
     1  #/bin/bash
     2  # this script runs a nomad node (client/server)
     3  # first arg is the binary and second arg is of the format (<client|server><num>).
     4  # this is only meant to be used within the context of the cluster created in 
     5  # e.g usage ./ nomad client1
     6  if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
     7      echo "Expected usage ./ /path/to/binary <client|server><1|2>"
     8      exit 255
     9  fi
    10  NOMAD_BINARY=$1
    11  NODE=$2
    12  ( $NOMAD_BINARY agent -config=${NODE}.hcl 2>&1 | tee -a "/tmp/$NODE/log" ; echo "Exit code: $?" >> "/tmp/$NODE/log" ) &