Duration, test.AutoStake, test.Payload, test.GasLimit, test.GasPrice)
    65  		require.Equal(test.Expected, errors.Cause(err))
    66  		if err != nil {
    67  			continue
    68  		}
    69  		err = stake.SanityCheck()
    70  		require.Equal(test.SanityCheck, errors.Cause(err))
    71  		if err != nil {
    72  			continue
    73  		}
    75  		ser := stake.Serialize()
    76  		require.Equal(test.Serialize, hex.EncodeToString(ser))
    78  		require.NoError(err)
    79  		require.Equal(test.GasLimit, stake.GasLimit())
    80  		require.Equal(test.GasPrice, stake.GasPrice())
    81  		require.Equal(test.Nonce, stake.Nonce())
    83  		require.Equal(test.AmountStr, stake.Amount().String())
    84  		require.Equal(test.Payload, stake.Payload())
    85  		require.Equal(test.CanAddress, stake.Candidate())
    86  		require.Equal(test.Duration, stake.Duration())
    87  		require.True(stake.AutoStake())
    89  		gas, err := stake.IntrinsicGas()
    90  		require.NoError(err)
    91  		require.Equal(test.IntrinsicGas, gas)
    92  		cost, err := stake.Cost()
    93  		require.NoError(err)
    94  		require.Equal(test.Cost, cost.Text(10))
    96  		cs2 := &CreateStake{}
    97  		require.NoError(cs2.LoadProto(stake.Proto()))
    98  		require.Equal(test.AmountStr, cs2.Amount().String())
    99  		require.Equal(test.Payload, cs2.Payload())
   100  		require.Equal(test.CanAddress, cs2.Candidate())
   101  		require.Equal(test.Duration, cs2.Duration())
   102  		require.True(cs2.AutoStake())
   104  		// verify sign
   105  		bd := &EnvelopeBuilder{}
   106  		elp := bd.SetGasLimit(test.GasLimit).
   107  			SetGasPrice(test.GasPrice).
   108  			SetAction(stake).Build()
   109  		// sign
   110  		selp, err := Sign(elp, test.SenderKey)
   111  		require.NoError(err)
   112  		require.NotNil(selp)
   113  		ser, err = proto.Marshal(selp.Proto())
   114  		require.NoError(err)
   115  		require.Equal(test.Sign, hex.EncodeToString(ser))
   116  		hash, err := selp.Hash()
   117  		require.NoError(err)
   118  		require.Equal(test.SelpHash, hex.EncodeToString(hash[:]))
   119  		// verify signature
   120  		require.NoError(selp.VerifySignature())
   121  	}
   123  }
   125  func TestCreateStakeABIEncodeAndDecode(t *testing.T) {
   126  	require := require.New(t)
   127  	test := stakeCreateTestParams[0]
   128  	stake, err := NewCreateStake(test.Nonce, test.CanAddress, test.AmountStr, test.Duration, test.AutoStake, test.Payload, test.GasLimit, test.GasPrice)
   129  	require.NoError(err)
   131  	data, err := stake.EncodeABIBinary()
   132  	require.NoError(err)
   133  	stake, err = NewCreateStakeFromABIBinary(data)
   134  	require.NoError(err)
   135  	require.Equal(test.CanAddress, stake.candName)
   136  	require.Equal(test.AmountStr, stake.amount.String())
   137  	require.Equal(test.Duration, stake.duration)
   138  	require.Equal(test.AutoStake, stake.autoStake)
   139  	require.Equal(test.Payload, stake.payload)
   140  }