
     1  // Copyright (c) 2019 IoTeX Foundation
     2  // This source code is provided 'as is' and no warranties are given as to title or non-infringement, merchantability
     3  // or fitness for purpose and, to the extent permitted by law, all liability for your use of the code is disclaimed.
     4  // This source code is governed by Apache License 2.0 that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     6  package cmd
     8  import (
     9  	"fmt"
    10  	"os"
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    16  	""
    17  )
    19  // createConfigCmd represents the create-config command
    20  var createConfigCmd = &cobra.Command{
    21  	Use:   "create-config [# output-file]",
    22  	Short: "Creates a yaml config using generated pub/pri key pair.",
    23  	Long:  `Creates a yaml config using generated pub/pri key pair.`,
    24  	Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
    25  		private, err := crypto.GenerateKey()
    26  		if err != nil {
    27  			log.L().Fatal("failed to create key pair", zap.Error(err))
    28  		}
    29  		priKeyBytes := private.Bytes()
    30  		pubKeyBytes := private.PublicKey().Bytes()
    31  		cfgStr := fmt.Sprintf(
    32  			`chain:
    33    producerPrivKey: "%x"
    34    producerPubKey: "%x"
    35  `,
    36  			priKeyBytes,
    37  			pubKeyBytes,
    38  		)
    39  		if err := os.WriteFile(_outputFile, []byte(cfgStr), 0600); err != nil {
    40  			log.L().Fatal("failed to write file", zap.Error(err))
    41  		}
    42  	},
    43  }
    45  var _outputFile string
    47  func init() {
    48  	createConfigCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&_outputFile, "output-file", "o", "", "config output file")
    49  	if err := createConfigCmd.MarkFlagRequired("output-file"); err != nil {
    50  		log.L().Fatal(err.Error())
    51  	}
    52  	rootCmd.AddCommand(createConfigCmd)
    53  }